Absolute PROOF That Hillsong Church Has False Teaching! (Audio Fixed)

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Brian Houston is the official leader of Hillsong Church and has been for many years.
Hillsong makes a lot of music that we use in our local churches, for instance, and their attendance has grown drastically over the years.
Hillsong now has churches in every big city in the Western world. They are massive, influential, and growing every day.
But how often do we ask ourselves if movements like Hillsong are biblical at all? There are some people who do ask those questions, some who are discerning, some who have serious concerns about Hillsong Church.
But what often happens is that other Christians defend Hillsong simply by asking this question. What does
Hillsong actually teach that is unbiblical? This is an important question to know the answer to, but most
Christians, even discerning Christians, can't answer it at all. So I decided to make a video reviewing one of Brian Houston's recent sermons so I can show you in a practical way exactly how and where they're preaching false doctrine.
I will link the entire sermon in the description for you as well. Let's talk about this using three biblical points.
Number one, Hillsong uses a tactic that all movements who offer false teaching will use. Before they give you what might be called the
Big Lie, they first must give you a kernel of truth. Let me show you the truth in this particular sermon.
Watch this. Now, Joseph, you know his story, obviously. Maybe you don't, but it's a simple story, but a difficult, challenging story, where firstly he was his father's favorite.
His brothers hated him, so when they had their opportunity, beat him up, and then they sold him to slaves in Egypt, and he was trafficked off to Egypt where he was serving in a very prominent
Egyptian's house, and the Egyptian, his wife was a temptress, and so all of a sudden she's coming at Joseph, but Joseph stood in his integrity and stood in his character and refused to betray his master, so he ended up in jail for that, falsely accused.
Let's understand and be like Joseph. Joseph held on like a believer, and I pray that that's the people we can be as well.
Well, let's get to it. The sermon is about Joseph, and he notes in the sermon that Joseph had a lot of faith in God.
He loved God and followed his precepts and his commandments. And for that, Joseph is to be held up as a great example to us all.
I completely agree with all this. That is the kernel of truth being offered here. It is offered in a way that puts people's guard down and turns their discernment off.
Joseph was a great man. He did a lot of great things. We can all agree with this. All Christians ought to agree with this.
But that brings me to point number two. Another tactic false teachers use is manipulating language. They hijack words commonly used in Christianity, and they use these words to say things which are distinctly un -Christian in their nature.
In this case, Brian Houston is going to hijack and manipulate the words reconciliation and blessing.
Moving along in the sermon, Brian talks about what God did through Joseph as a result of Joseph's faithfulness.
Watch this clip. Being ministers of reconciliation to the world and around and about us, well finally number five, he saw
God's blessing. So he saw sovereignty, God's sovereignty, he saw God's plan, he saw it was about more than himself, he saw reconciliation with his brothers, and number five, he saw
God's blessing. Let me tell you something about restoration. You with me? Yes. Restoration is always restoration to blessing.
That's what it's all about. Now, many of us Christians hear this and think, we can agree with this wholeheartedly.
Reconciliation and blessing are both definitely a part of the Christian worldview. There's no doubt about that. God does indeed reconcile us to him.
Second Corinthians five says, quote, all this is from God who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
This is the passage that Brian himself uses to prove his point. And I agree. God does reconcile us.
If you're a Christian, you ought to praise him for that. And there is a blessing which also comes as a result of that reconciliation.
As Brian Houston says, but it is the blessing of salvation, sanctification, right relationship with God, joy, peace, eternal life, et cetera.
These are the blessings which God gives us when we are reconciled to him. But those are not the blessings that Brian Houston is talking about.
He's using the word, but he's not using it accurately. Which brings me to point number three. What exactly does
Brian Houston think the blessings which come from being reconciled to God are? What are those blessings in his view?
Well, watch this clip where he tells you the answer. Restoration is always restoration to blessing.
That's what it's all about. Restoration is always restoration to blessing for Job. God gave him twice as much as he had had before.
It was restoration to even greater blessing. Joseph, it was restoration that literally brought him to a place of stature and influence and favour.
So it was restoration to blessing. I pray that you realise that what's ahead of you is blessing.
Amen. Let's hold on to it. Let's believe it. The blessing is coming our way.
Restoration means restoration of health, restoration of finances, restoration of opportunity.
So there you have it, folks. Restoration to God means restoration of health and finances and opportunity.
Job had it. Joseph had it. Therefore, if you would only have the faith that Joseph had, you will also receive the wealth and influence that Joseph had as well.
It's only a matter of time. That is God's promise for you. Believe it and receive it today. This is the message of Brian Houston, and this is the real problem with his ministry.
The immaturity and the lack of focus from the pulpit is a bad thing, but it's nothing compared to the blatant false teaching that's being offered.
So why do I think that Brian's message is unbiblical? Why do I think that Hillsong's message is unbiblical?
After all, he offered examples for us. Joseph and Job, for instance, those are biblical characters. That's true.
Well, those examples are being used improperly. Let's take a look at the story of Job, for instance. Brian's message about Job was that if you have enough faith to believe
God's promises, when you are, as he puts it, reconciled to God, you receive material blessings, just like Job did.
But let's read Job 1 .1 when it says, quote, There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared
God and turned away from evil. You see, Job had faith and was in right relationship with God in the very first sentence written in the
Book of Job. The faith and the reconciliation were already there before he had everything taken away.
So if Brian Houston is correct and blessing always follows faith, why did Job lose everything in the first place despite being faithful the whole time?
Again, the problem here is that he's using the story of Job to defend a conclusion about the prosperity gospel, a conclusion which is half -baked, at best, and false teaching, at worst.
More than this, let's assume his examples of Joseph and Job really do prove what he thinks they prove. They don't, but let's assume for the sake of the argument.
Even with that said, look at the case of the rich young ruler in conjunction with those other cases. Mark 10, 19 -22 says this, quote,
And Jesus said to him, You know the commandments. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal.
Do not bear false witness. Do not defraud. Do not defraud. Honor your father and mother. And he said to Jesus, Teacher, all of these
I have kept from my youth. And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, You lack one thing.
Go, sell all that you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. And come, follow me.
Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had a great many possessions. So in this story, the rich man wants reconciliation with God.
He wants to follow Jesus. In fact, he claims to have kept the central commands of the Old Testament from his youth.
Now, if indeed financial blessing is guaranteed when you have faith in God, why was this man being told that in order to exercise faith by following Jesus, he first had to cast away all his financial blessing?
If God's goal was to save him and give him money as a result, as Brian Houston says it was, wouldn't the act of telling him to sell all his possessions be the total opposite of what
God's trying to do? The truth is, folks, the only guaranteed blessings that come with following Christ and reconciliation to God are these, salvation, sanctification, the fruit of the
Spirit, eternal life, and several other spiritual blessings. However, you are not guaranteed health and wealth when you follow
Jesus. The Bible never says that, and suggesting otherwise is both unbiblical and very dangerous.
It's dangerous because you're making promises on God's behalf which are not supported by the Scriptures, and which may lead people to become
Christians for all the wrong reasons. Church, we must check our hearts with Scripture and ask ourselves if we truly love
Christ, or if we actually love the blessings He can give us. Unfortunately, Brian Houston and the whole
Hillsong movement at large preach a message that will only increase the amount of people who love God's blessing rather than God Himself.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying every member of any Hillsong church believes that. I'm simply saying that they're increasing the amount of people who do believe that by preaching this unbiblical message.
So Brian, if you're watching this video, just know this is not meant to hurt you in any way.
This video is being made to warn Christians about false and unbiblical things that are being taught at Hillsong regularly.
The good news is that you can always repent of this false teaching and correct your error. Jesus Christ can forgive you of this sin, so please,
Brian, confess it and turn to Him before it's too late. Let's all pray for Brian Houston and for Hillsong Church that they would repent of this and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.