Freedom In Discipline | Sermon 11/27/2022

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2 Peter 1:1-11 The Christian life is a life of freedom, but it is also a life of slavery. Jesus states, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” (Matt 6:24) We are told that we were once slaves to sin, but now are slaves to Christ which we were purchased through the blood of Jesus, 1 Cor 6:20. In the life of Jesus poured out on the cross, his blood was the payment for the redemption of His people. We were redeemed from a debt that we could not afford with our own life or blood. Therefore when we were dead in our sins, our slavery was to sin. Our nature was defiled, and the wrath of God was kindled against our very being. Now Christ, being the Creator of the Universe sought out His people and ransomed them from the pit. Job 33:28 “He has redeemed my soul from going down into the pit, and my life shall look upon the light.’” We are therefore not our own (1 Cor 6:19), we do not belong to ourselves, we are not the truth to ourselves, we are not a law unto ourselves. We belong to Christ. Our lives, like Job states are now to look upon the light. Our lives should reflect that in which we dwell. 1 John 1:6-7 “If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” This is where we sit, people redeemed - purchased by blood of Christ on the precipice of a post-Christian culture. Do we live as Christians thinking that the answers to our many problems lie within culture? That the many self-help gurus and life-coaches out there will bring about the change in our lives that we have been searching for? As we look down into the pit of Neo-Paganism, Socialism, Agnosticism and Atheistm are we deliberating a jump into the slavery of Post-Modernism? If that is you, you are no longer on the precipice you have jumped head first into the self-help, selfish culture of post-modernism; leaving behind your first love, Jesus-Christ. - Mark 5 (soils) Let me digress and let me be clear, there can never be a post-Christian culture - All Culture is governed and judged by Christ. You cannot take Christ off His throne BUT You can play pretend. Thus all forms of piety, knowledge, and virtues apart from God are just that. They are the whims of men, playing pretend and they cannot bring about the positive reformation of the world. Instead as counterfeit ethics and virtues they only bring about the destruction of society and the inevitable hate of our own neighbors. We live in a world of playing pretend, girls can be boys, 2 + 2 can be whatever you want, inflation and recession is the sign of moral governmental progress by the redistribution of wealth through theft, the origin of our species is that of a highly evolved protoplasm. In all honesty, when all things are meaningless people have no choice but to play pretend in order to occupy their minds from deliberating their inevitable death. We as Christians are to not play pretend, we are truth seekers, and we are called to live a life in devotion to God. For the Mercy and Grace of God, our Master brings about a knowledge of Jesus that allows us by His Spirit to walk in the newness of life. The mercy of our Master allows us to live with virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and finally in totality, love. In effect these attributes are a reflection of the Character of God and they bring about a change in world, through Christians putting off the old- and putting on the new who is renewed in the image and likeness of their Creator (Ephesians 4:22-24). However, due to the inaction of Christian discipline, we as Christians have become stagnant in our faith and the culture is now suffering because of it. Not only that but we think that answers to what is spiritually ailing us lie within popular, and that playing pretend is the answer. You Christian cannot serve Two Masters. One is real, and all others are Counterfeit. And the mercy of the wicked is cruel, spiritually dead people in all their self-help ways, cannot bring about the spiritual reality that can only be realized through faith in God. There is a way that seems right to a man but the ends thereof are the ways of death. But this begs the question, how are we as Christians to be actively obedient in our faith? In what way does Slavery to Christ mean our freedom in Discipline? The answer is to be living a Christian life, a life that reflects that of our Saviour and King Jesus Christ. We must submit ourselves to God’s word and discipline ourselves to grow in the knowledge of Jesus for in Him is the prerequisite to all that is excellent and honorable in character and deed. Understand that the world needs less of you and more of Christ


Praise God for that. I always love the worship. It's the best way to start off before a sermon.
I Chose it to a text specific today 2nd Peter 1 verses 1 through 11 because it's a section of Scripture that has been convicting me for months now
It's the section of Scripture that rightly describes the Christian life when lived out when walking in In the newness of life and it gives us no excuse not to try to pursue the qualities and character of Christ It's such an amazing text that I find that many of us at least myself have overlooked so much
So much and I think Psalm 139 that was read today rightly describes what it means to be a creature created
By God so that meaning meaning that ontologically me and my being I am
NOT at the same level as God I am NOT a God. I will never become a
God I am a creature of God created to walk in such a way that reflects the image of God to all of mankind
But we are fallen and we are broken people. So that reflection has become marred
But in the Christian life through Jesus, we now know exactly what it means to walk in submission to the will of the
Father Reflecting the image of God to mankind And I think 2nd
Peter 1 1 through 11 rightly defines that because the Christian life guys It's a life of freedom
But it's also a life of slavery and we'll get into it. But Jesus states this in Matthew 6 24
He says no one can serve two masters For either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other
We are told in Scripture as well that we were once slaves to sin But now we are slaves to Christ in which we were purchased literally
Purchased through the blood of Jesus and 1st Corinthians 620 tells us that Imagine all of humanity lined up on a wall and Jesus says
I want that one. I want this one. I want that one I want this one. Where's your choice? Where's your choice? You were purchased by the blood of Jesus It was his life that was poured on the cross poured out on the cross and his blood
That was the payment for the redemption of his people We were redeemed guys from a debt that we could not afford with our own life or our own blood
Therefore when we were dead in our sins our slavery was to sin our nature
Our nature was defiled right and the wrath of God was kindled against our very being but Christ Being the creator of the universe sought out his people and ransomed them from the pit
Job looked forward to this Job says in Job 33 28 He has redeemed my soul from going down into the pit and my life shall look upon the light
Right, that means our life shall reflect that light Moses when he comes back down from the mountain speaking with God his light
Shined from being in the presence with God and he had to veil his face from the people because they were terrified
Our lives are also to reflect that relationship. We have with God today and the scripture that we're going through today is
Such a beautiful section of scripture that really highlights the Christian walk in life But the point is is that we are not our own
We do not belong to ourselves. We are not the truth to ourselves.
We are not a law unto ourselves We belong to Christ Our lives like Job states are now to look upon the light and John also
Emphasizes this in 1st John 1 6 through 7 He states this if we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not live out the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and The blood of Jesus his son
Purifies us from all sin and that is where we sit in the reality of our relationship with God Purchased by the blood of Christ called to reflect that image to the rest of mankind in our salvation
But we also sit looking down into a pit of the post -christian culture
We sit on a cliff looking down into it and the problem is is at many times us
Christians We think that the answers to all of our problems lie within Popular culture that the self -help gurus the life coaches all of these people on like let's say social media
Instagram these reels they they they want your time and we as people are very pragmatic wanting instant
Gratification do we think that we will figure out all of the things that spiritually ale us within popular culture?
Because that's the pit of neopaganism socialism agnosticism and atheism Are we deliberating that jump into the slavery of post -modernism as Christians?
Is that you? Because if that is you you you're not sitting at the edge of the cliff you've jumped
You've fallen headfirst into the self -help selfish culture of post -modernism Leaving behind your first love
Jesus Christ and Peter challenges us with that in this section of scripture that we're gonna be going over today
But let me be clear. There is no such thing as a post -christian culture. It's impossible
It's impossible. All culture is governed in judged by Christ You cannot take
Christ off his throne, but you can play pretend you can play pretend people love playing pretend
Right only invisible people can see other invisible people and that's the world that we live in today.
We have so many people plagiarizing Christian spirituality in a relationship with God, it's counterfeit all
Forms of piety knowledge and virtues apart from God are just that it's people playing pretend
It's the whims of men and they cannot bring about the positive reformation of the world.
They are a counterfeit ethics Counterfeit virtues and they only bring about the destruction of society and the inevitable hate of our own neighbors the worldly answers to life death suffering
Politics and government are like what Solomon states It's a chasing of the wind if you read
Ecclesiastes done at all. He's experienced at all. All of it is meaningless apart from God Plagiarized spirituality and counterfeit religion will do nothing for you and it will do nothing for your neighbor but in this world of playing pretend
Girls can be boys Two plus two can be whatever you want Inflation and recession is the sign of moral governmental progress by the redistribution of wealth through theft
Right. The origin of our species is that of a highly evolved protoplasm
But in all honesty when you believe that all things are meaningless People have no choice but to play pretend
To keep them from deliberating the inevitable death that they will experience We as Christians though are not to play pretend
We are truth seekers and we are called to live a life in devotion to God for the mercy and grace of God our
Master right brings about a knowledge of Jesus that allows us by his spirit to walk in the newness of life
That's the mercy of our master the mercy of our master allows us to live with virtue knowledge self -control steadfastness godliness brotherly affection and finally in totality love and these attributes
Mentioned here in second Peter that we're going to go through there were a reflection of the character of God And they also bring about a change in the world
Through Christians putting off the old and putting on the new who is renewed in the image and likeness of their creator
But here's the problem Christians have largely been inactive as Individuals we have become stagnant in our faith and the culture is now suffering because of it
Not only that we think that the answers to what is spiritually ailing us lie within popular culture
Christian That is playing pretend and like Jesus said you cannot serve two masters
One is real all others are counterfeit and the mercy of the counterfeit leaders the counterfeit virtues and ethics the mercy of that of Those things is cruel.
The Bible says the mercy of the wicked is cruel spiritually dead people in all of their self -help ways cannot bring about the spiritual reality that can only be
Realized through faith in God. What does the Proverbs say? There is a way that seems right to a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death
And that brings the question right to your mind. Well, then how are We as Christians to be actively obedient in our faith
How are we to do that and in what way does slavery to Christ mean freedom in discipline?
The answer is actually very simple because the answer lies within scripture itself But to be living a Christian life, we need to be living a life that reflects that of our
Savior and King Jesus Christ we must submit ourselves to God's Word and Discipline ourselves to grow in the knowledge of God for in him is the prerequisite to all that is excellent and honorable
In character indeed. So what I'm saying is that the world needs less of you Less of you and it needs more of Jesus Christ Less of you and more of Christ and in scripture that shows us how to live that redeemed life free within the confines of being a creature to have dominion over sin in the freedom to submit to God and Discipline to conquer the world our flesh and the devil
So keep that mind in your mind throughout the sermon and think about these things. How am I playing pretend in?
What ways am I plagiarizing the attributes of God through worldly means? Keep that in your mind and let's pray before we start
Dear Lord, I am terrified to be standing before you today to preach your word But I'm also extremely thankful that you have preserved your word for us that you have given us everything in Order to live a
Christian life first through the salvation that you have given us through Jesus Christ And it's only through him alone and his righteousness that we can actually have access to the knowledge of you
But Lord get me out of the way Let me decrease so you can increase in the sermon that your scripture just rings into our hearts convicts us
So that we can repent and then rejoice So we praise you in Jesus name.
Amen. So please open your Bibles and turn to 2nd Peter 1 verses 1 through 11
I'll read the whole thing and then we'll go through it Simon Peter a servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our
God and Savior Jesus Christ May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our
Lord His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
Through the knowledge of him who has called us to his own glory and excellence By which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises so that through them you may become partakers of the divine
Nature having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire for this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue and virtue with knowledge and knowledge with self -control and Self -control with steadfastness and steadfastness with godliness and godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love
For if these qualities are yours and are increasing they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our
Lord Jesus Christ For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind
Having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins Therefore brothers be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election
For if you practice these qualities, you will never fall For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ what a massively beautiful and powerful section of scripture that should rock us to the core that God has granted to us through his divine power all things that pertain to life in Godliness, what a very precious promise very precious promise
Starting off. We're gonna look through the first section of verse 1 where it says Simon Peter a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ So we see
Peter beginning the epistle to this church. This is the second letter to the same church He qualifies that in the later epistle
With his first name given to him from birth and then the name given to him by Jesus, which is interesting but then notice he says that he is a servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ and we're all reformed here.
So we know the word do loss very well, which means servant slave but let's really take a look at that and what that means and why
Peter is using this right away in his greeting a Servant is someone it could be a male or female person who is under obligation to render obedience to a master and A slave is a person who is the property of another
It's a servant who is someone who is owned by another who is supposed to obey the commands of their master and we find that the most renowned men of faith throughout the
Bible are men that believe themselves to be slaves or servants of God Abraham Servants of God he's qualified as one in Psalm 105 42 where it says for he remembered his holy promise in Abraham his servant
Moses is actually called the servant of God so much in the Bible. They say it's almost like another name for him
But here's one section of Scripture. It's Exodus 1431 Israel saw the great power that the
Lord used against the Egyptians So the people feared the Lord and they believed in the Lord and in his servant
Moses David also called a servant of God 2nd
Samuel 7 5 through 8 states But that same night the word of the Lord came to Nathan go tell my servant
David Thus says the Lord would you build me a house to dwell in and then the prophets are also called servants of God Ezekiel?
3817 states thus says the Lord God Are you he of whom I spoke in the former days by my servant the prophets of Israel?
Who in those days prophesied for years that it would bring you against them Also, we noticed that Jesus himself is called the servant of God in Isaiah 42
Isaiah 52 and 53 as well and there is a massive
Importance to understanding the meaning of being a slave to Christ. It's paramount in our Christian walk and Right submission to the
Word of God shows a distinction between the Creator and creature the right the master and his servants and That's what's so beautiful when thinking about Jesus in order to what it what to understand what it means for us to be a righteous servant
We must understand that Jesus is not a creature yet. He served Right.
He in his willing submission to the Father does not mean inferiority His submission to the
Father was because of the role that he was fulfilling to bring about the redemption of his people and remember
John 118 or John 1 yeah 118 it states no one has seen
God except for the unique and only Son who has made him known Jesus has made it known what it means to actually be a slave to God for us in order that we could walk in the righteousness
Showing the image of God to the rest of mankind through a redeemed life because Jesus was perfect Jesus was exegeting you've heard that pastor
James says it all the time He was exegeting the Father for all of humanity and we have the vantage point of Jesus's servanthood all the more
Meaning that in Jesus we can truly understand what it looks like to live a Christian life in Submission to the will of God because he did it and he did it perfectly so considering Jesus let us understand the role of the servant in his perfection to truly understand what it means to serve and let's look at the one who came not to Serve but to be served.
I'm gonna look at a couple verses Isaiah 42 1 through 4 Behold my servant whom I uphold my chosen in whom my soul delights.
I have put my spirit upon him He will bring forth justice to the nations. We know it's a prophecy of Jesus and I I think you should read this when you get home.
It's quite long I was going to read it today, but do this when you get home with your families Isaiah 52 13 through 53 12 is in a section of Scripture That shows the humility of Christ When becoming a servant for us the perfect and righteous one who then was marred for our transgressions
But then who was exalted But we can summarize that with Philippians 2 5 through 8
Have this mind among yourselves Which is yours in Christ Jesus who though?
He was in the form of God did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped But emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form
He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death Even death on a cross and again at the end of Philippians 2 we find that the servant
Jesus was what he was exalted above all names and that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God our Father That this servant was the servant
King the exalted King of humility He was the king who died for his people the same one who then sends his people to conquer the world
Matthew 20 verses 26 through 28 states this it shall not be so among you
But whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave even as the
Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many
Jesus in all of his eternal glory Humbled himself to take on flesh and submit to the will of the
Father as A servant to show us what it means to be in the Imago Dei in the image of God To reflect the proper attributes and character of God We are so wicked and sinful and fallen that it took the death of God himself to show us what it means to be human
Think about that in his love Likewise though his people us as Christians redeemed
Purchased by the blood of Christ who is our master? We should emulate the same virtues that Christ emulated during his walk on earth
Because these virtues come from the character of God These virtues are as Peter states later in the section of Scripture.
They are the key To how a servant ought to emulate his master The Christian life is one where the
Christians should seek more to be more like Christ and less like Adam in Reality when
Peter states that he is a slave Right. We also see that Paul does the same thing all the time in his letters
It's crucial for us to understand that he's making it abundantly clear to us Who his master is?
He is a slave a servant purchased with the price Supposed to do something for the master for a purpose, but he doesn't stop there
He also qualifies himself as an apostle right an apostle the Greek word Apostle losses, especially an official representative charged with a commission the designation
It's more of That they're a speaker for the king in itself, right?
That's what the Apostle is He's a messenger a representative sent by the king whose commission is to build up the early church and lead in humility
Like King Jesus So another way to hear this greeting would be Simon Peter a slave
Who was sent on behalf of my master the King of Kings? Jesus Christ But it's interesting just as Jesus is the servant
King. We see the juxtaposition between slave and apostle One who has the special does the special designation as the one who speaks on behalf of the king who is also a slave
Because the Apostle those are the ones who walked with Jesus were taught by Jesus had seen the risen
Lord Jesus But they're also an obedience to someone and that is why is Peter can state with confidence into the next verse
He can state this to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours
By the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ And don't let this verse just run right past you there's many glorious truths
It's like a it's like a massive train just going so fast a bullet train But we need to stop and we need to analyze what's being said here it should literally like melt our minds make us fall on the ground and praise
King Jesus for this because he states this Peter who is the Apostle also a slave to Christ says this to those who have obtained in a faith of equal standing with ours you
Those who believe in Jesus has a have a faith in equal standing with that of the
Apostles you That's absolutely mind -blowing Someone who thinks that they could hold their authority over others you think they would be justified
Peter of all nope he's a slave and though he was those who he's writing his letter to have a faith in equal standing and The word there obtained us in our human minds we have the ability to go wow, so I grabbed at something
I reached for this faith. I had some type of action when I gathered this faith But no, that's not what the text is saying
The Greek word is Lankano and what it means is to obtain something by as or if the random casting of lots
That's one definition. Also, it's understood as the indicative of the divine will
And we're gonna get into that how it qualifies that this faith that you have obtained and why you're on equal standing of the
Apostles It's just because you did something to get that faith. You didn't do anything to get that faith.
And that's why you're on equal standing But again, the word faith in itself used here is pistis and many people think many commentators
Think that what is being said here is the content of what is believed that it's the doctrine in the sense
That makes the Christian is what is being believed and believed and spoken of here I don't know if I agree with that I believe that it's the basis of the belief or the act of the believing because It's qualified in the further part of the sentence that we'll get into but what's really awesome
Here is the Greek word of equal standing is a seat of most which means equal in honor
Which is having the same value or worth so your faith that you have been given
Christian your basis of belief in Jesus is Equal to that of the
Apostles faith Hold on to that and hold on to that in this reading because Peter's leaving us without any excuse to try to walk in the
Newness of life. It's pretty awesome Peter he's a fellow slave to Christ reiterating his condition before men and God for the reader to understand that though he is an apostle in Faith all men are made equal in the eyes of God that in honor they stand equal and why is that?
Why is that in faith we stand equal because it's the object in which our faith is and that is in Jesus Christ And that's why he qualifies this in the verse by the righteousness of our
God and Savior Jesus Christ so again The verse is to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our
God and Savior Jesus Christ because the honor Christian that you stand in is the honor of Christ How can it get any better than that?
How can Peter have a better honor than you when his honor in itself is in the righteousness of Jesus Christ?
It's absolutely Mind -blowing guys, and I love it. I just praise God for that in faith
We are told by Peter that we as believers in Jesus have inherited the honor of Christ our master through righteousness
One that's not obtained by works, but by the through the free gift of God and Matthew Henry says this about our faith he says
Faith is alike precious in the private Christian and in the Apostle it produces the same precious effects in the one and in the other faith unites the weak believer to Christ as really as it does the strong one and Purifies the heart of one as truly as of another and every sincere believer is by his faith
Justified in the sight of God and that from all sins Faith and whomever it exists take hold of the same precious
Savior and applies the same precious promises so if you were to try to take the word obtained that's used in that first verse in Somehow state that you have equal standing before God by some work of your own
You would be missing the point that Peter is trying to make it's purely through the righteousness of Jesus Christ That all believers in faith are on equal standing ground before God clothed in Christ's honor in the book of Acts Luke also recounts
Peter's sentiment here acts 1117 states if then God gave that the same gift to them as he gave to us
Referring to the Gentiles when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?
So a faith of equal standing with that of the Apostles even the Gentiles How can Peter stand in their way when they are made equal through the gospel right there in the gospel?
There is neither slave nor nor free barbarian Scythian Jew Greek Christ is all and in all states in Colossians.
What a beautiful thing Therefore as Christians we ought to emulate
Christ in action and in word and in deed I Believe that Peter is setting up his greeting in such a way for when he gets to the exhortation in the letter
He's taking away any excuse from the reader some excuses would be such as well I can't live that way in these qualities of Christ because I'm not an apostle.
I'm not qualified for that Well Peter is stating right here in the greeting Who is your master
Christian? That's the rebuttal if Jesus Christ is your master you stand on equal honor with that of the
Apostles Our master is our God and Savior Jesus Christ as verse 1 states
Also really interesting about verse 1 when it says our God and Savior. It's actually referring to the divinity of Jesus It's calling
Jesus God in the Greek There's only one definite article there modifying God and Savior and the construction of that demands that we translate it to our
God and Savior Jesus Christ referring to Jesus not two different things or beings taking place but Jesus is both
God and He is Savior Absolutely phenomenal. It's one of them the best sections of scripture along with John 1 1 that highlights the deity of Jesus Christ He is
God and he is Savior Therefore again we find in the verse to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours
By the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ That we as a body of Christ Have received faith in equal standing before all believers and God by the righteousness of Jesus Christ who is
God and Savior in that faith then We have honor and privileges as Christians that are not only available to the
Apostles But to all that believe in Jesus Christ all Christians as slaves to Christ again are to walk in the liberty of Our master we are commanded to grow in the knowledge of Jesus to be more like Christ to emulate his character and all of this is predicated upon Christian Discipline because we cannot have freedom without liberty and within Liberty.
There are certain rights in privileges Liberty is the scope to which we are free in the confines of God's law.
We are creatures. We are not autonomous We are not a law unto ourself true freedom though is found when the penalty of breaking
God's law is not upon our shoulders. It's upon the shoulders of Christ So we have freedom to live in the
Liberty of God in Christ We have been set free from the penalty of sin by the righteousness of Christ Now in our
Christian Liberty, we can uphold the law and act within the law to the glory of God by the
Holy Spirit working with within us Stating that freedom without scope is
Anarchy within God's world. There is no such thing as anarchy There is always a scope within freedom and that is our
Liberty and since we have a master We have the Liberty now as redeemed people to actually walk in the righteousness of God plagiarized spirituality
Self -help gurus. They don't have the Liberty to walk in the newness of life.
They plagiarize it so our freedom in slavery Again is found within our
Liberty to live as Christ as Paul states to live as Christ and to die as gain
When the Son sets you free you are free indeed When in bondage to sin you are not free to live as Christ.
Therefore you have no Liberty. You have no Liberty true Christianity and Living faith produces a life and devotion to God pursuing his character to take dominion over our sin and live in a right
Relationship to God as a creature created in his image to reflect the
Savior to all mankind First there's regeneration faith Then Christian Liberty and freedom and all of this is predicated on our knowledge of God How much we know about him what our relationship with him is like which brings us into the next verse verse 2 verse 2 states
May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our
Lord We're getting into it. Here we go guys. It's only a two -verse greeting But it's constructed in such a way that is of extreme importance
And it's key to understanding in which we can grow in spirituality This is how we grow in our
Christian walk right sanctification How grace and peace can be multiplied to us in order to live a life?
transformed by the Holy Spirit in order to avoid immorality and Worldly knowledge because if you read later on in 2nd
Peter, he warns of the false teachers, right? So he's constructing this in such a way that we have everything we need here in Jesus Christ But notice that we have grace and peace being extended to the recipients of Paul's letter
Peter's letter here But what's funny is Shalom is the typical Jewish greeting, which is just peace
But what's awesome in the New Testament Christianity is that it's always grace and peace that is that is extended in the letters
Why is that? Why is that? Well grace is given by God for the peace that we have obtained through Jesus Christ It's almost like Shalom 2 .0
grace and peace. Why because the grace is because of Jesus It's a
Christian greeting and I'd say it supersedes that of Shalom for references Christ But notice the word
Multiplied in the text in the Greek. It's Platino, which means to increase but it's a dual meeting
It means to increase to also become bigger or greater in amount and I believe we can actually use both
Meanings here for what Peter is stating because it means to undergo to undergo change or to increase through multiplication
So in Peter's greeting grace and peace can be multiplied by the knowledge of Jesus Christ So we can go undergo massive amounts of change in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and that it can also be multiplied and increase within us and this knowledge at The most fundamental level is that of our salvation found in Jesus Christ but there's also implications within this letter that we're about to get into that increasing in our knowledge of Jesus Christ multiplies our
Reliance upon God and it also transforms our lives But also we need to make every effort to increase in our knowledge of God So what we know and how much we know about God Results in action a life that is being transformed by the power of the gospel
We also must understand that the word for knowledge here in the Greek is epic Gnosis Which is knowledge or understanding in this case?
It is that of God which multiplies our grasp on the gospel and gives us a deeper faith in God But what
Peter is saying here? He's calling true knowledge That which comes from God because in this time frame with the
Greeks they had their virtue lists They had all these philosophers thinking of ways to live in such
Means in which that they could emulate good character attributes to the world
Well, Paul is saying that this is knowledge. This is truth. The rest are false They're plagiarized their counterfeit the virtues that I'm going to get into which
Peter is stating are ones that actually come from God He is the presupposition between Anything that is good or bad.
So we need to actually know who God is in order to walk in that knowledge This is true knowledge.
Whereas the Greek it's plagiarized false teacher plagiarized So it's fundamental for us to understand that true knowledge of God Again brings about a positive change in our lives for it isn't counterfeit it
Changes us remember that Greek word there Platino Platino, which is to increase in grace, but also to undergo change
We can note this sentiment as Paul states in Colossians 2 2 through 6 as well and what's really cool about 2nd
Peter 1 is I think it's very helpful to read when you're also reading Colossians and Ephesians because Paul goes so heavily deep into the knowledge of what it is to have knowledge of Christ and Peter goes into the application so much but read
Colossians read Ephesians when you're going through 2nd Peter. It's just so beautiful Colossians 2 2 through 6 states
That their hearts may be encouraged Being knit together in love to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery
Which is Christ and whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge? I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments for though.
I'm absent in the body I am with you in the spirit rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ So we're told that all treasures of his hidden wisdom and knowledge are bound up in Christ Therefore we should not seek to spiritually remedy ourselves through worldly means don't delude yourself with plausible arguments
But if you do not believe that all treasures of hidden wisdom and knowledge are in Christ Then you will be deluded with plausible arguments and the elemental spirit seeking to take your eyes away from Christ and the focus more on yourself but the thing about what
Peter saying in 2nd Peter 1 is that Multiplied grace and peace brings about a thankfulness for our salvation.
Why because it's through Jesus Christ Meaning that in all we are we are first thankful knowing that in Jesus.
We have all we need for grace and peace Let's look at Colossians again
Colossians 2 6 through 7 states Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the
Lord So walk in him Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught of bounding in Thanksgiving The truth is if you lack knowledge of God or are not actively disciplining yourself to be in the word
You will not be thankful for your salvation Therefore you will not grow in grace and peace because you will look for other ways to satisfy that hole in you
Furthermore, this will occur Colossians 2 8 through 10 Right after the section of scripture
I just read it says see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit
According to human tradition according to the elemental spirits of the world and not according to Christ notice this is right after being told to be thankful and then
He tells us Paul for in him Qualifying why we should look for our peace and spiritual growth in Christ because in him all our hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge
He states to you Christian Paul is telling you here in verse 9 of Colossians It states for in him the fullness of deity dwells bodily and you have been filled in him
Who is the head of all rule in authority? You have everything you need in Jesus and not only that in him is the fullness of deity
He is God in the flesh and now you have been filled in him in your salvation. What more do you need?
Where else do you need to go to you should run to the arms of Jesus? And Peter is about to give us the same exact sentiment that we have everything we need in Jesus Christ The world cannot fill you with only what
God can fill in you We must grow in our knowledge of God to multiply in grace and peace because the one who dwells within us is greater than anything
In the world God is truth and we are filled in him So let's recap
What we know about Paul's letter so far is that we have a master His name is
Jesus Christ We have freedom within the confines of our Liberty by the righteousness of Christ who is
God in that Liberty We have equal honor with that of the Apostles to seek after Christ and that by our knowledge of God We can have grace and peace multiplied
We can have a life transformed by the power of God who is dwelling within us. We do not need plagiarized spirituality
Counterfeit Gospels any of those things to bring us grace and peace for which they actually absolutely cannot bring us
We must be thankful in our salvation Seeking God in his words So we do not fall prey to empty knowledge of the world and the enticing of the devil
If you're not thankful for your salvation, you're forgetting who you were before Christ saved you
You're thinking that you need other things other than Jesus in your life to satisfy you spiritually
And you will go after other gods. That is a promise, but they will not satisfy you because those gods are not your master
Your master is Jesus Christ and you're supposed to live in obedience as a slave to him
You Christian who sits with equal honor of that of the Apostles in your faith by the righteousness of Jesus Christ Now continuing on in 2nd
Peter with verses 3 through 4 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
Through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence by which he has granted to us
His precious and very great promises so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature
Having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire Full stop again
Have we overlooked this section of Scripture in our daily lives I know I have
I know I have and for months I've been trying not to let this pass me by We must wake up Christians to what is being promised here
Really hear it the divine power of Jesus Christ Has literally granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
We're without excuse yet, there is a prerequisite to the fullness of that reality It is through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence
Therefore Christian all things again that pertain to life and godliness are already given to you you have access to them
Are you grabbing them? Are you growing in the knowledge of grace? It's absolute is great.
This is a fundamental reality to the Christian life We have access to this by the righteousness of Christ only in our salvation are we free to live as Christ?
This is Christian Christian freedom as a slave to righteousness actually being able to have liberty as Jesus being our master.
We are a new creation Recreated to walk in Christ Jesus and all things that pertain to life and godliness
Have been they have been given to us in the Word of God So take a look at yourself right now
Let's objectively look outside of ourselves and use Scripture the divine and air inspired
Word of God to judge ourselves So think about these things Where are you struggling at in your marriage in what in what ways are you discontent?
Are you struggling with harboring bitterness towards somebody? Have you doubted you're standing before God Are you filled with anger ready to burst at the seams with any type of inconvenience in your life?
Are you impatient with your children in your suffering? Are you angry with God? Do you struggle with sexual sins like lust and pornography?
What's gonna be beat what's being told here with us in Scripture is this that's on you That's on you.
That's not on God. God's not to blame for the lack of your spiritual discipline Why have you like Scripture says who died to the world continue to live in it
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free Why do we continue to put on the yoke that Jesus removed all things that pertain to life and godliness?
Have been granted to us Who is your master That's the question you should ask yourself
Who are you listening to to solve your spiritual problems because if these are sins you consistently struggle with I must challenge
You with this you are not listening to your master who is Christ. You are seeking to conquer your sin with plagiarized spirituality
So are you waking up in the morning and thanking God for your salvation Are you in the Word of God the two questions you should ask yourself or right when you wake up?
Are you instantly checking your social media? Are you in God's Word or are you reclusing yourself and listening to Facebook shorts and Instagram reels in order to obtain solitude in the morning?
that pragmatic instant gratification that we look for Sanctification is a drawn -out process.
It's a lifelong process. It's not about instant gratification False gods bring instant gratification the true and living
God brings a life and devotion to him where you conquer your sin in Discipline, are you replacing your
Bible and praying to God to help you or are you instead? Replacing that with your personal favorite biblical podcast
Right, there's nothing wrong with listening to a podcast by a dear brother or sister in Christ These are good things, but they're supposed to be supplemental to the
Word of God and your personal relationship with Jesus Stop trying to steal the faith of your favorite podcaster and cultivate your own through a spirit -wrought relationship with Christ make every effort
So to supplement your faith We are people of the truth We don't want plagiarized spirituality for when the tides of life the weight of the world and suffering come our plagiarized
Spirituality does absolutely nothing for us. We sink we sink Remember his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness
But again, it is through the knowledge of him who has called us to his own glory and excellence
The many sins in our life guys are in direct correlation to your knowledge of God In your relationship with Jesus Christ So let that seek in for a moment
I know that convicted me when going through this but the many sins in my life are in direct
Relation to my knowledge of God in my relationship with Jesus Because I don't say these things to you guys as someone who has overcome his flesh in every way
We know it's a lifelong process I say these things to you as a brother who has been convicted by this section of Scripture in That I've repented and seek to grow in my knowledge of Jesus Christ Verse 4 by which he has granted to us
His precious and very great promises so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature
Having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire It's the moral development in spiritual maturity given to us as a promise by God Through the means of our salvation that he has fulfilled his promises in the
Messiah that in Christ You can be a partaker of the divine nature not become a god.
Don't read that and think that's to become a god Instead it's to live a life in reflection of God's perfect character and attribute to become a partaker of the divine nature
What does that mean to have the image of God restored in you? We were supposed to have that at the beginning
But we fell and those precious and very great promises that are being told to us in verse 4 this that you
Are being born again You are born again Second that we have the betterment of our sanctification by a spirit
What obedience to God and three there will be a time when we are welcomed to the kingdom of God in our death by our?
Salvation that has been given to us in Christ. These are the very precious and great promises that Peter is talking about It's a threefold pot of threefold promise
Again, you don't obtain a faith of equal standing without of the Apostles By being the perfect person.
No, you get that through the righteousness of Christ in Christ alone It's none other than Jesus that in this promise
He fulfilled the covenant. It's already been done It's already been done. You have access to these things because of what
Jesus did in his life death burial and resurrection Therefore our promise is made secure in him.
It has nothing to do with you Stop thinking about yourself Think more about God become more like Jesus turn to your
Bible in your Bibles turn to Ephesians 1 Let's look at verses 3 through 10. This helps us magnify the very precious and great promises and The things that God has given to us because of our salvation through his grace and mercy
Starting in verse 3 of Ephesians 1 Blessed be the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places
Wow Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him in love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ According to the purpose of his will to the praise of his glorious grace with which he has blessed us in the beloved
In him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace
Which he lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight Making known to us the mystery of his will according to his purpose with which he had set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time to unite all things in him things in heaven and things on earth
That is the freedom in which we live as people who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ The beauty of the precious promises of God that we have been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places the reason why we struggle with sin is because we're looking at anything other than the
Word of God in our Relationship with Jesus Christ in order to conquer the things that hold us back in our lives
We are without excuse again. The things we struggle with are on us
They're not on God nor are they a reflection of his unfaithfulness? Jesus already
Completed his promise. He already fulfilled his covenant Your lack of action is your lack of discipline in true
Freedom is found in Christian discipline to pursue a life to reflect the nature of God But that can only come in a relationship with Jesus Are you seeking him?
I mean the God of the universe took on flesh Right, he took upon the form of a creature and Died on the cross so that we can have a relationship with him and when we wake up in the morning
We don't go to him And we don't go to him He's fulfilled his covenant
We have it so good We have it so good. And when we have things so good, we tend to seek after other gods just like the
Israelites did Just like the Israelites Deuteronomy 13 if a prophet or dreamer of dreams arises among you and produces miracles signs and wonders
But leads you after another God Do not follow them There are things that fight for your time
There's pragmatic instant gratification that wants you to feel fulfilled in anything other than Jesus every second of your life
But the key to overcome those things is to be thankful in your salvation remembering what
Jesus did for you on the cross You don't need anything else You need
Jesus you need Jesus and Again Ephesians 1 along with 2nd
Peter 1 should spur us on to devotion to Christ To a maturity that sets
Christ first as Lord in our hearts to escape the corruption that is in the world through the knowledge and promises of the one who has set us apart for new life as People who are to reflect
God's character to the rest of the world to be the salt and light When you look around at the culture today
You think about all the struggles all the nations have because they deny God they deny his law
They deny the beautiful gift that Jesus Christ has given to us in salvation Where we're at today is because of the lack of Christian discipline in our own individual lives
We are called to be the salt and light We're the Church of God to proclaim the glories of the gospel to the people
But how can we proclaim the glories of the gospel when we're not thankful for our salvation and we look for anywhere else
To fulfill that hole in us Where are we at The failure of the world today is not
Because God failed it's because we're not living a life in devotion to God seeking him in spiritual discipline
Love God love neighbor your loving of neighbor will lack if your love of God will lack
We must not look to the world to satisfy What only God can when we start looking to the world to satisfy only what
God can we're lured lured by our own evil desires our own lusts in order to escape right
The the the destruction in order to escape our evil desires the corruption that is in the world like it says in verse 4
We first must be holding on to Christ Our own evil desires and our sinfulness because we're fallen human beings
Will hold us captive When we're not keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ.
Remember lots wife Who when fleeing the corruption the destruction of Sodom looked back at her desires
Of that beautiful city and was turned into a pillar of salt. She did not keep her eyes on the refuge ahead of her
Even Jesus says it remember lots wife Think about it. This is a woman who grew up with Abram Abraham Who had all of the promises
Detailed to her she saw it with her own two eyes But her own evil desires made her look back at Sodom And she turned into a pillar of salt when refuge was right in front of her being led by angels
Look back Christian don't look back. That's the point. Don't look back.
Look at the cross To flee the corruption that is in the world We're continually to look upon Christ and to seek to grow in our knowledge of God through Jesus Colossians 3 1 through 4 states if then you have been raised with Christ Seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God Set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on earth
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God For when Christ who is your life appears then you will also appear with him in glory
Continuing on in verse 5 of Colossians 3 It says for this very reason for the very reason that you have been raised up with Christ that you should seek the things that are above not on the things that are on below it says
That you need to put to death. What is earthly in you? sexual immorality impurity greed covetousness
Idolatry on the count of those things the wrath of God is coming But only when you keep your eyes on things that are above not on things that are on earth
But going to verse 5 back in 2nd Peter for this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue and virtue with knowledge and knowledge with self -control and self -control with steadfastness
It's steadfastness with godliness in godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love
Remember why looking back at Paul's letter now because you've been raised with Christ You have been crucified with Christ set your minds on things that are above Because you have been filled with in him
Who is the head of all rule and authority greater is he who lives within you than he who is in the world
You have been given very precious and great promises. You have access now to walk in the newness of life
Therefore you should make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue These are the qualities of Christ virtue knowledge self -control steadfastness godliness brotherly affection and love
These are the aspects of the divine nature in which we must discipline ourselves. This is how we can become partakers of it
Not becoming a god No, but having a restored image of God that Jesus Christ showed us how to live right when he lived the perfect life
These are the qualities of Christ that we should seek to emulate This is how we can grow in the knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is to want to be more like him because we're thankful in our salvation that we're no longer who we once were
But now that we are to be conformed into the image of our Creator In order to do that, we must discipline ourselves.
We must make every effort every effort The life of every
Christian begins first with the regeneration, right? Faith and then we pick up our cross to follow
Christ the world again needs less of me and More of Jesus and in that faith, we then want to supplement our newfound love for God with discipleship
These things take action and you learn from Christ and in his word in prayer and being with God We're to supplement that faith with virtue
The Greek word used for virtue here is a rat tag and this means moral excellence
To think of this biblically virtue or moral excellence is this doing all things to the glory of God?
Supplement your faith which has been given to you by God the faith that puts you on equal standing with that of the Apostles by doing all things to the glory of God Whatever you eat or drink, whatever you do do all things to the glory of God Why will
Colossians 2 22 through 24 states this bond servants? Obey in everything those who are your earthly masters not by way of eye service as people pleasers, but with sincerity of heart
Fearing the Lord here it is. Whatever you do work heartily as for the Lord and not for men
Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward You are serving the Lord Christ Christian when you go to work every single day at your job
You're not just working for a company You are serving the Lord Christ when Paul wrote in Colossians 2 here he was literally talking to people who were physical slaves
He says obey your earthly masters. They're being beaten They're being beaten. He says well, guess what?
You're not serving them. Your master is God. He supersedes that of them In your daily life to do everything to the glory of God You need to live in the reality that you are a
Christian and you are not a slave to anyone but Christ You're not a slave to your workplace
You do good at your job because you do it to the glory of God and you reflect that to the world
That's the Christian life, right? You're a new creation. You are to do things in a way which glorifies your master
Meaning that you do things as Christ would with moral excellence in devotion to God regardless of the situation again
You are never serving man Christian and your Christian liberty and freedom. You are serving the
Lord Christ You're serving him It's absolutely amazing Another way to think about this is doing all things in your life in a way that doesn't use the
Lord's name in vain What comes to you instantly when you think about using the Lord's name in vain cursing?
But really that's not the heart of that commandment Think about the Old Testament, right?
The Jews were a representation of God's people to the world They were supposed to deal with justice and equity to the rest of the nation's to be that city on a hill
But if these were the Lord's people the representatives of Yahweh and they were dealing unjustly with other nations
What were they doing? They were blaspheming God because they were misrepresenting the perfect pure character of God If you
Christian go to work and you do not work to the glory of God Are you using the name of your Lord in vain you as a representative of Christ to the people around you?
Not doing things to the best of your ability. Are they gonna look at you and go? Hmm? I Don't care too much about that.
They say they're a Christian, but they don't really do much here kind of lazy at work You're using the name of your
Lord in vain It's the reality of it Good thing we have grace.
So I know I have failed in that area so many times but We really need to think about that right if we're stagnant at work or at home around our children
If you're not living in a way that glorifies the God who has called you out of the darkness into his glorious light
You are using his name in vain. You are blaspheming him in your actions towards others
We are not to live that way as Christians we must supplement our faith with virtue Doing all things in such a way that we understand that we are serving
Christ and not man The virtue in which we act as Christians in our daily life is this just to do the will of God?
John 7 17 states if any man willeth to do his will he shall know of the teaching
Doing things in virtue to the glory of God requires us to look outside of ourselves in the midst of troubling or angering circumstances
What does the world tell you today? Everything you hear on the self -help culture. It's all about you right mindfulness
It's selfishness is what it is not to look at others not to look outside of yourself But to be ruled by your emotions that you're the captain of your own sinking ship in all reality
It's going down and it's going down in flames You'll be at the bottom of the sea soon if you want to be ruled by your emotions
We have to have a heavenly mind in order to do the will of God the Word of God cuts through our emotions and says
This is how you should be This is how you should be what we have to do when we do the
Word of God or the will of God We have to temper our laziness or double -mindedness with virtue and the more we do this
We live within the will of God and this in part is then Supplemented with knowledge because that's the next virtue on the list that Peter is giving us here hmm, the knowledge of God's will is
Gained through the reading of his word and living a life to the glory of God and whatever you do Not my will be done but yours right like Jesus says
Lord if it be your will that this cup pass from me Let it pass but not my will be done but yours this is virtue and knowledge in action
But within knowledge is a temptation to become conceited or puffed up And that is why
Peter shows that with knowledge should then come self -control Proverbs 27 21 states this the crucible is for silver and the furnace is for gold and a man is tested by his praise
You want to see how someone lives a godly character and if they do give them praise and see how they do with it
See what they do with it. The person with true knowledge is exhibits self -control
One of the biggest threats to the early church were that of young converts or wolves among the sheep that were puffed up with knowledge therefore a way to understand if the knowledge you have acquired it to see if it's actually a
Godly knowledge is whether or not you have found humility and self -control within that knowledge. Take a look at yourself
Right, if you know more than your brother and flex your brain theologically that knowledge though accurate may not stem from the spirit
But instead may come from a root of pride from what way does knowledge and conceit benefit the body in love?
Every single one of these virtues in this list in 2nd Peter are things that benefit those around you love
God love neighbor One aspect we understand about Peter's heavenward journey here.
This is what it is It's like these virtues are the heavenward journey of sanctification Is that all of these qualities are in Christ to bless others?
They are not selfish qualities They are selfless If you find yourself conceited or comparing yourself to others in ways that are not loving or building up then you have zeal
Without true knowledge and you must repent and aim to live a life of humility for true knowledge brings about a character of humility
Rejoicing in your salvation daily Think about it. Jesus Christ was the smartest and wisest man to ever walk the earth and he was humble
He was humble. He gave glory to God He was blameless virtuous in every aspect all -knowing ever -perceiving yet long -suffering
This is our Savior and we in our salvation have been granted the opportunity to live this way
Making every effort to supplement our faith in discipleship through faith working out in love
Let's read it again for this very reason make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue in Virtue with knowledge and knowledge with self -control and self -control with steadfastness and steadfastness with godliness and godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love
Self -control is the power to rule over one's desires
But then we're commanded after self -control to be steadfast to continually pursue
Christ Knowing that you will never have enough of him think about it if you don't have self -control
But you have knowledge. Maybe you will think that you know enough and Then you need any more of God, you know, you know, you know enough of more and you've got a great relationship with Jesus Christ.
Well The truth is is you can never know enough of him And also the scriptures say that he who is without sin the truth isn't in you
So if you think you know enough you must be perfect But you're not therefore you need him and you must be steadfast and Want more of him because we live in a time where we will never be perfect Once we even die and we're rid of our fleshly body with our souls being with Christ Right.
We still need more of Jesus when we're sinless. It's impossible to not need more of him
He is our creator, but do you see how this the person who is not steadfast? Thinks that they have enough
Which God are you serving them? Because my God is omnipotent My God is omniscient
My God is amazing. I can never know enough of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ But if you forget who you once were and aren't thankful for your salvation
You may think you know him better than anybody else Nope It's heavy stuff
We got to continue To work to kill the sin that manifests in your life
Think about that if you don't have steadfastness you think you're done killing the sins in your life You're not working anymore.
You're not pursuing and growing in sanctification Well, guess what? You must not know Jesus or you must be looking somewhere else to try to understand who
Jesus is Other than in his word or in prayer Because if you stop here and think that you are done
If you're not steadfast, then you will not be pursuing what godliness what comes next in the verse?
You'll be a stagnant Christian in your walk You need to continually seek
God in prayer Long for Jesus be thankful for your salvation understand that you need him in every aspect of your being this will help you be steadfast a consistent understanding of your position before God with equal standing of that of the
Apostles only by the righteousness of Christ will allow Us to rejoice in the understanding that we are being conformed into the image of Christ.
We are a working progress Though we are saved and at no point of our salvation is dependent upon the progress.
We are in progress because we are saved So if you're not in progress, what does that mean?
But press on Run the race toward the goal mother at home. There is more work to be done
Father at home or at your job. There is more work to be done children There is more work to be done
If you say you are without sin again, the truth isn't in you Therefore if you are in sin, there is work to be done be steadfast
Yet again, though. This is a God glorifying work one That is spirit rock that then spills over from our lives into a brotherly love and affection
So pursuing God godliness is being steadfast because you know that there's always more work to be done
And then when more godliness is attributed to you in terms of the quality of character that you are pursuing in Christ It's going to spill out of your life into those around you
So seek brotherly love and the brotherly love between Christians. Is that unlike any other?
That's the love that Peter is speaking of it is a love that is as strong as two siblings Better yet though two siblings bonded through the spirit the work of the
Spirit in you Christian will affect others around you It'll affect others around you but all in all love for God and Love for neighbor is the fulfillment of God's law
The list of qualities that Peter is showing us is in fact love for God and love for neighbor but they can only be exercised within a relationship with Christ and a relationship with Christ is one that is exercised and not neglected a
Relationship with Christ is exercised and not neglected and this is what it means to do things in love first Corinthians 13 1 through 7 states
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love I am a noisy gong or clanging cymbal and if I have prophetic powers understand all the mysteries and all the knowledge and if I Have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have not love
I am nothing If I if I give away all I have and I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love
I gain nothing Love is patient in kind Love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude does not insist on its own way
It is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth
Love bears all things believes all things hopes all things Endures all things this is faith working out through love
Do you see the bookends of Peter's qualities in Christ starts with faith ends in love? The Totality of growing in the knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Through the seeking of those virtues and qualities of Christ will help us to be patient kind to not envy or boast or to be arrogant or rude or insist on our own way or to be irritable or resentful or to rejoice at wrongdoing
But instead do all things to the glory of God and seek to honor God and all that you do and to know him and be in a relationship with Jesus It's amazing
Galatians 5 6 also speaks of that faith working in love. Let's go into verse 8 here in 2nd
Peter 1 For if these qualities are yours and are increasing they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our
Lord Jesus Christ For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind
Having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins So take that take those two verses then look at yourself and see what you're being unfruitful
Where are you being unfruitful what you're lacking these qualities in some way You're not pursuing
God in a way in which you should be Can you not conquer your addiction to pornography? Are you not able to temper your anger with your children?
Are you fully incapable of respecting your husband husband? Are you inadequately loving your wife inadequately loving your wife?
Well, the truth is is you don't have to be That's the reality though.
We're not perfect. The Bible says that we have all things that pertain to life in godliness
You can conquer You can temper you're not incapable of respecting your husband.
You're not Forced to inadequately love your wife husband if you are unfruitful
It's because you're lacking in a quality of God that means your knowledge of God is lacking
Where are you pursuing other gods that cannot help you? Show the image of God to the world and in your personal life
If you're lacking the fruit of the freedom of discipline you my friend are failing again in these qualities Pray that the
Lord reveals them to you in what way you are supplementing your faith with a plagiarized
Spirituality that is leading you to be unfruitful So we are shown that the truth is that we're not incapable of conquering our sins instead.
We are commanded to walk in the newness of life repent and rejoice repent and rejoice
Think about that in verse 9 it says whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind
Having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. Where's his thankfulness in his salvation?
Where's his thankfulness? Remember every single day Christian when you wake up that you are saved by the blood of Jesus the eternal
God who died for you Who loved you so much? That he was pierced for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities.
His back was flayed For you his love kept him on the cross for you that you do nothing in and of yourselves
To inherit righteousness that there's no work that you can do to have a good standing before God But instead
Jesus did it for you So that you could have life and life Abundantly to walk in the newness of life to have access to the heavenly promises of God to be given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places hidden in Christ man
Do not forget the salvation that you have Pray to the Lord read your word
And in verse 10, it says Therefore brothers be all the more diligent to confirm your calling an election for if you practice these qualities, you will never fall.
There's the discipline practice supplement work steadfast pursue love
God It results in action grow in your knowledge of God Say when you get home pray the
Lord or where am I lacking in my knowledge of you? How can I be more filled with you in order to love my neighbor?
Be humble You're not perfect. I'm not perfect. I need
Jesus every second of my life and so do you But that's how you grow is knowing first that you need him the life of a
Christian is one of a person who pursues moral excellence not for the sake of excellence in itself like the
Greek philosopher but because Jesus Christ in Embodied and is the source of all virtue and excellence and we are commanded to be like Christ to love him
We're created in the image of God to reflect the attributes of God to all of creation
Though once we were fallen we are now made anew Recreated to walk in the newness of life.
We must be diligent because Jesus was diligent We must do the will of our master because Jesus did the will of his father
Christian you are not your own you belong to Christ Therefore live in a way which is pleasing to him and you will benefit from it
That is a promise of God and finally in verse 11 It states for in this way that will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Let's pray Dear Lord, thank you for your word today
Let it shock our hearts in a way that brings us to our knees to want to know you more To want to have a faith
That is actively obedient to you to know that our freedom lies Where the cross is found
That we have the liberty to walk in newness of life that no other people on this earth have the liberty to reflect the nature and character of God So we praise you for that We thank you for your word for preserving it in time so that we can reflect and have the knowledge of God multiplied through your written word