Bible Study on Eschatology 2-15-17




And you're going to help me establish Amillennialism, and I'll show you how. Lord Jesus, we come before you, and we thank you for the opportunity to serve you, to know your word, to explore your word.
We ask, Jesus, that you would guide us, that you protect us, open our hearts, our minds, let us see your word.
May we accurately, properly understand what you have for us. Lord Jesus, I give you thanks and praise and ask that you would bless everyone here with your presence and with an unction to draw near to you to read and study your word.
We ask, Jesus, all of these things in your wonderful and precious name. Amen. Alright, so how many in here are
Amillennial? I am. So we've got two, three. Amillennialism is the teaching that we are in the literal thousand year reign, not literal thousand years, thousand years is figurative usage.
We're in the reign of Christ right now. Alright? And that when Jesus comes back, that's when the new heavens and new earth are made.
The premillennial view is that we are pre, right now we are in a state before a literal one thousand year period, and then
Jesus returns new heavens and new earth. Postmillennialism says that through the preaching, the teaching of the gospel, that we will usher in the kingdom of God.
So I'm Amill. I did not go in willingly. Someone showed me two verses many years ago, and I just said, there's no literal millennial reign, just that fast.
I converted on the spot. And I'd always been resisting it until this guy showed me these two verses.
He didn't explain it. I'll go over it later. So how many of you are premillennial?
You believe there's a future thousand year reign to come? Alright. How many just are not sure, just don't know? Alright, that's fair.
That's good. How many believe in pre -tribulation rapture? It'd be a seven year period and we were raptured out before the tribulation.
Okay. How many believe in the middle of the tribulation? How about at the end of the tribulation?
How many don't know? Okay. Alright. So you guys want to learn about future events.
You want to know about this kind of a thing. And the millennial reign of Christ is something that we're going to be talking about here, going over some stuff.
And we will hopefully get to a place where we can clearly demonstrate to you, and I'm going to be a little arrogant here, clearly demonstrate to you the proper position, which is all millennialism.
Alright. Now, if you disagree, that's fine. This is all what we call adiaphora.
Adiaphora is the non -essentials. If you're premill, that's fine. If you're postmill, okay.
And if you believe in pre -trib rapture, I hope you're right. And so because I have my positions, and people seem to be interested in what
I've got to say about this, here we are, we'll go through it. Sound good? And when
I say sound good, you have to give me some response. Sound good? There we go. Oh, man.
Alright. So what we're going to do is
I'm going to do this, and I believe we've got it on the camera. Everything's going to be good.
So you guys, let's do it this way. Let's do it this way.
Okay. This age and the age to come.
This age and the age to come. This is the eschatological division system of Jesus and Paul the
Apostle. How many of you have heard this before? How many have heard of this age and the age to come?
Okay, how many have not heard? I want to see your hands. Not heard. Alright. This should be taught from the pulpit.
It should be taught in Bible studies. The reason it should be taught is because it's in the
Bible. So what I'm going to show you is that this is the case. In Mark 10 .30, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age.
Alright. Houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms and persecution and stuff like that.
In Luke 18 .30, the one who does good things and sacrifices, will not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come eternal life.
In the age to come eternal life. There's this age. There's the age to come. We have eternal life in the age to come.
Now, technically. Okay. Eternal life. We have it now.
Alright. And you can go to 1 John 5 .13.
We have eternal life. These things are written so you may know that you have eternal life. But what he's talking about here, in the context of this, is a full redemption and resurrection of our bodies as talked about in 1
Corinthians 15 .35 -45. The complete manifestation of what that is. Now, we have eternal life now.
And so, in this age, you have a hundred times more. I'm just going to show you a hundred times, you know, blessings and things like that.
People are given in marriage in this age. Okay. That's Luke 20 .34.
He said to them, the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. So, marriage.
Alright. I'm going to get rid of this. I'm going to erase this when we go into our chart. And the wisdom of this world is the wisdom of this age.
So that's 1 Corinthians 1 .20. So there's wisdom. Alright. And the rulers of this age are coming to nothing.
So there's rulers. And that is 1 Corinthians 2 .6.
Satan is a god of this age. 2 Corinthians 4 .4. So, Satan is the god of this world and be rescued from this present evil age.
Galatians 1 .4. So, in the age to come, people will have eternal life.
Mark 10 .30. And they do not marry. No marriage. Sorry, Mormons.
Okay. So, there's no marriage in heaven. The reason is, is marriage is a covenantal manifestation of the inter -Trinitarian communion for the purpose of propagation and glorifying
God between a male and a female. Not Bob and Steve. Okay. And not
Susie and Betty, a male and a female. Anything other than one man, one woman in our present, what we're talking about, is sinful.
Alright. Alright, now. So, here's my question. How many ages are there? Two. What are they?
Alright. I read to you from Jesus. I read to you from Paul the Apostle. This age and the age to come.
We can clearly see that. You with me? Alright. So, how many ages are there? Okay. How many have not heard this before?
I just want to see your hands. Alright. Why is it you would not hear this? That's what gets me.
Okay. So, this is what we're going to do now. We're going to do a chart.
Charts are fun. Okay. This age and age to come.
Alright. There we go. There we go. This will serve as a dividing line.
So, where would the end of this age be here? Right about there.
Right? Not over here. Here. It's important.
What we're going to do is go through some scriptures. And you're going to help me establish our millennialism.
Because you're going to tell me where to put stuff on this division. This age, the age to come. You're going to help me.
So, I'm going to read. First Corinthians 5 .5
says this. I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the
Lord Jesus. His spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord Jesus. What does that sound like?
Judgment? What did you say? I'm sorry? This age.
It's in this age. Well, yeah. Yeah, because if the judgment is going to occur, afterwards is when things are good.
So, we're going to get into this. Now, in Matthew 7, 22, and 23, many will say to me on that day,
Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name? And in your name cast out demons. I never knew you'd get away from me. He says, many will say to me on that day.
That day is the day of judgment. That day. They'll say to me, look what we did.
We believed in you. We did good things. And look, we're okay. Right? And no, get away from me.
That day is a phrase to help describe that day of judgment. In 2
Timothy 1 .18, the Lord may grant that you find mercy on that day.
Rewards are given out on that day, 2 Timothy 4 .8. In the future there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day. There's a day of judgment coming. Right?
What we're going to do is find out when that day of judgment is coming. It's going to be either here or it's going to be either here.
Right? Only two options. Is that correct? I don't hear anything from you guys.
Are you asleep? I got to throw chalk at you? Well, wake up here. All right. Now, you've heard that the day of the
Lord will come like a thief in the night. We're going to get into that a little bit later. So let's do stuff now. All right. The resurrection, what?
Got a problem? The resurrection occurs on the last day. This is the will of him who sent me, that of all that he's given me,
I lose nothing but raise it up on the last day. Matthew, excuse me, John 6 .39.
And verse 40, for this is the will of my Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in him will have eternal life, and I myself will raise him up on the last day.
Raise him up, resurrection, last day. Where's that going to be? In this age, where?
Right here. Right over here, right? Right? We're just going to go with what it says.
And you'll see, it'll start narrowing and narrowing. Good question, Mel. Okay. The day, on the last day.
Now, this time period goes on forever. That's a symbol for eternity.
It goes on forever, right? So since that only have two ages, and that goes on forever, because that's heaven, that's resurrection, that's everything, then the last day has to be on this side.
Judgment happens on the last day. So we're going to write this. Oh, excuse me, resurrection.
All right? The resurrection occurs. All right, resurrection.
Where should I put the last day? How about right about here?
Sound good? Because it's the last day you'd think there wouldn't be a day after, otherwise it's not the last day.
Okay? John 6, 39, 40. All right? And also
John 6, 44. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day.
I'll raise him up on the last day. So this is the last day.
Okay? The last day. Do it this way. Last day. The resurrection.
John 6, 54. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
Resurrection, last day. John 11, 24. Martha said to him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.
Talking about Lazarus who died, Jesus was weeping. On the last day, the resurrection. The last day.
Now check this out. John 12, 48. Jesus says, he who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has one who judges him.
The word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. Judgment on the last day.
Right? The word that I spoke will judge him on the last day. All right? Would you agree with me?
This goes here. Right? Judgment. Any problems yet?
Just reading what the word says. We're just putting it in. We only have this age, the age to come, resurrection, judgment on the last day.
No problem. Now, you guys have heard of the trumpets? All right?
So what I'm going to do is do a little bit of reading here because I want you to understand. I'm going to go through. I'm not going to read every word because there's a lot.
But in Revelation 8, 7 through chapter 9, verse 21, and then chapter 11, verses 15 through 19, there's a lot of scripture there to read.
And so it's that much to read. What I'm going to do is just say, read a few things to represent.
In Revelation 8, 1 through 2, it says, when the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour.
And I saw the seven angels who stood before God and the seven trumpets, or excuse me, and seven trumpets were given to them.
Seven trumpets. How many trumpets are given? Seven. The seventh trumpet would be the last trumpet, the final trumpet.
No problem, right? Okay. So just so you know, the first sounded and there came hail and fire.
A third of the earth was burned up. A third of the trees were burned up, et cetera. The second angel sounded.
It sounded like a great mountain burning and fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea became blood. I'm skipping stuff, but you're getting the idea.
The third angel sounded and a star fell from heaven, burning like a torch. And a third of the rivers and the springs of the water died.
The fourth angel sounded and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck.
The fifth angel sounded and I saw a star from heaven, which had fallen to the earth. And the key of the bottomless pit was given to him.
And smoke went up out of the pit. Locusts came out of the earth and power was given them as scorpions of the earth as they have power.
It's going to be a rough time, isn't it? That's why I'm hoping for pre -trib rapture. And the reason is one quick thing.
I don't know if you guys know about pain. Pain hurts too much. So that's why I don't like pain. It hurts. The sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God.
One sang to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, release the four angels who are bound at the great river
Euphrates. And the four angels who had been prepared for the hour and the day and the month and the year were released so that they would kill a third of mankind.
The number of the armies of the horsemen was 200 million. Some people think that's
China. Just throwing this out for fun because China is the only one who has that size of an army possibility.
Euphrates river comes from the east and we get into some weird stuff. That's just fun. A third was the mankind was killed by these plagues.
Now the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our
Lord and of his Christ. And he will reign forever and ever. And the 24 elders who sat on the thrones before God fell on their faces and worship
God saying, we give thanks. Oh Lord God, the almighty who who are and who were because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
So this is a good verse for post millennialism. Just so you know, not, there's no eschatological position that answers every question.
Okay. Just so you know, no one position answers everything, but nevertheless now, so we just went through briefly seven trumpets, right?
Okay. The seventh trumpet is called the last trumpet. First Corinthians 15, 22 in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed.
Resurrection happens when the last trumpet, right? You guys with me?
Am I right? This is not about a president.
All right. And first Thessalonians four, 16 through chapter five, verse two, for the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise to first resurrection judgment.
Last trumpet, the resurrection will occur. This is the return of Christ. Okay.
Then they who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Now let me read this. So Jesus, this is return of Christ, isn't it? Okay. So when does the return of Christ occur?
Okay. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first that they will rise.
This is a resurrection on the last day, right? So the return of Christ is when the resurrection occurs.
Am I right? Right. Anybody disagree? That's first Thessalonians four, 16 through chapter five, verse two.
We'll be coming back to this a little bit later. The trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
And so we will, she'll always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. Now as to the times and the ethics, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you for you yourselves know full well that the day of the
Lord will come like a thief. And then the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
What is the day of the Lord? It's his last day, right?
So this is the day of the
Lord. Lord. And what else is this? The rapture, right?
So it says for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, with a trumpet and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
We who are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. That's what it says to be caught up together, up in the air.
That's what the rapture is, right? When does it happen? It happens here.
Last day, last day, last day, real simple.
Is that correct? The scriptures are just telling us what to do. All right.
Now two men are in the field. One is taken. One is left. That's the rapture, right? No, you guys listen to me on the radio.
No, it's one of the things I, I say a lot and I've done this before. Bible studies where I've gone in and I don't,
I don't go to Bible studies anymore. I just don't go. Cause I, I ruin them for people because they'll say something.
I'll go, well, have you thought of maybe? And that once I went to a
Bible study, the pastor of the church said, look, I want you to go because I want you to preach, but I want you to go to the Bible study for a while.
And I said to my wife, what am I going to do? I can't say anything. I'll derail the Bible studies.
You know, you know, that's just what I do. I go in there and say things and mess people up. I'm going to be quiet.
So this is what happened. So for two months, we're going to Bible study once a week. I tried to say minimal, just reading the
Bible. Thank you. Go home. I did this for two months and I wasn't trying to be mean. I wasn't trying to be rude.
It wasn't trying to be anything. And so, uh, cause you know me, I don't know when to shut up.
And, uh, so they finally said, Matt, you don't say much to him to study. Well, you know,
I just think you guys are doing great. They were doing a great job, you know? And, uh, okay. And so then they said something and they just turn it on me.
And they said, so why don't you, what do you think of that? And happened to be a topic that I kind of know some stuff about.
Right. And, and I looked at my wife and she, it's her fault. The woman you gave me, it's her fault because I just looked at her like, why say stuff?
You know, she goes, go ahead. And the way she said it, they looked at her. They looked at me.
I'm looking at her and they're looking at me. I'm like, ah, well, you see, and I'm quoting these verses, quoting this, quoting that, quoting that like that.
Right. It went on for just about a minute. Just, I forget what it was. I think it was imputation, justification, relationship and, you know, and stuff like that.
And, and, uh, and so I was done and I sat there and no one wanted to say anything anymore.
And I'm like, you know, and they, they, they are talking some more and they go, what do you think of that,
Matt? It's good. So if I go to Bible studies, I mess them up.
All right. I mess them up because I'm arrogant and don't know when to keep quiet. And that's, that's why. And, uh, because I find that in Bible studies, a lot of people don't know what's going on in a lot of areas.
What I want to do is teach you, teach you. I could teach you all kinds of stuff. I could teach you how to study the Bible, teach you how to know stuff, how to learn, teach you how to be irritating.
And this is one of the areas where I've had a lot of fun. for the coming of the son of man, this is Matthew 24, 37 through 41.
For the coming of the son of man will be just like the days of Noah. For in those days before the flood, they were eating, they were drinking, they were giving in marriage.
So the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came in, took them all away. Two men will be in the field. One will be taken. One will be left, right?
The one they'll say, that's a rapture. The ones who are taken. That's what it is. And I'll say, well, not necessarily.
And, uh, this is Luke 17, 26, 37. I'm not gonna read the whole thing. As it was, just as it happened in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the coming of the son of man, for they were marrying, they were being given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came in, destroyed them all.
Now, parallel. Okay. This is Matthew. This is
Luke, Matthew. For the coming of the son of man will be like the days of Noah. Just as it happened in the days of Noah.
So it will be in the days of the son of man. In those days before the flood, they were eating, drinking, marrying, giving a marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark.
And Luke, they were eating, drinking, marrying, and marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark.
Okay. And they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away. And the flood came and destroyed them all.
Who were the ones who were destroyed? The wicked. Who are the ones taken?
The wicked. That's it. I've been in Bible studies where I've shown people this.
No lie. The entire Bible study is stopped. You know, I'm a guest to whatever they're going to show them.
And they're like, they're stupefied. You know, they're like, how come we've never seen this before?
Because you've never been taught it before because people have presuppositions. They come to the text and they just read and they don't even do any thinking.
How is it possible? And I've done this with many Bible studies. How is it possible that in two minutes, I can mess you up from something that you've been believing for years and been topping the pulpit for years.
And in two minutes, I can undo that. I say, this is the problem. It shouldn't happen like that. The thing is that it should never happen that I can do that in two minutes from the scriptures.
And you see, and you go, you're right. What is going on in the pulpits in America today, not everyone of them does this, but what is going on that this is a reality.
It's a problem. We should not be loyal to our denomination. We need to be loyal to Jesus.
We should not just carry the flag and the banner of a denomination or a particular church, but of Jesus and the word of God.
That's it. We're going to follow Jesus. Not anybody else. You don't follow me. You don't follow the pastor of this church.
You follow Jesus as we represent him, hopefully properly. And your obligation is to check what we say against scripture.
And if you disagree with me, I would love that. I would love it. If someone came up to me and said, you know, I don't agree with you.
Excellent. Not going to happen. You can move up forward. That's good. That's right.
And so I would like that a lot because it means people are thinking. I don't have all the answers.
I want people to think and disagree. It's fine. Maybe you're right.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's a lot. I can learn from people. That's how it needs to be now in Luke.
So it says, and destroyed them all was the same as half of the days of lot. They were eating. They were drinking.
They were buying. They were selling. They were planting. They were building. But on the day that lot and Sodom, it rained brimstone in from heaven and destroyed them all on that day.
One will be in the housetop and whose goods are in the house must not go down and take them.
And likewise, the one who's in the field must not turn back. Remember, remember lots wife, whoever seeks his life, we'll lose it.
Whoever loses his life, we'll preserve it. I tell you on that night, there will be two men in one bed.
It's not a homo thing, a homosexuality thing. They just slept together in rooms and things like that. One will be taken.
The other will be left. There'll be two women grinding at the same place. One will be taken. And the other will be left.
This is not about the rapture. It's not about the rapture. It's about the wicked being taken.
Now, here's the question. Where are they taken? Verse 37.
And the answering, they said, where Lord? And he has, he said to them where the body is there.
Also, the vultures will be gathered. This is eschatological. So the people who are taken two men in the field, one are taken.
One is left or the wicked. And they're taken to a place of judgment. Condemnation. Aren't they? That's what
Jesus said. Seriously. Why is it that the, maybe pre -trib is, is, is correct.
Maybe it's correct. Seriously. But these verses aren't about pre -trib rapture. Why is it that the ones who teach that these verses are about pre -trib rapture, just don't read it for what it says.
That bothers me a lot. Now people might say, but Matt, you're a Calvinist. You do the same thing.
Maybe I do. Maybe I do, but I try and read the word for what it says. And so should you.
All right. Now let's see. Let's see.
Let's see. Let's do this now.
All right. So the resurrection occurs in the last day, the judgment on the last day, the last trumpet, the last day, the day of the
Lord, the last day, the rapture is the last day. Now let's just look at pre -tribulation rapture stuff.
So this is the 1000 years, right? And then eternity.
Okay. New heavens and new earth. So roughly seven year period, tribulation.
What's taught today. Mostly the rapture occurs here. All right.
Where would the last day be in this? Where would the last day be here?
Here, because the day of the Lord, the rapture, last trumpet, judgment, and resurrection.
Now there are pre millennials who say here, and there's some who say here, they get some different views about stuff.
Now there's more, but we'll for now. So if it's here, the last day, or if it's here, either way, the rapture isn't pre -trib.
The rapture occurs on the last day. The last day would be here. That seven years before is not the last day.
And if it's before here, seven year rapture here is seven years. It's not the last day. That right there just destroys pre -trib rapture.
Seriously. How can you have pre -trib rapture? And pre millennialism, when the rapture occurs on the last day, if it's what it is.
Well, we'll get to some objections later. We'll do that. So, um,
Jesus returns at the trumpet, right? Last trumpet, right? And the last day there, let's do this.
He presented another parable to them. This is Matthew 13, 24 through 30. The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
But while the men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares, that's weeds, and, uh, among the wheat and they went away.
But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain and the tares became evident, also the slaves of the landowner came and said, sir, now you, uh, who's a good seed in the field and how does it have bad seed and, you know, tear it up?
And he said, no, right? You know about this, right? Okay. So he explains this parable.
Jesus explains the parable in Matthew 13, 36 through 43. He left the crowds and went into the house and his disciples came to him and said, explain to us the parable of the tears in the field.
He said to one, excuse me, the one who sows the good seed is a son of man and the field is the world.
And as for the good seed, these are the ones of the kingdom. And the tears are the sons of the evil one.
And the enemy who sowed them is the devil. And the harvest is the end of the age.
The harvest is the end of the age. Where should we put the harvest at the end of the age?
Now, technically, I mean, there's a little subjectivity in here. End of the age could be the last minute, the last hour, the last day, the last week, last month, last year.
Seriously, it could be at the end of the age. It doesn't say the last day. That's different than the end of the age.
But what we're going to do, I'll do this. I'll do it this way. I'll say the harvest, and I'm going to do this.
I'm going to just say, uh, in this time here, the end of the age. All right. Because we don't know.
And there is a bit of subjectivity in that. We just don't know exactly. Fair, fair.
Okay. All right. So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.
What's going to happen at the end of the age? They're going to be burned with fire. That's called judgment.
Now he's giving us a place to put this for real. The tares are gathered and burned with fire.
So shall it be at the end of the age. The son of man will send forth his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom, all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness.
So the unbelievers are taken out of his kingdom. Is that what it says?
The unbelievers are taken out of the kingdom. What kingdom?
The kingdom of God. Out of his kingdom. The unbelievers are taken out of his kingdom.
Wait a minute. Where's the kingdom of Christ? Is it here?
This is the kingdom? The thousand years? This isn't working.
Now, to go back a little bit. So when he gave the parable, in Matthew 13, starting at verse 29, he said,
No, for while you're gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Verse 30, Allow both to grow together until they harvest.
Okay. He says the harvest is the end of the age. To grow together until the harvest.
And in the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers, First, gather up the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them up.
Who are the first ones gathered? The unbelievers. So, at the harvest, the unbelievers are first gathered.
Is that what it says? Do you believe that the first ones gathered at the end of the harvest are the unbelievers?
This took me about three or four years before I started admitting it. Publicly. First ones gathered are wicked.
Because I came out of all these backgrounds of pre -trib and this and that, and things isn't right. I said, you know what?
That's what it says. I'm just gonna go with what he says. So, the first ones gathered, the unbelievers are first, and they're taken out of the kingdom, out of his realm.
Out of it. Okay. So, if this is his realm, then the unbelievers are taken out here.
Roughly at the end. Now, there's a view inside of pre -millennialism where people live, babies live for a long period of time, and Satan is bound roughly in this period, and he's let loose roughly in that period, and then the wicked are taken out of that period in thousand -year reign.
Now, see, man, it still works. Except it really doesn't, because that's when the resurrection occurs, the judgment occurs, the last trumpet, day of the
Lord, rapture, and the harvest, all at the end of the age, and there's only two ages, this age and age to come.
This implies three ages, one, two, and three. There's a problem.
So, the wicked are gathered at the end of the age. So, what we see, then, is the judgment is at the end of the age.
Right? Judgment's at the end of the age. The tares of wicked are burned at the end of the age, which is judgment.
Right? But the judgment's on the last day. So, therefore, when the wicked are taken out, it's on the last day, because the judgment occurs on the last day, and when he says, bind them to burn them, that's talking about judgment, which occurs on the last day, at the last trumpet, which is the day of the
Lord, which is when the rapture occurs. Which is the harvest. The rapture occurs at the last day.
You with me so far? Take a little bit of a break here. Where did
I put the kingdom where I did? In this view? This is the premillennial view. The kingdom of God is in the thousand year reign.
That's premillennialism. Well, I'm just saying, in their view, we'll go to Revelation 20 a little bit.
Yeah, we'll do that. We'll do it. So, where does the thousand years belong then?
Later? The thousand years belongs over here? Over here? Over here.
There's only, prior to the age to come, then the thousand years belongs in this period of time. I'm sorry,
I'm not following you. What? The thousand years is? Well, we'll get to it.
Yeah, we'll get to the thousand years. Okay? I'll show you something.
Okay, hold on. Let me finish this, and we'll do some objections and questions, because I'm going to show you. So far, what we're doing is just letting the
Scripture speak. Okay. Now, it says that the elect are gathered at the end of the age.
The elect. That's Matthew 24, 1 through 31. The entire thing.
The elect are gathered. Who are the elect? Only those who have been chosen.
That's what election is, to be chosen. A lot of people don't like this, but that's what it says.
That's what election is. So the resurrection occurs on the last day. The gathering of the elect on the last day.
The harvest is the last day. The judgment of the wicked is the last day. The wicked are taken out of God's kingdom on the last day.
If they're taken out of God's kingdom, then God's kingdom must be here in order for the unbelievers to be taken out.
So the kingdom has to be before the beginning of the next age, because they're taken out of the kingdom.
Okay. Now let's go to Revelation 20, and I'll show you something.
Yes? Well, take a look.
Let's see. Let's see. All right. I'm just getting a feedback here.
Am I in here? Getting feedback now? I hear my own voice come back. Yeah, it just started happening. That's all right.
I don't want to hear myself. I'm no good. All right. Now, so let's go to Revelation 20.
I just heard it again. Let's give it a minute, because there's time it takes for the – Revelation 20.
I'm going to ask you, when we read this, which is literal, which is figurative. Okay.
Bit by bit. I saw an angel coming down from heaven. Literal or figurative? Literal, I'd say so.
Holding the key of the abyss. It wasn't a literal key, right?
We have a key to a lock. Okay. So it's symbolic of something actual, but it's a little bit of literal there and a little bit of figurative.
So holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. Was the angel holding a chain, a metal chain?
Could be, in order to bind Satan. Okay. He laid hold of the dragon, literal or figurative, and the serpent of old.
That's literal. Okay. Who is a devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years.
Literal or figurative? It's literal. Okay. So he bound him with a chain for a thousand years.
That's literal, binding with a chain. Now, the devil is a spirit.
Do you bind spirits with physical chains? I'm going to go to Home Depot. I got a chain. I'm going to do some spiritual warfare.
Come here. Lock him up. See, I got him. Right here in the chain. It's not going to work.
The word chain here is figurative of something else. There is a figurative context within Revelation 20.
Now, that's when the word thousand occurs. It's not just literal. I'm going to show you something else, too. Now, he owns a cattle.
I forgot the reference. He owns a cattle on a thousand hills. A thousand hills. Does he own it on a thousand and one?
Yeah. Why just a thousand? Because a thousand is a figurative reference for a large number.
A thousand years is but a day. A day is but a thousand years with the Lord, right? Figurative usage of the term thousand, isn't it?
Now, in a premillennial view, Satan is supposed to be bound during the millennial, right? Okay.
Okay, here we go. Let's go to Matthew. Matthew 12, 22.
Oh, that's not it. That's a thousand times. Why am I forgetting it right now? Matthew 12. Matthew 12, 22 through 32.
That's right. All right. What's that?
Matthew 12. Let's start at verse 25 because the Pharisees are saying Jesus is casting out demons by the power of the devil.
1225. And knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.
If Satan is casting out Satan, he is divided against himself, how then will his kingdom stand?
If I, by Beelzebul, another word for the devil, cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out?
For this reason, they will be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Or how can anyone enter the strongman's house and carry off his property, cast out demons, unless he first binds the strongman, and then he'll plunder his house?
Who's a strongman? So in order to cast demons out,
Satan's got to be bound. Right? Let me read this again.
Or how can anyone enter the strongman's house and carry off his property unless he first binds a strongman? Jesus is doing exactly that.
Therefore, Satan's bound when Jesus is on earth. Is that what the text says?
Right? Okay. Is Jesus casting out demons?
Yes. Jesus is casting out demons. They're saying he's doing it by the power of the evil one.
He is doing it by God, by the power of God. And he says, don't you know, in order to do this, you first have to bind the strongman?
So if you first have to bind him in order to cast him out, he's casting him out, therefore he's bound.
Simple logic. Now let's keep going.
Aha! It's a good question, because it's a fair question. He who is not with me is against me, and who does not gather scatters.
Therefore I say to you, any sin that blasphemes me shall be forgiven to people, but blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man shall be forgiven, but not against the
Holy Spirit, in this age or the age to come. Okay? In this age or the age to come, blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. All right? It's eternal, damnable sin. And so, where is that?
Earlier. Yes. Yes.
So that means, okay.
So the scriptures are telling us he's casting out demons. Correct? So they're saying he's doing it by the power of the devil.
And he says in order to do that, the strongman's got to be bound. Who's the strongman?
Okay? So is Satan bound there? Okay. Does the millennial position teach that Satan's got to be bound in the millennial reign?
Yes. So when's he bound, according to Jesus? No. No, because this is the new heavens and new earth.
Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I know you want to believe that we're in the millennium's future.
And you want to believe that Satan somehow is going to be bound later in the future. Jesus said he's already bound.
He said he's already bound because that's what he said in Matthew 12, 22 through 32.
He's bound. That's what it says. Okay.
Okay. Who's the strongman? Yeah. The only options could be the strongman is another reference to another spiritual being of some sort that's not the devil.
But there's no reference at all where anything like that is hinted at at all. The context is if Satan is divided against himself, then he says you've got to bind the strongman.
Because if he's casting him out, if Satan is casting him out by Satan, then when he says
Satan, that's Jesus is referencing the devil himself, and carrying off his property, the strongman references
Satan's got to be bound. So Satan's bound when Jesus is on earth.
Real quick. We've got more stuff. Yes. Real fast. When Jesus was on earth.
Don't know. But 2 ,000 years ago. What? We don't know what that means.
Wait. What? So we don't know.
During his earthly ministries when Satan was bound. That's all I can tell you. Uh -huh.
No, Satan's not omnipresent. Yeah. For Jesus.
Yeah. Yeah. Satan's not omnipresent.
So who's he binding when he casts? The strongman, whoever owns that body, whatever that is. But the context of what
Jesus is talking about is Satan against Satan. So the allusion is to the devil himself.
The crush of the head of the serpent has to do with the atoning work and stuff. Yes. I would say yes.
It's possible to cast out demons before Jesus arrived. Who was being tempted?
Jesus was being tempted, yeah. Yeah. Right. Well, what does it mean?
First of all, what does it mean to bind? Because we could get into some other issues here. I can be bound and still get around.
So we don't know what that really means to have him bound. But the wordage and the verbiage is held by the premillennialist that he's bound during 1 ,000 years.
Now, what does that binding mean? Well, we can have a discussion on that. But it says he's bound in 1 ,000 years, and here he's bound.
I mean, that's just it. What kind of a degree of binding? He's bound. And so that's the whole point, is that he's bound while Jesus is on earth.
Say what? It doesn't say he was bound while he's on earth.
Was Jesus on earth? Okay. He bound
Satan while Jesus was on earth. Right? So that's how we know.
I didn't say that. I didn't say that. All I said was he was bound.
I didn't say he was bound for the whole time, did I? I said he's bound. That's all
I said. All I said was he's bound. Okay.
The thing is, we've got to go with what the Bible says. Oh, we're not quite done yet.
I'll show you something. I'm saving something. All right. I'm saving something. I'm having fun.
But go ahead, Cameron. Of what chapter, verse, book?
Okay. Yeah. The. Well, that's your first mistake.
You should go from the NASB. Because I'm looking at the Greek, and the word is a definite article.
It's the. Okay. Most probably is referring to the person who is being possessed.
I don't know if that's the case or not. Yeah, and you have legions in them.
Right. Maybe. Then maybe it's just another demon that's being bound.
Okay. Yeah. Okay. I got you.
I got you. I'm with you. No, I'm just saying.
I'm just saying. What does the text say? You guys. Okay, hold on a sec.
Yeah, but look. We're doing over this. They say that he's casting out demons by the power of the devil.
That's what they're saying. And he says in verse 26, if Satan casts out Satan. Who is
Jesus talking about? Satan. And he's divided in Fi by Beelzebul cast out demons.
So Satan is casting out Satan. Beelzebul casting out the demons. Then Beelzebul is equivalent to Satan.
Okay. By whom do your sons cast them out? By Satan. If I cast out demons by the spirit of God, then it comes to mind. How can anyone enter the strongman's house and carry off his property?
The context is he's casting out demons. Going to bind the strongman. Who's the only one being talked about in the context of the spiritual realm of the demonic realm?
Satan. That's the only one that's being talked about. Now, I'm not saying it's proof. I'm just saying the only one being spoken of here is the devil.
Jesus talks about binding the strongman who happens to be the devil. That's all I'm saying. You can do what you want with it.
That's okay. It's all right. That's all right.
That's okay. You don't quite agree. That's fine. That's fine. But I just go, well, you know, it could possibly be that the strongman is something besides Satan.
But it doesn't seem to be the case. And then when it says a demon, that's not good. It's a definite article, ton, in the
Greek. All right. The property is the house, so the person.
And later on, in Matthew 12, 43 and following, when the house is swept and kept and empty, the demon comes back and his condition is worse.
The house is empty. So the body is called the house where the demon lives. So it's a human being that's being possessed, and Satan's casting out demons out of a human being.
I mean, Satan's casting out. Jesus is casting Satan out.
That's what he says. Now, another possibility. Here's something. Let me help you guys out. This is what you should say. This will help you out even better in your position, which was not bad.
Now, Satan could just be a reference to all the demonic realm because the representative of him, he's the hierarchical leader.
No, that was a good point then. Okay, I believe you. So that's another way of looking at it. And then if that's the case, then, oh, my position's a little bit weaker.
Okay? It would be so. Yeah. Yeah. I've got similar stuff to show you.
I've got similar stuff to show you. A little bit, yes. I believe that what this is referring to is the binding of the demonic realm and Satan in particular to that extent.
Not a total absolute binding. You can't do anything. You can't walk. You can't do anything. It's obviously the demonic realm is still active.
No, not in Jesus' earthly ministry. Okay, I'm going to offer an explanation which you can laugh at if you want.
Because at the ending of the millennial reign area, we know that the Bible, I forgot where it is,
Satan will be loosed and he'll gather the nations together to war. Okay. When I was first, okay, let me finish.
So one of the things I was learning when I was discussing this with somebody who knew a lot about this, I said, someone's loosed.
And he said something, and I've since come to lean towards that as the position. He said,
Satan is supposed to be released, and then the nations are to be gathered together to war, not only against God but against each other, but they're going to be gathered together to war against the people of God.
He said, could it be that about 150 -ish years ago, Satan was released towards the end of the millennial reign of Christ, which is a figurative thousand years.
Thousands, I'm sorry, but it's figurative. You guys can't convince me of other than that because I've read it too much. That's just me.
So could it be that as World War I, World War II, all the nations, there's more wars now than ever been, that it fits that he was released, and he's been warring and bringing nations to war, and they're going to war against Israel, which looks like what's maybe happening.
That's one of the all -millennial position possibilities. Could be totally probably at work also.
Now let me show you guys something else, all right? Before we get, I got to do this before we run out of time here. No, let me get this because I don't want that to quit and that to quit, and then we'll answer more questions.
Yeah. Now, what I want you to do is go back to 1 Thessalonians 4.
All right? Now I'm going to offer something.
1 Thessalonians 4, chapter 16, verse 16. I have a different version of the
Bible, apparently. Now, we've got this map.
We're going to come back to this a little bit. Now, what does it say?
We're going to read 1 Thessalonians 4 through 16 through chapter 5, verse 2, because there's no chapter break in the
Greek. That's a mistake. Shouldn't be there. All right? Let me find my notes, because it says, where did it go?
Here we go. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, with the trumpet of God, the dead in Christ will rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet him in the clouds and be with the Lord forever. Verse 18, therefore, comfort one another.
Now as to the times and the epics, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. What are you talking about? The return of Christ, the rapture.
For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
So, the rapture, which is also the time of the harvest, where the unbelievers are taken out, which is the last day, figure that out, which is the day of the
Lord, which occurs in the last trumpet, which is the judgment, which is the resurrection, is also the thing that comes like a thief in the night.
Right? Right? Okay. Okay. Pink chalk.
Thief in the night. Now, listen to this.
2 Peter 3, 10. The day of the
Lord will come like a thief. It doesn't say in the night. The day of the
Lord will come like a thief. In 1 Thessalonians 5, verses 1 and 2, it says come like a thief in the night.
I think that's because the world is round, light on one side, dark on the other side. That's what I think. The day of the
Lord. Okay? The day of the Lord is here with the resurrection, the judgment, the last trumpet, the rapture, the harvest.
Okay? And the thief in the night. The day of the Lord. That's the last day. That's the last day.
The day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up.
So this comes here. The day of the Lord, come like a thief. The day of the
Lord is here. And the day of the Lord is when the new heavens are made.
So the rapture, the rapture occurs along with the new heavens and new earth.
In premillennialism, we have the seven year period. We have a thousand years. Then we have the new heavens and new earth.
The rapture is supposed to be roughly here or here. The new heavens is here.
But we see from 1 Thessalonians 4, I mean 4 .16
through chapter 5 verse 2 and 2 Peter 3 .10 that the day of the Lord which occurs here is when the new heavens and new earth are made and the rapture occurs.
How can there be a thousand year reign? That's what converted me to amillennialism 25 years ago, 30 years ago.
When a guy came up to me and said, hey, why don't you read some verses? Well, what's it about? I'm not going to tell you. I said, what do you mean?
He said, just read them. Just read them. I read 1
Thessalonians 4 from 16 to chapter 5 verse 2. He goes, now what?
He said, go to 2 Peter 3 .10. I read it and I went, there's no millennium. Just that fast.
He didn't tell me. He didn't prepare me. Just read. And I said, there's no millennium.
No literal thousand years because the new heavens and new earth happen at the same time as the rapture, which is the harvest, which is the day of the
Lord, which is the last trumpet, which is the judgment. There is no possible way you can have a literal thousand year reign.
What? I'm sorry. Do you think thousand years there?
You're privileged to take it literally. A lot of people do too. They can take it literally if you want to take it literally.
So make it fit. Where's a thousand years fit?
The thousand years is over here? Oh, so a thousand years is over here. So this is forever or just a thousand years?
So then wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You said a thousand years is not forever.
You said it's a literal thousand years. Now you just said a thousand years is forever. So which is it? Yes, you did.
You just said it. So is a thousand years literally a thousand years?
Or is it not literally a thousand years? If you put it over here, it can't be literally. Who says it's literal?
The angel comes out with a chain to bind a dragon by the tail.
Is that all literal? It's exactly what people say.
Okay, well, you know what? And you're assuming that the word thousand is literal.
No, I'm assuming in its context it doesn't necessitate that it's literal.
Okay, so let me ask you. I understand. Where does a thousand years fit?
Okay, where's a thousand years? I understand. Here's my question. Here's my question.
Okay, where does a literal one thousand years, where does it fit?
Which kingdom is it in? Go ahead.
That's all right. Which is what?
Yeah, this age and the age to come. That's this.
That's not this? So the age to come, so the sin will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come.
Okay, all right. Let me ask you then. Let me ask you. So what you're saying then is there's three periods.
We have now, all right? We have a thousand years, which is the age to come, right?
And then we have eternity, right? So blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or the age.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is saying that Jesus cast the demons out by the power of the devil indwelling him. Yes, it is.
No, it's not. Because, okay, what's your first name? Paul. If blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit is unbelief, it cannot be forgiven in this age or the age to come. Okay, okay.
It can't be forgiven this age or the age to come. It can't be forgiven. So how many people were unbelievers who are now
Christians right now? If it can't be forgiven in this age or the age to come, as Jesus said, what you say is unbelief, then nobody could be
Christians right now who were unbelievers, didn't believe in God, and now became Christians.
Okay, hold on, hold on. One thing at a time. You're saying that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unbelief.
That's not in the text, but that's what you're saying. Now, unbelief. So I was an agnostic unbeliever when
I was in my early teens. So unbelief, Jesus says, will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come.
This age, which is what you're saying, or the age to come. This is now. So I can't be forgiven right now, can
I? Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which you say is unbelief, cannot be forgiven in this age or the age to come.
So I'm not forgiven, am I? So right now, I'm an unbeliever. I'm not forgiven of my sins, right?
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Stick to the issue of the logic.
I'm trying to show you that your position, with respect, does not work. To say that blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit is simply unbelief doesn't work. Because people who were unbelievers become believers now.
And Jesus said, if that's what it is, according to what you think it is, then it's not. But if you say that's what it is, then it's not possible for them to be forgiven now.
Their sins will not be forgiven, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. So you say it's unbelief. Unbelief will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come.
I was an unbeliever before I became a Christian. So how can I now be a Christian if unbelief won't be forgiven here?
How can I be a Christian if unbelief isn't forgiven now? So there's no way that you're correct, with respect, sir,
I forget your name, Paul. There's no way that position's correct. So let me show you why this is important, what blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit is. Jesus was baptized to fulfill the requirements of the Old Testament law in order to enter into the priesthood.
You go to Exodus 29, you go to Leviticus chapter 8, Numbers chapter 4. And you'll see what happened in there, that the man needed to be 30 years of age,
Jesus was 30. Anointed with oil, anointed with the Holy Spirit. A verbal blessing given, my beloved son, this in whom
I'm well pleased, had to be sprinkled with water, Numbers 8, 7. Jesus was sprinkled, he wasn't immersed, according to the law.
You can discuss that with me later if you want. He entered into the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, Hebrews 6, 20 and 7, 25.
He did not begin his miracles until after the Holy Spirit came upon him. He was made under the law, Galatians 4, 4.
Made for a little while lower than the angels, Hebrews 2, 9. In Philippians 2, 5 -8, he cooperated with the limitations of being a man under the law.
So he did his miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit in him. That's why he says in Matthew 12, 22 -32,
Because Jesus was doing his miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit, because he was cooperating with the limitations of being a man,
Philippians 2, 5 -8, because he's under the law, Galatians 4, 4. So what he was doing was casting out demons by the power of the
Holy Spirit. That's what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is. Casting out demons, or saying that Jesus cast out demons by the power of the evil one, when the
Holy Spirit was working in him and through him to do that. That's what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is. It's not unbelief. Please do.
So, now, I'm just showing you said that. So where is the thousand year fitting in here?
I went and I said, what's the eschaton, what's the position of Jesus and Paul? This age and the age to come.
In the age to come, eternal life. The full everything. No marriage. Nothing. The age to come isn't a thousand years.
There's marriage in the thousand years. And he said there is no marriage. It doesn't fit. So, where does the literal thousand year reign fit here?
Where is the thousand years going to fit? Because at the end of the thousand years, the judgment, the last trumpet, the day of the
Lord occur. Which means it has to be over here. It can't be over here in the age to come. No, there's not.
No, there's not answers for everything. Now, I'm going to say something here. There's not answers for everything. We went through and we did what the scripture said.
Yes, we did. Did we go through and say, what does it say? And we put it, and I even said, maybe this one doesn't even go here.
Maybe this goes further back. And then we nailed down when the harvest is at the end of the age, because it's the last day.
We did what the scripture said. There's only two ages, and it occurs at the end of the age. There is no literal thousand year reign.
Because if you're going to put it here, you're assuming the literal thousand years, the thousand years literal.
You can't demonstrate it as from scripture. I could do a search on it right now and find just 1 ,000.
Not like 144 ,000, but the number 1 ,000, which I've done a search on in my
Bible program before. See ya. You're going to miss the rapture.
What's that? It's on YouTube, right. We'll keep going. That's right.
Okay. So let me ask a question then, guys.
You show me where the thousand years fits here. That doesn't work?
I already refuted that. That's fair. But I bless you with the
Holy Spirit. Let me tell you, very clearly, it is not unbelief, because it will not be forgiven in this age now or the age to come, as you say, 1 ,000 years.
It will not be forgiven. That means nobody who is an unbeliever can ever become Christian during this period of time.
So that just proves that that position can't be true. That's what it does.
It proves it. Now, if you do a search for 1 ,000, all right, just, in fact,
I'm going to do this really fast. It doesn't say what.
Well, see, that's your opinion.
That's fine. It says that they threw him into the abyss and shut it and sealed over him so that he would not deceive the nations any longer until the thousand years were completed.
After these things, he must be released for a short time. You go to other things. And, okay, when we do what's called hermeneutics, interpreting the scripture, what we have to do is come to the text without assumptions as much as possible.
All right. The reason I went to Revelation 20 was to ask questions.
When we look at Revelation 20, verse 1, I saw an angel coming down from heaven. I asked, is that literal or figurative?
I agree. It sounds literal to me. All right. Holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand, is that literal or is it figurative?
You can't say, okay, okay, hold on, let me address that.
Because it's exactly what I've heard before. It's literal, but he's using figurative speech to describe what's literal.
So you're admitting it's figurative speech. I'm not twisting things.
You said it's figurative speech. Okay. Where's the thousand years fit?
This is what we've all come to with the scriptures. We've got all these scriptures. Guys, if you want, take a look at the scripture references.
Just pass them around. Look at the scriptures. Now, I've got a question.
I'll show you where you can get this on another website of mine. Now, I've got a question for you.
Okay. Where's a thousand years fit here? Literal thousand year period. Where is it?
It can't be here. After what?
This is eternal. This is the age to come. There's no marriage. Jesus says there's no marriage in the age to come.
So, let me ask you, Paul. Paul, are they going to be marrying in? Wait, wait.
Okay, wait. What marriage? I don't understand the question.
I don't understand the question. Guys, guys, I can't. I'm sorry. I don't do well with two conversations.
My brain doesn't focus. Sorry. What? I couldn't understand the question, seriously.
What about it? Oh. Someone's got my notes. In this age or the age to come, they are neither married nor are they given in marriage.
Well, you guys really want to believe the pre -mill, don't you? Okay. People are given in marriage in this age.
That's Luke 20, 34. The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. In this age, they marry.
All right. In the age to come, let's see. I just read it earlier.
Okay. Come on. I just read it. Here it is,
Luke 20, 35. But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and a resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.
So in the age to come, that's that age, there's no marriage. They don't marry.
So if you're going to say the thousand years is here, they marry. I know that position. Okay.
Okay. So it's only talking about the Christians and the resurrection.
Luke 20, 35. Finally, the woman said, in the resurrection, which one's wife will she be?
The resurrection. Where does the resurrection occur? At the end of the age, according to the
Jews. Yes. Which is at the end of the age. Everybody, did we establish the resurrection occurs at the end of the age according to the scripture?
Yes, we did. Yes, we did. I just, this is my position.
Yeah. And I went with the verses. Everyone, everyone what?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I have to understand the words you're saying. I can't understand sometimes. No, it cannot.
No, it cannot. You cannot, you cannot counter everyone. The resurrection will occur on the last day.
You can't say it's not going to occur on the last day. It says it. The last trumpet.
The seven trumpets. The last trumpet.
How many trumpets were there? Seven. Probably the
Old Testament. Probably the Old Testament priesthood, the trumpets gathering Israel. Yeah, yeah.
So we're talking about the end of the age. We're not talking about that. That's what I was talking about. Okay. Let me tell you that I think that you are ill -informed about this.
I don't think you've done your homework in this. And I would challenge you, I would challenge you, I'll give you these notes tonight, and you can go check it and come back next week.
And we'll blab, you know. Okay, not a problem. And you map them out according to what the scripture says and see what you come up with.
Sure. Okay, what about it? Which is what?
Church age. Dispensational. Dispensational premillennialism. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
But at any rate, so you're dispensational premillennial. Okay, that's what you are. You said in the dispensation of the church.
In the age of the church. In the church age. That is dispensationalism.
Which is pre -trib rapture. You got any verses for pre -trib rapture?
Show me one. Revelation 3 .10. Okay, let's go.
This is good. Revelation 3 .10. Because you kept my word from perseverance, get the word of my perseverance,
I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world. Okay, where is that pre -trib rapture?
Keep out of it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you kidding me? Seriously? You know how many people were killed for the
Christian faith in 1900s? So he's going to be kept, all the
Christians are kept out of the tribulation? They're kept out of the tribulation? So the great tribulation, not tribulation.
So this is about the great tribulation. So how do you know that?
Okay, it says the hour. So now the hour is not literal, it's figurative.
And it means the three and a half years. Okay, I got you. We're talking about Revelation 3 .10.
So you're saying then that the hour is now a figurative usage for three and a half years.
You're saying the hour is the tribulation, the great tribulation period, which is the last half of the tribulation period.
You're saying that the hour here, yes it is. Gosh, I used to debate these when
I was younger. Okay, the tribulation period is supposed to be seven years, and the great tribulation occurs when the antichrist, the antichrist goes down to the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem and does his thing, and then the great tribulation period occurs, the last half.
Right, so the beginning of the tribulation period, the church is in, some people say. Some people say it's pre -trib rapture.
There's no pre -trib rapture verse in the Bible because the rapture happens at the last day.
That's right. That's right. I'll tell you what. We're not going to go anywhere because I'm going to give this to you.
You can go study it. I'll challenge you to go and map them out, and you find me where these things do not occur on the last day.
You find me where they don't, and the Bible says they do. We're out of time.
Absolutely. Yeah. I am correct.
I am right. And you are incorrect because I will stand on the Word of God. This is what it says.
We went through the scriptures one by one, and the Bible says, for example, it says that the first ones gathered at the harvest are the wicked, right?
Do you agree with that? Okay, do you believe that when it says two men are in the field, one is taken, one is left, the one is taken or the good?
Do you believe the ones who are taken are the good? Wow. All right.
You're going to have to study it because we're not going anywhere. Let's go. I'll give you this later. Uh -huh.
Yep. Yes. I've been there. Maybe.
And I was trying to show you, you said the hour is a great tribulation.
You're already interpreting the text when it's figurative, obviously. If you have to go to Revelation, not that Revelation is a good book, but that's where you try and develop your pre -tribulation rapture out of figurative usages, then it's not the best position.
I have gone through where it's clearly stated. Does anybody have, besides Paul, and sorry, what's your name?
Yeah. Leroy. Sorry about that, guys. Besides you two, do you guys have any problem with what
I presented? That's a good question.
What's the first resurrection? Some people say that the first resurrection is when you're born again, born from above.
The first resurrection, we're resurrected from the dead. Because we're dead in our trespasses and sins, Ephesians 2 .1.
And then we're born again. We're made alive with Christ. You were dead, now you're made alive. So some people call it the first resurrection.
And the second resurrection is when we're united with our bodies. Now, I'm going to show you something, guys.
Think about this. What I just said. You may or may not agree with it. All right? Let's say you don't. You don't like that interpretation.
Okay. That's fine. If you got a reaction and you said, no, no, no, no.
That's good. Check your reaction and say, but is it biblical? He quoted the scriptures.
Is what he's saying right? Maybe I'm right. Maybe I'm not right. What I'm trying to teach you to do is not just knee -jerk react.
Think. Go through these things and look them up. Go through this and look it up.
What I'm good at is making people think. Make them a little upset. I challenge them.
There's a lot of stuff I hold back and don't say things. I want you to think. I want you to come to the word of God on your own and be able to look at it on your own.
You better not agree with every single thing I say. Because that means one of us isn't thinking. We're going to have differences of opinion.
But don't knee -jerk react because you're premillennial dispensational or five -point Calvinist amillennial.
You go with what the scripture says. Now I'm forced into this position because of this.
I'm also forced into the position from 1 Thessalonians 4 through chapter 5 verse 2 when it says that when
Jesus comes back at the rapture, the times and the epics you have no need of anyone to teach you, but the day of the
Lord will come like a thief in the night. We know that the day of the Lord comes at the last day when the judgment occurs. That's what the scriptures say.
And then when we go to 2 Peter 3 .10, the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the new heavens and new earth are made.
The day of the Lord is when the new heavens and new earth are made. The day of the Lord is when the rapture occurs. This isn't hard.
That's why I'll say it's not going to convince me otherwise. It's not possible. The reason it's not possible, it's like someone saying to me, and you would never do this, but it's like someone saying to me,
Jesus is not God. Really? Are you open -minded? Yeah. But there's no way
I'm wrong about this. Oh, you're not open -minded? Yes, I am. You're simply wrong. Oh, you're arrogant.
That's true. But you're still wrong. If the scriptures say that the last trumpet, the day of the
Lord occurs here and here, then that's what it says. The way to kind of get out of this is this.
This? I'm not convinced.
There's an evidence for it. But you can't say to me only that's how it happened or what happened.
It must be that way. Now, if you've got a question, okay, what if I try to convince you it's not?
Would I be wrong? Would I be wrong? Yeah. That would probably help us.
Australia can't hear you. Australia can't hear me? A little louder. A little louder? Open the door and I'll start yelling to Australia.
This is simply an issue of logic. I'm trying to get people to understand. It might be that the pre -trib rapture is true.
I really do hope it is. Seriously. Okay. But if someone says we know the pre -trib rapture is true because Revelation 3 .10
says it will keep you from the hour of tribulation, that isn't proof. It could be used as an evidence if you interpret it inconsistently with that position to begin with.
Then it would be. Or how about the verse in, I forgot where, God has not appointed us to wrath but salvation.
Okay. They'll say, see, the tribulation is wrath. The tribulation is wrath.
Philipsis. Wrath. Tribulation. Tribulation. The tribulation is a period of wrath.
Right? God has not appointed us to wrath. That's not wrath.
That's tribulation. I love the word tribulation. Philipsis is just a cool word. So he's not appointed us to wrath but salvation.
So they'll say, see, the word wrath there means a tribulation period. Is that what it means?
I've heard that verse used so many times for pre -trib rapture. I'll say, wait a minute. First of all, it could be interpreted that way legitimately.
But I don't think very legitimately. It's a possibility. And notice what it says.
It's appointed to, not to wrath, but salvation.
Not wrath, okay, not wrath, but salvation.
Right? What is this in comparison to that?
Not wrath, but salvation. What's the wrath? Damnation.
Just read the context. Read the juxtaposition. Not appointed to wrath. We are by nature children of wrath,
Ephesians 2 .3. The wrath of God is upon us. We're not appointed, okay, for wrath, but for salvation.
Not appointed for wrath, but for salvation. What does that remind you of? Who's appointed for salvation?
The elect. Oops, that's a verse for Reformed theology. Isn't it?
I don't use it very often for that, but it is. And so I'm just saying, don't assume.
Don't assume. Where's that verse? That's right.
That's what I was going to say. Thank you. Good. 1 Thessalonians 5 .9.
We're not appointed to wrath, but salvation. So people will say, well, the word wrath means tribulation period, so therefore you're going to be tribulation, free trip, raptured out.
It has nothing to do with that. Yes. These notes aren't, but on the
Calvinist corner, this age and age to come, 90 % of it is. So if you go there and you just map things out.
Levin, was there something I said? You offended? Everything I said. Good. All right.
God bless. So you see, now, I want, trust me,
I want free trip. I'm sure I really do. Unfortunately, unfortunately,
I can't. Because the harvest, which is the rapture, occurs at the last day.
And it looks like the day of judgment is the last day. It looks like it's a very short period of time, like a single day.
I get that impression. Now, here's a question before we get to it. I don't believe that what
I'm saying to you is absolute proof. Because there are ways to interpret some of these things.
The day of the Lord could be a little bit longer than a day. That means you've got to go look and see how is the phrase used, right?
Now, the last trumpet, since there's only seven trumpets mentioned out of Revelation, I think it's possible that's literal.
I think it's possible it might not be literal. But I think it's literal. Seven seems to be a literal thing, right?
But seven is also used figuratively. So, but how are we going to know?
I'm writing articles for CARM, debating, doing all this stuff. I can't sit here and study this stuff for 24 hours, five days, and see if I can figure it out.
And people want me to. The last trumpet seems to be the last in a series of seven. The judgment is on the last day.
Well, if the last day is a thousand years, then judgments for a thousand years, that doesn't work.
500 years, that doesn't work. 24 hours, well,
I don't know, does that work? Can God judge everybody in one day? Well, yeah. If he does like this, and it does 10 billion people, how does that work?
You see, the problem here is when we look at this stuff, there are by necessity ways of coming in and saying, well, there's a little bit of figurative usage.
There's a little bit of this, a little bit of that. My solution is this. The scope of scripture seems to be pointing to, well, this age is the age to come.
I think that's pretty simple. There's no thousand years after this.
And the reason I know about that is because of the universalists. I've had to debate them. And we get into Aeon, Aeon, Aeon, and the age, and the age, and the ages, and there's different times.
They break it up into groups. I know a lot about it. That doesn't work. Okay? I have to debate them on that.
But it seems to me that there's this, the age to come, and this age. Two ages. That's pretty clear.
And when we look at this, it happens at the end of this age. That seems to be pretty clear. There's no room for a literal thousand -year reign.
It just doesn't work. Then the post mills will be right.
Yeah. See if you can find evidence for the other side.
I'd like to see someone present the premillennial pre -trib rapture, the pre -trib rapture side. I could see that.
Satan said he was. See you guys. All right. Hope you enjoyed it.
I know you're messing. Okay, you had a question. Right. Heard what?
Yeah, there's a standard rebuttal against the election of individuals, where they'll say, like Romans 9, 9 through 23, the election deals with groups of people, because they don't affirm election of individuals.
And that's clearly refuted by Jesus, electing Jesus as a chosen vessel, a chosen vessel instrument of mine in Acts 9 15.
And he specifically says chosen, which is election. That's what the word is in the broad context. So though they can do that.
And the reason I'm going to all offend people by what I think is a reason to say that, but I believe it's because they're not submitting to the authority and the inspiration of God's word sufficiently and totally, and they want their own sovereignty.
That's my opinion. I believe it's a manifestation of total depravity in our hearts. God is the one who elects us.
We are not good enough in any way, shape or form to save ourselves or be wise enough to save ourselves. We cannot come to Christ unless he draws us, unless he drags us.
John 6 44. That's been granted to us by God. John 6 65. We're born again. Not of our own will.
John one, a first Peter one three. We, excuse me. That's not of our own will.
That's John one 13. We're called to be born again. First Peter one three. He appoints us to eternal life.
Acts 13 48. We, he doesn't do this because he sees in the future who's going to pick him.
That's heresy. What's up?
Well, I thought
I did. No, Matthew 39 29.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened. The moon will not give its light. And the stars will fall from the sky.
The power of the heavens will be shaken. No problem. I actually believe in a tribulation period.
Uh, and the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn. And they will see the son of man coming in the clouds of the sky, the power of great glory.
And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet. They will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other.
And actually another, I think in Mark 13 30, I think it is, it says he'll gather the elect out of the world.
No, it comes back once. Yeah, it has to be. That's actually my notes.
I didn't get to it. 20 ,000 feet to put a rapture, except that with the, with, with this view, then the second coming only is when he touches down the amount of olives.
Okay. And then they would say, that's a second coming. But when he comes back in the cloud, that's not a second coming. That's coming for the rapture period.
That's what they're going to say. And that's going to make a point. And so, Oh, what was it?
Because there's a way that it would make sense for them. Then the wicked.
Okay. So then the Christians will be taken. Then the wicked go through the thousand years and then the wicked are taken out later.
At the end of the thousand years, that's when the wicked will be taken out of the world. Love both to go together till the time of the harvest.
I'll say to the reapers first gather the tears, except the harvest is at the end of this age. Not over here.
So it just, I've, I've, you know, I just don't see pre -millennialism.
I don't see it. I don't see pre -trib rapture. I don't see it. I hope pre -trib is correct.
I really honestly do. I do. History doesn't show that we escaped tribulation.
We Christians go through it and Jesus promised it'll be for us. In fact, in Philippians one 29 to you has been granted, not only to believe, but also to suffer for his sake.
And in the neurotic persecution, it's the neurotic persecution.
Yes, they do. In fact, when Nero and some people believe that Nero, I don't agree with this.
Some people interpret Nero as the antichrist and that great tribulation period, because it fits. There's some preterists will use that.
And what Nero did, nothing is correct, but what Nero did, this is correct. What he did historically, it's accurate.
What he did was he took Christians and he would put them up on poles, put tar on them.
They'd be alive. And then light them on fire in order to light his orgies and his, his gluttonous feasts.
Now those Christians, could they escape tribulation?
Why didn't God rapture them out? Why do we, and this time get the privilege?
Because I believe it's because we're in America and America is an ancient country. And I also believe because the Schofield reference
Bible, which pushed dispensationalism that's promoted in the early 1900s, pre -trib rapture was there and it made people feel comfortable.
That's my opinion. I don't believe it's scriptural, but maybe I'm wrong. Yeah. Not that I've heard of.
I've heard one story I heard was a girl got a vision and she told somebody and that helped pre -trib, but I don't buy that.
Actually pre -trib, I mean, premillennialism and amillennialism are both ancient.
Both positions have been held through the church. And I think. Premillennialism was called
Kili -ism. It's been a long time. Millenarianism.
Okay. So. Thanks. So it's, it's a very ancient thing. It's within orthodoxy.
It's absolutely within orthodoxy. Someone's pre -trib rapture. That's within orthodox. I attend a church.
I'll be preaching in April, but I, there, but I attend a church that's pre -trib rapture, pre, or premill.
And basically, mainly it's been, it's been sensational. And I don't have a problem with that. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that until Darby heard, but a
Swedish girl had a vision about being caught up. Hope it's right. Yeah.
I don't have a problem with that. I mean, visions and dreams and stuff like that. He's had his head up a lot.
Let's see. Yeah. I mean, waiting. Yeah.
And two weddings, essentially. And if it's pre -trib rapture, he's supposed to come back seven years after the tribulation begins.
You know exactly what day is coming back. Right. Atonement.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't know how to answer the question.
It was so long. It was many parts that I'm not sure what part of it. What part?
I'm sorry. Well, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yes. Right.
Right. Exactly. The nations.
Right. Right. Actually, that's a really good point because, you know, it would imply that when
Satan's release of the gospel spread is going to slow down. However, could my position kind of lean?
I kind of, I don't know if it's true or not, but I'd lean towards this, that he was let loose. And then the wars world wars occurred, but that's not necessarily great, but it's speculative.
We might have another thousand years. I don't think so. But the thing is that if the gospel is going to be hindered, more people die for the faith in 1900s than all of history combined up to that point.
And there are more Christians in the world now than ever before. Now that's a strength for the post millennial position.
It says that their Christians are going to grow so many through tribulation that they're going to eventually bring the kingdom of God in that's post mill.
Well, yeah. We don't know how many, plenty of the Christians are Christians, real
Christians, real Christians are developed in real persecution.
Yeah. Yeah. There's more Christians in China than I think all the Western civilization period.
I've heard stories of, of the middle
East, Jesus, they're having visions and dreams of Jesus all over the place. And what's happening in America. I mean,
I'm fighting apostasy all the time inside the Christian church. The great apostasy is second
Thessalonians chapter two. And we request you brethren with regard to the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ and the gathering together to him that says, the coming of the
Lord, Jesus Christ and our gathering to him, the gathering, one gathering, rapture, the gathering, the coming of the
Lord one that you, and it seems to equate it with his second coming that you be not quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as to from us to the effect of the day of the
Lord has come the day of the Lord, right? Let no one in any way deceive you for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first.
The man of lawlessness is revealed. The son of destruction opposes and exalts himself above every so -called
God or object of worship. Okay. So we know that's, that's commonly called, he's commonly called the antichrist.
The term antichrist doesn't occur in the Bible though, but it's referred to, he's the antichrist. It's not the
Greek. And so the apostasy can't occur until the, wait, the man of lawlessness is revealed.
Can't occur until the apostasy occurs. Now, what was your question? Cause that was at first I saw this too. Oh, and this,
Oh, I see. Where would the apostasy occur? Well, it would occur here.
Yeah. Here, you know, it would be, yeah. Including the last day and before the last day,
I wouldn't say, you know, yeah, it's, but you see sub charts.
Let me rub with this a little bit though. So the apostasy has to come first, has to come first, has to come first, but it's concomitant with, but it's associated with the arrival of the antichrist.
And why? Because he can't come unless the apostasy comes first. Now the pre -trib rapture view will say that the church is taken up out and that allows the apostasy to occur.
And then the antichrist is revealed. That makes sense. But the question is, is it biblical? But nevertheless, he exalts himself.
It looks like in the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem, which is happening, which they are training the priests right now to do this.
They found everything they need. All they got to do is rebuild the temple. But right now it's a problem because in the,
I've been to Israel. I've been to there. I've seen the dome of the rock. I've seen all that stuff. Been in the walls and the whole bit.
Dome of the rock is in what's called the court of the Gentiles. So if Israel were to rebuild the temple, then the
Muslims can keep their dome of the rock in the court of the Gentiles. So we have the, the area where the temple's here and there's a court of the
Gentiles. That's where the Muslims are. They can build a temple, but Muslims don't want them to build a temple.
They don't want to do that and have the blood sacrifices go on. So they would fight for that, but Israel's patient.
Now, I don't know what's going to happen, but here's the conjecture. The antichrist comes in and says to the
Muslims, and he might be a Muslim because some people think he might be, and there's more and more evidence for that. The Muslim would say, let him build a temple because you can keep your place.
We can keep our place. And that temple go, that would have to be there in order for this to occur because he has to, um, offer stuff in the temple of God, displaying himself as being
God. He's going to say that he's divine. So in Islam, the 12th
Imam is waiting to be revealed. So he's supposed to come back. So there's probably going to be, probably going to be something with Islam going on.
That's what I think. And the apostasy, the Roman Catholic church is in apostasy.
Now the Roman Catholic church is courting the Muslims, trying to find a way to unify with them.
Okay. Yeah. Yes.
The Roman Catholic church actually says in the catechism, I don't know, 472 paragraph that I forgot.
I got it wrong. I got everything in my head, but it says that the Muslims worship along with the
Christians, the true God. Now I've got the quote on my website. You guys can find it.
That's heresy. There's no way it's sort of 573 and 4171.
They deny the Trinity G. God is a Trinity. And they openly deny the Trinity, deny the deity of Christ, deny his crucifixion, deny his resurrection.
There's no possible way they serve the same God. And yet the Roman Catholic church is saying that they do.
That is just, that to me, it's like, yeah, it's like, are you kidding me? That's stupid.
It's just so wrong. So he's leaving. We talk, man, get them into justification by faith alone,
Christ alone away from the Catholic church heresies. Yes. Yeah.
Well, it's just, it's an apostate church. You know, it's a false church. I've gone through and talked about Catholicism before and read stuff from what their official documents are becoming gods,
Mary atoning for the sins also. She crushed. Yeah.
It's just ridiculous. Ridiculous. Anyway, you had a question. Yes. Who does who?
Oh, no, no, no, no. The only ones who have pre -trib discussions are Christians. Oh, you can repeat the question.
Do any other groups have a pre -tribulation rapture view of all the ones I've studied and all the groups? No. Only ones who have a pre -tribulation rapture view of the, or the
Christian church. Doesn't mean it's right or wrong. I just, that's just what it is. Pre -tribulation rapture.
It's not what I've heard about the rapture. They're starting to teach it now in the
Mormon church, pre -trib rapture. I'm gonna, I'm gonna research that. I'll have to ask,
I'll have to ask Bill. You ever heard about it when you were in the world?
Yeah. Mm -hmm. Oh, yeah. Is it Mormonism teachers? Okay, who had their hand up next?
Go ahead. Yeah, okay, that's true.
The Mormon Church has food stored for the Tribulation Period, so a preacher wouldn't make sense. But you never know, because they switch, they change things.
But if that's what it is, I gotta find out. That's what you were taught. Okay. Let me learn.
Yeah. Explain what post -millennials believe.
Well, well, what post -millennialism,
I got pleurisy. I get twinges in my lungs every now and then. Had it when I was young. So the post -millennial view is basically that through the preaching of the gospel, they're gonna usher in the kingdom because the world will be converted to Christ.
And eventually what's gonna happen is, there's gonna not be paradise, but it's gonna be such a great place to live because everyone will know the
Lord. And at that point, there's gonna be no, there's no, well, not that there's no sin, but it's just the kingdom of God just gonna fully manifest.
I don't know if it does. I don't know how the tribulation fit into post -mill. I don't know.
It's a good question. I didn't know that.
John Finnerty was post -mill. Oh, post -mill.
Well, yeah.
Most post -mills are theonomists. Yeah. Right.
Right. That's just, that's one supporting verses for post -mill. And I remember a pastor, I was, I would, he would have me come in and preach at his church in California every now and then.
And he was post -mill. And I said, how can you be, I wasn't, we weren't arguing.
I said, how can you be post -mill? And he said, don't you believe the gospel? I said, well, yeah. And he said, well, don't you believe in his power?
I said, yeah. Don't you believe it has a power to convert? Yeah. And the world? Yeah. Well, there you go. Okay. Yeah.
They would, they would just say that this goes on further and that the world gets evangelized, but that this is when he comes back and post -mill would be now.
Yes. Right.
But the kingdom was already here. Okay. Repeat that.
So the post -millennials were saying the golden age was coming in, but world war one was to end all wars.
So that, that destroyed the idea of post -mill. See, that's why post -trib rapture is better because you don't get a hope built on something that might let you down and lose your faith.
That's not a good reason, but it's just, you know, you want to be the truth not because it could let you down.
But some, I do know, for example, that a lot of people, when they believe in post -trib rapture, I mean, pre -trib raptures and the days don't come to pass, they lose their faith in what they've been, not only belief in those particulars, but also sometimes in Christ.
And that's it. That can happen to anything for all kinds of reasons. I don't buy that one.
Well, the reason I don't buy into it is because let's see if I can remember the verse
Matthew 24, 24. What does it say? Oh, that's not it.
False Christ, false prophets will arise and deceive many. But it says, if those days be not cut short, there would be no flesh.
And for the sake of the elect. So 24, 22, thank you very much.
Unless those days have been cut short, no life would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
Because it says for them, there'll be a great tribulation, verse 21, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.
Unless those days be cut short, no life would have be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
The elect of the believers to become believers during the tribulation, if it's great tribulation, pre -trib rapture stuff, this would still fit.
Because the elect could be in the tribulation. Yeah.
Right. Right. But then, yeah, they do that. They'll say that it's the destruction of Jerusalem, which there's evidence for that in scripture.
However, the prophecy of the angels about Jesus returning is clear. It's from the heavens, not in the armies.
That just refutes full preterism. Yeah. But not partial. Yes, absolutely.
Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. And there's certain justification, the terminology repeating it, that there's imagery in the
Old Testament of God coming in clouds and lightning and thunder and all that kind of stuff. So they'll take that in the New Testament.
That's true. However, in Acts 1, 9 -11, the angels prophesied, this
Jesus whom you have seen rise up into the clouds, into the sky, he will return in the same way.
And you look at it, it's in the clouds, it's the sky, he's going to come back the same way. So full preterism cannot work just simply because of that.
Partial preterism, I don't have a problem with. I'm partial preterist myself anyway. Yeah. Well, yeah.
I mean, ultimately, yeah.
And it's talking about tribulation period will be saved. Absolutely. You guys got a question online? I'm not a replacement theologian.
I believe that God's not done with Israel yet per Romans 11, 25, 26 or 24, 25.
Partial hardening has happened until the mystery is completed. I didn't get into the mystery issue, but God's not done covenantally with Israel yet.
And so though the Christian church has replaced Israel functionally right now in the promotion of the true Messiah and the gospel message,
Israel has failed to do what it's supposed to do covenantally. God's not done with them.
And when the time of the Gentiles is finished, Israel will be reawakened, so to speak, and then they'll be used of God and all
Israel will be saved. That's my position. Right or wrong? Anybody else online got a question?
Anybody else got any questions? Interesting study? It's interesting, right?
Because you ever heard this? What do you mean? Thanks a lot, Oleg. You guys ever heard this done this way?
It's different, isn't it? So what if you want this information, you can go to my website, calvinistcorner .com,
not trying to convert you to be Calvinist, calvinistcorner .com, this age and the age to come, print it up, go through and map it out yourself and see what goes on.
Just see what it says. But you know what gets me? The rapture, which is the last trumpet, which is the return of Christ, occurs like a thief in the night.
That's the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord is when the new heavens and new earth are made. Now unless it's a period of time, it doesn't make any sense.
That day of the Lord is when the new heavens and new earth are made. It's an event in a particular time and it's a narrow period of time. And because of that,
I cannot see any way for a literal thousand -year period to exist. Live to be a hundred years old?
I don't know. I don't know. A hundred years?
I don't know what that means in any position. It says during the rain or something like that, that the babies will live to be a hundred years old.
But it doesn't make sense to have a baby that's a hundred years old. It doesn't make any sense. The what?
Oh, Kent Hovind, when he and I debated Friday. Oh man, that was not good.
Oh yeah. Yeah. Canopy theory. One of the theories, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, the new heavens and new earth are made after the millennium, in premillennialism.
That's when it would be restored to that. Yeah. Except it happens at the end of this age, not the one to come.
How many saw that? It wasn't really a debate that he and I had, Kent Hovind, but we had a discussion on Calvinism.
How many saw that Friday? Yeah. It's on YouTube. Yeah. He did not.
And to be honest, I don't want, you know, I don't need to debate someone who doesn't know the topic and shred them. I don't need that.
I'm not interested in that. That's not what I want to do. I don't have any gratification in that at all. He did not know what he was talking about.
I had the impression he was someone who was against reformed theology and knew what he was going to do.
I just assumed that he did because the guy said, someone who set it up says, yeah, he's an anti -Calvinist. Well, okay.
Anti -Calvinists have their reasons. I'll discuss it with them. That was in the morning. I said, yeah.
When? He goes tonight. Oh, fine. Tonight. He didn't know what he's doing. Oh yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, here's a story for you. Kent Hovind normally bullies people around?
I don't know. I mean, that's just what I've heard. I told him,
I said, I'd like to sit at your feet and learn from you on this stuff. No, I didn't know that.
He's King James. No, no. All right.
Yeah. So this is what we're talking about doing, uh, on the shack. So, uh, because the movie, the shack's coming out, we need to be prepared.
And, um, I already am. I can talk about it, but most people don't know what the shack is.
The shack is that heresy filled book that makes all kinds of Christians feel good. And then they, they love to giggle with the tickling of their ears.
And it's got heresy in it. Like, uh, the father is crucified. The father is seen, which violates scripture.
That's patripastianism and denies certain areas of scripture that said the father cannot be seen. And, um, teaches universalism teaches that Jesus is basically incompetent.
Can't catch a fish. And John 21, he told Cheshire net and that side, they caught 153 fish. Um, Jesus, or excuse me,
God is what? Yeah. And, um, so in the book, what happens is as you read it, you get the impression that higher education is not good.
All you need is to kind of feel your way to God. And it subtly denounce or demotes God to a buddy next door kind of mentality who talks about farting, who likes funk music, who dances in the kitchen and it's okay.
And then, you know, things like, uh, Mac, cause Mac's daughter in the book was murdered by a serial killer in that very shack that he ended up being called to by God.
And which, you know, it's quite a story, you know? And, uh, so he's transformed and he's healed, but at one point
God says to him, you need to forgive him to release him to enable me to save him.
I mean, this is just ridiculous stuff. So I interviewed Paul Young on my radio show back in 2008, 2009.
And I met him in person when he was at, uh, the, uh, the Naz, the Nazarene, uh, college down over there in Nampa.
I didn't, you know, thanks. And I met him there and I said, let's, let's talk. And he didn't want anything to do with talking to me.
We were passing out literature. Okay. So what are we doing with this shack? Let me tell you what we got going. I got this article that I had written before, and I expanded it, polished it a little bit, and I was going to make a little booklet out of it.
My idea was to make a booklet and offer it to pastors, say, you know, I can't afford to pay everybody to, you know, ship them out, print them up, and we go broke.
To offer pastors a way to have something to give to their church members and say, you shouldn't go to this movie.
You shouldn't support it. It's heresy. That was what, that was the goal. So I'm talking to some of the guys on CARM staff.
This is what I want to do. I say, that's a great idea. Let's talk about this like that. Long story short, way too cost prohibitive.
We talked to Living Waters, Ray Comfort's ministry. Our guy talked to them. They said, great idea, except this is why it won't work.
Cost, cost, cost, cost, cost. 50 cents a booklet minimum. And you need thousands in order to get a break.
It just didn't work. So here's what we came up with. A business card with finding
God in the shack on one side of it. And then you turn it over and it has a
URL, findinggodintheshack .com. And when you type that in, it goes to the article exposing the heresy of the shack.
Okay. And so what, and we've, we've talked, not we, but my, the guy, Ken, he's talked to a whole bunch of evangelists, open air preachers.
Every single one of them is, is loving the idea. Living Waters loves the idea. We print up these business cards and we hand it, go to theaters, hand them out, go out to people, hand them out.
And they can at least go to the site and get a documentation. And it doesn't say that this card does not say the shack sucks .com.
It says, finding God in the shack, because people are going to come out of the movie. It was so good.
I love God now. It made me feel so much better about him because you know, he's not as, he's not into election predestination and the
Trinitarian communicative. He's into what I can get right to him and he's wearing plaid.
He's so cool. And so this kind of thing, what the shack produces. So finding God in the shack, that's good.
Let's go check it out. What? That's what we want to do. And we're going to try and get as many of them out as possible.
We're going to hopefully get it all the card printed up. And then people just got to pray for the printing them, pray for the printing, pay for the printing costs themselves.
I mean, as much as I would like to have CARM pay for all of it and give it away, I've had two paycheck reductions in five years and we're getting other guys being paid in other parts of the world to do their ministry.
Praise God. And so what we're trying to do is, is have other people pay for it because we can't do it anymore.
And it's tough. It'll be the, uh, it'll make sure exactly what we're going to do with it.
We can take that site, call them, make it a macro site, a micro site. I just put the information right up there.
Or we can just have a forwarding. Oh, Ken said, Ken said, it'll go to a webpage within lead pages.
He just said this lead pages has the ability to put tags into it so that people can click on various things and we can see who's, uh, what, who's interested in what more information or whatever.
March 3rd. No, I'm going to first night to review the movie.
The first night it opens, I'm going, Oh, I'm going to go because I do movie reviews on CARM. And, um, so I'm going to do a review on this.
Hmm. Well, let's get the documentation.
If Ken Hovind's, uh, supporting this, the shack, that's not good. This thing is going to, the battery's going to go dead on this.
We've got, we don't have a charger. We can put it in. If you guys want to keep it going. There you go.
Ken Hovind's promoting the shack. That's not good. Okay. You guys,
I hope you enjoyed the, the show and real quick question. Sure. What?
First Peter two, eight. Yes. Uh, because I remember that verse has been a long time.
So I've quoted it, but, uh, first period to it. And to this doom, they were also appointed as what it says.
Oh God, you guys, I got these guys. I can't hold on. We're still on the air. Um, guys, guys, okay.
Um, so, uh, this precious value then is for those who believe, but for those who disbelieve the stone, which the builders rejected, this became the very cornerstone and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for the stumble, because they are disobedient to the word and to this doom, they were also appointed.
So some people say that the reason they're appointed to the doom was because they're rejecting. That's, I think it's a fair interpretation.
So I don't use that verse a whole bunch for that reason, because it could go either way.
I'm going to text, you know, for the night. No, I'm not. All right. We're done guys. God bless. Oh, pastor
Nick and Okinawa. How you doing? Hey, just saying hi. All right. Good. How's that? All right.
God bless. Okay. This is my battery about to go. So I'm going to bail. Okay. See ya. Oh, dang it.
Let me close in prayer. I'm a pagan. I didn't close in prayer. My batteries were getting ready to go.
What? ER? No.
Okay. Well, maybe go over there now. I'm going to go over there.
Well, you know where she is? Find out. Let's go over there. She's in ER now. Okay. Lord Jesus, we thank you for this time and this study.
And we asked Lord that you would just bless the hearts and the minds of those who have heard and hope that they're challenged, even a little annoyed, but that they want to study your word.
And Lord, we lift up Stacia right now to you who's in emergency. And I guess she had that surgery.
It didn't go well. I don't know. But just ask that you be with her and comfort her even right now this second,
Lord. She's in pain. She's been in pain for a long time. We ask Jesus that you comfort her and even heal her right now.
We ask this Jesus in your precious name. Amen. Okay. All right.