F4F | Why Katie Souza's Werewolf Doctrine Contradicts the Bible
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- This episode is sponsored by the Word of the Lord endures forever Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith.
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- My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
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- Word of God a little bit of a note Here this installment of fighting for the faith is sponsored by the
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- Word of the Lord endures forever We'll talk about them in a minute but Today we're gonna do a video that originally
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- I Didn't want to do and the reason I didn't want to do it is because I was angry
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- Okay, so what are you talking about so if you remember back when we did
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- You know, we talked about prophetic Quality control and things like this and then
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- I recently talked about the prophecies That have been put forward by Charisma magazine and Basically made the argument that you know, this this is ridiculous
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- I mean, it's absolutely nuts and I pointed out a thumbnail in that video regarding the charisma magazine 2025 prophecies of a video that they had put out from Katie Sousa claiming that she had been chased by a werewolf and Of course, it's just completely ludicrous
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- It's insanity that they would have her on talking about these things.
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- I would Note that I've made references to the weekly world news that tabloid and you know have asked will charisma magazine be releasing the 2025 prophecies of Batboy If you don't know what that is about Weeklyworldnews .com
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- look up Batboy. You'll see what I'm saying. I don't think they're publishing anymore so this is all now history, but alas, so but then
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- I did something I I watched the video and I realized that there was a teaching opportunity here as Stupid and I mean stupid s t o o o o o o p i d
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- Stupid this video is There's something behind it that that is actually going to be helpful for y 'all
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- And that is is that what do we do with? Quotes from the scriptures it quotes in the scriptures from sources that are outside the scriptures like the book of Enoch What do we do with that?
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- so I Decided I'm going to bite the bullet And Work our way through portions of this charisma magazine video from from Katie Sousa Claiming she was chased by a werewolf
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- So that you can know what to do with like the Nephilim What do you do with the book of Enoch because so many people's theology is going off the rails
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- Because they think that because Jude quotes from the book of Enoch that somehow That that means the book of Enoch is inspired and should be added to the scripture
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- We should believe what the book of Enoch says Nothing could be further from the truth, and I'll give you an argument as to why in fact
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- I'm going to give you a couple of arguments, and then you'll get the idea so Hang on a second here.
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- I got a stretch. I'm gonna gird up my loins We're gonna roll up the desktop here and here is
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- Huh Okay, Katie Sousa. Well. We're gonna work our way through this video portions of it, and I understand that this is
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- Stupid totally get it But the problem is is a lot of people who are being affected by the stupid and note the name of the video
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- What happens when you meet a werewolf in the wild? Okay, now you're sitting there going
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- Are we as Christians supposed to believe that werewolves exist No Okay, and what she's gonna.
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- Do is try to offer something that looks like a biblical argument to support this When in fact it's not there is no biblical argument that can support any of this will debunk it along the way and And sometime in this we'll talk about our sponsor the word of the
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- Lord endures forever Which is a great resource for learning the scriptures and what they really mean
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- Instead of this kind of nonsense, so but I'm getting ahead of myself So let's let's play a little bit of this out shall we just to kind of get the intro?
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- Here's the the guy from Charisma Magazine Like gushing and introducing
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- Katie Sousa. I heard you talk about Shapeshifters and werewolves The stupid it burns anyway
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- Okay John Matarazzo of charisma magazine
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- Legitimately sets the conversation up by talking about shapeshifters and werewolves and things like this
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- Mike my immediate question to be super snarky is Is it a mortal sin or a venial sin to deny the existence of shapeshifters and werewolves
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- I'm asking for a friend But yeah, let's keep going here coming after you or coming after your family, but you're going after them
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- I got to hear more about this because this is This is not something that I now I'm gonna point something out here on YouTube Do this go to the search bar on YouTube and type in Doopers delight
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- Okay, doopers delight smile. Okay, that's what you're looking for.
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- And I'm going to point something out Katie Sousa Does this often she knows she's lying and you can tell by her micro expressions
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- Okay, so doopers delight smile after the video, you know
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- Type it into your YouTube search and do a little bit of research and you're gonna sit there and go.
- 06:45
- Oh She knows she's lying That's a point. So I'm gonna note this
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- I was expecting to you see that you see that little smirk on her face Let me come back. I got to hear more about this because this is
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- This is not something that I was expecting to hear She's engaging in a micro expression called the doopers delight smile
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- She's sitting there going I can't believe this guy is this stupid and he's believing this That's what she's that's what her little micro expressions are showing and she does this doopers delight smile throughout the video
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- Just just want to point that out Because you think oh, that's just make -believer fantasy, but Katie.
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- I totally believe that what you're saying She just looked she just looked off -camera. I went, you know to whoever's off -camera.
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- It's like I can't believe this guy's this stupid Thing is true because I've seen things I've heard things
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- I've experienced things and so many times we just kind of like Poo -poo that or we just kind of like write it off. It's like I was something weird
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- That's just my imagination, but there's more to that if our eyes are opened. All right, so that's the setup
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- Okay, and I see the micro expressions of her engaging in the doopers delight smile She knows that what's coming is she's gonna be lying through her teeth.
- 07:56
- Now. We're not playing the whole video Yeah, we're just taking snippets in order to comment on it to offer biblical criticism and things like that so she's gonna continue and Try to make the argument that Werewolves exist and that we should believe it as Christians and you're going
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- Why? Okay. Well, let's listen to a little bit of her argument as to why we should believe that werewolves exist
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- Are you ready? You know Genesis 6 the doctrine of the angels that came down had had intimacy
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- Illegal intimacy with women took them as wives and because of their DNA inside of them
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- They produced mutants they produced Giants out of this unholy union with human women but they now
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- I'm gonna note something here Genesis 6 actually doesn't say that and This is going to be where we're gonna clean some things up And so if we were to look at let me see
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- I need an Old Testament text and you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna copy this one I'm gonna duplicate that and we're going to go to Genesis 6 and I'm gonna show you what the passage says and how the
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- ESV Doesn't actually translate the
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- Hebrew. Okay, so in Genesis 6 It says when man began to multiply in the face of the land and daughters were born to them
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- The sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive now
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- This doesn't say angels you sitting going. Well, it has to be angels No, it does not and I'll explain why so, let me see if I can find this really quick here.
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- Are you ready? Matthew chapter. Oh, wait a second here.
- 09:38
- I was thinking of another passage We're gonna do this twice. Okay, so at the at the end of the gospel, let's see
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- Jesus's genealogy here. No, it's gonna be Luke. Hang on a second. I'm doing this from memory Luke chapter 3 here we go
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- No, no, no, okay genealogy of Jesus, okay I want you to watch this When Jesus began his ministry was about 30 years of age being the son as was supposed of Joseph He wasn't he wasn't the biological son of Joseph the son of Heli the son of Method the son of Levi and all the way down Watch this the son of Methuselah the son of Enoch the son of Jared the son of Mahala Mahalaleel the son of Canaan the son of Enos the son of Seth the son of Adam the what?
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- The son of God, okay, and then I would note Adopted, you know, have
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- I ever have I told you all that you're adopted Hang on a second here
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- Mm -hmm Galatians Three, let's see here.
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- I'm doing this from memory. Hang on Okay Right time hang on a second
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- I'm doing this from memory trying to sort this out because I wanted to add an extra text in here right time
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- For while we were still weak at the right time Christ died for the ungodly sent sent
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- Okay, and I want Epistles and Specifically I am looking hang on a second here.
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- I don't want acts. I It's gonna be back up a little farther. Here we go.
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- I want Ephesians. Okay There it is Okay, Galatians 4
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- Okay. All right. Check this out Galatians 4 trying to you know by showing you my research methodology.
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- You should also be thinking. Okay, here's how this works The more you study the Bible sometimes you don't remember chapter and verse you remember words
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- And when you're remembering the words that'll get you to where you're going So watch what
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- Galatians 4 says I mean that the heir as long as he is a child is no different from a slave though He's the owner of everything
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- But he's under guardians and managers until the date set by his father in the same way we were we also
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- When we were children, we were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world But when the fullness of time had come here we go when the fullness of time had come
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- God sent forth his son born of woman born under the law to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as Sons and because you are
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- Sons God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts so in Galatians 6 in Galatians 6 when it says that that when man began to multiply in the face of the land and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive
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- Nowhere in Scripture are we led to believe that there can be interspecies mating between you know, let's just say a cow and a donkey a man and a horse an angel
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- Which is a spirit and a human being so the question is who are the sons of God?
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- Answer these are the ones who who believe in the promised
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- You know seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent go back to Genesis 3 These are the believers in God.
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- These are the ones calling on God in order to be saved. You'll note that Enoch Was a righteous fellow
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- Noah was a righteous fellow so what happened is is that this was an interspecies marriage between angels and human beings
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- Sons of God is the title that also refers to human beings and more specifically to believers
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- So we have believers marrying unbelievers, that's the better understanding of this text so watch what it says here
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- So when man began to multiply in the face of the land and daughters were born to them When man began to multiply the sons of God saw that the daughters of man
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- These would be the unbelieving hot pagan chicks that they were attractive and they took as their wives any they chose
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- Then the Lord said my spirit shall not abide in man forever for he is flesh his day shall be a hundred and twenty years
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- God's basically saying from 120 years 120 years from now. He's gonna destroy the world
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- Then we get to verse 4 the Nephilim were on the earth in those days.
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- Now the the Hebrew word Nephilim Legitimately just means Giants Okay, Giants were on the earth and here's the thing that would the way the
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- Hebrew word Nephilim is used very very similar to the way we use it the word giant in the
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- English language, so we could talk about somebody being a Giant, okay My my father tells a story of When I was a wee little tyke we went we went to LAX to pick up my grandparents who had flown in from New York to spend some time with our family and While we were waiting at the gate you could do that back in the day
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- While we were waiting at the gate, you know for my grandparents to arrive
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- Apparently the you know An NBA basketball team had gotten off an airplane and they were heading towards the baggage claim area and I saw
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- Wilt Chamberlain This is the way my father tells the story and I said look dad there's a giant and Wilt Chamberlain heard me say that as A tyke, you know, so I'm like,
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- I don't know two You know, maybe three and Wilt Chamberlain stopped
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- Picked me up and brought me all the way up here. He says how does it look from up here?
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- Right? Oh Okay, so so one with one of the ways we talk about Giants is somebody of a really tall stature and Hang out with the
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- NBA folk and you'll sit there and go. Yeah, these guys are Right that at least they feel like that's that's one way in which the word
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- Nephilim Which is the Hebrew word for giant is used and another way the the
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- Hebrew word Nephilim is used It's the same way We use it in the English language when we talk about somebody being a giant among other human beings maybe in their trade
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- Or their business or something like that So we could talk about Jeff Bezos. He's a giant of technology now doesn't mean that Jeff Bezos is a tall fellow
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- That's not the case at all. We could say that Elon Musk is a giant in the auto industry
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- You get the idea and so it talks about somebody who is kind of a legend in their own time
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- That's the way the word Nephilim is being used here and you'll note the ESV doesn't translate it
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- Okay, and of course if it's referring to if it's referring to You know hybrid human angel, you know interspecies giant people
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- Then we got a problem and I'll explain the problem in a minute because the
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- Nephilim are going to suffer the same fate as werewolves and other creatures according to Katie Seuss's Postulations and we'll explain what their fate is.
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- But so here it is. So my spirit shall not content abide in man forever He's flesh his days shall be a hundred and twenty years the
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- Nephilim were on the earth in those days and Also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they bore children to them
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- They these were the mighty men who were of old the men of renown That's how the word
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- Nephilim is being used here not about some kind of hybrid between angels and humans
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- That's not what the text says at all. In fact, you're reading into the text when you say that Right, we you got to keep this in mind
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- So that's not that's not a sound way to look at this, but we I digress Let's come back and continue with Katie Seuss's explanation
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- So she's talked about the doctrine of angels and she's inserted things into the biblical texts that are not there in Genesis 6
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- They just are not there came down had had intimacy Illegal intimacy with women took them as wives and because of their
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- DNA inside of them They produced mutants. They produced giants out of this unholy union with him
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- The text doesn't say that actually you're reading it into the text Katie and women but they didn't just fornicate with the women if you read
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- Genesis 6, I'll go to the scripture All right. Let's let's see you do that I've never seen a rightly handled biblical text even once by accident
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- And it says that God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate debased and vicious it was for all
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- Humanity had corrupted their way on the earth and lost their directions and he even goes on to say that I want to find the
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- It says I will wipe away mankind whom I've created from the face of the earth. This is verse 7 not only man but the beasts
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- Okay First seven so the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his
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- Heart was only evil continually and the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth and aggrieved him to his heart so Yahweh said
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- I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land man and Animals Bahama, you know you you can say beasts as well, but it's talking about animals.
- 19:52
- So that's going to include Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my right and creeping things
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- You know bugs and stuff like that and birds and of the heavens for I'm sorry that I that I have
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- Made them so note here. God is talking about the creatures He has made but Noah found favor in the eyes of Yahweh, which is kind of a big
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- You know turning point in the story, but I digress. Let's continue on with Katie's Exegesis because it's not and the creeping things and the birds of the air for it grieves me
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- It makes me regretful that I have made them Why would God punish the beast the animals that he had created because cuz the flood was global As these angels these fallen angels were so debased so perverse that they not only had holy really unholy relations with human women
- 20:43
- But also with animals beastly ality and things like that. They did No text says this
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- Katie not in the Bible and I would note something here, you know She will you know,
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- I'm not gonna play it but in the video she makes reference to a book, you know
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- Basically an apocryphal book found in the Qumran caves called the book of Giants of the book of monsters
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- That's not in the Bible Okay, it's it's totally apocryphal and that being the case
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- She's she's basically gonna make the argument that she's putting the narrative from the book of monsters
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- You know into Genesis, but it's not in Genesis and The book of Giants the book or slash monsters is not considered canonical at all so here we have her basically quoting at a text
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- Outside of the Bible and trying to read it into the biblical text. That's what's going on here Where did she get this narrative from from the book of monsters?
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- Okay, let's continue the relations with human women But also with animals bestiality and things like that they did experiments they were trying to create
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- Animals who had their DNA in them so they could be supernatural creatures. Why would they do that?
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- Look at what's in heaven? For living creatures beasts with wings and eyes that cover them again.
- 22:17
- She's not quoting a biblical text here at all Totally not their whole body and and beasts that have an ox head and then an eagle head and a human head and a lion
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- Head all in one creature. I mean bizarre looking creatures and what these fallen angels were doing
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- We're trying to recreate those kinds of things here on Says what biblical text
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- Katie? Which biblical text says this? no, biblical text says it and Enoch is not a biblical text and the book of monsters is not a
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- Biblical text now, let's let's address kind of the elephant in the room here and that is is in the book of Jude Jude quotes
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- Enoch the book of Enoch first Enoch in fact So listen to what Jude says it was also about these that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied saying behold the
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- Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment on on all and to convict all the ungodly of their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in an ungodly way of All and of all the harsh things that that the ungodly sinners have spoken against him
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- So that is quoted This is a quote the portions of this are quoted directly
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- From the book of Enoch which then people sit there and argue and say well if he's quoting
- 23:43
- Enoch We've got to add Enoch to the Bible We need to read it and we need to understand what
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- Enoch says because it's giving us the inside scoop from the scriptures Hold your horses there
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- You're gonna know that In quoting Enoch. He isn't really quoting much. He doesn't actually give us the prophecy of Enoch at all
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- He just merely is quoting one particular section of it Now, let me point this out in the book of Acts chapter 17 while Paul is preaching at the
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- Areopagus okay, he's preaching on Mars Hill and he's he's preaching to the
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- Areopagites, right and in his preaching he quotes
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- Pagan poets he quotes Pagan sources. Okay.
- 24:34
- So let me let me let me add a little context here Okay, so Paul says
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- In fact, let me just a little more context here God who made the world and everything that is in it
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- So this is Paul's evangelism sermon that he's given on Mars Hill being Lord of heaven and earth
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- He does not live in temples made by man Nor is he served by human hands as though he needed anything since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything
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- And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth
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- Having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place That they should seek
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- God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him Yet he's not actually far from each one of us now what watch this in the
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- ESV That's in quotation marks and the reason why is simple Paul's quoting from a pagan poet
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- For in him we live and move and have our being What is he quoting from?
- 25:34
- from a work poem by Epimenides of Crete Are we to say that the works of Epimenides now need to be added to the
- 25:44
- Bible? No, and then he goes on and says and even some of your own poets have said for we are indeed his offspring
- 25:53
- This is from Erastus's poem called Phainomena Okay, so should we add phainomena to the
- 26:02
- Bible because Paul quotes it right here No, a good way to put it is this is that sometimes
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- Extra biblical sources Say something that is spiritually true
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- And when those sources say something that is spiritually true and they are quoted in the
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- Bible the Bible says that part and that part only we can trust and what they that person said or what this thing said is
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- True the rest of it No No, not at all.
- 26:37
- Okay a good way to put it is is that old saying that you know a broken clock?
- 26:43
- Still tells the time accurately twice a day. That's if it's an old analog clock with the hands, right?
- 26:49
- That's the idea here. So just because Paul caught He quotes
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- Erastus and he quotes Epimenides of Crete doesn't mean that we should that that somehow that we should add them to the scriptures
- 27:01
- Nobody was gonna make that argument and then I would note in the book of Titus Paul again quotes
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- Epimenides One of the Cretans a prophet of their own said Cretans are always liars evil beasts and lazy gluttons
- 27:15
- That again is from Epimenides of Crete Okay Should we add Epimenides works to the
- 27:21
- Bible and make him one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ No It's just that when he said this that happened to be true
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- And so Paul quotes it that the parts that get quoted in the scripture. We can say oh, yes
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- They had it right and because God the Holy Spirit inspired the authors to include that little nugget of truth
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- We can trust that little nugget of truth and nothing else So people who have
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- Jude he quotes from the book of Enoch So we better we better add a whole bunch of Enoch into our theology
- 27:57
- Nope, we're only gonna add the part of Enoch that's quoted in Jude the same way we only add the parts from Epimenides that are quoted by Paul or the parts that Part of Erastus's work that are quoted by Paul only that little tiny bit
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- Has been added to the scriptures and Enoch is not considered scripture
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- It's pseudepigraphal Enoch didn't write it. Okay, it's it's a pseudepigraphal book and you know
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- It kind of has kind of a Gnostic tinge to it, by the way, just saying but coming back here
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- Let's then listen to Katie Sousa spin more of this nonsense out and we're gonna put a death knell to all of this here in A minute, but we're just gonna put the nails in the coffin
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- Really quickly here here we go. And so they experimented on animals They fornicated with animals and what happened is no biblical texts talks about angels fornicating with animals
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- Out of this fornication and these experiments came beasts and we see that throughout history You see, you know satyrs and Medusa with the snakes on her heads and you know
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- Half fish half men and and the gods that the Egyptians worship were frogs with male lower parts and frogs heads
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- I mean there was these mixtures of men and beasts of demonic angelic DNA and and creatures and then in the caves of quorum
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- Okay. Now this is where she's gonna quote from the book of monsters, but she's way way off here way off and I'll explain why
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- Because she's forgotten one really important thing
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- Really really important. So when apparently did these angels fornicate with?
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- With beasts and create centaurs and werewolves and and things like that Before the flood
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- But there is an important part of Genesis 7 that everybody who tries to make it sound like there are
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- Nephilim today and that werewolves exist today because of the fornication of angels with beasts and stuff like that and That is this
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- That when the flood occurred the details in Genesis 7 say these words the flood
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- Continued 40 days on the earth the waters increased and bore up the ark and it rose high above the earth the waters prevailed and increased greatly on the earth and the ark floated on the face of the waters and the
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- Waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heavens were covered
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- The waters prevailed above the above the mountains covering them 15 cubits deep
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- So according to scripture the flood is global Everything gets covered in the flood and the highest peaks all the way up to 15 cubits deep
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- Which explains why you find fossils of sea creatures high up at on You know on the slopes of Mount Everest just saying but that's a whole other story.
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- But here's the important part I have highlighted and all flesh died
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- That moved on the earth birds livestock beasts all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth and all of mankind
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- Everything on the dry land and whose nostrils was the breath of life Died it says everything
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- God blotted out Every living thing that was on the face of the ground man and animals creeping things and birds of the heavens
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- They were blotted out from the earth Only Noah was left and those who were with him in the ark and the waters prevailed on the earth for a hundred and fifty days when faced with this text
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- I Kid you not there are people out there who will say well
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- Maybe the Nephilim found a way to hold on to the ark and that's how they survived for 40 days
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- You're out of your mind and that if that's the case then the scripture lies The scripture says all flesh and that only
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- Noah and those animals on the ark survived the flood so you'll note in quoting
- 32:18
- Genesis 6 and adding to it the the narrative of the book of monsters and using this to justify the her belief in the existence of Of werewolves today she is overlooked an important thing the flood destroyed all of this
- 32:38
- What she's saying is nonsense and I trust the Word of God.
- 32:44
- I don't trust the book of Enoch I don't trust the book of monsters or the book of Giants.
- 32:49
- They're kind of the same thing Okay, I and and nobody considers them scripture nobody
- 32:56
- So, why is she quoting this as if somehow Christians need to believe these things well because Katie Sue says made a lot of money basically
- 33:07
- Telling whoppers of stories and stuff like this, but now it's time to talk about our sponsor real quick if you are looking for a
- 33:16
- Podcast where you are going to hear God's Word Rightly taught you're gonna work through entire books of the
- 33:23
- Bible whole chapters and verses in Context with somebody who knows how the church has historically understood these texts
- 33:32
- Then this is the podcast that you need This is the Word of the Lord endures forever and you can find this podcast over at the word endures
- 33:43
- Pastor Will Whedon whom we've had on a couple of times here on fighting for the faith is an excellent
- 33:48
- Bible teacher and he's an exegete and he's not going to lead you down the primrose path of believing in werewolves and and And vampires and things like this not even close.
- 34:00
- He's going to rightly handle God's Word Properly distinguished between law and gospel and keep you focused on the central figure of all the scriptures
- 34:10
- And that is Jesus Christ and he does it quickly
- 34:16
- Okay, you don't have a lot of time for you know, five six seven hours of Bible study every day
- 34:22
- He puts this into a short concise Little bit of you know
- 34:28
- Every single day and over a long period of time you really begin to get a good grasp on what the scriptures say and what they mean and you are you are being instructed in sound doctrine not in the
- 34:42
- Nonsense that we're hearing from Katie Sousa here. You get the idea So again, the
- 34:48
- Word of the Lord endures forever you can find them at the word endures or we'll put a link down below in the description and You know, and it's a free podcast free free free.
- 35:00
- Okay. All right now, let's let's kind of fast forward a little bit here Okay, and so Note here.
- 35:06
- We got the dupers delight micro expression going on here from from her claim that well
- 35:11
- I found this in the in the the book of monsters and all this kind of stuff Ignoring the fact that the scriptures say all of these things that she says happened
- 35:23
- All of these creatures that were created by inbreeding between angels and beasts according to God's Word Everything died
- 35:35
- Everything if they weren't on the ark they died Hmm. All right.
- 35:40
- Let's see what she says that here. There are monsters in the earth where do you think vampires and werewolves and and Yetis and and you know the the monsters in the deep
- 35:52
- Nettie and all these other things note the dupers delight micro expression again
- 35:58
- Look it up dupers delight smile right there in the search bar on YouTube and watch some of the videos about it
- 36:04
- And it's unmistakable. You can't unsee what Katie Sousa is doing here. Do you think that they're just myth
- 36:12
- Yeah Yeah, yeah, do you actually believe they're just myth? Yes, I do no
- 36:19
- No Yes, yeah, because if if they came
- 36:26
- Through the breeding of angels with beasts prior to the flood There would be none of them left.
- 36:33
- They all died If you go through archaeology and all these different societies throughout the world the creatures so no charisma magazine now is making it a
- 36:44
- Christian doctrine to believe in werewolves and vampires and Centaurs and you know and Yetis and things like this.
- 36:52
- This is now like Their official position all the more reason why you should have zero
- 37:00
- Contact with charisma magazine and anything they put out is that they talk about or that they have stories about They all are similar.
- 37:09
- You know, they talk about dragons. They talk about There's there's a Bigfoot legend all over the world.
- 37:15
- You got the Yeti in the Himalayas You've got Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest. You've got all these different things, but the descriptions match of different things
- 37:22
- So there is so now we're going to now we're gonna go from Bigfoot to werewolves
- 37:28
- Obviously, they're describing the same thing, but maybe note the dupers delight micro expression here
- 37:36
- She's smiling cuz she's you know, this guy is basically
- 37:41
- Just a complete fool in their own different ways, so it
- 37:46
- Completely different continents that don't have phones or or you know, not a biblical argument
- 37:56
- Email or whatever? I'll be describing something that's very very similar to every other continent and civilization
- 38:04
- Without them being able to communicate unless it's real. I Dragons of the ancient world is that Noah had dinosaurs on the ark?
- 38:18
- They survived the flood because they were on the ark and talking about dinosaurs is
- 38:25
- Different than talking about werewolves and vampires Yep. Yeah, and so that really makes you think like if these things are really out there
- 38:35
- What do we need to do about them? And you know, yeah, what do we need to do about vampires?
- 38:42
- and werewolves You know, do I need to go out and buy some garlic? You know get a wooden stake and a silver bullet.
- 38:49
- What do I do? They're they're out there hiding. They're they're more spiritual than we give them credit
- 38:56
- There's the dupers delight micro expression smile again for obviously Um, and they're and she's even laughing at him.
- 39:04
- Look at that You said that there's a werewolf that's assigned to take you out So I I got to hear more about that specifically
- 39:12
- Really? There's a werewolf assigned to take katie susa out If you believe that I have a bridge
- 39:19
- I can sell you in new york. I'll sell it cheap I can't tell the whole story. It's too lengthy Yeah, right, of course.
- 39:26
- Let's just put it this way the first time I and it's not I don't know if there's a werewolf right now assigned to take me out
- 39:33
- Right, right. I haven't seen it, but I have dealt with many different werewolves throughout my my life the many many different werewolves throughout many many many many many
- 39:46
- Because somehow they survived the flood First one Was up in the mountains and I place
- 39:54
- I won't mention right now But right she won't mention she's just making stuff up. Uh, I saw it it chased me
- 40:00
- And I you saw how dark was it? you know Again this lady's lying through her teeth.
- 40:07
- She's a complete grifter and everything she's saying is It has nothing to do with what we as christians are to believe now if if she wants to go on, you know
- 40:18
- George nori's coast to coast and talk about her werewolf experience Go for it.
- 40:25
- Sure. Why not? That is a good place for it But charisma magazine which is published for christians
- 40:34
- You'll note that they are legitimately teaching people that this is what christians need to believe
- 40:40
- And I would note the words of our lord. Jesus christ in matthew 28 In matthew 28 we have these words jesus
- 40:49
- Said to his apostles all authority in heaven on earth has been given to me And go therefore make disciples of all nations
- 40:57
- Disciples are more than just learners there are learners who want to be like their master and jesus is our master
- 41:03
- And make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father son and the holy spirit and teaching them to observe
- 41:11
- All that I have commanded you teaching them to observe all I have commanded you which means they're supposed to what?
- 41:20
- Be focused on the scriptures because that's the only place we can go To find all that christ has said and commanded and taught it's in the word it's in the scriptures and what this lady is teaching and what charisma magazine is participating in is complete evil and wickedness and Adding to the scriptures stuff that not only we shouldn't believe but things that if you believe them cause you to Contradict the scriptures and believe things that are different than what the clear passages say
- 41:50
- For instance that god destroyed every living creature Except those creatures and those humans who were on the ark again
- 41:57
- Genesis 7 is in play here if katie sousa is right, then genesis 7 is wrong
- 42:04
- So when who are you going to go with? Go with bible not with katie sousa. I think you know what i'm saying
- 42:10
- So hopefully you found this helpful If so all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description
- 42:15
- And a quick shout out for those of you who support us financially You make it possible for us to bring fighting for the faith to you and to the world
- 42:24
- If you would like to join our crew and support us financially so that we can continue to pay our bills and do this work
- 42:30
- Uh, there's a link down below that will take you to our website where you can join our crew And for those of you who do thank you, we could not be doing what we are doing without your support
- 42:39
- So until next time may god richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by jesus christ And his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.
- 42:47
- Amen So nice to see that you made it to the end before you inevitably click on another video to continue binging our glorious content
- 42:56
- You should know about some of our other offerings First off some of you may know that our pirate captain is also the pastor of kongsvinger lutheran church out in oslo
- 43:06
- Minnesota the editor that I totally don't have locked in my basement produces audio and video versions of kongsvinger sermons and sunday schools
- 43:15
- Weekly, so go check out kongsvingerchurch .org to see all of our offerings
- 43:20
- Now to address some of the frequently asked questions we get in the comments One the bible and video editing software we use are named and linked in the description down below Two if you wish to donate to us directly so we can keep the lights on go check out www .piratechristian
- 43:39
- .com And hit the crew tab We don't promise miraculous healings or a double increase in your finances
- 43:47
- But what we do promise is more quality discernment from our studio into your ear holes
- 43:54
- And three how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wiseacre who put this in here?