What Do We Believe? A Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith

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Why get and read the book What Do We Believe? Because every Christian needs to study theology. Purchase it at: http://WhatDoWeBelieveBook.com Please like, comment and subscribe for more videos.


Why get the book, What Do We Believe?, for a very simple reason, so that you know what we believe.
It is about truth and doctrine. It is a systematic theology of the
Christian faith and will give you not only the basics but the essentials of Christian doctrine.
It goes in depth in helping you to be able to defend the
Christian faith. It'll be something you'll use as a quick reference guide for years to come. But it's a great book for people who are new to the faith or just trying to start in learning about theology.
We're going to start by discussing what the Christian authority is, the Bible, and why it's an authority. We're then going to deal with one of the biggest issues that people have to deal with when defending the
Christian faith, the reliability of the Bible. A whole chapter will be devoted to making a very complex subject, textual criticism, easy to understand, so that you will be able to take it and then defend the reliability of the
Bible to see that in its meaning it is 99 .9 % accurate. It's something you can trust.
We're going to look at God, that He is a Trinity. We're going to show you how to defend that from the
Scriptures, to show that the Trinity is a solution to a problem. It's not a problem.
Then we're going to look at the deity of Jesus Christ. We're going to look at how you can defend that Jesus Christ claimed to be
God. In fact, He claimed to be God 48 % of the time in the Gospels, directly and indirectly.
We're going to look at man and his sinfulness and why we need a Savior. Then we're going to look at what it means when we speak of salvation in the
Christian faith and what makes Christianity unique from all other religions is the doctrine of salvation, how we get right with God by God's work alone and not ours.
And then we're going to end by looking at end times. Where does all this lead? Where do we go when everything is over?
What is the eternal state? These are the topics that you will be able to have a handle on when you get done reading
What Do We Believe?, so that you will be able to defend the
Christian faith no matter who challenges you. So get What Do We Believe?