Responding to Pastor Chandler on #BlackLivesMatter

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Black lives DO matter. But Christians do not need the #Blacklivesmatter movement, nor the hashtag. We have our own message. We have a pure message. Here is a quick reply to Pastor Chandlers video. I repeat, black lives DO matter.


I wanted to do a quick video in response to a video put out by the Village Church starring Pastor Matt Chandler, and the topic is how a
Christian should view hashtag Black Lives Matter. I love that music.
You always get that serious, very emotional music. I got to get some music like that because when you hear that music, you know
Pastor Matt Chandler is not kidding. You got to take him seriously, and I need to get taken seriously as well.
It's not uncommon for me lately to get the question about what to do with Black Lives Matter. I think that's interesting that I'm being asked that, but here just.
He thinks it's very interesting that he's being asked that question as a, I'm sure, you know, social justice warriors are masters of saying something without saying it.
What he's saying is because he's white, he's interested that he's getting asked that question. No, this has nothing to do with your whiteness.
It has to do with the fact that you're a famous Christian pastor. That's probably why they're asking you. They respect your opinion.
They want to hear what you have to say, but I know what's going on here. What's happening here is that he knows in order to sort of maintain his social justice purity, he needs to sort of like, you know, pretend at least that he should be kind of de -platformed here.
You know, like, I shouldn't really be talking about this because I'm white, but I'm going to talk about it, but I want you to know that I know that I shouldn't really be doing it.
Like, that's what's going on here. This is kind of like a sort of a way to sort of get around the social justice, you know, inquisitors.
He avoided probably a lot of emails from the inquisitors in that very statement. Just some thoughts.
I think Black Lives Matter was launched from a kind of sincere hurt in the psyche and soul of African -American men and women.
And so, like all things, there's going to be really good things in that.
There's going to be light and then there's going to be shadow. There's going to be darkness. Now, I see where he's going. So what he's going to say is,
I think, this is my prediction, he's going to he's going to say, well, you know, Black Lives Matter as a movement, you know, like any like any group has good things about it and bad things about it.
So you should swallow the meat and spit out the bones and and that's how you should view it. So you should support it. But, you know, at the same time, sort of acknowledge that not all of it is good.
And that's not we don't we don't have to do that. He's right, though, you know, and on the one hand, every institution, every group is going to have some good things in it and bad things in it, because we're in a sinful world and we even even in our own hearts, you know, even when we're doing something for the
Lord, you know, that we have good motivations for it. We know in our own minds and our own souls that we also have sometimes some very selfish motivations about it.
So he's right. You know, everything has a mixture of good and bad, but that doesn't mean everything's on the same footing. Right. So you might say, well, you know, capitalism as a system has some good and some bad and communism as a system has some good and some bad, but but doesn't mean that they're equal, that they're like kind of neutral and you can support either one.
No, that's not how we do this. That's not how we do this. You can have beliefs that are, believe it or not, full of life.
If you believe what the scripture teaches, that's a teaching straight from God. So that's full of light. There is no darkness in the scripture.
And so we should be preaching and teaching the Bible. Now, we'll never do that perfectly, but we don't need movements, you know, that are not biblical to, you know, with a mix of good and bad.
No, no, we can just preach the Bible. That's how you know, if you if you stick with the Bible, you'll be fine. We have our own unique message.
You know what I mean? So let's see. Let's see where he goes with this. That's true of everything, right?
There isn't any institution, any movement, any organization that does not have light and darkness.
Right. We live in a Genesis three world. And so what we want to do as Christians is we want to embrace the gold.
We want to embrace the light and we want to reject the darkness. And so black lives matter.
Better be careful how you use that word darkness, Pastor Chandler. But anyway, no, we don't want to do that.
We have our own message again. We don't need the hashtag. We don't need the hashtag
Black Lives Matter. We don't need the Black Lives Matter movement. We don't need to support it. Christians should not be riding the waves of public opinion and rioting secular organizations and the momentum that they have.
We shouldn't be on the coattails of the world. That's not how we do this, because he's very right.
You're going to have, you know, darkness and evil things that Black Lives Matter is looking for and teaching and promoting evil things.
And all of a sudden you're going to be seen promoting that because you're kind of trying to promote the good things. No, no, we can do our own thing.
The church has a unique message. The gospel is a unique message. All we have to do is preach what the
Bible says. Preach what Jesus did. Preach what Jesus preached, essentially, which was, you know, the
Old Testament scriptures. That's all we have to do. We don't need a hashtag. If you really need a hashtag, make up your own hashtag, because it won't be tinged by all these evil teachings.
It's just, there's just no reason for it. They're saying, hey, there's an issue here that we think people are missing.
So they're not saying that all lives don't matter. In fact, I haven't met anyone that does say, doesn't. But they do.
You know what I mean? They do. Not everyone. But there are people in the Black Lives Matter movement that they'll protest with everybody else and then they'll do their chants.
We want more dead cops. We want more dead cops. Then they actually do it. Black Lives Matter protesters have killed cops.
So they're obviously serious. That's not to say the whole movement does that, but there are people in it that do that.
And so for him to sit here and say, well, they're not saying all lives, well, yeah, some of them aren't saying that, but some of them are.
I could send you links. I mean, if you really haven't seen it, I believe you. I can send you some links of people that are promoting those exact things.
Say that all lives matter. They're just trying to highlight, hey, here's something we think that by and large, culture is missing and we're trying to make you aware of it.
So the Black Lives Movement now, there's some radicals in there that I don't think speak for the entire movement.
So I'm talking about the light in the movement. So he does know. So he does know about the radicals. And that's that's the thing that I just write.
There are radicals and they don't speak for the whole movement. That's true. So when you see the videos and you see them chanting about how they want dead cops and then some of them go and shoot cops.
Yeah, that's those are radicals and they don't speak for the Black Lives Matter movement. That's very true. But neither do the reasonable people, the people that you would call the light of that movement.
They don't speak for the whole movement either. And so that's why we should just discard it. That's how a Christian should view
Black Lives Matter. We should view it as something that's totally unnecessary because Christians have their own message.
Christians have their own gospel. Christians have a pure revelation from God that as long as we're sticking with preaching it, as long as we're preaching it accurately, then it's completely pure.
We don't need the Black Lives Matter hashtag. We don't need the movement. We have our own movement. And we have a movement that is guaranteed by God to not return void, guaranteed by God to win.
Why do we have to ride on the coattails of all these secular organizations? I don't understand. It's just completely pointless.
Saying, hey, this is an issue that culture needs to take a deep look at and consider.
And so I would urge you as Christians to look for the light while you reject, while you reject the darkness.
And so, again, I think it was birthed out of a legitimate response of hurt and pain and feeling trapped and not knowing where to go with that hurt and pain.
That's not good advice. We don't have to look at secular organizations that are a mixture of good and bad and and say, well, we got to, you know, we're going to we're going to embrace this light and we're going to hashtag with them and then we're going to reject the dark.
No, we don't have to do that. That's horrible advice. We shouldn't be deciding what we are going to believe based on, you know, what the world is doing.
We don't have to. We have to lend support to everything the world is doing, even if it's something that they're doing right, because we have our own unique message.
And we know that if you're not for Christ, you're against him. So if you're not being explicitly Christian about something, then, well, you're being explicitly anti -Christian about something that I mean, that's the antithesis.
So so we have our own unique message. We don't need the Black Lives Matter hashtag. And if you really need to hashtag, you can make your own.
That's unique and Christ centered and God honoring. That's what Christians should view. That's what Christians should do.
And so how do we view how should a Christian view Black Lives Matter? We should view it as completely irrelevant to our cause because our message is different.
Our message is unique. And we as long as we're sticking with what the Bible teaches and there will be no impurities there, there'll be no darkness there.