Book of Psalms - Psa. 25, vv. 8-15


Bro. Dave Huber II

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All right, we're gonna be in psalm chapter 25 and We're going to pick up in verse 8, which is where we left off last time.
I believe Yeah, we've been following David's prayer and He's been talking to the
Lord about how merciful and kind he is He asks the
Lord not to remember his Transgressions nor the sins of his youth.
Remember we talked last time about The importance of remembrance and How it's a a weapon or a plow
To tame the mind and Y 'all remember that y 'all recall some of that we talked talked about some of the the
Hebrew behind the word remember I Did do that last time?
Yes, I'm gonna make sure I'm not getting confused with Wednesday night because I think we had some overlap Good, okay so we saw also that There was a parallel going on with Nehemiah and how he was asking the
Lord There were four different remembrances that he asked the Lord for There are actually other remembrances to they're just for regarding him.
There are other remembrances where he Asks the Lord to remember his enemies Today we're gonna pick up where we left off last time last time we kind of concluded with The fact that God remembers his people
Because he is good and upright, but we're gonna see that there is something else that happens because God is good and he is upright in verse 8.
It says good and upright is the Lord Therefore will he teach sinners in the way?
I think the therefore is an interesting word here because It's like an if -then statement right like if goodness and uprightness are present then something follows
Here it says good and upright is the Lord and so what follows because of that goodness and because of that uprightness is
That teaching will follow Teaching will follow and I my question to you is why?
Why does teaching follow goodness and uprightness And if teaching follows goodness and uprightness
What will be taught? any thoughts?
right, okay, so if something is good if something appears to be
Worthwhile and it's done in such a manner that it improves something it improves the world around it
It stands to reason that that's worth duplicating right stands to reason that that's that's actually something that's worth
The time and effort that's required to learn like in other words have you ever watched
Something either online or on TV I think online it's you might be scrolling through Facebook or something and somebody
Has a video pop up and they're working on something that's artistic or back in the day
It was flipping through channels and Bob Ross came on right? He's up there painting the clouds and stuff
You see someone doing something that creates beauty right and it's like wow, look at that.
That's really cool. I Don't know if this happens to you guys But to me,
I I don't just sit and go wow, that's cool I almost kind of study it like wow, how is it?
How is he doing that? You know what? how is it possible that you take this stick and you put it in some paint and You do some motions with it and all of a sudden it looks like a realistic cloud or You get these little paintbrush strokes that by themselves just look like little strokes of paint
But you stick them on a canvas underneath the clouds and now it looks like grass Right, and there's a there's design to it.
There's order there's a method to the madness of moving that thing around and all of a sudden there's
Something beautiful in front of you. Have you ever done that where you're watching you go? How do you do that? Sometimes I'll rewind and go
I have to see that again and what that is is that it's something good and that creates a
Learning environment almost it's like a result of goodness is either a curiosity of how it happened or At least an appreciation
That it did happen and it causes people to go I need to see that again and Something can be learned almost always when there's goodness
Uprightness Also known as righteousness That has a similar effect
But it's not always readily apparent so you have someone who is a standing moral character and At first they mean they may seem inconsequential to the people around them
But hold their feet to the fire and something happens their character is shown and people around them see that something may be something terrible happened to them, but they're they're handling it in a way that they themselves think
I could never be like that and People begin to watch. I remember we have a friend
Who's worked with us who went through a very devastating divorce? His His wife told him that he loved
Jesus too much if you can imagine and That that was very sad because he thought that that was something they had in common and I Know there's two sides to every story.
There's there's probably and he would tell you there's probably things he could have done differently, but When that divorce occurred it kind of put him in the spotlight because all of a sudden you see
What's going on in his life and you watch? How's he handle it and a lot of really wonderful character traits?
started to be displayed about this person and It really it was an inspirational to me and to Katie and to people around us to watch him go through this
We hated it for him But there was learning that was going on in his own life as he processed the thing that was going on But there was learning that was going on in our lives
As we processed his handling of the situation and he did he handled it in a very
Good way. He he drew closer to God even though that was the reason he was losing his spouse
He drew closer to God through the process and so this goodness or this uprightness caused learning
So when in verse 8 it says good and upright is the Lord it's like The very nature or essence of God is goodness.
It's uprightness and that will cause learning to occur but you can't just learn without a teacher and And therefore because God is good and because God is righteous if learning is going to occur
It's always a transfer of knowledge from the one who understands how to do something Bob Ross with his painting right to the one who doesn't know how to do something and so if you're really good at something and People take note and they begin to appreciate what you what you are doing a
Natural process just comes out of people typically businessman you built a multi -million dollar business
People are like wow, how'd you do that? And he's not just gonna be like, well, I'm cool most of the time
He's gonna start saying well, here's what I learned and here's who taught me and here's what I learned not to do
And here's what I learned to do. And so what's cool is that in this scripture? We see that God is
Very much similar in this respect because he's good because he's upright and really he's the only source thereof
There has to be a teaching that occurs And it says therefore
Because he's good because he's upright He will Teach sinners in the way.
It's almost like it's unavoidable People are gonna come to him Why Are they gonna come to him because he's gonna draw them that's part of his goodness and his uprightness
They're not gonna do it in and of themselves, but he's going to cause people To take note of what he's doing and he's gonna cause them to go.
How'd you do that? What is it that you're doing? How can you possibly live as long as you did on earth and not sin one single time?
I still ponder that like I can't go a whole day. Sometimes it seems like and Yet every single moment of every single day for approximately 33 years
Not a single sin That's worth taking note of it's worth asking him about and guess what?
He'll teach you about it. And that's what today's lesson is really kind of about is that He's here to teach us and that's what
David is asking for he's asking to be taught he's asked for God to not remember his past transgressions and To start showing him the way you'll remember last week.
We talked about I think it was verse. Let me scroll up here Versus Four and five or it says show me thy ways
Oh Lord, teach me thy paths lead me in thy truth and teach me we talked about how there's different types of learning going on There there's the demonstration we talked about the free throw right you show someone how to shoot a free throw and then there's
The Conveying of how you did it the teaching part or you say, okay
Here's everything that you saw that you didn't know you saw you explain it to them and then there's a co -laboring, right?
And then you you shoot the free throw and you shoot it with me, you know And that's how David is asking the
Lord to teach him is show me teach me and lead me And he comes right back to teach me again because there's always a recap to It's a really beautiful Progression of teaching there and now he's talking about the fact that God is going to teach because he's good and he's upright
He's just gonna do it The word for goodness has three
Hebrew letters it is tit vuv and bait and And Each letter means something in and of itself tit is basket above is a nail and bait is house and So the word goodness is composed of basket nails house
Think of the picture that makes in your head What would a basket of nails for a house be for?
Repair, right? It'd be for securing it'd be for strengthening. It'd be for Improving and goodness is precisely that it's supposed to bring repair.
It's supposed to bring improvement Those same letters can literally mean surrounding a secured family and So when there's goodness presence
There's protection or surrounding there's security which is not quite the same as protection
It's similar because you have protection which surrounds security is
Establishment right like it's it's not just protection from outside Problems its protection from inside problems.
Like it's like being balanced in martial arts You have the belt right the belt
White belt yellow belt green belt that kind of thing and the belt is always considered The point of balance like if you're gonna try to throw somebody off balance
You're going to try and get their belt off kilter. I find it interesting that in the armor of God We have the belt of truth his truth
Establishes, what did mr. Brown just say a minute ago like there's going to be truth taught for goodness and uprightness
The word for upright is Yassar which means to fashion form or frame
So you have a basket of nails for a house and you're gonna go frame it And that neat like that's what
God is doing because he is good and he is upright. He's the master builder and That master builder is going to convey how to improve your life how to mimic goodness how to mimic uprightness and He starts with there's a certain type of person that receives this kind of instruction which we'll see in verse 9
What kind of person will receive this instruction? Verse 9
Psalm 25 the meek what is meekness a calm strength?
I love the way you said that pop calm strength any other answers Wow humble, yeah, it's often translated as humble
What I really love about this concept of meekness which is also sometimes translated as gentleness is
Gentleness is something that many people misunderstand In I'll bring up martial arts again.
I was in Shaolin jiu -jitsu growing up and the very Words jiu -jitsu means something jiu is
Soft or gentle and jitsu is art or science put them together It means you would think soft and gentle art and science but it's actually the a form of self -defense without the use of a weapon and You wouldn't think of martial arts as being soft or gentle but they a
Martial artist understands that by being soft or gentle you actually gain an advantage in the martial arts if you hit
Something that's rigid. It's going to hurt right if you hit a board
That is rigid it very well may break but try hitting a board that is still green being
Recently caught or cut it's just not gonna be it's not gonna break very easily at all.
So Soft Actually allows you to absorb blows.
So you learn to take a blow by becoming Soft to the blow you learn to breathe in a way that when someone punches you you absorb the blow
You don't just tense up and and let it hit you you absorb it So it's very important this concept of gentleness now at the same time what do you think of when it comes to martial arts
What comes to mind fighting right aggressiveness strength
Endurance these are the thoughts that most people have when it comes to martial arts, but To be someone who can take a blow you have to be soft
Now in order to take that blow and to be soft guess what you have to do You have to condition a lot you have to be well conditioned which means you actually have to be very strong and The reality is gentleness takes a lot of strength
Meekness takes a lot of strength You cannot be meek without strength, but guess what you have no strength in and of yourself.
You've got none so it's going to require an Outside source to help you gain the strength now in martial arts
That's very true as well because if you go and try and train yourself You can reach a level of strength that may serve you to some degree in life
But until you get someone training you and pushing you far beyond what you thought you ever could You'll never be as strong as you need to be to absorb the blows that may come your way
So you have to have a teacher Praise the Lord. He's our teacher What kind of blows are we going to receive in this life sometimes physical sometimes much more damaging mental emotional spiritual blows and We have to learn to be soft with great strength
How does that work? well Recognizing that the strength doesn't come from us.
It comes from the Lord We don't stand in our own strength and try to resist but rather we be like Esther and We point to the enemy and say hey
King. There's the bad guy Let that outside source of strength take care of it for you
Jordan Peterson who has gained a lot of Notoriety recently, he's a psychologist.
I saw a really funny meme about him because The the Christian Culture wants so badly to say that guy's a
Christian But he himself has said I'm not really fully ready to Give myself over to that and the funny meme was it was a video of some
Movie where there's this monk type guy who's yelling at someone saying say
Jesus Christ is Lord Say it say Jesus Christ is Lord and it's like how
Christians feel about Jordan Peterson. It's really funny But he has a lot of great wisdom that is derived from Scripture and he'll tell you it's derived from Scripture in Fact one of the things that he encourages young men to do is the way he puts it is become a monster
But then learn to control it and what he means by that is there is a big difference between goodness and weakness
We tend to think that weakness is good because oh, you're not you're not causing rifts, you're not doing anything to Cause trouble or make trouble and we mistake that for being good because the no trouble is coming from the person
But just because you are incapable of causing much trouble because you are a
Coward or you're a weak person that doesn't make you good. He says what makes you good at least as far as he can tell from the human viewpoint, of course being someone who may not
Understand who the Lord is is that you have the capability to do great harm
But you control it which shows character and that character shows that you have strength in gentleness so this concept of meek
Where the Lord is going to teach those type of people it denotes what type of people we are called to be
If we know the Lord, we're called to be people of great strength great capability but Recognizing that the strength doesn't come from us the strength comes from him and we are soft or moldable in his hands if you try to do pottery
You can't mold something into Its form you can't frame it.
You can't form it Unless it's got some water to it You put some water on the clay and it becomes soft and that that soft clay all of a sudden can be formed
What a beautiful picture if you think about it because water we know from Scripture is often a picture of God's Word So if you understand
God's Word it can begin to mold you it can begin to soften you to God's ways
Understand his word you can understand his ways and you can begin to be formed or molded to his goodness and his uprightness
But you got to be soft for that and it takes great strength and discipline to Make yourself go to the word one of my favorite things that I have heard this year came from Matt and his dad
They were talking about how sometimes You get in a situation in your life where You may be spiritually sick and just like a physically sick person can't
Really fight off sickness unless they force feed themselves food You might not have the appetite for it
But your body needs the food so that it can begin to fight off the sickness same things true with God's Word like if you don't
Force feed God's Word for a little while even though you may not feel like reading it If you'll force feed it a little bit
It will give you the nourishment you need to begin fighting off the sickness and eventually guess what you get back your appetite
Eventually you get where all of a sudden you you want that word a little bit more. I think it's awesome
It's like my favorite thing. I've learned this year. I've never thought of it that way And it was some
Conversation that Matt and David had at breakfast or something between the two of them and Matt shared it with me I was like, whoa, that's so good
So we should be soft, how do we become soft we get in God's Word and It will give us strength.
So we will have the capability to be strong but control our strength and That is the type of person
God will guide in judgment if you think about What judgment is it requires a certain type of strength
First you have to have a positional strength to be the one to judge right you go to the court
Not just anybody gets to judge you right? It's the judge who gets to judge you
But then that judge needs to have some kind of mental strength to know how to judge and how to judge rightly
Solomon understood this. This is why Solomon said I know not how to judge this thy people.
I'm but a child I don't know how to go out or how to come in. Give me wisdom that I may judge this thy people
He understood that wisdom was a type of strength that he needed Now that he had the position of judge so the meek he will guide in judgment and The meek will he teach his way
Judgment is supposed to be passed by a righteous judge Therefore the idea of him guiding us in judgment is the idea of him guiding us in righteousness and Goodness is a correct way to live.
It's the result of an inner righteousness So it's interesting that in verse 9
There's these two things that were told he's gonna teach the meek in right He's gonna guide the meek in judgment and he's gonna teach the meek his way
What's the purpose of that? Well judgment is the way you comprehend the situation and Determined to act in a situation.
That's your judgment that all happens before you actually do the acts and then the way is
The good works that should result From the the righteous judgment, so there's an inner
Working going on here. There's an external working going on here Isaiah says this is
Isaiah 26 3 thou wilt keep him in perfect. Peace whose mind is stayed on thee because He trusteth in thee
So there's this in this inner thing that happens to the meek, right? They have this idea or this concept of peace in their lives.
It it happens because of a connection With the Lord we get that connection through his word and through prayer
And so we have this inner connection with the Lord. It should manifest as outer
Goodness the others will see verse 10 all the paths of the
Lord are Mercy in truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies
All right, there's mercy and there's truth awaiting those who keep his covenant here's my question what is his covenant
Who who in here wants mercy and truth raise your hand if you want mercy and truth, I certainly do right
I want I want mercy for when I mess up. I want to know what the truth is so that I don't mess up again
Right, so I want just like David's asking I want you to forget my past transgressions and the sins of my youth and I want you to guide me from here on out
So that I'm walking in truth, and I don't have to worry about messing up anymore So we want that.
How do we get it? It's pretty simple. Just got to keep his covenant in his testimonies But how do we do it unless we know what those are?
so What's his covenant? What do you guys think? And we've been talking about the inner man been talking about his external
Deeds Hmm that's a great question.
We are reading in the Old Testament here But keep in mind that the Old Covenant points to the new right
It's a picture of the new. Yes The Abrahamic Covenant which is
Grace The Covenant and here's what's really cool about the way this verse is written
It makes a distinction between covenant and testimonies. Does anyone know what testimonies is?
Yeah Well, I mean if you want to be grammatically correct about it, does anybody know what testimonies are
I? Was homeschooled pop If you do a word study on it the
The definition of it is like the laws Has to do with the law and so what we have here is we have a distinction made between grace and the law
What is the Abrahamic Covenant? It's grace. What's it look like? He'll never leave us nor forsake us
He's loved us unconditionally from the foundation of the world. He died for us
Before the world was made he has freed us from the penalty of sin. He's broken its bond on us
And he's paid its wages That's his covenant It's pretty one -sided.
It's really quite lopsided if you think about it now Jesus took on the part that we're supposed to do
Which is pictured by the testimonies And he said if they break that guess what
I'll pay the price Which he did of course right, and so he paid the price on the cross and Has paid for every sin we have ever committed or ever will commit and that is a really good thought to think
If you can think about that every day That Jesus will pay for every sin you have made you've ever committed
And that he would pay For every sin you do commit Couple that thought with what is the price and you might just be moved not to sin as much
Someone who is his should be moved to sin less Someone who just who wants the salvation side of Of God and not the sanctification side they don't want the discipleship side
They might would say oh, I'm good. I got my fire insurance. He's gonna pay for all my sins So let's live it up and there are some in this world that truly think that way
Doesn't sound like you really have a love for the Lord does it But we know that his people do love him and that we love him because he first loved us
The testimonies are God's laws The fact that the distinction is made between those who keep his covenant and those who keep his testimonies shows
That you really don't have any part in the salvation process in and of yourself the testimonies
The laws that we keep come as a result of the covenant that he keeps you go
Okay, but Dave it says here that he's all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant
So we got to keep his covenant So next question now that we know what his covenant is and we know what his testimonies are.
How do we keep them? What does it mean to keep them? Yes, sir?
Okay. Yes, sir Okay, so Specifically talking about the
Word of God there, right? Write it upon your doorposts Make it like frontlets between your eyes things of that nature
Okay, remembering what he's done for you. Obviously, that's great on the heels of what we talked about last week
Which is there is an importance in remembrance and it's to help switch the mind on To good things and off of bad things.
That's a good thought to any other answers. Yes, sir
Love the word so much that they protected against false teachers
Because obviously we can't keep Versus Can't keep the testimony the truth is you didn't keep coming
Jesus, right? You That's exactly what
I'm getting at because we talked about Jesus being the one who He fulfilled the
Abrahamic Covenant, right? He took on our part That's the part that we tend to forget is like we tend to look at it as it's a covenant between us and Jesus Like Jesus said
I'm gonna save you from your sins and because we think it's between us and Jesus It makes us think he's gonna save me from my sins if I do
XYZ But that's not how the Abrahamic Covenant went because Abraham was put to sleep
The Abrahamic Covenant went like this the father Said I'm gonna forgive all these sins.
I'm not gonna remember any of them I'm gonna I'm going to be a god to these people and They will be my people and Jesus said alright now
I'm gonna be Abraham here for a sec and when He doesn't make it right when he doesn't keep his side of the bargain
I'll be the one that pays the price so that the Covenant is kept and It's still in behalf of him
It's still in behalf of the people. So the Covenant isn't between us and him
The Covenant is between him and the father. We just get to be beneficiaries of it So for us to keep the
Covenant one, it's we got to believe the Covenant we have to understand that that's
What that's how it works Like it's not us. It's him All the glory goes to him.
Yes, sir I Like that David in case you couldn't hear online
Don't you think that someone who understands this concept that it wasn't between us and Jesus is between Jesus and the father and we were like Abraham asleep on the side and just receiving the benefits
Doesn't that by its very nature if you understand and believe this Make you by definition someone who is meek
To some degree I would say absolutely now could we cultivate that meekness? Sure, but if that's your starting point, that's a great starting point because you recognize it's not your strength, but his and so the testimonies of God They are the laws.
They're the result of The Covenant but the Covenant was made between Jesus and the father the laws were kept by Jesus and so the ones that get taught are the ones who are
Keeping the Covenant and keeping the laws only one man's ever done that Jesus so the only way you're ever going to be able to be taught by God is to be connected to him
You Have to be connected to Jesus Otherwise, you will not be taught of God because he's the only one who
God will truly teach in that respect He will teach you by being connected to his son but You see it throughout all of Jesus's life.
He is the one talking with us He is God with us and the father is just downloading information to his son
I wish I had thought to put this in here, but there's a there's a scripture where Jesus is talking with a group of people and Practically mid -sentence he stops and thanks the father for revealing something to him it's like while he's
Transferring information to us. He's also simultaneously downloading information from the father So cool, that's how it works
Yes Absolutely Where you're going
You got to know where he's going to walk and follow him and to see like show me teach me lead me
Right, you've got to be you got to have your eyes open you got to be watching and following I Think the fact that the distinction is made between covenants and testimonies
Should be proof enough that we are saved by the works of Christ and not by our own works
Verse 11 for thy names sake Oh Lord Pardon mine iniquity for it is great
Now David right there has just admitted. He didn't keep the testimonies, right?
So he says for thy namesake and this Spurgeon says is a
Plea that is never failing When you plea for the Lord to do something for himself for his own namesake, it will never fail
Because he will always do something for his own namesake Who is the father's namesake the son?
Do this for the son? Do it for me But not really for me do it for your son and he's gonna he's gonna take care of me see
David said something interesting a minute ago. He said like keeping the testimonies it can also be translated as protecting right and we do have a responsibility of protecting and Protecting what truth is by rightly dividing the truth
But also protecting the testimony of the truth or our own personal testimony from our own personal sin
So we have a duty to him to for the uprightness for the goodness to match that Because when we take on the the name
Christian, we too are a namesake. We are a joint heir with Christ So while the father does something for his namesake the son
We get the benefit of that as well because we too are namesakes and so our responsibility after the salvation is
To closely match the namesake. It's to closely match the Sun so that now we are
Not bringing harm to the covenant or the testimonies for the outside people looking in Verse 12
Or You might say it like this for verse 11 Because it's the work of Christ It's his name that's on the line
It's not Dave Huber's name that's on the line. It's not my reputation so much It's on the line from the human viewpoint.
Sure. Yeah, you'd say well Dave can ruin his reputation with sin But what am I really doing? when the when the world looks at an apostate and They say this person claimed to be
Christian once and Look now how how they're living. What does that do?
It brings shame on his name and It's the Lord's name that's on the line here because it's all the
Lord's work So we have a responsibility to do the very best we can and then we'd be like David When we mess up and say please pardon my past Transgressions and then just guide me some more make me better at it.
So I don't mess up again next time David says what man is he that feareth the
Lord? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose
Seems like a weird way to write something What kind of person fears
God? What do you think? The one that is found by God, right you only fear the
Lord if you are found by him Otherwise, you don't even know the Lord for fearing him
In Proverbs the fear of the Lord is the hatred of evil Think about what that means
If you hate evil, you will walk up rightly you will have goodness
Coming out of your hands and your feet right like the things you do will be good, but it starts with a fear of the
Lord Him shall he teach the way the type that fear the
Lord the type that is me the type that is moldable in his hands one that is In his word so that he's soft
It's interesting that it says that he shall choose who's it talking about that he shall choose
Who's doing the choosing Jesus is doing the choosing.
Oh, yeah, the father gave Jesus That's that's true and To be most accurate.
I think we should say it that way, but also There you have the what do you call it the predeterminate counsel or the they they they work together
For that to be done, but it is a love gift from the father And the son gets to be a part in that choosing he gets to choose his bride
It's one of the things that David has talked about in the past, which I think is really great Is that man wants so badly to say
I get to choose my wife, but they think that Jesus doesn't get to choose his You know, like he has to save everyone and that's not the way it works
Those who are Pliable in his hands those who are soft because of his word those who are
Taught in his way and who remember his word They will
Their soul shall dwell at ease. It's first 13 His soul shall dwell at ease that recalls back to that Isaiah passage thou wilt keep him in perfect.
Peace Whose mind is stayed on thee? Because he trusteth in thee
He his soul shall dwell at ease and his seed shall inherit the earth.
So now we have We have a Perpetual benefit that comes from that something that that extends beyond our own benefit
Like if I'm pliable in my Savior's hands if I will follow his word, it's not just going to change me
It's not just going to form me and frame me with the bucket of nails or the basket of nails for the house
It's going to frame Those who come after me like my kids like by doing that there's a benefit that my kids
Get to receive from that All right
And this is the last thing we're gonna do today is verse 14 Forsake at time the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant
All right. So here's my question What's the secret of the Lord? Some of y 'all are sitting there thinking well,
I need to fear him more so that I can find out Oh So you touch on a couple of things there
One you you touch on the the salvation relationship, but then also you touch on a
Way that Jesus taught something you taught you touch on on a methodology, right?
He taught in parables so that some wouldn't understand the relationship you see what's happening there like You have people in your life that you are close to and You know their ways
You can know their ways before in some sense before they actually just tell you because you know them
So well, you know what's gonna happen Katie and I will go to the movies. I will grab One of my jackets
Even though I don't need it because I know when we get to the movies, she's gonna get cold, right?
It's just the way she is and she's gonna ask me for a jacket if I had it on Get in the car with Katie and if I if I Stray in the in the path of my lane.
I know she's gonna say something I don't even have to I don't even have to hear her say it.
I know it's coming, right? I have had lane alert since before it was a thing
Lane alert went by the name of Katie before it was called lane alert But why because I I know her
Intimately I know her I know how she would think about things We've had times where and this happened just yesterday where we both say the same thing we could be sitting in silence for 15 minutes and then we're gonna say the same thing at the same time because our minds happen to Be thinking about the same thing why because I know her ways and it's in a sense like the secret ways the way
She's not yet communicated, but it's because I know her heart The secret of the
Lord Or the heart of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them
His covenant because that's where his heart rests it it rests with the relationship the covenant part
Doesn't rest with the testimonies part so much that comes as a result of the covenant that comes as a result of the secret
Knowing you spend enough time with a person you get to know their ways you spend enough time with the
Lord you'll know his ways and Then when he communicates those ways to you through his word if you ever had this happen
I knew that's what it was gonna say that or you go I I recognized that passage and that kind of links with this other package passage
And now I know why because I already had this inkling of an idea of what this passage meant
Because I kind of know how Jesus thinks because I've read a lot about what he thinks and I've talked with him a lot
But I wasn't sure about this particular scenario and then you get confirmation from another passage. It's like ha look at that.
I knew it That didn't know it, but I knew it kinda right all right, and I said that we were gonna stop there, but I got to give you this last passage because Verse 15 mine eyes are ever toward the
Lord for he plucked my feet out of the net My eyes are ever toward the
Lord See, I know Katie better than anybody else and our secret ways
I know we have a very close relationship. We're not just married.
We're best friends and All I ever want is
To see her happy and I am constantly looking her direction to see if she is
That is how David is with the Lord is he happy is he happy with me am
I doing the right thing His eyes are ever towards the Lord. How's he think about what
I'm doing? What's he think about what I've done? I? Don't think he liked it so much
So, could you please forget that one and then remember this one and that's what he's been doing throughout this whole song
Become obsessed with the Lord and when you do You'll be instructed in uprightness and in goodness and you will have peace in your life
Things will go well with you you'll be like putty in his hand and It almost seems at times that he's like putty in yours at that point because you can melt his heart so to speak
Not that you control him. You certainly can't do that, but you can certainly move him
With compassion with love I'm talking about Jesus. You know, the father's unchanging
Those are my thoughts so far for Psalm 25. We still have a ways to go about seven more verses to finish up this one, but That's today's lesson are there any other thoughts before we wrap it up?
Yes, sir. Thank you It was more for me than it was for you
Walking in the spirit is what it means to be connected. Absolutely. Yeah, that is a given
We're first Corinthians chapter 2 says God has revealed them unto us by his spirit
And what has he revealed? It's kind of what you just touched on For the spirit search of all things yea the deep things of God the deep things the heart of God For what man knoweth the things of a man
Save the spirit of the man which is in him like what can someone know about a man other than that man, right?
I'm gonna skip down, but it says Now we have received
Not the spirit of the world But the spirit of which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God Which things are also we speak not in the words of man's wisdom
He did but which the Holy Ghost teach it and we keep there. It is the connection to the
Lord right there Yeah, hearing spiritual things with spiritual, but the natural man
Receive it not these things of the Spirit of God They are foolishness unto him.
That's the difference between us in the world. Yep. It is absolutely foolish Does not mean anything
They might want to feel like they have the salvation aspect. They do not want to be disciple
They do not care about what's true. They don't care about God's ways that says it right there
It's foolishness to them neither can he know them because they are not spiritually discerning
Because you can only spiritually discern when connected But he that is spiritual judges all things
Yet he himself judge Will be judged of no man who hath known the mind of the
Lord he made Or he who knows the mind of the world.
I'm sorry. We okay. Let me rephrase it. Okay What man or man can fear the
Lord right No, that's good. That is a perfect parallel passage there
Matt. It fits it perfectly. Where was that? Of Course 1st
Corinthians talks all about love and that's what this really is. It's activated by love. Love that That's good anything else
All right. Well, let's pray Heavenly Father. We thank you for your love. We thank you for your grace.
We thank you for your mercy We thank you for your uprightness and your goodness father.
Help us be more like David Help us to get more into your word And if need be help us to force feed it for a little while until we begin to gain an appetite for it
Because we really need it daily so that we will be moldable pliable in your hands and then father just begin to frame us like like with the basket of nails for the house just begin to repair us and build us up and give us strength and Help us to recognize that the strength comes from you.
That's where the humility Lies is like we we can have great strength, but we learn to control it
Because that's how you are. You had infinite strength and yet you you controlled it in the craziest of situations
We thank you for that father. Help us to be more like you or we love you and it's in your name