F4F | Terri Savelle Foy Teaches the False Doctrine of "Soul Ties"


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube, and if you've ever been told that the reason why you're having problems disconnecting from that bad relationship is because you have a soul tie, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
You've been sold a mess of beans. You haven't been told the truth. We'll get into that. So today's installment, we're going to be heading over to the
YouTube channel of Terri Savelle Foy, and she's going to be explaining to us the four keys on how to break wrong soul ties.
But here's the problem. This is a totally man -made doctrine. There's no biblical text that teaches soul ties.
In fact, when it comes to relationships, Scripture actually teaches something far more important than soul ties, and we'll get to that.
So grab a Bible, maybe open up to Genesis 2, and let's head over to the
YouTube channel of the Barbie girl herself, Terri Savelle Foy, and we will get started.
Here she is to explain the keys to breaking wrong soul ties.
Here we go. Hi, I'm Terri Savelle Foy, and you're watching Live Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself today, you're captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams.
You know, my passion, of course, is to teach people how to go after the dreams. Live your dreams.
How is this Christian sanctification, by the way? That's probably another topic. Live your dreams.
Christianity is all about... No, it's not. It really isn't. Goals, the assignments that God's put in your heart.
But God told me years ago to develop this message on soul ties. This goes all the way to the top.
So God himself is the one who told you, Terri, Terri, this is God speaking.
That sounds too ominous. Yeah. Hang on a second. This is the Holy Spirit voice that I use from time to time.
Hi, Terri, this is the Holy Spirit, and you know, I forgot to put something in the
Bible, so could I trouble you to help us out a little bit here?
That's me and the Father and the Son. We totally left this out of the Bible. There's these things called soul ties, and they're really kind of dangerous, but I forgot to mention it in Scripture.
So could you develop this for us? I think that's how that would go. All right. I don't like teaching this.
I don't desire to teach this, but I know how powerful soul ties are.
I know how painful they are. How powerful are they? I mean, where does
Scripture talk about the power of soul ties? I'm a soul tie.
And I know firsthand how they can keep you back from the plan of God for your life.
You can't move. Yeah. Soul ties keep you from your dream. To your future until you let go of the past, right?
So I'm believing today could be a wake -up call for you or for someone you know who perhaps is in a wrong relationship, in an appropriate relationship, an adulterous relationship, even in...
Okay. See, there's where you want to pay attention. Okay, so wrong relationship, inappropriate relationship, adulterous relationship.
Let's take a quick look at the Bible, shall we? And we're going to take a look at Genesis chapter 2,
Genesis chapter 2, saying this, "...therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."
You see, it's not about soul ties. When you engage in fornal caboodling, which if you've never heard that word before, that's kind of a catch -all phrase for any and all kinds of sins of the flesh.
So if you are engaging in fornal caboodling with somebody who you shouldn't be fornal caboodling with, so somebody who's not your wife or your husband, here's the issue.
Scripture makes it clear, you become one flesh with that person. And that becomes a real problem, and it's the real reason why people have a real difficult time breaking up from sinful relationships, sinful sexual relationships.
See, the kids nowadays, they think that you just do this stuff, it's no big deal. No, it really is a huge, ginormous deal.
You become one flesh with the person that you fornal caboodle -late with. So Terry here is making up a different thing, a different danger altogether, the danger of soul ties, which no biblical text teaches.
We continue. ...use of situation. So you might be asking, well, what are soul ties?
Well, soul ties are responsible for the pain we feel when a relationship ends.
They are... All right, I need a chapter and verse for that. Which biblical text says that soul ties are the reason why you experience so much pain when it comes to breaking off inappropriate, we'll call them sinful relationships?
No biblical text says that. ...extremely powerful. It's no different than being tied, like seeing someone physically tied.
Your soul can be tied to another person. Soul ties have deceived... Again, where in scripture does it say that?
Many young people just looking for love, many married adults just flirting with disaster, and even abused spouses who...
These are called sins. This is sexual sin you're describing here.
And scripture is clear, you become one flesh with the person, not one soul. ...trapped in a vicious cycle.
It's all because of soul ties. Well, a soul tie is defined as an emotional bond or a connection that unites you with someone else.
You see, scripture defines somebody that you have sexual relationships with, you become one flesh with that person.
So here's the thing, what are you going to go with? Are you going to go with a clear teaching of scripture?
Jesus himself picks up these very words from Genesis and reiterates them. The Apostle Paul in 1
Corinthians 6, he literally talks about not uniting your body with like a prostitute.
And why? Because you become one flesh with that person. So over and again, the scriptural warning is about one fleshing, not about soul ties.
So this is dangerous because literally it introduces the idea that you can just make up a doctrine and you don't need any biblical support for it, whereas scripture actually gives legitimate warnings as to sexual purity and how we are to handle ourselves with our own bodies.
And there are real ramifications with the person who sins sexually, sins against his own body, scripture says in 1
Corinthians 6. So what she's doing here is making up a mythological man -made danger to sexual sin and not even really referring to it the way it really is, sexual sin.
Now here's the good news. The good news is that Christ has bled and died for all of these sins.
That being the case, regardless of what sexual sin or any sin that you've committed, all of these are atoned for by this blood of Christ on the cross who paid the price for our sins as our substitute, literally dying in our place.
This is what scripture says, God laid on him the iniquity of us all. And so scripture would call each and every one of us to repent of all of our sins, including sexual sins, and be forgiven and have confidence in the grace and mercy of Christ that even those sins for which you or I would be most ashamed of, that we can have forgiveness and mercy and grace with God and not be separated from eternally because of this.
I would point you to somebody like King David, who committed adultery and murder, and God pardoned him, literally forgave him.
And you look at like Psalm 51, where David says, Lord, against you only have I sinned.
And he pardoned my iniquity, blot out my iniquity. And he literally says, create in me a clean heart,
O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence and take not your
Holy Spirit from me. Psalm 51 is a great place to go in scripture when you are feeling the guilt and shame that you rightly should feel from sexual sin.
But what Terri Savelle Foy is doing here is distracting us from the real serious ramifications of sexual sin and creating a danger that doesn't exist, where the danger that truly does exist, becoming one flesh with somebody, is not even on her radar.
She's teaching a man -made doctrine, claiming direct revelation from God on this. I'm praying today that this message will open your eyes to the truth if perhaps you're being deceived in a wrong relationship.
Yeah, I feel like I'm being deceived by Terri Savelle Foy in a wrong YouTube relationship. Thankfully, it's not physical.
It'll give you that wisdom to maybe help someone that you know who is clearly in a wrong, unhealthy, ungodly situation.
Sinful. It's called sin. I'm praying today it'll perhaps save marriages, save callings, save careers from being destroyed.
How can a doctrine you made up, the soul tie thing, somehow save somebody's marriage?
Because of a wrong relationship and even provide that strength, that inner strength, to end an unhealthy situation.
You mean sinful situation? Well, first, let me tell you this story real quick.
It was about a dear friend of mine who was getting ready for church one early Sunday morning.
She's at her apartment in Fort Worth, Texas. Now, this girl, she was a single girl. She had just graduated from Earl Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Beautiful inside and out. I mean, to me, she's just like this perfect little person. She was 22 years old.
She was still a virgin. She started working for a local ministry. Well, one morning,
Sunday morning, she's getting ready for church. She had her bathrobe on. She said she was in the bathroom putting her makeup on.
All of a sudden, she heard this knock at the door. She went to see who it was, who would be visiting this early on a weekend morning.
So she just asked, who is it? Well, on the other side of the door, she heard this guy say, it's maintenance.
He said, I'm here to check your air conditioning unit. Well, not realizing there was anything wrong with her unit, she just suspiciously asked him.
She said, why are you checking my unit? Is there something wrong with it? All of a sudden, this man on the other side of the door, he acknowledged her by name, sounding very convincing.
And he just said, yeah, Janet. He said, the apartment manager, Vicki, sent me this morning. She thought, oh, he knows my name.
He knows the manager's name. I guess it's safe. So she cracked open the door just a little bit, just to see what he needed to do.
And I'm telling you, that's all it took. That one little crack of the door led to the fight of her life.
She began yelling. I mean, he came in, he shoved that door open. He threw her on the bed.
He began trying to attack her, trying to rape her. And she began screaming the name of Jesus over and over.
And she said she would start praying in the spirit, which confused him. She would scream the name of Jesus.
And every time she said the name of Jesus, he would calm down. Then he would start to attack her again. Well, supernaturally,
God saved her from this attacker. Somehow she was able to divert his attention. She got him into the kitchen, and she ran out the front door completely unharmed.
Thank you, Jesus. But the moral of that story is, don't open the door.
In fact, I heard - So apparently, if I'm understanding her correctly, rather than give us a biblical text that teaches us where soul ties come from, she has this story about somebody she knows who was nearly raped.
And so soul ties equal the rapist. And they want to break in and bind you up.
Again, no biblical text teaches anything about soul ties. I heard Mrs. Meyers say this years ago.
She said Satan is prepared to take any little crack or crevice you give him, and when you open the door to him, he will come barging in to destroy your life.
Well, the truth is, Satan, the enemy, he doesn't come dressed in a red costume and a pitchfork on Friday the 13th.
He doesn't come looking like this, saying, I'm here to deceive you and destroy your life. No, he looks like a blonde
Barbie girl with a weird squeaky voice teaching us doctrines that are not found in scripture. Yeah, I think you get the point.
The reality of the situation is that sexual sins are extremely serious. And that when you commit sexual sins, you unite yourself in body to the person that you are sexually sinning with.
And scripture warns us about these things and says the person who does this sins against his own body or her own body.
So there's real dangers to sexual sin, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
The worst part about it, remain impenitent, remain unforgiven in these sins, and you risk eternity in hell.
So it's fascinating to me that, you know, that Terry Savelle Foy would think that we need an additional doctrine that's not found in scripture to warn us about the dangers of inappropriate relationships when scripture gives us all kinds of explicit warnings about inappropriate sexual sins and inappropriate relationships that God's Word and that God himself forbids.
So yeah, I think you get the point. Now, if you found this helpful, please share the video, like our channel, you know, things like that.
And of course, if you'd like to support us financially, all the information on how to support us financially is down below in the description to this video.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.