Radio Free Geneva: Gail Riplinger, Kent Hovind, Peter Lumpkins Reviewed


Started off with the recent Kent Hovind video promoting Gail Riplinger—why? Because a comment was made about 5-point Calvinists in their criticism of “modern translations,” and we wanted to see, and hear, the cultic mindset of the worst of the KJVO movement. Then we moved on to Peter Lumpkin’s new booklet on Calvinism. We will be back tomorrow (since the rest of the week is all about Thanksgiving!).

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The mighty fortresses are gone. The forward caravans.
I don't like Calvinists because they've chosen to follow John Calvin instead of Jesus Christ. I have a problem with them.
They're following men instead of the Word of God. I'll never need a baby.
And I'm gonna be the one standing on top of my hands, standing on top of my feet, standing on a stump and crying out,
He died for all. Those who elected were selected. For still our ancient foe does seem to work us foe.
His craft and power are great. Well, first of all,
James, I'm very ignorant of the Reformers. All earthly style is in war.
I think I probably know more about Calvinism than most of the people who call themselves Calvinists.
Did we must drive in one?
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever.
Ladies and gentlemen,
James White is a hyper -Calvinist. Now, whatever we do in Baptist life, we don't need to be teaming up with hyper -Calvinists.
I said the other day in class that I don't understand the difference between hyper -Calvinism and Calvinism.
It seems to me that Calvin was a hyper -Calvinist. Right, I don't think there is typically any difference between Calvinism and hyper -Calvinism.
Read my book. And now, from our underground bunker, deep beneath Bruton Parker College, where no one would think to look, safe from all those moderate
Calvinists, Dave Hunt fans, and those who have read and re -read George Bryson's book, we are
Radio Free Geneva, broadcasting the truth about God's freedom to say for His own eternal glory.
Yeah, people still love that introduction. I think that's just edgy.
Edgy is what it is. Welcome to Radio Free Geneva on the dividing line. I have, for some reason, the left part of the screen up here,
I think you've got one of your desktop things over or something. It looks really weird.
Can you just bring up the freeze frame on the video? It might explain why it's hard for me to concentrate.
The freeze frame on the video. How about play a video? I hope you're ready for the video. Yeah, yeah, that's why
I'm... That's what I've got staring at me. For those of you who don't recognize the eminent
Bible scholar, textual critical scholar, linguistic scholar,
Kent State professor, Gale, God, and Ripplinger.
That's Gale Ripplinger with Kent Hovind. You might say, well, why in the world would you have that on Radio Free Geneva?
Well, I started listening to this video that was posted a few days ago.
Evidently, Kent Hovind was going someplace and decided to stop by late at night and visit with Gale Ripplinger and set up the cameras and do a shoot, which was basically nothing more than a here's all my books and here's how much
I charge for them and you should all buy my books and read my books type advertisement for Gale Ripplinger.
And I'm not sure if that's still her name right now. I'm not sure how many husbands she's had so far, which name she's using right now.
But I'm just gonna go with the one that was on the book. I don't have it in here. I have it in the other room with all the other weird stuff.
But I was taken aback at what
I heard. You know, she's still doing the when I taught at Kent State, when I taught at Kent State, when
I taught at Kent State, when I wrote textbooks, Kent State, she taught interior design at Kent State.
And she's still doing she actually in this where I could play all of it. Believe me, it's just it's it's it's too it's too much.
But. She actually, toward the end, starts talking about.
This work she's allegedly doing in collating all these foreign language
Bibles and Ken Holmes going, you'll you have to learn all those languages. Oh, yeah.
And she's talking about she's talking about learning entire languages. Just, you know, and you're just sitting there going, seriously, you don't even know
Greek. What are you talking about? I mean, how can I? Oh, but the funny thing was, after for some reason,
I listened to it initially on YouTube. And the very next thing, you know how
YouTube's done that rollover type thing now where it doesn't just stop and play something else, sometimes is, you know, no earthly idea why the next thing starts.
But the very next thing it started was the was that ninety four.
It was early ninety four or late ninety three when I was on K .R .D .S. on the
Pat Shaughnessy program. P .S. on the air with the only time she ever allowed herself to get into a debate.
And it was the last time she allowed herself to get into a debate, even though the second day they stacked the deck, had a local
King James only us online ready to go. Remember her name? Remember what?
Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And it was a Judy. Yeah. Judy Pinalto.
Yeah. And she's the one that late a few months later did a radio program. The public spanking of James White.
Remember that? And still it was still just. Just an amazing thing.
If if if you don't know who Gail Riplinger is, then you probably think
I'm making fun of her. But if you've never read her books, I've said many, many times there are more outlandish, ridiculous errors of fundamental thought and logic and rationality per page on a
Gail Riplinger book than anything else you'll ever read. And anyone who promotes her, anyone who promotes her has that much discernment.
Absolutely, positively none. I mean, if you want to completely if you want to take your credibility.
Put in a box, drop in a grenade and then run. Promote Gail Riplinger that I mean, that's and there's
Kent Holden doing it. Just just all out. And and when she shows them, they're still selling blind guides.
The book they wrote about me that I shredded, I mean, on an embarrassing level.
I mean, I can honestly say we fully refuted everything in that book that had any meaning whatsoever to the nth degree, to the nth degree.
And they're still selling it for sixteen ninety five. And now Kent Holden is going to sell it for sixteen ninety five.
It's amazing. I mean, what what can you say? What can you say?
So but why why do this on a radio free
Geneva? Well, as I was listening to this, as I was listening to it, I caught this section.
And so I'll play it for you and and you'll see what I mean when
I play it for you. Because you got to understand, Gail Riplinger represents remember in her book, in New Age Bible versions.
Again, highest number of absurdities per page of any written document I've ever seen.
In her book, she identifies the five points of Calvinism with the satanic pentagram, the five points, the satanic pentagram.
She is rabidly anti -Calvinistic, rabidly, hyper.
Rapidly anti -Calvinistic, I mean, just again, well. It's words eventually fail to try to describe the looniness of Gail Riplinger and her theology and her the whole nine yards.
Remember? Oh, man, I wish I had that. I'm going to look for it. I'm going to look for it because, you know,
I've got my Mac here. Titanic, I'm going to see if I'm going to see if I can find it anywhere because I I had it.
I know I had it in my King James only presentation somewhere.
But that would that would be really, really, really cool. They're here, here, here, here.
Oh, great. I found my daughter's. Yes, I found my my daughter did a summer, summer, summer.
Did you know I've still got your your Titanic PowerPoint? I just I found it.
Oh, make sure the audio is up here, because I think I found I wasn't going to do this, but this is this is just too good.
By the way, before you go there, if you go to a .org in the search engine, put Titanic in our
YouTube video of Gail Riplinger talking about the Titanic, the singing Titanic in the
NIV is right there. Really? We very good. We have it. Good, good. Excellent. So do that if you want to hear this again.
I'm going to play it for you anyways. Yeah, the algo just posted it to the NIV in the Titanic, what you never knew.
Yeah. OK. I realize some of you have only been listening the past couple of years and you don't know how long
I've been doing this. I had hair and big glasses when
I started this. I really did. I'm only 32, you know, and. But if you it's very difficult if you've never listened to Gail Riplinger talk, it's difficult to understand how absolutely insane her reasoning process can be.
And so I I found this clip years ago. Of. Well, you know, if you go back and listen to my debate with her, the first thing
I asked her about was acrostic algebra. Acrostic algebra, which
I wonder if is in a new edition, because now she's talking about how the ESV is discussed in addition. That wasn't that was even out when
I first started dealing with her on this book. But. Acrostic algebra, where you take any
SV and NIV and subtract out
AV and the resultant letters are sin. And that proves the new
American standard and the NIV are evil. Because when you take out the AV, all you have left is sin.
And if you listen to the debate. And I mentioned it on Twitter, I link to the sermon audio stuff.
Some people said that sermon audio link wasn't good or something, but they found anyways. She explains.
That the Lord gave her that. And when I asked her, but all through your book, you called the
NESB. But only in this one place you called the NESV, because if you called it what you called the rest of the book, then your acrostic algebra wouldn't work.
So what's up with that? That's what the Lord calls it. That's what the
Lord calls it. It's a little hard to argue with folks that just, you know. One on one conversations with God, you know, just get the answers immediately,
I guess. Anyway, I found this clip. And it is this was after our debate.
And so what happened clearly after the debate is that anybody who wants to interview her, she sends them the questions that they can ask and that's it.
Because she learned from our one encounter that she cannot defend her position.
It's impossible. Just, you know, asking her to think logically and rationally.
It's just this explosion. You know, there's this commercial where the people's heads explode.
That's exactly what it is. Oh, man, I can tell the meme is coming. Somebody's going to get a picture of this and they're just going to go.
By the end of the program, it's going to happen. What are you talking about? Blake Long on Twitter is asking, what is your opinion of the
New Living Translation? OK, we move on from there. Here's I'm not sure how this is going to play.
Um. Let's let me let me see if I can play for you.
This section of Gail Ripplinger. Just try to follow this. Just try to understand this.
OK, let's see how this works. I brought up iTunes. Well, let's see how it works. It actually has been said that Titanic is the third most widely recognized word in the world.
That's not what we're looking for. OK, it must be the wave then.
Let's try this one. Well, now, one of the things that I guess some of our listeners have been wondering about,
Gail, is when did the new versions first appear in America? Are these brand new things that just came about in the last 20 or 30 years?
Well, you know, the Titanic traveled to America from England in 1912. This was the same year as the corrupt
American Standard Version. And coincidentally, it was a man named Murdoch who threw the famous Titanic into reverse, causing it to sink.
Now, scientists have just discovered that, of course, it wasn't a big gash, but as previously thought, that sunk the
Titanic, but six small slits. And today's NIV has cut out 64 ,000 words and 16 verses.
Now, back in 1912, the New American Standard Bible had Timothy Dwight of the infamous
Skull and Bones Society as a committee member. I have an educated guess about why the
Titanic sunk and why the NIV will eventually sink in the lake of fire. The Titanic was from something called the
White Star Line, owned by J .P. Morgan. And the term White Star is a codename for Lucifer.
If someone needs to document this, they could read the book Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Henson. It includes a prayer to Lucifer, which states,
Thou of the unholy trinity, help us, whose star is white. Blot out the red star.
Now, they are praying that Lucifer will take the place of our precious bloodstained savior, the
Lord Jesus Christ. We remember Lucifer himself said in Isaiah 14, I will be like the
Most High. Now, back at the turn of the century, Madame Blavatsky, with her newspaper Lucifer, said on its cover, quote,
I, Jesus, am the bright morning star, Lucifer. She was saying that Jesus and Lucifer were the same person.
Of course, this isn't true. But her followers, in the transactions of the first annual congress of the
Theosophical Society, way back at the turn of the century, said, quote, I believe it is through the churches, and not through the
Theosophical Society, that theosophy must and should come to large bodies of people in the
West. The work of destructive criticism has paved the way, sweeping away certain passages which grate on the ears.
The phrase washed in the blood is one. Now, the phrase washed in the blood had been taken out of the
American Standard Version, and it's still out in Colossians 1 .14, and out 40 times in the
NIV, and 23 times in the New King James Bible. There's a principle in social psychology called cognitive dissonance, and to change an attitude, they recommend bringing the person into initial exposure to a message which is only slightly different from the receiver's beliefs.
And this is exactly what they've done with the Bible versions. They get progressively worse. Now, in the
NIV today, we have exactly what Madame Blavatsky's newspaper said. We have
Jesus Christ as Lucifer in Isaiah 14 .12. The King James correctly translates
Isaiah 14 .12 as, How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning? Lucifer is the fallen angel.
Jesus Christ is never fallen. He is the Son of God, God manifest in the flesh. However, the NIV says in Isaiah 14 .12,
How have you fallen from heaven, morning star? So they're saying that the star and Lucifer are the same thing.
Now, in 2 Peter 1 .19, the NIV also calls Jesus Christ the morning star instead of the day star.
But for centuries, way back at the turn of the century, once again, the Catholic Latin Vulgate said in Latin, Et lucifer oriator, in 2
Peter 1 .19. Now, that would translate as Lucifer rising. And it strikes me as funny that in 1990, there's an underground movie called
Lucifer Rising, and the soundtrack was done by that rock group Led Zeppelin. So things seem to really come around that way.
You know, the word for star in Hebrew is kokab, and it does not appear at all in Isaiah 14 .12.
God uses the word star in verse 13. If he wanted to use it, he could have used it in verse 12. In fact,
God uses the word star about 30 -some times in the Old Testament, and he does not use it in Isaiah 14 .12.
So they're really giving us something very, very bad there. As a matter of fact, there's a book on the bestsellers list called
The Origin of Satan, and right now it's on the bestsellers list. And it reaffirms this heresy. It says, quote, the serpent is actually
Christ. So the public is being progressively taught this. And the
Theosophical Society said they were going to do this through the churches. Now, the New Versions are already having their effect on the churches,
Ken. Two so -called Christian books are introducing this lie. The first is called
The Mighty Warrior by Elizabeth Al. And it tells Christians to rebuke the morning star. This author thinks the morning star is
Satan. So can you imagine praying and rebuking Jesus Christ? You're the one playing it, not me.
Ah, I found it. You know what I find shocking about that clip is? Is that somehow you didn't get woven into that because Arizona became a state in 1912.
Of course. But there are no sixes involved in the activity. So what can you do with that?
I'm sure she's still working on it, though. I'm just trying to figure out, what was the guy doing the interview thinking during this whole thing?
He had to mute his mic because he was laughing like crazy. Are these modern versions a new thing?
Wow. All over the landscape.
But did you catch? A lot of people don't catch. I was trying to help you. Six small slits.
And then it was like something with a 16 and then 64 ,000 words.
Six, six, six. There obviously is no reasoning with a mind that can produce the unending stream of incoherent babble that we just listened to.
You cannot reason with someone like that. It's not possible. It can't be done.
But we still haven't gotten to the point yet, have we? I wasn't going to play that.
Someone, a mutual friend of ours, just said on Facebook, Sorry, couldn't take that nonsense. Had to turn down the volume.
Well, hope you remember to turn it back up. So this is the stuff that Kent Hovind is now promoting.
Just so you know. Let's watch some of the video. Here we go. ...books at Kent State University, textbooks there.
And when I retired, I started writing books about the King James Bible. Now remember, she was writing textbooks about interior design.
Seriously. I'm not making this up. She has zero training in biblical languages, stuff like that.
Nothing. Zip, zero, nada. And when the book first came out, no one even knew who she was. G .A.
Ripplinger. And she actually, when someone asked her why she used G .A. Ripplinger, because it stood for God and Ripplinger.
It was New Age Bible versions. It's a 700 -page paperback book. It demonstrates the errors in the
ESV, that's English Standard Version, which is becoming very popular now among the 5 -point Calvinists. And many unsuspecting people purchasing it who don't know it was written by a 5 -point
Calvinist. Right, right. It has that vein in it. But it shows the errors in that and the errors in... So, so there you...
Five... You can't trust anything that is written by a 5 -point Calvinist, right?
I mean, that seemed to be what we were just told. You cannot trust anything written by a 5 -point Calvinist.
Except, evidently, the King James Version of the Bible, which had all sorts of Puritans who were 5 -point
Calvinists involved in its translation. The essence of King James -only -ism.
The essence of King James -only -ism is double standards. It's the essence.
They cannot apply the standards they apply to anything else to the
King James. And they don't. And despite our one
Muslim friend who thinks that you can define truth without referring to inconsistency or consistency, it is...
Every single debate we've ever done with a King James -only -ist has all come down to the same thing.
And she represents, and evidently Kent Hovind along with, represents the very virulent, cultic, deeply cultic strain of King James -only -ism that is virulently anti -Calvinist, despite the fact that the book that they are promoting was thought up, translated by the vast majority, strong, reformed men.
That's okay. That's okay. We'll close our eyes to that.
We'll close our eyes to the fact that Desiderius Erasmus, in the creation of the text of Septus, was himself a
Roman Catholic priest. We'll point out whenever a Romanist has been involved with the eclectic text, because that means it's corrupt, but Roman Catholic priest,
TR, no big deal. No big deal at all. And this lexicon over here, the guy was a
Calvinist. Corrupt. Puritans involved with the translation committee,
Calvinists, no big deal. There is no reasoning. And that's why these folks cannot engage in meaningful apologetics.
And if Kent Hovind is pushing this stuff, then he isn't engaging in meaningful apologetics either. Hey brother
Hovind, you want to debate this? Might be interesting, huh? Might be interesting indeed.
Anyway, so there's this. And then they did, they did get around, like I said, they are still, still selling the stuff that they wrote about me from long, long ago.
I'll play that section, then we'll move on. Right. We're not as many, many which cry the word of God.
So the argument that these guys have is, well, this is older, therefore it's better. That's flawed on its face.
It's ridiculous. Yeah. Okay, other stuff you got? Okay. Then after those books came out, there were some criticisms of them.
James White probably being the proponent critic. James White has been a critic of your work, and mine.
Okay. Aww. Aww. Well, we answered him in Blind Guides, and his most recent...
I've not seen that one yet. If I could... Oh, sure. How much does that one sell for? $16 .95. $16 .95.
I haven't seen that one. How much are we going to be selling it for? I won't check out the research, and I won't take the time to look at what
James White wrote and said in response to this, totally refuting it, tearing it to shreds, embarrassing it on the most basic level.
But we'll sell it for $16 .95 if you want to get it from us. There you go. There you go. That's...
Okay. And it answers a few of the other critics. I normally don't sell books I haven't read. Yeah. But I trust you so far, so I'm going to put that one up there if somebody wants to get that one.
Because we don't want to see the Titanic sink again. No, no, no, no. Don't want to have that happen again. As soon as my brother straightens up.
He's a hunchback, so it might be a while. Oh, no. Okay. That's true. And Mr. White's most recent criticisms about the
King James saying that... My most recent criticisms about the King James. Now, check this out.
Someone lives in a fantasy world. Now, remember, Gayle Riplinger, when I wrote the material
I did about her and her book in the King James only controversy, as I was writing that in...
No, no. It was 94. It was right around the end of August of 1994.
21 years ago. When I would write a section about her,
I would fax that material to her for her review and comment.
For her review and comment. After a while, she turned off the fax machine.
It would start going through as soon as she saw the cover letter, she'd turn it off. But then, when the book was finished, she contacted
Bethany House Publishers and said if they published the book, she'd sue them. The book was actually delayed by about two months.
As the attorneys went over everything to make sure there wasn't any grounds. And of course, she never did because everything
I said was truthful. So, this is the same person we're talking about here.
Okay? One side, wide open. Here's what I'm going to say. Do you have any comments?
The other side, all we want is a monologue. We're just going to blast away at you.
We don't care about truth, honesty. We don't do debates. Monologue, monologue, monologue.
We'll just scream you down. It's the King James only way. The cultic
King James only way. And evidently, Kent Hovind is just as much into the cultic King James only movement as anybody else is, sadly.
...demoted the deity of Jesus Christ, which borders on hilarious. So, did you hear that? I'm just now saying that the
King James demotes the deity of Christ. That borders on hilarious.
Again, you cannot expect the cultic King James only people to say anything truthful.
They don't know how to do it. They've got their one goal and everything else has to serve that.
Because anyone who has read the King James only controversy, anyone who has read either the original one or the updated version of it, knows that one of the key issues that I addressed is the issue of the deity of Christ.
And I documented very carefully a number of places where modern, conservative translations are clearer on the deity of Christ than the
King James is. I did so fairly.
I did so thoroughly. There is no way Gail Riplinger or Kent Hovind or anybody they would choose to represent them would ever come on this program and be able to survive a meaningful debate on this subject.
They know that. They're well aware of that. If you want to come on,
Gail? Sure, you bet. Contact us. We'll set up the time. Kent?
You want to back up what's being said here? You want to back up what Gail Riplinger is saying? You might want to read this first.
You might want to read what I actually said first. Maybe listen to some of the debates we've done. Because I actually defend the deity of Christ out there in the real world against the leading
Muslims and people like that. Jehovah's Witnesses, stuff like that. That's not the stuff that King James Onlyists do.
They just sit in the back and lob shells every which direction.
Well, sometimes at each other. It's sort of, right now, watching Stephen Anderson and Sam Gipp going at it is pretty entertaining.
That's interesting. But anyway. But hey, if you actually think what you're putting out is true, we've got an open invitation.
We'll do a debate right here on the program. Moderated, timed, whole nine yards. But the fact of the matter is,
I know that all the King James translators believe in the deity of Christ. I know that none of them were in any way, shape, or form attempting to denigrate the deity of Christ.
But the fact of the matter is, they missed the Granville Sharp constructions, because Granville Sharp's rule had not even been defined yet.
They did not translate Romans 9 -5 nearly as clearly as it could be.
They confused the translation of theatetos, and I'm doing this off the top of my head, but theatetos in Colossians 2 -9.
They used the same word that they used for theat, theates, in Romans 1.
They used translate in Colossians 2 -9. The underlying Greek words are not the same thing, and so it actually diluted the testimony of the deity of Christ as found in Colossians 2 -9.
And if you're not familiar with that, memorize Colossians 2 -9, one of the best verses on the deity of Christ. For in him dwells all the fullness of deity, theatetos somaticos, in bodily form.
So, you don't have that in the King James. I did discuss the difference between looking at 1
Timothy 3 -16 versus John 1 -18, where you sort of have a flip -flop between the two textual traditions as to the use of the term theos, of Jesus, etc.,
etc. So, I addressed it, but you see, I addressed it fairly, and the cult of King James Onlius don't know how to address anything fairly.
It's evidently against the rules to address anything fairly. So, I don't know what she's talking about.
Recent assertions. I haven't made any recent assertions.
I wrote the book in 1994. But this is the kind of thinking that you have in the cultic
King James Only, and they are rabidly anti -Calvinist as well. Rabidly anti -Calvinist.
So, there is all sorts of other fun stuff in that particular video that you can go look at.
Lots of people were sending me the link, but we don't have time to do anything about it.
There you go. So, we move on from the completely absurd to the only slightly less absurd.
I was sent a number of things. Leighton Flowers has put out a book on Kindle, The Potter's Promise.
Well, thank you very much. At least when I came up with The Potter's Freedom, it was actually unique.
I actually made it up myself. One of the very first things
I said when Soteriology 101, who I didn't even know who it was at first, started sending me stuff and talking about me in every other webcast that he was posting was, sounds like this is the guy who's trying to get an audience on the basis of me.
Using my name to get himself an audience. Well, then when you put out a book shamelessly stealing from the title of mine, which is sort of what
Norman Geisler did to R .C. Sproul's book too. Don't you Arminians come up with good titles for yourself?
In fact, somebody else did the same thing. Yeah. The Potter's Freedom to Love the
World by Lavender. Come up with your own titles.
And if you're actually going to name it after somebody else's book, you might want to actually try to respond to the whole thing.
Leighton Flower's book is all of, what, 102 pages? And it doesn't seem to be much different than just simply the notes that he had for our debate.
So I guess it's sort of like, oh man, I put all that effort into these notes and I had them in nice plastic covers and I stood up there and preached like a good
Southern Baptist can. And now what am I going to do with all these notes? Well, let's make a book out of it. So we have the
Potter's Promise. And then
I think it was The Troublemaker in Dallas. I think it was
The Troublemaker in Dallas that sent me, well, he sent me two things, actually.
One, which we won't get to today, was a sermon by Dr. Yarnell down at Southwestern on corporate election.
That's the big thing down there. They're just constantly hammering away on it. I listened to it this morning on the ride.
It was not overly compelling. Not the most interesting thing
I've heard. It would be worthwhile to go through and just simply provide a verse -by -verse exegesis in comparison to the great effort that went into attempting to blunt the testimony of personal election in Ephesians 1.
But I think The Troublemaker in Dallas also sent me the link to a new book -let.
I guess some people might call it a book, but it really is just a book -let.
And that is the former Vice President of Communications for Bruton -Parker
College, the eminent Bible scholar, Dr. what?
It's Dr. Peter Lemkin. I mean, he's written lots of books.
Written lots of books. In fact, let me see here.
79. I only have the... There's a listing here of his books and his accomplishments.
And right before the bibliography and the author's sources and stuff that were used here.
And it seems to be going in the wrong direction here. Oh, it already went back to... Okay, 789.
Let's try that one. Yes, okay.
I love this description. They talk about the book Whosoever Will, a biblical theological critique of five -point
Calvinism edited by David L. Allen and Stephen W. Lemke published by B &H
Academic. This volume remains the definitive challenge. The neo -Calvinist resurgence in evangelicalism generally and within the
Southern Baptist Convention in particular. Now, there's much
I could say about this... Oh, I'm sorry. It's called The Storms of Calvinism Navigating the
Rising Waters of Reformed Theology in the Southern Baptist Convention. Now evidently, it's not overly difficult to navigate those waters because it only takes you 43 pages to explain that including bibliography.
So in other words, on Kindle, it took about 46, 47 minutes to find out how to navigate the rising waters of Reformed Theology in the
Southern Baptist Convention. So was it something to the effect of take the cannon, aim it at the deck, pull the light fuse?
Run. Put on life jacket. Basically, yeah. If you're looking for something in depth,
Dr. Lumpkins has demonstrated in his works on Calvinism that this is not where you want to look.
And I was trying to listen fairly. I really was. At the beginning, I was going, hey, he's quoting
Nettles, he's quoting some good sources here. You never know. Maybe he's learning some stuff.
Maybe he's striving. Eh, it didn't last long. This is
P .D. Lumpkins. And P .D. Lumpkins is still P .D. Lumpkins. Now it's interesting, just a couple things.
I wanted to get to what he actually quoted me. It made reference to me. Understandably, it takes little foresight to grasp the complications inevitable in a body of 46 ,000 churches, the overwhelming majority of which do not theologically embrace the emboldened
Calvinism of its entity's leaders. This is their thinking. That the evil
Sith Lord, Albert Muller, I bet you anything,
I bet you anything that somebody in P .D.
Lumpkins' circle I know it has created a meme where they photoshopped
Al Muller as a Sith Lord. I bet you anything that's happened. Because the way they speak is he and Nettles and that nasty, nasty man down in Florida, they have been conspiring together to take over the entities on the mission board and so on and so forth, the seminaries, and capture the
Southern Baptist Convention for emboldened Calvinism. See, these guys know that they're on the losing end of this battle.
They know in their heart of hearts that they could never survive a one -on -one debate.
You know, what's it like to be Paige Patterson and David Allen and these people down in New Orleans and stuff?
They know that if they were to allow a free, open, full debate right there on their own campus, that they would lose.
They know it. They know it. If they thought otherwise, then we'd be getting invitations to engage in these things.
Doesn't happen. They're panicking. They're panicking. The next line is, sooner or later, the waves of Calvinism will topple the
Southern Baptist boat. Now, how do you topple a boat? I mean, shouldn't it be something like swamp, sink, something relevant?
Topple? That doesn't make sense. Truth be told, he says, it may already be too late.
It may already be too late. Many churches are already questioning whether they should continue supporting entities with theological convictions so different from their own.
This is the very mindset that we heard what, two weeks ago? With the fellow that was running for the
Kentucky State Baptist Convention presidency. Newfangled! Newfangled stuff.
This is the same attitude. And this is Peter Lumpkin's audience. He's not trying to convince me.
I'm irrelevant. Because the people that he is seeking to encourage and seeking to be looked upon as an expert on the subject, they're the people who are so close -minded that they will not even listen to the other side.
And that's why they're losing and they don't realize it. Because when you're that close -minded, you won't even listen to the other side.
Someone who recognizes the necessity of hearing both sides out is going to look at you and go, I can't give you much credit.
Because you're obviously not a person who's listening meaningfully. And if you don't listen to the other side, you cannot form meaningful argumentation.
Let me see here. He says, obviously a volume this size can offer neither everything one may want to know about Calvinism or everything valuable to be said about Calvinism.
Well, every time Dr. Lumpkin writes a book about Calvinism, that's exactly what happens.
He has to say, well, this isn't exhaustive. No, not even close. Not even close. Yeah, okay.
Then we've got Go away. Thank you. Then we've got this.
Some Calvinists depend upon 1 John 5 .1 to prove irresistible grace.
Whoever believeth that Jesus the Christ is born of God, they want the love of him that begat love of him also that is begotten of him.
Some rightly contest what exactly this verse has to do with irresistible grace. I was northbound on Norterra Parkway, going around the corner of the
CVS, the light there, when I heard that. Weird how that happens. I thought to myself,
Dr. Lumpkins doesn't even understand the argument that we're making from the grammar of the
Greek text in regards to 1 John 5 .1. He doesn't understand how compelling that argument is.
I don't understand how that can be because certainly you've read it, right,
Dr. Lumpkins? And it's not it's not that difficult a chapter to follow, and it's not that difficult an argument to follow, and there's you know, we're talking about the gift of faith, and I walk through 1
John and I talk about the whole argument and how it's related to everything else, and what's difficult to understand?
And yet, he says, well, you know, what does that have to do with Irresistible Grace?
Well, that just shows a fundamental misunderstanding on his part of the whole issue of Reformed Theology to begin with.
They don't like it when we say that, and then they keep giving us stuff like this. Here is what
I I've got enough time to go ahead and read it. For Calvinists, however, perseverance is hardly based upon a person's transformation from a sinful rebel to a new creation, i .e.
being born again. Instead, like the new birth, perseverance is rooted in eternity past.
The perseverance of the saints is the logical outcome of eternal election, the result of God's being predestined people of being
God's predestined people. The reason the elect will not perish is because God's eternal decree cannot fail.
Well, again, and this is just always the way it is with our synergistic friends.
It's both and. It's not just one or the other. Yes, it is quite true that if the
Father, Son, and Spirit could decree the salvation of an individual, the Father decrees it, the
Son dies to obtain it, the Spirit comes to apply it, and they all fail because of the almighty will of the man, that's a problem.
That's not the God of the Bible. That's not the God of Psalm 33, by any stretch of the imagination. And there's nothing in this book that even starts, again, the whole problem of the book focuses on TULIP, doesn't focus on what we always say, and that is
TULIP. TULIP is subordinate to and the outcome of the most important thing, and that is the doctrine of God himself.
His divine decrees, his perfections, his eternality, all of that.
Skips all that. Anyway, that's just standard fare.
Just get used to it. Since their theology is man -centered, they're always going to approach it from the man -centered side rather than the
God -centered side. They don't know anything else. And so, it is true that we trace perseverance all the way through everything that God does for the simple reason that it's not my perseverance that adds to my salvation.
I persevere because God is glorifying himself in providing me a perfect savior and a perfect salvation.
It's about God, not about me. And there is a perfect consistency that runs through.
Yes, in other words, it's actually consistent with Biblical revelation, truth, and logic.
Yep, that's true. And over and over again, this book, Dr. Lumpkin says that's just too much emphasis here on systematic theology, consistent consistency, reasoning.
Can't have all that stuff. And it's right there. And you're right. From their perspective, their position is not consistent.
It is not rational. It doesn't make sense. It contradicts itself. But they still hold on to it.
And you wonder why they're not involved in apologetics. You wonder why they're not out there meeting the other world's religions in an effective manner.
So anyways, if the elect could perish, God would not be God. For Calvinists, perseverance seems to be less about God's promise to the believer and more about God's power and sovereignty over the world.
No, they're the same thing. But it is true. The one's reality is based upon the other's reality.
There is a hierarchy here. God's promises are true and faithful because God is
God! If you've got a God that promises, and then he
I did my best! I tried my hardest! You know, I gave it my all but I created a universe where you're in final control!
I did everything I could! Then those promises are just promises that God will do his best.
They're not promises that he can accomplish anything. So, then came my brief point of fame in the book.
One Calvinist explains it this way. All the five points of Calvinism hang or fall together.
The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints naturally follows from the biblical fact of unconditional election. If the doctrine of election is false, then this doctrine is false too.
But if the doctrine of election is true, then this doctrine necessarily follows. That's actually Palmer. It's not like me. For many
Calvinists, then, the perseverance of the saints could not be true if they're understanding the other five points of Calvin's question.
Calvinists interpret passages like, he talks about Romans 8, 35, 39 to biblically demonstrate the perseverance of the saints.
Then he quotes from that, and of course it does. In addition to these words, the Apostle Paul, Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice, and I give them eternal life.
They shall never perish. There is a man plucked in my hand. John 10, 27, 29. All quite true.
According to Calvinists, the Bible teaches that because God determined our salvation in the past, nothing can thwart his omnipotent power to accomplish his will in the future.
Hence, they embrace the perseverance of the saints. One Calvinist, that's why I thought it was me initially.
Now it's me. One Calvinist appeared so committed to the coherence of the Calvinistic system that logical consistency, and then here's the
P .D. Lumpkin's weasel word, seemed more important than biblical exposition and accepting the perseverance of the saints.
Now, read my chapter on this in the book. Did I provide biblical exposition? I most certainly did.
Every passage that he just quoted and didn't exegete, I actually exegeted.
Lumpkin's stuff is zero exegesis, one thousand percent disclaims.
This verse says this. I can tell you why. I'm not going to go through it, but this verse says this. In response to Calvinist James White, I wrote,
Given White's view, this is a blog article, the sole reason, let me make sure that's, yeah, the sole reason, given
White's view, the sole reason to hold to eternal security is found not in Scripture, but in the other four points of Calvinism.
That's a lie. Pete, we keep documenting you lying.
I mean, you even edit videos. You edit audio videos to get us to say things we don't say.
That's why you don't debate and you know it, buddy. You know it in your heart of hearts that if you and I ever met in the same room, that you would melt into a pile of southern -speaking ghoul, just drool all over the floor, just goo, just blah, because your position could never survive for a moment because that's a lie.
Anybody who has read, I keep putting it away, anyone who has read the section on the perseverance of the saints in here knows that this statement is a lie.
The sole reason to hold to eternal security is found not in Scripture, but in the other four points of Calvinism.
I don't understand. See, I could never put something like this in print. I have morals and ethics that preclude me from behaving like this.
It's called being a Christian, Pete. Don't you realize I'm gonna read this? Don't you realize that people who've read this book are gonna read this too and go, that's not truthful,
Dr. Lumpkins. What do you accomplish with that?
I don't get it. I just don't understand the mindset of the rabid anti -Calvinists when you do something like this.
For him, it's apparently the first four points, which gives eternal security, the fifth point, validity, power, and truthfulness, not the words of Jesus, John 5, 24, nor the words of Paul, 2
Timothy 1, 12, nor the words of Peter, 1 Peter 1, 3 -5, 9, nor John, Revelation 21, 38.
Instead, it's Calvinism supporting Calvinism, the system mechanistically supporting the system. For James White, couched in words from a bygone political era, it's the system, stupid.
Now, I think it was the second or third, it was the second debate that I did was with Jerry Matitix.
You know what it was on? Perseverance of the Saints. Perseverance of the Saints. And that was back
I don't know how old Lumpkins is but I was that was 19 90 that was 90
December of 90 so I'm not sure how old Petey was 25 years ago but something tells me he wasn't all that old and I was defending the
Perseverance of the Saints from Scripture long before he came along to lie about me defending
Perseverance of the Saints from Scripture What you really see here, the thing to learn from this, it's not like we didn't already know that this was
Lumpkins character because we've caught him doing this over and over and over again but what we need to learn from this is what they hear and for them and what's dangerous here is for them we have an overemphasis on being consistent we have an overemphasis on having a connection between what we believe the
Bible's actually saying we think it's a good thing that you take what you believe about salvation what you believe about God, you actually put them close enough to see these things fit together they think that's a bad thing oh, it's too much emphasis no, that's not how it should be keep them in their separate compartments never let them touch that's scary because I would, and if we get around to it
I first think about this this morning about Yarnell's sermon that I listened to if you used the kind of argumentation that he's using that Lumpkins is using you could never ever, ever prove the doctrine of the deity of Christ in the pages of the
New Testament because the only way to do that the only way to do that these guys, they never engage those folks they're only going after the
Calvinists they're not out there doing meaningful apologetics against people that are lost and in heresy and so on and so forth but if they would do that, then they would realize you know what?
the only way I can prove the deity of Christ is to engage in the same kind of hermeneutics and exegesis that those blasted
Calvinists engage in I've got to be consistent and I've got to harmonize passages with other passages, and I've got to be logical and I've got to be consistent, oh no yeah, that's the problem that's why it's dangerous that's why it is absolutely dangerous to become so imbalanced in this fashion and you know by the way, we're running out of time here but actually we've run out of time but just one thing when
I did the program on the 13th 10 days ago, the Friday program where I talked about what's important what's not important drawing meaningful dividing lines all that kind of stuff
I had more people contact me and say that was their favorite dividing line than anyone else and I was talking with a friend on Facebook just before the program started he says we should post that every year, just to make people listen to it over and over again here's a new one you still need to hear it
I've demonstrated that unlike the Peter Lumpkins of the world, unlike the
Gail Rippling of the world, the Kent Hovind of the world I am not a rabid anti -Arminian
I can actually work with Arminians I can sit down and talk with Arminians I can talk about what divides us
I can talk about why it's relevant how it impacts our fellowship but I can work with them
I don't have to lie about them like other people do and it frightens me when
I see people who are engaged in this because it indicates an imbalance that could very well lead to the very shipwreck of their faith it really could it really could so important stuff, didn't get to some of the other things there's a lot in this book but nothing of course that we haven't seen a thousand times before and refuted a thousand times before so it might be better next time we do this to look at the
Yarnell sermon because it is an attempt to get around Ephesians 1 and it might be good to just contrast a text based interpretation with one that claims to be one and then fails to provide the goods that would be the best way to describe the
Yarnell sermon he starts off talking about how in advanced Greek grammar his professor made him the last day of the semester get up and on the board diagram all of Ephesians 1 and all 202 words and explain everything he was really making sure we all knew
I know my Greek well if you really know it that well it should result in some pretty coherent compelling argumentation exegetically speaking you should be able to explain to folks exactly what it's saying from the text and that's not what we got so we'll take a look at that we've still got to finish
Ehrman we've got to finish Brownson we've got all sorts of stuff to be dealing with but we did a radio free
Geneva today and people love the radio free we're going to be back tomorrow we're two in a row because hey end of the week are you kidding me
I'm going to be with my family I've got a turkey to make I'm the old man of the family now my dad moved to he sent me a picture snow everywhere he's really enjoying it so I said yeah you'll enjoy that until about January then by March it's not going to be nearly so much fun but anyways
I'm the old man of the family so I got some stuff to do so we'll be back tomorrow on the dividing line see you then