Just Between Us Presbys - The Great Commission and Your Kids

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Baptists, you can listen in too!


Do you ever hear the phrase Just between us girls ever ever ever ever hear that phrase someone
I work with use that today He's just between us girls, and they told me some supposedly secret information
That I told them you can't say that anymore man. You're gonna get canceled We all had a good laugh about it, but there are still normal people out there for sure, but just between us girls now
Now what I was gonna say was just between us Presby's your Presbyterian I've got some just some some encouragement for you
Baptist you guys can listen in to I love you guys, too And you can do the same thing although in a less consistent kind of way but I was just thinking about the
Great Commission and And what I love about the Great Commission is it's very simple right?
It's very the Word of God says go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the
Father and the Son of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I've commanded you and lo
I am with you always even unto the end of the world Amen now. I use the KJV here because I like to use the
KJV because it triggers all the right people plus It actually I think is more helpful than then then then some of the modern translations where you might know this is go and make disciples of all nations and You know disciple a disciple is just a student right so that's it's right to say go and teach all nations
Baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son of the Holy Ghost. That's that's right to say that That's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to go and teach the nations make disciples make students of all nations now
This is a very simple Commission and and and and and we get these grand ideas, and this is nothing wrong with this, right?
there's nothing wrong with getting this grand idea of this epic mission where you go over to Timbuktu and and You do all this amazing stuff, and that's all there's everything good about that nothing wrong with it
But let's not forget and neglect the easiest place to do this
Because we're gonna make disciples. We ought to start with our children Because our children are easier to teach and they're right there and you baptize them
That's where all you presby's out there, but even if you don't baptize them You should still teach them as if you had baptized them
You should make the disciples baptize in the name of the Father the Son of the Holy Ghost the Trinity and then teach them
Everything that Christ commanded teach them how to obey Christ teach them how to love Christ teach them how to love their neighbors That's what we do with our students
So let's not get these grand ideas and focus on these grand things, but miss the mission field that is primary for everybody your own
Family, that's crucial That's crucial one easy way to obey the
Great Commission is To also obey the Dominion Mandate go and be fruitful and multiply
Be fruitful and multiply that's just a command to make disciples my friends now whether or not you see that as a separate
Commission so you don't think that the Great Commission is a restatement of that It doesn't really matter actually if it is or it isn't because if you are supposed to be making disciples
That does not conflict in any way with being fruitful and multiplying because God tells us to be fruitful and multiply
He doesn't cancel it He doesn't take it back and then when we multiply God also commands to teach our children in the way we should go and so Baptizing and making disciples and teaching the nations should start with your own family
I mean if we can't even get that right if we're not gonna even focus on that how can we have these grandiose ideas of going to you know,
I don't know Madagascar or something and and teaching them You know, it simply doesn't make sense and if you're gonna do that and you're gonna be in a pastoral way like having a family and and and and and and being an example that that that that people could deal the future converts can see and see how a
Christian home is and and they can emulate that kind of don't you think that would be very helpful?
Very helpful. I don't know if you've been overseas, but there is I mean Just like here.
There's there's an epidemic of fatherlessness Right, and so if you're gonna go and be a missionary there
Don't you think it would make sense to be able to to show people? What a father is supposed to be doing what being fruitful and multiplying means what making disciples of nations what teaching them to observe everything?
Christ commanded actually means I see stuff like this. I did not intend to talk about this and I'm not going to talk about this.
I Don't click strange links So I'm not clicking this article. I don't care what it says The headline here whoever put this out whoever the admin that pulled this out
I I think I think this is a very poor way to sell an article unmarried church planters can devote themselves wholly to a work of kingdom advancement in a way that marriage makes more complicated and It is very clear that the idea of this sentence.
Anyway, I'm not I don't I'm not reading the article. I will not click So don't don't hate on me, but this sentence is trying to say well there is this might be a good idea
For an unmarried church planter to go do this work Marriage makes it more complicated. There's definitely a negative connotation to that and it might be true
It's probably is true that this marriage makes this more complicated but is it a better idea to be married when you're doing this work,
I Would say probably 100 % yes 100 % yes
Because when you look at the qualifications for elder a lot of them have to do with your family And if you don't have a family then
I'm not saying you're necessarily unqualified. Although many would make that argument But then how do we even know?
That you have those right qualifications, right? So yeah It might make it more complicated But it's still a good idea to be married if you're gonna plant a church and pastor a church
Because if you can't even take care of your family, you haven't even demonstrated that you can take care of your family How are you gonna take care of the household of God?
and so so so let's let's focus on the mission right and and let's I'm a big fan of taking things in bite -sized chunks, right?
The Great Commission is great and we can have these grandiose ideas of what to do I'm not saying to stop that but take it in bite -sized chunk
Let's do the let's do the simple stuff first and then let's talk about this grandiose stuff. I'm not saying stop
I'm not saying stop but remember where your primary focus ought to be being fruitful and multiplying that was never canceled
Make disciples of those kids baptize your babies Baptist you don't have to listen to this part.
This is just between us girls Presby's Baptize your babies teach the nations teach them obey everything
Christ commanded and that's that I mean, just let's just let's do this in bite -sized chunks guys, because that's the plan.
That's how you command the future that's how you take over the world and God will add to his number man you're gonna preach and you're gonna go out there and evangelize and and and and and go into the mission field and all that stuff
That's all gonna happen to you. But the primary way that we conquer this Entire place is that we fill this earth
With the disciples we fill this earth with children who we teach to love the
Lord Anyway, I hope this is helpful Baptist. I love you. Let me just say it again. I love you