What Al Mohler Can Learn From "To Catch a Predator"

AD Robles iconAD Robles


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All right, so let's talk about some wisdom that I learned from the hit TV show, To Catch a Predator, with Chris Hansen.
Yeah, you know, I'm just joking. I didn't really learn this from To Catch a Predator, but that show is very good at displaying what
I'm about to talk about today. Because here's the reality, right? When somebody's talking to you, you know, it's a good idea to just, you know, listen to what they have to say, take them seriously, believe them.
But when their words don't match up with their actions, the wise thing to do, and I would suggest that the moral thing to do, would be to take their actions as a more serious representation of what they actually believe, what they actually take to heart.
And you can easily see this in To Catch a Predator, right? To Catch a Predator was a show from 20 years ago,
I think, at this point. It's a very old show, it was back on Dateline. And they would set up these sting operations to catch pedophiles trying to meet kids to have sex with them.
And these chat logs would be disgusting. I mean, they'd be talking about all the sexual things they wanted to do with the little kid, with little boys, little girls, just the whole nine yards.
And then they'd show up to this house. And of course, when they showed up to the house, and they get confronted by Dateline and Chris Hansen, their story changed instantly.
Now, this show got canceled because of some legal issues, but people do this on YouTube all the time.
I watch this kind of stuff a lot. There's Predator Poachers International, there's
Predator Alliance in Toronto. There's all kinds of people that set up these sting operations on their own, not police officers, and confront the pedophiles that are essentially trying to have sex with an underage girl or underage boy.
And every time, every single time, what happens is they'll say something like this. Well, I was actually not planning on having sex with them.
And then the person's like, well, what are you talking about? What were you planning on doing? And they say, well, I was planning on warning them about the dangers of the
Internet and maybe be a mentor to them and stuff like that. And they always say it, almost to the man, almost nobody admits what they were actually there to do.
Some people do, and that's some compelling footage. But most of them say that they were going to do something else.
But you see, when they're lying to your face, all you have to do to know what they actually wanted to do, what they actually wanted to believe, or what they actually believe, is look at their actions.
They had a sexual chat with a minor. They arranged a meeting so that they could have sex. And they showed up to the meeting so that they could have sex.
That's what that person really wanted. That's what that person really believed. And it's very easy to see that your actions speak louder than your words.
And so I just have a bone to pick with so many of my friends online because I have friends online that they look at what
Al Mohler did. He brought James Lindsay on his show to denounce critical theory. And they're looking at this as a positive development.
And they expect me to look at it as a positive development. In fact, I've had many people say, AD, why don't you just take this as a positive development?
Maybe he's finally learning the dangers of critical theory. And the thing is, guys, like, look, our
Christianity, our commands of God to love one another, to believe all things, does not mean that we check our brain at the door.
It doesn't mean that we are just naive to the nth degree. Like, we need a little bit more street smarts here because Al Mohler in particular is notorious for doing this kind of thing where he plays both sides.
And with Al Mohler, I'm not asking you to do anything unbiblical. I'm just asking you to hold him to the standard that the
Bible teaches. And it is, show me your faith by your works, right?
And in the Bible, it's talking about faith in Christ, right? Okay, great. Show me your faith in Christ by your good works.
If you do what Christ told you to do, then I know that you have faith in Christ. It's very simple, right? It's very, very simple.
What does Christ say? If you love me, you will keep my commandments. See, this doesn't come from to catch a predator. This comes from the
Bible. Actions speak louder than words, okay? So, show me your faith by your works.
Show me what Al Mohler actually believes by what he does. Don't show me by what he says on his podcast.
Show me by what he does in reality. And so, the reality is that Al Mohler is hiring and protecting people that borrow ideas from critical race theory all day long.
And they're not the ideas that comport with biblical truth. Right? That's what people say. Well, there's some things and there's some insights into critical race theory.
No, no, not that. Yeah, okay. Let's just say that there were. The ones that Jarvis Williams is pushing, that ain't it.
That ain't it. You see, Jarvis Williams has been open about this. His dissertations and he's got papers talking about all these amazing insights.
And you look at the insights and it's like, well, no, that's actually against what the Bible says. Right? So, we don't need words,
Al Mohler. We don't need your words. We don't need you to bring in atheists to teach us about the dangers of critical theory because we already know about the dangers of critical theory.
I think James Lindsay is a great guy. He seems like a nice guy. Kind of guy I'd like to have a beer with. I'm not saying it's wrong to bring an atheist into your studio.
What it is wrong to do is to try to, it's essentially a virtue signal. See, I get it, guys. I'm bringing the leading expert on critical theory into my studio.
But your actions deny what you're trying to do on your podcast. Al Mohler, why are you trying to trick us like this?
Why are you treating us with such disrespect? It's just so annoying that you think that this kind of thing will get over on people.
We all see what you did. You bring in critical theorists, you hire them, and you protect them, and you get rid of the people that question it, essentially.
We know this. Like, your actions speak louder than words. Like, if you were to teach somebody that it's wrong to keep your kids in a pagan public school that's going to teach them all kinds of nonsense, right?
But then you yourself had your kids in the pagan public school. Obviously, everyone would see what you actually believe.
See, this is not a matter of love believes all things.
No, no, no, no, no, no. We do believe all things. But the thing is, we take the Bible seriously when it says,
Show me your faith by your works. What you do actually means a lot more than what you say.
So I'm grateful that you had James Lindsay on your show because a lot more people are going to hear about the dangers of critical theory.
But the reality is, Al Mohler, that your actions betray what you actually think is important.
Now, a lot of people have the theory that you're just trying to become the president of the SPC or whatever. So that's why you're kind of playing both sides of this like a political game.
But the reality is that what you did on your podcast, Al Mohler, is no different than what
Trump did when he walked over to the church and held up the Bible that everyone criticized him about. That was a photo op.
Trump's a politician. He's going to take photo ops every opportunity he gets. That's what politicians do. But people criticized him for that, for being hypocritical, whatever, whatever.
This is worse because when you do this podcast about the dangers of critical theory, but your actions all just allow it to continue to inundate us, it's very, very deceitful,
Al Mohler. It's deceitful. And that's the thing. You know what you're doing. You know exactly what you're doing.
It's deceitful. And that's something that's unbecoming of an organization that claims to be trusted for truth.
I don't know why anyone would trust you for truth at this point, Al. And, you know,
I think I have a benefit because a lot of people, I get it, man. It's discombobulating because a lot of people grew up on you and they know that you've said some great things in the past and you've actually done some great things in the past as well.
So I feel sorry for those people because they have to, it's like finding out that Santa Claus doesn't exist.
You know what I mean? You grew up and you felt like you were a certain way and now they're seeing your actions and you're really not that way and it's very disconcerting, right?
But I have a benefit because I didn't grow up on you. You know what I mean? I knew about you, but I became a Christian later in life.
So to me, you know, realizing that you are who it looks like you are, it's not like, it doesn't blow my mind really that much.
That's not how it is with me and you, Al Mohler. So I have a little bit of a benefit there. But guys, like Christians out there that are listening to me, that are on our side in this critical theory issue, this
Black Lives Matter issue, but you want to tell me that, no, I should be very encouraged by this, that guys, guys, can we please gain a little bit of street smarts here?
Because there's nothing about loving your neighbor and believing all things that requires you to be stupid about this.
Like if somebody's actions deny what their words say, it's actually stupid to believe the word.
That's actually not loving Al the way you should. Instead, you should look at his actions and say, no, this is what you believe and you need to hold that, you need to hold his feet to the fire as much as possible, so he can say, look, you're being a hypocrite here.
See, the thing is he needs to understand that we all see that he's being a hypocrite. That's the only way to help someone like this.
As long as they can get away with this stuff, they're never going to stop. They're never going to stop. And so you need to ask
Al Mohler the hard questions. It can't just be me. He doesn't care what I say, but there are some people that I think he would care about it.
And I want you to say, Al, that's great. The James Lindsay book is fantastic, but what about all this other stuff?
You know what I mean? We got to get some street smarts here. At least that's my opinion. The other thing I've noticed,
I mentioned this on last night's show, Reform Jellicle. By the way, right now, if you have a minute, go to the
Reform Jellicle YouTube channel and please subscribe to that channel. Me and Matt are trying to grow that thing.
We're trying to monetize it so that we can get demonetized eventually, that kind of thing. Go over to the
Reform Jellicle YouTube channel. I'll put the link in the comment section of this video and subscribe to it.
Thank you. But anyway, last night I noticed that a lot of kind of middle -of -the -road sort of like kind of milquetoast,
I'm against critical theory, but not that much kind of Christians are posting their selfies with the
James Lindsay book and their little cup of coffee. Like, oh, this book is so great. It's encouraging. Great. I'm glad you're doing that, right?
I'm glad you're doing that, but don't let it stop there. This is not a pressure release kind of situation. Like it's not enough to read books about how dangerous critical theory is.
You actually have to protect your flock, man. You actually have to take action because there are people promoting some of the worst parts of critical theory within the church, right?
So if you don't want to call them literal critical theorists because they deny a couple of planks or whatever, fine. But the teaching that they're bringing to the church is dangerous and it's based in critical theory.
And so it's not enough to post the selfie with the cup of coffee doing your daily devotionals with the James Lindsay book on critical theory.
That's not enough, guys. We need to actually bring this to the streets. We need to actually protect the flock. We need to name names, guys.
We need to name names. It's not enough to have the head knowledge. You have to actually act on this stuff. That's the point.
Show me your faith by your works. If you're going to defend the flock from critical theory in the church, it's going to take a little more than an iPhone picture with the book and a cup of coffee.
It's going to take a little more than that. And you've got to get your hands dirty. It's not pretty. It's not pretty.
People aren't going to like you when you say Jarvis Williams is teaching dangerous doctrines in the church. People aren't going to like you when you say Eric Mason is out to lunch on reparations and stuff like that and people are in danger of walking away from the faith.
No one's going to like you when you say Jamar Tisby is a snake. But it has to be done if you're going to protect your sheep, man.
That's the thing. You need to be focused on serving God. Forget about what people think about you for saying things about so -and -so -and -so.
They're going to call you racist. They're going to call you all that stuff. But here's the biblical truth. Just like in To Catch a
Predator, you can say whatever you want to say, but your actions tell us what you are here to do.
And the reality is that the Bible teaches this exact point. Show me your faith by your works.
Talk is cheap, everybody. It's time to build a little street smart. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.