Blasphemy Laws Are Good and Every Father Knows Why - Response Clip #ChristianNationalism

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, let's do something more spicy Owen blasphemy laws Honest thoughts about that and that being pushed here within the Christian nationalism debate.
I'm a pretty serious free speech guy.
So I don't think that we are setting up a new Israelite theocracy in America I don't think we have any New Testament New Covenant called to that.
So I hate blasphemy of God But I recognize you have to recognize that any law that you set can be used against you and so I would not be an advocate of Strong blasphemy laws.
I would be an advocate of free speech That's not because I think that's a small thing What I want the church to do is get out there and be a witness in the world and take the Great Commission Seriously and make disciples by proclaiming Christ Speaking the truth and love Ephesians 415 So I'm not a blasphemy law advocate in the sense that we set up a Christian nation and now Christianity rules The day I don't think that's what we are called to an institute and establish in this in this era We are if we get in public office.
We want Christians salt and light we want them governors and presidents and prime ministers and statesmen and etc And so on we want all of that and when they're in office, we want them to craft good law We want good law We want the restraint of evil But you have to be very careful with these kind of things because we don't want to we don't want to create a formalized Christianity where you're you're thought to be Christian just by virtue of living somewhere or being in a certain family Being in a in a in a Christian family.
You are not a Christian if you are born into a Christian family Some may say that some we love may argue along those lines You are only a Christian when you are born again by God's grace as a believer.
So We want to protect that in the home and also in society All right, so so so I'm not gonna take the the Presbyterian versus Baptist bait at the end there That's a different topic and you know, whatever you guys know how I feel about that Um Blasphemy laws, we're gonna talk a lot more about blasphemy laws because I think it's such a good example of the kind of thing That really needs to be thought through a little bit better.
He says I hate blasphemy Well, I'm sure he does but he does not hate it enough He does not hate it enough that's a that's the bottom line and Then he says, you know, we got to remember that anything we do can be used against us This this is one of the most tired, you know neocon type talking points that needs to be Completely beat into dust it is garbage.
It doesn't make any sense number one There's so many reasons, but let me just give you a few off the top of my head number one They're already using the power against us.
They're already Doing it people often will say we already have blasphemy laws and it's true We cannot blaspheme the LGBTQ, you know gods and things like that We cannot blaspheme that kind of stuff the things on the on the leftist side that they're already using power against us But but but furthermore take that nonsense to its logical conclusion.
We we got to remember, you know They might use it against us at that point You're ceding use of any power because any power can be used against us Christians have to get over this idea that using power is somehow Anti-christian or not godly or on Christ like Christian magistrates.
He says oh we should have good laws.
That's right.
We should have good laws Everybody agrees with that Owen, of course We should have good laws based on God's morality and then we have to have the will We have to have the unction we have to have the ability and willingness to use The power that we have whatever whatever sphere we have that power We have to have the unction in the will is unction the right word.
I don't know.
I went to public school To you to enforce that because it's not enough to have good laws.
You have to have the will to to enforce it You have to have the will to actually use the power that you have to do what must be done according to God's law That's the thing that's the whole point because the Constitution I've said this many times is great and he says oh I'm a big free speech guy.
I mean sure you are.
You're a modern version of free speech guy I'm a original version of free speech guy where we understood that blaspheming the Lord that didn't count That didn't count But the point is like the Constitution is great But it's meaningless if you refuse to enforce it and you say stupid things like well We enforce it they might enforce it against us It's like we let them do what they think they have to do.
We got to do what we got to do We have to get rid of that whole tired idea.
Oh, they're gonna use their power there.
They all ready are They already are and we have been unwilling to do the same Which is why we are in the situation that we're in Here's the thing guys, and I'm not gonna say too much about this because this is not about this is this we're going to do an episode on blasphemy laws, but But you got to think about the home right like like he says I don't want this formalized Christianity that everyone thinks they're a Christian when they're not right I Think he actually just kind of gave us the argument there because then he kind of relates that to the home You're not a Christian just because you were born into a Christian family, okay? Okay, that's right, but here's the point Let's say I agreed with you I don't but let's say I agree with you right and I've got my four sons here and You know only one of them Let's just say has has been born again the other three.
They're just you know pagans under my roof, right? Do I install a blasphemy law in my house as the father? Do I allow my allegedly pagan children to blaspheme Christ under my roof? And do I say well I can't I can't not I have to allow them to blaspheme Christ Because if I did that would be some kind of formalized religion And they would start to think they're Christian when they're not and so I'm just gonna let them curse Christ's name Because they're not born again yet.
Is that how it would work under my roof? Absolutely not Absolutely not whether my sons claim Christ or not Under my roof they will not be blaspheming Christ and If they want to go blaspheme Christ they can get out of here.
That's how every father would work I think Owen would do the same thing right and again I don't agree with Owen's fundamental premise there that his kids are just pagans if before they're born again But I think that Owen would would do the same thing.
You know he's got an eight-year-old son.
Who's not converted yet hypothetically I don't know anything about Owen's family life Hypothetical and as his son blasphemes Christ He would come down on that son He would discipline his son right and and and rightfully so because in this house We honor the this is a Christian household We're a Christian family And I organize it as a Christian family and that just because you don't claim Christ You still have to go by my Christian rules.
Why does he do that? Why would he do that? Why would Owen want that to happen? Well because the law is a tutor Right the law is a tutor We we need to put some respect on the name of Jesus Christ We need to we need to it needs to be different Than other words and other names in This household we revere Christ.
I Will be holy It will be revered it will be respected It will be feared and that's kind of the point you know in in in society That's kind of the point of blasphemy laws I was talking at the conference the other day at John's Harris's conference the the truth script conference with some people at the lunch table And we were talking about this to some degree, and it's like I don't envision And I think you know I like the Constitution, so I think states could differ on this right It's not gonna come down from the federal government on high I don't envision that that's not how I would prefer it I mean of course it doesn't mean it's completely evil if that happened, but I'm just saying like I don't envision it that way I think each state could kind of land differently here, but but I would say that like This would not include like secret police.
You know kind of coming into our lunch table and saying Does he have correct documents not like that the kind of stuff that would be banned would be like that art project Have you heard of this the they call it the piss Christ where they they take a Crucifix and they put it in urine and feces and stuff and the whole Intention of the art is to desecrate the name of Christ is to is to blaspheme Christ.
That's the whole point of it It's public.
It's proud.
It's out there.
That would be banned and that should be banned that should not be tolerated in a moral society It's as simple as that It's as simple as that Why? Not because we're trying to pretend people are Christian that aren't but the nation will be run according to God's morality the the the civil governing authority will promote what is good and Will punish evildoers and to and to blaspheme Christ's name like that is most certainly an evildoer that will be banned We need to make sure that the name of Christ is different than other names is revered is holy is feared Because the law is a tutor Because the law is a tutor you ever see that episode of an episode, excuse me that that movie home alone.
I'm sure you've seen it you know, there's one point where the two the two criminals are chasing Kevin and Kevin Runs into the church, right? He runs into the church And these criminals they they they don't care about anything.
I mean, they're just they're you know, they're just degenerates, right? And what do they say? Do you remember what they say? They say I'm not going in there You remember that I'm not going in there because yeah me either They don't want to go in there and There's there's certainly an implication.
It's not because you know, there might be other people there No, it's because that's God.
That's God's place.
That place is holy ground They're not gonna go in there.
They they they had respect at least a certain amount of Respect for the place where God's name is is proclaimed.
They they feared it.