The Tools of Our Rebellion Are Simple

AD Robles iconAD Robles



We are back. That's right. We're back. It has been almost a week and a half since my last upload
I missed you guys. I really did but I was at the fight last feast conference and it was quite a conference indeed
You know every time I come back from one of these I am energized emboldened excited
And you know all that kind of stuff right and it's just it's just such a good time It's good to see everybody a lot of familiar faces at this point
And so thank you for everybody who introduced themselves to me and my family actually brought my whole family this time
Which was a challenge because the kids were all getting into everything, but that's okay That's okay. If I if I had a chance to meet you.
Thank you so much for introducing yourself so many Just encouraging words from people so many interesting stories
There was some people that I hung out with on the last night at a bar I went down to the bar to watch the
Mets game and I spent some time with a few people, and it was just it was just really good very encouraging lots of good conversation
What one thing that I find interesting is you can always there's always a difference between like Someone that you know has been at these conferences or been around these people for a long time and then like first -timers
Cuz there's always a few first -timers look I dragged my brother to the conference or my friend or something like that And they've always got sort of a wide -eyed look like they they have not experienced anything in Christian circles like the fight last feast conference.
It's just a it's a completely different Vibe there's just no question about it one thing.
I did want to mention. This is a funny conversation I had well actually this is a conversation I had multiple times and that that tends to happen to at these conferences.
I think everybody Everybody's like on the same wavelength here like we all have these independent thoughts, but they're like the same thought and you know one thing that happens to me pretty much all the time is
People will come up to me, and they'll introduce themselves, and they say hey wow you're taller than I thought you would be or you're
Bigger than I thought you would be and sometimes like kind of in a low -key like nice way say let you know on camera
I look like I might be pretty weak or skinny or something like that and I oh
I always take it as a compliment of course and But but I actually I understand what this phenomenon is like I felt the same way like with the first time
I met Gabe and Toby and some of these guys Jared longshore. You know Matt Williams even the first time
I met a lot of these guys. I was very like Surprised that their stature. You know like they've got broad shoulders.
They're they're big You know you meet Gabe wrench, and you're like hi Gabe nice to meet you like it you know you're like shaking hands upwards like these people are you're like they're big they're big guys and so I was talking to one guy and He had mentioned the same thing to me that that you know taller than I thought he thought
I would be and When I got on the stage in the beginning to introduce my company that I just was you know bigger you know that then he thought it would be and And I and we had a conversation, and it's like yeah, you know and I asked him
I said have you ever been to any other Christian conference, and he was like yes And he was he was going the same place
I was going because when you go to some of these other conferences the men aren't like that You know what
I mean there They're not like that, and I don't want to be mean but like you know the typical guy that goes to a gospel coalition conference
Physically is going to look a whole lot different than the typical guy that goes to the fight laugh feast conference
And I don't know what that is. There's just like a There's a grit factor.
I think with some of these guys, but the good news is and this is not useless by the way This is not just a useless
Commentary think about this. You know we've seen some of the videos of the FBI sort of raiding
You know abortion Ministry people and stuff like that, and you know I'm not black pills, so I don't think they're gonna start rounding up You know
Christians. Just you know willy -nilly But if they did yeah, I'm not
I don't think it's gonna happen But if they did it's gonna be like you know the fight laughs He's kind of guy like it's not just gonna be fight laughs
But like those kind of guys like the troublemakers They're the ones that are gonna be round up and put in jail and prison and stuff like that if anybody like like nobody's gonna
Be rounding up Russell more to put him in prison. That's not gonna happen obviously But the good news is if you're one of these sort of rowdy sort of troublemaker types
If you do end up in jail in prison You're gonna end up in there with other people that can likely hold their own so you get we can form our own like little
Christian gangs and stuff like that. That'll be that'll be good, man We can at least defend ourselves right because obviously we're not gonna go attacking people stealing their their canteen but But at least we can hold our own like like honestly like I'm not joking like if I You know
I feel like I could I'm a decent fighter like if I had to defend myself I could defend myself but I'll be honest like if I was in a dark alley
And I saw like Toby and Gabe coming towards me like guys like that. I'd be a little worried I mean, they're they're large men.
You know it's very very interesting How that works out and and people notice like it's just funny.
I've had this conversation a number of times there's just a there's something that goes along with sort of the the attitude that also translates into You know how you how you take care of yourself like you know what
I mean. I don't know I don't know in any case So that was just kind of a funny thing There's a lot of conversations
I had many times that I do want to share with you And we will be doing that in the coming the coming weeks but But one thing
I did want to say this is this is something that that was a consistent theme You know because the people that go to the fight laugh feast conference
There's not a whole lot of black pill people there there are some for sure But there's not a whole lot of black pill people at the fight laugh feast conference.
There's a lot of confidence There's a lot of positivity and not the empty kind of positivity You know the
I'm talking about the kind of positivity that is due to the fact that we have an all -powerful Good God who loves us
He's our father and and and he wants good things for us, and he's vouchsafed our journey, and there's just a sort of There's such a there's a there's a joy that comes with that right even as the world around us is
Lost its mind, and it seems to be falling apart and and God's coming in judgment.
There's a joy Knowing that God is there and God is good and God has made promises to his people and God's got our back
You know there's there's a joy there, so there's a lot of positivity and one conversation that I had again and again and again is this idea of Resisting the the powers that be right resisting the zeitgeist
You know everyone wants to do that and everyone wants to rebel and red revolt against the zeitgeist
But we all know that it's not the kind of revolution that you see in the movie the Patriot right like we're not talking about a violent
Revolution we're talking about Some basic things that you can do as a Christian to refuse consent
To the demonic system that is just on the march so aggressively right now on the on your screen you see this picture
We've got this this this image of a man. Who's obviously very sickly looking
And he's obviously a slave you know he's got the the chain around his neck and you know his mouth is like sewn shut
And he's just a very submissive you know obviously a beaten man and the it says pornography and the
Western man and We understand that pornography Has been used as a weapon
Against us and and just the the over sexualizing of everything has been used as a weapon
Against us it creates docile men it creates men who are deep down inside even if they don't admit it they're ashamed of themselves and You know
I've experienced this myself. You know even before I became a Christian You know I I lived like the the prototypical pagan life.
You know I lived in New York City I had a ton of money Way more money than I needed and I would blow it on all kinds of things and I'm not gonna go into all the details
But just you know I was a pagan. You know I was I was I was a sick individual and You know there were things
That and I had some I had some twisted friends, too. Don't get me wrong the guy It wasn't alone out there, but I had some twisted pagan
Friends and we got involved in all kinds of shenanigans with each other But there were some things that I would get involved with that I wouldn't even tell my friends.
I was I was ashamed and When you're ashamed You can't live the free life.
You know what I mean. You can't live with joy. You can't you can't there's no mirth There's no there's no pep in your step.
There's there's like a there's like a weight that way That's weighing you down, and and and there's a psalm.
I forget which psalm it is and I don't even know the exact quotation But in this psalm David is describing
What he what it felt like what it was like to not confess his sins like to not to be hiding them, right?
And I believe the way it describes him if I'm not mistaken is that like his bones were wasting away from the inside out and That is a real thing.
That's a real thing and so you know pornography and other kinds of degeneracy
You know going into a lot of debt and running up running running up your credit cards And you know getting involved in all kinds of degenerate behaviors
You know not not not becoming a family man. You know what I mean because I've got other things to do
I'm just gonna have sex with a million women and things like that And and this is the things that are sold to us as like almost like a rite of passage
It's cool to do this. You know every movie that I would watch you know after high school or even during high school
You know would would glorify this this this this perpetual lifestyle of just indulgence, right?
and and and they would they would portray you know settling down as as Something that was that was to be avoided.
It was it was not it wasn't fun You know what I mean? And then things like that and having your wife and loving your wife and then having your children and loving and teaching your children
You know that's that's that's for the birds right and that that's that's how that's what's promoted to us and even
Kanye You know Kanye was talking about that that fat black woman The one who who got in a in a skin -tight outfit and played that stupid flute that crystal flute
Yeah, I mean if you ever needed to know we were in a downfall as a society all you gotta do is look at that Picture but but Kanye is talking about that and that kind of stuff is promoted and even in the commercials
You know all you see and if it's a health company, then the commercial is someone who's unhealthy
It's pushing all this unhealthy stuff and it's like like this is what's promoted to you and the reason it's promoted to you is because when you're fat and you're indulging in pornography and when you're indulging in degenerate behavior and Drugs and alcohol and all of these things like you are docile
You are easily controlled You are you are you are you are a slave to the next, you know hit of dopamine whatever wherever you can get it that's what you're a slave to and it becomes this situation where You you you actually don't ever move the needle ever
You you can't do anything. You just receive things, you know, and you I've been talking to people like why did so many people?
You know, they got this they got the vaccines. They got four or five vaccines I don't even remember what number we're up to now because I don't care
I don't follow it but then then one of them will give them, you know, the Droopy face or whatever and they'll get on YouTube and they'll say
I'm still so grateful for it as their face is like falling off I'm still so good.
Thank I'll do it again. Like how do you get to that place? And you get to that place by being beaten into submission every day and being so ashamed of yourself that that you just Any little tiny dopamine hit that you can get at this point?
Is gonna be what you go for and you get a few likes for putting a brain -dead video of you being so thankful that somebody
That you got a vaccine injury And that gives you a little bit a little something right when you watch the next porn video, you know
It doesn't feel that good, but you're like, it's just a little something and it's just like this is this is this is where we're at So but the thing is though that that everyone at the conference though.
They recognize this and They realize that our rebellion our revolution all of the things that you need to do
Share two awesome attributes number one. They're easy. They're basic It's not complicated if you want to rebel don't watch porn if you want to rebel eat, right?
If you want to rebel start a family and love your kids and raise your kids If you want to rebel don't be addicted to drugs.
Don't drink alcohol until you're inebriated These are simple things
So They share that the fact that they're simple. The second thing is that they're all good for you, too
You know what? I mean? They're all good for you These are not complicated difficult things that put you at risk like not watching porn doesn't put you at risk of anything
In fact, it's helpful Not being an alcoholic or a drug addict doesn't put you at risk of anything.
In fact, it's helpful Raising a family doesn't put you at risk of anything. In fact, God says it's a blessing
I talked to one guy who who put such an interesting twist on this and I don't even think he was trying to make a
Spiritual point but he was talking to me about how he's trying to grow his business and he's he's having some difficulties recruiting and Finding the right people for the right positions and and he said, you know
If I would have known it would have been like this as I'm trying to grow my business I would have had more kids and he just said it kind of matter of fact
That wasn't like I don't think he was trying to make a spiritual point I don't think he was even referencing anything in the
Bible, but it's just he just recognizes this as a reality Well, the Bible actually told us that but he just recognized it as a reality that it would have been good
It would have been helpful for him to have more kids He could have been taking more dominion than he already is right?
And that's what he's desiring. He's taking dominion for Christ Growing his business. It would have been easier with more kids
That's true That's true so many people are realizing that the real revolution that's happening right now the real rebellion is to love your wife and Have children and teach them to love and obey
Christ. That's how you do it That's the that's the Great Commission guys You want to disciple the nations you want to command the future if you want to baptize them in the name of the
Father the Son of the Holy Spirit you want to teach them to observe Everything Christ commanded the obvious most basic way to do that is to have children and to baptize them and to teach them
That's how you do it. That's that's how you accomplish the Commission Obviously, there's evangelists too, but we're not talking about we're not talking about complicated things here
This is the thing our rebellion is Basic and it's healthy You don't want to be this slave.
You don't have to be that's the thing that the powers that be They've done a number on us man ever since we were young ever since we were in school
I talked to so many people about this as well there's just the the programming that happened ever since we were young and All of it was just designed to turn us into this guy
Into a slave and now it's getting more open, you know They're there they have porn units in high school and stuff like that.
All of it's getting more open now But it was always there. It was always fundamentally there now
They're just the demons are just revealing themselves a little bit more but the demons were there before and they did a number on us and we need to understand that everything that they
Told us was normal Everything that they told us was good. If you want to be a good citizen
Everything that they they trained in us from a young age was designed to turn us into this guy and We're now realizing that we don't want to be this guy.
There's freedom in Christ We you can be a bondservant of Jesus Christ and there's massive freedom there.
You see freedom is worthless unless it's freedom that actually has Christ as its foundation
Christ's law Christ's commands as its foundation the freedom to obey Christ and there's so much joy in the things that are obedient and that are consistent with Christ's nature
There's so much joy in that stuff and there's nothing but misery and shame in the other kind of freedom
See freedom isn't a good in and of itself You're talking about the freedom to sin the freedom to commit crimes the freedom to do all this stuff.
That's worthless kind of you're that That's how you end up like this. Your freedom is slavery in that case
So many people are getting it man this conference is it's so encouraging because It's just such a reminder
We're not alone and so many businesses are are in the works and and and and even some of the businesses that were started last
Year, there's so much further along this year and it's like man. Well, I'm planning on adding this and doing that it's like wow
It's like this is amazing. Like the parallel economy is happening guys. It's happening. And and this is the thing like The infrastructure that we need to survive the coming collapse
It's in the process, right? It's being built. We're gonna make it guys. You don't understand we're gonna make it and The fight last feast conference is just such a good shot in the arm to remember that this is all happening and God's people are everywhere
And God's people are working and they're happy to work and they're joyful to work and they they're not going to to be sad and apologizing and Bend the knee to your ridiculous rules anymore world system
And I and I include gospel coalition and all these kind of the great reset pastors They're in the world system right now.
They they will submit they'll demand that you apologize They'll demand that you disavow Doug Wilson. They'll make all kinds of demands and when they do laugh
Laugh man, it's it's it's just it's like it's just so it's so it's so it's so it's awesome
I don't even know the word. I talk all the time and I just I'm out of words. It's just a great experience
But yes our revolution. It's easy. It's simple and It's good for you
That's the thing man in any case so much more to say about the conference. God bless you guys
And if you have any questions or need anything or anything at all, please don't hesitate to message me
I'd be glad just to get you know Get you get I'm glad to get all the messages and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can
I'm trying to catch back up with work right now, but But in any case, yeah, just once again if you came up to me
There was just one woman at the end When we were at the bar with those people that she was just so nice and and and just said that you know
The content that I put out there, you know because of the humor because of the information just it helped her get through a really rough time in her life and Man that just it just made me want to cry on the inside not on the outside though.
That would be embarrassing Just kidding just kidding.