HalloWhat? The History of Halloween


Join us for this special show tonight at 9pm. Pastor Justin, and Dr. Anthony Silvestro will be discussing the history of Halloween. Is Halloween compatible with Christianity? Is it a time for Evangelism or Compromise? We will be live so feel free to join in.


Give me a second. Sorry. This is apologetics live to answer your questions your host from striving for eternity ministries andrew rapaport
Good evening everyone so, you know at some point we are going to have to change that intro music because I messed it all up So It's all it's all about dr.
Silvestro and pastor pierce You know, thank you guys for uh for coming on tonight this is going to be a really fun show for us to do um, actually it's gonna be fun for me to sit back and just ask questions because Pastor justin has done all the research on this but You know pastor justin has wanted to do this
I I know for for a while and then we just kind of threw it around. He says well, what about tonight? I said Let's do it
That's how it happened. It's been a last minute thing But we're doing only one hour tonight
Yeah, not a silvestro hour, which is like three hours. We're doing an andrew hour, which is like an hour so So we're gonna just jump right into this.
Um, i'm your host dr Anthony silvestro with my co -host pastor justin pierce.
So, uh, thank you for coming on tonight justin Hey, man, thanks. I'm i'm, you know, just glad that we could do it
Uh, we're as you can see my walls have changed. I'm, uh, I got put in a corner Yeah, I I see that.
Yeah. Did you get lashings too? Yeah. Well, I got the floor done. I got all the walls done Um, i'm working on some trim and electrical work.
And so naturally I get put in the corner. Yeah Oh, yeah, well, hey we were we were you know, uh,
You know knocking this around about when to do it and whatnot and and I I saw I don't know probably five or ten people
That are on facebook that were kind of questioning. Is anybody going to do a discussion about that?
And I said, um, Um, yeah, I think it'd be a really good idea and of course
I reached out to you guys and This was just a really good time to do it Yeah, no, I Absolutely And and before we jump into this
I want everyone to know This thursday is going to be another great show. We've had a we have a whole string of really good guests and whatnot
We're going to be bringing back uh pastor chuck o 'neill this thursday And we got a whole litany of topics going to be just he and I talking
And we're going to be we're going to be going over some last minute political stuff we're going to be talking then about uh roman catholicism
And the pope's recent comments um How how christian should view the new supreme court justice?
Um, who's catholic, right? How do we have a proper view on this? It's really going to be a good show.
We talked about it this afternoon So we're really excited about that on thursday coming up.
So you guys will want to tune in for that especially In two weeks from today
Um, i'm going to be on with a or with an evolutionist again So a new evolutionist who wants who actually sought me out.
It's crazy So he's going to come on and and uh Yeah, I know. So we're going to have a fun discussion talking
But uh, and then I think next week You're supposed to have the canadian atheist back on right?
Yeah, he and I are going to have a conversation about um Well, I think everything has really been hammered out really well on it, but I think we're going to talk about um uh, he wants to talk with me about the moral argument and Have a little discussion about that.
So yeah, I He does not know what he's getting into I'm gonna enjoy sitting back just watching that one.
So this is gonna be enjoyable. This is gonna be fun Yeah, and and and i'll say one other thing next thursday, um in god's grace
I'll be out at pastor andrew's house again, and you'll be on your way out there after the show, I believe because um
Mike riddle and I will be teaching With a friend scott weckerly we'll be teaching the basic creation training course at andrew's church on saturday.
There are still some sign up spots available for anybody who wants to come into the philadelphia pennsylvania area
And and come in and take the course. It's all day on saturday I promise you have never sat through a creation training like this before and there's some good groups out there
There's some good people out there, but it is not like what this is Uh, so you'll really enjoy coming in to learn about it
If you want to know more go to creation training initiative .org and you can learn more about this course that we're offering
And i'll be preaching at andrew's church on sunday on james 3 versus 1 to 12 the taming of the tongue
So, uh, that should be a fun fun weekend, uh coming up Uh, but having said all that Pastor justin, we're not here to talk about all those things.
We're here to talk about what's coming up this coming saturday which is the one of the largest
I don't want to call it celebrations. But I mean really it's one of the largest Celebrations slash parties that occurs in the country.
I believe that there's more candy sold by far for this Day than there is even for sweetest day or for valentine's day or any of the other made -up hallmark holidays
That's uh that halloween far surpasses all those in candy sales Yep for them.
It's great, right? Well, if if you got a sweet tooth, it should be a wonderful day for you um, but with With all of that comes the baggage of its history
And you know, you can't devoid it from history. I'll tell you one thing Uh, as I as I told you just a little bit ago if you guys really want a good gospel track on Uh for this, it's just a little bitty thin gospel track.
It comes from answers in genesis Bodie hodge and the guys there wrote this and it's called a biblical and historical look at halloween um, it gives a history of halloween and uh, they're
I think they're a hundred for Maybe ten dollars or something like that Uh, you can get them off the website answers in genesis um,
I want to suggest that to you, uh get those and definitely Uh, give those out here in the next couple days.
You can get them rush ordered Okay, okay, what do you mean by give them out
Yeah, and we'll talk about that later Let's get into what it is and then we'll talk about how we deal with it.
Okay Okay. Okay. Let's let's get into what it is. So so okay, so we started out with the um, uh with the little uh
Yep little screen here. Hello what? You came up with that and I died laughing.
I'll tell you what when you said that I thought that's just For some reason that was the funniest thing I could think of and and it was it was you know, it's it's like It reminded me of like herman who but but herman wood and and I was
I don't know I was just thinking about that. I thought it was hilarious. There are times things just pop onto my brain really fast
You know, I so the rap report andrew's, you know, like ship. Um, uh, podcast on our podcast network
We were he wanted to come up with a name and literally just rolled off my tongue Like the rap report and he's like that's the dumbest thing ever heard of and we're at shepherd's conference several years ago
I said, let's just let's talk to some people And so he's going around telling people that i'm calling it the rap report
And he's hoping that they're just gonna slaughter me over this right? Everybody loved it I mean robert reese who runs red grace media for for emilio
Ramos to to every other person he talked to everybody thought it was great So he in shame had to take the name that he hated to be his podcast name
So every time he says rap report he has to think of me But uh, yeah, hello what they just pop right in my brain.
I don't know it works. It worked great Yeah, it works great. Well, we've got a gentleman on uh, thomas
Let's pull him in real quick. Did you see if he wants to say anything real quick while we get started? Uh, hey thomas.
How you doing brother? How's it going guys? Thanks for thanks for having me. Absolutely Uh, yeah,
I was i'm glad to be here man Like this is this is one of those things that I I really don't struggle with but I think my family does um, you know, my mother -in -law is huge on halloween, so there's like huge family gathering every year and uh, so any ammunition
I could take Against them. I'm upset. I didn't know about that track sooner because I was actually just down at the creation museum last weekend
Oh, man, and I could have I could have picked up a couple cases. Yeah, they've got them downstairs in the in the um the auditorium
Yeah down in the auditorium area and then downstairs underneath the the the ark they have so much of that stuff.
Um, But it's but it's really good information And now i've compiled the information i've compiled from a bunch of different resources
You know, um schaefer francis schaefer a lot of church history stuff, you know, you know a lot from ken ham uh, just a multitude of different resources, um
And so if you if you ask me to pin down every single resource, you know, some of it's obvious I found this stuff online
Uh, the the pictures that I want to pull up here and show you guys Um, because I want people to think about what is going on today
And what is it that we are actually being a part of as the body of christ? And so this has always been my argument.
Um, if we start out from the scripture Hold on a second. I mean, let's ask let's ask the obvious question first Okay Isn't this just something that's a harmless thing to do?
I mean kids dress up They roam the streets. They go house to house asking for candy who cares, right?
I mean This is this is the average Thought and honestly, it was mine for years after I first got saved like, okay
It's a little I I recognize now. It's a little weird, you know you dress up and you trick or treat and somebody throws you a piece of candy or two and I I so I how do you address this?
Well for me i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna use pastor andrew He said something at the last conference that you guys just had the cruciform conference conference
He said and we put it into a meme. He said You don't You don't uh forsake or or dumb down.
I can't remember the exact quote You don't forsake holiness because you you know, because you care about god's glory
You forsake holiness because you want people to like you and if the scripture in the in this if the scripture tells us
What we are to be a part of and what we're not to be a part of that's the that's the the foundation stone
That's the uh, the end and beginning of our authority and that's what tells us what to do and indeed
We can look in the old testament and we can say in deuteronomy 18, for example, I posted it there Uh, so everybody could see it when you come into the land that the lord your god is giving you you shall not learn
Underline not learn it doesn't say go ahead and do it You shall not learn um
The follow the to follow the abominable practices of the nations There shall not be any among you who burns their sons and daughters as offerings anyone who practices divination
Tells futures and interprets omens or is a sorcerer. That's a witch Or a charmer or a medium or a
Nacromancer or anyone who inquires of the dead for whoever does these things is what?
It says a friend doesn't it? Oh, no. No, I think it says abomination.
Okay. I just making sure that we have the right quote Okay, it's an abomination. So I agree with this passage
But it's kids. They're just harmlessly going door to door Knocking on doors, they're dressed as things.
They don't even understand right and churches. I mean, look you look at this picture You just put up churches. Obviously, you're hosting these trunker treats everywhere.
So They're saying hey this this is harmless And they say it's harmless They say it's not that big of a deal, you know in october 31st and 15 17
Uh martin luther, he nails 95 theses on the wall At vittenberg castle and he was willing to die for his call for the church to come back into holiness
To to talk to the church about being holy and they wanted to kill him for it Uh so much to the point where it started the spark of the reformation there were multitudes more that died before him right
There were multitudes that even died before him. So when we water it down this way We should not be
Too far, you know away from expecting dragoween Ames, iowa, by the way, um to the church in ames, iowa united church of christ
If you don't want your name exposed and put on you know on blast for everybody then don't do drag aween
This is your children dressing up as drag queens and They they get uh rated for for who's the the the prettiest belle of the ball
And and they get all kinds of awards now now we say okay Good, that's disgusting.
I know it is but but but it's not that big of a deal, right? I mean, it's just little kids doing it, you know, and see that and i'm not mocking you
But i just know i i'm being facetious, of course, you know the audience who's listening. I know you are but Okay, but okay pastor.
So let me ask you this What is the history of halloween? Where does it come from? When did this kind of start?
Was it in this country was it in europe? Well, where'd it come from? To to get to where it came from let me tell you what it is.
Okay, okay halloween In okay to me and to me and you you can say oh, it's just it's not that big of a deal
It's just a little bit of a fun fun thing well to the druids uh, which druids were the witches and the wiccans they were the the priests of demonic worship, okay
These were the priests of this demonic worship. So they're cowboys. That's what you're saying. What's that?
Yeah, so they're catholics That's what you're saying. Well, okay. I i i i Boy I I I you got me tongue -tied because I don't know what to say.
No, actually actually I do. Um, Actually, I I do what what you got to say is is uh, this history
Is is steeped it's steeped in the demonic occult and and pagan ideology and um
It's one of those things that that has built up and and built up more and more over the years,
I mean you can go back to Uh for the early 400s and even sooner when you had people openly worshiping
Uh the pagan gods the pagan idols Around you had them openly worshiping and and the the demonic worship of idols and demons and um, and to to say to say that it was um the the worship of celtic worship
We don't understand what that means today Because today I mean everybody's heard that it was druid worship
There's not anybody that has it when you talk about halloween everybody says. Oh, yeah It was it was druidic worship and we know that and even here in this in this.
Um, This picture I let's see. I gotta pull it up here again this picture. I just showed everybody It talks about the pagan roots of halloween from ireland from scotland
Uh, and the celtic roots that comes from that Uh that that that birthed out this worship
And those ancient celtic roots Were became what's known as the festival of sam ain
Sam ain s -a -m -h -a -i -n And sam ain Is is seen all throughout.
Um all throughout time and history and even today as What's what's known as as the worship of the dead or the day of the dead, you know, you have um,
Like in mexico, for example pull this up in mexico You have the day of the dead festival in mexico and it's it's to to bring the the families into a
Remembrance of their dead ancestors so they can commune and so they can fellowship Um, here's here's just another one talk about the day of the dead you had you have these, you know day of the dead festivals where they're they're going around and they are um
Really really communing and fellowshipping. This goes all the way back to about 400 a .d
in scotland england ireland, and you had um, um You you call it today all hallows and all hallows eve and whatnot
It was a mixture what made it so popular is it was a mixture In christ in christendom and in the in the roman catholic as you said and the roman catholic traditions where they they
Went out and they're christianizing everything And they started to bring in the pagan cultic festivals and celebrations
And trying to make it christian So they allowed people to come in and to remember their dead now.
What is what is the go ahead? And from a historical timeline just so everybody knows that that halloween is is over 2 000 years old the root
So when you're talking about the samurai, that's over 2 000 years ago Yes, and you're right. It was it was actually intertwined with the roman catholic church
Exactly as time went on so And actually I actually just just brought this up now to give some exact dates on may 13th 609 a .d
So now we're talking about 1400 years ago Pope on a face the fourth dedicated the pantheon in rome in honor of all christian martyrs
And the catholic feast of all martyrs day was established in the western church Yeah, gregory the third later expanded the festival and include all saints as well as all martyrs and moved observance from may 13th
November 1st. So so you're right So when you talk about and I hope i'm not stealing your thunder here, but you are to be ashamed
All souls day is november 1st. Yeah, which means then what is october 31st?
So you have all saints day all souls day all saints day, but then you have all hallows eve
And i'll get to get to that in just a moment on Where this started from in in the 400s in scotland is these celtic druids?
They were earth worshipers um, really the hippies of the day married with um earth worship, you know the sun moon and stars they were married with All these different beliefs of of Supernaturalism inside of nature they worshipped and by the way
You can actually drive this all the way back to the time of the tower uh in in genesis because they worshipped
The devil, but instead of calling him devil the they they wouldn't call him lucifer. They would call him marduk
They would call him modek Moloch bail and and the festival of sam ayne is born out of that Now here's why it's so important to know the name sam ayne
Um many different pronunciations of his name were given And uh sanwayne sam ayne and all these different names
They go back to these the time of semiramis and tamu's Nimrod and all of these things that were being brought out that are
You know, the names are changed, but the you know, the guilty parties are still in play You know you read in the scripture talking about marduk
You read in the scripture talking about baal and baal and all these names and yet the
These these celtics They wanted to to continue their worship
But in order to become christianized they just uh
They were allowed to bring their their names their worships into The culture of the christian the quote -unquote christian roman catholic culture um
Let's see. Um So Cody robbins put this up the same bona face
Was supposedly contacted by bill wilson via a ouija board. Yeah who gave him the 12 steps of aa so there's
Isn't that wonderful It's wonderful how all that matches up. So as I was saying talking about the festival sanwayne, uh sanwayne, um
Let's see, I was trying to show you this here's the festival in mexico Okay, you see the bones the bone face and all these festivals the the commonality
Is the living skull the living bones? That's the commonality. But once you start getting outside of of mexico and whatnot you start coming into areas such as um el salvador
Well, they start to put a a better face On who sanhane or sanween is sanwayne the the names
Uh, the the the pronunciations change from all over the place but they start to put a better face on it and they start to to to worship through burnings and through uh,
Sacrifices and through all of these different ways and in this picture you see the festival of sanwayne sanhane
Uh the day of the dead festival in el salvador They use uh a man that's dressed up as if you know as if he's a a demon and um
Some of the stuff that anton levay talks about in uh in the church of satan
He says that he is so glad You know, i'm glad that christian parents
Let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the out of the year Now this man is disgusting.
Well, he's in hell now, but this man was disgusting and vile But he he was he was being truthful
Because so many christians think it's no big deal Well, let me show you something that uh, maybe you might think is a big deal um talking about samayne, um interesting so The the founder and high priest of the church of satan is in san francisco
The same place that spawned the largest homosexual population in the country That's also spawned two other sons of the devil in nancy pelosi and kamala harris
Let alone who knows what else has come out of san francisco Well, you think about it out of that out of that, uh teaching
You had you had the popularization of wiccans warlocks gothic groups you had um different churches pagan churches
And even halloween churches, uh san san hayne churches That popped up out of that now as we talked about san samayne um, he actually has a um, uh a
A physical feature that is seen all throughout history and i'll pull that one up for you um
As as you can see right in the middle of us. I wish it wasn't we could throw it out. Um, that that is a a a
Man covered In a cloak with a long sickle and that's how he was seen sam.
Ayne was seen as a demon with a sickle he was seen as a um,
Something of a um a demon if you will with a sickle But here's another way he was presented.
Actually, this would be actually a better way to see it is sam. Ayne Was the living skeleton?
He was the living skeleton and the reason for that was If you go back to the gothics and you go back to the celtics
They believed that during this time of the year Because you see out right out right now what's going on is autumn
You see right now things are starting to die and he was the the god that yes the grim reaper.
Thank you. Uh, angie, uh, Posted on here the grim reaper and that's that's what I wanted to tell you guys
The grim reaper would come in sam. Ayne himself You know, look this isn't from christianity.
This is from the pagan cultics Where they're trying to bring in all naturalism into their spiritual their pagan spiritual worship
And they're trying to get you and me and children and everyone else to think it's not that big of a deal So I want to make sure that everybody understands christians
We just don't do this But once you start to understand what this is about, it's actually pagan cultic worship
You know, I mean you think about how many kids, you know, and how many teenagers, you know, uh,
You know and adults are running around and they've got to have the the 20 and 30 foot long tall skeletons and all over the place
So they they have the skull and crossbones. They have them all over the place As if it's not that big of a deal, you know, and it's not that big of a deal
You know The question I have is when does it become a big deal? well, okay, so I I look
I I agree. I think this is a this is a big deal, right? How did it manifest itself into this country because it wasn't here until what the 1800s or so?
well, um it was in the it was actually in the Um I guess the best way to say it is
When you had the spanish people coming over You had a lot of their worship coming over as well
Um, and while you had a lot of people professing christ and christianity Because that was kind of the predominant, you know tome religious tome of the day
You also had the undercurrent of paganism And and that would you have to face it that would be catholicism.
Anyway, right? I mean, that's a lot of what spanish brought over was was catholicism, which is Pagan, so yeah, yeah, and and you have to think about it
Anything that would pretend or or have uh, some kind of rooted grounding in catholicism
Was perfectly acceptable So if you worshiped at the deal of deales mortis the day of the dead if you worship during that time and you also include
Uh your your christianity into this When you when you bring this stuff in There's there's there should be absolutely, you know, no issues with the roman catholic ideologies and What's being brought in with you know the the undertow of pagan teaching
So you have this festival of samayne you have these festivals going on But you have to understand what's going on during those times
During those worships, you know right now you you see As I was trying to say a minute ago right now you see that you've got um
You know fall coming on stuff seems to be dying so they say at this time of the winter solstice
The the god of light the god of of nature the god of youth the god of life is dying and now the god of death samhain
Is coming in and he's taking over and he's receiving his power and during this time they have
Uh, he has he has the most power and he can give that power to others He can give that power to others those that worship him and worship him in the right way
The only problem is is You know the bible we just looked at the old testament, but the new testament tells me in second corinthians 6
Do not be unequally yoked and whipped together with unbelievers For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?
What fellowship has light with darkness? What accord does christ have with belial?
What a portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? so as a christian
I need to recognize that in the old testament and in the new testament i've been told not only not to be unequally yoked
But not to fellowship with that is that which is from satan okay, so So let's bring this let's bring this a little further now, um
Because we're about halfway through the show already. I can't believe how fast this is going Okay, so halloween is brought into the states starts to become
Um parties, right people are throwing parties in the 1800s But it's not it doesn't turn into The halloween we see it today
Uh Until the early 1900s or something, right? That's when it started to be focused more towards kids for kids to go around and dress up okay it seems like the religious side of it's kind of been tossed aside and and uh maybe
Even okay. So a kid walking around even if they're dressed as a skeleton, right? They don't understand the meaning of it
The same way that people would have 300 years ago or maybe the same way that spanish would today or mexicans would today with with the day of the dead because obviously they have
They still put a lot of it a lot of stock into this type of stuff Oh, yeah kids adults, they probably still view this very innocently and and a lot of christian parents
And kids probably say again pastor justin are you being a little too harsh because they're just dressing up and going to get candy like they don't understand any of the
The the pagan background the the evil background of of any of this stuff
Well, you know the the druids they actually uh taught That demons and that evil spirits would embody uh animals
During the spring and summer and that they would be allowed to be let go into the world as the earth died at the winter solstice
They could come out and they could They could overtake unwitting humans
They could torture They could trick them um or If the people would give them treats
They would uh, they would not attack them not assault them not harm them And uh, and so you started to see
That there were things that were taught that were taught Not out of oh, this is a fun celebration
But out of fear it was taught out of fear um, and is that the trick or treat part right there is is that You're trying to give you something.
So when so Yeah I I guess yeah I'm trying to really drill down on this because so when a kid is knocking on the door saying trick or treat
Is this what you're referencing? Uh, yes, let me let me pull this. Um, where am
I at here? You're having me jump around sorry, that's okay. That's all right.
I'll uh, well, I know this hour so Yeah, we only have an hour but we can go like we can we can do an uh, an anthony sylvester hour
Okay, so by me talking about costumes talking about costumes, okay Talking about costumes.
Um The dead the demons they come back to life during this time of the winter solstice
They've been brought out of purgatory out of hell out of punishment perdition they're allowed to come in and And to terrorize the people and they terrorize them so that they can possess them
That's what's being taught in the druid druidic, uh teachings So one thing that's being taught is if you put on a costume
That dresses you up to look like one of these monsters one of these demons Uh looks like you know uh one of these deadly things
That you can trick them So they come And they're beating on your door and they're pounding and whatnot.
This is what the the teaching is They're beating on your door. They're going to come in but if you're a ghoul or whatever just like them you can trick them or Or you can give them a treat
That treat might be fruits and vegetables Uh, the the treat that they would give you back would be a good harvest the next year um, it might be that you give them a dead animal
Or one of your precious animals that you'd give them as a sacrifice um
And during that time you're talking in the 400s up to the seven and eight hundreds
What if you dress up like a what hot dog? A hot dog Well, I was just going to tell you that they they you know
They kill their they kill dogs and everything else. So if you dress up like a hot dog, then I guess You know that that would do it
Think about it. They're they're having you dress up in fear of of these, you know, uh
Uh demons That are coming out under the power of samayne the the the the prince of death the king of death
Um, and this is what's being taught during this time when you had a lot of superstition going on I mean you have to think about it, you know with with the salem witch trials
That was people being superstitious and terrified Of all of the witches and demons and warlocks and everything that they said was going around You know you had people that were legitimately terrified to the point where they would believe any of the hype
It wasn't just the roman catholic church that was hyping It was also all of those that wanted you to be terrified
And give them what they wanted And part of that was the children If you gave a child one of your one of your children to be sacrificed
It is still taught to this day that you can give animals and children and that they would be sacrificed for a good sacrifice for your finances long life, uh immortality and um
What they would do Is that the druids and that's why I pulled this up um
Let me put this up on screen This is called the dance of the bonfire It's bonfires, by the way, uh, you call them bonfires the druids called them bonfires and the reason they did that Is they would take the children that were offered?
to molek to baal To baal to sam ayn and any other name that they would give him and we all know he's talking about satan
They would give them over to these to these Druid priests
So that the people would not be scared And then they would take them to the bonfires and dance around the bonfires and it was said
That these children or these offerings of animals or whatever else with were thrown into the bonfire
And that you could see them screaming yelling and writhing and dancing And as they saw the bones dancing in the bonfires, which is why they called it that They could make prophecies.
They could tell about future events and all of this stuff Now You go.
Oh, this is disgusting. It's sick. It doesn't it's it's crazy and I say yes and amen I totally agree it is but this is what they were teaching
Now we we go today to these bonfires and we dress up and we say it's not that big of a deal
But was it a big deal? when these children were dying and when animals were being you know,
Killed and everything else in the name of these pagan gods and then in the name of this pagan worship I think it was you know, and if if you don't agree with that Guys, i'm sure that most of you do but if you don't agree with that think about what the pumpkins were about How many you guys have card pumped and you know in this past week?
You know what it was about Well what it was Is when I when before I started evangelizing um
For halloween. I didn't know what to do So, um, I saw ray comfort actually saw andrew um and some other guys
Out sharing the gospel during this time and they go out to the end of the street hand out, you know Gospel tracts and candy
And try to witness to as many people as they could Because this is a great time to be sharing the gospel.
Okay, so now now you're transitioning a little bit Go ahead. Oh, I I want to make sure so historical wise
You you've pretty much said you wanted to say right that the roots of this are are evil The roots are evil, but I also want to talk about the pumpkins
Well, let's talk about the pumpkins before we get into the evangelism side because i've got somebody who i'm going to bring in here in a moment who
I know wants to ask about about that very so Okay. Um, so the pumpkins uh, and the lighted skulls
The pumpkins were used to represent the souls of those who were damned for eternity And the faces of the dams would be carved into these pumpkins.
That's why you see the pumpkin pumpkin carving faces They would be put in there and it was also a way for the practicing druids to identify those that would support them
And give an offering to sam -ayn now the druids Would light the pumpkins
With candles that were made out of human fat And it was to protect the house from the evil spirits and the demons
Uh that would come out and and go around because the druids truly believed that this was going on that they were they were doing this
Uh that these demons were doing it um And that is what the that was the starting of the history of the costumes the bone fires
Or bonfires if you want to say it the pumpkins and the skulls, you know, that's where that came from and the ties into the historic teaching on on trick or treat
Uh, it was just that that they would um, you guys heard of jack trick, uh jack chick, you know, he does the chick tracks
Oh, some really funny Yeah, some of them are funny as could be But they're funny
Yeah, some of them are really really cute, but he actually talks about you know during the vigil of sam -ayn
Uh sanween all those things um that it was a way for them to Um trick as I said the druids but also for them to get a treat from the druids in exchange for Well sacrificing something of value
And uh, and it was the promise that the demons wouldn't attack them during those times So it was all about demon worship.
It was all about appeasing demons and it was all about you know, um getting getting the people to Um allow these druids to to exercise their their pagan worship and you know as I posted right here you have
Uh, this is just a picture of a coven of witches
Who are worshiping at a bonfire, of course, I don't I don't think um, well,
I mean I can say that there are some places where it's it's stated that That they may still actually actually sacrifice animals and people
Yeah, I don't know that I don't go yeah, I mean there That still happens today with with witchcraft with wiccans and whatnot.
So that stuff is still going on I I recognize that this is going on so Okay, and you know you have to think about it
What is the time when they when they see as their their their greatest time for worship and why?
Well for for a wiccan for a witch for a coven To do this during the vigil of sam ayne
Their witching hour is 3 33 a .m. Not midnight But 3 33 a .m.
And do you know why that is? Because that is exactly half of 666 And that's exactly why they do it during that time.
They sacrifice animals Um, i've heard many accounts of things like that that have gone on um
Guys, there's only one answer to this and that is the gospel and I and i'll just stop there and let the other gentleman
You know talk because I mean I have a lot more but I don't want to overbear it If I just real quick it so a lot of the stuff that you've said tonight
I I know just from my own personal studies over the years Um, but the the thing that is amazing to me is in my 44 years almost 44 years
I've never heard any of this taught in any church i've been in um And what you know a church that anthony and I are both intimately familiar with Um, their their view is that this is not a biblical issue.
It's not a you know, biblically doctrinal issue it's a matter of personal conviction and If me and my family are convicted about not celebrating halloween but anthony's isn't
We shouldn't say anything to them because that's that's their thing and it's just it's not that big a deal and you know, maybe we we celebrate it, but we don't let our kids dress like skeletons or demons or Horror figures they're they're dressing like fairies and whatever.
Yeah, exactly but this is not being taught in the vast majority of churches and it's just It's amazing to me
And and for those that can't see it on the audio I just posted anton lave and his
I mean this man was evil. I mean he drank he drank blood as part of his his worship to satan uh, and he drank human blood and they worshipped their their two greatest festival times of worship was on halloween and there was another date and I can't
I can't remember that I couldn't ever pronounce the name of it um Because he made it up but on halloween and he said
I am so glad That christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night of the year just because you don't know that doesn't absolve you
Okay, the you think about it you think about it? when when When god sent jonah to nineveh
He didn't say they Have been given the bible and they know everything about what's going on.
He said they are sinning and they need to know That means we have a responsibility as christians to tell
You know, we have a responsibility not to be like the world and and to tell the truth Okay, so So let's let's try to give some direction to christian parents and this is going to be your personal opinion
Right and and as a pastor But but it but it should give some uh, some really good guidance
To everybody. Okay. So can a christian and these are really yes. No questions, right?
So can a christian celebrate halloween? No Okay So that mean you asked for a yes.
No. Yeah. No, that's fine So can a christian allow their kids to dress up if it's not skeletons and stuff if it's fairies if it's
You know a sports player or whatever and go knocking on doors for candy What if they dress as jesus?
Second command violation violation. I know he's gonna say that i'm not even presbyterian Well, the only solution to me is the gospel of jesus christ, why are we here, you know,
I mean If it's a pagan cultic activity and it's still being done today Even if you don't know that what you're doing is pagan
Even if you don't know And it's not that you don't know because the information is not there It's you don't know because you've never researched it because some pastor has told you.
Oh, what's just a conscience issue But i'm not going to look into it and study it and try to warn my people
Yeah, I think that's terrible. I think that's terrible. So let me give you a harder question
What about a bonfire? Is it is it okay to I mean, okay on one hand if you say don't do a bonfire on halloween
Okay, I I get it. What about a bonfire in the middle of october? What about a bonfire in the middle of november where you're just throwing out wood and you're sitting around a campfire?
Is is that a problem? I i'm gonna go i'm gonna go to uh to um
I'm not going to stretch things to the point of legalism Mm -hmm and say that if you ever light something on fire, you're guilty of doing a bonfire
Okay, the whole point is it's wrapped around what is going on at halloween? Okay during this time this activity
Is directly related to the worship of baal sam ayn satan the demons the devils
And if you do know then you should say Hey We need to stay with us.
You talked about that. You haven't had anybody Preached from a church on this i've preached on this like five different times
To different congregations in our church and different groups and every one of them were in shock
Because as I went through You know, i'm trying to go through quickly, but i'm giving Bible passage after bible passage, you know, isaiah 1 8 1 18 tells us that we're to come let us reason together says the lord
Though your skins are like sins are like scarlet. I want to make them white as snow, you know He wants us to be pure and holy.
He wants us to be white as snow And you know, all I have to do is go to second corinthians, you know, 6 14
Yeah, and if I go look at that um I'm gonna have to say, you know, if i'm if i'm out camping
Okay, mary read my mind if i'm out camping And I have to say it mary at cranzell
Campfire equals good bonfire for worship equals bad Amen, amen, and see it's what you're doing
Yeah, it's what you're doing. But but here's the thing what Okay, anthony.
I know for a fact that you're not going to go out there and worship satan Correct. I i've known you for a long time and I know for a fact you're not going to do that No, and your son will never do it.
However, not in my house If if if you've got a hundred people walking by and you know that what they're doing is satanic activity
Do you shut your lights off and say oh don't let the demons come and get me or do you go out there and say? Thus saith the lord.
I want to give you the gospel That and that's okay. So now let me bring in our guest. Okay, go ahead.
So so this is Johnny johnny, can you hear us?
Yeah, I can hear you Awesome good to have you on johnny pastor justin and Good friend tom who uh is a fellow
We're all doing good. So you and I talked on the phone before this show and and I think you had a you had a question about halloween, right
Yeah, or thought about it or Yeah, I kind of I came in late on the show trying to get everything connected.
Um So I really don't know what all you've already talked about I came in on you know
Saying trick or treat and all that and I i've done research on it myself for the past few years
And everything you've said, you know, i've i've read up on um
The thing like like uh anthony was saying dressing up. Let's say my son wants to dress up as uh, you know captain america you know it's nothing inherently evil dressing up as Uh your favorite superhero um
But to go to a house and say trick or treat if you look at the underlying issue like the root of that why they said it
You know, I you know going out and getting candy for free. I don't see nothing wrong with that but to say trick or treat
Where that stems from and why they said it back, you know from how this all started is uh
Like you said even though they don't know it doesn't mean You know, it's not evil We may not look at it as evil.
But why did they say trick or treat? They either you either give them a treat or they're gonna come back and do something
Very bad to you your home, you know your you know what i'm saying? um
I remember kids growing up. They went egg houses What he was talking about is the druids
What he's talking about is the druids would actually go in and if you didn't give them their do their treat
Um, they would come and burn your house down or kill you So that the whole community would be scared to death
Of you. Yeah That's what he's talking about yeah, so What like well anthony you did ask him about going out there's nothing well what about going out and just dressing up and as a superhero
Okay. So yeah, why don't you address that? What if you what if what if as okay? So so, uh, johnny had a question first about what if you just go knock on a door you don't dress up at all
Or what if you dress up as a superhero? What are your thoughts for christian parents?
Whose kids want to go and knock on a door for candy? Well, here's the way I look at it.
Um, and somebody actually posted this earlier and I saw it and I agree with it We teach our children to run away from strangers and not to go near cars and not to take candy from strangers
We teach them about 24 hours a day seven days a week, but on one day of the year You're supposed to trust a complete stranger to give you candy and it's been proven all throughout the years that i've been alive
That needles and poison and everything else is shoved in this candy constantly. It happens everywhere
And we hear about it all the time. I can go take seven dollars Down here to to walgreens or wherever else
They're not sponsoring us, but I can take you know, seven dollars to wherever and get them a bag of candy
And we can go out to the side of the road And we can share the gospel with every single person coming through handing out gospel tracks and giving them candy and a gospel track
As ray comfort says that's you know The best way to do it is to draw them in and you give them the gospel you give them candy
And whatever's left over I can say kids you all did such a wonderful job glorifying god And I want to give you this as a reward for your service so so that's kind of the next question here, um that That I was going to bring up from facebook user from a little bit ago is
How do you feel about handing out candy and tracks the kids that come to the door? So you see answer that so there's a difference between um, there's a difference between going around your kids knocking on other people's doors asking for candy versus People coming to your house and you being arms wide open to be able to share the gospel with them.
Yes Okay, and see that's the thing is i'm not I'm, not condoning Halloween they are there
And I want to make sure that i'm being salt and light In that area and I want
I want to be salt and light here Wherever i'm at by when they come through they're walking past I give them the gospel and that's my purpose
And I get I get to glorify god. I know that my kids gonna get candy, you know, and they're and they're gonna be safe so okay, so what about what about a a a parent who says, you know, i'm gonna let my kids dress up not as Um, you know skeletons or anything like that, but let's go with superheroes which
Um sports players, whatever Um, let's let them go door to door that way but hand out tracks as they get candy from every house they go to What if you make it more evangelistic
I'm still going to say that i'm going to take my children By the by the definition here i'm going to take my children to Go into a stranger's home and celebrate
Halloween with them As they've identified halloween And for me,
I just I I can't go there. You know, there are certain things I I can't do Um as a christian i'm not going to get my children involved in in that type of false religious teaching
You know and okay. Yeah, you want to say it's just uh, it's just a fairy or whatever else Well, you do does everybody know the history of fairies?
We can go ahead and talk about those for a half hour if you want You know what you want to talk about the history of superheroes those were actually from the the pagan idols
These you know, it's what it came down as and if you've looked at any of the marvel comics They're starting to go that direction towards the the occultic and towards the pagan
So, I mean, you know, we can say it's not that big of a deal but the problem is is is
It never it never stays In the compromise it always goes for the complete worship of the pagans
Yeah It's not even that it's starting. I mean thor is like the norse god of thunder.
So like Comic books have been steeped in all sorts of mythology And they're great points
Okay, so let's let's go back to let's go back to evangelism because I I now I agree with you on on everything
Justin, I know i've been very facetious with you through this But the goal is to kind of ask you questions and get information out, right?
So Um, you got to get me ready for michael the atheist who's arguing and dodging and talking with the angel angel
Yeah, I was gonna say he's dodging everybody in the uh in the comment section, but so that'll be fun next week for you guys
Yeah, I gotta pick one. Yeah You know, I I had to go through this myself Seven to eight years ago when we left our old church and um and had to have my brain rewired on nearly everything
In christianity and tom knows what i'm talking about because he left the same church a few years after I did but uh
Um, and now he's also at a good church with me But uh, you know
My brain had to be rewired on this because our old church used to have trunker treats and huge celebrations
He would spend tons of money to bring in games and props and clowns and all kinds of stuff
In order to celebrate kids coming in and celebrating halloween right there within the church walls
Having said that um It was a wonderful transition for me and it comes from ray comfort in saying wait a minute we
We as open -air preachers Go out and preach and we use god's word to effectively draw people and and we allow people to come to you know a lot of people to come to us so that we can go and and uh
And preach the gospel right give them the law Show them their sin and give the gospel and uh
But yet when you're trying to hand out tracks and different things like it's a struggle at times to get people to come to You right to talk
Yet you have one day a year where people Come to you. Everybody comes to you because they want something and and uh, you get a chance to be able to Hand out tracks.
So I I have a good stash of of fun comic book tracks from uh from ray comfort
And and others that do a nice job laying out the law for kids and and giving them giving the gospel
So I still give out a piece of candy or two with it. Even as a dentist. I'll give out some candy we usually buy healthier candy than than some of the stuff that's out there, but Um, and we give the gospel and it's amazing how many people you know
One of the best things we've ever done is uh, ray comfort has these little silver Well, they're made out of aluminum 10 commandment coins
We used to give them out at our dental office So in the kids treasure chest, we would have like hot wheel cars and all kinds of and we have these coins
They were the most popular item It didn't matter if the kid grew up religious or not
Doesn't matter his family was religious or not kids love those coins and they love to read them Well, you know that is the most popular item when kids choose which
Thing they're going to take out of the out of our bucket of stuff here at the house It's those coins and year after year kids come back asking.
Do you still have coins? Do you still have coins you still have the coins? It's amazing to see and you know So you get to talk to the kids you get to talk to the parents and uh and be able to share the gospel with them
As well, so i'll have more adult tracks Uh for them But what an amazing time to be able to share the gospel to literally hundreds of people within just a couple of hours
So, uh, so you think about it? Sorry You think about it right now
You have the opportunity to be conformed to the world And what everybody else is doing?
Or you can stand out there and show them The way the truth and the life you get to be salt and light.
I mean We get gospel tracks the other good. Are you a good person the little cartoon gospel tracks? That's not a gospel track
Okay, those are free You know, you can download those. Uh, there's a pdf file that um,
Ray comfort has you can download them off living waters. You can download those for free And copy off as many as you want
You know million dollar bills, you know, those are always fun and you know, you know to give out the um,
As I said before, uh this one I think uh thomas you um You gave a link to that.
Um for for the halloween track from bode hodge and those guys Um, I think we posted on there
Okay, and and think about this We get the privilege of at least one day a year
Having people come to our houses And we don't have to be scared and we don't have to run away because I used to turn my lights off And I used to go to a church that had the big bonfires going and then they would have you mean
Yeah, no, no Nothing they did was bad.
It was all of you know Their conscience was clean and it was yeah, right. Uh, they they didn't study it.
This is my point and and I went and did that because I didn't have a witness
I didn't know what to say And and i'll be honest with you. I didn't have ray comfort. I didn't have you know any of these guys
Giving us Solid teaching and telling us and i'll tell you i've i've begged people for years to take this video or take you know
To take this video and stuff and and or the sermons that i've done on on this stuff
And uh and share it with as many pastors as you can um Because as you said brother, um, the the people don't know they're not
Um I guess i'm in the background. I'm gonna mute. Yeah, that's okay I you know if you um, if you pastor justin want to I I think we will extend
We'll extend this into a silvestro hour instead of an andrew hour. It's a little long tonight But why don't you post some of those links to your sermons?
So anybody who wants to listen to them, um, they can get them out of the comment section when you get a moment here
I I will um, let me ask you a question how many guys uh believe in That doing judgment houses is a good idea
What's a judgment house? Yeah Uh trip to hell or the uh, heaven's gates hells flames.
Oh one of those I I so i'm i'm not a fan of of pragmatism
And uh, I had to be incredibly pragmatic and so our old church used to have them come in every year
Okay And then they would do something else the next year, um, and they would toggle back and forth every year the same company
And I I never liked it because they did their best to just scare people into heaven. So to speak
They never gave the gospel Throughout and it it drives me crazy um, there was two years there where my eyes were opened and my wife's weren't before we left the church and so When I understood the gospel correctly and understood that it was it's not about jesus loves you
It's not that jesus Is you know my homeboy? It's not about whatever It's that jesus's death burial and resurrection paid the penalty for our sin that we owe to god when
I got that All those things drove me crazy and I started going up and every time those those plays came through town
I would go up afterwards when the production was all done and they're tearing the set i'd go talk to the to the top guy there
Explaining to him what the gospel was and you know, the shroud of turin guy came through I had a conversation with him because he didn't share the gospel um, he's he's from the from the cleveland ohio area actually and uh
You know, so that that kind of thing that kind of stuff drives me crazy seeing that um
If you look here I just posted on a judgment house this is I mean you typically see this anywhere on any of the um it can be at any church and usually they're the the seekers driven the seeker sensitive the shock and all type churches that want to uh to really um
Get you in and what they do is is you come in and you come in to be scared you know,
I mean you're you're going to to Let's say um You're going to the house of horrors or the haunted haunted houses anyway, right?
um, so why not go over to you know, not your corn maze and not your house of horrors where Freddy krueger and jason and all these other guys are there
You're you're you can go to church And at church they have a judgment house where you run in and you hear about you know
Johnny and all his buddies was driving down the road and they had a car accident and all of a sudden
They're in this funeral home and then they get dragged into hell because they didn't choose christ and you can choose christ do
You're scared Okay, choose christ. Well, guess what? They got that from a guy named jan tetzel
And jan tetzel was a man who talked about purgatory and he did purgatory plays
He did purgatory plays and this is why martin luther He lost his mind because he said there is no way that tetzel
Is is doing what the pope wants him to be doing and what god would have him to do because he's trying to scare people
Not into heaven, but into giving um a coin In the coffer to be able to build the sistine chapel or whatever else from rome
And that's what was going on And I think that's where this stuff comes from and his phrase was as soon as a coin in the coffer rings the soul from purgatory springs
That's awful, is it unbelievable to think about that? You know what though? I so this is going to come out this thursday as as a pastor chuck o 'neill's on and we talk about catholicism and the evils of roman catholicism, but I distinctly remember when
I was going through my practice for my confirmation because I For anybody doesn't know I grew up roman catholic
And uh nominal but but grow, you know, we were forced to go through confirmation in eighth grade and i'll never forget
That uh, we were given a certificate as a result of going through confirmation That we could put anybody's name on it and would lessen their time in purgatory
And I was so worried about my one brother I won't mention which one I was so worried about him that I actually
Instead of putting my own name, which I could have I put my brother's name on there Worried about about his soul to come out of purgatory sooner so this is still something that's steeped in the catholic church even
I mean that was 30 some years ago, but it's still in there today. We had the pope just a couple years ago um who was offering the same type of stuff, you know less than your time in purgatory if you if you as a catholic
Went to the walk for life Well, he actually just said uh last year that if you uh, are
Homosexual or an atheist you can go come into the roman catholic church become part of the church.
Um, and either pay pay your penance or I think he said 10 000 years in purgatory and you could still go to heaven so Yeah, it's it's it's incredible but yeah, it's it's still there
I did not know the connection though to to tetzel To uh to going to the purgatory plays.
Yep. That's and that Houses are yeah, and that's that's worthy But think about it all this stuff.
All this stuff has so much To do with roman catholicism. I mean, okay
Um, I wasn't going to to really broach it too much but you guys have heard of dracula, right?
Uh -huh. Uh -huh. Do you know where the idea of dracula comes from? I did no the idea of dracula comes from a guy named vlad tepez the third um
Vlad they called him the drac his father uh was actually um
Oathed in to become one one of the uh secret uh lords Of the roman catholic church.
That was a military protector in um in an area um
Let's see. It's the area is the name of of of walachia Let me see if I can pull this name here for you because everybody's going to say no way it's walachia
Well, we're gonna close up shop sometime the next probably 10 minutes or so, okay, i'll give you i'll give you a two -minute version
Yeah, okay. It's not for you. It's for anybody who wants to come in and ask any questions live okay, i'm going to the green yard link come in and ask because uh
Maybe we aren't going to go all night as much as I would love to because I know justin can on this stuff um, so please come in live or Put a uh comment into the comment section and and we will read it and answer the question here live
Okay. Well while everybody's doing i'll give you i'll try to give you a two -minute version Uh vlad they call him dracul because that was the name of his of his uh um
Banner that he went under the red dragon is what it was called drac dracul the red dragon vlad the red dragon
It wasn't dracula, but it was vlad dracul. His real name was vlad tepez the third 1431 he's um the
Complete dominator of a land called walachia. It's in the carpathian roman province
And um, he had a particular way of dealing with miscreants and those that were lazy He would bring them uh homeless beggars to him to his to his castle
Um to teach all the people that they were going to be under his lordship and his rule Um all of his enemies he would impale so he was called vlad the impaler
And he learned that from the turks who beat him and were profusely used him as a child
Well, um, he would bring in the homeless to rid himself, you know, this is the social justice movement.
He would bring them into his his uh his big castle into the open court
Feed them with as much food and as much wine as they wanted In the middle of night, they drank themselves to the to the point of puking
And vlad comes in and he asked them this question and it's quoted Uh, what else can do you desire?
Do you want to be free from all cares lacking nothing in the world and they heartily cheered?
And when he when they when they responded positively He ordered the halls closed up the place set on fire
And the house of horrors was named after that event in the 1430s when he burned down his house
And no one escaped out of that house of horrors. They called him the man of blood because he would drink the blood of his enemies and so there is the history of uh, dracula
And that's part of the stuff that people want to celebrate today Didn't have anything to do with him being an actual vampire.
So so drax to melissa owens wait dracula was woke Yes, he was
I love that oh man that's got to be a meme somewhere that was great.
Um So so I guess here's the point We can we can justify all we want to it's not that big of a deal
You know i've had so many people come into our church that told me this sin's not that big of a deal that sins Not that big of a deal.
When did we stop caring about holiness? You know, I mean it i'm not trying to be legalistic but when my god tells me to to shun evil
To not be a part of the world's wickedness I want to say
Yes, sir. I want to be holy as god is holy now You you want to justify it that's on you
I'm not going to mary cransell nothing worse than an sjw dracula Well, he got rid of it
Maybe joe biden wasn't really just trying to sniff hair. Maybe he was trying to sniff the blood below the skin.
Oh, wow That's that that was bad, man. That was bad You know, all right, you know
I I I have to I have to try to laugh because if not you want to cry I cannot believe there's a single soul in this country
How depraved does somebody have to be to vote joe biden? Honestly, how how dracula joe biden?
halloween joe biden I don't know. I'm, i'm, sorry if we the the so the purgatory plays real quick if we go back
It's just it's just another form of the entertainment churches that are all over the place.
Oh exactly now It's not uh, it's not about the gospel. It's about playing on people's emotions
It's the same thing if you go to a church that's all about like this big like rock concert light show
Um, and then like a you know, a 20 minute Message that has to that plays on your feelings.
It's the same thing. It's not about teaching biblical truth It's trying to get an emotional reaction because that's what grows the crowds
Amen, you know and and here's the one thing I want to say here you know If you're here in legalism,
I really hope nobody is okay because my my whole heart is to tell you the history And to say look as a christian.
No Um, I don't think that you can be a part of this. I'm not going to come and attack anybody that who says well, okay
I'm gonna i'm gonna do this. Okay. I disagree with pastor. Justin. I'm going to do this I'm not going to attack anybody for it.
I want you to know the truth and to be set free by it But here's what I know I'm going to give an account before a holy god one day and so are you
And i've got enough stuff on my you know ledger if you will that I have failed
Miserably at and I don't have to fail here I know that when these guys come over here in the next in uh at the end of the week
When they come over here, they're going to hear the gospel um, i'm going to get to give them gospel tracks and my family
I don't want to say proud but I I feel so good I feel so good at the end of this night that my family and I Have given gospel tracks to people
That never would have ever taken one from me would never have come to my house and I never get to see otherwise
I mean people that will come up to your your place Running around for the kids and you're giving them gospel tracks and you're talking to them about christ and it just It just you know, it's it's the reason like michael the atheist here
It's the reason I want to talk to him because I love him You know, and I know that he's you know, he doesn't believe it
But I know that that he's wrong and that he's going to face god on judgment day And I want him to hear the truth and be set free
I don't I don't have to compromise I can I can warn the christian body to be holy
But I know this judgment begins at the house of the lord And if it's you know, if it's going to begin here, what's it going to be like for those that are not saved?
Yeah That's right So i'm not seeing any questions come in tom or uh, johnny.
Do you guys have any questions or comments? Uh, I bought it in when
I needed to Oh, you think you did a good job brother. I really appreciate that. Um Tom is a seasoned podcaster in his own
Yeah What you guys gotta have to realize is I never stop talking anthony and andrew know this and that's why they they
Like whenever anybody else is on they're like wait, justin. Wait, wait, because I never stopped talking So they put me in a little isolation room and then they tell me to wait
We do we lock them away. We let them out every so often and Okay, we do have a question.
Um Facebook user that is a that's a that's a really good name Um, so, um, a lot of people have that name actually, yeah, that's a really good name.
Yeah, I wonder if it's it's zuckerberg um Similar to halloween's he's preparing his bone fire right now.
Oh, yeah, you're not kidding There are many new age occult practices going on today that many christians are unaware of unwitting unwillingly, uh unwittingly i'll say
Unwittingly be a part of can they be inadvertently exposing themselves to witchcraft occult, etc
Though those seemingly innocent behaviors. Well, I mean I have to go back to the scripture and um
As I look at what the scripture says Yes There are many times.
I mean just because you say I didn't realize That I was doing something sinful that doesn't absolve you from the sin
That you should have known Well Yeah, and I agree with you, but it goes it goes further.
So let me reread the question it says Halloween's history. There are many new age occult practices going on today that many christians are unaware of Or unwillingly or as you said unwittingly being a part of okay
Can they be inadvertently exposing themselves to witchcraft occult, etc through seemingly innocent behaviors that fall in that camp?
And what are the implications from a spirit from from a spiritual attack
And whatnot. So, okay. So the question then is pastor justin Can they be inadvertently exposing themselves to witchcraft that's part one
I'm gonna say yes depending on what it is, I mean um There are you know, just a lot of bad a lot of bad, uh religious
Practices that aren't occultic or pagan, you know What this reminds me of this is really interesting is as an italian, right?
So we We're first of all italians are always born with a gold chain around their neck
It's amazing how we come out of the womb and we have a gold chain on right? And yeah, yeah, johnny, you know
So he's gonna pull out the roman catholic thing here. Hold on. Just say everybody get it. Oh, hold on. I'm, sorry
It's a real cross but uh, so I do wear I do wear a cross on a on a necklace.
It's not a crucifix um But I show this because there's three things that an italian gets by the time they have their confirmation
They get their gold chain early. They get a cross and then they get two other italian charms.
One is the hand And then the other one's called the corn which is if you've ever seen that red thing
That's kind of like wavy looks like a chili pepper Um, you'll see it hanging from like the mirror of of cars and whatnot
Those are those are symbols and uh, and you and you wear this so I had worn those for years.
I actually wore those for a couple years even as a christian not Not recognizing that that those are those are superstitious things that are supposed to mean keeping away the devil
Right, and so you've got a cross Or crucifix and you've got these good luck charms essentially next to it it pure evil, honestly, and and I when
I When I learned about them they came straight off and and gone at that point so,
I mean we we're literally all susceptible to these types of things in our lives and I and I think that the the thing we have to really be aware of is
Is is as we continue to evaluate our lives as we continue to grow towards christ as we continue to be
Become sanctified and grow in holiness That that and as we become exposed we should be examining ourselves continuously
And as we become exposed to these things We need to root them out, right? I I think that's what you're saying justin right in in all this is that we need to examine ourselves and halloween is a major area
We have to examine ourselves Well, and you think about it you got people that and I may step on somebody's toes that have uh, jumped into this this um essential oils
Occult craze and there there are people that are honestly They make it into a part of their religious worship and and I don't have any problem with you doing your essential oil stuff
Whatever but you know when you run to me and tell me that this is a cure -all From god and god told you this that and the other
No, he didn't tell you to take your essential oils and shove it down my throat And that's not a part of of godly worship.
It's it's not and so, you know, can that get to be too much? Yeah um the owner and founder of young living which is the most common, um essential oil sold within churches
It claims he's a christian he is not he is a new age guy a new age
Occultist he's a new age occultist and he adds in christ and whatever else will please you he'll add into it
Well, he ends he he adds in the christ spirit and the kundalini spirit as well Yes, he does and and i've i've had friends that have gotten
Deeply steeped into sales and and whatnot trying to drag my wife into this i'm like no
Do we have essential oils in our house? Yes, I think there's probably some medical benefit for some of them
But if you read their books and this is always the the danger, right? So for me who's a dentist who practiced holistic dentistry for years and I believe much in holistic medicine
There's a fine line. We have to walk between what is actually um where we understand the chemical mechanisms the human physiology the biochemistry
Versus when it starts to get into new age stuff and they're really a fine line in there. I will tell you that it's the people using essential oils for the most part in churches are crossing that fine line more than they need to be more than They should be
By the way, just to answer the question for the facebook user. Uh, um zuckerberg Um, I thought he was a mormon.
Yes as far as I know and that is a pagan cult So there you go Yeah, christian, um, go ahead.
I'm, sorry. Go ahead. No That's okay But but the they they cross that line and when if you read the books
I actually have read some of those books on theoretically how living how those essential oils are supposed to work
It's all a cultish all of its eastern mysticism. So People do need to be aware of of the essential oil craze that's out there.
I totally agree Yeah, so we we see it everywhere I will tell you that the the number one attack on the church
For years now has been new age and it's it's come in in in the beth moore style of of her contemplative prayer and The hearing the whispers from god type junk to to yoga to the eastern mysticism
With the essential oils and and whatnot, but it's it's everywhere. So it's stuff that we have to root out but let's let's pull up let's talk about one other thing here because in that same question from before um, what are the
Implications from a spiritual attack now i'll say this. This is what it's not i've talked to justin peters about this and um,
And maybe we ought to have him back on the show at some point to walk through this some more Maybe not yet I would love to have justin back out again.
Um, oh, yeah, but but so He said that there is no way Somebody who is filled with the spirit, right somebody who is born again filled with the holy spirit
They can never become demon possessed, right? They they can't have Demons attached to them.
They can't have any of that stuff Like you will often hear a lot of christians talk about right?
Is it possible for demon possession for somebody who's not saved? absolutely And that's where I'm sorry.
Yeah, that's where mary had the same question, but I want to pull that up too because they both work together
Uh, do you think pagan hexes against people? um Mary I don't know the last name crinence prince conceal
Yeah, sorry. I apologize for messing your name Do you think pagan hexes against people have any real power
And if so, would they affect only non -believers and so go ahead what you were saying because that's right there well, no, and that's the part
I wanted you to actually answer so So we we got we understand the part if you're saved you cannot be demon possessed
You cannot have demons attached to you that kind of junk. Um, if you aren't saved well Yeah problem.
Well, I actually did a sermon series about satan and the demons um, I actually did a sermon series about it because I wanted to study it for myself before I I gave any conclusion or answer and and of course,
I mean we I mean every good theologian throughout history has has really looked into satan and the demons and what they can do
Um, the first thing is is if you're in christ Uh, you are filled with the spirit now.
Can you be influenced? and uh, what what there's there's different levels of influence there's there's uh, demonic influence
For example, they can um, they can get your friends who aren't christians to doing things that influence you to do things
Uh, absolutely. Absolutely that's why we're having a discussion about halloween and is it that big of a deal because my buddies do it and that my
Church does it and and all those people, you know, they're all good people at church And so since they're doing it,
I guess I can do it, too There's an influence. I'll say so there can be that type of influence.
There's impression um where where The the the in a demonic realm you see, you know, you see and hear things that are going on um
That are trying to get you to to to want to go a certain direction that you wouldn't want to have done
Okay. Um, um If you think about you you have to go really a lot of back old old testament as well if you think about you um
In the old testament you had saul who comes in and he goes to The witch of endor and out of a historic fact that these these witches they use the demons
They used you know witchcraft necromancy and things like that to to get people to believe
Them that they actually had some kind of some type of power Well god crushed that for them
You know god crushed that for him. Um, but Can there be you know influence impression?
Can there be suppression where demons actually harm people and possession where they fully take over people?
Yes But can they do that to christians? No so the solution for you is repent and believe the gospel get yourself in christ and be under the the the the loving guide and protection of jesus christ
Yeah Oh, thank you. Those are great answer there for for those questions um
Not that I wanted to get into essential oil a whole lot, but matthew david smith wrote this Um, he said that my wife talked to many that sell essential oils
Many do not realize the basic properties of the oils they sell for example We know young living reps that would suggest putting eucalyptus on eucalyptus oil on skin straight
If any of you have you have used vicks vapor rub, you know, that is a bad idea I i'll tell you there are people a number of people across the country who have developed kidney liver and lymph lymphatic issues doctors have not been able to trace it until They've learned to ask the questions about essential oils
And they're causing toxicity in people's bodies who are using them too much And so that's something that if you're going to use essential oils be be really careful
With that we just don't know much about them And and while essential oils are are natural so They're extracted from the fruits vegetables grains, whatever that they're they're taking they're taken from You know how much lavender it takes to make one bottle of lavender oil
Hundreds of pounds. I mean it's a ton So yes, it's natural but it's taken out of the natural package that god put it in to begin with.
Yeah but but the thing is is it's natural to To some percentage even though it's been distilled.
Um But the problem is is none of it's fda approved. None of it's epa approved.
Uh, no it has been anyway Well, I understand but but they're still You trust them enough to to you know, certain medicines that they they supervise and they want to keep you know
Somewhat safe and they want to protect people which is part of their mandate and you know is to keep people safe From harm and from the the the wiles of evil people.
Well, we've seen what happens when you let certain people uh bring in unregulated medications
And you know, we've seen that you there's there's whole entire shelves at walgreen that have had to be stripped bare because of the psyllium
And uh all the other stuff that was found in and rat poison and rat feces and stuff like that That was found in these little vitamin pills
Um You know essential oils is no different It's got to be you know
It's got to be distilled by a trustworthy person who has who is you know doing it under laboratory conditions and very few are you know,
I I know we jumped off on a different subject, but I think witches use essential oils.
So that's yeah, they probably use the undistilled version We're gonna get some hate mail for that one
Yeah, yeah, it wouldn't surprise me though. Yeah As long as andrew answers it all it doesn't matter to me
That's true. Yeah That's true. All the mail is going to go to him. So So I also have another uh, let me pull this up.
I also have another sermon That I did on demonology and that talks about you know
Demons and whatnot and the extent of their their power. It's on sermon audio. I pulled this up, you know
Not trying to sell it, but if anybody wants to You know get it or if you enjoy it, please give me a thumbs up on sermon audio um, you can take them you can
Uh download them and give them to your friends give them to your enemies So, so is there anything else you want to cover justin in terms of of halloween or have you gotten kind of your main
Broth, I I think we've covered well, I mean there's a lot to cover but I think we've covered The the biggest majority of it, you know, and just just look at it this way, you know for me uh
It is an opportunity for christianity To be salt and light when the world wants to say hey, let's go worship the devil so And you know what and praise god for this
That it just so happens that that martin luther decided to post his 95 theses on the very day that would be celebrated as halloween right and so You know, we as christians can do our part so to speak in in when we talk about halloween
Calling it reformation day, right? Happy reformation day. And when people say what? You now you got a free pass to them
What happy reformation day is all about? And and turn it into something that is actually positive
You know the the thing you you were asking about people dressing up a lot of the reformed churches
They actually go through reformation parties where they where they bring people in and they teach on a different reformer or proto reformer
I mean you can go back all throughout church history and teach about And i've done it for years, you know teaching about martin luther, uh, zwingli
Wycliffe, you know going back to to luther You can go all the way back through history and teach about you know, all of these great men and women of god who stood and fought against the the the evil practices of rome to uphold the truth of the word of god and to to proclaim the gospel and You know, you want to get somebody dressed up shave the top of their head and get them dressed up like martin luther, you know
Or yon huss You know the goose that was cooked have them dress up like a goose and go talk about the goose that was cooked, you know
Yeah, and I was going to say for anybody who wants to learn more about the reformation Ligonier r .c. Sproul's old ministry.
Um did some fantastic stuff a couple years ago for the 500th anniversary of the reformation and uh
You could find yourself busy for days listening to to the church history there that was done
So I encourage you to listen to that if you enjoy reformation stuff I I and I think even if you don't know much about it or don't know if you're going to enjoy it
You'll enjoy it once you start listening because we owe We owe a lot of gratitude to those guys who stood up for what they did 500 years ago
And uh, and they would be really upset with the church today Oh, yeah with with the partnering we have done with roman catholics as well as other um christian cults out there
You know, there's uh, yeah, I mean you got reformation day festivals um
You know the the diet of worms. Um, uh Ultimate gummy worm dig out where you're trying to find, you know
You got kids just sitting there trying to find gummy worms so that they can eat them right there. You know, you got um,
Uh, you got uh, who needs a superhero when you've got men and women looking for looking, uh
Up to people that stood You know stood up against the roman catholic church and against the pagans that were out trying to kill them
You know pin the pin the the theses on wittenberg castle You know, you got all kinds of different things that you can actually do if you want that are
You know bringing about church history talking about holy men and holy women that that that stood for the word of god
And were willing to die For the name of christ. Yeah Okay, we gotta go through a couple comments here melissa owens i'm gonna dress like martin luther nail bible tracks to people's doors
Oh, that's so great. I will go take pictures of that if you do that Yeah, and by the way, if you do that,
I do want pictures. Yeah I'll be there um, so um
So carol landman, uh, we really need to stop and think and investigate Not just say no big deal or you're being legalistic.
So exactly what you're saying pastor. Justin that that's uh We do need to investigate this as christians and really we should be evaluating everything that we do
Um to make sure that we're continuing to be conformed into the image of christ, right? So we should continue to do those things.
So thank you for that. Uh, um carol One thing you can say about that Is just so that we're clear holiness is not legalism
And legalism is not holiness So if you're striving for legal for legalism you're in sin
If you're striving for holiness and it's from the scripture, then you're not being legalistic. You're being biblical
Yeah, and and that's a good point to make they are different because there's been this group within the 1689 crowd
Yeah has been calling legal calling holiness legalistic And uh and really changing definitions of repentance and stuff.
It's it's actually been quite sad to see Really solid pastors and churches over the years that have kind of gone down this track in their attack of john macarthur and their attack of of um,
Uh, I just lost the uh, the other guy. Yeah But but but attacking people for this okay, so here's a here's a
Question slash comment from back to mary. It just dawned on me Is there any proof that halloween is a high holy day for satanists?
um I guess the best way I can answer that is uh Go out in the middle of of the woods and as soon as you see a bonfire, you'll go talk to him and you'll know it
Yeah, I was gonna say these happen all across the country And uh, and and they especially happen on Halloween and and you
I don't know if you've ever been up there. I I was gonna go this year except that uh, Because of covid they're not doing it
Um every year we have friends of ours open -air preachers that go up to salem massachusetts, why because on halloween there
There is a huge occult gathering of of witches and warlocks and all kinds of other
Um crazies so to speak that that gather together. They have a bonfire in the streets and they are celebrating or worshiping their paganism their their gods or their lack of I've been there i've been there and it is
Wicked by the way, just so you know, um the reason that I put this, um picture that this is from a a um
A website for this festival of samayne um, it is the celtic, uh occultic
Worship festival and they're trying to teach everybody about Their nature worship their nature gods and they welcome wiccans pagans, um
Witches warlocks they welcome any demon worshiper and any devil worshiper They do cosplay parties where you can come in and do
A cultic worship. This is not from a church. This is not some made up.
Uh A festival or something that I found this actually comes from A a group that actually does this uh worship festival to teach people how to Worship, they do ouija parties.
They do all of those things at this at this so you can get in touch with the demons and the gods and the
You know the the your past families and all of that So yes, there is proof
Um, this is historic This is not like something that was just made up in the past few months Or years and i'm not trying to say mary is trying to intend that But you know, it is historic and it's been done this way uh for You know almost 2 000 years so just so Yeah, so here's a question from facebook user
Did martin luther purposely pick october 31st since it was the day before all saints day?
I i've i've read stuff that that he did but i've i've also read other things and it was random so i i've never i've
I don't know if that's true or not The um the thing that was going on at that time you have to understand is martin luther, um had been tasked by uh, prince friedrich
Who is his benefactor? In the the university he's at He's his benefactor and he is the uncle of the king
And to defend roman catholicism against wickliffe Um from many years earlier
He tasked martin luther to go write a paper that would destroy uh wickliffe's arguments about the the um, um, basically sola scriptura soli deo gloria, you know the solas if you will that Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in christ alone and he comes in and he's making these these discussionary arguments
About what? How wickliffe is wrong and he's studying that and as he begins to study it
He becomes convicted That what's going on is wrong and through the course of events.
He writes his 95 theses And the way I understand it and don't quote me on this, but I believe the way
I understand it was this was a time when there was going to be a bunch of cardinals and And others there and he wanted the information to get to the pope because he knew that the the
Indulgences that were being taught from the the cardinals and from uh, kayatan and from these others.
He knew that uh, these guys were going against the pope and if he could get a big enough audience
That they would they would you know, kill it. They would stop it and I it's the way
I understand it. He did it on that day because of that Interesting. Okay, fair enough Mary, not sure if you're aware church of satan has its offices in salem now.
I did not know that now I do um Kt and jesus says, uh,
I guess just calling it a fire is better rather than a bonfire You know what?
Maybe justin you you gotta start, uh promoting that idea. Let's call it fire or Yeah, let's call it.
Let's call it a strange fire that would get the nar involved with it Maybe that's what it maybe that's what it evolved into strange fire
Okay, so Melissa owens. Here's a question. Are reformation parties wrong?
well, um if you're if you're doing it to uh, and and as a teaching tool
As as a gospel witness tool Um and a way to get away um
Get your family away from the paganism that's going on Um, I mean you need to be doing something, you know, and I think this would be a good avenue
To to get your family involved in a church that that doesn't go along with the world
Uh that doesn't that wants to be salt and light even if they don't do bonfire parties. I'm sorry, uh reformation parties
Even if they don't do that and you say you say okay, what do we want to do? Let's go be salt and light by sharing the gospel.
Let's go be a witness, you know things like that They should want to do something to the glory of god and not try to incorporate the compromise of the world into the church
Wait, so you're saying we can't dress like martin luther and i'll hang out for a day drinking apple cider
Oh, no, that is to the true reformers. No, you're not going to hear me even say it Uh the beer thing no see see the thing is is you you you have to be understanding of what our church history is and if you're using it as a witness see we have a a history
And you need to understand why the roman catholic church wanted to promote the all souls day and You know all those different events
They wanted to promote it to get rid of reformation That is a counter -reformation protest all of these events were were a promotion of the roman catholic church to to undermine
What was going on during the reformation? I mean for you know for what you had.
Um, um and the neighborhood of Over 140 years that the geneva bible or more that the geneva bible was the predominant bible of all christianity
And you know here comes the king james version and that comes in it takes over Part of the reason was you had you had so much strong teaching in these in the notes from all of these reform reformers right
The roman catholic church has gone out of its way to get rid Of the knowledge of of of the scripture the knowledge of true righteousness holy living, you know
And the way that the christians should live by saying it's not that bad You know what?
You can be a christian and worship Uh, mary, you can be a christian and worship You know go down the list
So we can do a reformation party is what you're saying. Just don't do it on halloween I Brother, I don't have a problem with reformation party
Fair enough. So I hope that question was I don't either actually I think it's I think it's a great idea I think it is.
Why don't we take it back? Right? Let's take the date back for ourselves Yeah and start to tell the world what it's actually about it doesn't belong to the to the roman catholic church
And it doesn't belong to the pagan world You know, this is a time when we remember that And by the way, just so everybody knows i'm a baptist
So i'm going to tell you that there was a whole lot of you know Anabaptist and baptist in that area that were fighting alongside with wickliff and huss and and all these men luther
Calvin zwingli all these men to bring out the truth of the word of god and they were standing there proclaiming
The roman catholic church is pagan. It's antichrist from the word go The pope is the antichrist.
The the church is the great harlot and you need to get away from this stuff Yeah Mary, there's you some church history
Melissa, we'll reclaim, uh, we'll reclaim the reformation october 31st for reformation parties
And maybe we'll hang rainbows there too and take that back as well and and mary and melissa is going to be nailing the 95 theses, uh gospel tracks on all the doors
And I do agree kt and jesus nathan business is really good in church history. I listened to him in a breakout session
Uh three years ago at shepherd's conference and he was absolutely fantastic. He put up I think 25 quotes of of church history church fathers
Um, many of which the catholic church claims as their own Who all had quotes on faith alone?
So yeah Oops catholic church must have missed that one. That's the reason that they well and and one thing you got to think about is the the roman catholics that came out luther calvin
Uh whitcliffe and all those other guys they were hearing the truth from other places From churches and from groups that were being martyred and killed all over the place
They were hearing the truth and they said we can't be a part of this and they had powerful voices
Right. Yes. They were part of the roman catholic church But when they walked away when what they were preaching was against the roman catholic church
Even if the church wants to claim it as their own you know the roman catholic church is
Is you know sync? What is it? Syncratic they the synchricity that they have where they just try to bring everything together
Synchronicity they try to bring everything together and call it christian You know and it doesn't matter to them if you are a democrat or a republican it doesn't matter which one of the the the
You know judges you are whether you're a pro abortion or a pro Life, it doesn't matter who you are in any church on what side of the aisle you're on as long as you are loyal to the church
They're willing to bring anything in Okay, so that's why they don't have any problem with anything
Unless you say being saved is by grace alone through faith alone in christ alone, then you're anathema
Well, they can say by grace through faith Everybody else can be saved.
Yeah. Yeah, except for those. Yeah. Well, so I I think on that we should uh, we should say, uh our goodbyes
Is uh, we went 47. It's truly a sylvester hour 47 almost 48 minutes path where I thought we were going to go so Uh, johnny any last things to say or tom any last things to say?
um not at this time, I mean You know, I don't know if you mentioned the thing with the trunk or treats with some of the churches.
Yes Uh, did you mention that? Yeah, i'll do it. Yeah Don't do it.
No, i've seen some and it's like, you know I always feel leery about going to those and I know that the bible says
If your conscience you don't want to go against your conscience Yeah, so Well, you don't want to go against the scripture either, you know,
I mean what fellowship does light have with darkness? Yeah, definitely definitely, so I would always you know,
I would kind of kind of try to stay away from those too So yeah, that's right tom any last words
No, thanks for uh, thanks for having me. I guess welcome johnny. Thanks for having and thanks for being on Justin pastor justin
Thank you for all the work you did and uh and putting this show together and uh and being able to do this all last minute Seems like a lot of people had a good time being on here.
So so that was awesome. So um on that Share with everybody who yeah, first of all share this episode.
It'll be podcasted real soon The the youtube will already be up. Um here in a few minutes
And and finish you can share that and uh, and you guys will have this podcasted here real soon pastor Justin i'm sure so that can be shared as well in two days pastor.
Chuck. O 'neill is going to be on And uh, and we are going to talk catholicism we're going to talk, you know
And the pope especially some of his recent comments and we're going to talk a little bit more politics
As we uh as we get into this coming tuesday Because if you've not made up made up your mind about who you're voting for yet Remember one thing you have a president who just who just broke a record first time ever
Was able to elect three Or choose three supreme court justices
Some of the most conservative supreme court justices this country has seen ever It is amazing what was accomplished between that and over 300 federal judges
Um, this is why It is it is an absolute necessity Look, he's crass.
He's rude there. I don't believe he's saved. I we get all those things but Wow, he's done a lot
For christianity and for a lot for the world view so, you know, we're going to talk more about that on thursday
And uh, so I encourage you to tune in for that and then uh again next week pastor Justin, you know, it looks like michael the atheist canadian atheist or two weeks
No, it's next week. No that the um Next week november 5th.
Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. It's next thursday already Um, we'll be on we'll be talking on uh morality the week after i'll be on with the uh with the atheist slash evolutionist and And then
I will you've got your dates messed up because we're here on a tuesday. That's what it is Got everything messed up. That's why he's messed up.
Yeah, so On that you guys all have a good night and uh, god bless
And as todd friel says go serve your king Especially this saturday as people come knocking on your door.