F4F | Jennifer LeClaire Pulls a Prophetic Emily Letila


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told by somebody that they are under satanic attack and then they later rescinded and said no no wait maybe that wasn't satanic attack or the judgment of God but in reality it was a fulfillment of prophecy yeah go ahead and hit the subscribe button below you're being manipulated
I think it's that like prophetic gaslighting is that the right way of putting anyway well who had case in point we're gonna be heading over to the
YouTube channel of well Jennifer Leclerc and we're gonna note that she's at one point was singing one tune and then claiming that the tune was about the same subject changed her tune let me explain and I'll kind of explain it this way
Jennifer Leclerc she put out a video early in August titled when the enemy attacks your house and she's talking about in this video the satanic attack that she has suffered as a result of the fact that the awakening house of prayer the building itself where it meets it started to crumble started to come down they end up condemning it in some place she couldn't even go in to get all of her ministry supplies and things like that and she considered this to be an enemy attack but later later she put out a video titled was our church collapsed the judgment of God and now she's claiming that the church collapse was an actual fulfillment of prophecy so she's changed her tune and we'll know who she's like in doing so so without any further ado here's
Jennifer Leclerc from earlier in August talk in an urgent word when the enemy attacks your house see if we can figure out what's going on here we go here with you senior leader at the awakening house of prayer founder of the ignite prophetic
Network I'm coming to you live today from Kansas City you know I had a dream several months ago and can't
I hop KC was in the dream and the Lord showed me very clearly that there was a key here for me for the awakening house of prayer and the movement that we've launched out of our home base in South Florida as many of you know we have the awakening house of prayer which is an equipping center a a center of a church healing rooms props we have awakening blaze and so there's a key here and I'm gonna pray at the end of this does a fire marshal know that you have an awakening ablaze broadcast for you to find your key your prayer keys but I want to share with you an urgent work
I can't even find my real keys you want me to find my prophecy prayer keys oh good night and that's not gonna happen as you're coming in today
I want to share with you an urgent word listen we are in a season a job one season now this word does not apply to everyone in the okay so job one yeah by the way if you're wondering what what is she talking about this job one season stuff let me duplicate this tab here job one well that's the opening portion of job and you know we learned that job was you know basically it was a very wealthy man and in job one verse six it says there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh Satan also came among them and Yahweh said to Satan from where have you come and Satan answered the
Lord and said well from going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down on it and Yahweh said to Satan have you considered my servant
Job that there is none like him on the earth a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil so then
Satan answered the Yahweh and said does Job fear God for no reason have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has on every side have you you have blessed the work of his hands and his possessions you've increased you know in the land but stretch out your hand and touch all that he has and he will curse you to your face and God basically said you're on yeah so so apparently a sheet we're in a job one season where God and Satan are having a duel at least in relation to Jennifer Leclerc she's clearly thinking she's in a job one season which means she believes she's under some kind of satanic attack at least that's how she's talking in this video higher body of Christ but it applies to many many many and as I'm here even at the retreat
I had shared this word and so many of the the men and women here have been just saying yes amen
I see that if you look in Joe so that's how you tell if a prophecy is true if other people go yeah yes amen oh see it's true okay chapter one the enemy comes before the
Lord Satan the accuser of the brethren comes before the Lord yeah and he's he's looking you know just to stir up trouble that's what the enemy always does he comes to steal kill and destroy yeah so the
Lord says to the accuser of the brethren have you considered my servant Job and he begins to brag on Job and Satan basically says well sure he's got it made you've created a hedge around him why would he ever defy you but if you will lift your hand from him and strike him he will curse you and the
Lord said look everything he has is in your power but just don't touch his body now if you continue reading on Job 1 you find this very real enemy strategy and one messenger came to Job saying this horrible thing has so this is like been elevated to a full -blown satanic strategy yes okay got it happened before the
Bible says before that messenger had finished speaking another messenger came and said this other horrible thing happened all your cattle has died before that messenger stopped speaking a third messenger came and said this horrible thing has happened all this tragedy has come so it's like pow pow pow before the
Bible says before that person that messenger stopped speaking another piece of bad news came all his children were killed by a whirlwind and many of you in this season are experiencing a
Job 1 attack where it's BAM BAM BAM BAM before one piece of bad news completely hits your ears another piece of bad news is coming at you
I'm saying it's an enemy onslaught I want to pray for you no no I'm gonna highlight that she says this is an enemy onslaught okay so we've got to we need to make this clear we're doing some foundation work here early part of August this is the devil himself and using a strategy you know this has been brought up to hold like demonic stratagem status here and this this strategy is being used against her as well as other people in Kansas City I'm so glad I live in North Dakota you know moment against that too
I want to give you a very real illustration though back home in South Florida we were coming to Kansas City this is my first prophetic intercessors retreat
I just returned from Africa no warfare in Africa I hit the ground here
I began to take four steps in my house just walking across my office and BAM my foot went numb my ankle popped and I've been limping around ever since now miraculously
I'm actually walking because my whole entire foot is black and blue it's a massive sprain and like each side of my foot and the top but God God is in the midst of the onslaught this did you slip did you fall
I have to ask I just have to ask because people just don't have their ankles pop and it'd be a sprain just for like no good reason did you hit your couch you know
I mean some details would be helpful here listen the enemy the Lord will not put more on you than you can bear but this is not the end of it a sickness began to come upon me yeah
I began to fight that off we go on an airplane listen to me we get on an airplane to from Atlanta to Kansas City what happens the engine begins to catch on fire and burns the
Delta place pilots they're lying to us we're circling about 200 feet above we can see the smoke we're not going what do you mean we're okay what flight number was this
I mean I thought usually like if a engine catches on fire that like makes the news you know
I I'm not saying it didn't happen I just saying I must have missed that you know Delta flight so -and -so catches fire you know then airplane crew lies to passengers you know
I'd like to see that you know the air for 10 minutes we land there's hazmat trucks there's fire trucks there's investigational units trying to figure out what went wrong
I can't wait to see that story we finally get to Kansas City late at night we get settled in wake up the next day to all this cursing from vendors who we aligned with to bring to us products that we were supposed to have for the people curse did you pay them
I'm just you know vendors are pretty happy people as long as you pay them you know I'm just saying slandering judging
BAM BAM BAM BAM are you getting the picture we begin to go down the road the rain oh yeah this is just like you know
Jobe losing his family all of his cattle you know his house this is exactly the same yeah
I expect her to break out in boils any second now and you know sit in an ash heap falling we end up almost slipping sideways the whole entire vehicle nearly turns over with the baby in the car
BAM BAM BAM BAM and in that moment we find out listen to me now that our church building back in there so so there's a bill
I mean seriously I mean this looks was there an earthquake what happened I mean this building is really coming down Wow okay awakening house of prayer the back wall has collapsed it has crumbled you can see into the building yeah all over the news in South Florida the building is being condemned the engineers are there now they will not let anybody in we have obviously tons of things in there we need that by the way that's awful
I mean yeah I wouldn't want that to happen to anybody but okay you're we're gonna note here that this according to her is a satanic stratagem it's it's part of the
BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM strategy that Satan apparently uses okay no place to meet on Friday no place to meet on Sunday scrambling around this is what you call how do you know it wasn't the judgment of God for your false prophecies and your false doctrine regarding the sneaky squid
I you know that that's in the realm of possibility as well I mean this could be a judgment of God strategy you're just saying a massive enemy attack many of you are going through attacks
I want to pray for you in just a moment over this onslaught I want to pray for you about these keys
I believe with all my heart that the enemy is coming rapid -fire it so many because you are so close to the key
I just see right now even key so let me see if I have this straight there are people who are close to grabbing a key a prophetic key and so Satan comes out
Gatling gun style as a result of this to gun them down BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM okay all right now we've kind of got that and worked out here so this is her saying that this is a satanic stratagem
I mean we yeah this is clearly the devil trying to keep you from grabbing a key a prophetic key of some kind so let's switch it up a little bit here later on the same
YouTube channel the the the statement was was our church collapse the judgment of God Chuck Pierce prophecy set the record straight so this is no longer a satanic attack it's a fulfillment of prophecy yeah let's let her explain hi
Jennifer LeClaire here what you're about to see is the fulfillment of prophecy in process you may have heard of the
Awakening House of Prayers facility partially collapsing there are many false prophets false apostles gleefully announcing this was the judgment of God against our ministry in reality it is the working out of a prophetic word about you said it was a satanic attack the future of Awakening House of Prayer and my personal ministry
I want to show you some news footage from the collapse and then we're gonna go straight in to the prophetic word that Chuck Pierce prophesied last
December it is so accurate it is so complete no Chuck Pierce is incapable of anything accurate because he never even says anything the man just throws it's like word vomit that's none of his stuff as actual prophecy lately it's like nothing
I've ever heard pinpoint accuracy and I can't wait to see what comes next listen in as we go through the footage she literally sounds excited
I mean before it was a satanic attack and now it's like oh it's an actual prophecy fulfillment from Chuck Pierce and get into the prophecy right now at five chaos and confusion and a mess left tonight what prompted a building to partially collapse all right see if you can actually diagram these sentences to figure out what he's talking about that you know she's all giddy because oh sorry this wasn't a satanic attack this was a fulfillment of this prophecy let's see if he can make sense of it loose and I'm gonna shake this house loose
I'm gonna shake the ceiling loose I'm gonna shake the walls loose and I'm gonna shake the way over okay shake shake shake okay so that's the fulfillment and by the way
I've been in the charismatic movement and when I was in the charismatic movement there was prophecies galore regarding shakings coming in fact shaking is one of our prophecy bingo words and there's a reason for that because Shaka Baba you know everyone's out there shaking all the time and God's gonna send a shaken and got so this is like standard boilerplate nonsensical prophetic nonsense got it what on earth have they put over Jennifer Leclerc what what is what is that is it looks like some kind of gold garment
I mean made out of some kind of weird is that copper mesh what is that made out of here's what
I heard the Lord say I'm gonna start back with the shaking and move forward okay the
Lord says this will be known as the house that shook this can
I point something out here is that it you know when you look at the news footage it doesn't look like the house that shook it looks like the house that crumbled yeah it's all they did was slowly collapse like a flan in a cupboard you know there's a big difference between crumbling and shaking you know it there was no earthquake associated with the crumbling of the awakening house of prayer you know and so this isn't a shaking house this was a crumbling house whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa so Chuck Pierce is saying the reason why the waking house of prayer fell apart is because the glory showed up you see now this isn't gonna yeah
I just got to point this out is that if Jennifer Leclerc is saying that this is an actual fulfillment of prophecy that the awakening house of prayer the building itself crumbled and he just said it was because of the glory of God now we have some zoning issues as it relates to you know facilities use for charismatic churches
I mean they need to dig they need to kind of retrofit these buildings so that they can handle the glory
I mean it's so in other words Jennifer Leclerc is actually responsible you know for bringing the glory into this building and the building was not properly retrofitted to handle the glory of God I you know
I'm just saying you know where what you saw in one season you will see in double portion this season the
Lord says I have gathered a people here like I gathered for David and I have brought them in and I have said now this people will start moving forward in a new way and the
Lord says I call this house as the house like I chose open eaters and with that I knew right there all of a sudden the
Lord said three months ahead three months ahead a new glory now but three months ahead you will see your entry in whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this this prophecy was given in December of 2017 the three months from December 2017 would put you in March February right um this is not a this is a false prophecy this is a time prophecy regarding a shaking not a crumbling and he and yeah it happened in what
August that the Awakening House of Prayer crumbled didn't shake it crumbled and in so he said it was gonna happen three months after that time he gave this prophecy and she's putting this out as a no this is a false prophecy the
Lord says this is the beginning the end of one journey and the beginning of a new journey this is a night of ending and beginning so in this month you actually have the authority to put your heel on the serpents head and say no longer stop me from advancing no longer will fear you are aware that not all serpents are venomous
I'm just you know saying again
I just have to ask what is this woman what is on her it yeah it looks like a copper mesh thingy and it has sits the oath on it that's the other thing that's that's crazy yeah it has like the tassels from a you know from a
Jewish prayer shawl hanging off of it but it looks like it look okay it looks like a
Faraday cage that you put on okay to be in a city and to have call to a harvest not only will
I give you the harvest but you'll settle councils in the land the
Lord says watch your opportunities it won't be just in developing the next place that I have for my glory it will be the councils that I give you for strategies of war for an end he's saying nothing he is this is totally empty words the councils that I give you for a prophetic gathering of people in days ahead it will be the council for worshippers that I give
I will even cause you to be brought in and shown the
Treasury of several places I say to you this place is a place that I am resting my glory now but it is also a place that I will start moving my glory from the
Lord says watch now that's that's probably explains what happened the glory was sitting right there in the awakening house of prayer and then you know as it's fulfilled as the prophecy could be
I mean you know clearly the spirit and the glory missed the whole three -month window opportunity you know was supposed to do there and then so in August the glory goes ah
I'm late and then rushes out of the building and and then down came the wall
I mean yeah kind of like that you know the white rabbit you know in Alice in Wonderland I'm late I'm late I'm late and then you know
I think that's what happened I think that that's a legitimate explanation The journey ahead for your journey changes tonight and you will journey with me and I say no war will stop you from establishing the next call of my glory say it to her let's give a shout yay what am
I shouting about okay so as you can see we have every reason in the world to be excited
I'll never forget when pastor Austin called me and he said she went from being under a satanic attack
BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM because Satan's trying to keep you from grabbing those prophetic keys to I'm so excited yeah the walls are shaking the desk is vibrating the roof feels like it's going to fall in we did not quite pick up on this as the initial fruit of the manifestation of the prophetic word we thought it was going to yeah it was late though he said that was going to happen within three months a spiritual shaking in a good way whatever can be shaken will be shaking it was a natural shaking was this the judgment of God against awakening us to prayer or was it the hand of God propelling us into our next stage of our destiny woah woah woah the hand of God you just said just a couple weeks ago that it was an attack of the devil and now it's turned into the hand of God did you apologize to God for saying that it was calling
God the devil I mean I can just kind of point this out she did a full blown prophetic
Emily Latilla and I think this is appropriate here oh well that's different never mind yeah that's different never mind
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins