Break the Spell - Any Means Necessary

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, God bless you guys. I hope you're having a great day. And I just wanted to talk about something very basic regarding social justice and all of that kind of thing.
But before we get into that, man, it is a crazy environment out there.
And I don't mean like there's anything totally insane going on, like people aren't riding in the streets here in New Hampshire or anything like that.
But I have to say, my family, we've talked to a couple of unbelieving families lately.
And there's just a lot of despair out there. There's no question about it. One of my wife's friends was lamenting online, on Facebook, just kind of like doing the thing where you put all your drama out there on Facebook.
And just like how total liberal, total progressive, but has been super red pilled by the coronavirus, right?
It's insane that no one's going outside. She gets no interaction. She's not going into work.
She's gotta wear the mask. You can't even see people's faces anymore. She can't even go on a walk and like smile and nod at people anymore.
And she's really feeling the effects of this. And it's just like, it's not healthy at all for people to be walking around like this.
I mean, it's just absolute insanity. It's total insanity. And even like a lot of very liberal and progressive people who would normally be all about this stuff are seeing through it.
People have gotten red pilled like crazy with this coronavirus thing. And so that's just a crazy thing.
And obviously, you know, that lady's welcome at our house and we're not gonna wear masks and we're gonna be hanging out. We're gonna be enjoying life.
It's just that simple because God is good and we don't have to fear all this insanity.
We don't have to fear all this fake stuff. We can fear God and keep his commandments and we're good to go, right?
So it's like, we got our heads on straight. At least Christians, we ought to have our heads on straight in the face of all kinds of insanity.
And so it's like, there's that. And then there's the, you know, there's another couple. Man, I just felt so bad as we were hanging out outside because the weather's getting a little warmer, right?
We're hanging out outside and a couple passes, small family, you know, and we haven't seen them in a while because it's been winter.
And you know, when it's winter time, you know, things tend to slow down and, you know, we don't really hang out as much and things like that.
But these, I just was talking to this guy and, you know, he's working from home and stuff. And I could just see the despair, the pain in his voice, like just how, like, it's just can't believe that here we are a year later and we're still doing this.
And they're the kind that are like very much buying into the coronavirus hype. So it's not like he doesn't believe it.
It's not like he doesn't think, like he basically believes what the TV says about coronavirus, right? So that's the kind of guy
I'm dealing with, but they're so distraught. Like they're deciding to like leave town for a few months and I think they're going to like the beach or something, you know, and just to hang out, just to like, just to like do something.
They could be outside and stuff like that. And all the while I'm thinking to myself, like you could just be outside now.
Like we're free men, right? We're free men. Well, at least if you're a Christian, you're a free man.
And so there's a lot of despair out there, guys. There's a lot of despair out there. And this is why the church needs to be open, right?
The church needs to be open and the church needs to be engaging in the world according to reality, not according to the fantasy that was spun by people on the television whom you've never met, whom you have no idea what their agendas are, whom you have no idea where they got their information.
Like we have to deprogram ourselves from the spells that the
TV has cast on us. You can always tell when you're dealing with a spell, when you get like these emotional responses that was kind of well up within you automatically.
Like, it's just like, why am I feeling a certain way just because some, you know, woman on the
TV told me so? Like, that doesn't make any sense. You're dealing with spells here.
Like they've entranced you in a certain way so that when you hear certain words in a certain order, in a certain context, you're either getting all riled up and raged or you're getting all pacified or you're getting all, you feeling all good and you end up like what's his face with a tingle up his leg every time he hears
Obama speak. And it's just like, that's intentional. The TV is lying to you.
I even noticed this just this week. Like I posted something about the $2 trillion Biden stimulus package.
By the way, I've already spent my money. I've already spent my money, Biden. When's my next installment?
You know what I mean? But like I posted something about it. And then I posted something about the new bill that they're coming out.
This one's gonna be three or $4 trillion where they're gonna spend money on infrastructure, whatever that's supposed to mean.
And what you get is you get responses. And guys, I'm not saying this is the wrong response, right?
But it's like, none of that money's gonna go to Americans. That's just gonna go to foreign countries and stuff.
And okay, okay, okay, cool, cool. I'm with you, you know. Yes, that money's gonna go to foreign countries, but let's keep our heads about us here because when you're operating in reality, guys, we shouldn't even be doing the infrastructure spending bills for America as well.
Okay, so we don't wanna spend it on foreigners. I'm with you there. But we also shouldn't be spending it on public schools.
We should instead be destroying public schools, canceling them, selling them to the private sector.
We should be dismantling the Department of Education. We should be dismantling the IRS. We should be dismantling all of these ungodly pagan things.
Like it's not good enough just to be against what the liberals are doing. Like we have to be against it no matter what because guess what?
Trump did a lot of money printing as well. You know what I mean? So it was bad when Trump did it as well. It was evil and pagan when
Trump did it as well. And so it's like, we gotta keep our wits about us, right? We gotta operate in reality because when all you think is, oh, it's bad because it's going to foreigners.
Well, yeah, that kinda makes it extra bad because they're extracting money from you and giving it to other countries. But by the way, it's not a win if we extract money from us and then give some of it back to us through these social programs and things like that.
That's not a win. That's the spell that they've got you under, right? They'll allow you to get angry about a certain aspect of it all while conceding the other aspect of it.
No, no, no, we gotta reform the whole thing. You see, God's word is so clear on these things.
It is so clear on these things. And that's where I wanna transition because if you could see on the screen, this is the cover of my book that's coming this year.
And so I'm so excited about this book, guys. I've read it a number of times now, and of course
I wrote it as well, but I think this book is gonna be very useful in a lot of different ways.
It's gonna be useful for the social justice controversy. That's the focus, of course. But it's also gonna be useful to give to someone if you just want a primer on how the
Bible applies to modern life, how the Bible applies to modern issues.
And it's like, it applies directly, guys, and you should not allow people to confuse you because you read in the scripture, what you read there, sometimes it can be confusing what you read there because we're disconnected from the context of the olden days, right?
But more often than not, it is actually quite clear when you read it, you can understand it very easily.
And it's actually quite easy sometimes to determine how it might apply to a modern situation.
I think that there are certain teachers out there, especially in the woke church movement that are counting on the fact that you don't know your scripture and they can confuse you if you do know your scripture.
They can confuse you with weaselly sounding words and words that sound high minded and theological, but really there's no content to those words, right?
And so they'll start to talk about various kinds of things that are more from sociology than they are from theology.
And they'll try to confuse the issues of the scripture. And I think that once you read this book, "'Social
Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them," you will see that really this debate is quite simple.
There are some simple verses that destroy the entire narrative. There are some simple things that if you understood them from the scripture, there would be no way that these charlatans could ever confuse you again.
The Ibram Kendi X and Eric Mason and Thabiti Anyabwile and all these guys, like they count on the fact that they can kind of dazzle you with high minded, highfalutin sounding words.
But in this book, I'm gonna show you that you actually don't need to play in that fantasy space because what they're trying to do is they're trying to cast a spell on you.
The same way that people on the TV try to cast a spell on you, where they get you all riled up through using all of these sociological concepts that actually are not real, they're untested, they're completely theoretical.
And layer that on top of the Bible to make the Bible mean all kinds of stuff that it doesn't mean.
I'll give you an example. One of the things that social justice advocates will often do is they'll talk about oppression because the
Bible often talks about oppression, right? And so when they talk about oppression though, they're bringing into that word a whole matrix, a whole system of things that actually aren't oppression, right?
And then they'll say, we see the Bible talks about oppression. So see, we gotta focus on oppression.
In fact, Tim Keller did this. Tim Keller would reference verses on the rich withholding money back from the poor, their wages that they were owed by fraud.
And saying, see, we need to have fair wages. And it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're like, no, no, no.
You have to pay the wages you agreed upon. That's what the Bible said. It was very clear and very specific, easy to understand.
It didn't say anything about a living wage. It didn't say anything about minimum wage laws. Didn't say anything about any of that stuff, universal basic income, none of that stuff.
You added all that stuff. Stop casting spells, you wizard. And so here's an example.
I was just reading this randomly in my Bible this morning. This is about Nehemiah. Nehemiah is a great
Bible character. He cared about the law of God so much. In this section, the ESV version,
I'm gonna read it in the ESV. I prefer the King James these days, but I'll read it in the ESV. The ESV titles this,
Nehemiah Stops the Oppression of the Poor, okay? And so listen to what it says, okay?
Now there arose a great outcry of the people and of their wives against their Jewish brothers, for there were those who said, quote, with our sons and our daughters, we are many, so let us get grain that we may eat and keep alive.
There were others also who said, we are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards, and our houses to get grain because of the famine.
And there were those who said, we have borrowed money for the king's tax on our field and our vineyards. Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brothers, our children are as their children, yet we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but it is not in our power to help it, for other men have our fields and vineyards.
So there are poor people in Israel, right? There are poor people in Israel, and they're selling their selves into slavery to pay for what they need.
They're mortgaging their fields, they're taking loans and stuff like that, and Nehemiah gets angry.
Why does Nehemiah get angry? Because the thing is, it's not just that they're poor, right?
It's not just that they're in tough, they're in hard times or anything like that. There's a very specific reason why
Nehemiah is angry. Let's continue to read. He said, I was very angry when
I heard their outcries in these words. I took counsel with myself, and I brought charges against the nobles and the officials.
I said to them, you are exacting interest, each from his brother. And I held a great assembly against them and said to them, we as far as we are able have brought back our
Jewish brothers who have been sold to the nations, but you even sell your brothers that they may be sold to us.
They were silent and could not find a word to say. So I said, the thing you are doing is not good.
Ought you not to walk in the fear of our God to prevent the taunts of the nations of our enemies?
Nehemiah is not making up stuff that he is calling oppression, that's actually not oppression.
Nehemiah is looking at the rulers and he's saying, you are acting contrary to the law of God.
The law of God does not allow you to extract interest from the poor.
If the poor is looking for something to eat, you can't actually charge them interest in order for them to get something to eat.
And in fact, you can't sell your brother into slavery. And Nehemiah is saying, look guys, like you are doing something that the law of God definitively says you cannot do.
That's why he was upset. That's why he was angry. He was saying, you're not fearing God, you're doing other things.
And so you see, okay, so yes, God does care about the oppression of the poor, but he cares about it in a way that he makes very clear to us what that is.
He makes it very clear what that is. And so we have to stick with what the Bible says, what
God says justice is and what it is not. And we can't just put anything we want in there.
The book of Nehemiah does not say that God is angry with you because you agreed to a wage that was below the living wage standard.
That's not what the Bible says. That's not what the Bible says. The Bible doesn't say that you didn't fix the prices of labor high enough, and so I'm angry with you.
That's not what the scripture says. And so it's like, so we need to just get back to simplistic sort of basic understandings of what the
Bible says. The Bible does address every area of life, and it's all there, guys.
It's all there. Don't let anyone dazzle you with all kinds of nonsense. Don't let anyone get away with saying, you know, we gotta do what everybody else is doing.
If you could have seen these people's eyes, these unbelievers' eyes, there's just despair in their eyes about how the world has gone crazy, right?
The world has gone, I can't even see your face anymore because you're, they can see my face because I'm not wearing a mask.
I'm not wearing it in public or on my private property. I see people in my town wearing masks on their private property.
The other day, we were driving to my in -law's house to have dinner, and we saw a couple with a kid, two kids, and they're going for a walk, and they're coming out of their house, and they're wearing their masks as they come out of their house because they're gonna go on a walk, and you look on the street, and there's nobody on the street.
It's like, you're not gonna run into anybody yet they're not, they're not there. The kids are wearing masks.
That's insane, guys. That's insane, and it's driving many people to despair.
Now, I ask you pastors, I ask you churchmen, is it loving to continue to allow this insanity to rule your churches?
Look, if somebody wants to wear a mask, I don't think the Bible gives you the right to say that they cannot wear a mask.
I don't think that's the case. But these whole things where with this church, we wear a mask, otherwise you gotta leave, like that kind of stuff, that is not loving.
I can definitively say that it is not loving because the Scripture does not command it.
The Bible, God, does not give the church the authority to require such things, especially so when it's so obviously that it doesn't do anything to you.
It doesn't help you in any way. All it does is make you look like a slave to the spells that the
TV placed on you, essentially. And that's not what people need right now, man.
The people that I'm talking to, that girl that my wife knows needed to hear someone say, hey, if you're struggling, you can come to our house.
We have dinner, we don't wear masks, you know what I mean? We can go on walks, we can hang out like normal because we are normal, you know what
I mean? We're not sick and we can hang out. That couple that we saw walking in the streets, the one that's in such despair that they're getting out of Dodge for a little while just to kind of hopefully reset themselves, they're trying to reset.
It's not gonna work, by the way, because they're unbelievers. It's gonna be despair. The despair is gonna continue, guys.
We're gonna be sitting here next March and we're gonna be in the same situation. That's my prediction.
We're gonna be in COVID 2021, whatever it is. And it'll be a new wave.
It's gonna be the fourth wave of COVID. This one doesn't get infected by the vaccine. We're gonna be staying here in this fear, panicked population.
And my hope and my dream and my prayer is that as the world gets more and more insane, the church of God gets more and more committed to following God and being that beacon of hope, right?
You guys can come over our house anytime you want. I told you I spent my Biden bucks. Yeah, I did spend my
Biden bucks. I spent my Biden bucks and what we're doing is we're putting in like a patio in the back with a fire pit and stuff like that.
And we're intending to have get togethers this summer. We're gonna have people over our house. I don't care what the government says.
I don't care. We're gonna have people hanging out. We're gonna have fellowship. We're gonna have the church hanging out. All that stuff.
Unbelievers can come hang out with us as well because people need an oasis of sanity in these insane times.
God forbid that the church joins the pagans in their insane worldview any longer.
Just stop it. If you cannot unplug from the television spells, then just get rid of it.
Cut the cord if that's what it takes because sometimes that is what it takes. We don't have it in ourselves to be like,
I know this is affecting me negatively, but I'm just gonna keep doom scrolling. I'm just gonna keep flicking the channel to see what the next crisis
I'm gonna have to head toward. If you don't have the fortitude, not fortitude, but the, what's it called when you have, if you don't have the strength to not be affected by those television spells, right?
If you don't have that, a lot of us don't have that, then just cut the cord. Right now, physically cut the cord so that you can't have access to that television anymore.
If it's affecting you and you're buying into the same spells that all the pagans are buying into, the same despair spells that they're buying into, if you can't watch it and not be affected by it, then take a scissor right now and cut that cable cord and don't look back.
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. God bless.
God bless. God bless. God bless.