F4F | Fred Price Has His Mt. Carmel Moment

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, I'm going to say this up front, that today we're going to be taking a look at the recently deceased
Word of Faith heretic, that's what he was, Fred Price, the so -called apostle
Fred Price. He was a false apostle. And I want to make something clear, and that is that in no way are we rejoicing or gloating over his death.
In fact, I find it quite tragic. I would prefer to be making a video right now that spoke of his repentance of his heresy and of the hope that we have of meeting him and seeing and rejoicing with him in the resurrection.
But because of the egregious nature of his heresies, I really do not believe that we will be seeing him in eternity, at least not with those who are saved.
And I'll be making that case today. But more importantly, I want you to know that I am not going to pull any punches, and I'm going to note that the details regarding Fred Price's death prove yet again that this is kind of, if you would, if you were to do an analogy, this is a
Mount Carmel moment for his theology. This would have been the perfect opportunity when he had
COVID to have really demonstrated the power that he had, you know, to decree and to declare and to walk in divine health and healing, using the power of his words and things like that.
Instead, COVID killed him. He did not choose to die, and we'll look at the details as to how this is being spun by Price's family.
And we're going to go back in time. We're going to go back in time and look at things that he's preached and taught in the past, in the present, you know, you kind of get the idea, and we're going to demonstrate that this man was a rank, rank heretic, money grubber, prosperity pimp,
I think is a good way to put it. And again, it's really tragic that he has gone into eternity impenitent.
And you'll see for yourself with the family, his son,
Fred Price Jr., who will give an account of what was happening to Fred Price in the hospital just a couple of weeks before he died, that the false theology, the word -of -faith heresy that they were hanging onto made them really incapable of rightly addressing what it is that was before them.
It's ultimately a very sad and tragic set of circumstances.
But let's use Fred Price's false teaching and his failed
Mount Carmel moment as, if you would, a cautionary tale, as a warning to the body of Christ that men like Fred Price, Kenneth Hagen, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, and other prosperity heretics who've risen through the ranks, including
Benny Hinn and others, that they are not our brothers and sisters in Christ, and they are not rightly teaching
God's word, nor did they. In fact, they taught a different Jesus, a different spirit, and in so many cases a completely different gospel.
We're going to demonstrate that today. We'll look at some soundbites, we'll look at some longer teachings of Fred Price.
This will be a little bit of a longer episode. My episodes are long as it is. But we wanted to make sure that we got as much in here so that this would be kind of a stand -alone segment that people can look to as a resource for what exactly was wrong with the theology of Fred Price, and by no means is this exhaustive.
There's so many soundbites and teachings that he gave that I left out, because otherwise we'd be here for the next eight hours.
That's how easy it is to find him twisting and manipulating God's word.
So let's do this. I'm going to whirl up the desktop, and we're going to start our look and examination at the false teachings of Fred Price by looking at what was reported in the
Religion News Service website at his passing – well, this is what was reported on February 13th of 2021.
Fred Casey Price, televangelist who built LA's Faith Dome, dies from COVID -19.
And this is how the story reads. We won't read all of it, but you'll get the idea. The Reverend Frederick Casey Fred Price, a prominent
Los Angeles pastor who built one of the largest church buildings in the country, has died at 89.
Quote, our husband, father, and your apostle – he was a false apostle, and you'll see that in a minute – he has gone to be with the
Lord this evening, the Price family said in a statement posted on social media, we accept his decision to go as he got a glimpse of glory a few weeks ago.
We are sad. Please allow us some time to process. He fought the good fight of faith and laid hold of eternal life.
So we're going to note here that the Price family is spinning this and saying that Fred Price made the decision to go, and the reality is, no, he did not.
The reason why they're saying it is because for years, Fred Price has made it very clear that he would go, that he would die on his terms in a way that he chose.
But the way he died ran completely contrary to that, but the family having to prop up his false teachings and find a way to explain his death in a way that was consistent with what he said about it, that it would be on his terms, had to spin the whole thing.
And we'll see that from Fred Price Jr. later in this installment. But what we're going to do right now, we're going to do a little bit of historical work, if you would.
Historical work. And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take us into a series of soundbites made by Fred Price throughout his teaching that kind of encapsulates, if you would, in very easy -to -recognize blasphemous statements, his false teaching.
And with this, we will note that the last two soundbites are going to deal specifically with what he taught regarding healing, and then we'll look at a longer video segment of his teaching on healing and walking in divine health, and you'll see the problem immediately.
But we're going to start here. We're going to start here. Soundbite number one, being a classic
Kenneth Hagan disciple, a disciple of Catherine Kuhlman, he taught that God cannot do anything in this earth realm without permission.
Apparently, God is totally bound, and it's up to us to give God permission to act in our earth.
Let's let Fred Price explain. God the Father cannot do anything in this earth realm without permission.
Now, again, I realize that that statement is very, as I say, from an evangelical point of view, which is, when
I say that, that just simply means taking in account the main major denominations that we're familiar with down through the years, that the evangelical church world.
That this statement that I'm making that God can't do is like me going out and committing adultery to them.
It's sinful to say that. It is. That's a complete denial of God's sovereignty, and clear passages of Scripture that make it clear
God's the one calling the shots here, not us. And so that's just the first to kind of get your toe in the water.
Next sound bite. So how did God, how did he find a way to get back to being able to operate in the earth realm?
Ah, well, he found the man of faith, Abraham, to do his bidding. Listen to this. Adam, as I said, gave it away to the serpent, to the devil.
As a result of it, he got his behind kicked out of the garden. He was out of Eden, out of the garden, and began to wander around.
And he has troubles from day one. Now, God was out of the business. God was out of the earth realm.
God had no more stock in this earth realm. No more. None at all. Nothing he could do. Nothing he could do.
Not a thing in the world he could do. The only way God could get back. Poor God. Totally powerless. Can't do a thing.
Into this earth realm. He had to have an invitation. He had to have an invitation. And so God looked around, saw different men, saw
Noah, saw a different one. He gave them a few instructions. They did what he said. So and so and so and so. But finally he got to a point where he had his plan ready for operation.
And he saw a man named Abraham. So God needed Abraham, man.
Because Abraham's the man of faith, and by faith he was able to give God permission to do things in the earth again.
Utter mythological blasphemy is what that is. Next, you'll note that prosperity preachers oftentimes preach about prosperity.
And did you know that Jesus was rich? Yeah, according to Apostle Fred Price.
Oh man, Jesus was loaded, man. Here's one of the examples of how he taught this doctrine.
Bible said that he had a treasurer, a treasury, they called it the bag, that they had one man who was the treasurer named
Judas Iscariot. And the rascal was stealing out of the bag for three and a half years, and nobody knew that he was stealing.
You know why? Because there was so much in it, he couldn't tell, nobody could tell that anything was missing. If he had three oranges in the bottom of the bag and he stole two of them, don't tell me, you wouldn't know that something was missing.
Yeah, so the way you know Jesus was rich is because, you know, Judas was the treasurer. So that's proof that Jesus was rich.
Well, then this then plays out in his theology, where you'll note that we're going to listen to Fred Price here bragging that he's following Jesus' example, and that's why he drove a
Rolls Royce. And we'll also hear in the soundbite him dismissing the critics who would criticize him for driving a
Rolls Royce. Listen in. The whole point is I'm trying to get you to see, to get you out of this malaise of thinking that Jesus and the disciples were poor, and then relating that to you thinking that you as a child of God have to follow
Jesus. The Bible says that he has left us an example that we should follow his steps. That's the reason why
I drive a Rolls Royce. So the scripture says that Jesus left us an example that we should follow in his steps.
And because he believed Jesus was rich, you know, why? Because somebody was in charge of the money bag.
Oh, well, that means I can drive a Rolls Royce. I'm following Jesus' steps.
You can talk about me all you want while I'm driving by in my Rolls Royce that's paid for and I got the pink slip on it.
Talk all you want, bad mouth all you want, don't hurt me in the least, don't bother me.
It's a whole lot easier to be persecuted when I'm riding in my car and I got the pink slip than it is when I'm riding in the car and owe my soul to the company store.
Yeah, so, you know, Jesus was rich. That's why I drive a Rolls Royce and don't you be complaining about me.
All right, next, Price is one of these fellows that taught that Jesus suffered in hell.
No, he did not. We'll take a look at a biblical text to explain this. But let's let
Fred Price explain. Satan was seated on his throne with a sickening grin on his face.
His lip twisted in grotesque triumph and all the imps of hell were dancing a jig.
No biblical text says any of this. And the word came, we got him now, we've defeated the plan of God.
And the devil was sitting there saying, I told you, if you follow me, I'd lead you to victory.
We got him now. And they wrapped their grimy hands and the chains of hell itself around Jesus.
And they consigned him to one of the cells in the Hades section of the underworld. No biblical text says this either.
And then Satan and his demon host went on a three day drunk. They thought they had it.
They had defeated and thwarted the plan of Almighty God. And Jesus sat there as it were, immobile, not saying a word, not doing anything except serving our sentence.
No biblical text says that. Now there is a biblical text and it is found in, let's see here, it was found in 1
Peter. Let me pull it up. 1 Peter chapter 3. And it talks about, if you know your
Apostles Creed, it says that Christ descended into hell. I think the old translations are a little better here, if you know the original languages, that he descended to the dead or to Sheol, probably a better way of understanding that.
But in 1 Peter chapter 3, it explains what was going on here. 1 Peter 3 .18,
let me make the Greek a little bit smaller. Oh, I'm going the wrong direction. There we go. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, so that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, made alive in the
Spirit, in which he went and he proclaimed kairouso, yeah, that's the same word for preach, to the spirits in prison.
So Christ's descent into Sheol, to the dead, after his crucifixion, was for the purpose of proclaiming his victory to those spirits in Hades who formerly disobeyed in the time of Noah.
That's what 1 Peter 3 says. So there is no biblical text that says Christ suffered in hell for our sins.
In fact, what did Christ say upon finishing his six hours of being on the cross?
He said, it is finished. He did not say, almost there.
No, not at all. So what Price teaches here is one of the major heresies of the
Word of Faith heresy, which makes their Jesus a totally different Jesus, and completely obliterates the actual biblical explanation of the
Atonement. Christ died for our sins. He was a once -for -all sacrifice for our sins.
He bled and died in our place as a substitution. But what this guy taught, yeah, absolute blasphemy.
Next up, have you ever prayed to God, not my will be done, but your will be done?
And, you know, the way Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane, you know, understanding that when we pray according to his will, he hears us.
Well, according to Fred Price, the false apostle, that's to make
God to be stupid or something. Listen in. When I first got saved, they didn't tell me I could do anything. They just, what they told me to do is that whenever I prayed,
I should always say the will of the Lord be done. Now, doesn't that sound humble? It does. Sounds like humility.
It's really stupidity. I mean, you know, well,
Jesus prayed that way. So why are you saying Jesus was stupid when he prayed that way?
You really, we insult God. I mean, we really do insult our heavenly father.
We do. We really insult him without even realizing it. If you have to say that, if it be thy will or thy will be done, if you have to say that, then you're calling
God a fool. Was that what Jesus was doing in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Not my will be done, but yours? Calling the father a fool? Wow. I mean, consider the blasphemous implications of this doctrine.
Next up, two sound bites in a row that are going to deal with his false teaching regarding divine health.
Price was a fellow who believed in guaranteed healing. He made a distinction between, you know, healing when sickness comes upon a person or walking in faith and not needing to be healed at all.
And so in his sermon titled, Is God Glorified in Sickness?
That's the name of the sermon. He asked the question, how can you glorify God if you're sick in your body?
And I want you to consider the absolute, abject cruelty—and
I mean this—cruelty, satanic, demonic cruelty of the words that he is saying.
And I would note then that maybe, just maybe, God allowed him to die the way he did by succumbing to COVID as a cautionary tale for all of us that we not listen to false word of faith, health and wealth teachers like Price.
Listen to these cruel words. How can you glorify God in your body when it doesn't function right?
How can you glorify God? How can he get glory when your body doesn't even work? And the
Bible says your body is the temple. He lives, the Holy Spirit lives in your body.
What makes you think the Holy Ghost wants to live inside of a body where he can't see out through the windows and he can't hear with the ears?
What makes you think the Holy Spirit wants to live inside of a physical body where the limbs and the organs and the cells do not function right?
You don't want to live in a house with a leaky roof. You don't want to live in a house where the toilets are running over on the floor. You don't want to live in a run -down, broken -down house where the electricity doesn't work and the wires are hanging out of the wall.
You get it fixed because you say this house can't function rightly unless everything is functioning as it was designed to function.
How do you think then that God can get the glory out of your body when your body is the temple where God lives and what makes you think he wants to live in a temple where he can't see out of the eyes and he can't walk with the feet and he can't move with the hands?
Because the only hands that he has in the earth realm are the hands that are in the body. The only eyes that he has that are in the earth realm are the eyes that are in the body.
If he can't see out of them, then God's going to be limited. He's not going to be helped. God can't be limited and God doesn't need our help.
But I would note this. Let's just turn this theology back around because Scripture talks about those who preach but do not practice.
Should we assume then that if Mr. Price was a
Christian that during his month -long stint in the
ICU that God the Holy Spirit said, I'm out of here. I got to get out of here.
I'm not going to stay in this man's body because he's in a coma and he's on a respirator.
I mean, consider the implications here. So are you suffering from some kind of a malady, a serious one?
Blindness in both your eyes, one of your eyes, one of your ears unable to hear? Are you having difficulty with a part of your body that's not functioning at all?
You should assume, based on what he just said, that God the Holy Spirit is absolutely frustrated with you and is about ready to leave your body.
You're no longer going to be a temple of the Holy Spirit because you're ill. This is sick.
It is absolutely demonic and cruel for him to speak in this way. I wonder if he thinks that Johnny Erickson Tada is our sister in Christ or what about Justin Peters?
Has the Holy Spirit left Justin Peters because Justin Peters is incapable of mobility without a lot of assistance?
What kind of cruelty is this? And then watch then here. Really, if you're sick, this next down bite,
Fred Price makes it clear that he kind of really strongly intimates, well, it's your own fault.
He's going to walk in healing. You can go ahead and die. Listen to this. You know, some people get upset when you teach them.
Well, I disagree with that. Hey, go ahead and die then. The Bible says, according to your faith, be it unto you.
Now, if I believe that and I stay here and die when I get ready to die and leave, hey, that's on me.
If you don't. Mm hmm. So, well, you know, be it unto you according to your faith.
Clearly, Apostle Fred Price didn't have enough faith to conquer
COVID. He died from it. Believe that and you just want to wait and let
Satan kill you off at thirty five or forty four or fifty two. Fine. Let's don't fall out about it.
Let's just stay in love in Jesus and you die and I'll just keep right on living. Amen. You don't have to get healed.
You can die of cancer. You can die of a stroke. You could die of COVID.
You can have TB. It's all right. Let's just stay in love in Jesus. You'd be sick and I'll be well.
Why argue about it? You don't believe it? Then stay sick. Why argue about it?
You don't believe it? Stay sick. He died. He was killed by COVID.
He didn't choose to end his life. His life was ended. And again, consider the absolute cruelty of this doctrine that basically takes people who are suffering in body and makes them out to be unlovable in the eyes of God, in heretics, in an error for being sick.
The best way I can put it is that it's this man's false doctrine and heresy that is sick.
It's a disease within the body of Christ. And the details of his death matter as proof that the false
Holy Spirit, the false Jesus that he and his family cried out to didn't answer him and he did not choose his own death.
His death was brought upon him. By God. Via COVID.
Best way I can put it. Now, all of that being said, we're going to come back here.
We're going to do a little bit more work on his teaching in context. I told you this is going to be a longer episode.
So we're going to go back to the year 1988 and a big conference. And you'll notice
Oral Roberts is there. And Oral Roberts, by the way, was another one of these big faith healer guys.
And I don't know if you know the history here, but you can find this information readily online.
I mean, the last time that Oral Roberts appeared on TBN, Paul Crouch supposedly healed him.
And within hours, within hours, he was in a hospital and then died. I think massive heart attack.
But Paul Crouch declared him to be healed and he died.
But we're going to listen to this message titled The Other Side of Signs and Wonders.
And we're going to note that he's going to give kind of the standard false narrative that entices people into the false signs and wonders movement of the charismatics and the
NAR and people like that. Although there was no NAR yet at this point. He calls their movement the
Charismatic Renewal. Fred Price was one of these guys who knew full well that before Azusa Street, yeah, no one claimed that there were prophets or apostles in their day, and nobody was speaking in tongues and all this kind of stuff.
And so the Charismatic Renewal was the restoration of these gifts that had disappeared for a long time.
So at least he was honest about that. He couldn't have been dishonest about it in his time.
But let's listen to a portion of this message. We're going to drop the play head at three different spots.
I want you to hear his teaching in context. About 35 years ago,
I had an encounter with Jesus Christ, and I was born again, first year of our marriage.
Very shortly thereafter, I had an experience where what to me at the time was an audible voice.
I realize now that it was. So he claimed to hear the audible voice of God, direct revelation.
Not audible to anybody else in the building because no one else heard it, but I heard it, and it was very real to me. And I heard this voice say that you are to preach my gospel.
You obviously didn't obey. For 17 years after that, I struggled in the
Christian life. I had my ups and downs, mostly downs and very seldom up.
It was a hard way to go. And I used to read the book of Acts, and it would stick in my crawl.
It bugged me. It bothered me. I was not seeing in manifestation in the ministry that I had and very few, if any, that I knew of at the time where these things were occurring, the signs, the wonders, the supernatural manifestations.
And I began to... Now, note here, all right? So this is a common way in which the charismatic movement hooks people.
You read the book of Acts, and clearly the apostles were operating in the signs of the apostles.
And the miraculous was, shall we say, a plenty and on display. Now, this does not mean that there cannot be miracles today.
I've seen God perform miracles, miraculously answer prayer in my time in ministry and in my time as a layman in the church long before I was a pastor.
I've seen God move in ways where you cannot deny that God is the one who answered those humble prayers and acted on somebody's behalf and rescued them from all kinds of circumstances, either financial or physical or whatever, in ways that can only be described as miraculous.
All right? But he's talking about something a little bit more than that. So his claim is that apart from the charismatic movement,
Christianity is utterly powerless in this. So why can't we... I go to a church where signs and wonders are a plenty, and they're the norm.
So that's how this works. So their claim is, oh, you're going to get all of that and more in the charismatic renewal.
I cry out to God. I knew that he had spoken to me. I knew that he had called me, but I was ready to give it up, forget it, because there was no power in it.
I was dissatisfied. My own life was a wreck, a shambles, a struggle. And somebody gave me
Kathryn Kuhlman's book, I Believe in Miracles. Now, a little bit of a note.
In the archives of Fighting for the Faith, the podcast, I've reviewed at least one, maybe two,
Kathryn Kuhlman messages, and man, this woman was creepy. But I want to point something out here, is back in the day when she was alive, there was a medical doctor who took on examining her claims regarding the miraculous, and they got published in a book, and then, in fact, in McCall's, in September of 1974, this doctor,
Nolan, he wrote in McCall's regarding all of this, and then he references his book.
And so listen to this quote. The claim that Kathryn Kuhlman operated in miracles?
Absolutely not true. So a thorough examination of 23 of her publicly reported healings by a medical doctor,
Healing a Doctor in Search of a Miracle, William A. Nolan, M .D., 1974.
I have that book, by the way. It showed zero true healings in the long run. These people examined were not those that merely thought they were healed, but actually were confirmed by Kuhlman's prophetic word.
One example is a woman who was said to have been cured of spinal cancer and threw away her brace and ran across the stage at Kuhlman's command at one of her healing shindigs.
And the best way I can put it is that Kuhlman kind of perfected the healing revivals that then
Benny Hinn followed in her footsteps and did the same thing. So this woman, she had spinal cancer, threw away her brace, ran across the stage at Kuhlman's command.
Her spine collapsed the next day, according to Nolan, and she died four months later.
This is in his book. And an interesting story that documents how Philip Yancey nearly lost faith because of a
Kuhlman event. Dr. Nolan was a Christian and said of Kuhlman, her lack of medical sophistication is a critical point.
I don't believe she is a liar or a charlatan or that she is consciously dishonest.
I think she believes the Holy Spirit works through her to perform miraculous cures. I think she sincerely believes that the thousands of sick people who come to her services and cures are through her ministrations being cured of organic diseases.
I also think, and my investigation confirms, that she is wrong. So there was a doctor who took 23 of Kathryn Kuhlman's publicly confirmed, prophetically approved and affirmed healings, and he did the research to confirm whether or not those were true healings or not, and not one of them turned out to be true.
Not one. And so you can get a copy on Amazon. It's a used book,
Healing a Doctor in Search of a Miracle, William Nolan, M .D., published in 1974.
So that tells you a little bit about Price, right? So he's read Kathryn Kuhlman and, well, he just took her at face value, thought that for sure this is a woman of God.
Well, no, she wasn't. She was also an adulteress, an impenitent one at that.
But let's continue. Then I read another book, God Can Do It Again. Again by Kathryn Kuhlman.
I knew that there was a reality. I knew that what the Bible said was alive today.
Well, to make a long story short, I found out that what I needed was the power of the Holy Spirit. So in 1970,
I was filled with the Spirit. Mm, there is no such thing as a penitent, baptized believer in Jesus Christ who doesn't have the
Holy Spirit. So one of the false teachings of the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements is that there is a second baptism of the
Holy Spirit, as evidenced by speaking in tongues. Absolutely not taught in Scripture.
Ephesians 4 is clear. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one
God and Father of all. Period. If you are a penitent, baptized believer in Jesus Christ, you got the
Holy Spirit, and you don't need a second baptism. There is no second baptism.
Shortly thereafter, someone gave me some books by a man named Kenneth Hagin. All right, so let's do a little work here.
Here's some examples of Kenneth Hagin in action, if you would. Let's see here.
Different, but, you know, I didn't intend to go this way.
Totally began with, I had a good son. Thoroughly scripted. But the
Holy Ghost got a hold of him. Now remember, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control.
Watch this. Amen. I learned a long time ago to follow him.
Amen. All right, we'll see what we can do here. Okay. Yeah, the serpentine tongue gesture thing.
Creepy beyond all reason. Demonic. Okay. Okay.
Now he's going to work the crowd. And so I'm going to fast forward to where he's going to work the crowd now.
See if this is the Holy Spirit at work here. Note that near the end of his life,
Hagin claimed that he went without having a headache for like, what, 35, 37 years?
And shortly after he made that statement, he died of a massive heart attack. Okay. Yeah, that isn't creepy beyond all reason.
And if you watch the rest of this video, you'll see a younger
Kenneth Copeland in the crowd. Yeah, I'm trying to see if I can find
Ken Copeland real quick, because he's prominently featured in this video.
In fact, I thought I saw him. Hold on, let's see here. Let's see. No, that ain't him. But you can find this over at Phil Johnson's YouTube channel.
We'll put a link to it down below, but that ain't God the Holy Spirit. So Price is a disciple of this wingnut, this wackerdoodle.
All right. And I read those books, The Authority of the Believer, Right and Wrong Thinking, What Faith Is, and several other books, and it forever transformed my life.
Oh, by the way, Ken Copeland on his Facebook, I think two days before Price died of COVID.
Copeland said that COVID can't kill him. That's what he said.
That didn't work out. I received the power in the Spirit of God, but I didn't know how to harness that power to my life.
And over the years, I've seen how there have been many that have been filled with the Spirit, truly filled with the
Spirit, the power of God in their life, and yet that power not really transforming and changing their lives.
And the Spirit of God gave me an illustration somewhat like an automobile. You can have a chassis, you can have an engine, and you can have one of the most powerful engines in the world that perhaps could turn that car down the highway at 200, 300 miles an hour.
But if you don't have a gearbox and a drive train to transfer the power of that engine to the wheel of that car or wheels of the car, it'll go nowhere.
So you can have the power. You can speak with tongues. You can be full of the
Spirit of God and still be beating your wife, beating your children, bound by everything you can think of.
So note, it was God the Holy Spirit directly revealed to him the drive train metaphor. Until you learn how to harness that power to the wheels of your life.
Now what I want to deal with, and as I've been sitting in the meetings... All right, so there's where we're going to pause and we're going to just fast forward just a little bit to the 12 minute 48 second mark, because he's going off on a tangent at this point.
But let's continue. There is a place in God where we can rise above the circumstances.
All right, so this is where he starts a major point in this lecture, that there is a place in God where we can rise above the circumstances.
And as you see, he's going to define this then as more than just operating with a healing gift from the
Holy Spirit when disease shows up, but actually living in divine health so you don't need to be healed.
Now I'm well persuaded that very few people seem to understand it, because if they did understand, there wouldn't be so much criticism about it.
And I'm really a little bit up to my fullness on big mouth people who don't know anything about it constantly criticizing with their loose lips.
And loose lips sink ships. There is a place in God.
Give you an illustration of what I'm talking about. When I first came into quote unquote Pentecost and found out about the power of God, I found out that the book of Acts was alive today, that it would work now, that the power of God could be in manifestation.
And I found out about divine healing at the same time. I found out that it was God's will for me to be well. I found out that I could walk in divine healing, that I could be healed of my diseases.
And so I'd always been sick with something. So this was great for me to find out I could be healed.
And so I waited for Satan to put upon me some kind of a sickness or disease so I could take my newfound power and knock it in the head in the name of Jesus.
And man, I was just walking around waiting for the enemy to attack me with something so that I could pull out my sword of divine healing and whack away at the enemy.
I thought I had arrived. I thought that I was in nirvana. I thought I had come up to heaven itself.
I was ready, man. I was armed with divine healing. And everywhere I went, I was looking for sickness and disease to attack me so that I could take my faith and use that healing to destroy it in the name of Jesus.
And of course, I did. Until one day I heard a man say that he had never had a headache in 37 years.
I said, what? What was that? He said he never had a headache in 37 years.
And I began to listen. And suddenly the spirit of God gave me a revelation. He got a revelation directly from the spirit of God, apart from the word.
I found out that God's best is not divine healing.
Divine health is God's best where you don't need to be healed.
He says to a room full of old people. And none of them sitting there going, wait a second.
Not only does the Bible not say this. How many people there do you think have some kind of medical issues?
Now, thank God for divine healing. And it's divine healing that can bring you to divine health.
But so many of us in this charismatic renewal. See, he was honest enough to recognize it was all this stuff was missing.
From the church for two millennia. We're still waiting for all of the problems and all of the attacks of the enemy to come upon us so that we can stand against them.
And it doesn't appear to me that anybody seems to have enough biblical sense to wake up and say, why walk in that garbage all the time?
Why not rise up and live above the circumstances? Notice like we're in control.
It's up to us to rise above our circumstances. And if you're sick, it's your fault, man.
Every day of your life. And then when you start talking about it, people start looking at you weird and strange because they don't understand.
Yeah, that ain't the reason. It's because you're teaching false doctrine here.
Runs contrary to scripture and even runs contrary to our experience as believers for two millennia.
All right, let me fast forward just a little bit more in this message. And let's let him spin some more of this theology out.
Faith is present tense. All right, so this is one of his big things. Faith is present tense.
And he's quoting from Hebrews, faith is being certain of what we hope for, you know, all that kind of stuff.
So he's noting that the present tense, but he's totally misapplying Hebrews 11 .1
here. If it's not present tense, it's not faith. Whenever you say, I know God is going to do something, you're not in faith.
You're not operating in faith. And that's why things don't work. And we don't even realize it. So whatever you say, don't say
God is going to do something because you're not acting in faith. See, when you say God is going to do something, you're saying he hasn't done it.
And he said he did it. You said he didn't. God cannot side in with you because you're not siding in with God.
When you say, I know the Lord is going to, then that means he hasn't done it. And he said he did.
He said with Jesus Christ, you were. It didn't say with Jesus Christ, you will be. It says with Jesus Christ, you were healed.
All right, so classic argument. With Jesus' stripes, you were healed.
Now, real quick, I'm going to grab something over here, and we'll just do a
Google search. With Jesus' stripes, we are healed or were healed.
So this is, that's a misquote. Hang on a second. I've got to find the text in Scripture.
We, I want to go to we were healed. Hang on a second here. Were healed.
All right, by his stripes, we were, we are healed. All right, let's see here.
And this is from 1 Peter 2 .24. All right, 1
Peter 2 .24. And let's go back then here in 1
Peter and 2 .24. All right, so here's what it says.
We'll put some context into it. Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and the gentle, but also to the unjust, for this is a gracious thing.
When mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. For what credit is it if when you sin, you are beaten for it and you endure?
But if when you do good and suffer for it, you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
Notice the call for us to endure suffering. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example so that you might follow in his steps.
Now, keep that in mind, leaving you an example that you might follow in his steps. Remember what he said about his
Rolls Royce? He says, it says in Scripture that Christ left us an example that we might follow in his steps.
That's the reason why I have a Rolls Royce. I'll play the quote again. Let me do that, because now you know where it comes from.
So we are going to head back over here, and let me get the Rolls Royce soundbite, and listen to what he says.
The whole point is I'm trying to get you to see, to get you out of this malaise of thinking that Jesus and the disciples were poor, and then relating that to you thinking that you as a child of God have to follow
Jesus. The Bible says that he has left us an example that we should follow his steps. Yes, that's right.
But listen to where he goes. That's the reason why I drive a Rolls Royce. So yes, it's true.
First Peter chapter 2, verse 21 says that Jesus has left us an example so that we might follow in his steps.
He then says, that's why I drive a Rolls Royce. But Peter says that Christ, his suffering, he left that as an example for us to follow in his steps.
What does this tell you about how well Fred Price handled
God's words? Let me read it again. It says, for what credit is it if when you sin and you are beaten for it and then you endure?
But if when you do good and you suffer for it and you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example so that you might follow in his steps.
He committed no sin, neither was the deceit found in his mouth. And when he was reviled, he did not revile in return.
And when he suffered, he did not threaten, but he continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.
And then he quotes Isaiah, by his wounds you have been healed. And you're going to note here what they're talking about healing here.
Oh, that means that we're healed in our body. This is talking about being healed from the sickness of sin.
That's what we're talking about. Now, I'm going to make this clear. God wills for all Christians to be perfectly healthy.
It's absolutely true. In the resurrection, then and only then will we experience perfect health in a new, glorified, resurrected body that we will have.
In this life, we are told by Peter to follow in the footsteps of Christ and follow his example and in his footsteps in suffering.
And so, quoting, by his wounds you have been healed. You have been healed. It's past tense. You have been healed.
So, you've got to act in faith and believe these words. You have been healed. It's not talking about physical healing.
And so, you'll note there, for you were straying like sheep, but you have now returned to the shepherd, the overseer of your souls. Talking about healed from sin sickness.
That's the issue here. So, Fred Price, oh boy, he's quite the
Bible twister, isn't he? So, let me come back to his point here that he's making.
You were, ye are, if ye are, ye is, and now faith is. Master twister of God's Word.
And you'll never receive it for yourself on your own faith until you realize that I've got to get it in the now.
I can't say, well, I know the Lord is going to heal me. You'll die making that confession, friend, because that's future tense.
And faith is present tense, all right? It says faith is the substance of things hoped for.
Certainty of things not seen. So, that means then that hope doesn't have any substance to, well,
I'm just a hoping and a praying, yeah, you're going to die. Quoting him here on purpose, because he just died.
He just died, and he was killed by COVID, killed. Hope won't do you any good by itself until you join faith with it.
Hope is a goal setter. Hope sets the goal. If all you have is hope, then all it will allow you to do is to smile while the ship is sinking.
But if you put faith to it, you'll keep the ship afloat. That's the difference. And all of this is just mythological lie, false teaching.
Big difference. All right, faith is the substance. What is substance? Substance is tangibility.
Substance is materiality. Substance, in other words, is that which your senses can contact.
It's something that can be seen, smelled, heard, tasted, touched. Substance.
So, hope doesn't have any substance. If you're hoping that God is going to heal you, and that's all you have going for you, you better find you a good doctor, because you're headed for the graveyard.
And now, that's where Fred Price is. Clearly, he didn't have faith, right?
Mm -hmm. He preaches, but he doesn't practice. He'd be dead now. All right, there's more to it.
Let's take a look at another of his teachings. This is from receiving the inheritance, and him kind of bragging on about how, you know, that because Christ has made the
Lord over all things, that that means we can be rich now. And the inheritance is not something in the future.
No, no, no, no, no, no. The inheritance is something that we can have now.
The problem is, is a dispensational problem. Most everybody is relegating everything to the future, where I see it as being now.
That's the big difference. Yeah, so he wants it now, man. And I know
I'm the one right. When I say I am, everybody else that thinks like this is right.
I'll give you something else to write about. Well, there he goes again, bragging again. You're right. Call it what you want.
That's what you—beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if that's what you think it is. Nothing I can say can change that.
But now let me show you why I say I'm right. And it's not because it's me. It's because it's what the Word says. I'll ask you a question.
It says that God has appointed Jesus heir of how many things? Now, I ask you—
God has appointed Jesus heir of all things. So watch what he does with this text. I mean, just rips it out of context.
He was the master of the pop bead approach to stringing together a false doctrine.
Little bit of a sentence here. Little bit of a sentence over there. Out of context. Stick them together and weave a false narrative around them.
And that's how he taught. All right? The teacher to teach me the student. And I ask you the question, is gold a thing?
Is money a thing? Is houses—are houses a thing? Or things—are automobiles things?
Well, then you tell me this. What are you going to use a car for in heaven?
Notice he's not exegeting a text at all. This is just him taking a sentence out of context, ignoring what it says in context, and then him weaving his own logic around it, you know, kind of like the way a serpent would.
What are you going to spend money on in heaven? Well, I guess that makes sense.
No, it doesn't. All right, I'm going to do a quick search on something here. God has appointed
Jesus heir of all things.
Because you'll note, he didn't tell us where that was. Let's see here. He appointed heir of—okay, let's see here.
So Hebrews 1. Let's take a look at the text. Because you'll note, he's not having people turn there. He's just quoting it out of context.
So we go to Hebrews 1, and I think that's where this is. Yeah, there we go. All right, so here's the text in context.
Again, three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, context. So here's the question.
Before I start reading, if Fred Price, the false apostle, was right that because Christ has been appointed the heir of all things, and gold is a thing, that that means we can have the inheritance now.
Then this text will actually be really focusing on that. It's going to drive our thoughts and our meditations and our understanding of our promises that we have in Christ in that direction.
Let's see how that works out. Long ago, at many times and in many ways,
God spoke—past tense—to our fathers by the prophets. But in these last days, he has spoken to us by his
Son, whom he has appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.
He is the radiance of the glory of God, the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.
After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
For to which of the angels did God ever say, You are my son, today I have begotten you? Or again, I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son.
And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, Let all God's angels worship him.
Of the angels, he says, he makes his angels winds and his ministers a flame of fire. But of the
Son, he says, your throne, O God, is forever and ever. And the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom.
You have loved righteousness, and you have hated wickedness. Therefore, God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions.
Nothing here about saying, therefore, because Jesus has been appointed the heir of all things, that means that we can have gold,
Rolls Royces, mansions, and things like that in the here and the now. Nothing like that at all in this text.
Nothing, nothing, nothing. He's flat out twisting God's word out of context for the purpose of, well, let's just say, making himself rich.
But let's see here. I, where was I? There we go. No, no, no, that's not the one.
Okay, that's the other side. All right, so here's where we are. Let's keep going. I suppose you're going to take your house and your lands to heaven.
Which has nothing to do with Hebrews 1 at all. The man already has mansions up there. He doesn't want your little
Mickey Mouse pup tent. Now, there's the very bottom line proof of all is this.
If it's not for us now, and the Bible doesn't mean that we're going to inherit anything now in this life that's material.
Where's his emphasis? This man is exploiting people with false words in his greed.
That's straight from scripture. That's what this man's doing. Then we have the greatest miracle, the greatest ongoing, continuous running miracle that has ever been seen on the face of planet
Earth. Yay, even in this universe. And you know what that is? We have, well, at least
I have, and I know there are others, but I just use myself so you can have something else to write about. We have the greatest miracle going on because I have persuaded the devil to bless me materially in the name of Jesus.
The devil is blessing me and Jesus is getting all the glory and all the credit. See, that's proof that, you know, because he's getting, he's been blessed by the devil.
That doesn't make any sense. So that proves that the inheritance is now. The recognition for it.
That's the greatest miracle. No, the greatest miracle is Christ's resurrection from the grave. Just saying.
All right. Last, just one more minute of this particular message. He has appointed Jesus heir. You have to know the reality of the name of Jesus.
He has appointed him heir of all. Now he's, no, no, he's got an open Bible. Apparently he's exegeting.
Hebrews 1 verse 2, but he's not. I'm Christ. I'm a part of the body of Christ.
So I'm an heir. Now, maybe God doesn't know what he's doing. Maybe he's given a part of the inheritance in this life and he doesn't know he's not supposed to do that.
He doesn't know he's not supposed to give any of the inheritance until either I get to heaven. Notice he's not exegeting the text, not telling us what it really says.
Just trying to make it look so biblical that, oh, of course, because Jesus is the heir of the all things, that means we can have the inheritance now.
Or the millennium come, or the ages of the ages after the great white throne judgment. Maybe God's lost his marbles.
Maybe he's gone senile and he doesn't know that. So he's blessing now in this dispensation when he's not supposed to do it.
Yeah, but again, that's not exegeting a text. Now, I seem to recall something here. Let me see.
I'm doing this from memory. So I, wait, I'm getting a down. No, I'm not getting a down. No, I'm not.
In Matthew chapter 25, in the account of the sheep and the goats, let's see here.
I went too far. Hang on. Let's see. Then he will say to those on his left. All right. So I just want to point out what
Jesus says to the sheep. All right. So, glorious one, a sheep, and then the king will say to the blessed, and ah, here it is.
All right. So day of judgment. All right. So let's do this in context. All right. So when the son of man comes in his glory, 2531, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.
Last day, if you would. Last day of this earth. First day of the new one. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he'll separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on his left. The judgment's already taken place, by the way.
Yeah, you're separated by what you are. So then the king will say to those on his right, and watch the words.
Come you who are blessed by my father, inherit. Uh -oh,
Jesus gives the inheritance when? On the last day of this earth.
Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. So I have proof here from the scriptures that we receive the inheritance.
Not now. Uh -uh. In fact, the Holy Spirit is the down payment, the deposit guaranteeing the inheritance.
The inheritance is given by Christ on the last day. Just saying. Now, all of that being said, this next part is really heartbreaking, and I do mean that, is that we're going to watch the son of Fred Price, Fred Price Jr.,
from an online service. He is going to be discussing the details regarding his father.
And under no circumstances am I trying to make light of the suffering that he's going through.
Losing your father is never an easy thing, and I am sorry for their loss.
I truly am. That being said, the greater tragedy is that Fred Price Sr.,
the apostle, so -called apostle, has not rightly taught his own family the truth of Scripture.
He has fed them false theology and false doctrine. And as a result of it, in the great time of need that they had,
Fred Price Jr. is following the false practices and false theology of his father, and it comes through in spades.
And this is the nugget, then, of the lie that's being told by the
Price family, that Fred Price chose, it was his decision to die.
And so I want you to hear the details. I will be as respectful as humanly possible, because I think it's absolutely tragic that this man has been so deceived by his father's false teaching.
And he's obviously the inheritor of Fred Price's so -called kingdom, if you would, here on Earth.
But let's listen in. And we know part of the work of the ministry, primarily, initially, which leads to the saints being equipped, is the spreading of the message of our living
Savior going forth into a dying world. And I thank you that as we give this day, according...
So this is the tail end of his prayer for the tithing and offering portion of their service.
What we have, as we purpose in our heart, doing so cheerfully, happily, hilariously, we will reap the corresponding manifold return on our giving.
Yeah, so he's a plant -your -seed -in -the -ground kind of guy, false teaching.
In the name of the Lord Jesus, amen. Amen, amen.
So before we get into communion, I'd like to give an update on Dad.
Now, the date on this, this is a couple of weeks prior to Fred Price's death. So this is, you know, like the third or fourth week of January.
So this is a few weeks before his death. I'm going to share a little bit more information with you today.
These are some things that I haven't shared from this platform, so basically not publicly, and not too many people know.
But I want to give you an idea as to what kind of fight we're in.
No, no, let me say it like this. I want to give you an idea as to the kind of fight we're winning.
So no, he had to correct himself, because his father taught him to use the word of faith.
And so he has to declare with his mouth that they are winning the battle against their father's
COVID symptoms, with their mouth. The kind of fight we're winning.
In regard to Apostle, thank you for continuing... There are no Apostles on Earth today. ...to stand in faith for Dad's healing.
We don't give up. So they're standing in faith for his healing. Rather than calling out to God humbly and saying,
Thy will be done. Can't do that, can they? Don't give up until we reach the end.
His complete healing. So they're standing in faith for his complete healing.
How'd that work out? This theology destroys people.
It is cruel. It is unbiblical. It is demonic. Rather than humbly praying,
Lord, if it be your will, please heal him according to your will. And leaving and trusting that, you know, because Christians have been dying for two millennia.
Trusting in the real hope we have, the inheritance that Christ is going to give in the world to come when we are resurrected from the dead.
They fight these obvious losing battles, thinking that they're somehow standing up to the devil, because in their theology, sicknesses only arrive as a test, as an attack of the devil.
My mom, sisters, and I have agreed that it is time to give you that little bit of insight into what
Dad and we have endured for over a month. The enemy thinks he has apostle right where he wants him, but as intelligent, intellectually as our adversary is spiritually, he's an idiot.
And so, he doesn't get the last word. God has the final say.
Now, January 5th, two days after Dad's birthday,
I believe. Angie will let me know if that date is off. But January 5th, Dad went into the hospital.
He and Mom had COVID. They contracted COVID. Mom's symptoms were mild.
And, of course, she's COVID free. Dad's COVID free also, but COVID did a number on his shell, on his vessel, on his body.
Now, note, he had to go into the hospital because COVID really messed him up.
The entire time prior to him going into the hospital that he had COVID, I'm sure he was practicing what he preaches, declaring, speaking the word of faith, and not saying that God's going to heal me, but saying, by his stripes,
I were healed. And all that kind of stuff didn't work out, did it?
No, not at all. He ended up going to the hospital. This is a Mount Carmel moment. And this objectively proves that his doctrine regarding healing and his blasphemous doctrines regarding wealth are false, because they failed to work.
Period. And about with pneumonia, his lungs were attacked, just a number of things.
About two weeks ago, Tuesday night, really, it was Wednesday morning. It was
Wednesday morning, 2 .37 a .m. My phone is ringing. I see my sister's name,
Angie. My first thought is, okay, she doesn't normally call me after two o 'clock, or one o 'clock in the morning.
This is probably about dad. So I prepared myself, answered the phone.
She was calm, but she said, we should get to the hospital. And the reason why we needed to get to the hospital, in the natural, according to the doctors, it was to say goodbye to dad.
In the natural. So, you know, note that the word of faith heresy really teaches you to deny reality.
So we all go. I got there first. I was able to go into the room. And I hadn't seen my dad, mind you, in almost a month.
It hurt my heart to see him laying there on the bed. But I was grateful to see him laying there in the hospital bed.
I went and I laid hands on him. I spoke the word of God over him. You spoke the word of God over him, rather than humbly praying for him.
And that was that, mind you. We'd already prayed, we'd already petitioned God, so we were in a position of simply standing, having done all, believing that we had received what we prayed for.
Come to find out, dad, his heart stopped three times.
He had no pulse. So he coded three times. And this then becomes the nugget for what's written in this article as to the explanation.
Because remember, Fred Price is famously quoted as saying that he's going to die on his terms.
And so they have to go along with that narrative. And so here's again the quote from the family after Fred Price's death.
Our husband, father, and your apostle. No, he's not my apostle. He ain't nobody's apostle. He has gone to be with the
Lord this evening. The Price family said in a statement posted on social media, quote, we accept his,
Apostle Price's, decision to go as he got a glimpse of glory a few weeks ago.
So clearly, that was his decision to die because he had a glimpse of glory.
That's this portion of this narrative that you're hearing here is where they get this from.
Basically, he was gone about five to ten minutes. Two of those times, two of those three times, we know for sure that he was gone.
He was not here. He died for about five to ten minutes.
And the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. There is no in between. So for five to ten minutes, he was not in his body.
And he was present with the Lord. That's what the Bible teaches. No limbo.
There's no purgatory. There's no waiting room. So you're either here or you're there if you're a believer in Christ.
Now, we didn't know this until later. We didn't know these details. But we did know that his pulse, he had no pulse and that his heart stopped.
We didn't know it was three times. And we didn't know that two of those three times, for sure, it was five to ten minutes.
Anyway, that was a very difficult Wednesday. That was the 27th. I got all my crying out that day.
Cried numerous times throughout the day. Note here. He's not having conversations with his father.
Those of you who know folks who've ended up in the ICU with COVID, if they're put on a respirator, they are put under a coma.
So they're not talking. They're not communicating. So note, he's not having communication with his dad.
He's just looking at his dad on ICU life support, which is a horrible thing to have to see, you know, your father enduring.
And I recognize that. But this, you know, everything he's saying is just, well, he coded, so that means he was with Jesus, he got a glimpse of glory.
So it was his decision to go. That's how that all worked out. It was of defeat, but that's my father.
Cheryl and Angie were surprisingly strong. They had some tears. Angie's a big crybaby, but she's been a big girl throughout this entire ordeal.
Steph and I probably have cried the most. But even in that, it hasn't been too much.
As a matter of fact, past Wednesday, the 27th, I don't think any of us have cried anymore because we have experienced, literally.
You know, you hear me pray this every Sunday morning. You hear me pray it every Tuesday morning, talking about that Philippians 4, 6 piece.
I kid you not. We are resting in that piece. When the Bible says it surpasses all understanding,
I cannot put into words. Because when you hear that your father... Once again, the natural report.
You know, the Bible says, whose report will you believe? So the natural report. The doctors say, he's really bad, he's going to die.
Oh, that's just the natural report. You're supposed to reject that. You're going to hear man's report, and you've got to make a decision.
I'm going to dwell and meditate on man's report, or I'm going to put man's report to the side. Not be in denial of it, but not be moved by it.
Mm -hmm, yeah, uh -huh. Be moved by the report of the Lord. And so hearing that, the tears come.
If your father is as awesome as a father as our father has been, as awesome as a husband to our mother as he has been, as awesome as a grandfather and uncle, et cetera.
You don't want to hear those kinds of things. But it did not cause us to waver or stagger.
Doubt did not set in uncertainty. Yeah, so valiantly. This reminds me of Jan Crouch.
I mean, cancer was eating that lady alive. And in one of her last interviews with Larry King, I mean, she looked horrible.
And she, you know, just days before her death, refused to speak the words that she had cancer and that she was dying.
Utterly tragic. Uncertainty did not set in. Thoughts came. Thoughts that did not line up with the
Word of God. I never allowed those things to come out of my mouth. My siblings have not allowed those things to come out of their mouths.
The Bible says we... Can't speak a negative confession, man. You'll kill Dad if you do that. What bondage this false teaching is.
Those thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ. If the thought doesn't line up with the Word, it doesn't come out of our mouths.
Yeah, so they couldn't say, Dad is dying. They couldn't say those words. Utterly tragic.
This is a cruel doctrine. Cruel that he taught this to his kids. Cruel that in their time when they needed to come to grips with the fact that he was dying, they had to continue to put the doctor's report aside and stand in faith for his total victory.
We only speak life, no death. My mother, like I said, Superwoman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Iron Woman, and any other super heroine that you can think of, that's what she has been.
That's who she has been. She is truly a rock. She's been with the man 67 years, and her composure, her demeanor has brought us so much strength.
So that was Wednesday. They did compressions, and we decided we didn't want that to be the case anymore, so it continued with the meds.
Bottom line, bottom line, they said. Notice who's in charge now of making decisions for him. They are.
He's incapacitated. He's incapable of giving assent to his own medical treatment.
The family's making the decisions for him. We're making him comfortable. Now, that was two weeks ago, and we're still in the fight.
As a matter of fact, we're going to finish the fight. So he was gone for five to 10 minutes.
Now, you all know how my mind works. I did a little math, and of course, the math is not exact, because when
Peter made this statement in 2 Peter 3, verse 8, he said, a day with the Lord is as a thousand years.
He didn't say that it was a thousand years. So watch, now he's just extrapolating here, trying to figure out some kind of narrative to explain things.
He did not say a 24 -hour day in the earth realm is equivalent exactly to 1 ,000 years with the
Lord. He said, is as. And the reason why he said, is as, he used a comparison, a simile, like or as.
He said, it's like 1 ,000 years, which means it could be like more than 1 ,000 years, because the
Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3, time and seasons are under heaven. There is no time.
There is no season in heaven. God sits on time. He walks on seasons. So Peter was saying, you can't measure time in heaven like you measure time here.
So by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he said, it's as if you found yourself spending a day with the
Lord in his house. No, that's not what that text is about. That text is not about then, how many years are we with Jesus if we have an out -of -body experience?
Uh -uh, totally misappropriating that text. A day with him is like 1 ,000 years.
And so using that is as motto, dad being gone five to 10 minutes on two separate occasions, we don't even know how long he was gone the third time, but on two separate occasions, it's as if he was with the
Lord four to eight years. Not an exact four to eight years, but as if, it's like, it's as he was there that long.
And only God, and he knows what he saw and what he experienced, but he came back to his body.
So what I take from that is, dad is saying, my course isn't finished.
What I take from that is, God told dad, your course isn't finished.
To get a glimpse of glory, Paul got a glimpse. He said, I saw things it's not lawful for me to utter.
It wasn't a, he didn't code out on a table or in the ICU. That's not what happened to Paul.
I believe there's twofold meaning there. Some things I'm not authorized to say. It's totally misappropriating these texts.
And also I can't describe in human terms, words inexpressible. I don't know how to fully explain what
I saw. That St. Paul said, I'm hard pressed between the two. If I die, that's gain for me, but to stay, that's for you.
And I'm just fully convinced. And I have to be fully convinced in this. And my family, my siblings, my mother, we have to be fully convinced in this because we haven't heard from dad.
We haven't heard his voice in quite some time. Right. And they won't hear his voice ever again.
They didn't. So we have to believe 100 % wholeheartedly, fully convinced, strong in faith, no staggering, no wavering, no doubting.
We have to be fully convinced that on the inside, dad is fighting, that his spirit is stronger than ever.
And he is fighting his body. Remember, that's, that's, Bob says, we have this treasure in earthen vessels.
We've seen the earthen vessel on zoom. We were able to walk into the room for a brief moment and see the earthen vessel.
But we, we are fully convinced that in that earthen vessel in that house, Paul said, while we are at home in the body,
Paul said, uh, I keep my body. So that lets us know on the inside is the real us.
We're fully convinced that daddy's fighting, that daddy, that daddy believed he received.
And we're in agreement, adding our faith to his.
We believe we receive now that that's, that's on the faith side. Now I deduced in that moment in the room, finding out, so this is all deduction that he, he left and came back that in addition to believing for his total and complete, the manifestation of his total and complete healing, complete restoration.
In addition to that, I felt the need to covet earnestly, the best gifts of the spirit for this ordeal.
And the best gifts of the spirit are the power gifts. None of this makes any biblical sense.
It's very tragic. And that's, that's, this shows you the absolute cruelty of this theology.
Pray for the Price family, that God opens their eyes, that what Fred Price senior taught them was not what
God's word says. And I've noted how cruel this all is. I want you to hear again, what
Fred Price taught regarding healing and consider the fact that this didn't work out for him.
This was, you know, when January 5th rolled around and he ended up in the hospital, that was his
Mount Carmel moment, but he had already been fighting COVID. And, and, you know, every day that he had
COVID and was fighting the symptoms and they got worse and worse and worse and worse. It was a Mount Carmel moment for him.
He had opportunity to repent and say, wait a second, this is not what I believe is not true.
And rather than repent, be forgiven and die in peace and, and allow his family to be there with the peace and the understanding and the hope that we have in the resurrection.
Now their faith is left in tatters because dad died. How can you glorify
God in your body when it doesn't function, right? How can you glorify
God? How can he get glory when your body doesn't even work? And the Bible says your body is the temple.
He lives, the Holy spirit lives in your body. What makes you think the Holy ghost wants to live inside of a body where he can't see out through the windows and he can't hear with the ears?
What makes you think the Holy spirit wants to live inside of a physical body where the limbs and the organs and the cells do not function, right?
You don't want to live in a house with a leaky roof. You don't want to live in a house where the toilets are running over on the floor. You don't want to live in a run down broken down house where the electricity doesn't work and the wires are hanging out of the wall.
You get it fixed because you say this house can't function rightly unless everything is functioning as it was designed to function.
How do you think then that God can get the glory out of your body when your body is the temple where God lives and he wants and he wants and what makes you think he wants to live in a temple where he can't see out of the eyes and he can't walk with the feet and he can't move with the hands because the only hands that he has in the earth realm are the hands that are in the body.
The only eyes that he has that are in the earth realm are the eyes that are in the body. If he can't see out of them, then God's going to be limited.
He's not going to be helped. The fact that people would applaud that is sick.
You know, some people get upset when you teach them. Well, I disagree with that. Hey, go ahead and die then.
The Bible says, according to your faith, be it unto you. Now, if I believe that and I stay here and die when
I get ready to die and leave, hey, that's on me. If you don't believe that. He didn't die when he was ready to die and leave.
That's why his family spun the story that he got a glimpse of glory. So it was his decision to go.
And you just want to wait and let Satan kill you off at 35 or 44 or 52. Fine.
Let's don't fall out about it. Let's just stay in love in Jesus. And you die and I'll just keep right on living. Amen. You don't have to get healed.
You can die of cancer. You can die of a stroke. You can have
TB. It's all right. Let's just stay in love in Jesus. You'd be sick and I'll be well.
Why argue about it? If you don't believe it, then stay sick. Yeah. So Fred Price had his
Mount Carmel moment. He decreed and declared and acted in faith and did all of that and it didn't do him any good.
COVID killed him. He didn't decide to go. He didn't pick his time. God picked it.
God chose the circumstances and he wasn't even able to talk for more than a month while he was on a respirator.
Brothers and sisters, the word of faith heresy is cruel. It's demonic.
It is false. And it destroys people. Absolutely destroys them.
And the legacy that Fred Price left to his family is basically magic bean theology.
It's incapable of doing anything because the Jesus Fred Price believed in wasn't the biblical
Jesus. The Holy Spirit that he claimed was operating in life wasn't the biblical Holy Spirit.
And the gospel he preached, the gospel of health and wealth and prosperity, Scripture describes men like him.
They teach for shameful gain things that they ought not to teach. They exploit you with false words in their greed.
That's how Scripture describes men like Fred Price. And now, he has finally met the real
Jesus. And based upon his heresies, I have zero confidence that he will hear from Jesus, you know, come into your inheritance, inherit the world, you know, the world created for you from the foundation of the earth.
I don't think he's going to hear those words. In fact, the damage that he's done with his false words about Jesus, I believe
Jesus is going to hold him accountable for every one of them. So, if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.