DUMPSTER FIRE: Jennifer LeClaire and Jezebel's Daughter


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Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire. Yeah, here on the
Fighting for the Faith channel. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ and if you've ever been told that Jezebel's daughter is a demon that is after you and you didn't go see a mental health professional and somebody told you this who is in the visible church, a leader, a prophet, a prophetess, an apostle, an apostolate, somebody like that.
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So for today's Dumpster Fire, we're heading over to the social media for Jennifer LeClaire, former editor -in -chief of Charisma magazine and she's now the senior leader of the
Awakening House of Prayer and the Ignite Prayer Network and in this video, which was a, you know, a
Facebook live thing that she did, she is gonna be explaining to us how she is a spiritual warfare expert, expert, and what we're gonna do is deconstruct what she said because apparently
Jezebel's daughter has been after her for a while. Yeah, you thought the spirit of Jezebel was bad.
Yeah, well, did you know you had Jezebel's daughter to deal with? I mean, it's bad enough that we have to deal with sneaky squids now.
No generation of Christians since Christ's death bodily resurrection from the grave on the third day and ascension into heaven have
Christians ever had to deal with sneaky squids until Jennifer LeClaire came along and now we've got to deal with those but now we also have
Jezebel's daughter. Yeah, this should prove to be interesting. We'll throw some biblical texts into the mix here so that we can properly understand what the
Bible does teach regarding spiritual warfare. It's not all as complicated as you would think and so let's head over to Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook as she explains to us the warning about Jezebel's daughter rising.
Here we go. Hello out there in social media land,
Jennifer LeClaire with you. Senior leader of the Awakening House of Prayer. We are contending for revival in South Florida.
Listen, if you're in the... Yeah, Scripture tells us to contend for the faith. Once delivered for the saints, you're contending for revival, whatever that means, but okay.
We continue. Come on by and experience a touch of God for yourself. Of course, I'm the senior leader of the
Ignite Prophetic Network, the founder of the Ignite Prophetic Network, and today...
You know, I gotta wonder, is the Ignite Prophetic Network Jennifer LeClaire's competitor, outright competitor to the
Charisma Network? I just wonder because I've seen some of her latest podcasts and things that her network has been putting out and it seems like they're trying to steal all the market share away from Charisma Magazine.
I'm coming to you as a spiritual warfare teacher because I'm telling... She's coming to us as a spiritual warfare teacher, folks.
This is important. We'll check her credentials as a
There has been a nefarious, nefarious attempt by a specific demon to absolutely take me out, and this same spirit...
Uh -oh. A demon's been trying to take Jennifer LeClaire out, folks. Now, I admit,
Scripture clearly teaches that there are demons. This is most certainly true.
That being said, everything about what she's saying doesn't even fit biblical demonology at all, and is a complete addition to what the
Bible reveals about the demonic and things like that. ...is rising also against you.
What is that spirit? Well, it is Jezebel's daughter, Adalia. Adalia.
Now, we'll do a little bit of biblical work right off the bat here because, you know, she's gonna claim, and you'll hear that God has given her a key, a secret key to destroying and overcoming this particular demon, and what we'll do is we'll take a look at the instances where this woman is mentioned.
You can find her, by the way, in 2 Kings chapter 11, and we'll do a little
Hebrew work here because there's two ways given by Brown driver
Briggs on how you can pronounce this woman's name, and so we'll just kind of do a little search here.
We'll go research, and let's take a look at our Hebrew tools, shall we? Now, the
NIV Hebrew dictionary is helpful. Athaliah, that's how you pronounce it,
Athaliah. This is just kind of roughly translated. Yahweh is exalted, or because of the way the
Hebrew works, it could also mean the oldest of Yahweh. That's one possible way of looking at it.
Kohlenberger and Mounts, they also note that it could be understood as Athaliah, Yahweh is exalted, telling us the meaning of her name, but the
Brown driver Briggs, the Hebrew lexicon, let me open that up, and let's try to make this a little bit more readable as far as size is concerned.
So, kind of two ways you can pronounce her name, and they are Athaliah or Athaliahu, and yeah, so the yahoo part of it is referencing
Yahweh. For instance, the Hebrew name Elijah. I know it gets pulled into English as Elijah.
You can pronounce that as Yeshayahu, or you can kind of pronounce it out
Yeshayahu. It kind of depends on how you want to speak, like you got marbles in your mouth, or you want to inflect it a little clearer.
But, so Athaliah or Athaliahu, those are your ways of pronouncing it in Hebrew.
I thought I'd just throw that in there at the beginning, since Jennifer LeClaire is going to be stumbling all over this particular name of this demon that she's warning us about, you know, a little bit of work.
You know, Lagos isn't all that expensive, Jennifer. You might want to consider getting yourself a good copy of that in the
Hebrew tools that go along with it. You do a power search on particular words, and you can actually click a button, and it'll pronounce the word for you in both
Greek and Hebrew. Just want to let you know that. But let's go back to her as she continues to explain to us about Athaliah, and we'll see what she does with this.
Athaliah, I don't really care how you pronounce this demon. It is raging against the church, and I want to tap into...
We are at condition red, folks. Condition red. It's full -on attack by Athaliah, the daughter of Jezebel, raging against the church, folks.
And the only person who has detected this particular attack is Jennifer LeClaire.
...into this just for a few minutes today. I want to share with you some things that I have learned, and I want to invite you to journey with me a little bit as well on some other realms.
We're going to press into this now, and it's the spirit of Athaliah, Athaliah, whatever you want to call it.
Tomato, tomato. Athaliah, Athaliah. Or you could say
Athaliah. ...has given me keys, but let me just tap into this for a moment. Let me start off with a bang. I bind and break all...
She's gonna start off with a bang. Now, what she's doing here is really demonstrating her spiritual warfare chops.
Oh, man. She's binding. She's breaking. She's decreeing. She's declaring. It's Jennifer LeClaire.
But this is just utter nonsense. And that whole part where the ...whatever she just said, type that into Google Translate, and you'll note that nothing comes up.
That's not a language. That's gibberish. Let me back this up just a little bit, and let's see what she's decreeing and declaring about at the beginning of this
Facebook Live session of hers. ...whatever you want to call it.
The Lord has given me keys, but let me just tap into this for a moment. Let me start off with a bang. I bind and break all interference to this broadcast.
I say no weapon formed against this... I forgot to do this before I started recording this video.
I forgot to bind and break all the demonic, and I forgot to decree and declare, and all that kind of stuff.
And somehow my equipment always seems to... I've never done this before I've recorded anything. Not for any podcast, or any
YouTube video, or anything. Oh, I'm surprised the demons haven't taken my technology out sooner, you know?
...they haven't taken it out yet. This is bizarre. ...broadcast or your life shall prosper.
No weapon of Jezebel, no spirit of Adalia, no... No sneaky squids! ...of
Jezebel's children shall in any way make inroads into your life, I decree... All of Jezebel's children are dead!
They've been dead for millennia. ...in the name of Jesus.
All right, we've got our technology working now. ...of course.
That's impossible. They're on instruments. I have an idea,
Jennifer. Why don't you take some, you know, holy oil, you know, some olive oil, and anoint your technology with it.
I mean, smear it on there really thick, because, you know, anoint means smear, you know? That'll make it so that technology will work flawlessly for hundreds of years to come, you know?
Or maybe baptize it with water from the En -Gedi Springs. Yeah, that, oh man, that'll keep all the demons away and things from your computers and your cameras and stuff.
Yeah, it definitely works, yes. Just send me a seed offering when you're finished.
I want you to make sure that whatever platform you are watching this on, share it now.
Sharing is caring. There are people out there who are struggling in warfare, battles against spirits that they have not yet identified, and sometimes the
Lord will whisper a name or give you a hint, discerning a spirit. I'm fighting spirits
I haven't yet identified. Do I need to set up a border checkpoint? You know, you talk to the demon and go, give me your credentials.
Who are you? You know, this is, where in Scripture am I supposed to identify these spirits?
This is nuts. It comes in many forms, but here's the thing, unless you educate yourself about how any particular demon works to kill, steal, and destroy, because they all work to kill, steal, and destroy according to John 10 .10.
Now, John 10 .10, that, she just took that out of context. We'll take a look at that in a second.
That's not referring to the devil. That's referring to false teachers. Mm -hmm. Yeah, I'll show you that in a second, but let's, in fact, let me back this up just a smidge.
Hang on, hang on a second here. There we go, and let's do this again. Unless you educate yourself about how any particular demon works to kill, steal, and destroy, because they all work to kill, steal, and destroy according to John 10 .10.
It's just a matter of how they do it, the methods of their warfare.
No matter what it is you're dealing with, you need to learn about it. Why? Why is it just enough to just bind the devil?
Why do you have to understand how Jezebel works, or how Python works, or how Leviathan works? Well, because it helps you to more readily, to more immediately discern by virtue of spiritual warfare experience, and of the command in Scripture that says, do not be ignorant of the devil's devices.
So, I need, you know, oh my goodness.
So, you know, I, this kind of reminds me like a video game, or I never played
Pokemon, but, you know, back in the day, Dungeons and Dragons, or something like that, where, you know, you have, you know, different monsters, you know, they have, you know, so many hit points, and certain strengths, and spells, and we, yeah, it's all kind of the same thing.
Do they level up? You know, I'm curious, do these demons level up? And where in Scripture can you show me an example of one of the
Apostles having to learn about how, you know, a particular demon, demonic entity operates in order to be effective in spiritual warfare against?
There's so much going on here that we're, it's, I gotta do a little bit of unpacking.
So, let me put my Hebrew away here, and let's do this.
I'm gonna duplicate this tab, because I want to come back to Ephesians 6. So, John 10 10, alright?
So, the Gospel of John, chapter 10, and again, three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, and context.
So, we're gonna take a look at John 10 10. She claims that she's being obedient to the command to, you know, understand the devil's schemes.
We'll take a look at that. That's in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 2, and see if we can kind of piece together what she's done here with the
Word of God, and then we'll point out some obvious stuff.
So, Jesus here, in John 10 10, the context of John 10 goes back into chapter 9.
In chapter 9, we have the account of Jesus giving sight to the man who was born blind, and the presenting question was, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?
Which Jesus was basically being questioned with the assumption that the doctrines of the
Pharisees were true. That was what was going on there, and so Jesus says neither of those two choices are the case, and says basically he was born blind in order that the the power of God may be demonstrated in his life.
That's Roseborough's paraphrase. And so the guy goes and washes in the pool of Siloam. Jesus makes mud first, by the way, puts it in his eyes, he goes and washes as Jesus has told him.
He hasn't yet seen Jesus, and then the guy's like put on trial, because, you know, he was healed on the
Sabbath, and the Pharisees end up not only talking to this guy once, they interrogate him, and that didn't go the way they wanted it.
They interrogated his parents. His parents totally chickened out, and like, you know, left their son flapping in the wind.
It's like, thanks mom, thanks dad for standing up for me. And then they bring this guy back, and so, you know, he stands his ground.
Christ has given him faith, and this guy stands his ground in the midst of persecution at the hands of the
Pharisees. And so I'll start at 924. The second time, the Pharisees called the man who had been blind, and they said to him, you give glory to God.
We know that this man's a sinner, talking about Jesus. Right, yeah. So he answered, well, whether he's a sinner or not,
I don't know. One thing I do know, I was blind. Now I see. Yeah, that's right.
This guy is awesome. I mean, this guy has totally been given faith, and he's being persecuted for, of all things, being healed by Jesus, right?
So they said to him, now, what did he do to you? How did he open your eyes? And he said, well, he answered them, well,
I told you already, and you won't listen. Why do you want to hear it? Do you want to become his disciples?
Wow. So they reviled him, saying, you are his disciple. We are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken of Moses, but as for this man, we don't even know where he comes from.
So he answered, why, this is an amazing thing. You don't know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes.
We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.
Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.
And you just, mic drop, boom. Yeah. Oh man, this is awesome. So at this point,
Pharisees come unglued. And so they answered him, you were born in utter sin.
Yeah, so that's their charge against this guy, and Jesus already said that was not the issue. Now granted, he was born, and you know, like all of us, dead in trespasses and sins, under the condemnation that we've all experienced as a result of Adam's fall into sin, but that's not the reason why he was born blind.
So, you know, and you would teach us, they said, so they cast him out. So and this is such a beautiful story, because Jesus here now finds him after he's been excommunicated by the
Pharisees. So Jesus heard they cast him out, and having found him, he said, do you believe in the
Son of Man? Now remember, this guy has not seen Jesus with his eyes yet. And funny enough, neither have you, and neither have
I. So you'll note that although he had not seen Jesus, he loved Jesus. Although he had not seen him, he had faith, and he was willing to suffer persecution for the name of Christ, and defended him and the truth in the face of just these awful
Pharisees. So Jesus finds him. Do you believe in the Son of Man? He says to him, he said, sir, who is he so that I might believe in him?
And in one of the most touching moments in all of Scripture, Jesus said to him, you've seen him, and he's the one who's speaking to you.
And so he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Jesus. Beautiful, beautiful response.
So Jesus said, for judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.
Now some of the Pharisees near him heard these things, and they said to him, are we also blind?
And Jesus said to them, well, if you were blind, you would have no guilt. But now you say we see, so your guilt remains.
And then note, there is no change of location or anything than at the beginning of John chapter 10.
So John chapter 10 is the continuation of what Jesus began to say at the end of chapter 9, and who is he addressing?
The Pharisees. So Jesus said, amen, amen. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber.
But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him, the gatekeeper opens, the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out.
When he has brought out all his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
A stranger they will not follow. So the stranger he's talking about here are the
Pharisees, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers. So this figure speaks
Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying. So Jesus again said to them, the
Pharisees, truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.
Talking about the Pharisees, I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy, and I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Who's the thief then in this context? The false teachers, the Pharisees, the heretics.
That's what Pharisees are, they're heretics. They do not represent Orthodox Judaism at all, they are rank heretics.
And so you'll know, it's not the devil that's the thief, it's the false teachers. So I always find it fascinating when somebody like Jennifer LeClaire quotes, you know,
John 1010, and says it's about the devil, because really it's
John 1010 is a warning about people like her. So let me come back then to this video,
I'm gonna back it up just a smidge, and I want to re -listen to what it is that she was saying, and then point out that second reference, and how she's misusing it.
So we'll back it up, we'll go 20 seconds back and keep going. Why do you have to understand how
Jezebel works, or how Python works, or how Leviathan works? Well, because it helps you to more readily, to more immediately discern by virtue of spiritual warfare experience, and of the command in Scripture that says do not be ignorant of the devil's devices.
So note, she said that there's a command in Scripture, do not be ignorant of the devil's devices.
So because the Scriptures command us to not be ignorant of the devil's devices, therefore it means we've got to go and get all of this extra -biblical intelligence, intel, on the demonic.
And so she's doing some demonic recon work here, and you know, and putting it into a book. Well, the passage that she is referencing, but not quoting, is found in 2nd
Corinthians chapter 2. Yeah, chapter 2. 2nd Corinthians 2, particularly verse 11, and I want to see something really quick here in the
Greek, something for we are not, we are not, uh -huh, okay, plural present, yep, present active, there it is.
All right, all right, so I've got my Greek worked out here, and the
ESV correctly renders the Greek here. Now let's take a look at the text in question.
She's quoting 2nd Corinthians 2, 11, we are not ignorant of his, Satan's, designs.
But she said it was a command, so let's put it back in context, three rules, context, context, context, and here's what it says.
Now, if anyone has caused pain, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure not to put it too severely to all of you.
For such a one, this punishment by the majority is enough. And scholars believe that he's referring to the fellow who was put out of the church because he was sleeping with his father's wife, okay, and there's a hint here that he has repented.
So that's what that's referring to, and that fellow is mentioned in passing in 1st
Corinthians, the epistle of 1st Corinthians, and so we're in 2nd Corinthians. So you should rather turn to forgive and comfort him, or he may be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.
So I beg you to reaffirm your love for him, for this is why I wrote you that I might test you and know whether you are obedient in everything.
Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, so that we would not be outwitted, for we are not ignorant of his,
Satan's, designs. Now, note here, we are not ignorant of Satan's designs.
That's basically in the present tense, which is not a command. Paul is not saying,
I command you to not be ignorant of the devil's designs. He says we are presently not ignorant of his designs.
2 Corinthians chapter 2, verse 11, is not a command for you to gather intel on the devil.
So she's really botching God's Word, and what do you expect from somebody like Jennifer LeClaire?
So we continue. Listen, Python's devices are different than Jezebel's devices. The witchcraft that emanates from a
Jezebel spirit is different than the witchcraft that emanates from a Python spirit. Now, I'm gonna, by the way,
Python spirit mentioned once in Scripture, let's take a look at that, and you can find this in Acts chapter 16.
Paul and Silas are in the city of Philippi, and let's take a look if the
Apostle Paul gathered intel on the Python spirit, the spirit of Puthona, that was in the slave girl before he was casting it out.
We'll see if he if he needed to do that. So here's what it says, Acts 16, 16, as we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination.
Now, in the ESV, the English word that is translated into divination, you know,
Puthona is the Greek word behind this, and it's translated as divination, but you can see it right here, and if you can read that out in Greek, that just literally says that she had a numa puthona, and puthona, this is from the
Greek word poothone, and which is weird, you get Python from that.
Now, you're sitting there, what is a spirit of Python? Answer. This is a technical term, historically, that would connect this slave girl to the cult at the
Oracle at Delphi. So just a little bit of a note there. So here we got a slave girl, she's got a spirit of Python, that connects her to the
Oracle at Delphi, and she's now engaging in fortune -telling for her masters.
So they brought her owners much gain by fortune -telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, these men are servants of the
Most High God, who proclaimed to you the way of salvation, and this she kept doing for many days.
Paul, having become greatly annoyed, apparently this might have been his power -up move, and special, you know, thing, you know, button combination,
I don't know, I, this, this may, have you, have you, have you engaged in spiritual annoyance yet?
It's a powerful move, apparently, against the Python spirit, notice the sarcasm. So Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit,
I command you in the name of Jesus to come out of her, and it came out of here that very hour. Yep.
Apostle Paul never learned what special witchcraft the spirit of Puthona engaged in, and was pretty much able to get rid of this thing just by saying,
I command you in the name of Jesus, come out of her. Yeah, that was underwhelming as far as battles go.
You'd expect something a little bit more epic, you know, especially if it's a boss -level demon like Puthona.
So yeah, you'll note there, yeah, Paul had no intel on this thing, and yet got rid of it just like that, you know.
So let's go back to Jennifer LeClaire. Or a Leviathan spirit, or an Atalia spirit.
Atalia. This was Jezebel's daughter. Or Atalia. Listen, somebody once told me many years ago, you cannot go after Jezebel and not expect backlash, revenge, vengeance, retaliation from Jezebel's daughter.
And you have a biblical text for this. Maybe it's in the same passage of Scripture where we find the sneaky squid mentioned, right?
Now Jezebel and King Ahab in the Old Testament had a number of children, and they were all wicked people.
This was a wicked dynasty, or as they say in London, dynasty. Or as they say in London, dynasty.
That was quite helpful here. Hang on a second here. Hang on, this is my coffee mug.
Let's do this. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, tea time in the
UK. It's quite the thing if you haven't had it. You know, of course, you know, the UK has had a dynasty for quite some time.
Thank you for sharing that wonderful information on how to pronounce dynasty.
For those who are living in the Commonwealth, again, I appreciate it. Would you guys like some Earl Grey?
Yeah, that's some great stuff right there. Earl Grey. We continue. It was a very wicked family.
And we see here that Jezebel dealt with the prophets. She murdered the prophets.
This was a murderous, wicked, seducing spirit. But then God anointed...
No, not a murderous, wicked, seducing spirit.
Murderous, wicked, seducing human being. Yeah, you'll you'll note
Jezebel, Thalia. These were historical people.
Mm hmm. Right. They weren't spirits. They were people.
Right. And nowhere in Scripture does it say that they then became demons.
You know, it's the fallen angels who became demons. You know, Thalia or Thalia. And Jezebel, yeah, they're currently being held in Hades until the
Day of Judgment. Yeah, that's what's going on with those two. And so I think they're a little busy.
They're a little tied up right now, if you know what I mean. Yeah. You know, being under that judgment of God, waiting for the
Day of Judgment, that's not a very pleasant thing. If you want to know what that's like, you know, look at the story that Jesus tells regarding the rich man and Lazarus and what the rich man experienced.
That where that rich man ended up, that's where Thalia and Jezebel are currently. And Jehu came riding furiously on his chariot and commanded the eunuchs to throw
Jezebel down. So what we see is that God himself, through an agent on the earth called
Jehu, dealt with this woman. But the spirit that was on her, the spirit of Jezebel, remained.
No, it doesn't say anything about the spirit of Jezebel being on Jezebel and then remaining after her body was fed to the dogs by Jehu.
No, no, no, nothing like that's ever said in Scripture. You just added that to the biblical text. We see now sometime later in the
Bible, somebody say in the Bible, Ataliah escaped Thalia.
Jehu's wrath. Jehu went around killing all of Ahab's descendants, killing everybody he could find that was in the bloodline, but he missed a few.
And Ataliah was one of them. You got to look out for this demon. I'll tell you what,
I have been... She's not mentioned as a demon in 2nd King.
She's mentioned as a human being, because she's a human being. By the way, great story.
If you have not read the account of Ataliah or Ataliahu, and it's funny, in this particular story in 2nd
Kings chapter 11, the Hebrew uses both spellings, you know, so here we've got Ataliah.
And then later, let me find it down here, yeah, Ataliah. This one, that's Ataliah in that sense, but in the
Hebrew here, there's another instance where it shows up, and it's spelled as Ataliahu.
Yep, there it is right there, yeah. So in verse 2, the end of verse 2, Ataliahu. So just, you know, just pointing it out, you know, they're interchangeable, you know, pronunciations are kind of, depending on how it's being used in the sentence.
But listen to the story. If you've ever read, and you're familiar with like fairy tales of like a wicked stepmother or a wicked queen arises in the land, and she puts to death the king, and she puts to death the king's heirs, but somebody saves the true heir to the throne, and that person is absconded off into, you know, into hiding.
And then after they've grown up a little bit, and they're ready to take the throne, you know,
God or the, fates or whatever, make it so that, you know, the rightful heir to the throne comes to power.
That's, this is the story. And this is not a fairy tale, this is the real thing.
So Athaliah, the daughter of Jezebel and Ahab, and her son, who was the king, is dead.
And it says, now when Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, saw that her son was dead, she arose, and she destroyed all the royal family.
This is a wicked, murderous woman, not demon woman. But Jehoshabah, the daughter of King Joram, sister of Ahaziah, took
Joash, the son of Ahaziah, stole him away from among the king's sons, who were being put to death, and she put him and his nurse in a bedroom.
Thus they hid him from Athaliah, in this particular sentence Athaliah, so that he was not put to death.
And he remained with her for six years, hidden in the house of Yahweh, while Athaliah reigned over the land.
And so you say, this sounds like the setup for like the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, or the Silver Chair, you know, and things like this.
Exactly. Where do you think these, these fairy tales get their, you know, get their material from?
They're pulling on these themes from Scripture, but this is the real thing in history. So in the seventh year,
Jehoiada sent and brought the captains of the Karaites, and the guards, and had them come to him in the house of Yahweh.
He made a covenant with them, and put them under oath in the house of Yahweh, and he showed them the king's son.
This is the true heir of the throne. And, and Athaliah, as wicked as all get out, so he commanded them, this is the thing that you shall do, one -third of you, those who come off duty on the
Shabbat, and guard the king's house, another third being at the gate, Sur, and a third at the gate behind the guards, shall guard the palace.
And the two divisions of you, which come on duty in force on the Shabbat, and guard the house of Yahweh on behalf of the king, shall surround the king each with his weapons in his hand, and whoever approaches the ranks is to be put to death.
Be with the king when he goes out, and when he comes in. So the captains did according to all the
Jehoiada the priest commanded, and they each brought his men who were to go off duty on the
Shabbat, with those who were to come on duty on the Shabbat, Sabbath, and came to Jehoiada the priest.
And the priest gave to the captains the spears, the shields that had been King David's.
Oh, this is awesome. So now King David's shields come out of mothballs in this account.
They were, they were in the house of Yahweh, and the guards stood, every man with his weapons in his hand, from the south side of the house to the north side of the house, around the altar and the house on behalf of the king.
And then he brought out the king's son, and put the crown on him, and gave him the testimony, and proclaimed him king, and anointed him, and they clapped their hands, and they said,
Long live the king. When Athaliah heard the noise of the guard and of the people, she went into the house of Yahweh to the people, and when she looked, there was the king standing by the pillar, according to the custom, and the captains, and the trumpeters beside the king, and all the people of the land rejoicing and blowing trumpets.
And Athaliah tore her clothes and cried, Treason! Treason! Then Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains, who were set over the army, bring her out between the ranks, put to death with the sword anyone who follows her.
For the priest said, Let her not be put to death in the house of Yahweh. So they laid hands on her, and she went through the horse's entrance to the king's house, and there she was put to death."
So that, yeah, it's a great story. I mean, this is like, you know, this is like major themes within the the fairy tales.
This is the real thing, for real, right there in history. And no mention of her being possessed by the spirit of Athaliah.
None of that. So you'll note that Jennifer Clare, what she's saying is wackerdoodle, but we continue.
"...in a war with the spirit for at least a year, and it started, hear me now, it started..."
Wait, wait, wait, wait, I gotta back that up. Did I hear that correctly? She's been fighting this demon for a year?
Yep, backing up 20 seconds. "...who went around killing all of Ahab's descendants, killing everybody he could find that was in the bloodline, but he missed a few, and Athaliah was one of them.
You gotta look out for this demon. I'll tell you what, I have been in a war with this spirit for at least a year."
Can I point something out here? She's put herself forward as an expert in spiritual warfare, and she's been battling this thing for a year?
I mean, when Jesus got rid of demons, he got rid of them with a word. And the
Apostle Paul, you know, that he went toe -to -toe with the spirit of Pythona and spoke one sentence, and whoosh, it was gone.
You've been battling the spirit of Athaliah for a year, and you would have us believe that you're an expert on these things.
You sound like you're pretty awful at spiritual warfare to me. And then, of course, consider this, if you would.
Spiritual warfare. People think it has to do about commanding, decreeing, declaring, and all that kind of stuff.
Nope, it doesn't have anything to do with that. Let me explain. Remember when
Jesus is on the Mount of Transfiguration. He's up there, he transforms, you know, out comes his glory, and Peter says,
Lord, it's good that we're here. There's Elijah, there's Moses, they show up at the, you know, and they're flanking Jesus, and they're talking to him about his exodus.
That's what Luke says. And so Peter says, it's great that we're here. Should we build three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah?
And then he hears the voice of the Father. He said, this is my beloved Son, listen to Him. And then, whoosh, everybody disappears.
So when they come down from the Mount of Transfiguration, you know, there was a commotion, a commotion, and it turns out there was a fellow who had brought his son, who was possessed by a demon, and the disciples that were at the base of the
Mount of Transfiguration were not able to cast it out. And so Jesus talks to the
Father. This is the guy who says, I believe, help my unbelief. He says, Lord, if you can do anything, please help me.
You know, and Jesus says, if, if, all things are possible for the one who believes.
So Jesus casts it out, and the disciples come to Jesus later, and they say, Lord, why couldn't we cast it out?
And Jesus is all, this kind only comes out by prayer. Now, in one of the
Gospel accounts, an alternate reading that we have from some manuscripts, it comes out by prayer and fasting.
So I want you to consider that for a second. This kind only comes out by prayer. Hmm. Prayer, to me, sounds like a pretty powerful weapon if it's able to take out an ornery demon that doesn't listen when you command it to leave in the name of Jesus.
So that being the case, take a look at what Ephesians 6 says regarding spiritual warfare.
This is the famous passage. The armor of Christ, this is it right here. So finally, Paul says, be strong in the
Lord, and in the strength of his might, not yours, his, put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
This is most certainly true, by the way. I mean, this sounds like some pretty nasty stuff.
You know, the present darkness, spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Yeah, I don't know the names of any of them, and I don't need to.
So therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all to stand, having done all to stand firm.
So we're supposed to stand. Stand? Yep, stand.
Not advance. Stand. How does one stand against such forces?
Stand therefore. Stand, stand, stand, stand, stand. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth.
Okay, truth is important. Having put on the breastplate of righteousness. Indeed, we're clothed with the righteousness of Christ.
Shoes of your feet, having put on readiness given by the gospel of peace. Got it?
And in all circumstances, take up the shield of faith, by which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.
That's gonna come in handy while you're standing. Incoming! Put that shield of faith up, because the flaming darts are coming in, right?
And take the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Got it? Okay, so there's our offensive weapon, the
Word of God. And then, are you ready? Here's how we're standing now. Apparently we're standing on our knees, because the next verse says, praying at all times.
What? Yeah, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
That's requests. And to that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Huh. So there it is. You stand. You got the sword of Spirit, man, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, belt of truth.
Your feet are ready, because of the gospel of peace. And you're gonna stand while the devil's slinging his shots at you, and the thing you're supposed to be doing while you're there, which, by the way, that sounds like a harrowing assignment.
You want me to stand here and take the incoming volleys of the devil? Yes. When do
I retreat? Never. When do I advance? You don't need to do that. Christ has already won the battle.
I just want you to stand here. Okay, so now what? You know, so in come all the volleys from the devil.
The flaming darts of the evil one are coming in at you. You know what you're gonna be doing? Help me,
Lord! You're gonna be praying. Right. And that's what, that's how spiritual warfare is fought, by standing and praying.
And notice their supplications, they're not decrees or declares or anything like that. So you stand against the devil, and you pray, and you pray, and when you're done praying, you pray some more, right?
So it's to that end. Keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication. You pray for each other, you pray for your brothers and sisters, you pray for yourself, you pray for your family, you pray for your church.
Pray! Yeah, because, you know, that's, see, that's the big thing is standing and praying.
You get, it doesn't sound sexy or anything. It sounds like quite an awful assignment, and it's difficult, as you wouldn't believe.
But at the same time, this is what spiritual warfare is, so not what she's talking about.
We continue. And it started, hear me now, it started when
I began to expose it. Now, I'm not saying that I never, never, never fought this battle without knowing what
I was fighting. So for years, she's been fighting Athalia. For a year, fighting.
And it all started when she started to expose Athalia. How are your battles with the sneaky squid going?
And a little bit of a note here, I mean, she's afraid of sneaky squids, warned us about those.
She's afraid of Athalia, and she's warning us about her, and claims she's been battling her for a year.
Now, I don't know, but this sounds like paranoia to me. Actually, this explains a lot, you know.
All my life, I've had this strange feeling that there's something big and sinister going on in the world.
No, that's perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the universe gets that. I mean, by the way, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not coming after you.
But that being the case, in this here, yeah, maybe what she needs are some better psych meds, you know.
I'm just saying, because none of this is taught in Scripture. We continue. I believe there are some times when we're coming up to new levels of spiritual warfare, you know, they say new level, new devil.
I believe when we're stepping into new territories, or we're stepping into new realms of the Spirit, or we're stepping in, two things happen.
Listen to me. Two things happen. When you go up to another level, or before you go up to another level. So apparently this is the biblical doctrine of leveling up.
Video games, not biblical doctrine here. That seems to be the the genesis of this thought.
The devil tries to kill you, and God tries to kill you. God is trying to kill your flesh. The devil is trying to kill your ministry, kill your finances, kill your relationships.
God's just trying... All kinds of killing all up in here. ...to kill your flesh so that you can survive at the next level, so that there won't be anything for the enemy to hook into.
So I was fighting the Spirit for about a year, and the reason why the
Spirit started coming against me was because I found a key in Scripture.
So there she was. She was reading the Bible. Oh, I found the key to destroying
Athaliah, and all of a sudden it's like ringing the dinner bell. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. The alarm goes off at Athaliah's secret lair, you know, where her and her mother hang out together,
I guess. I don't know, and I sense a disturbance in the force.
Mama, just stutter. Somebody's discovered the key to getting rid of me.
You had better go and gear up for battle and go wage war with that person who's discovered this key.
Uh -huh. ...to defeat it. And so, you know, many times the enemy will challenge you on what you know.
Have you ever sat under a teaching, and, you know, maybe it's love, or maybe it's giving, and, oh wow, yes, amen, pastor.
Oh, come on, preach it. And then you go home within two, three days, four days, five days, a week. You get attacked in the area about which you were amening.
You get attacked in the area of revelation that you received by supernatural impartation from the
Father who is in heaven. This is what happened to me. I got a revelation. I got a revelation on how to defeat the spirit.
No, really? A revelation on how to defeat Athaliah? Really? Wow. And then this devil just kept coming up against me.
No way. Oh, that's just terrible. Now, what happens in spiritual warfare is sometimes when we are under mass attack, we actually forget the revelation to overcome it.
You ever been in such heavy, heavy warfare that you couldn't even fight? You ever had witchcraft coming against you at such a, like a whirlwind or a tempest that you couldn't even pray, couldn't even...
Never, never had a witchcraft whirlwind thrown at me.
Apparently that's still coming, but yeah, okay. Read the Word, didn't want to worship, didn't want to give praise, thanksgiving.
You just didn't want to. You're so oppressed. This is how the enemy works. This is why we have to stay on the offensive, and I want you all to go on the offensive against the spirit of Athaliah.
Then encourage them to pray. You know, like Ephesians 6 says, or like Jesus told us to.
Prayer is a big deal, yeah. Put away the decree and declaring stuff. I'm not saying to pick a fight with the spirit.
That is not what I'm saying. Right, yeah.
You're presupposing here that there's a real demon out there that's the daughter of Jezebel.
I'm saying I want you to be alert. I want you to be sober. I want you to be vigilant. I want you to be watchful.
I want you to be prayerful. I want you to be discerning, but many times we can't resist something that we can't see.
We don't know how... Yeah, Ephesians 6, you know, we wrestle against principalities and powers in the heavenly places.
Haven't seen any of them. Not one. And yet, daily,
I do what Christ has commanded me through His Word, through the Apostle Paul. Pray. Pray and stand.
Mm -hmm. I don't need to know any of them. Don't know their names. Don't know what they look like. Never talk to any of them either, thankfully.
To stand strong against something because we think it's just the circumstance of life.
We think it's just the natural happenstance of our happy day. All of a sudden, it takes south because of a demon power.
Now, everything's a demon, but this is. Adalia is a demon. No, she's not. No scripture says that.
You just made that up. Who is this? This was Jezebel's daughter. Yeah. Now, I'm gonna fast forward just a little bit, just a few minutes, so you can see what the real nature of this thing is that she's doing.
And it's a little underwhelming. It's quite disappointing when you think about, what is she really up to here?
Why did she go on Facebook for 15 minutes to warn us about Adalia?
Well, I do know the answer to the question, but I'll let her explain. There is a reason behind all of this.
Amen. And so you have to understand this spirit wants to kill you, and I have a lot of different ways that I can share with you about how the spirit operates.
It wants to murder you. You're dead if you don't, you know, listen to Jennifer LeClair. She has the secret key to overcoming this demon of Adalia that wants to murder you.
So how do you get a hold of this key? What do we do? How can we defend ourselves against Jezebel's daughter?
It's a very vengeful, vengeful spirit. Yeah, terrible. It takes revenge for the mother.
Let me give you an example. You remember Herod and Herodias? And Herodias had, they were having a party, and Herodias' daughter danced for Herod.
And when she finished dancing, the Bible says it pleased him. It pleased him. Right, yeah, we're familiar with this.
And he promised her anything up to half his kingdom. So Herodias' daughter came to Mama, who was a type of Jezebel, and said,
Mama, what do you want?
She said, John the Baptist sat on a platter. John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah. And so here we see that Jezebel tried to go after Elijah and kill him, but she couldn't.
She didn't. God protected him. He ran away in fear. She did not find him. And so her curse fell to the ground.
Elijah's words did not fall to the ground, but Jezebel's curse against Elijah fell to the ground. Listen, I want to prophesy this to you.
Jezebel's curses against your life are falling to the ground. Oh, well, hey, at least we got this.
I mean, you know, this is great. You know, so Jezebel's curses, man, they are just, they're not only missing the target, man, they're hitting the dirt.
That's just great. I'll tell you something. I don't know who with the Jezebel spirit has cursed you, threatened you, tried to assassinate you, actually murdered you, actually murdered you.
If somebody was actually murdered by the Jezebel spirit, they wouldn't be watching this video on Facebook, unless they got
Wi -Fi in their casket. But even then, I don't think they would still, no, I'm pretty sure they won't be doing that.
Wounded you, but I say right now in Jesus name, Jezebel curses against your life are falling to the ground.
Well, there we go. I don't know if that's part of the key she found in Scripture, but if Jennifer LeClaire said it,
I mean, she worked for Charisma Magazine and stuff, you know, so I mean, she's declaring these curses to fall to the ground and things.
Well, I guess that they have to do that. I break them and we revoke them in the name of Jesus.
Amen. So you see, Jezebel released a curse against Elijah. The curse fell to the ground. Elijah wished he was dead, but he didn't die.
Now we see John the Baptist carrying the spirit of Elijah. Jesus said, and if you'll believe it, he is the Elijah who is to come.
Yeah. And so we see Herodias dancing for Herod. Herodias daughter dancing for Herod. Herodias says,
I want John the Baptist sat on a platter. This was Herodias daughter was a type of Adalia. Herodias was a type of Jezebel.
Adalia went to her mother, Jezebel, and said, what do you want, mama? I want
Elijah. I want his head. And so we see this, this spirit takes revenge.
Adalia takes revenge. So because Herodias's daughter asked mama what she wanted and she wanted
Elijah's head, John the Baptist's head on a platter. That means the demon named Athalia or Athaliau is vengeful.
Right. Jezebel. And so you got to be very, very careful. And I've got a whole lot of different ways that Adalia operates.
Yeah. I'll be careful, Jennifer. I will. I promise. So a lot of ways she operates. Yeah. Why could you share some of that for us here on Facebook?
I just don't have time to get into it with you. I want to. She's busy. She doesn't have time to share. I mean, here, here, our lives are in danger.
You know, this vengeful, murderous spirit is on the loose, wreaking havoc in the church. You said so.
You've been battling this thing for a year and you're going to leave us defenseless, Jennifer? How are we going to be saved from the spirit of Athaliau?
I invite you to go to school, the spirit .tv because I can't go into all of this, but I'm going to be going deep.
Oh, I see. So all of this was a commercial. A crummy commercial.
Uh huh. Yeah, crummy commercial. And a deep weapon.
I'm talking about Jezebel, Jezebel's children, and especially Adalia. We're going to uncover this thing, and I'm going to share with you the secret key
I found in Scripture. It's only there by Revelation. You probably read this passage a million times.
But you got to pay her to look, to find out what the secret key is. Like I had, and I only just saw it in last
July. They're processing it. Here, here, our lives are in mortal danger. Our souls are in mortal danger.
Our churches are being ravaged by Athaliau, but she's, she's not going to tell us what to do.
We're defenseless. Unless, of course, we're willing to pay the money to go to her schoolofthespirit .tv
webinar on overcoming Athaliau. Since then, so I've waited almost 12 months to share this with the body of Christ.
Why? You've been sitting, you've been sitting on this intelligence for 12 months. You have allowed
Athaliau to ravage the churches for 12 months, and you didn't get this intel out immediately so that we can be protected from this evil, demonic, vengeful spirit girl?
Ah, this is just, this is wrong.
I mean, who does this? I mean, if in the military, the, you know, the recon guys go out and they find out where the troops are, what their special weakness is, and they decide to sit on that intel for a year.
Do you know how many troops of ours have died at the hands of this vengeful spirit because you've been sitting on this key for a year?
Because I need to make things clear. No, you're the reason why you said it, because you need to make money.
Yeah, that's what this is all about. I need to process, I need to fight my own battles, I need to gain victory in things so that I can tell you how
I walk the path and lead you into victory as well by Jesus Christ. Yeah, she ain't leading none of us into victory.
Sure to feed if you join up with her. Men, I want you to go to schoolofthespirit .tv.
I don't want you to sign up for this webinar. It's on early bird right now. There is a cost. It's not much. Go get signed up.
I'll tell you what, you can go out to dinner and a movie and spend more than you'll spend on this webinar. I would rather go to a dinner and a movie.
And then the devil won't steal from you and make you miserable because you'll be able to punch it back in the name of Jesus. I already have
Ephesians 6 telling me to stand and pray. Pretty much know what
I need to do there, Jennifer. Yeah, I think you get the point. Yeah, that whole shtick.
Aside from being utter mythology and nonsense and twisting of God's Word, which all of that is, you learn at the end of it that she's actually been twisting
God's Word and teaching for shameful gain, things she ought not to teach. And of course she's claiming secret revelatory knowledge that she says she's been sitting on for a year, while at the same time claiming at the beginning of the video that the
Spirit is ravaging the churches. So she's been sitting on the sideline rather than helping the church.
It's just a loud thalia. But she's been fighting it for a year, you know, herself, you know, battling it and stuff.
Yeah, whole year, yeah. Very effective key, that would be. Yeah, whole year she battled the thalia with that secret key.
Yeah, doesn't sound like it's worth anything. Anyway, I think you get the point.
This is utter nonsense. Jennifer LeClaire is Looney Tunes, and she is not a
Southern Bible teacher, she's not discipling anybody in the true biblical doctrines of Scripture and of Christianity, and what the church has historically believed, taught, and confessed for the last two millennia.
Far from it. She's a wolf, she's a false teacher, she's a false prophetess under a false apostle, and those who are under her sway are wasting their money and risking losing their souls in the fires of hell.
I can't put it any blunter than that. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how to share the video is down below.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.