Ed Litton Misleads the Media To Prop Himself Up

AD Robles iconAD Robles


get the book: [email protected] shirt: https://saintsandsociety.com


All right. Well, it's Friday. We made it through. Well, almost made it through another week, and I hope you had a great one.
I hope you were very productive. I hope it was relaxing. I mean, it's, you know, it's the week after the 4th of July.
A lot of people take a little bit of a break, but all that is in the past now, and we're headed into the weekend.
So, God bless you. Hope you have a good Lord's Day coming up. Now, I wanted to just say, if you don't know, we've been doing a sale in honor of the
Ed Litton situation, which I think is a blessing upon the Church of Jesus Christ.
This is an opportunity to give up circling the big Eva wagons. You can just walk away.
There's nothing to say that you have to pay into this system, this machine, which will do anything to maintain its credibility, will do anything to maintain its power, even if it means reneging on your position on plagiarism when it comes to your boys.
So, in honor of that, I'm selling my book for $15. Email me at ad at adrobles .com.
Mention the Ed Litton opportunity, and I'll send you the book for $15. Now, also, just wanted to let you guys know,
I got another book returned to sender to me. That's right.
Most of these books have not been returned to sender. This one, and Jonathan Lehman's, has.
This one comes from none other than Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile. Interestingly enough, they actually pastor in the same area, in DC area.
I wonder if there's something to that as far as their mentality to send this book back. But in any case, if you want to buy this book, the actual book
I sent to Thabiti that he sent back to me without opening, currently the bidding's at $6.
So, if you're interested, you can get this book, and it'll be signed, and all of that kind of thing.
All of the proceeds for this auction, just like the Jonathan Lehman auction, will go to sending other books to members of Big Eva to hopefully help them in their effort to walk away.
But anyway, let's jump right in. Oh, one thing I do want to say. Actually, I got a new shirt on.
This was sent to me by Saints and Society, if I'm not mistaken. Actually, let me double check that. Yeah, that's right.
Saints and Society. It says, Alien Righteousness. And, you know, I'm into aliens. You know,
I've mentioned aliens and UFOs on my channel many, many times. And alien righteousness, of course, is a theological concept as well.
They've got some snazzy little, you know, hipster -type shirts and all that kind of thing. It seems like some pretty good stuff. So, check them out, saintsandsociety .com.
Thanks for sending me this shirt. And actually, somebody had made a comment on Gab that they wanted me to comment about this space race that's going on.
And I'm going to at the end of this video. We got Jeff Bezos, and he's going to go to space, but Richard Branson's trying to go first.
But no, no, no. Elon Musk, he's definitely going to go to space first. And they're all kind of competing.
It's a big, you know, everyone's being loud about it. Who's going to get to space first? Which billionaire is going to make it?
I've got some choice words for that scenario. We'll talk about that at the end and all of that kind of thing.
But let's get into this video because I did want to talk about Docent Research Group again. And I've just got to be honest.
Like the Docent stuff, it's just so creepy.
The fact that this company exists is just so ridiculous. I did a few videos on Gab yesterday.
And I mentioned that, you know, I watched a podcast about Docent and stuff like that. And somebody was saying that it's a bunch of, like, really nerdy kind of guys.
And it struck me as sort of like this whole idea of in the music business.
Like a lot of the people who actually write the songs that your favorite artist sings. You know, Taylor Swift. I heard
Taylor Swift writes some of her songs. But most of her, like, popular songs probably are written by other people.
And it's usually people that maybe their voice isn't good enough for the stage. Or maybe they're just too ugly for the stage.
And so they write the music. The way they make money is nobody would go see them sing. At least that's what the thought is.
And so because they're too ugly to perform, they write the music for the pretty person to perform.
And so Taylor Swift will sing a song she didn't write. And that's how the ugly people get paid. Docent Research Group kind of strikes me as that.
It's like maybe they're not dynamic enough to be on the stage of the pulpit. Which is kind of creepy to show.
It shows you how they treat the pulpit, right? It's not supposed to be that way. Like pastors aren't supposed to be actors, right?
Pastors aren't supposed to be empty suits that you give them their lines and they read them in their book.
Like that Ed Litton thing is just so preposterous. It's so obvious he's reading lines that somebody else wrote.
And he's performing them in his Ed Litton kind of way. I'm pretty sure that pastors aren't supposed to be like that.
I'm pretty sure that one of the qualifications for elder is that they're able to teach, right?
They're able to handle the Word of God, the ministry of the Word, handle it in such a way that they can teach.
And if they can't do that, it's not a knock on them. Not everybody is able to teach, but you can still be a
Christian. But you're not qualified for the role if you can't do it, right? If you can't teach, you're not qualified to be a pastor.
If you're not willing to teach, you're not qualified to be a pastor. If you don't have enough time to teach, you're not qualified to be a pastor.
It's not like you're a bad person. It's just a fact. Not everybody is qualified to be a pastor, right?
And so the ugly singer -songwriters work for Docent Research Group, and then they make money by selling their words and their ideas to the pretty person.
I can't believe I just called Ed Litton pretty. I'm going to stop that analogy right there because it's getting weird, but you can understand what
I'm trying to say. It's just very, very creepy. I also put a bit of video on Gab yesterday.
I kind of understand the hate, though, that a lot of guys like me get because we don't have a lot of flash in our presentation.
Some videos I do, I'll do some editing and stuff like that. I'm capable of doing that, but most of my videos are just like this.
There's really no editing. It's just me and a camera and a microphone, and I'm just talking, and I don't really prepare too much.
Sometimes I stumble over my words. I'm not really that eloquent. I'm not eloquent like J .D. Greer is, but yet we don't pay a researcher to write our sermons for us.
We don't pay someone to write our position papers for us. I guarantee you I didn't pay anyone to write this book for me.
You know what I mean? I happen to know that some of these Big Eva guys do pay people to write their books for them.
But you see, a guy like me doesn't have a huge budget for AD Robles Media.
People probably pay Docent Research Group to do their research for them and their consulting for them more than AD Robles takes in an income for the year.
AD Robles Media, I should say. And so it probably makes them really angry that I have any kind of influence at all, even if it's a small influence.
But the reality is that the influence of people like me, people like John Harris, people like J .D.
Hall, people like Reformation Charlotte, people like Alan Atchison, all these kind of people.
We didn't go to seminary, some of us. We didn't even go to seminary. We're not flashy. We don't have awesome clear pulpits and cool moleskin books that we read our sermons from.
We don't have that. We don't even have cool clothes, right? People have to send me free clothes in order for me to wear clothes. We don't have any of that, but yet people are being influenced by us.
That probably makes them so mad, and so they have to come hard against people like us. They have to circle the wagons because they're all getting their stuff from Docent Research Group, and we're not.
We're doing this work on our own, and we don't have the degrees. We're not official. We're not approved, but yet we're still influencing people from their congregations.
That must be so infuriating. I think a lot of the hate that some of these independent -type guys get comes from that kind of thing.
It's just, you know, why can't— Why is the dude from—what's the name of the website?
Oh, I just forget. Allen, Allen Atchison. Why is he doing most of his own research?
How is he able to do that? And I can't even—I have to pay Docent to do it, and yet somehow he's influencing my people.
It's just crazy. I think that the reason that that's happening is because the truth is on our side, guys.
The truth is on our side. Let me just say this. There are people from, you know, Big Eva, people that write for Gospel Coalition and some of these official sources that are influenced by some of the content that I put out, that are learning from some of the content that I put out, that agree with a lot of the content that I put out.
I'm not naming any names, but it's just a fact. It's just a fact. You guys ought to know that, and so I understand if that pisses you off, it makes you angry, whatever.
But, you know, the reality is I'm not special, right? I might have an interesting way of presenting things, but it's just the truth is on my side, right?
And so no matter how—you might not get it. It's like, well, I'm so winsome in my presentations, and AD is just a jerk.
People say this about JD Hall all the time. It's like, he's such a jerk. Why do people listen to him? Well, whether or not you think he's a jerk, a lot of times he's got the truth on his side.
And so people hear the truth, right? That's the point. People hear the truth. And no matter how winsomely you word your nonsense, it doesn't stop it from being nonsense.
I wonder how much of the softness of so much of the preaching in Big Eva is due to Docent Research Group because the reality is that I don't think that fire is coming out of the
Docent Research Group, right? Like, they're not going to be willing to take the hard stands in society.
I'm starting to get some information about some of the Docent Research people, and allegedly, I don't know this to be true, but allegedly some of the people that founded the organization or maybe the founder, he's like a
PhD in sociology, and he's well inside the ivory towers of ridiculousness, right?
So they're not going to take any hard stands against the world. Of course, they're going to soft pedal things.
And so I wonder how much of the softness of so much of Big Eva ministers is due to this
Docent Research Group thing. You know, one of the things I've noticed as well, I did a Gab video about this yesterday also, which, by the way, follow me on Gab if you want to get some of these off -the -cuff thoughts that I often talk about.
But, you know, some of the same people who are writing for Docent Research Group will regularly go to Gospel Coalition or whatever, their blogs, the
For the Church blog or whatever, and complain and whine like a little baby about how hard it is to be a pastor.
I just don't have the time and it's just so stressful and it's just awful. And it's like, you see these
Poor Me articles written all the time, and I've always hated those kind of articles. Yes, it's hard to be a pastor.
You know, it's hard to be a lot of things. It's hard to be a dad. It's hard to be a husband. It's hard to do any job.
I mean, this is the reality. Life is difficult sometimes. But, like, how would you feel if, like, every day
I got online and I was just complaining, Oh, it's just so hard to be me. It's hard to be a pastor. Being a parent is so difficult.
It's like, poor me. And it's like, okay, that's creepy enough, right? We get that. You know, it's very self -serving to write articles like that and it's just like, it's kind of gross.
Like, men read those articles and we're like, grow up, dude. You know what I mean? Like, grow up. Women read those articles and they go, oh, poor baby.
Oh, the poor dear. Like, the poor pastor. Oh, just a poor guy. Like, that's a creepy thing for a guy to read, but for women, they like that stuff.
But then, think about this for a second. The same people that are telling you how difficult your life is and how it's just how it is.
It's poor me. They're also selling you a service to make your life easier.
And we'll make you look really good by doing your position papers for you and writing your curriculum for you.
It's like, so that gospel coalition, poor me, I'm a pastor, feel sorry for me stuff.
It's really just sales copy when you think about it. It's just sales copy because they want to turn around and probably charge you exorbitant fees to do your job for you.
So, of course, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to play up how difficult and hard it is to be a pastor. I mean, it wasn't like this back in the day.
This is a modern thing. A modern pastor has such a hard life. So, we're going to sell you a service to do your job for you.
And one of the things I heard on the Presbycast that I thought was so interesting is you've got people that are doing your job for you, doing the research for you, and they don't know your congregation.
They might have a PhD in sociology, so they're going to insert some of that sociology in there, but they don't know your congregation.
And yet you're using their research to preach to your congregation. God's not going to be fooled by that, guys.
And I don't think God's going to be pleased by that either. But anyway, you know, one of the funny things that I haven't mentioned about this
Lytton situation is that somebody had sent me a podcast that Ed Lytton was being interviewed in where he talks about all of his extensive sermon preparation.
When I was preaching regularly, I sometimes would feel bad about myself because I'm seeing podcasts just like this where they're like,
Well, I spent 20 hours just preparing the sermon and thinking about it and just all this stuff. And really, that's actually not true because he had somebody else do his work for him.
He was stealing it from J .D. Greer. So, if he was thinking about that sermon for 20 hours that he stole from J .D.
Greer, then he's a real buffoon because he's obviously not doing anything different. But anyway,
I used to feel bad, though, because I was bivocational, so I had my normal job to do.
So, I could only spend four to six hours, something like that. I don't remember exactly what I would do, but not that much time preparing the sermon.
And I would feel bad about myself. But the point is a lot of these guys are just lying about their sermon prep. Sermon prep is too hard.
I mean, poor me. I'm just being pulled in a million different directions. I've got to pay a docent research group to do my sermon prep for me.
So, they're just lying. They're just absolutely lying about this. And it's doing a lot of damage to regular pastors.
I would feel bad about myself because I wasn't putting the time into it that Ed Litton was putting into it.
But really, it's just all a fraud. And Ed Litton was just lying about that, which we'll get to that in a minute because Ed Litton's been doing quite a bit of lying lately.
And so, here's the reality. Here's the reality. This docent research group is a company that should not exist.
It's a company that no pastor in their right mind should use. I mean, how can you look at yourself in the mirror and have a docent research group craft a very nice position paper with your church's
DNA in it? Because apparently, docent research group knows your church's DNA better than you do.
Because they did the research and the demographic studies of your congregation because you were too busy to be bothered to get to know anybody.
By the way, doesn't this just go perfectly with the stories you hear of people that go to these mega churches that can't, for the life of them, get a meeting with their pastor?
They just can't do it. The pastor's just way too busy and important to do that kind of stuff. It's just all a real shame.
It's a real shame. My whole thing is not to despair in things and not to be wringing my hands, troubled by everything and stuff like that.
But yesterday, man, I was thinking about docent research group. We're really far gone when people are using this research group to write their position papers for them, to write their sermons for them, stealing sermons from each other, all this kind of stuff.
And being so shady about it, not telling anybody about it.
That's the thing that just irks me because it's not their money that they're using. It's your money that you're putting in.
You're tithing. I'm pretty sure most people don't tithe so then the pastor can turn around and give most of their job to somebody else to do.
I'm pretty sure that's not what the tithe is for, guys. I'm pretty sure that's not what it's for. Now, I did have some pushback.
I had some pushback on this of people that said docent research group is totally fine. And there's a few different arguments that people use.
Some were better than others. One guy said, well, pastors use logo software.
Is that wrong too to use logo software? And that to me is just like, dude, if you watch this video,
I don't think you're thinking straight, man. To be totally nice about it, I just don't think you're thinking through that argument.
It's very different to have somebody do your sermon research for you or to write your position paper on a controversial social subject for your church for you.
That's a very different thing than using a software that helps you search the Bible or search other books a little more effectively or to organize things a little bit more effectively.
That's not the same thing at all. I even had some guys say, well, you know, the work of ministry is very complicated.
You have to use utility services and electricity and internet. What are you saying that that's wrong too? I just don't think you're thinking that through, guys.
I don't want to be too harsh with people in the comments, but that's really stupid. That's really stupid, guys.
I had another piece of pushback. This one was a little bit better, but I still don't think it works.
Here's what the comment says. It says, I agree that pastors can't outsource their job, and I also agree that God provides helpers for pastors in the form of deacons, but I don't agree that the entire idea of using a service like this means that a pastor is basically abdicating his responsibilities.
I think to argue that a pastor who uses this would use—a pastor that uses this would use this service all the time and for everything is basically a straw man.
Also, if it's not okay for pastors to ever use a service like docent, it's also not okay for a parent to buy a home
Bible curriculum for my kids. Is it a parent's job to train and teach their kids? After all, I think when and where a pastor or parent uses outsourced teaching tools in an area of individual freedom is an area of individual freedom and wisdom in knowing where to invest time and energy and which voices and opinions you trust.
The sin would lie in presenting someone else's work as your own, in my humble opinion. I don't think this argument works well either, and I think you know that, commenter, because at the end you throw in that thing where you're presenting materials as somebody else's.
Because here's the trick here with all this stuff. When you do a curriculum at home in homeschool, the parent's job is not—like the parent doesn't get paid to teach their own kids, right?
And so if the parent got paid to teach their own kids and then they used a curriculum or teach somebody else's kids, then they used a curriculum and they didn't say it was a curriculum.
They said, well, this is—I did this. This is my stuff. I'm presenting this to you. This is my job. I'm presenting this to you.
That's what we're talking about here because with docent research group, they're writing your position paper for you, and I'm pretty sure when they do that, it's not oftentimes being said,
I didn't write this, guys. Hi, I, the great megachurch pastor, didn't write this.
I hired somebody to write this, and so here it is. Like if they were doing that, I still wouldn't go to a church like that because I want my pastor to do his own work for him, but at least it wouldn't be sinful.
It would be like you're admitting I don't know what to say here, so I'm going to hire someone to do this and all that kind of thing.
By the way, I think that makes you disqualified to be a pastor, by the way. If you don't have time to write the position paper that you somehow need to write or if you're not capable of writing the position paper or you don't have the skills to do it, you're not able to teach what the
Bible says about homosexuality or whatever it is, like I don't think you're qualified to be a pastor, right?
I don't think you're qualified to be a pastor. You see, the devil is in the presenting the other's work as something that you did.
That's where the problem lies. I think when it comes to pastors versus parents, you expect that when you have a pastor and you're paying a pastor to write their sermons and when they give you illustrations in the sermons like I went to the
DMV one day and yada, yada, bing, bang, boom, this happened, you're expecting them to not be lying to you about that, right?
Like that actually has to have happened to them, right? You're not expecting that they paid docent research group to come up with that example for them because the reality is that that's the job that God gave them that your tithes pay for.
It's different with parents that are using a curriculum because most people, when they're teaching their own kids, aren't also telling their kids, hey,
I came up with this stuff, by the way, this is me. Nobody's doing that. But with a pastor, yeah, you expect your pastor wrote the position paper for your church on the controversial subject.
You would expect that. And if they're not telling you that they hired docent research group to do it, that's a big problem.
That's a humongous problem. Anyway, so I wanted to do one more thing here.
Let me pull this over here. This is an article. This is an article from WKRG5.
It's a news organization, a pagan news organization. They interviewed Ed Litton about the sexual abuse stuff and how great he is because he's basically one of them.
Ed Litton, whatever, as long as he gets the interviews, he's fine. But they do mention this plagiarism thing, and they're not holding his feet to the fire.
I mean, why would they? But listen to what Ed Litton says here when he talks about this plagiarism stuff, right?
Here's what the article says. He says, And when you read that, so Litton is claiming that it's an anonymous, unnamed source that is saying he's plagiarizing people.
And he's strongly implying that you really shouldn't consider that as reliable. And that just tells you they're just trying to attack me.
It's not really true. That's what he's implying when he says that. And this is not surprising for Big Eva.
Big Eva oftentimes will deflect from the issue. The issue is your plagiarism,
Ed. But, of course, you want to make it, well, no, it's just their tone. That guy's tone is a problem. This is typical
Big Eva stuff, right? I was talking to my brother about this this morning.
And he can't even fathom a Christian being confronted with their sin like this and not repenting.
And I told him, you know, I could see that there's two legitimately Christian responses. Like, obviously, the ideal situation is you repent, you resign, you repent, and you move on with your life, repenting every day of your life, right?
Like, you know, you won't do that again, right? You go a different direction, right?
But also I could see for a time anyway, you know, maybe just dropping off the radar for a bit. As you're broken over your sin, and you just don't even really know what to say.
And for a time, you just drop off the radar. Then you come back. You repent of your sins and all that.
I can imagine somebody doing that. But the point of my brother bringing this up is that a
Christian doesn't deflect like this. Like Ed Litton, the first thing he said was, oh, you know, it's my team. You know, we got a big preaching team.
You know, I'm too busy and important. I'm too busy to write my own sermons, but I'm not too busy to be the
SPC president. I'm probably not too busy to go to the Black Lives Matter rally, but I'm definitely too busy to minister in the word, of course.
So I got to hire a docent. I don't know if he's hired a docent, but I got a steal from J .D. Greer. So anyway, but the point is, though, that he said my team did it.
And by the way, I had permission. Even though I didn't attribute it to him, I had permission. But I still tricked my church into thinking that I was coming up with this stuff.
So that means it's okay because I had permission. And now he's saying—and by the way, these sources are anonymous anyway.
So this is all deflection. There's no acknowledgment of what he's done. All deflection, all smoke and mirrors, and he's deleting sermons so nobody can find any other examples of him plagiarizing.
By the way, I don't think that's going to work, Ed Litton. Obviously, we're going to find more. Obviously. It's all deflection.
This is one of the most unchristian responses to being confronted with your sin that I could imagine. But notice the insanity of Ed Litton's response here.
He's just steeped in this lie. Number one, he says, well, they're just anonymous sources, so how could you trust them?
And it's like, Ed, would that really matter? Anyone with a brain, let's think this through. An anonymous source makes a video where he cuts it up and side -by -side shows you preaching
J .D. Greer's sermon, allegedly J .D. Greer's sermon. Maybe you bought it from Docent Research Group. Who knows?
Who knows? Side -by -side, he shows you speaking and then J .D.
Greer speaking a few years earlier, and then you speaking, then him speaking, and you speaking, and it's the same exact sermon.
A couple of words are changed here and there, but it's the same. Everybody agrees with that. Would it matter if you don't know who made the video?
If it's video of you and J .D. Greer, why does that matter? It doesn't change the truth of the charge.
There's many reasons why someone might want to leak something anonymously. By the way, who wants to bet that Ed Litton has believed many anonymous sources when they say something negative about,
I don't know, Trump or people he doesn't like? Who wants to bet that, right? Who wants to bet that anonymous sources in the
SPC are going to start making accusations of sex abuse, and of course he's going to believe them because, well, there's no scruples here.
It's just he just chooses who to believe and chooses who not to believe. So, number one, it doesn't matter if they're anonymous sources if the evidence is there.
The videos are cited, right? They are presenting cited sources, you and J .D.
Greer side by side, proving that you stole his sermon, passing it off as your own.
Maybe you had J .D. Greer's permission. Maybe you didn't. I bet you probably didn't, even though J .D.
Greer's going along with this because, you know, he's circling the wagons. But anyway, you tricked your congregation into thinking that you came up with that stuff.
So there's that. So there's that. But then, when you think about this for more than five seconds, you realize that Ed is just lying about this.
The sources aren't unnamed. They're not. The first two places I saw this early on were
J .D. Hall, Protestia, Justin Peters from Justin Peters Ministry.
I mean, his name is in the ministry title, for goodness sake. Justin Peters Ministry and Reformation Charlotte, which
I know he is named. He's not anonymous, but his ministry is called something different. I mean, that happens all the time.
People have ministries that don't use their name, but their name is common knowledge. By the way, on Twitter, I saw people, tons of people, saying, you know,
I said something here, and here's my name. And if you want to call me, here's my phone number. Like, I'm not anonymous.
I'm not unnamed. You can call me right now if you want to. And there it is.
Rod Martin was involved in this earlier. I mean, one of the most well -known Southern Baptists in the world, also named.
So it's just a lie. So, number one, it doesn't matter if they're unnamed sources, because it's video of you.
Secondly, they're not unnamed sources, but Ed Litton is telling the pagans, because look, this is not a
Christian news organization. This is WKRG News. He's telling the pagans that it's unnamed sources.
Guys, Ed Litton is steeped in this. He won't repent, and not only that, he's compounding his sin by lying to the pagans about the criticism that he's been plagiarizing people probably for years.
By the way, you know who else is talking about this? Now he's being a little bit more cryptic than some people.
But the president of a Southern Baptist seminary, Jason Allen, is talking about this. That's his name.
He's not unnamed. And so it just boggles the mind. Why is he doing this?
Why is he just insistent on lying to protect,
I guess, his power? I mean, I guess he must be power -driven here. Like, he doesn't want to give up the presidency.
If he admits he plagiarized, he has to give up the presidency, or at least you would think he would have to. I mean, the man has no scruples, obviously, so he could probably do whatever he wants.
But he's even lying to the pagans to cover this up. And it's just like it really boggles the mind.
How can a Christian behave this way? That's what I want to know. How can a Christian behave this way?
I just don't even know what to say about that. But I don't think this story is going away.
I think that there's going to be more stuff uncovered. I think Docent Research Group is going to be exposed a little bit more here and there.
I mean, this is just such a preposterous situation. Ed Litton must resign.
And if you're in Big Eva and you are uncomfortable with all this stuff, you must call for his resignation as well.
It's time. This is an opportunity given to you by God. It's time to find your courage. It's time to find some backbone and to do what must be done.
This has to be done. He cannot be allowed to drag the Church of Christ through the mud anymore through his blatant plagiarism.
Blatant. Blatant plagiarism. He's too busy to write his own sermons, but he can be the SBC president.
He can do all this other stuff. Too busy to write his own sermons, though, so he's got to steal from J .D. Greer. And then to cover it up with lies.
He's lying to the pagans, right? And all the while dragging the name of Christ through the mud by lying publicly to the pagans.
It's just unbelievable. But let's transition. I want to talk about my shirt.
I said I would talk about the billionaire space race. It's going to be an epic accomplishment.
Yeah, sure, we went to the moon in 1969. But now it's an epic accomplishment to go 50 miles up in the air and be a billionaire and all that stuff.
And so people have asked me to comment on that situation. Is it going to be Bezos that goes to space first?
Is it going to be Elon or maybe Richard Branson? Who's going to get to space first?
And the only comment I have is nobody's going anywhere. That's my comment.
Ain't nobody going anywhere. They're all going to be here on Earth. Anyway, if you want to get a shirt like this, go to saintsandsociety .com.
Thank you for sending me that. Just a reminder, if you want a copy of my book for $15, shipping included, email me at ad at adroblez .com.
Mention the Ed Litton opportunity, and I will send you a copy of Social Justice Pharisees, Wilk Church Tactics, and How to Engage Him.