Go Home, Trans-Madness, Australia Report


Decided to do a program about 15 hours after getting home from Australia, so I hope I made some sense! Seemed OK to me anyway! Talked about the explosion of egalitarianism in light of the “go home” controversy first, then moved on to developments in the transgender movement’s attempts to destroy any meaningful understanding of sexuality and gender. Eventually got to report on the trip, though I think I spent a solid 15 minutes or so on something that may only be important to me: basic rules for approaching a speaker after he has spoken. Don’t get mad at me, try standing for a few hours in my shoes first! Then we went over the debates and events “down under.” I did not even make mention of some of the wild-eyed attacks launched by folks who simply wish they were doing similar things—those attacks stand as their own refutation. Next program on Thursday will be a Dividing Line/Apologia Radio Mash Up from ReformCon. Join us…when? I haven’t a clue! Stay tuned! Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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I'm well, readings welcome to the divine line can see the screen there, but that's not where I really matter because ,
I landed there we go, of the about 14 and a half hours ago something like that or is that when
I got home I don't know anyway back from the land down under and the the jet lag issues
I'm feeling pretty good today thanks to a certain person in Melbourne who remain nameless but people ask is it harder for you to go east or west and to be honest with you going to Europe or coming back from South Africa and stuff like that coming back you gain so much time that it does seem to be easier than going the other direction but Australia is just weird you're in a different season everything on the continent wants to kill you and the whole time
I was there it was sort of like I was six hours behind everything but I was actually 18 hours ahead of everything so functionally you're six hours behind but you know like you're doing stuff on Monday and people are complaining that you're violating the
Sabbath or something realize it's Monday where you are so yeah it's it's it's very very different and so coming back from there first day back normally isn't the worst
I got home I stayed up till my wife got up to go to work she gets up at 230 in the morning 220 so I stayed up because I was only 830 at night as far as I was concerned so but she's on a trip now so if I hadn't stayed up I would not have seen her for like over three weeks so I decided now well we'll stay up and so here we are so that means
I do get a mulligan for any misspeaking today okay
I know I won't be granted that by anybody but you know if I if I get one reference wrong today it won't matter if I've written written an entire book that had everything right it's the one reference to get wrong on the day you after you you know barely 12 hours after you get back from a 14 -hour transcontinental flight and then of course trans -pacific light and then the worst part was
I land in LAX that is a third -world
Airport it is horrible oh my goodness that they stuck us out of the stand run a 787
Dreamliner that's a nice that's a nice plane really is a nice plane by the way if you've got a choice between any other airplane and that one on a long haul take 787 you will feel so much better air is humidified higher pressure
HEPA filters it's a modern it's a modern aircraft you can't always get one but I this was my big test flight how well how good do you feel when you get off the plane you didn't feel like you had you know it's a long story anyways get a 787 they put us at a stand stick us on buses after we get off the plane make us wait for her to do that and then drive us around LAX for 10 minutes going around corners all the rest of stuff after after 14 hours you're going around in this car and then and then finally get to where you have to go of customs claim all your bags now you're dragging all your bags uphill they make you go up this hill that there are no functioning walkways in LAX none
I had to walk from Terminal 4 to Terminal 7 not a single moving walkway there were two broken escalators so you had to take your luggage apart down the escalator oh it was
Lusaka's airport in Zambia it's much better than LAX what a fun thing that is anyhow so yeah that's where we are today and that's everything else on the trip was great really was the flight over even even
LAX on the way over because I didn't have to move any terminals was was fine but the last part where you're you're you're the most tired is like patience patience have to have patience anyways so we're home and we've got reformcon this week and we're going to we're trying to work out how we're gonna do this mashup thing with apology of radio and dividing line we're gonna put together and do something from reformcon summer's coming down she's gonna be speaking we'll probably drag her into the middle of that too as long as she's there
I don't know what's gonna happen but it'll be it'll be a lot of fun one way or the other it'll be very very interesting especially in light of what happened man when
I'm gone everything starts going crazy I mean right the I think right as I left somebody pulled a gun on one of our guys but he wasn't wearing his
GoPro and then just a few days later Elvis Kesto gets the the the abortion doctor pulling pulling a gun at him and and the police are like we can't tell that's the gun that that poor officer that obviously obviously was told by his higher -ups now we're not doing anything about that is now famous for going what you know what they should have done is get the meme from the guy in the 2000 the gore looking at the chads oh yeah yeah yeah they did that one of the memes is is
Elvis pointing the officer to something and over in the next panel they have free eye exams for Phoenix police officers look the fact the matter is if apology
I did not have the web presence that does and they had not put that video together and put it out there so that all the people with common sense could look at it and start calling the
Phoenix Police Department nothing that would have ever happened they would have gotten away with it because Planned Parenthood owns the government oh yeah yeah local media yeah you know but you know for most folks they would have gotten away with it with a gun away with it so all that happens and I'm I'm safely ensconced down under and got no idea what's going on and Jeff the guys are too busy to even pop anything into our little whatsapp group so I'm just sort of like guys what's going on back there you know that's that's just just the way it is and again you could either say
I had it had an 18 -hour head start on everything or I was just always six hours behind and what it feels like is you're always six hours behind that's pretty much that's pretty much how that works
I just found a meme on reform James White memes for 1689 teens opponent says something historically naive and it's a picture of Lee Baker holding up his
King James Bible with all his markings in it and stuff like that and Jason's looking at it rather I don't know and then the next one is my response and I I can tell by the look on my face
I'm going you you just said what and Jason is literally facepalming I mean
I just saw this program was started I haven't had a chance to watch that I don't know that I will
I probably will because Sean McCraney put out a video when
I was still in Sydney before I went down to Melbourne and talking about how he's gonna put out a video and he's gonna do a much better job than I did respond
Lee Baker but then made it very clear he actually hadn't watched the debate so how do you know why
I talk to people good and then his description is that there were tears and I shut down Jason and pure fiction
I mean fantasy land that's all it was and you know that's just Sean Sean just lives in his own fantasy world and so you know he went after Jeff and I so you know
Jeff and I are going to Salt Lake City hey Sean Jeff and I'll come on together if you can prove that Calvinism is so bad and the
Trinity and all the things you accuse us of well come on and he's like I'm not not both of you at the same time well why not more the merrier right
I mean if you're if you're just this great prophet of the future anyways
I'm gonna be responding I didn't get a chance to respond to his email where where he just basically admitted he lives in fantasy land but I'll get to it later on so yeah here we are and so so much to talk about I guess
I'll go ahead and talk about something that happened before I get to the the trip itself because that was I mean two debates and and all sorts of neat stuff down there in the land down under but uh yeah
I started telling everybody down there that John MacArthur broke the internet by saying two words and the problem was the two words were taken out of context but were spoken in a particular context as well and specifically let's just remember
I think that Todd Friel invented the word snark if he didn't he was one of the first ones to use it but I he may have actually invented it but I think
I think probably the first place I ever heard anybody use it was Todd Friel I mean that quite seriously and so he is the very definition of snark his entire shtick is snark and so you you have to put that in context and remember that it was in a
Q &A with him that MacArthur used the term was disqualified he was disqualified in regards to Stephen Furtick who then wrote an entire book called disqualified in response to it and they even mentioned that so when when when
Todd starts off going okay word identification you know most sane people are running off the stage at that point the rest of us are tied down and we just we know how sad
Todd looks when he when he's rejected and unloved so we just can't put up with it so we stay there and put up with whatever happens but most people want to run because you you know you're going to be asked a question in the least comfortable possible way
I normally just ignore what the question is and say something useful that's that's how I do it and he can't stop me so it's just the way it is but dr.
MacArthur even said I'm being set up and and he was in a sense but when
Beth Moore's name was stated and there was all this laughter that's one of the things that's been turned into oh this was just so hateful if you were if you were in that room
I was not if you were in that room and you have
Todd Friel up there and Todd Friel starts like that everyone's gonna laugh because you just know that's
Todd Friel there wasn't anything misogynistic about that I could not believe that there were people actually using the term misogyny well
I can't believe it because they're woke their ultimate authority is critical theory and intersectionality and and all this silliness and and so they're they're full -on board with the use the weaponized words transphobia homophobia misogyny these are all these are weapon words they are words that are meant to to communicate pure negativity without actually having any truth content in and of themselves because anyone who argued argues the
John MacArthur hates women because he doesn't believe that Beth Moore should be preaching to men for for more than just the fact of her gender the content of her books the content of her tweets the content
I mean about about four about three days earlier was about three days earlier is really close the same time
I started seeing all this stuff in my feed about do you want to make a snowman and I'm sitting here thinking did
Clementine take over the internet you know cuz I remember Clementine's frozen period you know where everything was
Elsa and and all that kind of stuff and so I had to do
I hadn't do you want to build a snowman you know it's stuck it you hear it so many times it's in the background foreground it's everywhere it gets stuck in your brain and and then of course
Clementine's debate with Jeff Durbin about frozen which which
Clementine won but by a long shot wasn't even close Jeff has improved a lot since his debate with Clementine he was really good in our debate up there in Salt Lake but Clementine crushed him um we're still not sure whether he has a chin or not but that's a that's a completely other issue
I started seeing all this stuff and then lo and behold here's this here's this stuff about Beth Moore talking about playing with Jesus and they built a snowman together or something
I'm just like okay so this is there's a lot more behind John MacArthur's statement than just the fact that she's a a woman but that was the main thing because I don't think dr.
MacArthur has spent much time reading any of Beth Moore's books or I can guarantee you he does not do her
Twitter feed no no it's that's not that's unhappening so all this stuff is happening and he makes the statement and then later on he expands in the same clip he says you know let me add there is absolutely no argument for women preachers and and so he's just making a standard statement that would have caused everyone in the 1970s to go why are you even saying that's not everyone but everyone in our circles anyways to say why are you even saying this what's what's what's going on here things have changed things have changed and then
Phil of course his one -word response was narcissistic if he had just stopped there and had not said what he then said afterwards which was specifically that every time he listens to Beth Moore she is seeking to insert herself into the biblical narrative and you know what as I think back
I don't listen much Beth Moore most the time when I've seen something it's been the hair combing thing or just today was her tweet which she's blocked me but this tweet where she's talking about this conversation with Jesus you know and Jesus is you know how's your day going
Beth well I'm having a tough day would you like me to change it for you Beth I mean it is the essence of Jesus as my boyfriend girlfriend type stuff and that is what
I've seen and what Phil said was she's always trying to read herself in the biblical narrative that's narcissistic to make it to make it sound like Jesus's highest priority in the universe today is how
Beth Moore is feeling because she's stressed out this morning is a problem it sort of goes along with another tweet that I saw from another woke individual that was talking about what the fear of God means and by the time they got done talking it was a whole long
Twitter thing not a single lexical source was cited of course because as I said somewhere else in Twitter this morning or actually it was on our website and it was
Facebook and then website and Twitter so we got as my Greek professor long ago and I have reminded him of this a number of times said now the
Greek word fear means fear it was in a life and letters of Paul class and I was the only person was still conscious at that point but I I remember it very clearly and he happens to be right and so there is this this fear of the
Lord that nowhere appeared in any of these discussions and the the sappy sentimentality of this kind of stuff requires you to put yourself in the center
I am the most important person in the world to God and there are songs like that there are there are contemporary
Christian songs like that you just want to go oh oh the the the god -centeredness gone man -centeredness everywhere
I'm not saying all CCM is like that don't don't get me wrong there's some good stuff out there but but Phil went on to explain that's that's what he meant and of course that was considered to me misogynistic and all the rest of stuff and remember these are the same people that think that the that Bible translation committees have to be diverse that you have to have a certain number of minorities and a number of women and a certain number who knows pretty soon will be transgenders and all the rest of stuff to get all the proper voices rather than you know we just want to have the absolute best people who know translation they know
Greek and Hebrew and they know English and they know they know all the things you need to know to do a good job with this and that and that's that's that's not our that's not our concern so so the internet gets broken in unfortunately
I've attempted I have not seen any response to this yet but I have attempted a couple of times now to get people to focus upon look there's two to people who would identify as being on my side whatever that might be you need to you need to remember something there are certain subjects there there are two subjects that I'll mention that conservatives assume rather than prove they assume them rather than prove them
I mentioned one of them at the end of the Q &A in Melbourne on Sunday evening and that is the issue of the nature of eternal punishment it is assumed but in my experience the vast majority of people don't know why they assume it and they figure everyone believes like they do and as a result most people aren't able to interact much when challenged in that particular area because it's just it is accepted because it's assumed rather than studied and there are certain fundamental underlying assumptions such as you cease sinning when you die somehow you become regenerate and you no longer sin certain issues like that that need to be recognized and understood that just aren't a general part of the conversation and the other is the horrifically named complementarian egalitarian can you is there any other dispute in the church that has worse marketing tagging naming than that you can't you can't even say that three times fast without speaking tongues it's just it's horrible but that particular you know if you are not aware of the fact that for example in the
Timothy passage 212 that the verb that is used there is argued by egalitarians why don't you do that right thing first get the right number
I can't type today it's one thing but I do not allow them to teach or exercise authority over man but remain quiet Alphantine is the term that is used there and low
Anita define it as to control in a domineering manner so to control domineering manner is often expressed idiomatically for example to shout order that to act like a chief toward to bark at that's low
Anita if you look at B dag to assume a stance of independent authority give orders to dictate that's a little less low
Anita can have spin in some of the things that it says but be dags a little better to assume a stance of independent authority so as they see as independent authority so what they will argue is that Alphantine in person the 212 is an inordinate claim of authority so this guy on Twitter today hasn't responded to me because I've asked for some documentation but this guy was saying that there was a a single woman who had inserted herself improperly into the leadership of the church in Ephesus and that this is a just a single historical context and Timothy's there and so Paul's only dealing with that so if you if you're not familiar with the arguments and usages of Alphantine and if you aren't up on well you know what about Corinthians I mean there were women prophesying in Corinth and what what's that about then you're assuming stuff and just just throwing that stuff out and saying well see
Paul's on my side what there's always another side and if you haven't listened to the side and not respond to it be careful how bold you are in throwing your arguments out these are two areas where you that's exactly what ends up happening so what
I've done and nobody cares I haven't seen a bay pickup on it so I seem to be the only person even raising the issue but my simple question is you say you believe in solo scriptura a lot of them don't
I mean one of the first things you abandon when you start going woke going liberal going left is solo scriptura because you no longer believe that it's actually sufficient but if you say you believe in it which any
Southern Baptist has to say for now until they can get enough of a majority again to change the
Baptist faith message which will result in you know the utter obliteration of the denomination as a whole which may be coming anyways there are large churches leaving right now and they're explaining why and it's very obvious the
J .D. Greer is way to the left and who knows what's gonna be coming after this and you know
Beth Moore's name has been put up for the presidency of the SBC more than once and that might not happen as long as the conservatives still around but if there's a split then you could see her being made president almost immediately by the whatever split goes left but her name's out there but I have said believe in soul scriptura all right simple question for you why are there no qualifications for women elders in the
New Testament there are for men who are elders there are for deacons who are also men that's all there so what are the arguments the other direction well we only just happen to have those qualifications that doesn't mean that Paul didn't have qualifications for the women elders or the women deacons they just aren't included in any of the excellent correspondence that we have which means
God did not want to have that in the content of the New Testament so you have to take a view that what we have in the
New Testament is accidental it's a it's just what happened to survive what happened to be collected by the churches there is no spiritual aspect to this it just just happens to be the way it was and that ends up leading eventually to a degradation of your scripture which allows for external tradition to then take over and fill in the fill in the gaps that's generally how how that ends up going but I think that if you follow the reformed perspective and look lots of reformed churches that have the name reformed in their name have collapsed on this issue but first the first thing had to go was not the regulative principle of worship but the regulative principle of theology and that is that you need to have positive biblical foundation for positive doctrinal assertions and so if you want to know what the eldership of the church looks like you can go to Acts you can look at the historical reality you can go to the statement in Acts I think it's 14 that this is a part of strengthening the churches whereas the
Apostle providing leadership in the form of elders plural for the churches elders in the churches not an elder but elders in the churches and when you ask what the qualifications were well let's remember again for liberals there is a limited
Pauline corpus you may think Paul wrote 13 maybe 14 epistles of the
New Testament but people like Bart Ehrman and more professors in seminaries than you might guess do not believe that Paul wrote the pastorals hence first Timothy 2 isn't even
Paul so you can see anybody who buys into that perspective and doesn't believe that this is
Pauline and yet calls it scripture how do you make that work you make that work by having an external traditional authority in the church that elevates this pseudepigraphal writing not even what pseudepigraphal it's forgery to the level of scripture once you do that give it one generation and that system will fall apart it can't it can't hold together so part of a long -term strategy for defending a biblical form of the church will include learning the arguments not only for apostolic authorship of all the
New Testament books but against the argumentation that is given and simply accepted in liberal circles as to why you shouldn't believe that these books are written by Paul and the arguments stink the arguments are horrific they are circular to the nth degree well
I I think one of the clearest evidences is that the form of the church found in first and second
Timothy and Titus developed later in history as we can see by looking at Corinth in other words you assume that the church had the most problems had to receive the most apostolic correspondence and we know from the letter of Rome the church of Corinth was not even corrected by that so you look at the worst case example extrapolate out from there and so instead of seeing that Ephesus for example plainly had a functioning eldership and the whole nine yards early on continues to have in the book of Revelation you ignore that and say no no no no this all -male eldership that that develops that in later in history and the primitive period even during Paul's life was just you know anything goes type stuff to Corinth and so you have that argumentation the circular argumentation of what
I'm gonna assume that the church looked like this and therefore anything it doesn't look like this means that it was written later that's what that's one of the main arguments used in liberal seminaries against the
Pauline authorship of those epistles then what goes along with it it's different vocabulary you have a different terminology being used in the pastoral epistles then you have in what are accepted to be the genuine
Pauline epistles such as Romans and Galatians the problem with that is there's a huge difference between Galatians and Romans oh yeah you've got a lot of the same vocabulary the grammar and syntax is different and there's a reason for that Paul's really ticked off when he writes
Galatians and he may have written it himself see with what large and large letters I've written maybe had an eye problem we don't know because it's not all that long a letter so it doesn't make any sense to understand that large letter as in large it may have been he wrote it himself but we know he dictated
Romans he tells us who he dictated it to so when you get to determine what the starting set of vocabulary is you can you can make anybody if I take
Bart Ehrman's scholarly works and compare his popular works
Bart Ehrman did not write both of them the vocabulary syntax and style is different he has different editors he's writing to a different audience he's gonna use different terminology same thing with the pastorals if you're writing to your friend if I write to if I if I even had time to to write to Michael and David and and Andrew and all the guys down in in Sydney and Melbourne where I just was about you know we talked about church stuff so let's say
I wrote to them and talk to them about church stuff sort of like the pastoral epistles if I wrote emails like that but then they asked me hey could you could you write something for our church on this doctrine and then you compare the vocabulary they're gonna be different and so if you make that as the basis for determining authorship it's obvious when
Paul's writing Romans and he wants this to be an epistle that is read by many for a long period of time in an important church and then he's writing to his dear brother
Timothy right before his death you really expect those to be identical to one another in vocabulary and form and structure that's absurd but that's the argumentation that's the argumentation that's what's behind it all you know are we aware of these things and most the time we're not and so we need to be we need to be there's there's there's more there's more study that needs to be done before you just glibly pop off Paul said
X Y or Z are you quoting from are you quoting from an epistle that someone's gonna come back and say he didn't write it and then what are you gonna do if you've never even thought about it you're left sitting there picking your nose that's not a good position to be in so I am seeing stuff like that and I am seeing folks you know giving that kind of thing but I just simply say the other side how come why am
I not hearing anything here the reason I'm not getting a response to this is because the only the only consistent way from that side to respond is to fundamentally say yeah you've got a different view of scripture and scriptural authority you seem to believe that you need to have that positive statement in divine writ to have a definition of the central authority structure for the
New Testament Church yeah exactly and you're saying you don't that's the whole point that's that's where the rubber meets the road and so yeah there you go good old
Todd Todd you're crazy so speaking along those lines you may have noticed a article
I posted up today it's not a long article but it took me a few minutes to write it everybody had been sending me and last year they sent me notification about Reese MacKinnon that's his actual name he now goes by Rachel MacKinnon but Reese MacKinnon a dude who has now won the 35 to 39 year old women's sprint track sprint cycling championships two years in a row and there's a picture of him on his bike beating a lady going across the line there and this guy just like the woman who's now disappeared because I think she's been arrested up in Canada that was suing everybody and their third cousin if they said anything to him at all even though he's a guy but he acts like a girl and dress up like a girl but I think finally went way too far and a lot of these people that we end up seeing are they're doing what they're doing for a purpose for a reason to promote transgenderism the destruction of Western civilization society and norms and everything else and so we have two stories in the news today that show us the relationship of these things and they relate back to what we were just talking about about Beth Moore go home accept your
God -given responsibilities and parameters for experiencing
God's blessing and quit questioning God's right to do that that's what was behind all that the one is the ongoing saga in of all places
Texas Austin has to have something to do with this or San Antonio one of the two where a activist woman is trying to convince her son seven -year -old son that he's a girl when he's not with her he doesn't act like a girl doesn't want to be a girl doesn't dress like a girl but she dresses him up that way this is this is one of the clearest examples of absolute culturally based politically promoting child abuse
I've ever seen in my life ever seen my life it is horrific and if it was happening
California I'd get it it was happening New York I'd get it Oregon Washington the left coast
East Coast I'd get it Texas unbelievable a jury just ruled against Texas dad fighting to get custody this is a divorce situation and the former wife her judgment is just her judgment will be just I mean you put that one together with this dude who in he even looks middle -aged okay he even looks middle -aged just look at the pictures don't don't blame me cotton spandex doesn't hide anything believe me
I know because I'm not even middle -aged anymore I'm moving into the old age stuff and if any of you are asking well why do you people wear it it's terrible it's real simple no it's not aerodynamics though that's relevant if you got clothes flapping the wind that's called a sail that's and it's going the wrong direction that's good you don't want that so that is part of it but the primary reason is very very simple cycling is a repetitive motion activity your legs going up down up down up down up down I even have a readout on on my
Garmin and Strava things tell me how many pedal strokes so I've done a couple hundred mile rides recent did one in Sydney Thank You David poor
David Dave McKay he had never ridden that far I think 125 was the longest 125 kilometers and 100 miles 161 kilometers so he he rode with me and he made it but the last part was was ugly and so here was my form of encouragement
David you're gonna do it come on man you don't want me talking about you on the dividing line
I'm not really sure that's in encouragement as much as it is threat but it worked what a great friend oh
I know I know I know you know the guys there in Sydney they rent me this nice bike and I did 293 kilometers
I was there so we did a hundred mile or a 50 miler and about a 30 some odd mile or something like that not quite 30 and so yeah that was great but I that was that was my form my form of encouragement is you don't want me to talk cuz
I'm 20 years older than he is so you know you don't be talking about the the guy 20 years younger than I am that didn't make it through them and so he made it
I'm not sure if he's not permanently injured but well and then I went riding with Andrew to me it feels like yesterday but it was
Monday morning well it was yesterday but it was actually you know you get it in Melbourne because I'm collecting places where I run next to the ocean so I've done it in Durban I've done in Cape Town and so now
I picked up Melbourne and so Andrew took me down there he's pastors of church hope
Bible Church and so we started running and I need to stretch my knee out so he stopped and then you know why don't you go on I'm gonna
I'm gonna start and I ended up doing a 10k and he did a 2 .6 K run and a 2 .6
K walk back and I'm like man I hope he hasn't actually hurt that knee farther than it needed to be just simply to go running with me because the other pastor had to go do something else he he's a runner swimmer he probably would have dusted me but I was feeling really good so I did sub hour 10k and that helped me to sleep on the on the plane so anyways these the the reason you wear cotton spandex is like when you do 100 mile ride you you probably do at least
I could look it up but like 25 ,000 pedal strokes and if you are wearing regular clothing if you're wearing regular shorts you know what that means that means that loose clothing is rubbing on your skin 25 ,000 times you will be in agony in 10 miles you will be rubbed raw in 20 you'll be bleeding in 25 you what you wear has to stick to your skin and that's what cotton spandex is all about and the technology they've got oh it's amazing so anyway for those of you who are constantly new cyclists there's a reason for it and you spend six hours on a bike and you will want to have the highest quality cotton spandex possible because it hurts for you want it to hurt for all the other reasons not for that reason that's the one reason that can destroy any meaningful ride
I've had it happen you get a stitch to go south doesn't like that and it is horrific well you can see the pictures of Reese McKinnon it's gotten cotton spandex and he's a guy he is a dude he does not look like a woman you cannot transition there is no such thing as transitioning it is a fantasy transitioning would require that all your cells in your body move from XY all the the chromosomes leaves sex chromosome go from XY to XX even with CRISPR we can't do that and even if we ever got around to doing that this guy quote transition in his late 20s that means all through puberty he was a male he still is but he was then which means bone length bone density lung capacity muscle mass connective tissue it was all built as a man now he may have had the surgery and gotten it all cut off but the machine still the machine and it was built by man it was a male machine and still is so oh goody the boy beats the girls whoop -dee -doo the reality is we know that that's the case
I've mentioned before my team at Martina Navratilova nailed it she was exactly right she's a lesbian but she sees that this insanity is the end of female sports it is the end of female sports because this is the fact you take the best woman tennis player in the world and right now
I don't know who it is to be perfectly honest with you haven't kept up with it but you take the best woman player in the world and any one of the top hundred and fifty men will she'll probably not even take a game off him blow her off the court just blow her off the court because it's a game of power and his bones are thicker they're longer he has more muscle mass better connective tissue and he is going to crush her he can't have a baby worth nothing and he can't mother a baby and he can't nurse a baby but that's cuz there's this thing called design which once you lose
God you don't have a basis believing in design anymore and that's why we're in this horrific mess but be aware of something if you decide to correspond with dr.
McKinnon he's not a but he knows how to argue and if you don't if you can't tell where the holes are in the argument this guy is an absolute advocate full -on advocate and he's doing this for a reason and I I feel really sorry for American Don Orwick and Denmark's Kirsten Harrop Sovang because they're the champions they're the women champions but they don't get the jersey they don't get the medal a guy a dude beat them and that's the future until our societies wake up and start functioning on some kind of level of common sense once again that's not happening right now and by saying what
I'm saying this could be what gets us kicked off YouTube we know it we recognize it they'll never debate this they will never debate this because there are the holes are so gaping and so huge and the selective use of medical data and statistics is so bad that they would get crushed so they'll never do it what you do is you get your people elected to office you get your people in the judiciary and then you use judicial activism and you just shut down the other side that's what we're seeing all across it's it's in Europe it's in the
United States Canada oh good grief Australia oh good grief it's everywhere and there's going to have to be a fundamental realignment because this system doesn't work we're watching it come in and we're watching the people that are being hurt we're watching the the news stories of hundreds of people who have transitioned and become physically damaged as a result wanting to go back but they can't
I mean they they're they're no longer functional they can they could go back to dressing and identifying in that way if they want but their lives sexually parentally possibility of parenting all it's done and that's what makes the the
Texas boy situation just so horrific they use the same chemicals that we use to chemically castrates sex offenders to stop puberty it is it is unnatural evil and insane on it this is this
Mengele did not think of this stuff in Nazi Germany and we're doing it and judges are saying it's good
God's judgment will come against this it has to God will not be mocked God made us this way and God gave us the ability to understand how our bodies work and now we're using that understanding to pervert what
God made I keep thinking about I am legend I keep thinking about I am legend and I'm just going that would be fitting yeah yeah you you want it you want to play with God's creation ignore ignore the fact that he exists and and try to play
God yeah there you go let's let's have some super bugs turn everybody into zombies that'll do it okay grief yes sir one of the things that has driven me crazy about this whole thing is that it
I'm sorry I I don't see you there you go no no no no you need no this is fine you need to go back to that oh wait a minute
I'm hitting the wrong button here how about that and then we do that and how about that okay okay all right yeah everybody loves the rich kid the including all the people are deceived to think that I'm actually mean to you could do these don't these guys have to for their whole life take these extremely severe drugs yes keep this thing going right yep and yet cycling and all these sports have rules against performance enhancing drugs what was it the one
Olympian gal was it cold medicine or she took a allergy medicine and she got she lost her medals yeah
I know I know but here's their argument here's their argument they're taking performance decreasing drugs it still changes that I know it goes either way it's a change you're right and you are playing games with your body if we can say what we've said about Lance Armstrong oh yeah and the fact that all he did was tamper with his blood that's all he did and yet this is fine hypocrisy here is insane from head to toe insanity is the only word for it insanity is the only word for it and I can guarantee you that if there was meaningful medical study being done you will discover a significantly higher mortality rate and disease rate for these people we already know is a much higher suicide rate yeah but you cannot tell me that pumping a male body full of estrogen does not do damage to that body long -term cancer heart the whole
I know you know just mentally well the mental the mental stuff yes but physically
I I can guarantee it but you I bet you you could not even get funding to study it because politically because bleakly no way yeah it's just okay
I'm done yeah it's all it's all connected it's all connected because as I pointed out you know
McKinnon talks about transphobic critics so if you say if you hold the position that the that the entire human race has held until the last 40 years actually really last 20 years then you're transphobic which means there's something wrong with you and so it's the it's using language to control the narrative but using words that have no meaning because there is no such thing as transitioning so I cannot have an irrational fear of something that actually doesn't exist
I simply have a moral ethical and medical logical scientific objection to the abuse the human body and to the abuse of the way we've been created by God and to call that transphobic makes you scientific phobic or christophobic we see we can we can we can do this absurd weaponized word stuff all we want and the funny thing is
McKinnon's PhD is in logic a logic and epistemology so it's like really seriously but this is the world we live in okay one thing before I do a little trip stuff hey look what came in the mail today the
Forgotten Trinity updated edition how many pages is this it's not it don't think it changed much 232 somewhere around there yes and it's well that's okay bummer the bio is not right
I thought I had sent them I mean they did get the Apologia Church thing right but they still got me teaching at Golden Gate which
I didn't exist anymore oh well at least at least there's nothing about cassette tapes in the stuff about I'll let them know about that well we'll get that one thing fixed but summer had told me when
I first sent the artwork for this summer it told me oh good cuz the other one's so 1990s and I'm like but but I I really like this one it's
I like the color and and the whole nine yards and so you know there you go what was yeah this one was only to 224 so yeah there you go oh good yeah there is a scripture index and a subject index yay and lots and lots of notes in very small print so the new edition of Forgotten Trinity's out the only the only changes really
I added a few paragraphs there were a couple of end notes that I had had to so often over the years say look for the end note on this it's not in the text and and people skip end notes and if you look
I mean yeah how many what's what's the notes section the notes go from 197 to 17 there's 20 pages of notes and I can't read half of them in other words small print very small
I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of information there and so what I did is I took some of those end notes and brought them into the into the text
I included a little something on the eternal subordination stuff but obviously you could I think they didn't want a full rewrite that would expand it massively so I did a few things like that that will hopefully improve it a little bit and but you know the doctrine of Trinity really hasn't changed much since 1996
I think when the original came out and I'm just thankful that Bethany house keeps books like that in print
I'm thankful the same -sex controversy is still in print I'm I'm thinking that the same -sex controversy not only majorly needs an update but needs a whole section on transgenderism now too and I'd certainly be willing to do it summer says
I'll trade my 90s version of that nice new one I guess I mean I guess that means I need to bring one of I only got five
I guess I need to bring one home because summer is coming down later this week and she's gonna be speaking at reformcon as I will so microphone again there's
Twitter Lauren holiday just posted about listening to the audio version last night yes yes
I saw while I was in Australia that if you go to audible where I go all the time yeah there it is right there just came just now rolled up on mine
Lauren holiday said I started listening to the audio version of gotten Trinity last night looking forward to finishing the audiobook this week the audio version was well done god bless
I maybe the audio version folks will send me a link to get my own copy so I can listen to it so I can tell how good it is here that I'll have to burn one of my audible credits to get it but they may be listening don't don't be like the guys don't be like the guys who did the
Doug Wilson book and not even send me one you know I can't promote a book when you don't even send me one yeah don't do that oh
Rich is going I want one too anyways well I gave you one of these but you mean the audible version
I get it um so it's really nice to have the audible format there but especially for a book like this especially with all the biblical stuff hard copy is very very helpful so new edition out if you've got had a pre -order or whatever else it's been very very well used and hopefully will continue to be used for a period of time okay so we've already gone nearly full hour and I haven't even taken the time to have certainly not caught up with everything but haven't told you anything about where we were and I sort of need to do that please don't tune out because especially those of you who support what oh just a look on your face is sort of like oh okay oh okay all right good setting up stuff for Thursday good we're gonna have that yeah the apology radio dividing line mashup especially those of you who contribute to the travel fund thank you so much when
I get a chance to travel I get a chance to meet people in in a way that I get to go to churches and and really interact with folks and it's extremely encouraging let me before I tell you about the events do something just before so I don't forget could
I mention to everybody that there are certain speakers who I will not mention by name who do not stay after a debate for an hour and talk to people and shake hands and sign books and answer questions and take picture after picture after picture after picture there are a lot of people who do not do that there have been a few times when
I've had to leave right after speaking frequently it was because I had to catch a plane I was being taken to another speaking event
I think once I was sick and I just didn't want to become typhoid
Mary and and share my disease with everybody else but I generally do invest a lot of time in meeting with people even even after you know two and a half three hour long debates
I'm exhausted I still meet with people the people at G3 will tell you that after the
Trenthorne debate there are 350 people in line I was there for for over an hour and a half talking with people after that debate but there is what no no not not that but there could
I could I suggest some rules of behavior when you're approaching a speaker who may be at the end of a very long day may have been now overseas for two weeks because it bothers me for example
I don't sign Bibles I don't send
Bibles I didn't write it and I just I don't want to put my name in there I know other people do
I'm not trying to start a fight with anybody who does but please just understand
I don't don't look so horrifically sad that I won't sign your
Bible just go okay no problem I've had people just whip out a piece of paper would you sign that okay if you want to keep in your
Bible I don't care that's up to you the point is I I just I feel uncomfortable signing Bibles that's all um
I prefer signing my books I've actually had people give me other books from other people and I don't care but I just don't want to sign the
Bible so so please don't give me the look when I do that that's that's happened a few times don't ask me to do something that violates my conscience basically that's that's that's you know secondly when there are 30 people standing behind you in line
I know you want to tell me about your second cousin who served a more mission and how he found the
Lord but there are 30 people staying behind you in line you may not see him but I can
I can see the people who have to give up and leave because they've got a train to catch they've got a plane to catch they're taking somebody home whatever it might be you don't see them
I do and so when I make a funny comment about the people behind you are about to lynch you
I'm very kindly attempting to suggest to you that you need to be concise not just for me though I would appreciate that but for your fellow believers who would also like to shake my hand and take a picture and maybe sign a book and and ask a brief question and speaking of questions could you make them concise to limit it to one and don't do it you know if I if I had ever walked up to R .C.
Sproul in my younger years which I did and said something along the lines of Dr.
Sproul could you explain what you mean by chosen by God and he'd go did you read the book and if I went no he'd simply say well read the book so if you're gonna come up to me please don't ask me to summarize the
Forgotten Trinity for you read the book that's one place where George Bryson's line works read my book and then on the other side if if if it's 945 at night and they're starting to turn lights out please don't ask me to give you a theological dissertation on the distinction between being in person especially they wrote a book about that too or ask me to go more in depth on something like that and and please don't be disappointed believe me all of these are examples that are used repetitively please don't be surprised when you come up to me and say you know you did a debate against Roman Catholic once and you quote an early church father what was that about and could you give me the reference
I have shocked a few people because they actually gave me enough context that I knew what they're talking about but I've literally had people who referred me to a debate from the mid -1990s okay so from from 25 years ago you you quote a church father that said something like this what was that that reference yeah yeah yeah and you're just like and then when
I sit there and go I don't have a clue I and sometimes honestly
I've now done 173 moderated public debates
I have I have probably re -listened to or watched 15 of them so it's been 25 years since I spoke those words so what should shock and amaze you is that I would have any clue whenever anybody asks me a question like that not the hangdog looks
I've gotten from some people that I'm like I don't know I have no I don't know what reference you're referring to I don't recognize the citation got no idea
I think most human beings would have the same response there are a few people who only deal with one subject so they repeat the same thing over and over again for 25 years they might be able to respond to that kind of stuff
I can't it's just it's just not possible and so please try to remember
I am a human being one other thing oh please this will make memes see my hand stay at least that far away okay at least that far away
I'd like another foot if you if you would if you can smell my breath and I can smell yours you are way too close to me so the holy kiss thing is right out especially when
I'm traveling overseas folks you've got to understand I am trying to keep from getting sick you just don't know
I mean this last January I lost a month when I went back and taught in Owensboro and it was the plague class
I ended up with strep throat and all sorts of stuff all at the same time I lost a month of everything
I mean just scratch January off the off the off the list and especially if I've got stuff still coming up debates and stuff like that please keep your distance
I had a guy I won't mention I don't know the name but I won't mention where it was so but I had a guy and I'm literally
I'm backing up backing up backing up going left going right and he is he's chasing me
I finally managed to get a chair between me and him that was the only way I could keep him far enough away from me but he was just in my face and it's like keep your distance sir ma 'am whoever please don't you understand it's just I just consider a common courtesy it's just common courtesy to do that keep your distance you know
I'll shake your hand and believe me in my pocket
I have Sonipur hand sanitizer from Hammer Nutrition look it up it's great
I give it away as Christmas presents my family will tell you in their stockings will be
Sonipur hand sanitizer and as soon as I'm walking out of that place I'm bathing in it
I have to it's just if I don't I'm dead so please try to understand if I understand why some speakers they're just when
I'm done I'm out the back door and that's it I'm not gonna criticize them for that I understand
I get it I haven't had to adopt that yet my immune system is still fairly fully functional and when when churches rent me a bike while I'm there it stays even more fully functional which is what we did in Sydney and then doing the running in Melbourne that was very very helpful that helps keep you keep you going the way you're supposed to it's the change that frequently weakens your immune system but please try to understand you know if it's been a whole day conference and this is the last session
I'm brain -dead I'm tired so one last thing
I'm walking out I think it was
Saturday night in Melbourne Kofi totally different context but all
I can think about of as I listen to dr. Oakley 1689 is the police song don't stand so close to me
Rich is singing it in the other room notice he did not turn don't stand okay he did now so close to me
I'm just crushed you know any police song at all but anyway um because I'm a
Christian so I didn't know he said I used to be a heathen okay anyway thanks
Kofi appreciate that I should be watching Twitter a little bit more because there's some interesting things anyways um what was
I talking about oh yes I'm leaving it's the same day I had the debate with Abdullah Hamimi which because of scheduling issues
Melbourne's beautiful city interesting weather constantly changing it was really cold there when
I ran one morning they're way much farther south in Sydney but we had to go in the city to Scott's Church it's called
Scott's Church to have the debate with Abdullah Hamimi we couldn't have it out at the
Theological Seminary where the church meets because of a scheduling conflict so I've had to go into the city
I've had a debate with a Muslim again spent half an hour 45 minutes greeting people shaking people's hands there's you go on Twitter and find the pictures people are constantly taking pictures put him on Facebook I think was there something in between I don't remember there might have been and then we have the evening conference session which was on Islam we had
Muslims show up one of which Dr. Bernie Power teaches there brilliant guy by the way had had dinner with him wonderful guy
I had I reviewed a debate that he did on the dividing line a while back and so let me put you if you've been looking for some some other sources
Bernie Power down there in Melbourne look for his stuff support him he's a good man and got great great background had a great dinner with him at the only
Mexican place that I went to when I was down there actually was actually fairly good but Bernie Power had been telling us about this one
Muslim that they had to get a protection order against because he was so aggressive and he showed up with about five other guys and as has so often happened the
Muslim show up they're looking to be able to complain about something that I said and I'm talking about reaching out to Muslims they got up and left because there wasn't anything to respond to I was accurately fully responding
I was representing Islam with quotations for the Quran and and very accurately saying what
Islam actually teaches and then giving a very clear response to it and so they got up and left and then they demanded a place to pray and ended up getting in into the police ended up being called not because of violence because they wouldn't leave so that was an interesting situation nothing came of it they didn't interrupt they didn't yell scream nothing they were downstairs it wasn't it wasn't an issue for what we were doing upstairs so that wasn't that wasn't a problem but I was aware of that I had talked with some folks about that I've been greeting people
I have my backpack on my back and when I'm when I'm traveling that backpack by the way did we get that other one ordered
I bet you didn't mmm okay anyways there's a new backpack out that I'm getting because it would
I would be stupid if I didn't give what I do given the situations like this you may have seen it on Facebook anyways my backpack is heavy when
I travel I've got connectors you know when I go into a church if I want to project something
HDMI VGA audio stuff you know there's all sorts of stuff I've got a lot of stuff in my bag unfortunately the security guy in Melbourne unpacked it completely and gotten allowed me to repack the whole thing it's happened a few times anyways it's heavy and I've already been talking with folks for a long time
I'm walking out of the room dr. white I need to talk to you
I turn around here's this young fellow I knew immediately that this was going to be interesting because by the third sentence
Michael Brown's name comes out and so what he has a word for me that I need to be rebuked for my friendship with Michael Brown and I'm listening to him talk and his entire he never says anything about Michael Brown's belief in God Trinity deity of Christ gospel justification penal substitutionary atonement resurrection prophecies no one's gonna go there because we're all dependent upon going to his materials to look up stuff anyways nothing it was all because Michael either will not condemn by name
XY or Z or is friendly toward this person who's friends with this person it was all the association thing so his lack of discernment means he's not a believer and I need to condemn him so I listened to enough of this
I've got a good idea and so I said to the young man
I said so and I went through all the list of the things I just went through Michael's confession of this this this this doesn't make any all of that is overthrown by his lack of discernment is that right well yeah so I took a step toward him
I was taller than him which is unusual and I said
I have one question for you do you have perfect discernment do you have perfect discernment now you can see where I'm gonna go here if if I'm gonna stand here with my backpack on my back exhausted at the end of the day and have any meaningful conversation then what
I'm hearing him saying is he has these standard discernment that will allow you to have a true gospel profession so I need to know what this is before we can have any meaningful discussion if he admits that he does not have perfect discernment then we can have a meaningful discussion as to how you obtain a perfect level of discernment and how he knows that the level of discernment that Michael has is insufficient to be a
Christian so he can tell me the Holy Spirit is going to give you this level of discernment and here's how so I say do you have a perfect level of discernment do you have perfect discernment he would not answer me
I repeated it do you have perfect discernment would not answer me I said thank you very much good night turned around walked off interestingly enough at least two people actually end up talking to him after I left they saw what happened there were still a few people standing around they saw what happened they end up talking to him and I said do you know what church he was from because I just get the feeling people like that don't go to church because they can't find enough people who are as perfect as they are to be able to go to church with them so if they are are in churches those are people end up leaving churches seen it's way too many times we
I can name names of this kind of perfect discernment people that will only be around people with likewise perfect discernment so then there's those folks too and they and the thing is this is the second time something like this has happened recently they always wait to be the last person you're walking out the only reason that guy came to an entire two -hour presentation and then 45 minutes talking to people so nearly three hours of his life he's stalking me he's not there to hear what
I have to say about Islam he's not he's stalking me just to deliver that word and this is happening more often and so some people say you know do you have anybody with you while doing this
I don't but I probably should I probably should communicate to churches that if I'm if I'm going to be greeting people then you probably want to have someone that stands with me
Deacon former football player current cop something along those lines that just stands there it sort of keeps an eye on things because yeah that that probably would be wise yeah
I've actually done this for you yeah you have and I noticed was it
Zack that was with you in Utah oh yes well Zack and Luke were there but but Zack has has made it his mission in life to make sure that Jeff and I live well yeah
I think specifically about g3 two years ago and then
I go back to the Shabir Ali debate back at Biola yeah and Eddie Dalkour Stan he was there so was
Bo Bo Boyd and and I would I would say in each of these if there are people who will do this for you in the future the the key here is to stand behind you so that no one can come up behind you yeah and you know let you do you with what you can see in your field of vision and don't let anybody you know come up from behind and then if you get to a point to where you're ready to walk away that's when you stand in between yeah you know
I I've always tried not to interfere with you to get in between I let you make that decision as to when that security time is and if you start walking away you say thankful thank you and you start walking away that's and the guy starts keeping keeping at it that's when you step in and distract don't be aggressive just be easy about it and it works yeah yeah that's probably something that we did
I need to start doing in the future and that would just be just be wise so that that long portion aside real quickly we we did a excellent conference at Stanmore where three years ago in 20 in 2016 ironically the conference did in 2016 where I had the debate with Abdullah Cunda where we had to do it by Skype because he missed his flight most people don't remember this but who was the other main speaker at that conference it was
Jeff Durbin and you know and both of us would tell you that in 2016 if somebody had told us that in 2019
I'd be co -pastoring apology at church with him that we would have gone what what are you talking about so that was interesting had a good time there again meeting all sorts of folks
I met little Angus James who I had met his little baby you it is interesting when you meet people over the years and you see the children growing up that makes you feel older and older and he didn't know who in the world
I was so I I had to work a little bit hard is it gorgeous little redheaded boy and and so but shy and I and yes the
James that's what the connection is and so I had to start showing him pictures of Clementine in January and stars and stuff like that on my phone and then he sort of warmed up because I was doing the grandpa thing and showing him cool stuff on my phone so but we had we had fun with all that and of course the guys there took good care of me
I even got to visit a chiropractor who's doesn't go to that church but is the wife of a
Presbyterian minister that was connected with them and stuff like that so I got to get sort of fixed up a little bit which helped a lot with all the writing we were doing like I said they rented me a nice bike
David thank you so much 293 K in one week is a lot of writing and we had a lot of fun during least
I did I you say you did I'm not sure but we'll hope that you did have a lot of fun with that and had some had great experiences with that and then
Andrew and the guys down in Melbourne took a really good care of me great conference where we talked about you know the first night there
I'm talking about apologetics and sexuality so you know Australia just recently profaning of marriage homosexuality all the things going on there you know there is a little bit behind us and then the debate with the debate was really interesting but I'm not sure how many other
Muslims will find it really interesting and this is why has a specific Jewish background that's why
I heard of the first time was he was throwing stuff about the Greek Septuagint in the Hebrew text and stuff at people even back when he was much younger than he is now and so his take on Paul is not the take that you will get from most of the more
Salafi leading leaning Muslim apologists it's an interesting take you need to hear it but it's not going to be
I think the standard take that people doing Dawa around the world are going to be taking so as again it was obviously very irenic and I have great respect for one another so it was a real debate with real exchange it wasn't just a food fight which is what some people want if it's not a food fight then they figure that's that's not real good but there's great clarity you know in his closing statement
Abdullah confirmed he said yes trinitarian worship is shirk and we don't know why
God gives the grace of guidance to some people not to others he says I wish it were otherwise but that's the way it is so he was open about that the divide is wide and we can't just simply say well we all believe the same thing we don't so thanks very much to Abdullah Kunda for that exchange and I look forward to stuff in the future with him and then
Abdullah Hamimi took up this opportunity for debate on short notice and so I was very thankful for that and he had just I think four days earlier done the same topic with a fellow by the name of Joe Ash who
I got to meet at the debate and I guess
Joe Ash works with Samuel Green down there some some of the Christian guys doing apologetics down there
I'm not sure if he's associated with Bernie Power or not probably I mean it can't be all that many of them they probably each know each other but so I got to watch a
Facebook recording of the exchange between Joe Ash and Abdullah Hamimi and so I knew that Abdullah would be focusing on textual transmissional issues which is great
I want to I firmly believe that when you put out the case for the
New Testament versus the case for the Quran that we've got the better of that argument but we have to be able to explain that and so it's a great great exchange
I think it I think it's been posted I'm not sure if not it's it's no it hasn't been
I was different I suppose it was the Abdullah Kunda one it's been already been posted the other one will be out fairly soon
I'm sure a fellow drove hours to videotape everything in Melbourne for free so we thank him for that very much and so once that stuff comes out we'll be linking to all of it but it was a very interesting exchange with Abdullah Hamimi and I look forward to further exchanges in the future with him there is a
I think era is doing a Australian branch and that's what he's associated with there and they had brought
Adnan in earlier so but I'd like to have some exchanges with some of the younger guys too and get to know them as well and so two debates they'll be available the one the ones already up the other one will be available fairly soon the apologetic conference
I'll link to that when it's put up and I'm not sure if Stanmore has posted my talks from the apologetics content their apologetics conference yet or not
I'm not sure I haven't seen it like I said I only got home while a while ago so I'll be
I'll be trying to get that information up there once again to everyone who did come up to me
I simply lost track of the number of people who have said that this ministry has been transformational in their lives as far as providing them with theological grounding and apologetics and we are obviously deeply thankful when you express those things there there was a there was a couple by the way and they're they're going on mission and they sort of rushed away and I felt badly because I hope you weren't offended because I made the comment again we were going a little long and so the humorous comment
I don't want the people behind you to get you and they sort of rushed off I hope if you're watching
I hope you were not offended but you know I certainly pray for the work that you're gonna be doing
I was so neat to see people who have been who are now in ministry and this ministry had a lot to do with the fact that they're now in ministry that's that that we can never ever become
I mentioned to to Jeff and to Luke and Zack when we were up in Salt Lake City when
I travel 50 % of the time 50 % of the time someone will say
I found you through apologia or I was watching you and that's how
I found Jeff it goes one of the two ways we seem to be joined at the hip apologetically maybe it's just the
YouTube search engine I don't know but again the number of people who were saying who would say things and please tell
Jeff that we that we're so appreciative of what doing an end abortion now and you know this type of stuff and it's it we do live in an amazing day when
I can sit here in Phoenix Arizona and provide encouragement and edification for people literally around the world and in a lot of places that I can't go to and that's been a blessing now for decades
I don't know how much longer it's gonna last but it's been a blessing we can't expect blessings to be perpetual in that sense and so let me remind you remind everyone once again if this material is of help to you a right now support us help us to continue not only to do this but travel fund
I'm gonna do another trip for the end of the year and then trips next year
I'm gonna be in Brisbane in early September before our cruise that's gonna make
September really really busy so there were guys in Sydney that were going oh you've got to debate this guy you got debate that guy look guys if you can set that up before I do
Brisbane so end of August and you can make it you can get the commitments to happen then we can make that happen but again
I've got to be able to get down there travel funds how we do it thank you for your support of that and continue that support we really really need it and just pray for safety
I mean you know abortion doctors aiming guns it's people outside abortion clinics and and stuff like that the
Lord's in control of all of it we're in his hands there's absolutely no no two ways about it so thank you very much for the prayers up to this point anyway
I have remained healthy but I don't sigh a sigh of relief until about two days after I get home because that last 14 hours or 15 hours to include the second flight in the airplane is really where you get nailed you know so prayers can prayers continue that would be nice because we've got reform con later coming up so the next program will be a mash -up it's supposed to be on Thursday right so the next program we're trying to work it out to where we will be able to be live from reform con so we'd have the dividing line audience and then we'd have the apology audience and Jeff will be there and Luke will be there and Zach will be there and summer will be there and so I'd love to sort of get everybody involved we've got lots of stories
I'd love to introduce you to Luke and Zach a bit more they're sort of behind the scenes a lot
I mean Luke's on an apology he's just not as much of a talker as Jeff is but I'm sure it'll be quite interesting one way or the other and so that's that's this week and then keep an eye out
I'm hoping to have some information maybe by then for my
London friends just keep an eye out might be visiting you again soon so as in in a few weeks so just keep that in mind all right don't forget
Forgotten Trinity new edition I would assume that means that they will update the
Kindle I don't know but I would assume so because I'd like to have that information in there so you might want to contact
Bethany to see about if that's case and then go to audible .com and you can get the audible version of the
Forgotten Trinity now and for some of you that's really important that's how I listen that's how I read most books while I'm on the back of a bike that's that's how
I do it and so we will see you Lord willing on Thursday for the
Apology Radio Alpha Omega Ministries dividing line mashup and thanks for listening. God bless.