Daniel 9 (Con't)

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Well, good morning, but any one of you gentlemen like to open us up in the word of prayer any takers
Father God, thank you so much for this day that you have given us. Thank you for this class
I pray now that you be with brother Mike that you keep him on the straight and narrow path of the truth in Christ Amen.
Amen Daniel chapter 9 And We left off in the like the middle of chapter 9 verse 16
So I'm just going to start at the beginning of verse 16 and we'll walk through and hopefully we'll get to the end
Well, we will I'll make sure we'll just have to speed up or slow down or something We'll get to the end of verse 23 and then next week.
We will start the naughty In KN OTT why the naughty
Passage of the 77s of Daniel so Bring you a pen and piece of paper because the following week we're gonna take a test.
I See if everybody remembers everything All right, well, let me read
I'm gonna read through 23 Oh Lord in accordance with all of your righteous acts
Let now your anger in your wrath turn away from your city your holy mountain we're because of Our sins and iniquities of our fathers
Jerusalem and your people have become a reproach to all those around us So now our
God listen to the prayer of your servant and to his supplications and for your sake Oh Lord, let your face shine on your desolate sanctuary.
Oh my god incline your ear here Open your eyes and see our desolations in the city, which is called by your name
We are not presenting our supplications before you on account of our own merits But on account of your great compassion
Oh Lord Here Oh Lord forgive. Oh Lord. Listen and take action
For our for your own sake Oh my god do not delay because your city and your people are called by your name and then now while I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people to Israel and Presenting my supplication before the
Lord my God on behalf of the holy mountain of my God While I was still speaking in prayer
Then the man Gabriel whom I had seen and the vision previously came to me in my extreme weariness
About the time of the evening offering. He gave me instructions and Talked with me and said
Oh Daniel I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding at the beginning of your supplication
The command was issued and I have come to tell you for you are the highly esteemed
So give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision
So let's finish up Daniel's prayer which was from verses 4 through 19
And then we'll go into Gabriel's grand appearance Said uh, we finished up in the middle of 16 right about where it says your your city
Jerusalem your holy mound Anybody remember what they call the holy mountain of God? Started the first time we ever heard what the the actual name of what they would call the holy mountain of God those of you
That were in the second Samuel Study about six months ago.
We'll probably remember anybody remember what it was called first time ever Zion Mount Zion and what did
Mount Zion represent? It represented not only the the dwelling place of God which would be where the
Ark of the Covenant would be it would also Represent the the the gathering place for the people of God and it would be typified on through through Scripture as Where the people of God would gather to meet with his people
So he's even made it. He's made the The distinction here that your wrath was not only poured out on that city
But on the holy mountain on the place where your people gathered to meet with you
Well because of their sins and here's why he did it because of the sins and the iniquities of their fathers
What were the sins and iniquity of their fathers he has mentioned this three times already in this passage, what were they?
Specifically specifically dealing and we can talk about these others, but specifically what was the sins of the fathers that caused this desolation?
What was it violation of the Sabbaths, that's right violation of the Sabbaths It says that Jerusalem and your people have become a reproach to all of those around us
What is a reproach? Stench.
Yeah, anybody other translation say anything other than reproach? By word, is that what is that the
ESV? What does the
King James say right 17 Scorn, okay.
All right. It says when you look at how that reproach is looked at around them if you go back at Chronologically, this would have been
I guess Ezekiel chapter 5. I think it's around verse 14 He talks about specifically says he is talking member
Ezekiel is prophesying before it He was deported he was taken to Babylon 597 and he is prophesying before the destruction at 586
I think it's around chapter 5. He actually says he prophesies to them. Let me tell you what God's gonna do to you
He's gonna make you a laughingstock to the nation and he's gonna make you an absolute reproach to everyone around you
In other words, he's gonna they're gonna make you a mockery This is what God was going to do to his people and why was he going to do it?
Because they were idolatrous. They had not obeyed the Sabbaths and we're not talking about Just the
Sabbath the on Saturday They didn't obey the Sabbath of seven years of letting the land lay
Sabbath and if they weren't keeping up with that How did they know when the year of Jubilee was? They didn't that's why we have no record of the year of Jubilee ever being observed
Just a little side note if you remember and I think it's in Luke 4 Jesus goes into the synagogue and he pulled takes the scroll and he opens it up and he says this is the acceptable day of the
Lord I'm here to let the blinds gonna see the lambs gonna leap and I'm gonna set the captives free and then everybody makes a little
Kind of snarky statement because he doesn't say at the end because this will be the days of vengeance But he you know what he is actually talking about.
So I'm gonna set the captives free It's Isaiah 61 and he hands in that scroll back.
That was actually talking about the year of Jubilee I can't help but in my mind
Jesus is condemning those people saying look man all these years 490 years they had not
Observed the year of Jubilee and Jesus steps in he says I'm the one that's here to set the captives free
I'm the ones that's going to be the one who's going to make the lame walk they're gonna leap like deer and they're gonna make the blind see and I'm gonna loose those tongues and he didn't eat the dispensational
Perspective is as Jesus doesn't say Because this is the the days of vengeance or the acceptable wrath of the
Lord after that Because that's not going to come until after some secret rapture baloney
Okay, just that's baloney because actually what Jesus does he refers back to that in Luke?
I think it's in 19 or Luke 21 when he says let me let you know the days of vengeance are about to come on this city
So Jesus is already making I'm gonna set captives free and once I set those captives free
Which would be his death burial resurrection then after that's coming his time of vengeance Which should be poured out on that city
And also when you talk about a reproach you could eyes in Jeremiah he actually says
Specifically when he God tells him to go and I want you to take some clay jars as I think it's as a chapter 19
So what you make some clay jars and I want you to make them up and then I want you to go through the city And I want you to smash them on the ground and as you're smashing them on the ground
I want you to tell the people that this is what I'm going to do to them I'm gonna bust them like jars of clay just as I have created them and they have and they have not followed me
Now that I because I'm the creator I'm now going to smash them and he says and tell them this that I will make them a
Laughing and a hiss of the nations around them then after that Remember once the destruction of Jerusalem had fallen the book of Lamentations was written they know
Jeremiah wrote the book of Lamentations and it's actually one book in the Hebrew Canon and In chapter 1 where he's personifying the city.
He's talking about looking at it where she has now been left left Desolate and he says
I think it's around chapter verse Chapter 1 around 7 or 8
He says now everyone that walks by the city will walk with wagging heads with scorn towards you for what has happened
In other words the people the nation's around them We're gonna look at them and go look what
God look what your God has done to you. Was that an accurate statement? Yeah, I mean the nation's around and knew that God had protected them for all these years
Because they what with them what was their Braggadociousness about them. We have the place of the
Lord. God will never Destroy this place and then when God wiped them out
They said yep, look what your God has done to you and that is exactly what had happened. God punished him and then it says that your servant listen to the prayers of your servant and to his
Supplications for your sake O Lord He is asking and pleading
Lord, you've made this nation around it with a reproach to the nation around now. I'm asking you and In our vernacular beat look he was begging
God He listened to your servant Listen to your servant Daniel the one whom you've hauled off into captivity
You have preserved me for these almost 70 years and I'm asking you to hear my
Supplication and why was he asking him to hear his supplication? Actually the text says for God's sake
For God's sake. Yes, was he interceding Mike for the people? No doubt, but he's not saying hey
I want you to hear it because I'm so holy and good. Hey, and if anybody had I know this is weird to say
If anybody had any right to talk about goodness I don't think anybody in this room would say that Daniel didn't have the right to say that he was a righteous man and this man had had been kept pure from Biblical standards for nearly 70 years.
We have no We don't even see a character flaw in Daniel. Unlike we could say, you know
Joseph and Joshua, we don't see any sins in their lives You know God did that to show us that these men were upright and holy we know they were sinners
But even with Joseph we can see the character flaw He had at 17 years old as being okay.
It wasn't the wisest thing to tell my brothers Hey, you're gonna bow down to me. Oh, by the way, mom and dad you're going to too
Okay, that wasn't exactly the smartest thing. He lacked discernment
But it wasn't sinful But you get to Joshua and Joshua Joshua was as me you were talking about this this morning
He was deceived. He was deceived and he made a He made a covenant with one of the nations around them
They came in ragtag clothes and moldy bread and he made he was
He was taken in his heart have compassion on those people and then they wound up taking advantage of God's people and made a covenant
With them. He was like discernment, but it wasn't a sinful act Well in Daniel's case, we don't see any of that.
We see Daniel marching straight forward Walking before Kings calling them in the condemnation
Telling them that judgment was coming. Hey, look Nebuchadnezzar this tree that you've had this vision of I sure wished it wasn't about you
It was about the people around you could your fix to be looking at the dirt and chewing on grass and your fingernails are going
To grow and your hair on your backs gonna grow like feathers He was bold and He is saying here.
I'm asking you not to do it on my sake I want you to do it for your name's sake
Same thing Moses did when they come out of the land of Egypt and God was fixing to wipe them out because of their disobedience
He said do it for your name's sake same appeal as He intercedes for the people and then he says let your face shine
On your desolate sanctuary, what does it mean to have your faith
God's face shine upon something? Anyone what's that?
Favor certainly. What else? Blessing. Yeah, certainly blessing. Hey if God turns his back on you, what's gonna happen?
The city gets destroyed his protections no longer there And like I said,
I do believe that and as this is my opinion I believe that Daniel is the one that wrote Psalm 119
And he talks about that in verse 35. He even says hey Lord.
Let your face shine upon me That's what he hey when he was in when he was in the lion's den
Was the Lord's face shining upon him? Yes, when he decided when he was a very young boy or 16 years old
And he decided he wasn't going to eat the meat and all the wine of the seductiveness of Babylon He says, you know what?
I'm gonna go on the Yahweh veggie diet I'm gonna drink water and I'm gonna eat grass
Who did he trust and ask God's face to shine upon him? God and God did and God preserved him when nobody could answer the dreams and Ariat was gonna kill everybody all the wise
Men, what did Daniel do? He asked that God's face shine upon him and him have compassion on him
And he is asking the same thing Here and not only is he asking to shine on the people because you cannot separate
God and his people from this prayer Look when we get to the Daniel 70 weeks the dispensational view is no
No, we've got to separate God from his people and the people from a city look from the
Jewish Culture you can't separate the temple the city and God knows no temple.
No God there No temple no city So if this temple is going up The city is going to be inhabited by people if the temple is going up and the people being inhabited by people
God said he would dwell in the midst of his people. You can't separate that And he is saying here.
Let it shine on your desolate sanctuary Imagine he's he's praying that God would shine on the desolate sanctuary at this point
Five thirty eight five thirty nine BC when he's praying this was there a sanctuary
No, what was there Not even the foundations of the yeah, not even the foundations of the temple were there because that's not even gonna happen probably for another
Maybe Three years or so before it's the rubble heads back and lays the foundations and since you know
Place the foundation sets up the first altar and make their first sacrifice That's gonna not happen for another three years or so and then a completion of that's not going to be done for another 15 or 16 years after that It says in verse 18.
Oh my god incline your ear and hear Open your eyes and see our desolations in the city, which is called by your name
He is appealing for God to hear take does God hear You better believe he does
When does when the passage and I think it's in the Proverbs where it says that God does not hear the prayers of the wicked
Does anybody think that God's deaf when the wicked pray? No, what does it mean?
What does it mean What's that but That's right, it's got obligated to hear that is he is he obligated to answer it
No, just let you know every prayer goes answered talk with a guy on the job this week because man
God just doesn't answer our prayers What are you retarded? I Answered the way you want but God answers the prayer and it's either yes or No Wait to know
Wait to know but you're right at some point you may answer that in the and the affirmative he might
But God is not in any way shape form Required to answer us the way that we want
So when we pray and God doesn't answer us the way that we want how often do we say man? God didn't answer my prayer
No God did and regardless of How my perception of that answer is
God's looking out for his own glory our eternal good and Ultimately he is looking out for our sanctification and I'm gonna tell you what man sometimes that's like swallowing a jagged pill
Okay, but that's the way it is. God's answering the prayers of his people according to his will how many of us when we pray we pray at the end of our
And in my prayer Lord your will be done when Mike prays for us on Thursday mornings when we get together he prays and at Almost 85 % of the time
Lord your will be done Lord your will be done. I mean The health wealth prosperity says you can't do that You can't ask that the
Lord's will be done because it's God's will you whatever you ask you receive? nonsense
We pray in Jesus name asking that his will be done on earth as it is in heaven now
Don't answer because you know my answer to this. Why do we why do we confess our sins to the
Lord? Correct both of them faithful and just if he said he says what first I want good first John says what?
Okay, and you're going you good Okay, I want you
That's my answer That is my answer. Hey regardless and then Mike knows that's what it was
We I heard a guy debating a guy on why do you ask God to ask you to forgive you of sins if all your sins?
past present are forgiven and they went to this theological discourse of you know
Got to do this and I agree it does Align our relationship to keep kind of the our our koinonia our fellowship with God and all that but if that was not there
God told me to and that's good enough for me God says when you sin you ask for forgiveness now if I don't ask for forgiveness is
God still faithful and just have covered by sins under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ you Better believe it.
Yeah, but us confessing our sins as Daniel's confessing the sins of the people that he has actually laid on himself
He is in lining himself With the the apostate nation generation before him saying, you know what?
I'm just like them therefore God I want you to recognize that I am I Am unjust and unholy apart from you and you and I are in the same position
We are unjust and unholy apart from God and as Keith was preaching last week you uh, we
He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I want you to know
Everybody in this room You are not righteous You're not there ain't no righteous person in here
God has declared you righteous Apart from your unrighteousness the false teachers will say you are righteous.
No, no, no. No, no one day You will be when either God descends on that white horse and takes us in the air with him
Or we take our last breath then we will be totally sanctified but until then
Yes, but just because we're in gets on our computer just means credited so we're actually living on Christ credit now
Abraham was living looking towards the cross. We're looking back. Look, there's no we're not righteous.
We're declared Justification is a forensic. This is the textbook definition is a
Forensic declaration of your being declared righteous before God a forensic declaration means you're not but God declared you that it's
God standing up on the at that throne Okay, he's up you're standing but out of your movement had been standing before a judge.
It's the attempts to be intimidating He's wearing black all of his junk around him all bailiffs and everything around, you know to arrest the part of the criminal
Imagine God standing there and you're you're guilty of every type of Sin, there is
I mean think about this if we live to be 70 years old you sin one time a day just do the math
Okay Forget all the ones that God could impute on us if he wanted to when he says you're supposed to love the
Lord I got with all your heart or your mind or your soul or your strength. You ain't done that one nanosecond in your life
So it just adds up, okay that judge of all creation says guilty
And he stands up with his black robe and he's gonna have that part of the guy you executed and Jesus stands up and he says
No, no, no. No, I paid that for him Well, then that judge The God of all creation takes off that robe that black robe of justice
He hangs it up in his closet And he walks over there and he embraces you as a son and a daughter
That's awesome He has then declared you righteous Clothed doing the righteousness of Jesus Christ and then a lot of times we forget this not only does
God do that then at the time You are saved, but then he then adopts you adoption is often lost in the in the chain of salvation
It is often lost in that dude You are adopted into the beloved and now you are a son and daughter of the
Most High and that is to be thankful for The sanctuary was not there he's asking him the end of verse 17 to To basically restore your sanctuary verse 18.
Oh my god and climb your ear and here Open your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by your name
He how many times has he said desolations? And Xavier came up to me last week says man.
What's the desolations all about? Yeah, man. It's God's destruction. It's God In so many words abandoning his people because of their sin because they were covenant breakers
He has walked away from them. He is not only he his face wasn't shining on them. He had turned his back on and he says here
Open your eyes and see the desolations of the city, which is called by your name We are not presenting our supplication before you on account of any merits of our own.
Hey, what merits would they have had anyway? If anybody had any merit
It would have been Daniel that least to say okay God I have because of what you have done in my place.
I have the the The Privilege of coming and making these supplications, but he says look
I don't even have that I'm on all I'm doing is I'm coming before you because of your compassion because of your great mercy and you've made it an
Opportunity for me to come and to appeal to you based on not anything
I've done But he says here once again, he appeals to God's character, but on account of your great compassion
With the people of God it felt like God's compassion was on them at this point No I'll even say this once they even go back into the land once he gives the the decree to go back
Cyrus does and you get into the time of We'll even say Zerubbabel from Zerubbabel to Ezra because there's
I think like 11 years there or so and then you got No, I'm sorry, you've got 11 years from Ezra to Nehemiah if you look at actually how many people went back
Really wasn't all that much. I mean think about Esther and Mordecai that took place around 490 to 480
BC somewhere around there look at Esther The decree had been given to go back at 536 or somewhere around there.
What were they still doing in Persia? That's exactly what they were doing
That's exactly what they were doing That way they took when God said hey when they haul you off into a place that I'm sending you
You're supposed to go there. You're supposed to pray for the peace of the city. You're supposed to build homes You're supposed to pray do good live work and submit to the authority that's there until I'm done with you
Well, once God gave the gave the the Cyrus the decree to send him back.
What did they decide to do Mike said it and this is ain't too bad over here Why do
I want to take a four -month journey? To go back to a land where nothing's at one because God said so That's why and they chose not to now we can get into Esther and she's not nearly as moral as everybody thinks she was
But that's another story for another time But just to let you know, she where should her and Mordecai went
They should have went back to Jerusalem back to Jerusalem And then he says
Oh Lord forgive once again that the character and attributes of God his compassion if God has
Compassion on these people and he hears the prayers of Daniel. What is he going to do?
He is God's going to forgive God you're compassionate And you're gonna hear my prayer and he says
Oh Lord forgive. I look the way that it's written in the English It's almost as if it's a command for God.
I don't know how y 'all's is How your English translates whichever you're looking at but it says Oh Lord here
Explanation point Oh Lord forgiven. It's almost in an imperative, but it's an appeal steal to God knowing
Hey, this is your character gives God a compassionate God. Yes. Is he a forgiving forgiving God?
Yes, based on what he had already been reading was God going to forgive and show compassion on his people
Yes, what book was he reading? Jeremiah and Jeremiah Said God you're going to have compact got
Jeremiah God said you're gonna I'm gonna have compassion on these people. I have plans for them.
I will restore them I will forgive them and I'll send them back into the land He says take action listen and take action, well, what would be the action that God would have to take
In order for them to have their sanctuary. Let's just be logical take action.
What's he gonna have to do? Send them back. Yeah, it's like you send a kid to the room
To room he's gonna say back to Jerusalem Back to Jerusalem And he says for your own sake
Oh Lord don't delay I can imagine Daniel said man, he's delayed about 67 years at this point.
Can you speed it up? We're ready to go back I Don't delay because your city and your people are caught by your name once again
He's not appealing to the peoples for what they've done He's wanting them to go back to the land build the city in the sanctuary.
Why? Because Lord that was your city. That's where you dwelled. That's where your name was made great
That's where your name was exalted That's where your people were to supposed to typify what it looked like to be a people under the covenant of God and He says go back now
Here's Dan here's the here's the grand entrance of Gabriel now While I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sins of the people here it is
Daniel was confessing his sin His sin and the sins of the people
And the sins of the people Israel presenting my supplication before the Lord my
God in behalf of the holy mountain Mount Zion While I was still speaking in prayer then the man
Gabriel who was Gabriel Messenger of God.
Yep. Well, what do we know most importantly about what Gabriel did in front of New Testament?
Mary What's that Mary? Yeah, Mary. He she was the the birth announcer
Remember when he came last time he scared the mess out of Gabriel I think he might have learned a little bit from this because he
Daniel doesn't fall on his face yet he says While I was speaking
Gabriel was there whom I had saw in that previous Vision he came to me in my extreme weariness about the time of the evening offering
Does that not seem like an odd statement? Evening offering
What time was the evening offering toilet
Toilet at the time of the evening offering were they giving offerings Daniel And Remembering at the time of every evening for almost 70 years
This would be the time they'd be offering an evening and morning sacrifice And what was
Daniel doing? He was praying He was praying there was no place to offer an offering
There was no place to there was no brazen altar in Babylon for them to offer an evening
Offering to the Lord a matter of fact there wasn't even one in Jerusalem But as the prayers of God's people are offered up as a sacrifice for a fake here.
It is Daniel praying to God at the evening Sacrifice time that's amazing to me
But here it is almost 70 years and he in his mind as a Jewish young boy And this would be the time this would be the time this would be the time this would be the time
Matter of fact, I believe that when he was praying and when he was thrown into the lion's den Those were one of the times in the morning.
He was praying at the morning sacrifice and the evening I don't know that for sure but three times a day.
He prayed towards Jerusalem as the way David did David did in the morning did it in the middle of the day and he did it in the evening and that is what's
Taking place here at the evening He was praying at the time of the offering and then he gave me instructions and talked with me and said
Oh Daniel I've come forth to give you insight with understanding at the beginning of your supplications
The command was issued man Does anybody say decree?
Does anybody say decree there? in verse 23 a
Word a word here says that word Says at the beginning of your supplication the command was issued and I have come to tell you that you are highly esteemed
So give heed to the message and gain Understanding of the vision.
All right, we got about Maybe eight minutes Here it is
Daniel was praying he was interceding he was wanting the restoration of the people He had noticed the calculation of the time from which he was praying that hey the 70 years
Depending on how you understand that is up God's fixing to send his people back how he's going to do that He's not real sure other than if he because we know he was a student of the
Word of God He knew that in Isaiah who would be the one that would come and make that decree
It would be Silas God specifically said Chapter 44 and 45 that a man named
Cyrus would come out of the land of the Medes He would come in and as he came in he would loosen the loins of Kings And if you know anything about whose loins that he just loosened
Bell shazzer. Yeah, he pooped in his pants member. Yeah so he said he's gonna loosen the loins of Kings as he comes in and they had long awaited for the
Anointed and the word that used in my and Isaiah is the word for Messiah that Cyrus was going to be a
Messiah that would send the people back. So, all right, he's made the calculations. He's like, oh wow
Cyrus is here the one that was going to be of Median descent Okay, Cyrus the mead.
I mean Darius the mead Cyrus the great was going to be the one to send them back So he's making all these calculations and going.
Oh, wow, this is fixing to happen Daniel Gabriel shows up and he says all right here it is
I'm fixing to give you some some information, but I have to prepare you for it I need to prepare you for what you're fixing to hear and see and I have to give you more
Understanding in other words. He's having to give him an extra measure of grace so that he can take
He's Nixon to swallow a chunk in his gullet God's not only fixed to talk to him about the restoration of the people
But he is also fixed to tell them not only is it going to be as it was 70 years of desolation.
He's saying Daniel when this is all said and done imagine 77 of desolation utter
Destruction you think that's what Daniel wanted to hear? Daniel didn't want to hear.
Hey, man, I know this has been rough for 70 years, but it's gonna be harder It's gonna get worse and Then when it gets worse
It's gonna get better for just a little bit because the Messiah is gonna come and when that's all said and done you thought all
That was bad before that This will be something that the world has never seen and never will see again
So he's preparing him for that and he says In verse 23 at the beginning of your supplication meaning at the beginning it you started praying
At the time you started praying Daniel. The command was issued what command?
That's what I believe it is That's what I believe it is and when we get to chapter 10 I'm gonna make that reference as well because chapter 10 says oh not only was it issued then but man there was this cosmic
Fight in the air between the Prince of Persia and Michael and we can talk about who that person was that Michael came and helped him
I believe is was Christ and we can talk about that and y 'all can disagree and throw rocks at me if you want, but There's a this cosmic fight in the air for 21 days trying to keep that That decree from coming and he's saying look it was issued it was sent and He says you are highly esteemed
Think of two other people in Scripture that we could say that God spoke of highly esteemed
Mary who's the other? Well, he is the esteemed one
It's almost the same in the Greek it's almost him this is in this is in the Hebrew but in the
Septuagint It's almost the same John the Revelator You are the beloved he's told that in the
Revelation He said you are the beloved you are loved by God. You are the one.
So here it is. God's now preparing Daniel to hear things that will take place
Further on which I believe is to the destruction of Jerusalem. Okay, he's fixing to get all this
This is what Daniel's fixing to get and then when the revelant when John gets his
Revelation, he's basically told the same thing two people that get divine
Revelation from God about the Holy Mountain the Holy City and the holy people here.
It is both of them get basically the same Admin Accommodation.
Yeah accommodation Sir Daniel and in John the
Revelator John the John the Beloved. Yeah, not Baptist John the
Baptist John the Baptist was beheaded long before revelation was written John the
Beloved sons of Zebedee. Yeah Questions disagreements.
Yes, sir Man I sure did We're tight
We're tight I Yeah, I mean We we understand
God in a skewed way We do we I mean it would
I think it's in Psalm 5 21 Says you think
I'm all together like you Think that's what it says in Psalm 24 Psalm 5 21.
You think I'm like you God ain't like you. He's not like me, but we think he is in that passage.
It's talking about God hasn't weighed his judgment on someone yet. God did not poured out his his
Justice on someone but if that was me Here's how I would do it and I'm not lying man.
If it was up to me I'll take annihilation for 200 Alex just like in jeopardy.
Boom, and I'd wipe everybody out That was it that we didn't like that's exactly what
I would do and we think God should do that don't we But then you think about all your loved ones
Think about my retarded co -worker Think about that man, if we did that it would cut it short and God says he's not willing that any of them perish but that all would come to repentance a long suffering long suffering
May you think you think about the long suffering of God? How long can be had he been long suffering to the people of Israel before he took him off into 70 years of captivity?
We did it at least 490 but me and Andy were talking because The 490 is actually what he he punished them for he could have punished him for more because even to the time of the judges
We never seemed to the time of the year of Jubilee ever observed now you got biblical scars
Oh, well, they couldn't because of this and because of that and that that that that that that that that that look man
When God gave his law, he didn't say well you do it when it's convenient. He didn't say that He said when you come into the land, this is when you do it when you come into the land you do it
So if God said when you come into the land This is how it's to be observed Just because you have this falling away and people living like they wanted to doing what was right in their own eyes did not mean
That they weren't responsible to continue to carry out the seven -year sabbatical and the year of Jubilee they were supposed to but you could go
I think I think it was like a 1093 day years or something actually is what it wound up being
But he punished him for 490 years Why Because God so choose to use that so that honestly so that he could make in my opinion so that he could make a
Equivalent to what's fixing to take place with the restoration back into the land the coming of Messiah Which would be in a time range of 490 years.
Remember what is? 77 what is it? 490 years and that is kind of the motif in which was used for the destruction of Jerusalem 586
And that will be the motif that's used that sets up the going back into the land setting up the
Temple and the time of the wall great distress and the coming of Messiah and then there'll be another great desolation after that We might be in 1924 327 we probably be there two weeks
Most likely and This will set up Some of the way that will you understand
Chapter 11 and 12 because we get into 10 11 and 12 and then I'll shut up and we can go listen to Keith preach
That's the Longest and most lengthy vision and it's the last And it does run us right up to where he's talking about the destruction of Jerusalem He's talking about the coming of Messiah or the coming of Messiah than the destruction of Jerusalem And then he tells when
Daniel asked the question When will these things be what's going on and God tells him?
Daniel seal it up, buddy What Seal it up.
It's not for you to know Your time's good You're gonna go to rest.
You're gonna rest with your fathers You're gonna be a ripe old age and you're gonna get your inheritance Daniel But it's gonna be bad.
Well, then when you get to Revelation, what does he tell John? What I'm telling you don't seal it up because it's about to happen both of them is like the end
It's time. It's the time is now here. He's saying the ends not yet Okay, the ends not yet.
But when you get to Revelation, he says don't seal this up This is coming and we have to use all those time stamps when we get into that because this soon must take place soon
Must take place. Does it mean? To 2 ,000 2 ,200 years later. They mean soon
If I said I was coming to your house soon, then would that mean? It's gonna be soon. It's not gonna be 2 ,000 years later