Kelly Clarkson Defends Homosexuality With The Bible!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So most of what we focus on for this channel is false teaching.
However, false teaching doesn't just come from self -proclaimed pastors like Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland, for instance.
You see, false teaching can come from any person who says something unbiblical. Of course, there are some people who believe that only false teaching that relates to the gospel is actually a problem, and all false teaching that relates to issues that they deem as secondary are not a big deal.
Today's video will illustrate that that is not the case. So to begin, false teaching can come from anyone, and today it happens to be coming from the popular singer
Kelly Clarkson. Now Kelly rose to fame after winning the first season of American Idol in 2002.
Also, let's take note of the irony of a Christian entering and winning a competition that literally has the word
Idol in the name, especially when 1 John 5, 21 says, Keep yourselves from idols.
Of course, the Apostle John wasn't talking about American Idol when he wrote that, I understand. But it's interesting to me that a
Christian could be so quick to enter a competition which uses the negative biblical word like Idol in such a positive and unchristian way.
It would honestly be funny if it weren't so disappointing. In any case, Kelly has declared that she is a
Christian with Southern Baptist roots, and she even says that she was a youth group leader for her local church at one point.
That alone should be concerning, but let's take a look at some of her quotes about Christianity and then compare it to some other things she's said over the years.
Kelly has said in the past, quote, I always grew up in church. I was the leader of our youth group. I've always grown up pretty close to church and with God, but I think
I've just gotten a lot closer just because he's the only one I can lean on, end quote. So she says that God is the only one she can lean on, and when she says that, pay attention, she's making a claim about having faith in God.
Now most Christians will see this and just say with no discernment, awesome, it looks like Christianity has a big name celebrity who's standing up for the truth of the
Bible. And folks, we believe a whole bunch of celebrities who come out and say stuff exactly like this, and unfortunately, we are being deceived.
We say to ourselves, well, Romans 10 9 tells us if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, well then you'll be saved.
Therefore, all these Christian celebrities must be true members of God's church if they claim to be
Christians. The problem with this logic, though, is that the Bible doesn't just have one verse in it.
There are many other equally biblical texts and passages which we are ignoring when it comes to Christian celebrities.
Following the example of Kelly Clarkson, though, let's take a look at how her Christianity works out in practice.
In 2018, two fans of Kelly Clarkson got fake married. Now why do I say fake married?
Because these people were both women. And biblically, marriage is the lifelong union between a man and a woman, and God will not recognize the union between anybody else.
Ephesians 5 31 says, As a
Christian, you think Kelly Clarkson would agree with the Bible that marriage is the union of a man and a woman and that homosexual activity is a sin.
Romans 1 26 -27 makes this abundantly clear when it says, For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature.
And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with other men and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error.
The Bible says that all homosexual activity is sinful and wrong. Period. Paragraph.
End of story. No exceptions. Again, you would imagine that Kelly Clarkson, the dedicated Christian that she says she is, would agree with the
Bible here, right? Wrong. Because when someone on Twitter said that the fake marriage of these two fans was a quote, sin any way you cut it,
Clarkson responded by saying this, quote, There are a few factors, a few statements that need to be addressed here, so let's tackle them one at a time biblically.
Number one, Kelly says, quote, hate doesn't deserve a spotlight, meaning that she believes calling homosexuality a sin is hate.
There's an issue here, though, which is that if calling homosexuality a sin can be classified as hateful, then
Kelly is actually saying that the Bible is hateful and by extension, the God who gave it. The God that she claims to love and believe in is being rejected here.
Leviticus 18, 22 says, quote, you shall not lie with a man as with a woman.
It is an abomination. Number two, Kelly says that, quote, truth does deserve a spotlight, which means that she believes her perspective is true.
The only problem is that, as I've just demonstrated, her perspective does not match the Bible's perspective.
Now, what does that mean? Well, put simply, it means that she believes her opinion is the ultimate truth and the scriptures are not the ultimate truth.
Because when the Bible contradicted her view, she chose to go with that view anyways at the expense of God's Word.
Kelly thinks that the Bible must submit to her feelings, not her feelings to the Bible. And that is very common in so -called
Christianity today. Number three, Kelly says that homosexuality is okay because, quote,
God is love. Again, there's an issue here. She's quoting 1 John 4, 7 when she says that God is love, and that's true.
But how can you quote scripture to say that God is love, but then, on the other hand, reject scriptures that say homosexuality is sinful, and even call those passages hateful?
The very same book that described God as love also talks about the very same God destroying two entire cities called
Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19, and that was because they were participating in, you guessed it, homosexuality.
You see, this makes no sense because Kelly is developing her worldview based exclusively off her own feelings and opinions, and not on the truth of scripture.
Number four, then lastly she says, quote, love shared between two people should be praised, not condemned, in my personal opinion.
The fallacy here is that she believes homosexual unions are loving when biblically they are not.
After all, how is it loving to help someone sin every time you participate in intimacy with them?
How is it loving to call your relationship a marriage when the Bible says that it is an abomination that does not even meet the minimum qualifications of a marriage?
There's a common thread here in all of these arguments, folks, and that's why I'm telling you these things. You need to be able to identify this in conversation.
Kelly Clarkson and all the other fake Christians, yes, fake Christians who believe the exact same things she does, they believe this.
The Bible is secondary, and their opinions and feelings come first, not the
Word of God. Now I know a lot of you guys are going to get your keyboards ready and take issue with me calling Kelly a fake
Christian. And to you folks, I will say this, that's what the Bible says she is, very clearly actually.
And if you have a problem with this, take it up with God, not me. I didn't write the mail, I just deliver it.
Most of the time I am against the idea of saying that someone else is not a Christian, because most of the time we actually can't know that.
But in this case, with the scriptures as my guide, I can definitively say that Kelly Clarkson is not a believer in Christ.
Now if that comes as a shock to you, that's probably because you've been pretending that she's a real Christian for 20 years on the basis of literally no fruit whatsoever.
Here's the biblical support for the claim I just made. Romans 1 talks about this when it says in verse 25 that certain unchristian people exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator.
In other words, these people are not Christians. They do not serve or worship or otherwise have any faith at all in Christ.
And later in the passage, talking about these very same unchristian people in verse 32, it says this, quote, they not only do these things like homosexuality, but give approval to those who practice them.
Paul says that those who have decided to approve of things like homosexuality are not true
Christians who are simply confused about their faith. Rather, they are unbelievers who are living separately from God's salvation.
Now why is that important? Because how are people going to repent of their sin if they're not made aware of it?
How are people who affirm homosexuality going to believe the true gospel if we keep lying to them by pretending that they've already accepted it?
Colossians 3, 9 says this, quote, do not lie to one another. So brothers and sisters, stop affirming people as Christians who do not believe the
Bible. When you do that, you're lying to them and you're breaking God's commands. You're not doing them any favors either because they can't turn from their sin if they're not made aware of it.
And you're certainly not doing the church any favors by artificially raising its numbers. And please pray that Kelly Clarkson would repent and believe in the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for watching that video. If you want to see more, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.