Spiritual Transition from Toe Nail Clippings

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Are we? Okay. So this is a time where those who are watching live the Striving for Eternity Academy, Monday nights 8 o 'clock on the website strivingforeternity .org,
they get to give me something that they think I just can't possibly transition from whatever they give me to the gospel.
Now they try to see if they can stump me and well, this one may not be so much of a stumping as much as a gross, but that's what we're dealing with.
So tonight's topic is I have to transition from toenail clippings to the gospel.
Do you think that's possible? Why do we do this game? We do this game for this reason. If you learn to be able to transition any conversation into a spiritual conversation, you no longer have to look or wait for opportunities to share the gospel.
You can make them. Someone's talking about toenail clippings. Can you transition that into a gospel conversation?
Well off the cuff without any forethought or thinking on this, this is how I might go about doing it and you think of how you would go about doing it.
But one of the things I toenail clippings are just one of those things that gross people out.
I don't know why actually come to think of it. It does. It grosses me out, but I don't know why it does, but it is one of those things that for some people at least it gets them to go,
Hey, there's something just about it that seems off, right? It seems just disgusting and yet to other people it's like no big deal.
There's a reason maybe for this and that is similar to a different scenario and I'm going to get to in a moment, but it's this.
We sometimes can become desensitized to things so that even though we can might look at something and be like, that's gross.
If we get used to something long enough, we don't think it's gross anymore. We actually think it's normal. We see this in our culture, in our society.
We see things that generations ago, just 20 years ago, there's things in our culture today that's accepted that 20 years ago people would have said ill gross.
People would have said is wrong, but now today it's accepted. This is what happens when people get desensitized to different things such as toenail clippings.
You can get desensitized to them where they don't look gross. They're actually just kind of no big deal. The reality is this is the way sin works.
Sin works to desensitize us to different things so that we would think what's gross is actually normal.
And sin does that and constantly is trying to beat up against our conscience to tell us that wrong is right and right is wrong.
And yet that doesn't really help us because God gave us a conscience so we would know right and wrong for the explicit purpose that we would know that we are not in a right state with God.
That we're guilty of breaking His law and because of that we need to go to God on His terms by what
He set up when He Himself came to earth, died on a cross, and made a way of escape. We have to go to God on His terms to get right with Him.
We have a conscience so we know the need to get right with Him. That's the purpose of it. So that we would realize we shouldn't be desensitized to things that we shouldn't think are good when they're bad or bad when they're good.
And what God does is God gives us a new heart and then He gives us a pure conscience and all of a sudden we start realizing things we thought were okay, not so okay anymore.
So the question for you is where would you spend eternity? What will happen to you when you face
God? Will you be desensitized to your sin and thinking that your sin's not so bad and then see it for the first time when
God reveals how bad our sin actually is in His sight because He's infinitely holy and perfect?
Or are you going to repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ so that when you stand before Him you're already going to have a pure conscience because of the work
He does in your heart? That's how I would transition from toenail clippings to the gospel.