THROWBACK: John MacArthur Tells Beth Moore To “GO HOME”!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So John MacArthur has been the main teaching pastor at Grace Community Church in California for well over 30 years now.
And while his ministry has largely been seen in a positive light, there have still been several times where John has made headlines for certain actions and comments that people really don't like.
A few years ago at a conference, John MacArthur was asked by Todd Friel, the host of Wretched Radio, what his shortest response to Beth Moore would be.
Now for those who don't know, Beth Moore is a female Bible teacher who used to be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.
She regularly preaches not just to women, but to men as well. Here was John MacArthur's response to her teaching.
Watch this. Go home. Well, I, I see we're warmed up.
I dilly -dally. Um, there is no case that can be made biblically for a woman preacher, period, paragraph, end of discussion.
So here John MacArthur says that Beth Moore should go home, and that there is no case to be made for a female preacher.
In response to his comment, there was outrage in much of the Christian community. Many people disagreed with John's answer because they think that women should be able to preach.
And still some others agreed with John overall, but still thought his presentation was unbiblical and mean.
Even Beth Moore herself responded to this statement, and we're going to analyze her response in this video.
So without further ado, let me explain to you why I completely agree with John's comment here using three biblical points.
Number one. The first problem that many people had with John's comment was the idea that women cannot be preachers and teachers.
There are many people who disagree with that and would consider it sexist. Let's deal with that objection first.
John MacArthur is absolutely right that there is no biblical case to be made for a female Bible teacher.
In virtually every description of a formal Bible teacher that we have in Scripture, there is the assumption that that teacher will be a man.
Let me offer you a few examples. 1 Timothy 2 .12 says, quote, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
End quote. 1 Timothy 3 .2 says, quote, Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife.
And Titus 1 .6 says, quote, An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.
End quote. But not only are there many passages saying that men should be the only Bible teachers in the church, but there are also zero examples in Scripture of any woman being a
Bible teacher of any kind. So as John says, there is absolutely no case to be made for a female
Bible teacher, and therefore Beth Moore is disobeying Scripture when she's preaching to mixed audiences.
And this brings me to point number two. The second reason people disagreed with John's comment was an even more popular one.
Some people even agreed with John's overall perspective about female preachers, but they didn't like how he flippantly told her to, quote, go home.
They thought that comment was rude and had the wrong tone. And again, here I have to completely disagree.
You see, you have to take the statement along with the overarching context of the situation in which it was made.
Beth Moore is not a misunderstood woman who has completely sound doctrine, and she's only a little confused about the role of women in the church.
Maybe that would solicit a different response. Instead, I want you all to understand that Beth Moore has made a distinct habit of preaching with false teachers and preaching with prosperity gospel charlatans like Joyce Meyer and Kristen Cain.
Beth Moore also directly supports the idea that God speaks audibly to you in your head, and that those words carry the same divine weight as words spoken to you by God himself.
So just to be clear, Beth Moore is not simply a female Bible teacher who's a little confused about the roles of men and women in the church.
Rather, she is a false teacher who regularly preaches doctrine that is not sound or biblical.
And that is why John MacArthur is completely and absolutely right when he tells her to go home. In fact,
John is much kinder here to Beth Moore than Paul or Jesus are to many false teachers and wayward
Christians in the New Testament. Galatians 3 .1, for instance, says, O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?
Here, Paul is talking to fellow Christians, and he calls them a bunch of fools. So tell me again why
John MacArthur isn't allowed to tell an unbiblical false teacher who endorses heretics to go home.
The truth is that there is plenty of biblical support for harshly rebuking those who are consistently deceiving others, endorsing false teachers, and acting in a wayward fashion.
So as long as this comment is not offered out of a sinful heart, then I see nothing objectively wrong with John's comment whatsoever.
Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't make it unbiblical, especially when we're talking about false teachers and those who endorse them.
And this brings me to point number three. Among those who disagreed with John MacArthur was Beth Moore herself.
In a tweet, Beth said the following, I did not surrender to a calling of man when
I was eighteen years old. I surrendered to a calling of God. It never occurs to me for a second not to fulfill it.
I will follow Jesus and Jesus alone all the way home, and I will see his beautiful face and proclaim,
Worthy is the Lamb. This is one of the most important interactions between opposing theological influencers that I've seen in the past few years.
This interaction tells us so much about the state of the modern Church, so please pay attention to what is going on here.
John MacArthur offers objective, biblical, factual evidence in the clip I showed you that Beth Moore is acting unbiblically and that she should not be preaching.
In response, Beth Moore does not offer any kind of logical or biblical argumentation to prove her point.
Instead, she offers a private, subjective, and emotional story about how she came to be a
Bible teacher. In other words, in this interaction, John MacArthur is standing firmly on the testimony of the inspired words of the living
God. But Beth Moore, on the other hand, is standing on her fickle and subjective emotions and experiences.
I'll let you, the viewer, decide which one is correct, but it seems pretty obvious to me. In 2
Peter 1, Peter writes about how he experienced the transfiguration of Jesus with his own senses, and this would no doubt have been an extremely emotional and personal experience for him.
But yet, Peter still says that the Word of God is, quote, even more fully confirmed than his private experience.
So if Peter did not exalt above Scripture his personal experience of actually seeing Jesus' glory, then surely there is no case to be made whatsoever that Beth Moore should exalt above Scripture her personal experience of feeling called by God in her own head.
But this is precisely what happens when you put your own emotions above the truth. You end up being a lot more emotional than you are truthful.
And that pretty much describes Beth Moore in a nutshell. So in summary, John MacArthur told
Beth Moore to go home a few years ago, and many people have tried to condemn this with arguments about his statement and the tone in which it was offered.
But these arguments are largely motivated by emotions and unsupported by the Scriptures. The truth is,
Beth Moore is a dangerous teacher with horrible doctrine who should be avoided by every Christian out there.
And let's earnestly pray for Beth Moore that she would see her error and that she would repent of it and turn to the truth of God's Word.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.