NYC, Satanic Judaism and Safe Spaces

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Mary, Mary makes the sun shine bright.
That's not theologically accurate. In any case, let's jump right into it today. Today is
April 25th, Tuesday, year of our Lord, 2023. I've got in my hand two baseballs.
This is an official minor league baseball. This is an official major league baseball. They feel different. I don't know if they actually are different.
I'm sure I could figure that out pretty easily, but the major league one, I don't know, it just feels more like a rock,
I'm not really sure why. In any case, um, I am working on a video.
A lot of people are interested in this. They can't wait for it. And it is coming. There's just no question about that. About Neil Shenvey and his tweet about, uh, the, the
Christian right, the based right, um, and racism and abortion and all that kind of thing.
It's definitely coming and it's going to be a good one, but it, you know, I'm a nuanced guy. You know, few people understand this, but I am a nuanced guy and I'm bringing nuance to it.
My trademark nuance, my reasonableness, my trademark Latino reasonableness will be in play in the
Neil Shenvey video. So that I'm working on it. I'm working on it, but I did want to get a video out today. Bit of a grab bag, a few different topics.
Let's jump right into it. A lot of people are talking about cultural Christianity. And here we have a tweet, um, that I want to talk about.
It starts off with Rhett Koppel. Uh, and he says people decrying the cultural
Christianity of the South should be asked if they would rather have grown up in the Bronx. Why are
Southerners, excuse me, generalized as more content, happier, friendlier, hospitable, and more community oriented and, uh, this whole idea of like the cultural
Christianity of the South has created all of these positive outcomes, contentment, contentment, happiness, friendliness, hospitality, all that kind of stuff.
And, uh, the idea here is that, you know, it was better than the Bronx. And, and I got to say, and here, Andy Woodward says
I'd rather do ministry in NYC than in the Bible belt. And I got to say,
Andy hats off to you. Good for you. You know, I'm glad that, that, uh, you're doing ministry in NYC.
Uh, let me just put it that way. I'm very glad that you're there. Um, I, I wouldn't do it.
I wouldn't do it. In fact, I had the opportunity to, of course, because if you know about my history as an adult,
I lived in New York city for eight years, roughly. Um, and that, that was not only
Manhattan, but also Brooklyn. Um, and you know, I, I can't say I grew up in the
Bronx, but I did live in the Bronx and most of my family, well, pretty much all of my family is from the Bronx. And so I visited the
Bronx very often. And even, even now they're still part of my family that lives in the Bronx. Although pretty much everyone that had the opportunity to leave has gotten the heck out of there because it is a terrible, terrible place.
Now that doesn't mean the people are all terrible there, but it is definitively a terrible place. You know, it's the kind of place where you, you know, walk down the street and you smell urine and trash and, and just feces and all of that kind of thing.
Not a good place for a child. Um, children do live there and survive there.
And some of them even thrive there, but again, it's not a great place for a child. No question about it.
And, uh, and I left, you know, as soon as I knew I was having children, um, I got out of there as quickly as I could.
I could not get out of there fast enough. Um, because you know, it's, it's really not, it's without question that in general, the people that you'll interact with, you know, at the pharmacy or at the grocery store in the
South are just more pleasant than the people that you'll interact with at key food in the
Bronx. It's just really indisputable. Anyone who would try to dispute that is, is not correct.
But, um, but it's okay. I mean, it doesn't mean that the Bronx is, is like a horrible, terrible place. It doesn't mean that it should be abandoned by Christians.
Um, I'm glad that Andy, I'm not joking. I'm glad Andy Woodward is there doing ministry in New York city.
It definitely needs it. And I think, and here's the thing the other day I tweeted, not, not in this context, in a completely separate context,
I tweeted out something like the pagans can't have New York city. They can't.
And some people were trying to zing me back. They already do at AD. What are you talking about? The pagans already have
New York city. And that's definitely true. But I said, not for long, not for long. The reason
I was thinking about this is I was listening to a beastie boy song called the open letter to New York.
And it's a really, uh, kind of nostalgic song for me. I believe they, they released it shortly after nine 11 or a few years after nine 11.
That's actually when I moved to New York a few years after nine 11. I'll, I'll never forget coming in to work on the very first day.
Um, I took the path train from, from, from Newark to, uh, to world trade center.
And I remember, uh, taking the train through the hole that was left by, uh, by the world trade center.
And, um, you know, it was a very weird feeling and, and the city was, was great in so many ways, but there is just so much darkness there.
Um, it's a very dark place. And I, I started thinking to myself as I was listening to the song, you know,
I've got a lot of positive, uh, feelings about New York as well. What would it look like?
What would it be like when New York is one for Jesus Christ? Like when it's one for Jesus Christ and it's a
Christian, uh, city with Christian people and a Christian government, a
Christian mayor, can you imagine in a self -consciously Christian mayor who's seeking to honor the
Lord in how he runs New York city and, and, and, and how, how, how the, how the legislatures and the, and the borough presidents, whatever they're called, they think they're called borough presidents.
They're all seeking to honor God, seeking to do justice according to God's law, seeking to punish evildoers according to God's law, seeking to, to praise what is good,
I got corrected on that recently. And I'll use the King James language. I like the King James praising what is good instead of praising what is evil, like they currently do.
Um, I had a, you know, I had a chance to go back to New York city recently, or I say recently, but a few years ago.
And it just so happened that I was driving through. Um, I was on my way to Jersey city. I had a business meeting and I drove on the, uh, on the
East side highway, West side highway, rather. And it just so happened I was driving through on, on a pride parade day.
And it's just debauchery. It was just absolutely disgusting. I can't imagine. Um, what would it be like if that kind of thing didn't happen in New York city?
It was one for Christ and it had a Christian morality and kind of a Christian, just sort of way that it operated that way, man,
New York could be so awesome. I, it's hard to even imagine what would it be like if New York city was one for Christ?
Well, it will be one day. And so those are kinds of things we should be thinking about. It is totally legitimate to do ministry in New York city.
It's needed. Andy, I'm glad you're doing it. Likewise. It is completely legitimate to have a strategic retreat out of New York city and to go to a place where, um, where there's, there's a, there's a real thick harvest ready to be reaped.
And I think that there are places way more ready to, to, to be harvested than New York city.
That's just my opinion. Of course, God can do whatever he wants. Um, and so of course, you know, there, that's why it's not, uh, not inappropriate for Andy to be in New York.
It's totally appropriate. Um, but don't, don't, um, don't let the fact that God can do whatever he wants rob you of your logic.
I mean, it's obviously, uh, a better situation, uh, for the gospel of Jesus Christ in places that aren't so hardened at this point that aren't so given over because quite frankly,
New York city appears to be a given over. Of course, God can will whatever he wants. He can change that in an instant.
That is true. So anyway, that's just my two cents on New York as someone who has many connections to New York city and, uh, live there as an adult for quite some time.
Both as a believer and as a non -believer, by the way, one of my favorite churches, uh, ever favorite local churches ever is in Brooklyn.
The King's chapel in Brooklyn. Um, solid group of people. I love those people.
It's just a, it was just a beautiful community. They're doing the Lord's work there.
God, God bless them. God bless them. All right. Speaking of New York city, let's talk about Jewish people in case you didn't know, there's quite a few
Jewish people in New York city. Um, Blake, uh, Blake Callens here has, uh, made it a personal mission.
He he's a little bit, it's a little bit of a fatal attraction here. I gotta be honest. I, I questioned sometimes whether I should be poking the bear, so to speak as much as I am, but you know,
I'm not that smart a guy, so I'll continue to poke. Uh, he is, um, he has, he has gotten me to admit something that I've never hidden when, in fact, he's gotten me to admit many things that I've never hidden.
And so I gotta say, you know, he is quite the detective through his clever maneuvering, he has, uh, he has gotten me to admit that I, uh, stand against modern
Judaism. There you go. So, um, he's very, very offended and, and, uh, and, and, uh, he's scandalized by the fact that I would use the phrase synagogue of Satan, uh, to describe absolutely abhorrent views, uh, that, that modern
Judaism promotes. Here is the first one. Um, this is
Kirsten Powers and, uh, and this is, this is, this is a woman or, or at least she was addressing a woman talking about how, uh,
Judaism, this is what she, this is her claim, not mine. Judaism demands that we keep abortion legal because I guess
Judaism, again, according to her, I have no idea if this is true or not, it's not really my business, I don't really care, but according to her,
Judaism requires abortion in certain circumstances. And so, um, you know, to me,
I call this, uh, an example of, of a synagogue of Satan, right? Because they've, they've learned in, according to them and their synagogues and their religion, um, murder is required.
And this certainly strikes me as something that Israel has dealt with before, as it, you know, we, we deal with the
Baal worshippers and the temples to Moloch and, and the high places where people made their children pass through the fire.
Um, this is something that false Jews have been, uh, into for quite some time.
And so I would call that the synagogue of Satan. Now I use the term synagogue of Satan because it's, it's from the
Bible and it specifically identifies, uh, a satanic teaching from people who claim to be
Jews, who claim to be Israelites. They, they're Jews, but not really Jews, right?
They're not true Jews. And so, uh, I think it's quite appropriate. Here's another one.
This was a rabbi, Mike Harvey. So this is one of the modern Jew, I guess, teachers.
That's what rabbi means. At least the last time I checked. And, um, yeah, this is, uh, me using the term synagogue of Satan again.
And I, I'm not sure because Mike Harvey, the rabbi, uh, blocked me, but, uh,
I believe this was also about abortion, about how abortion was necessary for, uh, a practicing
Jew. Now, again, it's not my business. It's not my religion. You got to ask him about that. It's not me, but here
I just, I just quoted the scripture itself. I will make those from the synagogue of Satan who claim to be
Jews and are not, but are lying. I will make them come and bow at your feet and they will know that I have loved you.
He who has ears, let him hear. Uh, rabbi, Mike Harvey claims to be a Jew, but it's not a
Jew. He, he, Jews who are true Jews, uh, honor and, and love the
Lord. They love the Messiah. And this one does not. And, uh, because of his perverted, you know, religion in his mind, which
I stand against and I'm not sorry. I stand against it. He's now come to a place where murdering babies is a good thing is a necessary thing, according to his
God, who is actually Satan. Now, this is not as bad, obviously, because murdering babies is worse than pornos, but it's the same kind of thing.
This is satanic. Pornography has been a scourge on Western society and, um, and, and Jesus Christ, the
Messiah, this is the Jewish Messiah who taught on the law. It's something that they should have known already.
If they were teachers of the law, they love the Lord, but they didn't. Well, at least they claim not to know this.
And Jesus specifically came and taught his people about this, how it's like, look, you know, you, you, you say you shouldn't commit adultery.
That's right. You shouldn't commit adultery. But he's saying, look, if you're looking at women with lustful intent, you're looking at them and it's not just, oh, she's a pretty girl.
It's like, oh man, let me get some of that. If that's your thought and that's what you're doing, you're committing adultery already.
Is it as bad as, as, as, as, as actually having a sexual relationship with another woman?
Not as bad as far as the law is concerned, but it's a sin that's the same exact sin from a, from a, from a legal perspective, according to God, and it can condemn you and damn you and you're not doing anything praiseworthy by looking at a woman with lustful intent, instead of actually cheating on your wife, because Jesus says, if you do that, you've already kind of committed the act in your heart.
And if you further, and if you further actually do it, of course you've compounded that sin, uh, many times over.
And so, but here's Dennis Prager talking about how, look, you know, like guys like a lot of girls, they like a lot of variety.
And so listen, porno's not all that bad. I mean, it's better than cheating on your wife. And meanwhile, like there are men who are slaves to pornography, right?
Slaves to pornography. And pornography has unleashed a whole range of sexual sin.
And you're an idiot if you don't think that pornography hasn't led to actual, the, the actual acts in many cases, whether it's homosexuality, transgenderism, you know, whatever the case may be, pedophilia, all this kind of stuff, all this kind of stuff.
And so again, this is another satanic belief. And, and, and quite frankly, this kind of stuff comes from, uh, an understanding of the scriptures that rejects the
Messiah, that rejects the Lord who wrote the scriptures. You can only come to this kind of twisted logic by rejecting the
Lord, by rejecting Jesus, and I stand against it. And so again, another apt description, synagogue of Satan, you, the synagogue is, is the place where you gather and get your teaching, right?
It is where you gather and learn about the law. You learn about the Bible. You learn about the scriptures. And if this is the kind of thing they're teaching there, this is a synagogue of Satan.
And, uh, here's another one, another rabbi, Rabbi Daniel Bogard, who has the pronouns in the bio, of course.
He's all about transsexuality, he's gay, or at least he's supporting gays and stuff like that.
Likewise, a synagogue of Satan. That's what's taught at Rabbi Daniel Bogard's synagogue.
Now, now this is uncontroversial, but, but according to Blake, because, uh,
I guess antisemites use this phrase as well, this biblical phrase, uh, this is, uh, antisemitism, do you remember the video
I did, we're all antisemites now? That's, it, it applies here to Blake as well. You know,
Torba was dragged by the ADL, I believe, for thinking that the horror, I know this is horrible.
He wants, uh, Jews to repent of their sins and to accept the
Lord Jesus Christ, uh, as their savior and as the one who has died for their sins and, and all of that kind of thing.
I know that's a horrible thing. It's a horrible message for the Jews, but, uh, that's, that's according to the
ADL or their little literal synagogue of Satan rabbis that is actually antisemitic,
Semitic to think that Jews have anything to be saved from anything to be repenting of. It's the same story, uh, from before, like when
Jesus walked the earth and they would say things like Abraham is our father, what do we need to, we don't need to be saved, we've got
Abraham, literally the same message and, uh, the Bible calls that, uh, the synagogue of Satan.
And likewise, I, I, just because some people are a little uncomfortable with it, uh, it doesn't mean
I'm going to shy away from what the Bible says. A lot of people are uncomfortable with the fact that dragons used to exist.
And, um, I still believe that. I mean, what can I say? I mean, the Bible says it, what am
I supposed to do? It's not, it's not my words. It's his words. And so, but here's the thing, guys, like you, you, you have to be able to contradict
Jewish people. You have to, you have to be able to contradict their upside down satanic morality when it rears its ugly head.
Not every Jew has this kind of morality. Obviously that's obvious. Many Jews have repented of their sins.
Many Jews, uh, acknowledge that it's Christ's way, not their way. Many Jews have done that.
And those are brothers in the Lord and God bless him, man. And I think I personally believe many more
Jews are going to do that in the future. Um, but rabbis like Rabbi Daniel Bogard is a teacher of Satan.
Uh, Dennis Prager, again, synagogue of Satan, Rabbi Mike Harvey, synagogue of Satan, Kirsten Powers.
I think she's a rabbi, but I'm not sure. There's, there's female rabbis now, synagogue of Satan.
And, um, make sure that you're not so afraid of being labeled an anti -Semite that you're loving
Jews, uh, straight to the pit of hell. Loving Jews straight to the pit of hell.
I think that, that Jewish people who promote the idea that a key tenant of their religion is killing babies or that pornos might be okay, that, that kind of thing.
I think they need a little bit of a shock to the system. Sometimes that's, that's literally satanic. You worship Satan. That's what you do.
You worship Satan in the form of Baal or whoever Margaret Sanger, whoever, but that's what you're doing.
You need, you need, they need to be hit in the mouth that way. Sometimes rhetorically speaking, of course, I'm not crazy.
Don't get all crazy on me. Make sure that you're not loving Jews to death.
Lots of you are not in this audience per se, but a guy like Blake, like he can't even, he can't even say the phrase synagogue of Satan is appropriate, uh, in the case of a rabbi who's advocating for the moral goodness of abortion.
I gotta be honest with you. Someone like that is in dangerous waters. He, he, he's, he's dangerously close to loving
Jews straight to the pit of hell. And so there you go. There you go.
Let's move on to the next thing. Oh, before I continue, before I continue this guy, Blake, you, you, you, if you want to laugh, just follow him on, uh, on Twitter and watch his interactions with me.
I've, I've gone back and forth with him a lot longer than I normally do. And I've just, I've been getting a lot of entertainment out of it, which
I think I need to stop, but maybe I'm getting too much entertainment out of it. But he, he thinks he's got a very high opinion of himself.
And he thinks that he's got me on these horns of a dilemma. You know, he got me, he got me to admit that I support gab .com.
I, I, I know it's, it's, it's, it's a big secret, huge secret. I support gab .com and he got me to admit it.
Um, you know, he got me to admit that I'm not for modern Judaism. I know again, huge secret.
I mean, what's he going to come up with next? I'm not, I'm not for Muslims either. Wow. I mean, like, like I've been trying to hide that one.
Hopefully Blake's, you know, he doesn't, he doesn't, uh, find out that I, that I stand against Mormonism and Islam and all of these kinds of things too.
I hope he doesn't find out. Oh man. Uh, he got me to the other, the other thing he's, he said is that the reason why
I won't deny, uh, these charges like that I'm against, uh, modern Judaism and things like that is because I like,
I can't, cause I've got to show, I've got, I, I really do want to reject that stuff, but I can't because I got to show strength.
I've got to show strength to all of my antisemitic followers. That's his working theory right now.
He's, he's, he's an Einstein, this one. He's an Einstein. But anyway, speaking of satanic teachings, here we go.
This is one of the funniest woke preacher clips clips I've seen in a long time.
This is, uh, this is an ERLC interview. Uh, this,
I guess this is leather where this is the new Russell Moore and he's talking to this black guy, John Nelson, who, um, is a
Southern Baptist, I believe. You, you, you just are not going to believe this. This is so funny. I'm going to try not to comment on it and just let you get the, the full video in its goodness.
When I look at hold on, I always do this. I always mess up the audio.
Hold on, please. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. All right. Let's see what we got here. What's safe and what's inclusive.
When I look at Gen Z, they want to know what's safe and what's inclusive. And I know those are words now that are tainted in many ways.
But when I look at Gen Z, can, is this a safe place for them to have these types of conversations? Are they invited in, you know, as I work with college students, they always want to know, is this a safe place for me to be invited in?
Can I, can I look at it a little bit differently for you? And this becomes a gospel issue moving forward. And here's why, because they're the ones that are either going to take the message of Christ to the world.
I have to, I have to stop it. I can't just let, I can't not say something. It's just not possible.
It's a gospel issue. It's a gospel issue to provide an inclusive and safe place so that they can feel invited in.
You've got to have the safe, inclusive place. And if you don't have it from their perspective, mind you, because none of this stuff, it really has an objective meaning, it's just, if they feel safe, if they feel inclusive, then if you don't provide that, you're not, that's a gospel issue.
That's a gospel issue or begin. And you're seeing this in culture begin to evangelize the church because they believe we're wrong.
Right. And so we have the opportunity to show them as Southern Baptist. We had the opportunity to see it in his eyes.
Like this guy knows this is complete nonsense, but he, he can't say anything.
He can't, he's got to hold his tongue because a black man is speaking. And if there's any moral imperative that the
ERLC wants you to know is that you absolutely cannot contradict a black man.
Show them, unless he's conservative, obviously we can write, we can look at our past, we can reconcile with that and move us forward.
And by the way, this becomes a place where black and brown and white and all the different menagerie of colors can come together to serve a great
God towards his kingdom end. But the way that we do that is we do that together. And this is the safe place to have those conversations.
We have to have listening ears for this generation because they want to be heard. And by the way, they love experts.
They love experts more than anybody I've ever met in my life. Again, Gen Z, we don't trust experts. They love experts and they want people that are expertise on it, but the expertise when it comes to racial reconciliation right now is not found in the church.
And it is critical for us to be able to be that safe place for them to be able to soothe a lot of their angst, but also to learn how to move forward.
So when the gospel moving forward with Gen Z, I think it's massively important. Absolutely. The one way to get gospel ministry, there's two gospel issues here.
There's actually two gospel issues. Number one, you got to provide the safe space. If your, if your space isn't safe, then you're, you're rejecting the gospel.
I mean, that's, that's tantamount to rejecting the gospel. You've got to have safe spaces.
But more important, I would argue this is of utmost importance. The prime directive is to bring in non -Christian experts.
We don't trust the church. In fact, they're going to evangelize us because they're right and we're wrong.
We don't trust that. We, you need experts and it's not just with race, by the way, you guys think this is all about race.
It's not just about race, although it is about that too. We need to bring in, you know, Robin D 'Angelo. We need to bring in, uh, who's that other guy with the, with the, with the, who knows, who cares?
Who cares? That white guy that he's black, but he's white. Sean King. We need to bring in Sean King.
We need the experts, but it's not just about race. We need Fauci. They love Fauci. And if you don't provide a safe space to discuss the most recent
Fauci prophecy, then you are rejecting the gospel.
We need to bring in David Hogg expertise on gun control. And if you do not bring in David Hogg, then you are rejecting the gospel.
Greta Thunberg, you know, lady Gaga, maybe Jay -Z, you know, he's expert at race relations, uh, that is a good one guys.
How long, how long, my question for you in the SBC is how long is it going to take for you to pay for this? How long will you continue funding this madness?
This is absolute madness. This guy is out of his ever loving mind.
How long will you continue to pay for this? That's, that's what I'd like to know. You got to ask yourself,
I can't convince you to pull your funding. I cannot convince you to leave the SBC. Obviously that's a decision you need to make on your own, but this is what you're paying for safe spaces and non -Christian experts.
It really does beggar belief. God bless you. I hope you found this episode entertaining, helpful, all of that kind of thing.