Don’t Be a Judas


Judas had every advantage. He saw Jesus, he heard Jesus, he saw the miracles, but that was not enough. Don’t be a Judas and turn your back on Jesus, the only Savior!


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
My name is Mike Abendroth, and we, sorry, that's the royal we, I am here in the studio tonight.
It is 6 p .m., November 16th, and we are just,
I'm just doing some shows, that's all. Thinking about Hebrews, going to preach Hebrews tomorrow, chapter 10, verse 26 through 31.
If you don't follow me on Twitter, you can, at NoCoRadio. Spencer once in a while puts some things on there about some hoodies and other things we're trying to put out.
And, but I do most of the tweeting. NoCoFacebook, there's a few things we put on there, but Facebook folks are a little harder maybe to read.
I'm not really the Facebook kind of guy, but Twitter, I put things out, don't really argue, it's just kind of a one -way thing.
This is kind of how I get my news is Twitter, theological news as well. And so you can go there, sermoncritique .com,
99 bucks, I'll critique your sermon if you want, or maybe you're just a Bible study teacher. It's for pastors and others who have preached for a while and want some serious critique.
I do that at Master's Seminary for the DEMIN program, the Doctorate of Ministry program, and I've done some preaching seminars around, just up in Canada, there'll be one coming soon in New Hampshire, and then
I also teach the preaching classes over in Germany every three years for European Bible Training Center, EBTC.
Anyway, here's a tweet, I'm not even gonna say the guy's name, because this kind of stuff, it's just crazy that's going on.
I haven't talked about social gospel woke stuff very much on NOCO, because I really think it's stupid,
I think it's asinine, I think it's another way of liberalism to get into the church,
I think it's off -base, I think it is myopic, I think it is, it's tragic.
Well this guy says, he says he's a, let's see, he says he's a, what's his bio say?
The bio says that he's a follower of Jesus, he's a husband, he's a father, he's an author, teaching pastor, research professor,
Baptist theologian, okay, and here's this tweet from today.
What if, from now on, every Anglo male candidate for SBC entity leader's role,
Southern Baptist Convention, were to refuse appointment, of course only as their conscience leads, until a more diverse leadership, representative of our desire to reflect the redeemed gathered around God's throne, were installed.
Dude, this is why the whole woke white privilege
Anglo, we can't translate the Bible unless we have women, people of color, this is just, it's so awful.
We'll translate the Bible with the best scholars. Years ago I was in a country and I was talking to a young guy, he's a pastor, and he didn't really like the whole
America deal. And I just said, listen, America's got all kinds of problems. Right now, the best theological minds, the best publishing, of course you can get some great things in Australia and the
UK, but the best in terms of the mass of it, the bulk of it, is going to be found from Americans.
And maybe it's not even Americans, but just people who live in America, you know, like a Karl Truman or something. So who cares?
Does that mean everything we do in America is great, everything evangelicalism is great that Americans do? Of course not.
But that's just the sovereignty of God. In the old days, you want theological discourse, you're going to go to England.
In the old days, you're going to go to the Netherlands, you're going to go to Geneva, you're going to go to wherever God, you know, with Athanasius and Augustine, you're going to be in Africa.
I mean, this just moves around a little bit. And so for you to say, well, you know what,
I don't really like it that the American theologians, you know, they've got the best stuff, so I'm going to refuse to do that.
I'm not going to really study English because they're not that good.
Of course we're not that good. But this is just the, what do you call this, what do you call the language of the people?
The lingua franca is English now of theological discourse. That's just the way it goes, okay?
So nobody's better. And then we get this kind of stuff where, all right, whoever's the best we don't have take the job.
I mean, if it's politics and you're like, well, just going to put in the white males and because they're not representative and because they've got the power and because we want to keep it a good old boys club, well, okay, fine.
Maybe there's some of that in the Southern Baptist Convention. Maybe, you know, I'm sure there is. But to say we, until a more diverse leadership representative of our desire to reflect the redeemed.
So what even is that? What's the desire to reflect it? And I wonder what the comments are like.
Power is a universal and human weakness. Forced diversity is not true diversity.
That's interesting. Somebody said that. All right, let's see.
Your reply indicates a presumption that candidates of color would otherwise not be qualified. Maybe you presume that if they were qualified, they'd already be selected.
Maybe you presume there is no systemic stiff arming of minorities in the convention. Maybe. I love it when some dude's trying to be woke and then the extra woke, woke him.
We just had five open slots and many of us called for a qualified minority to be appointed. For that, we are called cultural
Marxists and accused of promoting intersexuality and CRT. Well, Matt Chandler said a while ago,
I don't know his exact language, so I want to be careful, but he was talking about hiring minorities and stuff like that.
And something like, you know, if everything was equal and he had like an eight black guy and a seven white guy and a seven black guy in eight, you know, eight out of 10 rate ranking, um, the black guy was seven and the white guy was eight.
He'd hire the seven and then he, he, he then changed the numbers a little bit. What if it was the black guy was a six and the white guy was an eight, would you still hire the six, not the eight and all that stuff?
I, one of the reasons I know I'm a Christian is because I was a racist.
I remember when the black guys moved in next door, they were in Omaha, Nebraska, white neighborhood suburbs and off at air force base is in town strategic air command and some captain in the air force, a black guy with his wife and three children.
The Floyds moved in and I didn't really care. I played basketball on a team where there's only about probably four white guys on the varsity team at our high school.
But we, we grew up with busing and my, my brother getting pat shipped across a town to a, a worse school district because it was enforced budget busing.
And there's this whole flavor of stuff. And I remember it's probably my own heart, of course, too, but fueled by my, my dad and my grandparents and just didn't like that.
And when I got saved, I realized that there's only one race, the human race, and there are only two people,
Adam and Jesus. First Adam, last Adam, you're either in the one or you're in the other. I also noticed when
I was in the operating room, once they drape you and gown you and all that stuff, and then there's just, you know, your abdomen shows with some of the, you know, iodine on it.
And then just kind of like this open area with this, this little film stuff they put on and then you're opened up and I'd walk into the room and the chest cavity is open.
I don't know. The blood looked pretty red to me and both black people and white people, Asian people. I don't know.
The heart kind of looked like the heart. The lungs kind of looked like the lungs. I couldn't tell based on what was inside what the people look like.
Anyway, I got saved. Everybody was the same. I see people and I don't tell my girls or my son who they can date, what color they are, any of that stuff.
I've already repented of all that. So I don't like you rubbing my nose in it. And then you'll say, well, see, you still are because it's latent and blah, blah, blah.
This stuff, you know, just like here in town. I looked up at West Boylston here where the church is, and I think the census is 91, 92 % white people here in town.
You come to the church service here in that town of 92 % white people in central Massachusetts and you will not find 92 % white people here.
You won't find a higher number either. You'll find a lower number, a much lower number. Why? Because people will come from the city, people of color will come to the city to go to Bethlehem Bible Church.
For what reason? Only one reason. They want to learn about the
Jew, Jesus. So stupid. I just cannot get over it.
And even the way, you know, what do we know about Jesus's looks? I always tell people, what do you know about the physical attributes of Jesus?
Well, you could go on a conjecture and say, well, ossuary boxes were no bigger than the femur of people.
They've looked at all the femur ossuary boxes from 2000 years ago in Jerusalem and their, you know, average height was about five foot for male.
So Jesus was probably short. You could probably do that if you wanted. But let's just put that aside.
We know he was circumcised on the eighth day. So I know that. I know that he had some kind of beard to be plucked,
Isaiah 50, I guess, right around there, Isaiah 50. And if you want me to joke a little bit, he looked more like his mother than his father.
Right? Whatever Semitic Jews looked like 2000 years ago, that's what he looked like.
Because he looked like Mary. Right? What are we doing?
What are people thinking? This is the craziest thing in the world these days, that people, image bearers, male and female, slave and free,
Jew and Greek. It's like, you know, the category is Jew and Greek.
Whether you're black or white, you're in the Greek side. We're all together.
What are we trying to do? So I'm, you know, a half
German and a quarter Swedish and a quarter Danish. So I'm a Gentile. And your ancestors come from Africa.
You're a Gentile. Well, we're both Gentiles anyway, so we're in that category. What are we thinking? I'm just glad to be a child of God.
I'm glad God accepts me based on the work of the God -man, Jesus. You think about there's one mediator between God and man.
The Jew Christ Jesus? No, he says the man Christ Jesus. We're talking about humanity. Right?
We're talking about Galatians 3, verse 28. So when you see people wanting to divide these things up, you need to go read
Machen's Christianity and Liberalism. The Reformed Forum now is reading through it, and I've listened to the chapter 5 and chapter 6 this week twice.
Listened to those chapters. Besides, I've read the book several times.
You just need to read that and think about what they're trying to do to the body of Christ and what's happening in the
SBC, what's happening at Southern Seminary, what's happening at Southeastern Seminary, what's going on with these people behind the scenes.
Southwestern, what are they doing? And it's crazy. Southern doesn't ask me to teach anymore because I'm sure
I broke the 11th commandment and all the other commandments following the 10th commandment, the legit 10th commandment, because you don't say anything bad or you never kind of critique them or anything.
But what's going on there? It's crazy. And I used to rejoice that I lived to see the day that the
Lord would take a man, bring him to be the president of Southern Seminary and excise all the liberals and make it an evangelical powerhouse seminary with professors like Tom Nettles and others,
Michael Haken and those kind of guys. And then within my lifetime, to see it go the other way, it is crazy.
This is absolute craziness to watch what's going on for the sake of all this stuff.
So anyway, that's my little diatribe right here on No Compromise Radio.
Well, why does this thing keep, the seat, the seat keeps moving down.
I'm talking a little bit about Hebrews 10 on No Compromise Radio because I'm preaching the section of the apostates.
Don't be a Judas. Tomorrow, today is Saturday, November 16th.
So I'm preaching the 17th. You can listen online to bbchurch .org. And what's happening is he's now comparing how bad
Moses was, how brutal Mosaic law was. And if you think that was bad, how much more?
If you've got sin that's dealt with within a system of types and shadows, now sin that's dealt with that the
Messiah has come, which one do you think is going to be worse? He says in chapter 10, enter, draw near, believe.
And if you're not, here's what's going to go on. You go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there's no more sacrifice for sin.
There's fire and fury and adversaries will be consumed. He's not saying if you sin as a
Christian, you're going to lose your salvation. You already have a mediator. You have all your sins forgiven.
He's saying if you won't believe in this Jesus, this is going to be your end. You can know all about Jesus and not believe, and this is what's going to happen.
You can know all about Jesus and say, it's costing me too much. I'm going to turn my back. We talked a little bit about Josh Harris and others.
How bad is apostasy? Well, every sin is going to be punished, either on you or on Jesus. We looked at that the last two times.
Now tonight, I want to look at verses 28 and 29. If you think Moses was brutal,
Mosaic law, how much more rejecting Jesus? Now think temporal versus eternal.
Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
How much worse, that's the point, how much worse do you think? Now just think about it.
He's inviting you to think. He knows the conclusion you're going to come to, even though you might not want to come to it.
Like a good pastor, he's challenging people who are sitting there who are not believers. How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the
Son of God, who profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the
Spirit of grace? How much worse?
How does God deal with his enemies? If you think God deals lightly with his enemies, you haven't read the
Old Testament. You haven't read the New Testament. You turn your back on the merciful
Lord Jesus, there's no mercy for you. The days of mercy are gone.
What did the Old Testament require? Two or three witnesses. You've got all the witnesses you need now.
We've got the argument here, and basically you reject Moses, you're going to die without mercy.
Remember what happens in Deuteronomy 13. If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams rises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, let us go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or the dreamer of dreams.
For the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice and serve him and hold fast to him.
But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death because he has taught rebellion against the Lord your
God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery to make you leave the way in which the
Lord your God commanded you to walk, so you shall purge the evil from your midst.
If your brother, the son of your mother, the son of your daughter, or your son or your daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your friend who is your own soul entices you secretly saying, let us go serve other gods which neither you nor your fathers have known, some of the gods of the people who are around you, whether near or far off from you, from the end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him.
No mercy, you shall kill him. Moses, shadow, new covenant, substance, reality.
How much more? That's the idea. If it was bad under Mosaic law, how much worse punishment do you think will be deserved of the one trampled under the foot of the son of God?
It's going to be worse. You be the judge. You make the call.
How do you escape if you neglect such a great salvation, to use Hebrews chapter 2 language? How much less should we escape who turn away from him who warns from heaven?
This punishment, this vengeance, this penalty, this retribution fits the crime.
This has nothing to do with a Christian's sins. This has to do with somebody who knows all the claims of Jesus and says, forget you.
I don't care. So the punishment in the Old Testament was death.
How much worse is this? You people here, you know, you've been taught.
And many of you believe, but there are some that won't believe. And I'm going to tell you, I know your future.
I know your fate. And he uses a article here that describes these apostates as they do three things.
Three different kind of insults. Trampled under the son of God, who has trampled underfoot the son of God.
Wow. Just that language.
Trampled underfoot the son of God. What happens back in the old days?
You reject by trampling. You put something under your foot as to completely think it has no value.
It's worthless. You deny it. It's figurative for to despise. Trampled, Jezebel's trampled underfoot.
And he trampled her underfoot. Not just,
I don't care for you. I despise you. Utter contempt. It's worse than just not believing.
Who Jesus is, I could care less. Not only who he is, but what he's done.
Profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified. Hebrews 13 talks about this blood of the eternal covenant.
You know what Jesus did? It's profane. It's unholy.
That's what I think of it. You want to know what I think about it? It's unholy. That's not
God's assessment. That's your own assessment. You spurn the son. You think he's profane.
You don't think it's sacred. There's nothing reverent to the son. The word profane means outside the temple.
You know what? Let's actually crucify him outside the temple. That's what they did. Not only thinking he is awful and what he's done is worthless.
What does the Bible say? That there's this rejection of the Holy Spirit who initiated
Jesus into public ministry. And then assisted him in public ministry.
Outraged the spirit of grace. Insulted the spirit of grace.
Insult has the root word hubris. Arrogant. Abusive.
Insulting. What a name for the spirit of God. If you won't believe in the Lord Jesus, you're insulting the spirit of grace.
The Holy Spirit who gives grace to people. Christians cannot commit this apostasy.
Your response, Christian, should be, I'm going to keep believing. I'm going to keep moving forward. I'm going to keep trusting my soul to the
Lord Jesus. Galatians 2 .20. But if you know everything about this Jesus and you're going to turn your back, this is for you.
I know your future. You spurn the Son of God. You profane the blood of the covenant.
You outrage the spirit of grace. People say, well, it's outrageous to send people to hell.
No, no. It's not outrageous for these apostates to go to hell. This hell is eternal. How much worse do you see it in verse 28?
How much worse? I don't care how often somebody tells you about purgatory or love wins or, you know,
Rob Bell. This is what the text says. How much worse? Well, my name is Mike Abenroth. This is No Compromise Radio.
I want you to be forgiven. So believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. You shall be saved. I offer you the risen sin bearer, the mediator, the high priest who loves sinners because the
Father sent him. Because the Father loved sinners. Trust, believe, rest, rely.
My name is Mike Abenroth. This is No Compromise Radio. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abenroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.