F4F | Andrew Wommack Claims God Can Be Limited by Your Imagination


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
We've heard of Andrew Womack before and gotta tell you, you know, he just seems like the nicest old man.
I mean, why on earth should we think that he's a false teacher and a wolf? Answer, because you don't test the fruit of somebody based upon whether or not they look like an old man who seems like a just a sweet fella.
You have to actually test the fruit and test their doctrine. You know, Jesus makes it clear, a good tree doesn't bear bad fruit.
So you need to test the fruit by testing the doctrine to see if they're handling
God's Word correctly or not. Today we're going to be listening to part of a message, a conference message delivered by Andrew Womack, teaching that imagination is the way in which miracles happen.
In fact, if your imagination isn't really imagining things big enough, then according to Andrew Womack, you're limiting
God. Yeah, I wish I was making that up. Today's episode will be a little bit complicated as far as the original languages.
I apologize for the complexity, but it's necessary to prove that this guy is not telling the truth.
And there's some things that he says that are just not true at all. They don't factually check out.
And so we'll take a look at those as well. So buckle up, grab something to write with, and let's do this.
Let's open up the desktop and we're gonna open up my web browser.
Yeah, by the way, again, from a secret location in Iowa, the American Pickers. Yeah, that's actually one of their secret lairs.
Where did the things from the American Pickers television program go to? I know where they go to. That's somewhere in Iowa.
And I was granted access to that, by the way. But a whole other story.
All right, here's Andrew Womack. And the name of this message is called,
Changing the Image of Yourself. And this is from the Vision Conference, Session 6, and is up on Andrew Womack's YouTube channel.
So this is his introduction to the message that we're going to hear.
Let's hear him out. I'm gonna share some personal testimony with you, but I had planned on ministering on imagination.
And that's what Pastor Dwayne ministered on. But you know what? There's so much to say about it. I know he could have said much more, and I think
I've got some things to share that we'll compliment and go along with it. But this is a big part of my personal testimony.
They advertised a book today. So note, he says he's gonna be giving a lot of his testimony. And you're gonna note what
I did here is I ignored the personal testimony bits in this particular conference lecture by Andrew Womack, and instead went to the teaching that he kind of interwove throughout his personal testimonies.
Because according to him, I mean, the proof is in the pudding, and his life and his testimonies are proof that this is sound doctrine, and this is absolutely the truth.
That is to deny Sola Scriptura. Even if your experiences seem to create your own theology, we don't build theology in Christian doctrine based on the experience someone goes through.
Let me give you an example, and that is that there are plenty of people who have near -death experiences, and they come back with revelation from the other side, beyond the veil, that contradicts the
Scripture. And you sit there and go, well, we got to believe these people because they had an experience. No, we judge all experiences according to the
Word of God. And if your near -death experience and the revelation you come back with contradicts the
Scripture, the Scriptures are right, and your experience is probably as a result of bizarre brain chemistry during the process of death.
Just saying, but let's listen a little bit more. ...about Don't Limit God, and I wrote that 23...
Okay, I have to back this up a little bit. Listen again. ...I've got some things to share that will complement and go along with it, but this is a big part of my personal testimony.
They advertised a book today about Don't Limit God, and I wrote that 23 years ago, and then in 10 years after the
Lord gave me that revelation, I had a book entitled Don't Limit God x 10, and that was 10 years after.
And then just last year, I put out a teaching. I don't think we have a book on it, but I got a teaching entitled Don't Limit God 20
Years Later. So you're gonna hear this as we work through portions of this lecture, that Andrew Womack legitimately believes that you can limit
God via your imagination, which kind of begs the question, and the question is this, how is it possible to limit
God? I know of no ability to limit God at all.
In fact, this runs against one of the clear teachings of Scripture, and that is that God is omnipotent.
Let me just give you a few passages to kind of bear this out. In Revelation 19 6, then
I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters, and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns.
Now, what does the word Almighty mean? Let's take a look at it in the Greek. Like I said, today's episode is gonna be very technical in some parts, but so the the word itself,
Almighty, Pantakrator, Pantakrator, it's a little bit of a mouthful, but listen to its definitions.
Almighty, all -powerful, omnipotent, the Omnipotent One. So you can translate legitimately
Revelation 19 6 as, Hallelujah! For the Lord our
God, the Omnipotent One reigns. And omnipotent means all -powerful, and so that's what
Almighty means. Matthew 19 26, Jesus says, with man this is impossible, with God all things are possible.
Job, in his confession in Job 42, says, I know that you can do all things,
Lord, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Yeah, Job confesses that no purpose of God can be thwarted.
Jeremiah 32 17, Jeremiah says, ah Lord Yahweh, it is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power, and by your outstretched arm.
Nothing is too hard for you. Genesis 18 14, is anything too hard for Yahweh?
And this is the angel of the Lord speaking. At the appointed time I will return to you about this time next year and Sarah shall have a son.
Is anything too hard for Yahweh? I don't think so. Revelation 1 8, the Alpha, I am the
Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the
Almighty. And there's that word again, Almighty, the omnipotent one. Jeremiah 32 27 says, behold
I am Yahweh, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? Daniel 4 35, all the inhabitants of the earth, this is the confession of Nebuchadnezzar, are accounted as nothing and he does according to his will among the host of heaven, among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay
God's hand or say to him, what have you done? Daniel 4 35 legitimately says that none can stay
God's hand. So I don't know where Andrew Womack is getting this theology, but it's not
Scripture. And I would note that the God he is describing, the God who can be limited, is the
God of open theism. It is not the all -powerful, omnipotent, all -knowing
God. It's a limited God who apparently is sitting on the sidelines with his hands tied and you've got to untie them because he's so impotent.
Rather than the omnipotent God, you have the impotent God. And so let's fast forward now a little bit and let's listen into a portion where he's going to lay out this doctrine for us and talk about how he was guilty of limiting
God. So where we are in his personal testimony story in this, he's talking about the imagination needed for a facility for his ministry and that he was thinking too small, and as a result of it he's going to claim that he was guilty of limiting
God. Let's listen in. It's just like a light bulb went off on the inside of me, that what's wrong with me?
How come I can't see myself really touching people? And then there was a number of things that happened. We were looking for a new place because we were in a little building that was 14 ,600 square feet.
We had outgrown it and we needed a new facility. And while I was out traveling, Jamie went and looked at a building and it was 30 ,000 square feet.
And when I got home, she wanted to pick me up at the airport and drive me by there and say, boy, this will last us the rest of our lives.
And I knew that that was going to be way, way, way too small. And Jamie and I share everything. But you know, it's like if you reach over to pet a dog and if every time you do that, the thing bites you, you quit petting that dog after a while.
I quit speaking my vision to people, even to Jamie, because So he had a vision of this larger facility and he was tired of people kind of running him down for speaking the vision.
And so he stopped talking about it altogether. We continue. So far removed from where we were that every time you'd speak it, people would roll their eyes.
They didn't always say something, but they would communicate that, you know, you're dreaming. It's never going to happen. And I just got to where I wouldn't speak my vision, not even to Jamie.
And that really shocked me because I knew that someday we were going to have a huge ministry and things, but I hadn't allowed myself to go there.
I wasn't speaking my vision and things like this. And so he wasn't speaking his vision. Notice that Andrew Womack is one of these word of faith heretic.
So anyway, on that night, it was about midnight and it just finally dawned on me that God said, you are limiting me by your small thinking.
He says, I've got big plans for you. And he says, I can't do it because you're thinking so small. How does he reconcile this theology with all the clear biblical texts that explain that God is omnipotent, that he is all -powerful, that the
Lord God Almighty, that he reigns? How is he able to make such a claim?
It's absolutely mind -boggling when you consider that God, you know, the scripture reveals that none can say
God's hand, not a single person. But Andrew Womack believes that he was guilty and God told him that he was limiting
God, yet God is almighty, the omnipotent one.
How does one do that? How does one limit
God? Already, here's the issue.
We're dealing with a different God now at this point. We're not dealing with the God of scripture. I don't know what deity he's talking to, and I'm gonna have to put deity in air quotes, or who's talking to him, but it isn't the
Almighty of scripture. It isn't the omnipotent one of scripture. This is the the limited
God of open theism. We continue. And so I repented, and did you know one of the first things
I did, Pastor Dwayne was talking about imagination and meditating. You know, let me just real quickly say this.
I'm not gonna turn over there and read it. So the importance of imagination and meditating, so this becomes a part of his doctrine here.
In Psalms chapter 1 verse 2, it says, you know, that you have to not be like the ungodly and sit in the seat of the scornful, but you meditate in the book of the law day and night.
All right, let's let's take a look at that real quick here. So we are going to go to,
I need an Old Testament text, we're going to go to Psalm chapter 1.
Okay, blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers.
His delight is in the Torah of Yahweh, and on his Torah he meditates day and night.
So our Hebrew word here is hayah, okay, so and so he's meditating and let's,
I did actually, I put a word study together on this over here, so and here it's hagah, and this is this is its lexical form, hagah, and here's what the word means.
I'm gonna know it, it's kind of a multitudinous number of meanings, to growl, to utter, to speak, to muse, you know, of inarticulate sounds, a growl of a lion, to meditate, to muse, to imagine, to devise.
So imagine is one of the possible definitions of the word hagah, but always and again context comes into play.
So I would note then when we take a look back at Psalm 1, blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of Yahweh, and on his law he meditates day and night.
Meditate is an actual proper definition of hagah here, and that being the case,
I would note that it doesn't make sense that on his law he imagines day and night.
That definition, you know, does not make any sense for hagah. So already we've got a big problem here, and that is that you're gonna note as we're working through this lecture, is
Andrew Womack is going to make references to the original languages, but he clearly hasn't studied them.
So, you know, my thing that I would say to Andrew Womack at this point is
Ataloma v 'Navrit, you do not understand Hebrew, and he's gonna make it clear where he gets his information from.
He's gonna claim he gets it from Strong's Concordance, which is not the right place to go, by the way, when it comes to doing deep theological study.
If you're a teacher in Christ's Church, you should know the biblical languages, which leads me to a thing.
Hang on a second here, I'm gonna come over here, and I'm gonna add a tab, and I'm gonna do a quick search for a resource.
There was a question that came up in the comments of a recent video we did where I was referencing the original languages, and people asked, is there a book for those of us who haven't studied
Greek so that we can know how to do proper word studies and not fall into these errors, which I thought was a great question.
And so there's a book by Bill Mounts. Bill Mounts, I think it's called Greek for the
Rest of Us. There we go, Greek for the Rest of Us. And so this is just a fantastic book,
Greek for the Rest of Us. I don't know where this website is, but we'll put a link down below, an Amazon link.
If you're looking for a good lay -level study of the book of Greek, not the book of Greek, but a study of Greek, so that you learn how to study it correctly without falling into errors like we're seeing
Andrew Womack do. And the same principles then that Mounts lays out in this book also then would apply to Hebrew.
And the idea is how to use interlinears, how to do a word study, and things like this. Greek for the
Rest of Us by Bill Mounts. We'll put a link to the book down below in the description.
Alright, let's come back then to Andrew Womack here. So he's referencing a word, but I'm going to note he's not making too many claims regarding the word haggah here in the
Hebrew as to meditate, but he's going to start to shift, you know, a little bit on the definition a little bit.
Here we go. Word for meditate right there in Psalms 1 -2 is the exact same word that is used in Psalms chapter 2 verse 1 that says,
Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? It's the same word that's translated imagine.
Right, because haggah can mean meditate or imagine. That's within its semantic domain.
So that being the case, coming back here, you'll note that, you know, Psalm 1 -2,
On his law he meditates day and night. But then there's other options as far as to how to translate it, and imagination is another one of its possible translations, but the context will decide that being the case.
So he's making a point here that the same word is used in Psalm 1 and Psalm 2, but translated differently, and he's referencing the
King James. And the reason for it's simple is because haggah has a multitude of meanings, and that multitude of meanings, finding the correct meaning, is going to require you to know the context.
So meditate, utters, uttering, moan, ponder, mourn, mutter, sound, plot, tell, talk.
These are all the way it's translated in the ESV. Imagination is one of its potential meanings, and we've already noted that here using
Brown, Driver, and Briggs over here on the left. So he's correct. It's the same word, but again, it has a multitude of meanings, and context is going to determine which is the correct one.
But he, because he clearly hasn't studied the original languages, thinks aha, I've discovered something.
No, really you haven't. It's like what I pointed out recently regarding the word up.
If you go into Merriam -Webster's dictionary online, up can mean in an upward direction, or it can mean if you turn up the volume to increase in intensity, or if you throw up, it can mean to evacuate your stomach of your lunch.
And so up, the meaning of up depends on the context. Same with haggai, it depends on what the context is.
So pointing out that yes, it's correct that the same word is used is not an aha moment if you've studied the original languages and you know how how words work in context.
You can't meditate without imagining. No. So let me back this up so you can see what he's doing here.
It's brightly pointing out the same word is used in two different Psalms, back -to -back, but then makes an incorrect conclusion based upon that.
Here we go. Heathen rage, and why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?
It's the same word that's translated imagine. You can't meditate without imagining. That's not correct, sir.
That's not what haggai means, and you're taking two different definitions and then smooshing them together, and you know, kind of in a
Hegelian dialectical kind of way of taking thesis and antithesis and creating a new synthesis.
You can't do that, okay? You don't get to pour every definition of a word into its meaning when it shows up.
The context is going to determine which meaning is the correct one. You have to see things, and so one of the first things
I did was I had to start speaking. It also says in Joshua 1 8, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night.
Meditation has to be, you speak it, you see it, but you also have to speak it. So anyway, the day...
No, just referencing Joshua 1 8 doesn't solve that problem. Same word haggai shows up there as well, and it's meditate there, not imagination.
So he's twisting things up by not recognizing that words have different meanings based upon context.
After the Lord showed me that I was limiting him, I just got bold. Again, how do you limit
God? That is my question. How does one go about limiting the omnipotent and the
Almighty God? The scripture says none can stay at God's hand. So how does one stay
God's hand through their imagination? This is, again, we're dealing with a different God. That's the problem here.
And I stood up in front of... I was at a minister's conference that we were holding in Buena Vista, Colorado, and I stood up and I repented in front of those ministers and said, man,
I'm limiting God. And I said, here's where our ministry is going. And I started confessing that we were gonna reach people all over the world.
I started speaking my vision. Yeah, so he repented because imagination.
Imagination, okay. Okay, next portion. You'll note
I have to skip around a little bit because he's gonna, in this portion, he now weaves into more personal testimonies and more stories, but we continue.
And so he's talking more now about the biblical basis of limiting God. Let's see what he says.
And I had to start thinking differently. And I think that this is where so many people miss it. You know, the scripture says in Isaiah chapter 26 verse 3, the
Lord will keep him in perfect peace. All right, let's get the text up, by the way. Isaiah 26 verse 3.
And this one's going to take a little bit of work. Okay, Isaiah 26 verse 3.
And for the sake of argument, I went ahead and put the King James Version here. That will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.
All right, so that's the King James Version, which he's referencing here. And let's see what he does with this.
Mind is stayed upon him because he trusts in him. Did you know the word for mind there is the Hebrew word Yetzir, Y -E -T -S -E -R?
And Duane talked about this yesterday. Yeah, that's true, Yetzir. And let's pull that up and we'll make sure we got this.
Whose mind, so here we got Yetzir. Okay, that's for sure. That's what the word is.
He's correct. It is the word Yetzir. Okay, we continue. You know that Genesis chapter 6 verse 5, that every imagination of their heart was evil continually.
And Genesis chapter 11 verse 6, where it says, now nothing that they have imagined will be restrained. That's the exact same word.
Okay, true. He's absolutely correct. Okay, so here we have another word that has different meanings.
But what he's going to say next regarding the meaning of this word is factually wrong.
And one has to wonder how he made such a blunder. But let's hear the blunder. That word for mind is imagination.
And if you look it up in the Strong's Concordance, the only definition of that word, it doesn't have multiple definitions, the only definition of that word
Yetzir that is translated mind and imagination six different times in the Old Testament, the only definition of that is conception.
And that is not true. That is factually incorrect. So he said, if you look it up in the
Strong's, well here we go, here's Strong's. Okay, and this is the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
So if you want to look this up yourself, Yetzir is 3 ,336 using the
Strong's numbering system. And you're going to note here, according to the Strong's Concordance, Yetzir means a form, a framing, purpose.
Form, framing, or purpose. It comes from the Hebrew verb
Yetzir, which means to form or to fashion. That's the verbal form of it.
So you'll note that he's wrong, that its only meaning is to conceive.
That is factually incorrect. So here we are back to Yetzir, and according to these concordances, you can translate it form, framing, or purpose.
Form, framed, handiwork, intent, intentions, mind. You get the idea. So what is the meaning of Yetzir?
Okay, so we want to go to, hang on a second here, I want to go to Isaiah 26, and we'll just do, we'll do a, we'll do a little word search, shall we?
Alright, hang on a second here. I think I did this ahead of time. There we go. Here we go. Yetzir.
Okay, so when you do just a simple word search, you know, and do a word study in Lagos, and that's what we're looking at here.
Okay, form, framing, or purpose. Brown, Driver, and Briggs makes that same, puts those as your primary definitions.
But you'll note then, here's the different, here's the different translations. Intention, plan, purposes, frame, mind, form, creation.
What they are inclined to do, okay? And so I would note, you know, if we click on Brown, Driver, and Briggs, you know, the
Yetzir, here's your, here's your word, form, framing, or purpose. Which is, the
Strong's is in agreement. Form, framing, or purpose.
But Andrew Womack has said something that is egregiously, factually incorrect.
And I mean it. This, this is the blunder of somebody who does not know
Hebrew. Again, ata lo, ata lo mevina vrit. You do not know
Hebrew, sir. You do not. But let me back this up, listen again to what he's saying. The only definition of that word,
Yetzir, that is translated mind and imagination six different times in the Old Testament, the only definition of that is conception.
False. This is just factually false. Absolutely false.
And Concord, the Strong's Concordance, as well as the Brown, Driver, and Briggs lexicon, they completely disagree with you.
And, and those two, the Brown, the Strong's Concordance and the Brown, Driver, and Briggs lexicon are in agreement.
And so we got a problem here. Really big problem. This is a core teaching of him that you can limit
God and his whole claim is, is that the word mind means imagination, but it doesn't.
And he claims that, that the only definition of that word in Strong's Concordance is conception.
And I would note in Strong's Concordance, that's the definition that's, well, overtly missing.
So he's, he's just false here on so many levels. That's what the word means.
Your mind is where you conceive things. But Yetzir does not mean that.
Without me going into a lengthy teaching on this, hopefully everybody understands where babies come from. You have to conceive babies.
The stork doesn't bring them. You don't get... So this is a core part of his doctrine here, based upon a completely false understanding of the definition of Yetzir.
And based, and then making the claim because the only meaning of the word Yetzir is conception.
Well, we have to conceive things in our imagination.
False doctrine, straight up. Pregnant, drinking the water after somebody else, you have to conceive children.
Well, it's the same thing. You have to conceive a miracle. You have to conceive... I have to conceive a miracle.
I don't even want to know what goes into that. But no, that's not what the scripture says at all.
If this were a true doctrine, then you would see it laid out for us. The scripture would say, you need to conceive a miracle.
Or there would be verbage that is different, the different wording that means that same thing.
But just your understanding of the definition of Yetzir, based upon the strong concordance, the strong concordance disagrees with your singular definition of conception.
That's the definition that's missing. And it's conceived in your mind and specifically, even more specifically, in your imagination.
If you can't see it in your heart, you will never see it in the physical realm.
Says no biblical text anywhere, and Yetzir doesn't mean this at all either.
And again, there's people that know what God wants you to do, but do you spend time conceiving it?
Do you... Have you spent time conceiving what God wants you to do? I can't even make sense of that sentence.
Spend time meditating on it. Do you take the word and let it paint a picture on the inside of you of what you are desiring?
That's not what we're instructed to do by scripture. All right, last soundbite, and now he's going to twist things up regarding Jesus, using the same technique here.
And his technique is to make reference to the original languages, but clearly he hasn't studied them.
And what's he relying on? The strong's concordance, which is not enough.
If you're going to make reference to the original languages, you need to have studied them and be able to be able to quote lexicons correctly and things like that, and be able to understand how words mean things in particular context.
But he's now going to go on with this idea that we can limit God, and now he's building off this idea then of it's important to conceive miracles via the imagination.
And he's going to claim that Jesus did that exact same thing, that Jesus conceived miracles through his imagination, and he's going to misuse a
Greek word, anablepo, to make that claim. Let's take a listen. When the scripture says just the opposite, that when we see all of these negative things happening, then lift up your eyes for your redemption draweth nigh.
Did you know it right there, Matthew chapter 24, when it says lift up your eyes, that's the exact same word. It's anablepo, and it's the same word that is used in Mark chapter 8.
Now I'm gonna note something here. Again, I'm not trying to be overly technical, and I apologize that this is a technical lesson.
Matthew 24, the word anablepo does not appear in Matthew 24. Let me show you what
I did in preparation for this episode. I just did a quick search. I actually did a search in my
Accordance software here, and I looked in the New Testament for every instance of anablepo.
And anablepo occurs three times in the book of Matthew.
Matthew 11, Matthew 14, and Matthew 20. It does not appear in in Matthew 24.
So the the verse that he's referencing, lift up your eyes for your redemption draweth nigh, that's from the of Luke chapter 21.
And I would note that that that Luke 21 is not one of the places where anablepo, well let's see, hang on, yeah here it is.
Okay, Jesus looked up and he saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box.
The only time in Luke 21 that anablepo appears is in that context, and it does not appear in the context of lift up your eyes for your redemption draweth nigh.
The actual the actual text there says lift up your head, not your eyes.
Lift up your head. In fact, let me do this. I'm going to grab here and I'm gonna go lift up your head.
Okay, hang on a second here. I need to not look in the epistles. I'm going to look in the
New Testament. Lift up your head. Okay, hold on a second here.
Here we go. Your head. And it's Luke 21, Luke 21 28.
Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near.
Luke 21 28, anablepo does not appear there. So the text itself is not saying lift up your eyes.
The text itself says lift up your heads, your kephalos. Okay, so we've got a problem, another problem here.
Not only does Strong's Concordance not say that yetzer means to conceive and that's its only definition.
Luke, Matthew 24 does not have the reference of lifting up your eyes.
That reference is in Luke 21 and it's not lift up your eyes, it's lift up your heads.
So he's making all kinds of errors here. I mean this is kind of heading into like Joe Biden territory.
The gaffes are getting big. So let me let me back this up now that you know this.
Again, overly technical. My apologies, we continue. When we see all of these negative things happening, then lift up your eyes for your redemption draweth nigh.
Luke 21 says lift up your heads. Did you know it right there in Matthew chapter 24 when it says lift up?
Yeah, it's that anablepo does not appear in Matthew 24. Your eyes, that's the exact same word as anablepo and it's the same word that is used in Mark chapter 8 when it says that God, I mean that He caused this blind man,
He prayed for him and he could only see partially and He said, He made him look up another time. The word anablepo, ana means again and blepo means to see.
So it means He made him look again or He made him look twice and it's the exact same word that's used in Mark chapter 6 when it says that when
Jesus took the five loaves and the two fishes, He blessed them. He looked up and blessed them. It's the same word and it's talking about He saw twice.
He looked past just his five loaves and two fish and He saw into the spiritual realm. Jesus saw,
He saw that food feeding the multitudes, that's His imagination. Except that's not how anablepo works.
So let's let's take a look at anablepo here. So I, let's see am
I, I got to come back here. So anablepo, so He made reference to the Gospel of Mark, right?
So and taking, okay, and taking five loaves and two fish, He looked up to heaven and said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples.
Okay, so the text says and so taking the five loaves, Okay, so we're gonna note here, anablepo appears here.
It's highlighted in red and Okay, what are the definitions of the word anablepo?
Well, I'm going to note that anablepo has a couple of direct, has a couple of definitions.
So anablepo, to direct one's vision upward, to look up.
Okay, second definition, to gain sight whether for the first time or again.
Regain sight, to gain sight of blind persons, to regain sight. So those are your two standard definitions from the the
BDAG, you know, from the BDAG lexicon.
That being the case, here in Mark 6, when
Jesus takes the five loaves and the two fishes and He looked up, it means that He looked in an upward direction.
And I would note here that if you take a look at the text, it doesn't say that He just anablepo'd, it tells us where He anablepo'd.
Okay, so Jesus looked, you know, so taking and the two fish, He looked where?
Istanuron, into heaven. Okay, Jesus looked to heaven and that means
He did what? He looked in an upward direction. What Andrew Womack is saying here is that Jesus just,
He looked into His imagination. He saw again. He used His imagination and it was
His imagination that made the miracle, the feeding of the 5 ,000, you know, that made that miracle possible.
Because Jesus, like every good Word of Faith heretic, He knows that He has to see it in His mind and in His heart first.
He has to imagine it and then it comes into existence. Baloney. Jesus, the text is very clear that He directed
His vision upward and it specifically tells us in, you know, towards what?
Istanuron, toward heaven. Jesus looked toward heaven. He looked up towards heaven.
That's what the text says. Anablepo'd does not mean to see into the Spirit or to see into the imagination.
What Andrew Womack is saying here is, again, factually incorrect, patently false.
And this is a core teaching of His and the people at His ministry about the imagination and it's based upon completely false information regarding the what the original languages mean.
So knowing that then, I'm going to back this up so we can hear Him again in context, make the claim that Jesus used
His imagination for the miracle of the feeding of the 5 ,000. "...made Him look again or He made Him look twice and it's the exact..."
Okay, made Him look again, made Him look twice. That, let me back this up so we can fact -check that as well.
Mark chapter 8. "...I mean that He caused this blind man..." Okay, Mark 8. Let's go back to our
Anablepo study here and we're going to look for the instance of Mark 8. "...and
He looked up and said, I see people but they they look like trees walking." So it's
Mark 8 24. Now let's do this. We're gonna put some context around this. Mark 8.
And we're going to look at the actual context of this and you can see how this doesn't even work.
Okay, so Mark 8 22. "...and they came to Bethsaida and some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him.
And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. And when he'd spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, do you see anything?
And he, the blind man, looked up and said, I see people but they look like trees walking.
Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again and he opened his eyes.
His sight was restored and he saw everything clearly. And he sent him to his home saying, do not even enter the village."
So here is your instance of Anablepo. Let me kind of pull this up a little bit here.
And so it says of the blind man, he looked up and he said, I see people but they look like trees walking.
Jesus asked him the question, Atblepsis, do you see anything?
He looked up and he said, I see people but they look like trees walking.
Jesus didn't have him use his imagination. That's not what's going on here.
And again, Anablepo legitimately means to direct one's vision upward.
And in the context, that's exactly what's going on. Again, overly technical on this episode, necessary to debunk these false claims.
So let's listen again. For when it says lift up your eyes, that's the exact same word as Anablepo. And it's the same word that is used in Mark chapter 8 when it says that God, I mean, that he caused this blind man, he prayed for him and he could only see partially.
And he said, he made him look up. Another time, the word Anablepo, Ana means again and blepo means to see.
So it means he made him look again or he made him look twice. And it's the exact same word that's used in Mark chapter 6 when it says that when
Jesus took the five loaves and the two fishes, he blessed them. He looked up and blessed them. Yeah, looked up because that's one of the primary definitions of Anablepo, to look up.
The same word. And it's talking about he saw twice. He looked past just his five loaves and two fish and he saw into the spiritual realm.
Jesus saw. Look twice? That would be duablepos.
Yeah, duablepo. You know, sir, you do not know Greek either.
He saw that food feeding the multitude. Nope, the text doesn't say that.
It says Jesus looked up to heaven. The text says he looked up to heaven.
And Anablepo means to look in an upward direction. He saw this happen.
It's not talking about he just raised his head. Did you know that? Well, actually, that's exactly correct.
It means exactly that. He raised his head. And like I've pointed out already, where did he raise his head to?
He raised his head to heaven. Brothers and sisters, this guy is a, he's a wolf.
He's teaching doctrines of demons. He's teaching that your imagination, if it's not up to snuff, can limit
God. Nothing could be further from the truth. God is not limited.
God is almighty. No one can thwart him. And nowhere in Scripture does it teach that your miracle won't happen unless you can see it first in your imagination.
That's a doctrine he completely made up. And I would note, if he were a
Greek student of mine or a Hebrew student of mine, I'd give him a flat -out F because he clearly shows that he's not able to factually reference, like, you know, lexicons that tell us what biblical words mean in their context.
In fact, his claim that the word for, that the word Yetzir only means conceive, well, even the
Strong's Concordance that he referenced doesn't even say that. So this guy is a false teacher, and he's a wolf, and he's leading people astray.
And if you know anybody that's come under his, under his sway, yeah, he seems like a nice old man for sure, but he's a wolf, and a heretic, and a false teacher.
And the God he believes in can be limited by your lack of imagination. That's not the
God of Scripture. That is an idol that cannot save you or perform any miracles, because that idol doesn't exist.
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And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wise anchor who put this in here?