A Solo Test Dividing Line!
A solo Dividing Line while Rich is on a well earned vacation testing stuff I'm collecting for use in the A&O travel rig (truck/fifth wheel) that I will be using to travel starting in just a few weeks. Covered a range of things from the Fauci Emails to Safeism to wild eyed racism at Yale to William Lane Craig answering his critics (and me pretty much agreeing with him). Everything seemed to work, so I'm thankful! Visit the store at
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- 00:01
- Hey folks, welcome to the dividing line what we're doing here as most of you know We are going to be doing some traveling coming up The the old -fashioned style of traveling rather than those fancy -dancy jet planes
- 00:15
- I'm gonna be driving myself around the fact that the first real long trip I have planned right now will be in the end of July into about the second week logs about three weeks and It's gonna take me up into Colorado and all the way up into Idaho in fact and then down through,
- 00:32
- Nevada So I've got stuff. I've got a test. So for example, I'm looking at Something I've never looked at before.
- 00:40
- Okay, I've used this camera before this is a Logitech Brio camera. It's a nice camera but it is inside a light ring and There are different things
- 00:49
- I can do with the light ring but I've got a test which cables are gonna work right and what combinations of things because The plan is
- 00:57
- I'm gonna be sitting Maybe sometimes outside maybe often inside the fifth wheel and probably toward the back and There's a table back there with a nice place
- 01:11
- I can set up Most most campgrounds I've been in not sure.
- 01:16
- I'd want to have the window Interesting people walking by or something, but I could imagine being parked in a few places
- 01:22
- That would be interesting to have the view out the back window But anyways, this is the setup that I'm thinking about using to be able to do that Just got to test things out got to see how things work
- 01:35
- And right now instead of having opening theme music and stuff like that. I'm going solo because Rich is on well as they say as they say in Europe rich is on holiday
- 01:48
- Here United States. He's on vacation man. So he's he's not with us right now
- 01:54
- I'm doing all this on myself right now. I'm sitting in my kitchen. Yes I just wanted to set up someplace.
- 02:01
- It would be similar to what we'd be looking at if I do the Setup outside the fifth wheel or in the back of the fifth wheel or whatever else those who didn't catch last week's program we are picking up next
- 02:15
- Wednesday a fifth wheel that I will be Using to for example get to g3 in late
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- September early October and Various and sundry places along the way.
- 02:29
- In fact, we have put together a email address that rich will receive these emails
- 02:36
- Roadtrip at a omen dot org roadtrip one word I think roadtrip today. I've written to it myself because I'm the one doing the driving but roadtrip at a omen dot org
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- For churches that want to say hey, yeah, we'd love to be able to do something like that because These would be less formal.
- 02:53
- I mean I will have been driving hundreds of miles that day so Probably not going to be you know addressed all that fancy probably not gonna be wanting to go for three hours
- 03:05
- But I'd like to be able to be meeting with feet with folks doing You know not just public stuff
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- But if you just want to do something with your elders and advanced a topic Q &A thing, whatever
- 03:17
- Roadtrip at a omen dot org if you want to be sort of put on the I think rich is gonna use one of those
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- Apps or something push pin apps remember how you do push pin stuff and say, okay
- 03:29
- We got a church here got a church here And so as I'm traveling and as I'm as I'm trying to figure out my routes, which isn't as easy as I expected it to be
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- Then we can sort of see what's close by and plan things based upon what churches we can go to and things like that so That will be starting literally in just a matter of weeks.
- 03:49
- And so I hope within about three four weeks To be doing a quick test run and again testing out these things seeing how how long my battery lasts
- 04:00
- I mean, obviously in the fifth wheel I can plug in but If I'm sitting outside or something like that, hey, how long does my particular laptop battery last?
- 04:09
- I rarely ask it to do much. So that's why we're doing these things. So Thanks for for joining us and being with us
- 04:17
- Right now, so I I do want to do a program today I'm not sure how long it will be
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- I'm not gonna be nearly as Strict on what we got to make sure make at least an hour
- 04:28
- When you're doing things a little bit differently you just cover your your subjects, but I did want to Catch up on a few things that are
- 04:39
- These days if it's three days after it hit it's old news, right? And that's that's true but I was
- 04:49
- Smiling but not smiling When the Fauci emails came out especially because I I can think of former supporters of this ministry
- 05:01
- Who stopped supporting us because I said the things that Fauci said in his own emails at the same time.
- 05:08
- He said it So it does make you sort of go. Hmm. Yeah. Well, that's That's interesting that that would take place.
- 05:17
- But what what struck me and I think has struck everyone There was a period of time last year where you could lose your social media presence.
- 05:27
- You could be locked out Of your social media presence. You could be banned by big tech
- 05:34
- For saying what is now the predominant understanding of the origin of the kovat 19 virus and Yet if you if you were careful at all you knew that there were all sorts of scientists
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- Who were already saying yeah, that's a really plausible That's a plausible theory that needs to be looked into but they suffered
- 06:00
- Some of them were locked out of social media Some of them lost their jobs for daring to just say what is now all of a sudden for whatever reason
- 06:11
- I don't even know what the reason is What everybody's saying this gives you an idea of the danger of a technocracy of a totalitarian technocracy where people who aren't even 30 years old are running everything basically based upon their emotions and What's good and safe for us because it's not safe for us to Speculate as to where the kovat 19 virus came from.
- 06:43
- It's not safe to do that. So we got to stop people from doing it This is what you end up with is the very situation we're facing right now, and of course,
- 06:54
- I Could not help as I Drove through New Mexico a few weeks ago to once again see, you know all
- 07:08
- Everybody's got masks on running around with masks on and you can't go anywhere without masks I could not help but notice the email that Fauci wrote someone wrote to him
- 07:18
- This is early on and said should I wear a mask? He's like Masks don't do anything.
- 07:25
- They're only helpful if you're symptomatic If you're coughing and sneezing then that that might be, you know
- 07:31
- Helpful to either protect you from someone's coughing and sneezing and stuff. But no the stuff you get a drugstore is irrelevant to a virus
- 07:39
- What changed the science did not change in fact, I think that was late
- 07:45
- February, wasn't it? It was the May edition of the emerging diseases
- 07:50
- Journal from the CDC that contained the very well -known Vietnam study that only further demonstrated that reality that in fact the
- 08:01
- The cotton mask group had a higher infection rate than the control group did
- 08:07
- And so has anything refuted that nothing That was even before the marine study
- 08:15
- That was before the was it Denmark did the study all these things have come out that have all confirmed the same stuff and yet Within what six months seven months?
- 08:27
- There's Fauci sitting before Congress wearing two masks and they weren't n95 respirators either
- 08:34
- He's wearing two masks What causes this kind of stuff what well
- 08:42
- Living by lies causes this kind of stuff That's exactly what we've been doing for all this time.
- 08:48
- We've been living by lies We've been lied to and then we have been forced to live in light of those lies
- 08:56
- But it's all politics it's all money and it's all power I mean I'm hearing that the
- 09:03
- Biden Regime budget, whatever you call that as if there's ever has been a budget for the
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- United States government for since Reagan well Didn't didn't didn't even
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- Clinton do a budget that actually stuck once. I'm not sure but anyway That his
- 09:26
- Budget would blow the Debt of the of the United States in 10 years up to 44 trillion doll
- 09:34
- It was 17 trillion at the beginning of the pandemic Trillions and trillions of dollars of unfunded spending just just run those printing presses rich told me that he heard a statistic that one -third was a one -quarter or one -third of The Cash currently in circulation in the
- 09:57
- United States economy did not exist on January 1st of 2020 2021 So that's just in the past half year
- 10:06
- One third of that the inevitable destruction of your savings and your it's hyperinflation is coming.
- 10:16
- I remember I remember I I remember car loans at 25 %
- 10:26
- I was I'm old enough to remember that believe it or not so it's coming and Where did a lot of that money go?
- 10:34
- It went into the pockets of the big technocrats it went into big business and it went into big pharma and And so the very people who silenced anyone who would say this doesn't make any sense and The very people who were telling us all these vaccines are safe Even though they're not even close to having enough years of human studies to actually make that statement yet When you've got hundreds of billions even trillions of dollars
- 11:08
- I Mean folks people have killed for 500 bucks
- 11:15
- So, oh and by the way, oh goodness almost forgot this but I was watching a clip of Anthony Fauci and He was
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- This was back when he was debunking the lab leak theory as to the origin of kovat 19
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- And I saw an awesome illustration a wonderful illustration of What you why you need to know history, why do you need to know history?
- 11:54
- Fauci sitting there going. Well, I just think it's inconceivable that the Chinese excuse me the
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- Chinese would Develop a virus or release a virus
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- That could kill their own people and I'm like How naive can you be?
- 12:17
- How naive can you be these are Communists Do you know anything about what communists have done in the last century?
- 12:28
- Does does the does the number? 120 million mean anything to Anthony Fauci Have you ever heard of the colada more
- 12:42
- That's the Ukrainian way of pronouncing whole lot of more but it's a sound a good sound at the beginning
- 12:48
- I asked a Ukrainian friend and he told me anyway at least seven million
- 12:58
- Ukrainians were purposefully starved to death by Stalin These facts hidden from the
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- West at least for a while why because he's a communist and communists communism has
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- No Foundation within it for the respect of human life None and so for Anthony Fauci to sit there
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- But the Chinese aren't gonna do something like that. It could kill their own people They would collapse look they got exactly what they wanted
- 13:38
- They have a man in the White House now who is incompetent and Will do whatever they tell him to do
- 13:51
- They won they did it at a low cost So to sit there go that they would never kill their own people like really
- 14:00
- Wow there's some naivete if I've ever seen it, but It won't
- 14:07
- I I'd like to believe A part of me really wants to believe
- 14:13
- Because more and more people are believing this part of me really wants to believe that things are just gonna get back to normal I don't think they can get back to the normal that we had the low unemployment and everything else that was going on.
- 14:28
- That's That's gone But at least in the idea of freedom of movement and travel
- 14:36
- I Think people just aren't even looking at the fact that the global elites
- 14:42
- Tony Blair, did you hear what Tony did you hear? I should have queued this up. I'm sorry. Did you hear the
- 14:48
- Tony Blair? Statements the vaccine is your pathway to freedom our bite mark fry.
- 14:57
- Oh, sorry That was something else similar similar thinking The vaccines are your pathway to freedom
- 15:05
- This is the the new baptism of the secular state these vaccine passports the entire biometric all of your personal information all in one place that everything about you known and Available to anyone and any hacker that gets hold of it
- 15:31
- It's coming It is coming and the government's may not be the first ones to do it
- 15:37
- It could be the corporations. It could be the airlines. It could be the travel industry. It could be everything like that that says nope, we're not going to have you as a customer or allow you to Access our services until you do what we tell you to do and then the government can just Go along for the ride basically at that point
- 16:02
- I Know a lot of people want to think it's all gonna get back to normal and everything's gonna be cool by the end of the summer
- 16:08
- I Would like to think that's gonna be the case, but I I look at I look at Australia.
- 16:15
- I look at Canada I look at the fundamental societal changes that have been brought about the power that has been aggregated in the hands of a few and I Still got
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- Romans 1 in my Bible and I know down through history what people have been willing to do
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- Once they got power They love it. They live on it. They'll do anything for it.
- 16:43
- They will kill for it. They already have Already have and they will continue to do so they really will so Watch for deadly variants watch for The fourth wave watch for kovat 21 or kovat 22 or then what was it the
- 17:08
- Hunan virus who not what was it the one that from the from the rat to the person it was cleaning out that The only way you can get it is if you're basically cleaning up rat excrement in a bad place
- 17:23
- But but somebody got it because of that in China You know who knows
- 17:31
- When this thing first when we first started hearing about this in China, none of us were overly Overly worried and look what is what has happened.
- 17:41
- So call me Debbie downer if you want to I just Looking at what people are willing to do and Looking at what has been accomplished
- 17:58
- By the Politicization of medicine and Going what's to stop them from continuing to do this and the answer is nothing
- 18:09
- Now, I'm thankful that there are a couple of people I saw something today was a
- 18:15
- Texas or Florida. I think it was Texas. It was saying, you know, they've passed a law that In the state of Texas, you cannot require these things anymore.
- 18:24
- You can't ask about vaccines. You can't demand masks great I'm looking forward to getting to Texas. I think it's already that way in Florida.
- 18:30
- I wish it would happen here in in Arizona But those are local things those are state things and the
- 18:40
- Biden regime has the power of the Fed and So, we'll see we'll see
- 18:48
- I'm I Will be very happy if we get to New Year's without some new threat
- 18:55
- Resulting in new lockdowns Either in the United States or anyplace else I will be
- 19:02
- Very surprised, but I'll be very happy. I'll be pleased But I'm skeptical
- 19:09
- It's the way it is Hey, did you see? That poor fella.
- 19:14
- I don't know. I don't know golfers names. I have a good friend who who Is just a golf fanatic and evidently a very good player even at his advanced age and So, I don't know golfers names but a guy was leading by I think six strokes was just about to win 1 .2
- 19:34
- million dollars and He's pulled from the tournament tournament because allegedly Allegedly he tested positive for coping.
- 19:42
- I remember Again, we have Anthony Fauci Stuff here someone here in Arizona Decided to call the vaccine by the way the
- 19:50
- Fauci ouchie so Someone told me that this particular golfer had rather publicly said he's not getting the
- 19:57
- Fauci ouchie, which Does make you wonder a little bit he's closing in a 1 .2
- 20:04
- million 2 million bucks than these polled Because he's tested positive. There's nothing wrong with him, but he's tested positive and we have
- 20:12
- Fauci Last year talking about the PCR tests and talking about the fact that if you go past a certain level
- 20:19
- They become meaningless they will always produce false positives and so I'm I'm not in any way shape or form confident of these tests and their ability to actually detect kovat, but here's this poor guy and He's he's gonna win and now he's not because of an alleged
- 20:45
- Positive test for kovat 19. It's what I did on Twitter as I just pointed out remember
- 20:52
- In the late 90s, I think it was 97 The Bulls were playing the jazz
- 21:00
- I Think it was for the final if I recall correctly and Michael Jordan Came out in I think it was game six
- 21:14
- And he had the flu he had been puking his guts out all day long and he had the flu and everybody knew he had the flu and Between plays, you know, he's literally hanging on people or he's sitting down or he's laying down and He just looks like death warmed over and then with death warmed over MJ scored.
- 21:39
- I think it was 36 or 38 points Including the final three that sealed the deal and and and they won
- 21:52
- Just think if that was today Well, first of all, they would have stopped it.
- 21:57
- They would not have allowed him to play They would not have allowed him to play and and I can't see how that I do not see how that could ever happen again right
- 22:10
- Because logically Given what the NBA has done with masks and kovat protocols and all the rest of them how
- 22:22
- Why stop with kovat? Why shouldn't there be a full -spectrum blood test before every game?
- 22:33
- To make sure you don't have any of 25 other diseases That can also kill grandma
- 22:42
- Right, I mean the flu does the flu has forever and so today
- 22:51
- Jordan would have been excoriated He would have been they would have said that he loved basketball more than he loved grandma because being out there is gonna kill grandma
- 22:59
- And I'm I'm just surprised and I don't want to give anybody an idea here, but I'm just honestly surprised that No one has called for Jordan to be pulled from the
- 23:12
- Hall of Fame for having spread influenza All over don't remember if it was in Chicago or Utah or they were
- 23:23
- I think it was Utah But having spread influenza all over the place Because he played with the flu never be able to see that kind of thing again not if we're not if we're consistent not if we're consistent, but Will we be consistent?
- 23:39
- Well, yeah, we will be if Safism Literally becomes the new
- 23:45
- Religion of the United States and it's becoming the new religion. I see it. I was just looking at something
- 23:51
- I I think I minimized it I was just looking at something where That's exactly what it what it said
- 24:01
- Was it on Twitter? I don't know. It was it was an advert
- 24:08
- Someplace that that specifically said and good luck trying to find something twice on Twitter or Facebook As soon as you click on oh, there it goes.
- 24:17
- I'll never see it again But it was talking about, you know, safe safe safe safe safe.
- 24:22
- You got to do this We're gonna we do everything to keep everybody safe. That's that's our new our new dogma it's safism and I'm gonna tell you right now
- 24:35
- No nation that makes safism Their religion will last very long because there's all sorts of other nations that are willing to take risks that will then conquer the safest and They won't have safety anymore
- 24:51
- Liberty and freedom much more important, but not like anyone really cares about that so Did you see let me see if I can find it here there is only one disadvantage to doing things this way and that is
- 25:09
- I only have one screen and so you've got YouTube over here and you got Twitter over there and you got
- 25:14
- Evernote over here and you got your bio program down there and there's Only one screen Came out on the 7th.
- 25:22
- So well, I was edited on the 7th. It's a little bit earlier than that. Why? Do we send people to Ivy League schools any longer?
- 25:34
- Why would anyone spend a quarter million dollars to send a student to Yale or Harvard or any of these how
- 25:44
- How much more obvious does it have to become? That these places have become absolute indoctrination centers
- 25:53
- They're not doing scholarship anymore. Did you hear I think it's also Yale. Was it Yale? See that was another thing.
- 25:58
- I guess I forgot to put it in Evernote, but John McWhorter had a Article about how
- 26:07
- I think it was Yale might have been Harvard's one of the Ivy League schools If you're getting a degree in the classics
- 26:16
- So the classics of Greek literature of Roman literature of the of antiquity for the past Since the 1600s really 1500s if you wanted to get a degree
- 26:32
- You had to be able to read the languages In which your degree would be taken so everybody back then read
- 26:39
- Latin at least if you were literate But today to be a classics expert you would read
- 26:46
- Greek and Latin so you could access the texts that you're discussing in the original language same thing in seminaries used to be
- 26:54
- That you learned Greek and Hebrew so that you could access the scriptures and you could verify
- 27:02
- Statements within commentaries, I think that's actually one of the most important aspects of it is I Can tell a long story
- 27:10
- I've told it before about a Fellow who asked me to look something up for him.
- 27:15
- I told him that no this commentary was wrong He couldn't read Greek. He still went with it. Anyways, but it's it's that inability to hold even your favorite commentators
- 27:27
- To the text that is truly a problem if you don't know Greek and Hebrew and So same thing with the classics.
- 27:36
- Well one of these Harvard Yale, whichever one it was I think actually now
- 27:42
- I'm thinking about I think it's Harvard has decided for racial equity reasons to Drop the requirements to learn
- 27:56
- Latin and Greek But you can still get your degree in classics you haven't read the classics in the original language
- 28:03
- But you can still get your degree simple fact the matter is they're not they're not doing a scholarship anymore
- 28:13
- They're just there's not doing scholarship anymore And to do it for racial equity
- 28:20
- What? Are you saying that that that people of color can't learn?
- 28:26
- Greek and Latin or is it just part of the reparations? So so why why should anyone take seriously what any of these people say in their field
- 28:40
- Because they're clearly only going on secondary sources. They can't access the originals themselves Why should anyone even care what they have to say or not even bothering?
- 28:49
- To pretend to do scholarship in these places. So why spend a quarter million dollars to go there? Well, cuz
- 28:54
- I'll get the good job. Well you say so But anyway, that all takes me back to this
- 29:06
- Yale and an Indian woman Presented At the a paper a talk called the psychopathic problem of the white mind
- 29:21
- It was delivered the Yale School of Medicine's Child Study Center Yay And I I looked up Aruna Killa Nani kill and none
- 29:40
- Killa Nani, there you go MDMA forensic psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
- 29:47
- April 6 2021 virtual talk, of course because Scared I was gonna queue up the audio.
- 29:56
- The audio is available. You should listen to it It's not high quality audio But here are some of the quotes from from the lecture
- 30:06
- This is the cost of talking to white people at all the cost of your own life as they suck you dry
- 30:15
- There are no good apples out there white people make my blood boil I Had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way
- 30:29
- Burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away Relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step
- 30:38
- Like I did the world a bleep favor f -bomb favor
- 30:45
- Yeah, this is in academia White people are out of their minds and they have been for a long time
- 30:55
- We are now in a psychological predicament because white people feel that we are bullying them when we bring up race
- 31:01
- They feel that we should be thanking them for all they have done for us They are confused and so are we we keep forgetting that directly talking about race is a waste of our breath
- 31:10
- We are asking a demented Violent predator who thinks that they are a saint or a superhero to accept responsibility.
- 31:19
- It ain't gonna happen They have five holes in their brain. It's like bang your head against a brick wall
- 31:25
- It's just like sort of not a good idea We need to remember that directly talking about race to white people is useless because they are at the wrong level of conversation catch that level of conversation
- 31:38
- Addressing racism assumes that white people can see and process what we are talking about.
- 31:44
- They can't That's why they sound demented. They don't even know they have a mask on white people think it's their actual face
- 31:52
- We need to get to know the mask now in any
- 32:02
- Rational world and we are not currently living in a rational world. That's the problem with all this but in any
- 32:10
- Rational world Everyone will recognize that this woman is a vile racist on the exact same level as any
- 32:24
- Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. I mean full -on
- 32:32
- Sinful Throw this stuff away racism.
- 32:38
- That's what you've got here this is just as I Believe she's superior
- 32:47
- Based upon her skin color and her experience. She believes she's more intelligent She believes white people are animals.
- 32:54
- They're demented. They're incapable of rational thought. I Mean, this is actually worse
- 33:02
- Than a lot of the rhetoric that existed in the antebellum South in regards to blacks
- 33:09
- So in a rational world this would be Refuted it would be attacked.
- 33:17
- It would be repudiated But this is the new scholarship. This is the result of critical race theory.
- 33:24
- This is this is part of reparations And so this is what we face
- 33:34
- Don't send you you know, I was I In fact that he may may be listening or will listen, but I had a
- 33:45
- My house is older Thankful to have it but it's getting up there.
- 33:51
- It's over half a century old and so it's starting to I'm looking at a crack in the ceiling right there.
- 33:58
- Um You know, it's got issues that a 52 year old home would have including plumbing issues.
- 34:06
- Well, this one wasn't actually a house issue. It was you know worn out stuff in the shower and He told me that I you know,
- 34:15
- I've gotten a new garbage disposal only a few years ago He said don't expect them to last very long from now on.
- 34:20
- I'm like, oh great. They used to last forever, but I guess Kovats, I guess that's because of Kovat.
- 34:27
- I don't not sure how that impacts the lifetime of a Trash compact or not trash compact garbage disposal, but anyway, so I asked my fellow
- 34:38
- Elders who to call and so they gave me this name turns out he goes to Richard's Church and as he came over was fixing stuff, but Where was
- 34:48
- I going with that he told me something what was he told me? Did you oh, that's right.
- 34:56
- They need plumbers. We need plumbers. We need mechanics. We need plumbers we need skilled workers and we were talking about the fact that this stupidity
- 35:08
- That we have been experiencing for over 30 years now you've got to go to college you've got to get in debt up to your eyeballs and get an advanced degree has created a mess
- 35:23
- In our society you've seen the memes. It's a good meme. It's the it's the one guy, you know that Brad got his degree in Psychology and Brad thinks people that don't have at least a bachelor's degree is stupid
- 35:37
- Brad can't get it get a any job in in psychology and then on the other side
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- You've got Joe and Joe didn't go to college Joe did a four -year paid apprenticeship in As an electrician and Joe now just turned off Brad's electricity for not
- 35:55
- It's good it makes the point and it's a good point if you are talking to your kids
- 36:04
- Skilled work Plumbers electricians
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- People that keep the electricity on and the gas flowing and that repair your cars and stuff like that That is good work
- 36:19
- That is good and proper work and the idea that we should look down on people like that just absurdity
- 36:26
- It truly is absurdity and now we're gonna be paying for it We're gonna be paying for it, so we're literally starting to move into being like Russia was back in the 1980s
- 36:41
- Everybody in Russia had all the money in the world. They didn't have anything to buy with it This is everything you buy with it so Reagan even made a joke
- 36:52
- About you know, if you wanted to buy a car in Russia you can It's just gonna be delivered in four years four months and 23 days and you can put it it will be delivered on this day, but it's four years down the road and That's what's going on.
- 37:09
- There's already stuff that two years ago Was sitting on shelves that is now six to eight months backlog and It's all because of Kovac right sure it is
- 37:26
- We're moving into the socialist utopia where stuff just isn't available and We voted we're voting ourselves into it and now we're now we're stuck with it
- 37:41
- So anyway That's what you get it at Yale, you know, we don't need to go to Yale.
- 37:47
- We don't need to go to Harvard Let the world mock while we turn off their electricity
- 37:54
- Don't even worry yourself about it. Okay, one last thing I want to get to I've only been going for 40 minutes
- 38:00
- But like I said, we're just testing this out so far batteries batteries doing pretty good on the on the
- 38:08
- I'm at 70 % on the on the battery. That's not bad on the laptop and The lights been been working fine.
- 38:15
- I've I've got rings Rings the rest of the night in my eyeballs because it's sort of staring at me.
- 38:22
- It's it's not bad The big eyes a little weird, but uh, it it does work. So, um, anyway, uh
- 38:30
- So last I wanted to get to um, I saw a Link to a new edition of reasonable faith with William Lane Craig and if you
- 38:45
- Watched the dialogue I had with Jake on Thursday the muslim metaphysician
- 38:51
- Craig came up a lot because uh, Jake talks about him a lot and quotes from him a lot in regards to the
- 39:02
- The fact that craig is a neo -apollinarian Didn't really
- 39:08
- Touch on his mulanism. That may not be something that's relevant from jake's perspective. I'm not sure um but Craig is an interesting fellow
- 39:19
- And So I saw this link and was it? I think it just popped up in my podcast thing as I recall.
- 39:27
- I I don't remember but Who knows where stuff comes from these days? Um But I went ahead and clicked on I was
- 39:34
- Putting vitamins into bags or something. I don't know what I was doing. It was brainless stuff. So let's listen and uh
- 39:42
- It was surprising Why was it surprising? I pretty much Agreed with craig's defense of his own position
- 39:52
- He was responding to some guys from southern evangelical seminary And basically without going into a lot of detail
- 40:03
- It was about the doctrine of divine simplicity as Promulgated by and interpreted by thomas aquinas
- 40:14
- And If if we were talking about divine simplicity simply in the idea that god is not composed of parts
- 40:25
- That there are not parts of god that are more basic than the being of god So god's being is not made up of lesser parts um that you take a part out and there's no more divine being but they you can identify these lesser parts and you put
- 40:41
- All these parts together Now you've got god he's not complex But he's simple in that sense
- 40:50
- Craig wouldn't have any problem with that. I certainly have a problem with that. I don't think historic christian theologians would have any problem with that but as aquinas evidently
- 41:02
- Takes this This results in the thing that jake was talking about the idea that That you cannot discuss
- 41:15
- The Attributes of god In a way that would make them different from one another because that then becomes parts which denies the simplicity of god so god's
- 41:33
- Omniscience is his omnipresence You can't distinguish them and i'm like And basically craig
- 41:42
- Was saying that doesn't make any sense and i'm sitting there going. Yeah, he's right. It doesn't make any sense
- 41:49
- And yet that's this classical theism stuff that's being presented now And it's aquinas formulation
- 42:00
- Now i've talked about aquinas over the years And We've talked about the
- 42:10
- I don't even know how to describe it. But the Absolute centrality of aquinas to everything at southern evangelicals.
- 42:16
- I mean, it's just not he's not just a patron saint he's almost a central figure there
- 42:23
- And what the result of that has been and it's not been a good result I mean when you get when you have enough of your seminary graduates and former employees who've become roman catholics to write a book
- 42:36
- That probably indicates you lost your balance someplace along the way and aquinas was the
- 42:42
- Gateway drug Uh for those folks and they all said it in their book. I listened to their book
- 42:48
- Uh, they all said yep It was aquinas that got me thinking along these these paths these these lines
- 42:56
- So I was pretty amazed to be listening to a william lane craig, um rebuttal defending himself and going
- 43:08
- Yeah, yeah You know, I I would agree that that criticism that no, no, it doesn't yeah, uh,
- 43:15
- I was surprised um but I think it's because I am becoming more concerned about this new emphasis upon classical theology i .e
- 43:30
- aquinas And aquinas It seems to me that that reformed guys
- 43:38
- Are just overwhelmed with his brilliance And as a result can't see the fundamentally compromised foundation upon which he stands which comes from A fundamentally compromised epistemology which comes from a fundamentally compromised anthropology
- 43:59
- In regards to what the gospel is So I know there are reformed guys rc loved aquinas there are reformed guys that try to Read into aquinas, but there's just too much there
- 44:13
- That is thoroughly problematic to really rescue them And so I am concerned because i'm seeing
- 44:22
- In a lot of presbyterian circles, but baptist circles as well reformed baptist circles this
- 44:29
- Um Move toward a thomistic emphasis
- 44:35
- Emphasis Where you you transition The necessary fundamental foundational assertion of god's absolute monotheism
- 44:48
- There is only one being of god God's being is not complex. It's not made up of lesser
- 44:56
- Subordinate parts that come together to create a greater whole That's absolutely true, but it does not follow
- 45:05
- That a description Of that being of god such as his omnipresence or his omniscience
- 45:15
- Is an assertion that those things have being outside of god's being
- 45:21
- So that they are some lesser item That simply does not follow
- 45:28
- Now you're hearing a um one aspect of What happens when you do the dividing line
- 45:36
- Outside of the studio and that is one of my cats is interested in treats right now
- 45:43
- So that's just Later later darth.
- 45:49
- Um, well just hold on trying to tell a cat to have patience there is a
- 45:55
- There is a worthless task right there I can assure you of that But anyway, so i'm seeing more and more of this and i'm i'm concerned about it.
- 46:04
- Um, and so it Was interesting to hear william lane craig commenting on that and my going.
- 46:13
- Yeah That's interesting. That's interesting. So anyways, we've gone 46 minutes and um
- 46:20
- I I hope it's worked right, you know, the one thing that I wasn't sure was working There's there's 455 people uh watching
- 46:28
- And People would not be doing that if the sound wasn't working, but I was really worried because I checked
- 46:36
- I checked the camera I forgot to check the sound but it's it's working so So this worked and so my assumption is with appropriate connectivity um
- 46:49
- This is this is a good setup. It's a good setup. So i'm excited about that because i'm excited about traveling but One of the things we absolutely want to make sure that we can continue to do is um communicate with you all and continue to do the dividing line and um
- 47:10
- We we may end up having more more dividing lines in the future that aren't as long um especially during trips
- 47:19
- You know, uh, some of them might be with within my new truck Because if you got a fifth wheel if you know what a fifth wheel is you gotta have a truck to pull the fifth wheel
- 47:28
- And so I have a new truck I would love To post pictures, but i'm not going to uh for the obvious reason security reasons sadly um, and the fact the fact is
- 47:45
- There are certain scenarios where in the future Um, I might be just trying to blend in as much as possible if you know what
- 47:55
- I mean and so I can travel to places and meet in basements or barns or Wherever else might be hey might meet in the fifth wheeler for that matter if it's a matter of Meeting with four or five elders plenty of room for that We can do advanced training on a particular issue that's happening in that particular area.
- 48:16
- Who knows who knows? Um But yeah, I would love to love to post some pictures because i'm excited about it but the point is who knows maybe some sometimes i'll just Set the set the camera up or set the phone up and do something from a rest stop rest area in the uh front seat of uh my room broom, uh, which
- 48:38
- I won't describe to you right now, but Let's put this way. Uh, it has to be able to pull a fifth wheeler.
- 48:44
- So it's got It's got some guts to it and it's not small and Um, yeah, it's it's it's it's big
- 48:56
- So let's just let's just say our gas mileage isn't quite as good as it was with my subaru
- 49:03
- But yeah, you sort of expect that but uh, anyways, so I would say success
- 49:10
- Uh for today and uh, who knows where we'll take this next time uh rich is gone till next week, so might just leave it here and do this again, uh, and what
- 49:23
- I Would like to be able to do is share my screen, but I haven't learned how to do that by going directly to youtube yet.
- 49:30
- So Maybe there are programs that do that. I know there is I know rich wants me to use the fancy dancy schmancy one um
- 49:39
- The learning curve man, i'm gonna tell you, uh, it's it's big, but we'll see.
- 49:45
- We'll see. Um, Do the best that we can so I appreciate you're watching today and your support of the ministry
- 49:51
- I hope you're praying for the upcoming trips and opportunities there and We will see you next time.
- 49:58
- Sorry. I don't have any outro music or anything like that We can probably figure that part out. Maybe I don't know.