Part 2 - Charismatic Con Artists / Baby Kicked & Thrown Against Wall by Pentecostal Leader?


Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 103 -Sid Roth host of the television program "It's Supernatural" aired on TBN tells of Pentecostal leader "Apostle" Smith Wigglesworth and how he supposedly healed a baby by throwing it against the wall and then kicking it like a soccer ball. Roth has been accused of being a con man but Dr. Michael Brown defends him as faithful brother. Brown also runs interference for other fraudulent "faith healers" who bring reproach to the name of Christ. It's time we put an end to this lunacy! Part 1 - Tags Trinity Broadcast Movement Justin Peters John MacArthur Strange Fire Discernment Conmen


Hello, and thank you for listening to the testing the spirits podcast in this episode We're going to do a part two to our first episode where we talked about charismatic
Con artists, I assume when some of these Pentecostal preachers tell stories
I assume they're making things up when it comes to these supposed Miracles and healings let's hope so in this case because here
Sid Roth Tells the story about a legendary Pentecostal preacher who throws a baby okay a little infant throws a baby against the wall and Then kicks the baby across the room like he was kicking a soccer ball
Yeah, he really told that story on his TV show, and he's telling it as if it were a good thing
This is what God told this Pentecostal pastor to do and this is how the baby was healed and remember
Sid Roth, this is the man that dr. Michael Brown promotes and defends so if you didn't watch
The first podcast check it out. I'll put the link in the description, but watch this
Sid genuinely believes in The things that he promotes otherwise he won't promote them
Sid Roth here, welcome to my world where it's naturally Supernatural I have read of the great men and women of faith one in particular
Intrigues me so much his name Smith Wigglesworth he had some of the most outrageous
Miracles I ever heard of in my life Let me give you one example
Some parents had a two -month -old baby dying in the hospital the parents kidnapped the child took the child to a
Smith Wigglesworth meeting and Smith looks at the child looks at the parents and say can
I do what God tells me to do? Well, what would you do if you're the parents child's dying anyway, right?
He takes the baby two month old Throws the baby against the wall the baby
Then the baby's on the floor. He take have you ever seen someone play soccer you have you ever seen them?
Kick a soccer ball He does that with the baby the baby falls into the congregation
No crying is it dead 100 % healed
Sid genuinely believes In the things that he promotes otherwise, he won't promote them.
You said Sid Roth is a charlatan I'm sorry to interrupt but you said he's a charlatan and a huckster.
He's neither of those. I know it for a fact Okay, so how dr. Michael Brown can defend this guy?
It's unbelievable. But who is Smith Wigglesworth? I've got questions dot org has an article warning against him as a dangerous false teacher
So let me read part of it. It says Smith Wigglesworth lived from 1859 to 1947 he was a
British preacher who was influential in the early Pentecostal movement So Wigglesworth along with Charles Parham in the u .s
Was one of the first preachers to espouse and practice the teachings of Pentecostal ism
So Wigglesworth was the main guy in Europe and Parham was the main guy in the
United States and Parham if you know anything about Pentecostal history Started the movement started and what 1901?
through 1905 that area and Parham Charles Parham is considered the father of Pentecostal ism and I just saw this article.
I looked him up according to Christianity Today Charles Parham the father of Pentecostal Christianity was arrested and brought up on charges of Sodomy in other words homosexuality, but that's a whole other story for another day, but back to Wigglesworth His fans called him the apostle of faith
Wigglesworth, this is the article got questions Wigglesworth like the preachers in the modern word -of -faith movement laid the responsibility for healing on the sick person
The message was if you have faith you will be healed a lack of healing shows a lack of faith and or sin in One's life according to Wigglesworth.
There is a close relationship between sin and sickness So in other words if you're sick, let's say you have a terminal illness
This is what these Pentecostals taught if you have a terminal illness, well, that's your fault
You know, you must be in sin. You're to blame. I mean, this is this is spiritual abuse
And this is clearly not what the Bible teaches, but it's a form of spiritual abuse a way to manipulate
People so he says there's a close relationship between sin and sickness Now obviously if there was no sin in the world, there would be no sickness
So there's always a little element of truth in every lie, right? But Wigglesworth said if you will obey
God and repent of your sin and quit it God will meet you and Neither your sickness nor your sin will remain.
So he taught full healing is guaranteed for everybody Wigglesworth reported seeing
Jesus on several occasions and claimed to have resurrected 14 people from the dead
According to Wigglesworth he and his wife allowed no medicines or doctors in their home
They committed themselves to trust only in divine Healing and of course other groups have done this like the
Jehovah's Witnesses I mean, it's a little different, but they wouldn't allow there are some groups that won't allow doctors medical attention blood transfusions, and of course many people die it's another way of Really abusing the flock because people die of simple illnesses
They could just go get medicine go get you know treatment from a doctor and survive But these people
Christian science is also known for this a lot of people die unnecessarily anyways Wigglesworth and his wife and that's what the cults did back in the early part of the 20th century and There's still people who do that today, but Wigglesworth back to the article
It says that his wife died in 1913 and starting in 1914 Wigglesworth traveled extensively holding healing meetings in the
United States, Switzerland And you know across the world of those who doubted the healings now.
This is important of Those who doubted the healings they doubted they were real or they doubted that tongues were a necessary sign for salvation and spirit baptism
Wigglesworth Said if you don't believe those things you do not believe the gospel
That's what he said so that's a clear example of adding to the gospel
And we know this about the early Pentecostals some Pentecostals still teach this if you don't speak in tongues
You're not saved okay So you need to speak in tongues to be saved or the moderated of you today is if you don't speak in tongues
You're not you know you're not a spirit -filled Christian. You know you're not one of the good Christians You're just this worldly carnal
Christian. There's something wrong with you if you don't speak in tongues That's the way these people think to this very day
So he said if you don't believe in tongues And if you don't believe in these miracles anyone who doubts what
I'm saying in other words you don't believe the full gospel So that's clearly adding To the gospel that is a heresy according to the book of Galatians, okay
We continue with the article of course Jesus healed many people as evidence of his deity and power and the twelve apostles were given the gift of healing as Confirmation of their message to the world, but there are no apostles
Today, and I'll just stop and say you can read this in first Corinthians 15
The early part of that chapter Paul makes it very clear. He was the last apostle to be called
So got questions. They're right. They're Hitting the nail on the head there are no apostles today and those who claim to fill that role or to have the power
Of an apostle that people who say they have this like Catherine Crick that I'm an apostle
I have the ability to work miracles and cast out demons people who do that are Deceivers Today's faith healers quote -unquote like their protege
Smith Wigglesworth They perform their quote -unquote miracles only in Carefully organized meetings and on a stage where they can control everything right they never go into the hospital
And you know they never go to the Children's Hospital and just clear out the cancer ward because they can't you know nobody
Can actually heal they they just do these fake healings on stage And they don't allow the sick people to actually come up on stage.
It's all Manipulated and that's been proven So the article finishes with this
Smith Wigglesworth taught several false doctrines number one all Sickness is proof of the presence of the devil this leaves
No room for God's purpose and suffering 2nd Corinthians 1 8 and 9 Hebrews 12 6
Another false doctrine he taught illness and disease are linked to personal sin
Jesus said the opposite in John chapter 9 now at times that might be true, but it's not always true
Wigglesworth said it's always true Another false doctrine. He said it is always
God's will to heal a person physically Paul's testimony teaches the opposite in 2nd
Corinthians 12 right and Remember this this is what Todd White and Benny Hinn this is what these
Pentecostal preachers charismatic preachers This is what they teach and Michael Brown dr. Michael Brown is always there to defend them, right?
So the last false doctrine if a person is not healed the blame lies in That person's lack of faith this overlooks the fact that Jesus once healed a man who had no faith at all
John 5 1 through 9 so given all the false teaching from Smith Wigglesworth We conclude gut question says that he was a false teacher
Regardless of whatever popularity he enjoyed and whatever shows a power
He may have included in his act, but yes, it was all an act Okay, so that's what gut questions org has to say about Smith Wigglesworth and yet you saw the video
Sid Roth claims that Smith Wigglesworth was this great man of God who could work miracles and one of them and By the way, this is taking
God's name in vain claiming that God told him to throw the baby against the wall God never told him that obviously, but I'm sure this is just another
Pentecostal pastor telling a tall tale But if he actually did kick the baby across the room either way, okay either way this is
This is bringing reproach upon the name of Christ But Sid Roth's audience.
Oh, they just think it's funny they laugh. Oh you threw a baby against the wall now That's horrific.
That is absolutely horrific But watch and listen to their response. He takes the baby two month old
Throws the baby against the wall Okay, so they think this is funny they're laughing
But in reality, it's actually horrific either They are lying in the name of God, or he actually threw the baby against the wall and that either way it's bringing
Reproach upon the name of Christ, but Sid Roth his audience. They're they're laughing
So I'm not even sure if they really believe it But they wouldn't deny it because and I'll leave you with this in the
Pentecostal system They claim all this is done. They say it's all real
It's all being done by the anointed leader the man of God and he's working by the power of the
Holy Spirit So if you deny this it's like denying the Holy Ghost, right?
So it's like Smith Wigglesworth said if you don't believe in healings and all tongues and all the stuff
I'm telling you you don't have the full gospel same thing with this if you deny a story like this as Absurd as it is they're claiming it's done by the work of the
Spirit. So if you deny this story Pentecostals, they won't deny it because they think they run the risk of blaspheming the
Holy Ghost this movement my friends in conclusion This movement is cultic if this doesn't prove that the movement is cultic and corrupt
I don't know what to tell you if you watched my first podcast and you watch this and you still think
The Pentecostal movement is of God then. I don't know what to tell you now.
I will say this there are Pentecostal people there are charismatic people individuals who don't go along with this.
They do love the Lord Believing the spiritual gifts continue. I mean that's a debate we can have okay
Pentecostals and charismatics believe you can lose your salvation I think that's highly problematic to say the least but I'm not painting with a broad brush and saying that all
Pentecostals are all charismatics are bad or that they're all law I'm not saying that at all, but the leaders of the movement.
Okay, the the mainstream leaders of the movements These people are our con artists one more thing before we close if you or a friend
Are part of one of these churches where the pastor is defending Sid Roth or Michael Brown or Benny Hinn if you're in a church
Where the pastor is defending all this stuff you need to get out and find a good Bible believing church and you need to read the