What is Sin? - For Kids - | GQKidz.org
Hey kids, do you know what Sin is? In this video, we answer that question!
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We hope you enjoy this fourth video in a new series made for kids! Adults will enjoy these videos as well and may use them for at-home teaching or Sunday school lessons.
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- What is sin? According to the
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- Bible, sin is anything that goes against what God says is right. Things like lying, disobeying our parents, treating other people poorly.
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- And here's the thing, everyone, except for Jesus, has sinned. Romans 3 .23
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- says, For everyone has sinned. We all say, think, or do wrong things.
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- Sin came into the world when the very first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve, disobeyed
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- God by eating fruit from the one tree God told them not to eat from. When God says something is wrong, we need to trust that He loves us and obey
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- Him. Sin separates us from God and causes real problems in our world.
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- Living by God's commands will help us to avoid those problems. But no matter how good we are, none of us are perfect.
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- Sin had to be dealt with by someone who is perfect. Which is why God sent His Son, Jesus, to live a perfect, sinless life and then die on the cross to pay the price for our sin.
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- Jesus took the punishment for our mistakes. If you believe in Jesus, when
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- God looks at you, He doesn't see your sin anymore. He sees the perfection of His Son.
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- Oh, hey there! For more great videos just like this, check out the
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- GQ Kids playlist on our YouTube channel. If you're looking for lots more kids resources, check out gqkids .org.