- 00:01
- What I'd like to do this morning is speak to you as we continue our study in the book of 1st
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- Peter chapter 2 Showing it's going to be speaking about showing proper submission to our employers.
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- I Don't know if this applies to everybody here, but there's some great truth that we can all take home with us
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- It definitely speaks to me and myself And this preaching to myself because I'm I'm an employee to a company that produces milk, and I'm thankful and grateful for that and privileged so I Know in some way or form or fashion it you could take something home
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- Here as we look into this great text if anything the The text underscores and what
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- Peter is getting to his submission. It's all about submission to God Submission to God that's his thrust.
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- That's his that's his direction So please open your
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- Bibles with me as we come together for the study of God's Word to 1st Peter chapter 2 1st
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- Peter chapter 2 Let me say as a footnote as you turn there That is such a blessing to go through this wonderful book this wonderful epistle to study
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- God's Holy Word under the Apostle Peter which was
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- Inspired by the Holy Spirit We know it's God's Word right and he used men as holy men of God moved by the
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- Holy Spirit Also keep in mind that The Apostle Peter in the
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- Gospels as you will know was a different man When we see him in the
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- Gospels he's walking with the Lord Jesus for three years and We see him at times very arrogant
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- He's out there We even seeing him rebuking our Lord Jesus Christ quite often
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- He was always bold wasn't he very bold It's the head apostle
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- Jesus chose him as the head apostle He was usually the spokesman for the other apostles and you see him speaking out of turn quite often and then he's rebuked quite often
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- Jesus constantly is rebuking him as Peter at times tried to rebuke the Lord. Could you imagine trying to rebuke the
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- Lord Jesus Christ? No But after Pentecost, we also see that he was a completely different apostle
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- He was changed wasn't he? He becomes transformed and the
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- Holy Spirit does this in his life and After Pentecost, it's almost like a completely different person that we see in the
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- Gospels What's encouraging to me about this that he's not changed overnight
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- God Does this work and work of grace in his heart over time?
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- No wonder he says in his epistle Growing the grace and the knowledge of the
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- Lord Jesus Christ grow. There's growth has to take place and he understands that He's a simple fisherman.
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- He's not the theologian as Paul is But we learn a great deal from this simple godly man.
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- It's only these two epistles that he wrote Very brief but very powerful very practical what
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- I love about it Peter is so practical We also know that the
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- Apostle Paul speaking of Paul publicly rebuked Peter one time for hypocrisy a
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- Lot of times people have we have a tendency to look at the Apostle Paul's the hero in that. I Highly esteem the
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- Apostle Peter for taking the rebuke Publicly can you imagine being a head
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- Apostle and walked with the Lord and Paul didn't have that privilege like Peter did and yet Peter was out of line.
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- He was eating Jews and he it was the gospel that was at stake here. What he was doing was hypocritical for the sake of the gospel and Paul saw this and Paul understood this and Paul lovingly, but publicly rebuked him and What I love about Peter is he took the rebuke and humility
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- Can you imagine the humility that it took and and and and now we see him here
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- He's never lost his holy boldness. He is now tempered he's tempered sweetly with gentleness and meekness and most important humility
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- Those are the marks of a true Regenerated person, isn't it?
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- He's changed by God. We've seen an Apostle who is Truly submitted to God.
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- He's submitted to God and he had he could tell us a lot about submission King And this is what comes to my mind is
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- We look into this epistle, especially first Peter So notice with me in this wonderful book that we've been studying
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- It's about submission, isn't it? It's about submission. So may the Spirit of God that taught the
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- Apostle Peter Be our teacher this morning The saying that wonderful to know that the same
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- Spirit of God the Spirit of truth That taught the Apostle Peter these truths can teach us
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- And as we study this together in this wonderful book together we go to God together and we see it's the same
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- God Now we hear the words of the Apostle Peter is the Spirit of God was breathing upon him and teaching us
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- So there's a great purpose for this letter So our text this morning is first Peter chapter 2 verses 18 through 20
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- I'm taking on just three verses and I think that's quite enough and then Lord willing next week
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- What I like to do is break it up Go to first 21 Down to 25 and it actually speaks about the
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- Lord Jesus Christ being our perfect example of submission And we're gonna have communion
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- Lord willing next week. And I think that's a perfect time where the perfect text speaking that Jesus is that perfect example for submission because if you really want to know as Fanny Crosby was so many people take that wrong but I believe
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- Fanny Crosby is not talking about the Christians perfect submission He's she's talking about Jesus is perfect submission
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- Only Jesus had perfect submission. I Love that Jesus Perfect perfect submission perfect delight.
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- I'm my Savior and it's so wonderful Well, I'm reading from the
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- NASB. So here the word of the Living God in verse 18 we begin and Peter says his servants
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- Now you may have some translations that says slaves we're gonna look at that in a minute some says servants some say slaves but Servants be submissive to your masters with all respect not only to those who are good and gentle But also to those who are unreasonable another translation says
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- To those that are perverted to those that are perverted For this finds favor
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- For if the sake of conscience toward God a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly
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- But what credit is there if when you sin and are harshly treated you endure it with patience?
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- But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it this finds favor with God let's stop right there and let's
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- Ask the Lord to Bless this time as we seek his face and look into his word
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- Together this morning and ask his Holy Spirit to teach us our Father in heaven as we bow
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- Into your presence Lord, we do not take this lightly save us from apathy.
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- Oh God Teach us your way We would pray and we would ask the
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- Lord and I speak That's for myself here as we look into your
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- Holy Word within this hour and study it Lord may your blessed
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- Holy Spirit look into our hearts as we search the scriptures together sanctify us with that truth
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- That word is truth May we all leave here today with a greater desire
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- Lord to be doers of that word and just not hearers We would ask this in Jesus name
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- Amen, and amen but what I like to do in this introduction just kind of recap what the previous text and The scriptures are saying to lead us up to this point because I believe it's very important to understand the whole picture of what
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- Peter is getting driving at what he's getting to and as a chapter context the
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- Apostle Peter Gets very specific about what it means to live as God's Set -apart people.
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- That's what he's really been looking at a great deal in chapter 2
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- God's people are set apart. They're holy they're a Peculiar people they are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation
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- A people for God's own possession you see that in verse 9 that you may proclaim the excellencies of him
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- Who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light and then he says for you were once were not a people
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- But now you are the people of God You have not Received mercy, but now you have received mercy what
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- I really appreciate from this This Whole chapter is that Peter is very evangelistic, isn't he?
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- He's very evangelistic. He's very practical Christ Jesus is the foundation stone of the spiritual house that God is building look very quickly with me to verse 4 and 5 says that in coming to him as To a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God But also as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ There we see that so we come to Jesus I love that Underscores everything that he's saying here.
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- We come to Jesus. We come to him as to a living stone
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- He is that stone which has been rejected by men But his choice he's precious in the sight of God You also are living stones are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood in that beautiful the way he
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- Says that in worship. This is our life. We're set apart
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- From God, so we come to Jesus. We come to Jesus that believe we need to To underscore that as we come to Jesus he is the author the finisher of our faith
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- He is the one that we look to we don't look to men men will fail us But Jesus will never fail us he and we got come to him as to a living stone
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- The stone is alive. He's alive and risen from the dead Then if you notice in verse 11 and 12, it tells us that the believers in Christ Pretty much is how to live when we come to Jesus He says this beloved.
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- I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from Fleshly lust fleshly desires which wage war against the soul in warfare, aren't we?
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- We see that even as a Christian We war against the fleshly lust
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- That way it against the soul. So we are to abstain from it
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- Lord help us to be obedient to that command Then he goes on to say in verse 12 keep your behavior
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- Underline that your behavior he's talking about behavior here Excellent. Keep it excellent among the
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- Gentiles The way we walk the way we talk the way we act the way we treat one another means something doesn't it?
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- So that when the lit and the thing in which they slander you as evil doers They may because of your good deeds as they observe them glorify
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- God in the day of visitation Notice with me there that the way we behave means a lot to our testimony into the name of the
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- Lord and this is what he's driving at so we Must engage in battle with our selfishness and our selfish desires and the desire to sin
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- We must mortify the deeds of the flesh as Paul would say and to abstain from these fleshly lusts
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- This includes submitting to human authorities as Peter goes on to say no matter how evil or how harsh they are
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- We are to submit the only time The only exception is when they have something our command against God's Word We know that we are not to submit in that case because it is better to obey
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- God in that and we and that is the What the
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- Word of God says it means actually in this text It means the enduring suffering as Christ did for for our sake and he as he died on the cross
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- So Jesus is always the perfect example in this and we'll see that Lord willing next week
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- So it is significant to note that in the New Testament it gives more instruction to servants
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- Than to Kings Now, isn't that interesting? There's more instructions to servants
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- Than to Kings why why well? Number one, I believe would because many of the early believers were servants or slaves in that time period
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- The I believe I remember reading in a commentary there was over There was a million six maybe six million six million slaves
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- I Believe I'm correct about that what I remember seeing in my mind's eye should have wrote it down but about six million slaves in general and The scripture shows that most of the slaves in that time period were
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- Christians. They were Christians from the middle or lower lower strata of society and And if you notice in verse 13, is there a key?
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- It says submit yourselves for the Lord's sake It's not for our sake. It's submission to God It's for the
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- Lord's sakes for his sake to every human institution whether to a king or as to one of an authority or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evil doers and to the praise of those
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- Who do right? Then in verse and he says that in verse 14 as well. So no notice in verse 15
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- I believe is a very key verse. This is really the key verse to the whole passage If we don't understand this verse here, we're going to miss the whole point.
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- He says for such is the will of God It's God's will So it is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men
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- So the by living a godly and holy life we silence the critics to those who speak evil against Christianity so when we live godly and holy and Christlike we silence those who criticize
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- Christianity There's nothing more powerful than a godly holy life
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- Ravenhill said it like this. The greatest example is a living example and That is so true.
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- We need those kind of living examples today, don't we? More than ever before So our passage is addressed to domestic servants
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- But the principles here really apply to employees of any kind That's the principle
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- The basic appeal is to submit to the master with all respect respect is a key word
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- It's not our concern to have rights In this world, is it I Was listening to John McCarthy and he gets into this and I'll spare you quotes and from him
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- I got one quote from by the way But of a long quote and I was reading his commentary, but he was talking about people's rights people's rights nowadays in America Especially everybody wants their rights
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- But when you're a Christian and when you're born again We see that we come to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
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- We are a bond slave to Christ So that means that we have been bought with a costly price we have been
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- Bought with a valuable price a precious price and that is the blood of Jesus So we don't have rights of our own anymore
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- Our rights are actually been given over to the Lord Jesus Christ because he's our master
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- So we submit to the authority first of all to God But when we do submit to the authorities here, we are basically showing our submission to God See and we do it for the
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- Lord's sake for the Lord's sake No matter how harsh and how unfair
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- We are treated in this world. And by the way, we will be treated pretty pretty poorly if you're a true born -again believer
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- Says all that they live all that they desire to live godly in Christ. Jesus will suffer persecution
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- No ways around Jesus said if if the world hates, you know that they hated me before it hated you.
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- They will persecute you So we might as well just accept that truth that we're not going to be liked from the world
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- It is a built -in fact also that in life in any society of organization that there must be authority on the one hand and there has to be obedience to that authority on the other and if we
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- Rebel against that we're showing within our hearts That we have rebellion in us
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- Against authority and we also realize this that God is the one that places the people in authority there
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- Whether they be ugly mean or good or bad or whatever It's delegated authority.
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- Amen, and God is the one that is sovereign overall And he's the one that places that person in leadership there and a lot of times if it's an evil person in judgment and in place there it is a judgment and That's exactly what's going on in our nation now
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- It is happening It's sad and we need to pray So our response is that we pray but we must submit now again
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- The only time we do not submit is if it's opposed to the Word of God God's words first so If someone's an authority on one hand there has to be obedience to that authority on the other hand it is for any servants
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- Good on good to submit to his master or to his boss the principles there
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- This is very practical. I like what Paul Washer said he said Submission to God is not radical
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- Christianity. It's basic Christianity and That is so true. This is Christianity 101 is to submit to authority, otherwise, he would not have employment if this person is non -submissive to his boss if we
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- Go into a workplace and we work for a boss and he tells us to do something as well I don't like to do that.
- 21:03
- I'm not going to do that Hey make me in the office You just may write you up Used to be years ago when
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- I was working they just tell you o 'clock and go home now because of so many different Legalities You got to have strike one strike two strike three and they got to document everything, you know, and I'll protect themselves
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- But you know how that goes But it is much more important also for a
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- Christian to submit to authority. Amen There's a reason for that because more than his paycheck is involved
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- That's not the situation because of just losing his paycheck It's personal testimony, but depends on it.
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- And can I go a step further than just the personal testimony? He represents Jesus Christ and the name of the
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- Lord is Tagged on him and behind his personal testimony is the name of God Which is far more important far more important the believer represents
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- Jesus Christ, right? We are representative of Christ We always need to keep this in mind.
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- I need to remind myself of this every day when I go to work I'm a representative of Jesus Christ Now I put on a uniform and that uniform says
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- I represent this company Mayfield I am the face of Mayfield, but I also need to remember as I go to work out there.
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- I represent Christ as well Because I do my job unto the Lord So our text gives to us two important points.
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- We need to remember in verse 18 We see the mandate for submission in verse 19 and 20 the motive for submission
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- The mandate for submission and then the motive for submission that's not original with me I got that from John MacArthur and I praise
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- God for his simple outline. So I thought well, I'll just use it I'm giving him credit for it.
- 23:01
- So, okay And I want to preach from it. Well, let's look at let's begin
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- Let's look at the mandate for submission the mandate for submission Verse 18 says it
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- Servants be submissive to your masters with all respect not only to those who are good and gentle But also to those who are unreasonable
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- To those who are perverse You know think of it after commanding all
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- Christians to submit to every human authority including emperors and kings and governors
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- The Apostle Peter specifically says the same to Christian servants to servants
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- Or as some translations would say slaves now as I was studying this this is very interesting different commentators had different views on whether this is to a servant or Does it apply to slaves?
- 24:01
- Well in that time period there were many slaves as I've already mentioned And most of them were
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- Christians But is it speaking to servants is the text is the original word study text
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- It's saying servants or slaves. Well Now as I was doing this word study,
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- I found out this It's interesting to note that I learned and I personally learned a great deal as I was studying this and I'm gonna pass it to you
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- That we can all benefit from this because the word used here is not the Greek Word do law or as some
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- Greek words and slave bond slave is do loss It's not do loss or do law the classic term for slaves
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- Which is the classic term, but rather the original Greek word here in this particular text is
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- Oi -ki -tea Now I probably butchered that If I had a
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- Greek teacher here, he said no, I'm look I'm just a simple Bible student. I'm not a theologian But oi -ki -tea that means it's the best translated as service so it's not do loss
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- That being said the line between servants and slaves was very blurry in Peter's time
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- So slavery had really little to do with the race as modern society would think or process
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- More to do and it had more to do with economics and social class the great word
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- Servants is from the root meaning and it means house house and This was basic term for household servants now went to this
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- The scripture acts 10 7 you can go there if you like. It's just one verse of scripture
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- I want to point out to you But if you go to this in the book of Acts chapter 10 verse 7
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- It says that when the angel who had who was speaking to him had left he summoned two of his servants
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- Some translations actually says bond slaves, but it's a household servant
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- It's a household servant he summoned two of his household servants and Devout and a devout soldier of those were his personal attendants pastor
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- John MacArthur in his commentary Says this of this text most of those servants quote most of those servants served in a house or a home
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- Under an estimate, I'm sorry a state owner with duties from there being farmers who plowed the owners field
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- To doctors who cared for their families and medical needs in quote
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- So you kind of have a summary there of the time in the Old Testament economy of servants and slaves
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- Yes, there were many slaves Let me add that like I said just because here this particular
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- Greek word says household servants it doesn't mean there was no slaves at the time we do know that there were many slaves and again,
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- I it can apply that this really just would reinforce the the text because if he's saying
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- Household servants or even if it does say slaves That they are to be submissive to their masters
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- Even if they are treated harshly as hard as that may be
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- New Testament economy economy in that period Like I said had many many slaves over six million matter of fact most of them were
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- Christians Therefore Peter basically comes here and he could make gives a command now
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- This is important the command to them is be submissive be submissive
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- That means a lot This is a present passive Part of simple a present passive participle with the sense of a present
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- Imperative it's a command So what he's saying here Be submissive you are to line up Underneath that authority.
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- It's a military term To that master to that one. That's an authority over you whether they were servants of slaves they were to Continually be submissive to their masters and for the masters for them and the word master in the
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- Greek is despot a Despot a And from which we get the
- 29:08
- English word despot a despot a Tyrant That derived that derives from that Who had one who had absolute ownership and complete control over them now think of that?
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- we don't have that kind of I Don't know. I have run across bosses at our work tyrannical, you know and Despots, you know what?
- 29:34
- I mean? And I tell you what, it's it's real easy to get in the flesh and Fight up against this because especially when they hit some nerves and they do things they've crossed the bounds and you start thinking
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- Hey, I'm a human being. I'm I'm your employee. What are you treating me? So harshly, but you know the
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- Word of God says here you don't rebel back Keep in mind we are representing
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- Jesus Christ Obedience should not vary according to the temperament of the employer.
- 30:07
- Amen Anyone can submit to an employer who is good to them
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- Anybody any anybody can submit to a a boss that is kind to them.
- 30:18
- That's easy Especially One that's gentle and I don't get me wrong. I love to work under bosses like that and grant
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- I actually I have a supervisor now. He is so laid -back and he's he's very kind and good and he shows no partiality and he
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- He's not overbearing over us and I just praise God for that But then times and my years being in retail since 1983.
- 30:45
- I've had some pretty Mean tyrants Believers in Jesus Christ, I mean this is all about us
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- Representing Christ and being submissive to him because believers in Christ are called to go the extra mile
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- To go beyond that which is Giving us the duty to and to be respectful and obedient even to those that are harsh to us
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- Think of that a mean despot
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- Tyrant of a boss coming down on us and then you answer with a very soft word
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- Yes, sir, and he's thinking Something different about him or her something different.
- 31:36
- Hey, man, it's a bonebreaker The overbearing boss, right we could talk all about that.
- 31:42
- I can give you personal illustrations. I'm doing I'm gonna stay away from that David was really
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- I was listening pastor John MacArthur's sermon on this on the way here and I couldn't help but think he If you get a chance if you can tap into grace to you go to this text
- 31:58
- And he talks about from first Samuel how David was chosen and God had his hand on King David but you remember many times that Can't you remember when
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- David was the chosen king of Israel and God chose him see the people of Israel chose
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- Saul Because they wanted to be like other nations He was handsome and tall and oh, he had the looks and let's choose
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- King. So God said I'll give you what you want God let him Take the
- 32:30
- King they wanted he wasn't God's King. God had his King little shepherd boy keeping sheep very humble
- 32:39
- And then Samuel God spoke to Samuel. That's that's the one Go to Jesse he's got these sons this one right here.
- 32:48
- That's God's man Samuel anoints him picks him and God hand picks him and you know the story later on David triumphs and battles against Goliath and and then
- 33:02
- Saul sees this and then then they start celebrating in the streets dancing before the
- 33:08
- Lord that David Saul has killed the thousands, but David has killed the ten thousands and Saul became very angry.
- 33:17
- He was jealous And you know the story as time went by and Samuel there if you remember reading the story, it's very rich there's many times that see
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- Saul wanted to kill David and David at times had opportunity to get back at Saul But David wouldn't do it
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- Because he respected him because he was the king even though he could have
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- Taken Saul out He did not do it because he was being submissive to God.
- 33:52
- He left vengeance with the Lord We need to remember that we need to remember that so the kind of behavior that we are
- 34:01
- To show and demonstrate before the world stands out doesn't it it does people see that Jesus himself gives us the rules really for kingdom living go with me to Luke chapter 6
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- I'm going to Luke today because this text is a little bit different than the
- 34:23
- Sermon on the Mount it's a this Luke chapter 6 is
- 34:29
- You might find this interesting when you have read this This is not the
- 34:38
- Sermon on the Mount There's a very good possibility that it Jesus preached the same sermon twice
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- He preached it once That's known in Matthew chapter 5 through 7 Sermon on the
- 34:53
- Mount. This is known as Sermon on the Plateau Sermon on the
- 34:58
- Plateau, it's very similar to the Sermon on the Mount, but the words are a somewhat difference
- 35:05
- Jesus gives woes in it as you will see But notice with me this sermon is very similar as I said
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- And this sermon is called Sermon on the Plateau and but notice What the Lord says in this powerful sermon starting with verse 20
- 35:23
- I like to read all the way through because it has a lot to do what Peter is saying notice in verse 20, let's look at the beatitudes first beatitude it has a lot to do with our attitude and Turning the
- 35:36
- Word of God says in verse 20 and turning his gaze toward his disciples He began to say blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God?
- 35:47
- Blessed are you who hunger now for you shall be satisfied blessed are you who weep now for you shall laugh
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- Blessed are you? when men hate you and ostracize you and insult you and Scorn your name is evil
- 36:06
- Peter was saying pretty much. This is where Peter gets this for the sake of the
- 36:11
- Son of Man for the Lord's sake Be glad in that day Be glad in that day.
- 36:18
- I believe Matthew says be exceedingly glad be glad in that day and leap for joy
- 36:25
- For behold your reward is great in heaven for in the same way their fathers use
- 36:33
- Used to treat the prophets but woe to you who are rich for you are receiving your comfort in full
- 36:40
- Woe to you who are well fed now For you shall be hungry woe to you who laugh now for you shall mourn and weep
- 36:49
- Woe to you when all men speak well of you for their fathers used to treat
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- Used to treat the false prophets in the same way Now that's to be attitudes, but he gives some woes there that Matthew doesn't really give that Kind of gives some insight there doesn't it?
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- Because the Prophet would give a blessing or a woe a blessing or a curse and Matthew in Sermon on the
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- Mount, it's just the wheel of Blessing and Luke kind of looks gives us this
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- Of woes that Jesus is given here to as well verse 27, but I say to you who hear
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- Love your enemies Do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you pray for those who mistreat you
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- Whoever hits you on the cheek offer him the other also Whoever takes away your coat do not withhold your shirt from him either
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- Give to everyone who asked of you and whoever takes away. What is yours do not demand it back
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- Child of God has no rights, right? Treat others the same way you want to treat to them
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- Want them to treat you if you want those If if you love those who love you
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- What credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them
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- If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you?
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- for even the sinners do the same if You lend to those from whom you expect to receive what credit is that to you?
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- even sinners lend to the sinners in order to receive back the same amount but Love your enemies do good and do good in lend and expecting nothing in return and Your reward will be great and you will be the sons of the
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- Most High For he himself is kind to the ungrateful and evil men
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- Be merciful Just as your father is merciful. You see what
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- Jesus is saying? We're never more like God When we're like this
- 39:23
- When we love our enemies We do good to those that mistreat us Anybody can love those that love you
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- Jesus says love the unlovable Love those that hate you love those that are mean to you and harsh and you think how
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- How can I do this and I used to think Lord? how and it's like only by the power of the
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- Holy Spirit Because it's supernatural, isn't it? No one can do this in their own strength
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- No one can forgive like this in their own strength. No one can love like this and their own strength in their own power
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- It takes the supernatural power of the Spirit of God and we must confess that to him
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- Helps me makes me think of Corrie ten Boom, you know the story how? She knew this one particular
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- German Nazi that killed her sister and he supposedly came to faith and he met her she they met together in church and and Her sister
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- Betsy was put to death by this particular German and and she this
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- Nazi and she said I I Can't love this guy
- 40:36
- She did such horrible things to my sister. That would be hard wouldn't it?
- 40:41
- But you know and I love her simplicity and telling this story and in such a practical way
- 40:46
- She said she said I just started confessing it to Jesus because she says Jesus knows my heart
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- I might as well just pour it out to him so I cannot do this And in their tears and her crying and confession before God She says
- 41:03
- Jesus. I cannot do I have no power. I do not like this person
- 41:08
- Help me Oh God to forgive him and she says it was like the power and the peace of God And the
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- Holy Spirit came upon her in a powerful way and she remembered the word and this is the
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- God You know, it's God and gave a scripture Romans 5 1 about having peace
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- With God through the Lord Jesus Christ It was so powerful, you know the story
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- But it helped it makes me think of that that We might as well just take it to God and confess it and when we are mistreated
- 41:38
- Lord You're the one that can only help me love this person To love them like you love them.
- 41:46
- It takes God's power to do that, doesn't it? Well in his letter to the Ephesians turn with me to one more reference to Ephesians Chapter 6 chapter 6 of Ephesians This is really good the
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- Apostle Paul brings this out in a very similar way he states
- 42:08
- God's will on this issue. This is God's desire. This is what
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- God wills So in the workplace Notice what he says in verse 5 now
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- Paul uses the word slaves here And if I'm not mistaken that in verse 5 the
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- It is due loss in this particular text different servants with Peter, but All the same we slaves servants is to be obedient to be submissive
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- That's what it means to be submissive means to be obedient Paul says in verse 5 chapter 6 slaves be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh
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- With fear and trembling in the sincerity of your heart as to Christ that changes everything doesn't it as to Christ Not by way of I service as men pleasers, but as slaves of Christ We're a slave of Christ Doing the will of God from the heart with good
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- Will render service Good will with good will render service as to the
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- Lord and not to men Notice how he keeps saying unto Christ as unto Christ unto the
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- Lord Peter says for the Lord's sake and not to men Knowing that whatever good thing each one does this he will receive back from the
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- Lord whether slave or free What a beautiful text and then he has a word for the masters he doesn't leave the masters out does he and masters do the same things to them and Give up threatening don't threaten them and knowing that both their master and yours is in heaven.
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- He's the real master and There is no partiality with him. Oh Don't you love that?
- 44:03
- God is no respecter as a person So in the workplace employees are to submit to employers as if they were serving
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- Jesus Christ Himself We must keep that in mind Especially if we're mistreated
- 44:18
- Well, let's go to the second point here the motive for submission the motive for submission the motive for submission is given in verse 19 through 10 20 back to First Peter find my place here
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- Chapter 2 text is really wonderful, isn't it?
- 44:42
- Let me read it again verse 19 and 20 for this finds favor it for the sake of conscience toward God a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly and He says and remember what he says in verse 20.
- 45:01
- He gave this is his commentary what he heard Jesus speaking For what credit is there if when you sin and are harshly treated you endure with it dear it with patience but if when you
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- Do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it this finds favor with God Great text, isn't it?
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- Beloved when the Christian suffers it unjustly we need to keep this in mind Let's never forget that He wins
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- God's approval That's all that matters That's all that matters
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- Remember we're strangers were aliens. We're not gonna fit in in this world. Anyway matter of fact when
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- The Gentiles and those that are lost Outside of Jesus Christ dead in their sins.
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- They're gonna look at us quite strange, especially when we loved unlovable God's approval is really all that matters
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- God is well pleased when he finds us so conscience of our relation to him that We endure undeserved pain
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- That happens quite often, especially with a persecuted church overseas
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- Without vindicating ourself That's hard.
- 46:26
- The flesh wants to repel against that and wants to rebel against it or fighting back
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- I Had that me many times I said, you know, I just need to fight back it's not worth it
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- Not worth it, we're not the winner and The end the
- 46:48
- Christian can take it. I think about this the Christian could take it. He could take any kind of abuse
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- He could take any kind of harsh treatment and you know, here's here's the thing that that's so challenging
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- A lot of times we can externally do something but our heart is saying something different My heart is saying
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- I like to back up in the corner and let him have it But my heart needs to say
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- Lord forgive him the way he's treating Me or the others and pray for him and really mean it
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- Mary Jesus when he was crucified. Oh Have you ever seen such love
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- Those that nailed him to the cross and he thought he prays the first utterance father
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- Forgive them for they do not know what they're doing He really meant every single word of that, of course, but this is
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- God in the flesh Giving us an exam. We're gonna look at that more Lord willing next Lord's Day as God wills
- 47:55
- But Jesus gave us the example, but the Christian could take it because he's graced. He's full of the
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- Holy Spirit He has God in him. He's regenerated. He's a different person. He's a new creation
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- He's transformed he's a new he's a new creation and because he has the spirit of the living that God abiding within him and When we meekly
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- Take it from the unjust treatment What do we display?
- 48:26
- We display we putting on display before the world a ungodly heathen world
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- Jesus Christ His exam the way he would act so this supernatural life gains
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- God's Approval and it all would be worth it The first moment when we leave this old world leave it behind and we lay down the body the body is laid down and Absent from the body present with the
- 49:01
- Lord and then we see Jesus face to face and don't you? Long to hear him say well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the
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- Lord That's the words that we long to hear
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- It's the greatest words I believe We can ever hear the worst is opposite depart from me.
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- I never knew you you workers of iniquity That's the most horrifying words, but opposite of that is saying hearing
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- Jesus say well done good and faithful servant servant
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- The Only words that really is going to matter for all eternity for us So the greater blessing is actually for the one who suffers go with me to James chapter 1 one more one more here
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- James chapter 1 we look through the book of James you remember this wonderful chapter but I believe this this
- 49:58
- Reference ties right into what Peter is saying Because James and Peter and John were all there listening to the master at his feet, right?
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- James chapter 1 2 & 4 Remember what he said here consider it all joy
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- My brethren when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance remember what
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- Peter says that when you endure it and Let endurance have its perfect result so that you may be perfect mature and complete and lacking in nothing
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- That's what the Apostle James says by the Holy Spirit Hey W pink
- 50:44
- Said in this classic book and the sovereignty of God, that's a great book isn't it? I know y 'all Read it right great book a quote.
- 50:54
- I have here. I wrote down and I think it's a good reminder he says this as one sees the apparent defeat of the right and the triumphing of might and The wrong it seems as though Satan were getting the better of the conflict
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- But as one looks above Instead of around there is plainly visible to the eye of faith a throne a throne
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- Then this is our confidence God is on the throne And that great
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- God is on the throne No matter how ill -treated we are
- 51:40
- Amen verse 20 beloved. There is no virtue in patience That's that's what
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- Peter back to verse 20, that's what he's saying is there's No virtue in patience suffering.
- 51:53
- I'm sorry and stuff push suffering patiently for our own misdeeds
- 52:00
- It's not for our own misdeeds, right? I know a lot of professing
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- Christians that Get persecuted for ratchet not for righteousness sake for their own sake
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- But we want to make sure that we're being persecuted for righteousness sake
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- Then we can have rejoicing Toward the Lord in this certainly there is no glory for God in it
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- When if someone is being persecuted for their own sake their own stupidity a lot of times I would say
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- Yeah, it's 90 % Amen, brother Keith Such suffering would never mark out as a
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- Christian or make others want to become a Christian right matter of fact it disdains
- 52:45
- Christianity when someone is being persecuted for their own misdeeds but suffering patiently for the
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- Lord's sake for well -doing for righteousness sake as Jesus is For righteousness sake and the thing that counts for God and gives us treasure in heaven
- 53:03
- That's something to rejoice about right? Actually, Jesus said be exceedingly glad and in Luke He says jump for joy jump for joy.
- 53:15
- It is so unnatural again I'm going to repeat this is so unnatural It is supernatural because it is of God and when the people that do not know
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- God see the supernatural in us They say they sit back and it shocks them
- 53:30
- I said wow So otherworldly
- 53:35
- Yes, it is otherworldly. It shocks people into conviction of sin a lot of times doesn't it?
- 53:43
- And we would pray that it was shocking right into the kingdom of God in closing.
- 53:50
- I like to We're gonna pick up next week on this verse But notice the verse 21 just the first 21 not the whole verse but verse it just part of the verse a
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- This calling refers to a effectual call. He says this for you have been called for this purpose
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- For you have been called for this purpose remember
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- It's a calling. It's a vocation This calling is an effectual calling it is effective
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- And all that desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted will suffer persecution
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- That's what Scripture says The world just does not like Jesus Christ because he's an offense to their life to their sin
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- But he's a great Savior, isn't he and he's the only one that can save him Spurgeon says if you don't find salvation in Jesus Christ, you're not gonna find it in none other
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- There is none other Salvation is only in Jesus He is the way the truth and the life.
- 55:02
- No one no man comes to the Father, but by me Jesus said Let me give you a wonderful Practical illustration by Martin Lloyd -jones
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- Illustrated and the value of Christians submitting to God For his purpose the rigor of discipline and trials in everyday life as follows
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- Martin Lloyd -jones says this quote. We are all like the schoolboy who would like to evade certain things and Run away from the problems and test
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- How true that is? but we thank God that because he has a larger interest in us and Knows what is for our good
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- He puts us through the disciplines of life He makes us learn the multiplication table.
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- I remember crying about learning the multiplication table We are made to struggle with the elements of grammar
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- We are made to struggle with the elements of grammar and many things that are trials to us are essential
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- That one day we may be found without spot or wrinkle in quote And that's so true those who suffer for the
- 56:28
- Lord's sake with the right attitude will be blessed in this life and will be honored later in Eternity in the presence of the
- 56:39
- Lord when we behold the face of the Lord Jesus Christ and then and then we will see it Will be worth it all because he's worth it all and I like what one old missionary said my
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- Sacrifices and all that I do for Jesus is nothing in comparison to what he did. I Amen that all the way
- 56:59
- It helps us gain the right perspective, doesn't it? He will be worth it all
- 57:05
- Jesus will be worth it all Look at what he did on the cross Look at how he loved
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- Never more like Jesus Christ when we love as he loved and forgive as he forgave.
- 57:19
- Let's pray Our father in heaven. We just praise you and we thank you
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- For this great wonderful supernatural love. Thanks be unto God for this unspeakable gift the
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- Lord Jesus Christ Lord as we think about as we spoke about David He had the right attitude
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- Before you and Lord we would pray that we would have this right attitude before you as he did
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- He had all the rights and yet was a fugitive. He was mistreated. He was threatened. He was wandering alone in danger
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- He had every opportunity to grab His rights He could have done it but he did
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- He Could have killed his enemy and he did he could have taken the throne by which he had been rightly fully given and yet He would not do it.
- 58:18
- Instead. He bowed before the king bowed before him and respected his office for your sake
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- Because Lord it was you that placed him there Lord, I would pray help us today Help us to be submissive like that To have a obedience
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- Before you before you Oh Lord for your sake for your name's sake and let us to remember that we are representing you
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- Lord Realizing that you have ordained this you are the sovereign Lord over all you are on the throne
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- So father help us to see this Help us to remember as Lord is life is some are kind and gentle and some are unreasonable and perverse
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- And bosses help us to be submissive to all but most of all be submissive to you
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- Maintain a good testimony for your name's sake and help us to serve our earthly employers as if we were serving
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- Jesus Christ Lord we pray this for his name's sake and For your glory and may the world know
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- Lord that we are Most concerned to live a Christlike life and humility and love
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- And we may reach them evangelistically even the worst of sinners even the worst
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- Help us Lord To take and look for these opportunities and these privileges