Deliverance Minister’s Chest Felt Different After the Angel Removed the Demon

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


Praise God for His sufficient word! Part 1:


What say you? Can prophets have demons? Well, a Christian can have a demon, but specifically within the last couple of years there's been an increase with either prophets needing deliverance and prophets seeking deliverance.
Welcome back to our extended breakdown series in which we are examining an important book to charismania today. It's Alexander Pagani's Secrets to Deliverance in which he seeks to teach
Christians that they can and probably do have demons inhabiting them from which they need deliverance so that they can then go and cast demons out of other people and even cast demons out of themselves.
This is the book that convinced Greg Locke of Deliverance Ministry which led him to partner with Pagani and Saldivar and the other demon slayers to carry on this revival of Christians being delivered from demons.
Don't get me wrong, I believe the Bible that demons were being cast out in the gospels by Jesus and his apostles and I believe that can happen today, but not to Christians.
Last time we began to examine some of Pagani's claims at the very outset of the book. He claims to be the recipient of special revelation and last time we talked about his use of the term
Mysteries of the Kingdom into which he claims to have been given special insight. And we talked about that against the biblical theme of mystery.
You can find the link to that video in the description below. We're going to move past the acknowledgements today and talk about the sufficiency of scripture and what is a seemingly subtle way in which
Pagani undermines the Bible's sufficiency. Pagani begins his introduction with a story of his own deliverance and how an angel was holding him on the floor by placing a foot on his back and was whispering in his ear,
I've been sent to remove this demon, I'm allowing it to manifest so I can remove it.
Do angels cast out demons? Do angels remove demons from people? Anyway, the demon leaves and the angel says the demon of destruction is gone now, don't look for it.
Okay, so Pagani had his anger demon removed. Okay, so that's quite an introduction. So this is an experience he claims to have had, it's an experience.
In the next paragraph, he says it was that experience that convinced him that day that quote,
Christians could not only need deliverance, but demons could lodge themselves in hidden areas of our lives, both in our souls and in our body parts.
Oh yeah, I did forget to mention, Pagani says that his angry bravado from growing up in the
Bronx was something he could literally feel in his chest, which turned out to be the demon that the angel removed.
So he already believed that Christians could have demons. He got delivered, he says, and learned that demons can inhabit body parts because and I quote,
I knew the demon that caused me to feel such rage was literally residing in my chest because after I was set free,
I felt a physical difference. So if you didn't know, that's what this whole book is about, getting deliverance from demons that are hiding in body parts and we'll get to the rooms of the soul in a moment.
I just want to make it very clear so that we're all on the same page because my mind is repeatedly blown by how bad this book is.
His doctrine that he has created is founded upon not a long, careful, diligent study of the scriptures, but because his chest felt different after he laid face down on the floor for half an hour.
Now he's selling books and speaking all over the country. All right, so that's the body parts doctrine and we'll talk more about that, but on the next page, page three, he tells us about how he got even more revelation later on.
He says that he had a dream and in it he was approached by a well -known ministry leader, but doesn't name him, of course, who told him to open his hand.
He writes, when I did, this person gave me a little book with the title, The Secrets to Deliverance, shining in gold letters.
The minister then closed my hands and I woke up. I guess we'll just take your word for it. How to sell a book.
Claim God gave you the book in a dream. So Alexander Pagani, who claims to be an apostle, has clearly been commissioned by God to share with the world the secrets to deliverance.
You'll notice that no scripture has been introduced yet and you wonder, why did Pagani get into deliverance?
How did he come to believe this stuff before these experiences he claims to have had? Looking back briefly at page two, he gives us a hint.
I got saved in prison and learned deliverance because I and people I minister to were dealing with issues that counseling and inner healing couldn't seem to solve.
You know the saying, the devil is in the details. I don't know what he's referring to with inner healing, but if he's a
Christian, then I could only assume that by counseling, he means biblical counseling through which the word of God is meant to minister to the believer.
The word of God, which is sufficient for life and godliness. The word of God, which is profitable to teach, reprove, correct, and train in righteousness.
That word of God couldn't seem to solve issues, probably because it was in the hands of incompetent ministers, probably telling people to prophesy over their situation and yell at the devil.
The fault is not in the word of God, which Pagani so subtly suggests, but in the man who isn't wielding it properly.
So before we get into the sufficiency of scripture, Pagani is going to reference a verse now when he introduces his doctrine of the fragmented soul.
Quote, from that day until now, my spirit has been receiving download after download of insight into the realm of the human soul and the demonic.
Shortly after that dream, God began showing me why it can take so long for some people to get free, including myself.
God revealed that the human soul can be shattered in pieces, as Psalm 7 2 says, lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces while there is none to deliver.
Humans hide not only in body parts of Christians, but now also in these fragmented pieces in the human soul until someone cleans up the mess and picks up the pieces.
Each of these pieces represents a part of you or a fragment of your personality. When I first received this revelation, which by the way, sounds like he just had an idea and then found a verse he thinks he can use to support that idea.
I called these pieces fragments, but as time progressed, I began seeing the revelation throughout scripture and I recognized these fragments as rooms in the soul.
Then he began to teach it. So after subtly downplaying the profitability of God's word, he proceeds to butcher it.
The goal of the psalmist in Psalm 7 is not to teach the metaphysical anatomy of the soul. David is voicing his complaint to God as he is unjustly persecuted.
He likens his enemy to a lion. He likens his enemy to a lion and himself to a defenseless sheep should the
Lord not intervene. And that's really all he's saying. The enemy of God's servant is likened unto a lion repeatedly throughout the
Psalms as a lion tears a sheep so his enemy will kill him. It's a simile. The use of the word soul here is simply to refer to himself.
It does not mean that your soul can actually be torn in pieces in which demons can then hide.
David, in voicing his complaint to God, isn't teaching that there are rooms in your soul. This is like basic Bible interpretation.
This isn't even hermeneutics. This is just common sense. This is reading comprehension. But this is how
Pagani treats most of the scripture referenced in his book. We're in for a wild ride. Again, if this is any indication of the way scripture is handled by these men, then it's no wonder they found the word to be insufficient.
The question that needs to be asked and answered is, is the Bible sufficient? Is it alone enough for matters pertaining to our salvation?
Or do we need revelation from other sources and through other mediums in order to be equipped for life and godliness?
Do we need the demon slayers? In God's kindness to us, this question has been asked and answered already.
When we say the Bible is sufficient, we mean that everything necessary for saving faith and spiritual life is contained in the scriptures.
That means that for matters pertaining to our salvation, we do not need anything outside of the
Bible. Is this the historical position of the church? Absolutely. Irenaeus wrote, We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation than from those through whom the gospel has come down to us, which they did at one time proclaim in public, and at a later period, by the will of God, handed down to us in the scriptures, to be the ground and pillar of our faith.
Jobeke reports that when an early bishop of Rome based an argument on tradition, Cyprian responded, If therefore it is either prescribed in the gospel or contained in the epistles or acts of the apostles, let this divine and holy tradition be observed.
He argued, What obstinacy is that or what presumption to prefer human tradition to divine ordinance and not to observe that God is indignant and angry as often as human tradition relaxes and passes by the divine precepts?
He warned, Custom without truth is the antiquity of error. John Calvin wrote, All our wisdom is contained in the scriptures and neither ought we to learn nor teachers to draw their instructions from any other source.
William Perkins wrote, The sufficiency is that whereby the word of God is so complete that nothing may be either put to it or taken from it which appertaineth to the proper end thereof.
And William Aymes said, All things necessary to salvation are contained in the scriptures and also those things necessary for the instruction and edification of the church.
The historic confessions of faith teach the sufficiency of the scriptures. The holy scriptures are the only sufficient, certain, and infallible standard of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.
Okay, so it's the historical position of the church, but is it biblical that the Bible is sufficient? From the scriptures themselves, we can plainly see that their sufficiency was baked into the canonical consciousnesses of the biblical authors.
The first biblical author, Moses, says in Deuteronomy 4 .2, You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the
Lord your God that I command you. Clearly, even though the people of God did not have the full revelation of the completed scriptures, the revelation they had was enough for their saving knowledge, faith, and obedience, so much so that they must not add to it.
The Bible also attests to its own sufficiency in wisdom literature. Every word of God is tested.
He is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.
The Bible asserts its own sufficiency in texts like 2 Timothy 3, 15 -17. From childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
The Bible closes with a chilling warning about adding or taking away from itself. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to them,
I will add to him the plagues which are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy,
God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city which are written in this book.
The sufficiency of the scriptures means for whatever issue regarding our faith in life as believers, the answer, the comfort, the solution, the encouragement, the help, the correction, the truth is contained in the word of God.
The church does not need Alexander Pagani's dreams and vision. The church should have nothing to do with a man claiming to have received downloads of revelation that you really need for your spiritual life.
Men who say those kinds of things are lying to you. They must be marked and avoided so that they do not continue to prey on ignorant sheep.
Next time we are going to move further into Pagani's book where he spins a tale about the need for Deliverance 2 .0
because the demons have learned the old strategies which is of course why we need his new secrets.
We'll also dive deeper into the sufficiency of scripture and break it down a little bit more to say that the scripture is sufficient because of its properties, its clarity, necessity, authority, unity, efficacy, and veracity.
Twisters of scripture like the demon slayers want you stressing about whether or not you have demons so that you'll keep coming back to them as your source for truth.
But you have the sufficient word and the more you know it, the better equipped you will be to contend for the faith against this kind of notary.
Without wanting to hinder the Holy Spirit, you've opened yourself up to a deceiving spirit in Jesus' mighty name.
But God says all tormenting spirit goes now. Tormenting religious spirit goes now.
Ouch now. Ouch now. Ouch now. Leave in Jesus' mighty name.
Nope. Mm -mm. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Is everybody in the world blind?