Does He Look Like Beyoncé?


Exploring the Absurd: When a Man Asks 'Do I Look Like Beyoncé?' Join us as we dissect this hilarious encounter, questioning the boundaries of identity and the comedic moments that ensue. #AbsurdEncounters #BeyoncéLookalike #PodcastHumor #beyonce


Nah, she wanna know if she look like Beyoncé. Hmm? Does she look like Beyoncé?
To the left, to the left. To the left, to the left. Alright, so what you have here for those who are listening in audio is a situation where you have a convenience store worker who's basically minding his own business, trying to do his job, and in walks this man who is basically pretending to be a woman.
He's dressed, you know, he's in a dress, he has long hair, he has makeup on, and he's acting in an exaggeratedly feminine way.
So you have this worker who's basically just trying to mind his own business, he's trying to do his job, and his co -worker has a phone and he's recording his reactions, and he's put in this, you know, pretty awkward situation.
So he's put in this kind of situation where functionally he's being asked to comment on the appearance of this, you know, quote -unquote transgender male in this situation.
And, I mean, he looks very uncomfortable because he knows, the reason why he looks very uncomfortable is because he knows that he's in this situation that if he doesn't answer this question in the correct way that there's a chance that maybe he gets sued, maybe this video gets put online as it did and it's gone, you know, viral.
So, you know, he's put in this very awkward situation where he's being asked a question that on the face of it is absurd for many different reasons.
And so if you think about the kind of question that's actually being asked at this point, this actually is the kind of question that, you know, regardless of whether or not it's a man who's pretending to be a woman asking this question or just a woman who is asking this question, this is a question that only comes from living in a narcissistic kind of society in general.
So, I mean, if you think about it, like Beyonce, like they're asking this worker if the man, you know, looks like Beyonce.
I mean, this is the kind of question that like really no sane person is going to ask in general.
So you think about someone like Beyonce, Beyonce for many people is just considered to be like the epitome of black beauty.
So like if you were to think about like who is a paragon of beauty within the African -American community, you're going to think about someone like Beyonce.
So many people think that she's basically the most beautiful woman alive. And so just to have some random person walking off street in a random convenience store asking you to compare their physical appearance to an individual who many regard as, you know, one of the most beautiful women alive currently,
I mean, that's just an absurd narcissistic question on the face of it. So, you know, just like thinking about that question in the abstract in general, that's an absurd question.
But then it's even more absurd when you think about the fact that it's a man pretending to be a woman asking to be judged alongside the most beautiful woman that actually exists.
So, I mean, when you think about something like what's happening here, like, you know, it's already absurd on the face of it that a man is being asked to compare his beauty, you know, to that of a woman in general.
Like men, they just, they, there's no comparison. You know, women are designed for beauty, men are designed for strength.
You put a standard man, you can put makeup on him, you can put a dress on him, you can put, you can, you know, let his hair grow out, give him long hair.
Men are just, they're not designed for beauty. And it's very obvious to anyone, you know, when you actually look at these things that men are not designed for beauty.
But not only that, when you compare like the beauty of a standard man, when you dress him up, you know, as a woman to that of the most beautiful woman alive, then what you're going to get is something that's pretty, pretty absurd on the face of it.
To the left, to the left. Oh, not the other side.
Ooh. Ooh. Serena Williams. He's being asked if he looks like Beyonce.
He's awkward. He's uncomfortable. He doesn't know how to answer it. And so, you know, his, his initial response is just to say, no, no, no,
Beyonce. Now, you know, part of that was cut off a little bit, but the question, the follow -up question that was, well, what about Serena?
Now, you know, you're not allowed to say this, but you know, everyone knows that Serena Williams, great tennis player that she actually is.
She is not like Beyonce. She is not considered to be a paragon of black beauty.
So that's just not the way these things work. So you think about someone like Serena. I mean, Serena, basically, you know, she looks like a mannish kind of woman.
So it was funny about this. I mean, immediately when I was watching this clip and I'm seeing this man who's pretending to be a woman walking in there, you asked me, you know, who do
I think she looks like? Do I think she looks like Beyonce? Well, no, I mean, she doesn't look anything – or he doesn't look anything like Beyonce. Absolutely not.
But, you know, the closest I could think of maybe anyone that he might perhaps look like would be someone like Serena, maybe
Serena Williams. But then let's see how he answers this question here. So they ask him first Beyonce and then does he look like Serena?
And his response, I mean, he's still uncomfortable. You can tell this man just wants to jump out of his skin. He's so uncomfortable.
But no, I mean, so no, not Serena. And even the man who's pretending to be a woman in this kind of scenario is like, man,
I don't even look like Serena? Come on, man. So to him, he thought if he could get anything, it would be that he'd be compared to Serena.
But he doesn't even look like Serena. And I mean, it's true. I mean, obviously, he looks like a man pretending to be a woman.
He doesn't even look like Serena in this kind of scenario. Oh, really?
Yeah, careful with what I say. I know. Yeah, that wasn't even mine. I look like Beyonce.
So here's the behind the scenes. So basically, he doesn't he doesn't look like Beyonce. He doesn't look like Serena.
He's saying he has to be careful with what he's trying to say at this point, you know, because he knows he knows he's being put in this absurd kind of situation.
He's being put in this kind of situation where he's being asked to comment. You know, he's basically being there's a demand that the, you know, quote unquote, transgender community is making at this point that that not only do we have to suspend all judgment to check our reason out the window, we have to view men as being comparable in beauty to women.
So we have to validate them as women. But not only that, the most you have to validate them as the most beautiful woman alive.
And when you're put in that kind of situation where you know that, you know, whatever you say, like there's some threat that's being leveled against you.
And whatever you say in this moment is going to be possibly like it could get you sued. It could get you to lose your job because there's this demand that everyone engaged in this, like insane kind of pretending at this point, you know, that you're just you're put in this awkward situation.
So, you know, behind the scenes, he's basically saying, you know, like, I didn't know what I was going to say. I mean, his in reaction is to say, well, you look unique, you know, and so that's the best he could come up with.
But, you know, basically, like what he's telling you right now is he's telling you all the reasons why this was like this.
So obviously stupid. I mean, he doesn't even have to explain this. We already know that it's stupid. We already know that this is insane, you know, but him like, you know, he's looking at this man, particularly woman.
He's like, you're asking me if you look like Beyonce and, you know, you have a voice that is deeper than mine.
I had to hurry up and think of some cool sh** to say. I wanted to say Westbrook. So he wanted to say
Westbrook. What do you look like? You look like Russell Westbrook, the basketball star. So that's so he's scrambling in his mind to figure out how he's going to respond to this thing.
And the best he can come up with is say, hey, you look like a man. But then you notice he can't even he can't say it.
He can't say what you know, you're living in a society right now that is putting people in these absurd situations where there's this pressure that you have to figure out.
How am I supposed to respond to something that's so obviously ludicrous? So how am I going to respond to this when everything inside of me like my brain right now is telling me that you look like a man.
You don't look like a woman. And I'm supposed to praise you as a woman, not only a woman, the most beautiful woman alive. And I have to sit here and praise you or I have to figure out some way to get out of this dilemma that I am in so that, you know,
I don't basically lose my job or get sued or anything else. And so, like, this is the scenario that people are finding themselves in with these kinds of situations.
All right. Now, so, you know, when you think about something like this, when you think about something along these lines, like you are you are thinking about the like a problem that our society is actually engaging in.
And it's something that the, you know, quote, unquote, transgender, quote, unquote, community. In quote, you know, it's a problem that they can't really overcome.
So, I mean, you can put people in situations like this where they're forced to, you know, basically try to appease you with their words.
You can you can basically have them at your mercy. You can have the whole society trying to back you up in this insanity where they're not allowed to tell you what they actually think.
But at the end of the day, like what they think is what they think. And and, you know, this is just a good example of how this actually works.
I mean, my children see, you know, men pretending to be women out in public or women pretending to be men out in public.
They know what they see. They know that what they're being asked to believe is not actually true.
They know that there's something fundamentally and profoundly off. They know that this man is a man.
He's biologically a man. There's so many, you know, intangible, you know, obvious signals.
He mentioned a few like in terms of just deep voice, looking strong, big, you know, everything else like shoulder.
You know, you can think about like how big their shoulders are, the presence of an Adam's apple. There's all these like things that are communicating and screaming that God designed, you know, men to be men and women to be women.
In the beginning, God made them male and female. There's, you know, nature, biology, science, it all testifies to this reality.
And you can, you know, successfully force people to mouth the words that you want them to mouth.
But then at the end of the day, reality is they're thinking what they're thinking in their mind. And what they're thinking is based on the fact that we're living in God's world and God makes the rules.
And so you may successfully threaten, you know, an entire population of people into saying the thing that you want them to say, or at least not, you know, saying at least not saying like that you are a woman when you're actually a man.
You might successfully intimidate them into not saying that. But what you can't do is you can't. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.