6 - Biblical Hermeneutics, Computer Software & Websites


This lesson covers how to use a Bible Software and website. We describe the differences between them and show how they are to be used. To become a student of the Striving for Eternity Academy: http://www.strivingforeternity.org/Striving-for_Eternity-Academy.html


17 - Biblical Hermeneutics, Biographical Studies, Part 2

17 - Biblical Hermeneutics, Biographical Studies, Part 2

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Welcome to the Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Biblical Harmonetics.
This is our last week looking at the tools. We are going to look into some of the latest technology, get out of all that print media that we had looked at, but get into some of the newer stuff that's available.
This is where, this is going to be the class where we save you lots of money. Yes, I like that, being
Jewish, I love saving money. But we are actually, I'm going to give you some ways of trying to get around some of the costs that it can be in doing
Bible study and the expenses of it, it can be hefty.
Now what we are going to do today in this class is we are going to look at different types of Bible software and then we are going to look at some different websites that you can go to and be able to get some resources for free, free,
I love free. Free is like, that's my favorite, you know.
And so that's what we are going to hopefully help you get so you can get some stuff for nothing.
So that's what we are going to go over today. Now, though this lesson is going to be, there's more of just how to use some of these tools.
There's going to be differences, some things we are just not going to be able to go over everything.
Alright? But it's going to be a little bit more hands -on, I may interact more with the chat room, so that, because I actually have some more control tonight since we are going to do it on a computer that's sitting in front of me.
You can't see that, but you are going to get to see the screen later on. And I'm going to bring up some Bible software, show you how to use that Bible software, going to bring up some websites and things like that.
So that's what we are going to have on the agenda for today and we'll take a look and see this.
So, we are going to be today looking at some software.
I'm going to give you, and one of the things with this lesson actually, before we go, if you are a student of the
Academy, you'll have your syllabus and I encourage you to grab the syllabus and make sure you're following along in the syllabus, but this lesson is going to be one that we hope to be able to get this stuff onto a student portal on the website, so that you'll be able to see all of this as it grows, because as we found out even today, some of the websites we are going to give you, well, the way websites are, they sometimes go out of existence and that's what we had happen with one of the websites that we are looking at, that we used to have a great site, it's in the syllabus and it no longer seems to be available.
And so, that's the issue with the web and some of the software. Some of the software, by the time you get to watching this, may not be around anymore and we don't, can't vouch for that, but we're going to go over what some of the major ones are and let's start, so if you grab your syllabus and you look, you're going to see that the first one in your syllabus is
Lagos Bible Software. Now, Lagos Bible Software is one of the ones, it's actually going to be the only tool we're going to look at, because that's the one
I use and that's the one that I actually have for us to take a look at, but the reality is that there's plenty of other good ones.
This is not saying that this is better than all the rest, it's just that this is one that I use, so it's the only one
I can show. We're going to look at this in more detail later, but the number one reason why I like Lagos is because of books, books, and more books.
They got tons of books. On this little device right here called an iPhone,
I can keep all 13 ,000 books that I have in my
Lagos system right here. It's a lot easier, a lot more portable than the 5 ,000 books in my library, okay, in my office, so that's a big reason.
You have a lot, a lot of books that you can get a hold of, so that would be the biggest advantage is the sheer number of books that you have available to you in Lagos.
It's probably one of the best reasons for it. They have more books available, I think, than any other software package.
The big reason that Lagos became big was their searching material, okay?
So, the issue is is that when the searching with Lagos is far more superior,
I think, than many of the others in most areas when you want to search through all of your books and get through everything.
So, the reality of that is where that helps out is that you have, you are able to search, in my case, a lot of books at one time, and so that becomes very, very nice if you want to search, say, everything that you have through, say, a topic.
Say you're studying the life of David. You want to do that and maybe go through many different books or all of your books and find different things.
If you're studying, say, a topic like, well, love is a pretty broad topic, but if you were to do that on,
I'm trying to think of a good topic maybe, say something like,
I'm just trying to think of a good, worship maybe. If you want to do a study on worship, you may want to study everything that you have in your library that may cover
Bible dictionaries, that may cover things like your, so I'm trying to think of some, your encyclopedias, but it could cover commentaries, it could cover books of the
Bible, and that's one way of being able to do this searching.
So the searching ability that you find in Logos is really worth the price.
They've really updated, I'm going to show you this in a little while, but the searching is very good.
It allows the user to search through thousands of books very quickly and you'd have that available.
The real benefit to it is the integrated tools. The fact that it's all integrated together so that you can search from one book, you can search another book, they're linked together,
Logos provides very good integrated tool set that will help you do some serious research and study.
And where that really comes in handy is, some of the stuff that you're going to see is that in Logos you're able to just type in a passage that you're going to study and from that passage it'll organize all the books for you, or a topic per se, and that's, we're going to do something sort of similar like that.
And so, now I'm going to show you Logos, so we're going to hold off on that one for a moment, but one of the things that, the other tools that is very good is
BibleWorks. Now BibleWorks, their strength is in original languages, so this probably won't be for most of you, but if you are looking at something that you really are going to be doing a lot of intense study on original languages,
BibleWorks is probably one of the best. I think they're still in existence,
I hope they're still in existence, so, but they have, their software is really good, that's their strength.
Another one that's really good where you could get very, a large number of books very inexpensively,
I don't know if they're still in existence, is Ages software. Ages provided in inexpensive books, they were in PDF, so being that they were in Adobe PDF format, it didn't provide, other than a concordance search, you really didn't have a large way of studying them, or integrated tools, things like that, and so that made it somewhat difficult.
So let us, I'm going to try this, let's bring this up and see if this is going to work.
There we go, that's coming up, alright, if I shift this over, let me just try to shrink this a little.
Now, as you see with my window here, maybe I can make this a little wider, and you can see more, what you see here is, this is how my
Logos comes up when I first come up. Now, over here I have my passage or topic guide, what it's actually doing right now is it's going to get my, kind of what
I think some people call the newspaper, and what this is, is, this is, let me slide this over a little and see if,
I'm just going to play with some windows here, see if I can move this in a better format. Here we go, and so, what
I have here, I'm going to try to make it easier to read, see now it's going to search it again, alright, so, while it's off searching, so, what we have here is a preference, a preferred
Bible that I can change, I can, here's just some different readings, if I had my,
I can set this up to have my devotions right in here, so that my devotional reading would be right here.
Now, one of the things you see in this area here, this main area, you see that there's a new version of Logos installed, so I chose to get some information about that, but if you look here, they have their blog site,
I can get things like that, but look over in this area, and you'll see this right here is just a passage of scripture that comes up, alright, the death in Adam, life of Christ, and this pops up,
I have a devotional over here that pops up, if I go to the next page, okay, you'll see that what they do is, here is an excerpt of Save Souls for Christ, alright, and here's an excerpt from another tool, and what this is actually doing is, here you're seeing an excerpt on adoption, and what this tool is actually doing is, this is providing for me different tools to give me, remember if you remember in the last class where I said it's good to take
Bible dictionaries and just read a Bible dictionary, read just a different section, a small section, read it, and then from there you can learn by building up over time, well here's an excerpt on the seven churches, here's one on adoption, and I have several of these, and you can organize them differently, some of these are some of their blogs information, here's the river in Eden, and this is just random stuff that they're pulling from different books,
Righteous Noah, here's a devotional from September 16th, so what you're seeing here in this, right off the bat, is just from this home view, is different things that I can look at, and I can organize it differently, you can customize that, to see what you want to see, so that you'd be able to just have some random stuff to study.
Now one of the things they have is these layouts, so let me take a look at this layout here, I'll bring this up, this is actually, this layout here that we have, is what
I've been using to study when I study for the, oh it shrunk it, okay, so this is, it might be hard to read, you don't have to read the text, but what you see here is, this is the
Gospel of John, chapter 17, I'm going through a book on the claims of the deity of Christ through the
Gospels, so I've been working my way through the Gospels, and I'm at John 17, so I'm almost through the rest of the
Gospels, and so I have that up here to read through, then on the bottom here I have my harmonies of the
Gospels, I have two of them up, John 17 happens to be original only in John, but if I was to go to a different Gospel account, let's see, let me just go somewhere at random, and I'll bring up Matthew 5, let's see,
I don't even know what, okay, so here you see, in this one, because you see, I typed Matthew 5 up here, and you see
I have this linked, this little A and A, so I can now search, and my harmonies of the
Gospels changed as well, so Matthew 5, 1 and 2 is also in Luke 6, so that's just a convenient way of doing that, and I can go back to John 17, and you'll see
John 17 switches down here, it's a very nice way of doing that. So that's the nice thing about layouts,
I have other layouts here, this was my layout from some sermon prep, and this may be too big, let me shrink this down a little, okay, but what
I have here is I have my passage guide here, which I'll explain what that is in a moment, and an exegetical guide here,
I'm going to go over those two in a moment, and show you how those work, then I have my different Bibles up here, because I like to study, as you remember
I said it's good to study the different translations, so I have a bunch of different translations up here, and now notice
I open the ESV, and you'll notice with the ESV I have it tied to the Greek here, that's all, that's the advantages integrated.
I happen to have here my commentaries that I was using, I have an information bar, and then some, here the different texts that I have here.
Now I want to show you how I get there, how to use these tools, so I'm going back to my home menu, and say
I have a passage that I want to study out, okay, so I'm going to study something out now, this seems to be a hot topic online these days, is this passage right here, 1
Timothy chapter 2 verses 12 to 14, so I'm going to type that in to my study, and what you see happen now, is you saw that it brought up my study that I had open, my layout that I had open, but notice if you can see here, that what changed is that it's now 1
Timothy 12, 1 and 2, let me just slide this over for a second, sorry for that confusing window, just needed to move that out of the way, so now what you see over here now is this passage guide, what's the passage guide, what you see here is that this opens up and this would give me any notes that I want to make for myself, some people actually do their sermons right in there, then
I have my commentaries here, now if I open this up you see it just, I've got this set to give me the first few commentaries, but if I say more here, look at how many commentaries that are popping up, and you notice here it's going to all the commentaries that have this passage in it, so you see here
I have the New Ungers Handbook, I have the MacArthur Study Bible, I have a commentary on the letters of Timothy and Titus, so you're seeing here that all these commentaries, let me just scroll through them a little bit, so you can get an idea,
I guess it's still trying to grab all these commentaries, so you see I have all of these,
I don't want to scroll too crazily, let me just page down maybe, so you see if I really wanted to go crazy
I can grab all these commentaries, one thing with Lagos that you do have to keep in mind is yes they have a lot of books, but maybe you saw things like this, a
Catholic Bible commentary, you may not want to do that, you may not want to have the
Catholic stuff, but that's available to you if you want to rely on stuff like that,
I'm saying that so you have to be careful, the spirit filled stuff from Jack Hayford, not that I like Jack Hayford, but I got his stuff in a package deal, so that's why
I have that, but it does give me as you see all of these different commentaries that I have available, now next thing that pops up is some cross references, see and I don't have to open all these books,
I can open any one of these commentaries, I'll grab this one here, click on it and you'll see it suddenly popped up down here, the
Baker Illustrated Commentary, so you know that pops up over here, okay, and I can now read through and get a picture, it's illustrated so, and I can read through this, alright,
I get the cross references, this is really valuable, so I have the New Treasury Scripture of Knowledge, this gives me all of the cross references, so woman, where does the word woman show up, this idea of silence, well here's a cross reference here to Isaiah 58 on silence, now do you notice this, do you notice how
I just hover over it and it brings up the passage, I don't even have to go flip to look it up, there it is for me, okay, so I can go through this passage and see everywhere where it's cross referencing another passage of Scripture, so here's all my cross references, my parallel passages, so any passages,
Genesis 3, well gee, that's no wonder why that one would come up in a passage that as you see here, the passage is
I do not allow a woman to teach, now I want you to notice, see this information window, watch what happens as I hover over a different word or have authority over a man, ooh, look, over to the right the word authority is covered, over a man instead to be silent and if I hover over that in my information window, that pops up, what you're getting there is some information that you can change what it looks to, for me,
I'm looking up some of the Greek works to check out each of those words, so I can look up with these tools,
I can look up here some of the Old Testament quotations that are referred, some of the parallel passages, okay, here we have some, a little bit of an outline, here's different outlines that people have, different books that provide an outline, we have some different tools, this one wouldn't be a great one to look up for Biblical people, but you have different images maybe, if you're going to teach a class that may be helpful, different Biblical events, this one doesn't have a whole lot but it does refer to the creation of man, the creation of woman and temptation, and the first sin of Adam and Eve, so that would come up, different media, now this next thing is kind of interesting, look at this, this shows you which words seem to be of greater importance based on the text, so it gives you different topics that are tagged by, in larger, here you see authority seems to be the biggest thing here that is, comes up topically, and so you can look here if you want to study a specific topic, here it is by illustrations, so all your illustrations are already there, if you're going to do a worship service, if it is for Sunday worship, here's even some worship that could be, go along well with it, this is some interesting words that, there's different ways that they try to illustrate it so you can find things, this right here is a really neat tool, this happens to be this passage, and what this is, is this is called a version river, and this shows you the differences, now
I happen to be working off of the main, my main text here is the
Holman, the Holman Christian Standard Bible, but you see this is my
ESV, my authorized, my New King James, and my Net Bible, and what you're seeing here is not a lot of difference here, they're pretty similar, this shows you how close they are, so you're seeing that from my central text, they're all equal distance, and you're seeing that within here, if we choose a different text as we may do later, you'll see some different variations in this chart, now here is, they tie it to different things like sermon audio, and again you're seeing can't vouch for who's going to show up in here,
Joyce Meyer, I don't know if this is them or someone speaking about them, but these are different sermons people have, different sermons that people have installed into Lagos, different sermons people have in Sermon Central, so you see, all this is integrated, that's what
I'm trying to show you here, the really nice thing that I like about this is this exegetical guide, now some of these things you may not know how to use, that's fine, but you have your grammars, you have visualizations, but then you have a word by word, and this is really important and really good, here you have a word by word breakdown, now
I happen to have it with just showing the first three key texts, and so you're seeing my first three texts,
I can increase that to more of them, or I could click this more and get all of them, now you're seeing here now all of a sudden
I had a whole lot more, if I want to hear, how do I pronounce this word? Didasco, give me a second and I'll do that, this takes a while sometimes to bring up, but here's the word that I can open,
I'll show you that in a second, didasco, diakados, diakoso is how it would be pronounced,
I don't know why it's not coming up, but you can press this and it'll pronounce it for you, you have the
Greek here, you have a transliteration, you have the meaning, and then you have, you see here, it means to instruct, to teach, teach oneself, to learn, to have taught, to instruct, to teach, you're seeing the different things, but maybe
I want to go into more detail on one, so I click on it, and you see it pops right up into my window here, and I can look into more detail about that individual word, in the sense of a tutor, to put in the mind of someone, different ways that this is used,
I can just hover over it, and again, because it's all integrated, you're seeing it pops up with that, and that's probably not a real good one, but here it pops up with all of my, the lexicon here, of the different words, alright, so you're seeing that you can very quickly find out more about word by word, now say
I really want to learn about this word to teach, I can just click on this here, and you see it'll bring up another study which is really nice, is this, what's called a
Bible word study, and see now, I have the word teach, this is as it's translated in ESV, okay, taught, or directed, so as we're seeing here, it's most often teach, teaches, teaching, sometimes it's taught, and now you see as I hover over that, you're seeing the individual
Greek, if I was to look at the Greek, or on this side for teach, and this is if I'm going to look up the different words, okay, based on this
English, so I had looked it up in the Greek, but we can do this for an English word as well, if I wanted to click on the teach now,
I have all these verses that show up, okay, if I click on this word teach, you see, it's now going to give me the word teach in English, and now
I'm going to have the Hebrew, all the different Hebrew words translated for teach, and here's all the
Greek words, and I'm going to have the different searches that I can do, I have my different results here for that word, okay,
I'm going to go back to the Greek one, I want to show you one other thing here, is you have the number of times it shows up, let me close that, so again, if I open this, it taught is 24 out of 97 times, if you look at this 97 here, you see a 97 there as well, now with this provides, you see how
I cover over this, and it shows me the different books, it'll show me, for example,
Colossians is a relatively small book, yet you see that this line goes all the way up to the top, that's because even though Colossians is a small book, based on the number of verses,
Colossians has three times that the word is used in that small book, so this has a higher line because it's showing you that this book uses it proportionally more than the others, but if you want to see which books are using it, you can just hover over and you can see which books, you know, 1
John has three, we look at 1 Timothy and it has three, okay, so I can click on that and then that will show me yet another chart, okay, that I'm having here,
I could show that shown this way, I could show it as a pie chart, I could show it as a column chart, different ways of showing that same information, so you see, this becomes a fun way to study because you can do all this integrated stuff, alright, and so this becomes very, very valuable, okay, in our study, and so let's pause that one and bring it back to me, here we go, and so one of the things
I hope that you see there is that we can do a whole lot of things there with this
Bible software, now one of the things I'm going to tell you, I said I'm going to save you some money, so this is the first way I'm going to save you money, okay, one way to save you money is the fact that what you can do with this
Bible software is you buy it in bulk, okay, if you buy the
Bible software and you buy it in large volumes of books, in Lagos, you can save money a couple of ways, one, they can go to their website and do their pre -pubs, get the lowest price possible for the books you want before they're actually published, or they have a bidding process so you can do things like that, one of the other things that you can do is when they buy, they have their packages, so they have like a, and they change the way they word the packages, sometimes it's a scholar's package, it used to be gold, silver, platinum,
I think I'm on what's called a portfolio, but if you buy a large volume, they have different level packages, but the larger the packages, they throw a lot more books in it and then you get a better discount, so if you buy it in bulk, it helps, alright, so that's a big thing for you.
Now, let me bring up, let's resume that and switch to, let's switch windows here to Chrome and here we go, so let's go to there, alright, so these are some different websites that I want to go to, again, saving you money so that you can see, you get this stuff for free as long as you have access to the web, alright, and there's a lot more in your syllabus,
I encourage you to go to the syllabus and look at that, but we're going to go just through some of them, this is
Bible Study Tools, this one was sent to me from someone, and again,
I can't vouch for everything that you see at these sites, I can't even vouch that the websites will still be there, can't vouch, you're not going to get a bunch of ads, but what this one is trying to do, if you go under Bible Studies, so here's a library actually, let's start there, oh,
I guess we should start with the Bible, here you can, I'm not going to sign up for their free newsletter, but you can get, you can browse the
Bible, okay, bring your Bible up, you have here your library, so you see here under library you have concordances, okay, so you have your different concordances, you have your dictionaries, remember these are all the tools we went over and here they are, these are some of them that are for free,
Eastman Bible Dictionary, I think we might have mentioned that one, or the Baker's Evangelical, and these that you can get for free, you can get even some lexicons, now you may not have a large selection here, but you get some, here's the
ISBE that we mentioned last week, alright, here now you have Bible Studies, so you have different devotionals that you can bring up, you have a parallel Bible, so you can choose different Bibles, so what do we got here,
New King James and New International, and we'll stay to our 1 Timothy 2, 12 to 14, and so if we do that, we see it in two different translations that show up, that's a pretty nice thing, if you want to read and compare them, you have an inner literary, if you want to look up the words, so again we're going to search 2
Tim, we'll just grab that, and we could choose, okay we'll choose, we don't have a lot of choices here in the inner literary, we could, this is just telling us to check the display for fonts, but we could probably change the fonts, but you're seeing all this stuff is right here for you, topical verses, they have sermons, sermon illustrations, they have, you know, if you need to teach and you're going to look for illustrations, here's some sermons themselves, different websites with a collection of sermons, so that's one website that you can go to, here's another, similar things, and you're going to see all these have similar, some similar stuff, here you have audio bibles, that could be pretty nice in different languages, different translations, so you can get maybe different, even different people, let's see, you have
Dramatized, you have Max Laclean, George Sarah, so you have different people you can choose, and you can hit play audio, and it will start reading to you, oh,
I know why the audio never came up, because I had silenced the phone, or silenced, here we go, maybe now you can hear it, this is
Dramatized, so let's go for it, okay, so I had muted the computer, so it wouldn't make noises, here's topical index you can do, okay, devotionals, you have reading plans, so you can set up, some of them set up your own reading plan, alright, you can get an app here for your iPhone, and get this on your iPhone, or iPad, or Droid, so you see all this is available, and you can do a passage lookup, this is the advantage of different websites, we'll go to Blue Letter Bible, someone showed me about this one, so again you're seeing here different commentaries that they have, you have some audio and visual commentaries, that's what might make this one a little bit more unique, is some of these commentaries, okay, so this is
Walter Martin, so you have references, so here you have
Bibles Encyclopedias, so you can search again by, let's see,
I don't know what this is, so here you have this word, so you have these different ideas here, okay, and so you have these resources available to you, timelines, charts, outlines, so here you have a chronological map, it's kind of nice, timeline of the
Apostle Paul, so these are different things that you can do that you have available to you with the different websites, they're all going to be a little different, so this is
Blue Letter Bible, and I encourage you to go to each of them, if you have your syllabus, you have a list of them, not all of them, we're going to try to get them all on the website, the studylight .org
is something that someone sent to us recently, so they have some original language tools, they have some
Bible study tools, commentaries, and you're noticing some similarities with all of them, these are really helpful for people who live in areas where they don't have some of this available, this is on someone else sent us,
Bible Hub, so again you have atlases, you have Bibles, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedias, a library, interlinearies, lexicons, you're seeing all of this stuff, that we've, all of these tools we've gone over, and they're all right here for you to click on, so you're able to do that, and you know, go to different areas, actually it looks like they have some different maps here, so here,
Asia Minor, maybe you just want to pick a map at random and take a look at it, you know, get a little close up here, so these things are helpful to you, all right, and you know, so if you're seeing
Bible Hub, this is a hub of tools, that took us, when we clicked on it, to Bible Atlas, so maybe they have multiples here, yeah, this is taking to Biblesuite .com,
so you see this is, the Bible Hub is giving you a bunch of different sites, this, my pastor told me about this one, this is
Precept Austin, not as familiar with this, but this has a lot of information here, where you can go through inductive
Bible study, you can do Greek word study, you can do commentaries by a verse, so a lot of different things that you have here, let's see,
Bible -Researcher is one that was given to us, I have a lot of, I'm not familiar with this one, and then this one is
Executable Outlines, what this one is, is one that was told to us where there are outlines, overviews of books of the
Bible, so if you want to get some outlines to help you in your study, you're going to see why an outline is important as we get into the next few lessons.
Monergism .com was sent to me, this, actually this one I happened to bring up in their
Dictionary of Theology, and was looking up Womanhood and Feminism, so that's what's coming up, and this has a bunch of different references that we can look up in there, but this has just a dictionary of different essays and articles that you're seeing here, essays on forgiveness, sanctification, maybe you just grab a topic that you're just curious of, or you want to study something out specific, you're seeing here, alphabetical ordering of it, so you're seeing some, you know,
Calvinism, creation, creeds, death, just randomly looking at some of these, Islam, so this is going to give you a study on those things, alright?
This is CARM .org, this is Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, put together by a friend of mine,
Matt Slick, and in this one here what you have is a whole lot of apologetic information, you have difficulties of the
Bible in different books, let's go here actually and see, you know, there's different passages that people think have some difficulties, you'll have information on Christian life this is a new section they have on persecuted section, you have religious groups if you want to study them, different cults, stuff like that, a lot of information that's out here, video and audio, alright?
This is also, this one now, so that was CARM .org, this is BibleBB .com, this is done by a friend of mine, and he puts this together, what you're going to see here is sermons by a bunch of dead guys and some living guys,
Tony Kaposha is, you'll see some of his stuff, he's the one that puts this site together, you can get all this downloaded to you, this is a great source if you like John MacArthur, he started transcribing
MacArthur's sermons, I don't know if actually he has John MacArthur's sermons up here anymore,
I think they moved all of his work over to Grace To You, but they still have a bunch of sermons from a bunch of really good dead guys, and so here's different topics by different authors that you'll see in here, different, you know he's got different people that he's grabbed different messages from and put up here, so you know sometimes you want to just study a sermon and here's just a collection of them, alright?
Another place to go if you want sermons is sermoncentral .com, here you get a whole bunch of sermons that you can look at and from here you're able to see all the resources, you can see sermons, you can see illustrations, you can get videos, powerpoints, whatever you want, but that's the advantage of having some of this bible software, alright?
And that becomes really really good to have, again, save you money, it's free,
I love that, free, that's for me, you know? And so we have that, some of the tools that you have available that you can go through, that you can get, so those are some things.
Now, next class we are going to start looking into the keys of biblical hermeneutics and the inductive bible study, and so we're going to dig in on section 3 of your syllabus, get into a whole lot more detail, and that will be very very valuable.
This is, next class is where we're going to start really digging into the understanding and interpretation of the bible.
Now that we're done with all the tools, and now that we've gotten you at the end, we're showing you how to use all these different tools and where you can get them, whether through computer software for some kind of big bucks, but you can even save, it saves a whole lot on buying all the print stuff, or you can get it online and kind of pick and choose what's there for free.
If you have any questions or maybe you have some other websites for us or bible software, email us at academy at striving for eternity dot org, academy at striving for eternity dot org, and we'll check that out and hopefully compile a list and add all those in.
Now, with that next week, I hope to be here next week.
The issue is that next week, July 20, July 20, sorry,
July, what month am I in? September 20th will be the NorCal Fire, norcalfire .info.
You can register right now while there's still time and go to that.
Now, I will be coming back Monday, so if all is well and my flight is not delayed,
I will be in time and in studio for class, and if not, I may be in the air and then no class, so we'll have to see how that works.
So, I encourage you to sign up for the norcalfire .info to get the information on that.
That'll be Matt Slick, Tony Miano, myself speaking on the importance of Christianity, the importance of getting
Christianity right. So, that'll be very valuable to you. Now, with that, I want to bring out a brother of encouragement for you.
This brother of encouragement is one that was very, very active in the
NorCal Fire, and that is Dan Bowen. Now, I put you there, you get his
Facebook page. I like that picture of him that I grabbed off his Facebook because if you look in the lower left, you see what he's got on his right, his coffee cup.
That's basically how you always see Dan. I don't think I can remember times I don't see him without a coffee cup in his hand, but Dan is a good brother.
He does all the legwork for the NorCal Fire. He got us the host church. He gets the volunteers.
He works with all of them to get everything together. He does a tremendous job helping us out, putting a lot of the organizational efforts to be able to host a conference like that.
If you're in your area, maybe you can help us get into your area, but Dan is the guy in Northern California, San Jose area, that helps us out.
So, you know, Dan is a man who... Hey, wait, that rhymed. Dan is the man. I said
Dan is a man, but that's true. Dan is a man who has a heart for the Lord. He goes out evangelizing with his team, the
NorCal Seed Sowers, regularly, has a real heart for the gospel and for people.
He is, I think he's the head of Project Ezra. Project Ezra is a group that goes out and reads the
Bible in the open air. So, they get out there and they just read the Bible, and so this is a neat project to be part of.
So, what you see there is some where people can get up in the open air and just read
God's Word. It's really a good place to start if you want to start open air preaching. So, I encourage you to encourage
Dan this week. He can use your encouragement especially this week, but he can use it every week.
So, you can just keep trying to encourage the people that we ask you to encourage. We want to build within each of us a heart of encouragement for others.
Maybe it's just because I'm really bad at encouraging and I need the constant reminders myself. So, maybe this is just me doing something that's helpful for me and you're all going along for the ride.
Maybe, but I do hope that it's encouraging to you. Next week we will cover the topic of the keys to biblical hermeneutics.
We're going to look at things like context. We're going to start digging into how to interpret God's Word. I really hope that you come out.
That's going to be a great lesson, enjoyable lesson. We look forward to seeing you next week.