Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on Obeying the Government

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This is the thirteenth episode in our mini-series on questioning the LDS Articles of Faith. Pastor Wade gives a powerful explanation and refutation by Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on Obeying the Government We pray that this series will be a blessing to you. Provo-Temple B-Roll from God Loves Mormons:


LDS article of faith number 12 says we believe in being subject to rulers, presidents, kings, and magistrates in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
What not a lot of people realize is this is directly related to LDS doctrine and covenant number 58, which says no man shall break the law of the land.
So when you look back through Mormon history, you see times of capitulating to what the culture and what the civil government has said, whether it's come with polygamy or blacks in the priesthood or even now in our day, the
LGBT movement and where the culture is pressing in on the church trying to get them to bend on what the word of God says.
I can imagine we'll even see LGBT leadership pretty soon within the LDS church. So the point is they are completely going against God's prescribed role of the civil government from Romans 13,
Peter's epistle. And when the civil government, which is supposed to be the deacon of God, commands something that is contrary to what his word has said, we are obligated to disobey it.