F4F | Koo Koo Banana Town


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube, and I gotta warn you, what you're about to see is from Cuckoo Banana Town.
Yeah, I'll have to explain the biblical backing of this momentarily, but what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be heading down to Glory of Zion.
This is the place where the so -called self -appointed apostle
Chuck Pierce holds court, and if you've been any kind of a listener to my podcast for any number of years, then you'll be familiar with the fact that from time to time we do something that we call
Prophecy Open Mic, and that's what they do down at Glory of Zion.
They do Prophecy Open Mics. They kind of open it up, but what you're about to see is utter pandemonium, and I put this into the category of a prophecy being fulfilled, a prophecy that was given by none other than the true apostle, the
Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians, and let me pull that up and we'll review what this prophecy says, because what you're about to see is a fulfillment of this prophecy like in spades, and just so you know, we're gonna listen to, you know, show video from two
Open Mic Prophecy times. One of them is called
Many Conflicts on the Horizon, which you don't need to be a prophet to see that one coming.
I'll explain when we get there, and then the other one is titled I'm Meeting You at Your Gideon Place.
I didn't even know I had a Gideon Place. Anyways, this is supposedly God telling you that's where he's gonna meet you.
So to the biblical text first before we actually get to the
Glory of Zion Open Mic, 2 Thessalonians 2, starting at verse 1, context, context, context, and I need to make the
Greek a little bit bigger. That's a little too small for me to read. Alright, now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or a spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us to the effect that the day of the
Lord has already come. So let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first, and then the man of lawlessness is revealed.
By the way, the Greek word for a rebellion is over here. It's apostasia, apostasia.
So if you ever heard prophecies regarding the great apostasy, yeah, that's what that's revering to.
So, in the days immediately before the return of Christ, just cuckoo banana town, you know, total rebellion against Christ, his word, his authority, and all this kind of stuff.
Peter describes it as a time when false prophets are going to be all over the place, and I think you'll kind of see that, but anyway, so the day of the
Lord will not happen unless the rebellion comes first, or the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, who is the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so -called god or object of worship.
Yeah, that's talking about the Antichrist. So that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be
God. So do you not remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things, and now you know what is restraining him now, so that he may be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he's out of the way.
So there's going to be a restraining put on the lawlessness until right before Christ returns, and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the
Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth, bring to nothing by the appearing of his coming, and yeah, we all sit there and go, yay!
Now here's what Paul prophesies that you need to be looking for. Ready?
Here we go. The coming of the lawless one, aka the Antichrist, is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, like leg lengthening and stuff like that, or the healing of diseases that nobody can see.
Think of Benny Hinn and the Televandus, right? So the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false in order that all may condemn who did not believe the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness.
So lawlessness, false signs, false wonders, false prophets, and a strong delusion.
Well, I don't think you can mix a stronger drink of delusion than what it is you are about to see.
We are heading to Glory of Zion. This is a Prophecy Open Mic segment. Hope you're sitting down because here we go.
And I say to you, many conflicts on the horizon. Over the next three months you will protect your ears, protect your eyes, protect what you're listening to.
I say there will be many conflicts. There will be conflicts of political nature.
There will be conflicts in the arena of religion. There will be conflicts in the political arena, in the arena of religion.
No way! It's been so peaceful. And then you got like, you know, the
Democrats here in the United States winning the House of Representatives while the Republicans hanging on to Congress.
Of course, Donald Trump is in the presidency and so you sit there and go, no, guess what?
I got an inside scoop from God himself. Are you ready? Political conflict is coming in 2019.
No, you don't say. And notice the complete pandemonium there in the background.
We continue though. Yeah, you know, this is quite the, quite the prophetic word.
I mean, I wouldn't have been able to be prepared for what's coming otherwise. Over economic structures,
I say to you, nations will accuse other nations.
So I say, protect your ears, protect your eyes, and do not enter into opinions quickly.
I say, allow me to form the truth in you over these next three months.
And allow me to put the words in your mouth that you need to decree.
All right. Yeah. Okay. Like, what's with the bo staffs? You know, are they practicing martial arts there?
Well, prophetic martial arts, art, dancing kind of thing. Now, were they summoning a demon?
What is going on there? Let's listen to part of the next one titled,
I'm Meeting You at Your Gideon Place. By the way, people of the charismatic movement will tell you that's tongues.
That ain't tongues. Tongues is actually speaking a language you've never studied. Yeah. On the day of Pentecost, you know, the
Holy Spirit falls, and people hear the proclamation of Christ and the glory of God in their own languages.
This is exactly what is forbidden in Scripture. In fact, I should point that out where this is forbidden.
In 1 Corinthians 14, and you'll remember if, you know, if you know your Bible, that 1
Corinthians 12, 13, and 14 have to do with the gifts of the
Spirit and their operation within the church. So the idea then is that there are limitations, there are actual prohibitions on how to operate in the valid gift of tongues, which would be the supernatural ability to speak in a language that you've never studied.
And you may not even know what it is that you're saying, so you need somebody to interpret. So 1 Corinthians 14, 26 says,
Well, what then, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up. If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two, or at the most three, and then each in turn, and then let somebody interpret.
If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself in God.
Yeah, no speaking in tongues without an interpreter, two, at the most three, one at a time kind of thing here.
And you'll note that one of the hallmarks of today's charismatic and charismatic churches is they don't abide by these prohibitions.
They are lawless, right? So whatever this woman is doing that has the microphone, she's not supposed to be doing that.
It looks like she's passing a kidney stone. What is going on there? Maybe she's giving birth without an epidural.
The Lord says that this is a season of extending, and where you have threshed in your own self, your reach is not long enough for this season.
This is word salad. There's no salad dressing for this word salad.
All right, so when you've threshed within yourself, your reach isn't long enough.
Blue sleeps faster than Tuesday, yeah. So the Lord says, know that I have sent threshing angels into the earth to extend your reach into the field.
Yeah, those threshing angels are going to, you know, help you extend your reach and stuff.
To extend your reach into the nations. And the Lord says, as you partner with the threshing angels,
I am causing your strength. I am causing your strength. I am causing your strength and your intermediary positioning to enlarge and to open up.
And the Lord says, know that this is a time where I am meeting you at your
Gideon place, where you have hidden from your enemy in fear. The Lord says, this is a time that I am causing you to come from fear into future.
So know that your future has a portion, and in the portion of the strengthening, and in the portion of the...
So my future has a portioning. And in the portion, there's a strengthening.
Right. Yeah. Clear as mud there. Yeah, when you read like the Old Testament prophets, you know, like Isaiah, Amos, Micah, Jeremiah, they're really lucid when they speak.
Hmm. This guy, not so much. Threshing, I am calling you in to a new level and a new field and a new harvest.
So the Lord says, partner, partner, partner, partner, partner, partner, partner.
How many partners is he looking for? Partner, partner, partner, partner with the threshing angels.
Yeah, you gotta, you know, partner with the threshing angels. Let's come back to the original one, see if we can make sense of this.
Put your words in my mouth. Put your words in my mouth.
Put your words in my mouth and I will speak. Let's go back to 2
Thessalonians. Just double checking our biblical texts here. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion.
I think that's what we're looking at here. Really, really strong, 200 proof.
No one's cut this delusion. It's straight up. You take a sip of this one.
You will be snickered. You'll be three sheets to the wind.
You know what I mean? Anyway. Say storm clouds are gathering and know that as my wind blows,
I am causing the clouds to begin to form. Do those ladies have shields?
They have shields. Okay. Hold it together.
Hang on. I need to do a breathing exercise or something. Got to recenter or something.
Refocus. Okay. All right. Let's plow ahead here.
For I say there are storm clouds that are gathering, but know that these clouds and this storm has come not to destroy my people, but to cleanse, says the
Lord. A cleansing storm cloud is gathering. Glad they have their shields up.
You might want to protect yourself there. Blow out some things, says the Lord.
Know that this storm is a cleansing storm to blow out that that would stand for unrighteousness so that my righteousness could rise up in the earth.
God said do not fear the storm, but I say if you will look at the storm, if you will face the storm,
I will cover you in the midst of that and know that I shall bring you through the storm and you shall come through and you shall see my glory released in a new way.
So I say know that my wind is gathering storm clouds, but I say do not allow fear to cover you during this time for I am the
God who can speak peace in the midst of the storm and I say
I will give you my peace and you shall ride through the storm and you shall see me as I blow out that that needs to be blown out so that I can establish my purpose in the earth.
Okay, back to the second video. And I also heard in that tongue that that partnering is not a difficult thing.
He says it's as easy for me as tic -tac -toe. He said you don't have to get to an advanced level.
He said I can break it down. Break it down to tic -tac -toe, man. Listen to the vibe.
Oh, the groove that this band is in, man. Yeah. Very easy for you to partner with my harvest angels.
He said when your mind tries to turn on, he says tic -tac -toe. I will make sure
I get the strike. So when your mind turns on, tic -tac -toe.
I'll never be the same after that. Let me go back to the other one here. Last night,
I had this dream. And in this dream... I had a dream last night.
I saw this tumultuous storm. And this storm was brewing.
And it was like this massive tornado that began to swirl and swirl. And when it swirled, it would kick things out.
And I looked in my dream and I saw the finger of God.
But I saw the little hand of man grab ahold to the finger of God. And I said,
Lord, what are you saying to me? And he said, get ready. This will be a year of tumultuous winds.
But I am coming as the whirlwind to kick out what needs to be kicked out.
But to establish what needs to be established. Those that I call my children, if they will reach up in the midst of the storm and grab ahold of the
Father's finger. I don't know. Because you're describing a tornado here.
I've lived in the Midwest now for a decade. And when those tornado sirens go off,
I'm in my basement. I'm not looking for a big finger to pull. Just saying.
As a small infant grabs ahold of his, they will see me bring him up and bring him out.
And set him on top of the storm. And I will give them a fortitude to ride my winds.
Catch my winds. And not be kicked out. But be established in my name.
Because the Father's eye is in the midst of the storm. And his finger is extended this day.
So we have an extended finger of God in the middle of a tornado. Got it. All right, back to the tic -tac -toe.
And what I heard in that tongue was, I'm coming down to chop, chop, chop.
Your hands have been held in a way. And I'm coming down to chop, chop, chop. And free your hands.
Review that text again here. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion.
And you'll notice the ones who get the strong delusions, the ones who are lawless, disobeying what
God says, especially regarding the gifts of the Spirit. And the activity of Satan in false signs and wonders, which is, you know, pretty much the staple of the entire charismatic -narismatic movement.
And then God sends strong delusion on these folks. And this is the result,
I think. Spirit, and free your feet. You've had chains on your feet. And I'm coming down to chop, chop, chop.
Tic -tac -toe, chop, chop, chop. Let's come back. It looked like Chuck Pierce was going to take the microphone again.
He is, you know, an apostle. Now, I believe the
Lord. The Lord is doing this before we enter in and worship our way into communion this morning.
Because I did not plan on even seeing any of this, if you get my drift, till I came in here, and all of a sudden, on the first note of this song, and I heard a sound in here, and all of a sudden it opened up.
Now, I'm telling you, God is saying this. Get ready. Get ready.
We've got to understand, we're going into lots of conflicting days.
Do not get discouraged. You don't have to be a prophet to see that 2019 is going to be days of conflict.
I mean, it was conflict last year.
And then, you know, after the election, conflict was already being talked about.
Anyway, I think you get the point. Again, this is what on my podcast we call
Prophecy Open Mic. And none of that, not any of that is from God.
No. Except for maybe, you know, what 2 Thessalonians 2 says regarding the strong delusion.
The delusion is from God. It's a delusion of judgment because they are participating in the activity of Satan with false signs and wonders and lawlessness.
And they are literally the forerunners showing us that the time is really short before the man of lawlessness himself shows up.
I don't know when it's going to be, but man, if that is not an example of false signs, false wonders, false prophecy and a strong delusion,
I don't know what that was. But, you know, the fact that that place is packed and it's a huge church and there's people that everybody there thinks, this is from God!
They are intoxicated by the strong delusion that God has sent them in judgment for their false words, their false teaching, their false manifestations, their false signs, their false wonders.
Now, I hope you found this helpful. If so, please share this video. The information on how to share it is down below.
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So, until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.