Todd White Compares The Holy Spirit To A Pooping Dog!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. Now many of you are going to read the title of this video and you're going to think that I made this up.
You're going to think that I have to be exaggerating, it's just too absurd to believe it's true. And let me tell you,
I genuinely wish that this was an exaggeration, but you'll see very quickly here that it's not. Just to provide some context,
Todd White is a charismatic faith -healing teacher who became very famous for his fake YouTube healing videos.
I'll link a video about that made by Mike Winger in the description. He is now the pastor of a church called Lifestyle Christianity Church in Texas.
Todd is linked up with a whole slew of false teachers, as he offers his own steady diet of false doctrine as well.
You see, in this video, we're going to take a quick look at just one example of where Todd White is giving a sermon to a group of professing
Christians. Watch what he says. My wife says I have two speeds, high and off. I didn't always have those speeds.
Those speeds I had before was a different kind of high. See, when
I'm asleep, I'm asleep, but when I'm up, hey, how's it going, hey, what's going on? Why?
I believe that's the Holy Spirit. I believe he's like a little puppy that you get, you know, you put him outside.
You can put him outside for 30 seconds, and when you let him in, it's like you've been gone all day. I'm serious.
You get a puppy and you put him outside, they go and do their business, they come to the door, and they let him in, that's like the
Holy Ghost. So in this clip, Todd White compared the Holy Spirit of God to a puppy that just, quote, did his business outside and wants to come back into the house.
Now I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but if you can't see why that's irreverent, I think you need to get your ears checked out.
So let's talk about his comments here using three biblical points, shall we? Number one, before we get into the pooping puppy comment, we've got to talk about the first thing he said.
Let's watch it again. My wife says I have two speeds, high and off. I didn't always have those speeds.
Those speeds I had before was a different kind of high. See, when
I'm asleep, I'm asleep, but when I'm up, hey, how's it going, hey, what's going on? Why? I believe that's the
Holy Spirit. So basically, Todd White says that he is super hyper all the time. He has really high energy anytime that he's not sleeping, really, and instead of just attributing this to being a pretty energetic person, he decides to say, quote,
I believe that's the Holy Spirit, end quote. But on what basis does he believe that this is the Holy Spirit?
What chapter and verse does he use to indicate that the Holy Spirit makes you jittery and hyper all the time?
Well, he has no evidence of that at all, besides, of course, his own personal experience, which is very common among charismatic
Christians. But besides the fact that there's no biblical evidence for this, I think there's actually a danger in these comments.
Saying that you think your crazy amounts of energy come solely from the Holy Spirit as a result of His work in you is to suggest, or at least imply, that Christians who are not as hyper as you may not be experiencing as much of the
Spirit as you are. He is basically saying that his personal tendencies are a side effect of the normative personality and character of the
Holy Spirit. Of course I'm hyper. The Holy Spirit is hyper. Didn't you guys know that? That is not a biblical or helpful idea at all.
Now don't get me wrong, though. I think following God can indeed bring a new joy and urgency to your life that you've never seen before.
That's true. Romans 12 11 says this, quote, Do not be slothful in zeal, but be fervent in spirit.
Serve the Lord. End quote. We are commanded to be passionate about the mission of Jesus Christ. And following Christ can give us more joy and more zeal than ever before.
All of that is true and very biblical. But again, that's not what Todd White is suggesting. Rather, he's suggesting that with the
Holy Spirit comes boundless energy inside that makes you act like a jittery child who needs to use the restroom.
And there is no biblical precedent for this at all. There are some Christians who are more relaxed and calm by their temperament, and these
Christians can be just as spirit -filled and zealous as anyone else, even if they're not bouncing off the walls.
Here's my point. Don't be so quick to equate your subjective personality temperaments to the Holy Spirit.
Inevitably, as a Christian, there will be some personality traits of yours that need to be removed and changed, and other personality traits that can be harnessed and used to serve
Christ. This brings me to point number two. Because he's a charismatic with hyper -Pentecostal theology, Todd White turns almost everything into a move of the
Spirit, regardless of how unbiblical it may be. And therefore, he makes the case that his hyper -personality is the
Spirit working through him. In order to illustrate this fact, he gives the example of a puppy. Let's watch that clip again.
Why? I believe that's the Holy Spirit. I believe he's like a little puppy that you get, you know, you put him outside.
You can put him outside for 30 seconds, and when you let him in, it's like you've been gone all day. I'm serious! You get a puppy and you put him outside, they go and do their business, they come to the door, and they let him in, that's like the
Holy Ghost. So here's the problem with this. This kind of language is totally irreverent. We're talking about the
Lord of the Universe here. He is powerful, mighty, all -knowing, omnipresent, and so many other amazing things.
There is no being that has ever or will ever exist that can hold a candle to the power of the
God of the Bible. And it is for that reason that we Christians honor and venerate him with our highest respect.
Hebrews 12, 28, for instance, says, Now let me ask you a simple question.
Does comparing God to a puppy that needs to use the restroom convey the idea of reverence and awe? I think if we're honest in this situation, we'd have to say no.
This is not language that should be used with reference to the Holy Spirit at all. God is not to be dishonored or spoken of in an irreverent or irresponsible fashion.
But that's just what Todd White has done here. And it's a pitiful excuse for a Christian sermon. And this brings me to point number three.
So if you've read some of the poetic and prophetic writings of Scripture, you may be asking an important question at the end of this video.
You may say something like, Is it always wrong to compare God to an animal in any context?
And my answer to that question would be absolutely not. Please do not walk away from this video thinking that it's sinful and irreverent to compare
God to an animal. That kind of idea would stand in complete contradiction of many Scriptures. God's power is illustrated when
He's compared to a lion in Isaiah 31 .4. His purity and holiness are illustrated when He's called a lamb led to the slaughter in Isaiah 53 .7.
The way God nurtures His people is illustrated in Matthew 23 .37 when it compares God to a mother hen gathering her chicks.
So the fact is, it's not irreverent to compare God to an animal. The question is, what point are we trying to illustrate through that comparison?
You see, the Bible uses animal analogies to illustrate God's power or strength or purity, as well as His nurturing and sacrificial nature with regards to His people.
But Todd White uses his animal analogy to demonstrate that God is a mindlessly excited puppy who's constantly jittery and hyper all the time.
That's an irreverent comment because it doesn't represent God accurately or in a positive light at all.
So in summary, Todd White equates his personal tendencies to the activity of the Holy Spirit. In order to illustrate this fact, he compares the
Holy Spirit to a dog that has just pooped on the lawn and is happy to see its owner when it gets back in the house.
This kind of language isn't just inadvisable, it's irreverent and it's dangerous. But unfortunately, this is exactly what we've come to expect from Todd White and really from the whole hypercharismatic movement at large.
And Todd, if you happen to be watching this, please know that I love you and I would love nothing more than to see you repent of this foolishness and turn to a better way.
So let's all pray for Todd White that he would repent and turn to the truth of God's Word. If you'd like to see more videos just like this one, hit the link in the description or go to patreon .com
slash Colin A. Miller. You can donate to my ministry there and earn tons of rewards just like these.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.