Deuteronomy 7, Who Does What?


Deuteronomy 7 Who Does What?


Deuteronomy chapter 7 we're reading the entire chapter here the Word of the Lord When the
Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it and clears away many nations before you the
Hittites the Girgashites the Amorites the Canaanites the Perizzites the Hivites and the Jebusites seven nations more numerous and mightier than yourselves and When the
Lord your God gives them over to you and you defeat them then you must devote them to complete destruction
You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them You shall not intermarry with them giving your daughters to their sons
Taking their daughters for your sons for they would turn your sons from following me to serve other gods
Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you and he would destroy you quickly But thus shall you deal with them
You shall break down their altars and dash in pieces their pillars and chop down their ashram and burn their carved images with fire
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession out of all the peoples
Who are on the face of the earth? It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the
Lord set his love on you and chose you For you were the fewest of all peoples But it is because the
Lord loves you and is keeping the oath that he swore to your fathers That the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt know therefore that the
Lord your God is God the fateful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations and Repays to their face those who hate him by destroying them
He will not be slack or the one who hates him. He will repay him to his face You shall therefore be careful to do the commandment and the statutes and the rules that I command you today and Because you listen to these rules and keep them and do them the
Lord your God will keep with you The covenant and the steadfast love that he swore to your fathers.
He will love you bless you and multiply you he will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground your grain and your wine and your oil the increase of your
Herds and the young of your flock in the land that he swore to your fathers to give you You shall be blessed above all peoples
There shall not be a male or female barren or among you or among your flock and the
Lord will take away from you all sickness and None of the evil diseases of Egypt which you knew will he inflict on you?
But he will lay them on all who hate you and you shall consume all the peoples that the
Lord your God will give Over to you your eye shall not pity them neither Shall you serve their gods for that would be a snare to you if you say in your heart these nations are greater than I How can
I dispossess them? You shall not be afraid of them But you shall remember what the
Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt the great trials That your eyes saw the signs and the wonders the mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which the
Lord your God brought you out So will the Lord your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid
Moreover, the Lord your God will also send hornets among them Until those who are left and hide themselves from you are destroyed
You shall not be in dread of them for the Lord your God is in your midst a great and awesome
God The Lord your God will clear away these nations before you little by little You may not make an end of them at once lest the wild beasts grow too numerous for you but the
Lord your God will give them over to you and throw them into great confusion until they are destroyed and He will give their kings into your hand and you shall make their name perish from under heaven
No one shall be able to stand against you until you have destroyed them the carved images of their gods
You shall burn with fire You shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them or or take it for yourselves
Lest you be ensnared by it for it is an abomination to the Lord your God And you shall not bring an abominable thing into your house and become devoted to destruction like it
You shall utterly detest and abhor it for it is devoted to destruction
May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word It's important in any relationship to know who does what?
You know when he does that She does this when it comes to marriage are all roles interchangeable
That seems to be the assumption of many people today I I don't know if they've ever sat down and and thought it through but it it seems that many today
Assume that the roles of a man and woman in marriage are interchangeable that they can be individually suited to every marriage
There's no like when he does that I that she does this There's no natural or universal law that says they say that the husband does this and the wife does that it's sexist
We're now told to assume that the man should be doing some things and the woman some others This is the wife usually cook
My house and people want it that way. Yeah, does the husband usually grill? Should the man do the driving
Should the wife do the laundry iron the clothes do the dishes should the man cut the grass fix things, you know
Like outside the house, you know in Chinese culture. They use that phrase saying something like what the woman takes care of the inside Minister of the interior and the man is the minister the exterior right outside, you know, it's not so differently
American culture You know there's usually expected that the wife takes care of indoors and clean the house and the man goes out and Takes care of the outside cuts the grass but in our new a egalitarian culture
We're taught that all these roles are interchangeable That may be in one relationship that the man can cook and clean and the wife can then mow the grass
Or maybe they'd switch every other week something like that Surely even if we're very traditional we recognize that sometimes
Who does what in a relationship depends on the talents of the partners?
I mean if the man were Emeril Lagasse, you know world -famous chef Maybe he should cook you think and if the woman is
Danica Patrick NASCAR driver, you know, maybe she should drive you think Today we think that's just obvious.
That's a common sense because we're taught It's just in the air around us now Egalitarianism the belief that we're just kind of all equal.
We're all the same and particularly the sexes are equal which we often assume Because people don't really think so clearly about it.
We often assume means that they're interchangeable. There's no natural role for for one or the other but Nature doesn't seem to agree, you know when it comes to bearing children 100 % of the time
The women are the ones who get pregnant, you know husband might say, you know, honey next child. I'll do the bearing
But it just won't work out that way. There is a natural law at least about some roles About who does what?
What about other relationships, you know in a workplace people want to know who does what when he does that I do
This some people were refused to do some things if it's not they say in Their job description, right?
That's not what I was hired to do. I'm not gonna do it a secretary might insist that she's not paid to make coffee
Or in a sports team athletes need to know what they're supposed to do in football Who do
I block in? baseball Where do I stand? I went trying to attract me with the coach scheduled me to run one of the legs of the 4x400 relay
That's one. So one lap around the track. I protested to the coach that I don't run sprints and he looked at me for a second and probably recalling what
I look like trying to sprint and said You're right in any relationship.
You need to know Who does what? When your shops when she gives me the order
I cook it In churches people didn't need to know who does what like in marital relationships?
We have a lot of people these days who think all the roles the relationships in the church are just kind of interchangeable
Who think that since we're all equal in value in God's eyes, which is true Then we're all can do the same things
Which is not really true Now that sounds ridiculous when you say it out like that because that's the way people think we're all equal
Value so therefore we can all do the same thing what you? Okay, you begin to see the problem just saying it out loud, but that does that does seem to be the way many people think
So it's in the modern era that we have the movement in the church to have quote no clergy
That is no elders who labor in preaching and teaching no particular people set aside to be pastors to leave the church
Under the reason the reasoning is that it's part of the priesthood of believers. We're all priests
They say so we don't need pastors. Well, that's not really logical But that fits perfectly in with the individualistic
Consumer view of the church that we're not part of a body That's what many people think at least assume.
We're not really part of a body You know, I'm not I'm not an ear by nature to do ear work or a hand by nature to do hand work
I'm a customer And so I do whatever work I want to do Who does what?
Here we see that what we do in our relationship with God when he does this
Then what do we do? And whatever you may think about marriages or church when it comes to God some things are just for him and some roles are for us
When he does this Then we do that. There's the win and the then and we see that here in his passage
Deuteronomy chapter 7 in four parts starting with four things that he does and Then what we do in response he first saves second he elects and third he rewards and finally, he promises and When he does each of those things when
Then we do something in response Who does what? Well first he saves and those first five verses when the
Lord saves then We do this notice how the passage tells us that God saves first now to be sure that the thrust of the passage of what
Israel should do but the assumption there is God is doing something first.
He's initiated it It's not something that we do we like what like we go to church or we say the right prayer
We choose to get baptized or whatever and then God saves in response to our prior action
That we do the action even if it's just to make a choice about what to believe and God responds to that by saving no first God saves even here where the purpose is to tell the
Israelites what they must do the basis of that the basis of what they must do the reason that they are to do what they are to do is
On what the Lord has already done notice even here again, the purpose is to tell the
Israelites what to do The reason is God's prior Salvation first begins in verse 1 when there's the wind and the then notice when
The Lord your God brings you Into the land, you know, he's bringing you like you might pick up a kid and bring him to taekwondo lessons
When the Lord your God brings you into the land That's the goal that they've been waiting and praying and hoping and working for for centuries.
So when God does it Notice this God who does the bringing? You notice that It's not when you finally
When you finally do what I've been telling you to do invade that land and you take it then I'll bless you
No, it's when the Lord brings you so he's bringing in the second half of the verse of verse 1 and then when
Does the wind and the then when? the Lord clears away the opposition
So now is the Lord bringing them into the land once they're in the land It's not left up to them either.
The Lord is gonna be the one to clear away the opposition Nations more numerous and mightier than yourselves interesting how the
Lord reminds them that these other nations are more numerous and mightier you think you'd want to tone that down unless they get discouraged like they had a generation before remember the
Story and and refused to go but the Lord here is being right up front with them They're they're mightier than you.
They're more numerous than you. You cannot naturally take them But the Lord is gonna clear them away, so they can't left to themselves clear away those nations
But God will clear them away notice the verbs about God's acting in verses 1 & 2 God's saving the wind and the then when first God brings
God clears away Then in verse 2 God gives them over to you
Now Israel will defeat them But it's because God first will give them over give these
Canaanites over to them. There's the wind and the then Who does what well when
God brings when he clears when he gives when he saves then
You do this Here you be absolutely devoted to the point of destroying
Anything that has the potential? To turn you away from him you destroy it.
You don't compromise with it. You don't give it an inch This is really what the Lord Jesus was getting at when he said that if your hand or your eye
Causes you to sin you you cut it off or you gouge it out It's better to be maimed or blind than to let some sin drag you into hell
Of course, it's really never the hand or the eye that causes us to sin You know, maybe people say don't take that literally.
No, you take it literally just notice the if word the beginning if Your hand or your eye causes you to sin, but your hand or your eyes never really causing you to sin
It's the sin we let rise in our heart, it's our flesh our very sinful nature what he meant was that our commitment to battle sin has to be so fierce that if Chopping off your hand
Gouging out your eye if that would help You do it Well, that's why like here we must resolve to make constant warfare on it until we have exterminated sin in our lives like here
You don't make a peace treaty with sin You know, give it a little room Give it a look you give a little time watching porn on the
Internet or serving greed Living your life for the dollar you give a few days a week for that and then maybe a day of the week for the
Lord in verse 3, you don't knowingly marry someone who will help you sin. You don't help your children marry people who will help them
Lead them away from the Lord as JC vile wrote let no sin live quietly undisturbed in your heart
In other words continue to harass The sin that's in your life.
Keep bothering it Don't make peace with it as Paul said you punish every disobedient thought every idea or every feeling
That doesn't conform to the Word of God you punish it you you beat it down You don't have the attitude like somebody today.
Well my feelings my ideas My inclinations whatever should be affirmed should be celebrated should be respected
No You shouldn't even respect your own Sinful ideas or feelings if your feelings want to have sex outside of marriage well
You suppress that maybe by diverting your mind to memorize scripture or or singing praises if your mind says well
I want I want more money. I want to I want money more than seeking first God's rule in my life
Then you put that down by telling yourself that you can't serve God in money that there is there's nothing on earth that you desire
Besides the Lord because not only is the Lord your greatest treasure You believe he will supply all your needs so you don't seek first the food, you know, the birds are fed
Or the clothes the flowers have their clothes Not only do you believe all of that but here in verse 4
No in Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. This is the carrot. This is the this is the incentive
He will reward you. He will bless you believe that Other passage of the
Bible like here. There's the stick. There's the carrot in the stick The stick here. There's the reward of the incentive.
It's the carrot. Then there's a penalty If you don't fight sin if it draws you away from the
Lord then Who does what The Lord will get angry his anger against you will catch fire and he will destroy you when and then
When he saves you Then you give your life to him as a living sacrifice
You declare war on the world the flesh and the devil you don't compromise with it
Notice how fierce your commitment is supposed to be in verse 5 Thus you shall deal with them
These these temptations these forces of evil the world the flesh and the devil Anything that could draw you away from him thus you shall deal with them and then he gives
What at least four commands break them down Dash him in pieces
Chop them down Burn them those those verbs so vigorous break dash chop burn make total war against everything
That is warring against your soul Who does what
Second the Lord elects That is his choice. He chooses his people his choice comes first versus 6 to 11 when he elects
Then there's the wind and the then he elects then You become holy in verse 6.
You are a people Holy to the Lord you are set apart by him for him
You're not just another person, you know out of the general population. That's another person like in the world who can live
For getting your best life now all about the comfy life the money the electronics the cars the house the retirement the beach house
Whatever else you want want the soothing religion that makes you feel good about living for all that stuff now
And and you won't dare let anything threaten That life especially not a virus
That's why you'll hunker down hoping it disappears If your life is all here Then the virus threatens to take all all that you have and that's typical.
That's that's kind of the life in the world That's the way the society around us is and that may be good enough for others for your friends and your neighbors
But not for you if the Lord has made you holy holiness is first a status of set -apartness
Being made different and that's conferred by God's call you've been called by him
That makes you holy because the whole world has it been called God calls his people and that call makes them holy When he calls us holy then we respond
By living holy lives in verse 6. You are a people holy to the Lord Now why why are we holy to the
Lord because he says the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasure
Possession always his choices come first. He's made it. He's treasured us as in Romans 8
He foreknown us those whom he's foreknown. He's also called and then predestined He's so we are his treasured possession
You'll be treasured the treasured property of the Lord like you might have a treasure piece of jewelry in your in your jewelry box
He here God is saying you are you are my treasured Possession as in Peter takes us in first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 applies it to the church to Christian people
But you you believers in Jesus you are a chosen race You're the race that's been chosen not an ethnic race
You're a race of believers. You've been chosen a royal priesthood a holy nation like from this passage a people for God's own
Possession echoing again Deuteronomy chapter 7 so it's not the ethnic people of Israel But the spiritual people that of the church believers and you the
Lord says here in Deuteronomy you Out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth
Other ways, he's called some from every people He called you out of the world now why
Why is he called you out of the world? Is it when when we did this?
Whatever it may be When we did something then God called us. Is that the way it works?
He's responding to us Is it because he looked forward and saw your faith? Look forward in time
Saw that you were this person's gonna believe so I'm gonna call him because in response to what he did Because he saw that you were powerful if you were impressive
If you were particularly religious he liked your religion Maybe a big numbers Wow, look at that.
They're the popular populist group. I'm gonna call them to get more votes No in verse 7 it was not
Because you were more in number than any other people You just deserve to be notable because you're so huge So many of you know as in do first Corinthians not many of you were wise or powerful educated or rich or just impressive
Just by your sheer numbers. You can't ignore that many people right? That's not why he set his love on you
Notice that in verse 7 he set His love on you. The love wasn't just like a passing feeling he for a while.
He had an infatuation with you You know and that just passed now. He said it. It means it says it's determined I can concrete.
It's not gonna move It's set and he set his love on you and Notice in verse 7 he chose you
That's election, that's what the doctrine of election me doesn't use that word here, but that's what he's talking about His choice of us.
Well, why then why did he elect us? Why did he set his love? Why did he determine? To love us commit to himself and to us that he would love us and so call us elect us
Why what's the is it was there? Is there a win before that we did and then he responds?
Well verse 8 answers the question It's great when it's answered Right there He says he loves us.
He set his love on us Because here it is. Here's this answer to this great theological question that theologians have been debating about for centuries
There is a verse 8 is the answer he set his love on you because The Lord loves you
He loves us because He loves us The reason for his election his call is not in us
It's not in something we've done Not our religion our baptism our confession our prayer.
I don't anything in us. It's in him so it's election and it's
Unconditional It's based on what he's done his own love his commitment to love. He saw us.
He set his love on us He settled to love us He committed to love us and then he called us out of the world out of death and it's because of why because of love
Who does what in this relationship with God? He loves us first That's what he does
He made an oath a covenant to love us to save us and he proved it By bringing his people out of Egypt proving that he is more powerful than the even the superpower of their day and He proved his love his covenant
By bringing his son out of death Proving that he is more more powerful than that last enemy.
He redeemed us in verse 8 that is he bought us back from death with great cost to himself
There's the win and the then When he did that Then in verse 9, here's what we do in response.
Here's the VIN for us Therefore Because of all that because of his setting his love on us for no other reason nothing
You know what we've done. He's done it merely because he chose to love us therefore
Then we know Know the Lord Get to know him
He's called you now get to know him Know the Lord that's that's what we're here for right now That's why we come to church so we get to know him better because he's called us know that he is
God Know that know who your God is Not something else some people believe it kind of believe in God, but they're using
Quote God to get to their real God know that he is God. That's what he's saying here. Your belly isn't
God some people live as if Whatever they are hungry for next Whether it be the next thing to eat the next gadget that Apple or Samsung puts out
The next car the next sensation the thrill the next dollar they can make that that is
God So they'll live for that. He's saying here. No, no, no better than that. No that I'm God No, because he set his love on you not because of something about you
But because he first loved you know that he is God know that he's faithful that he keeps his covenants that he has steadfast
Love that important word in the Bible know that he has loyalty
To his people he sets his love on them. It's not fleeting. You're not gonna be able to Beat it it to run away from it to unearn it then knowing that you be a faithful covenant keeper like him
Love him in return love because he first loved you There's the win when he
Elects you because he loves you then You keep his commandments.
You're not gonna earn his love with keeping his commandments. It doesn't work like that It's not when you keep his commandments then you do it long enough.
You do it well enough then I'll love you No, it's the other way around when he loves you. He elects you then You respond by keeping his commandments.
You don't keep his commandments again to earn love. You are loved. You're called your elect You're saved because you are loved and then when he's loved you you love him
And follow his word When he's called you Then know him
Know that he's not like the he's not like the hand -wringing God that many think he is. He's gonna depend it on us
He's bound by our free will he can't do anything without our permission as before again He he judges here know that he will repay
Here is face to face. He'll repay people face to face those who hate him in verse 10
He will take vengeance against them. He says to their face In other words personally
One by one so that they know it There comes a point that they know that God is against them
Twice he says that he will repay to their face. So who does what? When he judges
Then we in verse 11 should be careful to do what he commands Who does what in this relationship
The Lord rewards in verse 12 You you you listen to his word You keep his commandments because he loved you first Then the
Lord will he says the Lord will love you even more. He'll he'll bless you and multiply you He'll give you rewards here.
He'll bless. He says the fruit of your womb. That is your children in verse 13 He'll bless the fruit of your ground.
Most of them would be farmers ranchers in those days So that's him saying God's saying I'll bless your work your your career your shop your business
He'll bless all the stuff that you need here. He talks about the wine the oil the herds the flocks today
It could be your paycheck Your job your shop your investments your family
We're Tom's we're sometimes shy about saying that too much today because the prosperity preachers have abused it
You know turning God basically into a blessing machine You say the right thing and usually you have to give them them give the prosperity preacher some money and they promise that God will
Definitely bless you so much and the Lord's not like that, but the Lord does indeed bless He is a rewarder.
I Have not seen the righteous forsaken It's what Psalm 37 verse 25 says
I've not seen the righteous forsaken like left alone in a nursing home with no visitors
During kovat 19. I've not seen the righteous forsaken or a seed his children begging for bread
So it's not just a it's not just a one -way relationship that is always him taking the initiative and always just us responding
Sometimes we respond To his covenant love sure that comes first. We respond to him having loved us first and our obedient response to him provokes his further blessing
He blesses our obedience There's some confusion here because some people a lot of sometimes people is just one -dimensional they can only understand one thing at once one or the other either
God Acts and we respond that his grace comes first or we act and God responds
So our works come first and those the latter kind of their legalist that it's always either him doing the win and us doing the then
Or it's always vice versa, you know us doing something and then God responding to that But God will bless our obedience sometimes discipline our disobedience responding to our actions
Now for our church, right because all this probably for many churches There's been a drop in income because of the stay -at -home orders
Sometimes drop of income because there's a drop in income for many of our members so a few weeks ago
I applied for the church to get a grant from the National was called the National Christian Foundation and that and they gave us $3 ,000 isn't that nice?
We got a reward So that's why we're able to afford the waxing of the floor and the covering of the door back there But and the
Lord gives rewards to his people Sometimes it's sometimes it is when we do this
That is we obey or we give or we ask ask and it shall be given to you when we ask then
God gives a blessing God may bless it your obedience. He may bless your giving and sometimes
God will respond to people's disobedience security of his people and respond to their unbelief
With discipline for his people Maybe cursing for those who are not his people now like before here
God makes a difference between those who are his and those who are not his for his people. He will one day Give perfect health
He'll raise them up in the last day For those who hate him He will afflict them
So then who does who does what? When God responds with judgment then in verse 16
You know, we better not have pity on On those those things that that could bring his judgment on us thinking.
Well, that's just the way people are That's the way life is. That's the way society is this way always and I've known things We just we have to accept this whatever these sins we call it was secret cultivating of lust the compromise with materialism
They're making excuses for unfaithfulness serving the dollar You know, that's the way everyone is
The stubborn unteachable this that you know Some people just won't listen to scripture or a reason when it comes to some area we better not just carve out a little room for whatever precious little sin that we just won't give up because we do that make
Trip us up Who does what in this relationship? when the
Lord saves Then we give our lives as living sacrifices when the
Lord elects then we're holy and When we obey and grow Then the
Lord rewards Finally fourth thing the Lord promises in those last ten verses
If you get intimidated by your enemies, you know, they're greater than I I Can't overcome
That lust I can't break with my culture and Not burn jaw sticks or hell money to my grandmother at her funeral.
I just can't do that. Yeah, I can't it's too much pressure I got to go along with the family. I can't stand up to a culture of racism
It's just a way everyone around me is I can't I can't be different Can't stand up against the money chasing the living for the dollar can't close down the shop on Sunday for that It's just too asking too much.
I The world the flesh and the devil they're just too strong for me I just have to go along the sin is carrying me along if you feel like you're being overwhelmed by your enemies you're being intimidated
Remember God's promises Don't be afraid of them in verse 18 But remind yourself what the
Lord has already done He saved Israel out of Egypt with signs and wonders and he saved
Jesus from the dead Showing that his outstretched arm is stronger than death itself
The same power that raised Christ from the dead brought you out of spiritual death. If you're a believer, that's what's already happened
So that's how you believe and that God inspired faith can overcome all your enemies
The promise at the end of verse 19 is that in the same way as he did to Egypt or to death
So will he do to any enemy that you now face? Also in verse 20 the
Lord will unleash hornets They really don't know what that word means. It's something harassing
It's coming like out of the wild coming out of nowhere. You imagine the swarm of hornets coming after your enemy whatever pest
Comes out of the wild the Lord will just unleash that to drive away Everything that would try to separate you from the love of Christ.
So in words When you look desperate you have no help Suddenly The Lord sends something just out of nowhere to defend you he will continue to do that and Tell all those enemies are destroyed.
He'll Persevere in doing it. He'll keep doing it. He'll keep at it because he's committed to you.
That's his promise Who does wanted this relationship Well, he promises
When he promises Then How do we respond we believe when he promises then in verse 21, we will not be in dread.
You don't have to fear We won't dread the sin that we feel helpless to keep ourselves from We all dread it because we're not depending on ourselves
We won't dread the creeping of old age you know the aging of the body and The sign that the death is coming.
We won't fear we won't dread The corona virus might be wise about it But we don't have to dread it because in verse 21 the
Lord our God is in our midst says he is he is great and Awesome, he is greater than whatever is tempting us than the coldness of death
Than a novel virus. He is more awe -inspiring than whatever else might try to to make us dread
He has promised to overcome all our enemies to put them all under his feet that subjugate them to Lead us in victory.
Those are all promises from the Lord for us. And so when he promises then we are inspired to keep going
We have no fear we have no dread because he's promised he promises to clear away our opposition but notice in verse 22
He promises to do it in a particular way He says there he'll do it clear away the opposition
Little by little It's kind of a strange promise. Isn't it little by little when he promises we are encouraged
So we keep going we get growth we get joy get victory But we're on notice here.
It's little by little You know, some people believe that if they only they can get some that one great overwhelming experience
Whatever they might call it a baptism in fire that they can have that and then they will eradicate all sin in their lives
They will finally have overcome sin and they wouldn't live the rest of their lives and sinless perfection Have victory and miracles and live a long prosperous healthy life
But the Lord doesn't promise that he promises sure but not that He promises progress step by step
Little by little he won't give us an instant victory Just and so we have an end of our spiritual warfare all at once in verse 22
So we could just kind of sit back and relax don't have to worry about anything anymore. We can just abide You know some people some people's terminology.
No, he doesn't promise that He's wanting us to persevere daily in applying ourselves
To the spiritual warfare to taking thoughts captive to the Word of God to denying ourselves to praying and giving and serving
Little by little every day for the rest of our lives. It's like training to be an athlete, you know a great runner
You run pretty much every day and you get better Little by little you may not see much progress but over a long stretch of time and but you and you might even even get injured and have in Go backwards for a while.
You might have your season canceled And so not get the training that you wanted for that spring track season that you missed
But you stay at it and over the long term you grow Little by little the promise here inspires you
To keep going, you know If you believe there's a just one great awesome experience and you just sought it and that's gonna wipe out all sin in your life
After a while, you know you one thing you're never gonna get it and then what happened you'll get discouraged and you'll give up So he's not promising that he's promising us progress
Little by little if we keep applying ourselves You can continue to war against sin denying yourself because you believe the
Lord's promise in verse 23 that he will give your enemies Into your hand he will confuse them No, they thought they had something going on when they make it make us not all meet at the same time
But then something good comes out of that enemy never saw he will give your enemies into our hand He you will put the principalities and powers
The human powers that say you can't meet or the demonic ones who say you should live for bread or money alone
He will put them under your feet. He says so that at the end You know all the things that when the war is finally over All the things that at one time seemed so intimidating that sin
You never thought you'd be able to overcome these pressures from the society around you that you thought was just so overwhelming.
Whatever it is being coronavirus You're besetting sins.
I mean Satan himself all these things that seem so Frightening and overwhelming
At the end, you know, you're gonna look back they'll just They'll be practically forgotten
It'd be like, you know, like today like we talked about the Hittite Empire You're not scared by that.
Is it you hear about the Hittite Empire? Wow, those guys are strong and might one time people thought that But it doesn't intimidate you anymore.
Does it this is ancient history He has promised nothing can separate you from the love of Christ Not life or death or angels or demons not anything in all of creation
Not even your doubts and fears Or even a novel virus when he has promised then you are convinced and Then you cry out
We are more than conquerors Through him who loved us Well, who does what in this relationship he promises and then
We believe and so keep going keep growing Little by little
Because again for the fourth time in this chapter, there's the warning in those last few verses Because we believe we turn
From what would distract us from those promises things like gold silver
Riches distract us, you know, it's the same today only only maybe the images have changed we think today
What why shouldn't we keep the gold and the silver of the world? And so what if it comes with the images of the world it's just art right
Looks good. Why not? Keep it out It'll look good in my living room hanging on my wall like the Chinese Christian with a
Buddha statue in his living room It seemed odd to me or the Southern Christian with a Confederate flag Which seems should seem odd or a dollar.
Oh, yeah used to be one of those by the way Now looking back on it. What was I thinking or the dollar symbol belt buckle?
Hmm of the luxury car that's more than just a ride but as a status symbol the Lord says in verse 25
Don't covet them. You'll be ensnared. You'll be trapped. You'll be tripped up by them. It represents the values of the world
It's individualism is self -focused nest like Buddha looking for enlightenment from within like the assertion of the will
You know the Confederate flag the assertion of the will that I will do what I will do no matter what anyone says
If I want to keep slaves, I'll do that I'll regard some people as non -persons whom I can use
To make money or I maybe I can abort them if it's convenient for me I'll flaunt the things my money can buy and with all that we show that deep down We think our life consists of the things that I can show off that I can hold in my hand that with it money buys here the
Lord says that that is an abomination To him.
Oh, it's it's detestable It's abhorrent It's just disgusting
He hates it so don't bring something that disgusts him into your house, but he says destroy it
Detest and abhor it like he does devote that materialistic self -centered that symbol of willfulness that individualistic symbol a consumer idol devoted to Destruction make war on those values
Who does what in this relationship? Well, he saves you
He sets his love on you as he chooses you We saw why right?
He loves you because he loves you Not because of something you've done or that he's responding to sure.
He'll reward you for your obedience But sometimes you'll have to keep going Through some hard times and setbacks, but you do keep going because you believe his promises
You believe you'll keep progressing because he's promised little by little and when he promises then you believe and you destroy
What might destroy that faith? Now Has he saved you?
if yes, then your part is To give yourself to him as a living sacrifice when
He saves you then You give your life to him as an active worship as he elected you then know him know that he's the faithful God As he rewarded you are disciplined you as one of his children
Well if he hasn't Then search your life Has he promised you and then you believed well if you have then dedicate yourself to this war on unbelief and idols making progress
Little by little if you haven't that is you haven't believed his promises yet Then ask him now
To stretch out his arm for you to lead you out of Slavery to sin out of the out of the death of unbelief