F4F | Real Talk Kim Raising Dry Bones


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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith here on YouTube If you've ever been told that the story in Ezekiel 37, you know
The Valley of the Dry Bones is about you Prophetically speaking life over the dry things in your life that God wants to raise up Yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button below and ring the bell
You've been deceived that's not what that text is about at all. In fact The Ezekiel 37 tells you straight up What the
Valley of the Dry Bones is about God actually interprets the vision in the same chapter
Tells us what it's all about and there are so many people who just want to make the Bible about whatever they want to make it
About rather than what it's really about and so we're gonna take a look at what it's really about case in point though We're gonna listen to a woman who wants to make it about what she wants to make it about.
And of course, I'm talking about ahem real talk Kim, so Hang on to your hats.
We're heading over to her YouTube channel. Did you know she's a pastor now? Pastrix now God does not permit women to do that But I'm just saying well, we're gonna be listening to her as she explains about raising
You know dry bones and stuff so here we go, here's real talk him and raising dry bones
I look back in my life and I tell you one thing I'm so thankful.
I went through every season. In fact people ask me all the time if you had it to do over What would you change?
I say absolutely nothing if I had it to do over I would have done everything I did just younger so I could enjoy this version of me.
Okay. Okay, I would have done everything I would have had the big mouth that drove the man to drink. I would have spent all my money
I would have I would have done everything that I always had done I would have nae nae'd on the bar just like I wanna because some
Yeah, she nae nae'd on the bar and Did all these so okay.
We're learning a lot about real talk Kim here Came out of that broken place that never came if I would have been shot myself on the front row all the time
Because there's something that comes when you lose everything called empathy There's something there's a passion that God Needed you to get on the inside of you that you couldn't get if everything was handed to you on a silver platter says in Ezekiel 37
The hand of the Lord came upon me. I'm going through 10 Brought me out in the spirit of the
Lord. So she's only gonna go through 10 and that's the the problem there But and set me down in the midst of the valley and it was full of bones
Then he calls me to pass by them all around and behold There were very many in the open valley and indeed they were very dry
He said to me son of man. Can these bones live? So I answered
Oh Lord God, you know Again, he said to me prophesy to these bones prophesy
To these bones and say to them all dry bones Hear the word of the
Lord that says the Lord God to these bones Surely I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall some of y 'all need to prophesy
To your dreaded dry bones tonight Yeah, no,
I I don't need to do that now Let's take a look at the actual text itself to see what's going on there
And we'll note that God actually tells us What this vision of the valley of the dry bones means it's right here in Ezekiel 37
So the three rules for sound biblical exegesis three three. Yeah, there we go. Three three rules. They are context context and Yes context and so just put this back into context and you'll see this isn't about you
Being told by God to prophesy over the dead bones in your life and they'll come roaring back to life
Not even close. So Ezekiel 37 1 the hand of Yahweh was upon me
And he brought me out in the spirit of Yahweh and set me down in the middle of the valley
It was full of bones and he led me around among them and behold There were very many on the surface of the valley and behold
They were very dry and he said to me son of man Can these bones live and I answered
Oh Lord God, you know And then he said to me prophesy over the these bones and say to them
Oh dry bones Hear the word of the Lord thus says Yahweh Elohim to the to these bones behold
I will cause breath to enter in enter you and you shall live and I will lay sinews upon you and I will cause
Flesh to come upon you and cover your skin and put breath in you and they shall live
And you shall know that I am Yahweh so, you know them bones them bones them dry bones.
Yeah, you know the song anyway so I prophesied as I was commanded and I prophesied there was a sound behold a
Rattling and the bones came together bone to its bone and I looked and behold there were sinews on them and flesh
Had come upon them and skin had covered them, but there was no breath in them
Then he said to me prophesy to the breath prophesy son of man and say to the breath thus says
Yahweh Elohim Come from the four winds Oh breath and breathe on these slain and they that they may live so I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and stood on their feet and Exceedingly great army now note she was gonna go to ten.
That's ten right there But that doesn't give us the explanation. So by ignoring the rest of the chapter she can make this about whatever she wants to make it about But God himself actually tells us what this means and it's right here in this text
So then he said to me verse 11 son of man These bones are the whole house of Israel Uh -huh.
Behold, they say our bones are dried up. Our hope is lost. We are indeed cut off Therefore prophesy and say to them thus says
Yahweh Elohim Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves
This is a prophecy regarding the resurrection Uh -huh, the day Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead
God will raise us up from the grave and important to note here. Everyone who is a believer in Christ is
Saved and has been grafted in to Israel so this is a prophecy regarding all
Christians then as well as those who had faith that were living in the times of Ezekiel and the
Old Testament times and had faith in in the one true God for the future Messiah who would come to forgive their sins.
So behold, I will open your graves raise you from the graves Oh my people I will bring you into the land of Israel and you shall know that I am
Yahweh when I open your graves and raise you from your graves
Oh my people and I will put my spirit within you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land
Then you shall know that I am Yahweh. I have spoken. I will do it declares the
Lord So the Valley of the Dry Bones prophecy vision there in Ezekiel 37
It isn't about God raising the dead things in your life. No, not at all.
This is about God raising you you Christians from the grave and Putting sinew and bone and put bringing you back to life.
This is about the resurrection so I Don't know what real talk
Kim's talking about But she isn't interested in actually rightly handling a biblical text
She's not even qualified to run the flannel board in a preschool Sunday school class I you know,
I'm just saying but here she is as a pastor preaching a word, you know, and she's miserably missing out on what this thing is really about the reason some of you can barely get up and don't want to go to sleep and don't want to wake up once you get to It's because you ain't prophesying the right stuff out of your mouth
You got to realize that this ain't man. Oh man, yeah
Now we're getting a total Smackdown. Yeah, we're getting a chewing out here.
Yeah, we're getting nagged from the stage by real talk Kim Because we're not prophesying things out of our this text isn't telling us to prophesy nothing
Ezekiel was the one who was told to prophesy. This isn't there isn't some weird General application that we got to prophesy over the dead things in our life.
I'm staying So I'm about to praise myself right on out of this thing and I might not be okay today
And it might not be okay tomorrow, but bless God as long as God is my king of kings and my lord of Lord He said that my ladder shall be greater.
He said my ladder my ladder my ladder My ladder someone playing a
Hammond b3 what on earth greater You can't tell me that you walked up into this church tonight and everything
You've had all the greatest experiences of your life already happened That is a lie from the pit of hell because God said in Ephesians 320.
He gonna do exceedingly abundantly He didn't say nothing about your past or your dead dry bones
He said it. Oh Man talk about adventures in missing the whole point so It is well when you get to that place for it is well with my soul.
It is well Surely I will cause breath to enter into your into you and You shall live.
I Will put sinews on you and bring flesh Upon you cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live
Then you shall know that I am the Lord so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and Suddenly a rattling and the bones came together
Bone to bone Indeed as I looked the sinews and the flesh came upon him and the skin covered them over But there was no breath in them.
See God starts doing a work before he finishes the project He's putting you back together again, honey.
Peace Bob. Peace. Peace Bob And She's just feeding him total pablum she is not even remotely handling this text correctly
Oh, it may not be breathing yet. Oh, but it's coming back together
It may not be breathing yet man, but It's What's coming back together?
Good night Oh Whoa, I prophesied there was a noise and suddenly a rattling and the bones came together bone to bone
Indeed as I looked the sinews and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them over but there was no breath in them
Also, he said to me prophesy to breathe
Breathe prophesy son a man and Say to breath thus says the
Lord Oh God come from the four winds Oh breath and breathe on me these slain and they may live
So I prophesied as he commanded Some y 'all just need to start prophesying this as he commanded he and all of us
God is not commanding us to prophesy nothing over nothing lady
This was Command given to Ezekiel in a vision. Oh Man, and God already explained in the chapter what this is all about Yeah, if you just like read past verse 10, you know
You'd be able to figure this out all in your own eye That'd be hilarious wouldn't be like if she like read past 10 and like got halfway through her sermon went.
Whoa well, I Thought this was about It about what
I was saying and then she had to repent that would be just great but Wow, I Think you get the point
So if you ever hear a pastor or a pastrix not that there is a such thing as a pastrix but if you ever hear a pastor or a pastrix telling you that God's commanding you to prophesy over the dry bones in your life
You just need to obey your God at his command for you to prophesy You know
You're dealing with somebody who is not qualified to be a pastor and they're feeling your hearts and your minds with nonsense run away flee like the flee that place like it's
Sodom and Gomorrah because You don't want to be there when the wrath of God falls on the roof. You see what
I'm saying here If you found this helpful You know Please share the video all the information on how to share it
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