Ole AD is No Expert on Medicine Nor Economics!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


And? #NoDespair2020


Self -quarantined day five. I managed to go down to the local trading post and trade my
AR -15 for this can of Lysol and this sword
Initially the deal was just for the can of Lysol But I figured I I've played enough video games to know that when you don't have a firearm
The next best thing is a melee weapon All right, all right today's a bit of a grab bag a lot of pushback on yesterday's video on the economy
I really don't understand why people don't get this and This is one of those things. Sometimes I'll say something that I know is controversial.
I know is debatable This is not debatable If you don't understand how a man's ability to work and make an income and provide for his family is directly connected to his life
If you don't get that frankly, you don't get much that that's a very simple concept to understand
I saw governor Cuomo from New York saying well if the choice is between the economy and lives
There's a that's a no -brainer and I'm like, well, you know You obviously don't understand the economy if you think the economy is just this extra thing.
That's it's external to men And it's not really part of life Critical to thriving in life and God's plan for people if you don't get that You need to go back to the drawing board.
I mean you understand the Bible at a very infant level That's that you need solid food
You know you need to move on from milk eventually to get to the solid food and and so the reality is that I'm never gonna back down on that one.
That's it's not about a few extra bucks in your pocket It's not about your portfolio doing a little bit better than it could be doing.
It's not about that It's literally a matter of life and death the economy, especially for the vulnerable This is the part about this argument that I don't understand you think it's so compassionate
Oh, we need to save lives and shut down the economy in order to do it And I'm like, well, that might be well and good for middle -class folks
That might be well and good for rich folks, but for people that are super vulnerable when it comes to their finances
That's a matter of life and death that's a death sentence You need to be able to think about this at a little bit more than infant level
And I'm sorry if that comes across kind of strong and then all that kind of thing But seriously, you're thinking like a child.
There's no other way to put it Children think in that way where they think of the immediate pretty much exclusively.
I think of the immediate consequences the immediate value the immediate Benefit to a certain action.
They don't think a few steps ahead You need to train a child to think a few steps ahead that doesn't come naturally
But that's what should happen as you grow up, you know, you tell a child. All right, listen, listen kid
I'll give you a marshmallow right now, or I'll give you three marshmallows in 30 minutes Yeah, a lot of kids are just gonna go
I want the one marshmallow right now because all they're thinking about is that sweet delicious Fluffy taste in their mouth right now.
They're not thinking about what could happen in 20 minutes This is something you need to train as an adult into delaying gratification
It's something that you need to do. The reality is people that are making this a simple thing it's not a simple thing because if we if shutting down the economy was was was a no -brainer to save any amount of life we would have to shut down the economy permanently because driving down the street to deliver a package
Unnecessary package. Let's say you order a game from Amazon a video game or something like that Driving down the street the truck driving down the street is putting lives at risk
Do you realize how you take your life into your hand every time you go into the street think I've ever thought about this I've thought about this
We're going those like those like highways not the not the freeway type stuff But the highways where it's like 50 55 miles an hour and it's two -way traffic
You ever think that you come like 10 feet from a car that's coming at you 60 miles an hour or more and you're going
Towards it 60 miles an hour for more and the only thing keeping you alive is about 10 feet worth of space
And the trust that the other guy is gonna stay in his lane You take your life in your hands by engaging in everyday frivolous commerce and so if really if it came down to economy or life and that was just that simple like a child the way a child
Thinks about it. Then we couldn't do anything. There could be no economy It's it's just it's so it boggles the mind how stupid that argument is.
I can understand Self -quarantining and in situations like this I can understand taking proper precautions
I can understand all of this stuff All I'm saying though is that shutting down the economy from on high and expecting daddy to take care of you
The government is a stupid stupid idea. It's a matter of life and death for the most vulnerable
You say you care about people. Well, I don't believe you if you're not following God's law. It's just that simple.
I don't believe you Anyway a couple of additional things about that topic
Someone said to someone said to me or actually I think they said it to someone who was was agreeing with me on this
Now what all of a sudden there's all these Christians that are experts on the economy and medicine And one of those gotcha things and the reality is like like this is something that we also this is also thinking like a child
This is also thinking like oh daddy's gonna take care of me So don't you know because the reality is that there are not many
Economics and and medicine experts out there. They're that's why they're experts. There's a handful There's a few and I don't mean a literal handful, but compared to the population
Few are experts in the economy or medicine. The reality is though You have to understand that experts there's two things here experts disagree
So you look at one expert in the medical field and they say well this virus is not that big a deal You see another expert in the in the medical field.
This is this virus is the death the black death It's the plague and so now it's like well, which experts do I believe it's the same thing with the government
You know you say you have to listen to the government. You have to Romans 13 Somebody asked the question on my
Twitter. It was a really good question. I forget who did it. Somebody asked the question Okay So what happens when Trump says to go back to work?
But my governor says to not go back to work or what happens if vice versa Trump says don't go to work But my governor says okay, you can go to work and they disagree.
Who do I listen to Romans 13? Who do I listen to you know, cuz there's different layers of government, right?
There's city government state government, you know all that kind of stuff. So okay, so they're disagreeing now what now what?
Okay That's not how we do things that that's that's not how God's system works that's not how
God's system works it gives certain authorities certain authority the family has certain authority the church has certain authority the state has certain authority and and and we need to Respect those boundaries.
God's gonna show us if we don't respect it He's going to show us and so that's the first thing because you say well trust medical experts
Well, which ones which ones and that leads me to my second point because the reality is I am NOT an economy expert
And I am NOT a medical expert Yet I am still Solely responsible the responsibility falls on my shoulders what happens to my family
Economically and what happens to my family according to their health God puts that responsibility on me not medical experts
I can I can look at the medical experts, but the end of the day I need to make a decision So whether or not I am an expert
I need to come to some conclusions. I need to take responsibility for it myself I need to decide whether it's best to have a sword or an
AR -15 to take care of my family I need to decide what to invest my money in order to pull my money out of the stock market in order to take care
Of my family and it doesn't matter that I'm not an expert on macroeconomics It doesn't matter that I'm not an expert on microeconomics or fiscal policy or any of these things.
It doesn't matter I still need to make decisions with the information that I do have and so this kind of thing.
Well, you're not an expert Yeah, I'm not an expert But I still need to make decisions and the responsibility to take care of my family is not on the expert side
I can outsource some of the data gathering some of the some of the recommendations and stuff But I cannot outsource the decision.
You see what I'm saying? God does not allow me to outsource the decision -making Just like God doesn't allow you to outsource the responsibility for training your kids
You could hire somebody to do it, but the responsibility is still yours as to what they learn You see what
I'm saying? This is this is the thing this we're gonna learn God's gonna teach us. We're gonna learn today God's gonna teach us and so anyway, that's just a couple things that I was thinking about I had another person talking about whoa
I was I was talking how I'm against the stimulus package and they were shocked they couldn't believe it What would you do to save the economy?
And I'm like, well, it's very simple I would eliminate 95 % of taxes 95 % of government agencies
I would I would have the government sell all of their assets pretty much not all of them But most of them and give the money back to their debtors and stuff like that I'll tell you what
I definitely would not do is To ease my pain right now burden my children and my children's children with crushing financial obligations
That's what I definitely wouldn't do because the Bible says that a good man a righteous man leaves an inheritance to his children
Not crushing debt not crushing debt And so you see them say like again
We have to think more than one or two steps ahead or more than the immediate We need to think one or two steps ahead.
Yes Would it be nice to have an extra $4 ,000 in my pocket from the government? Yeah, it would be nice to have that but the reality is that $4 ,000 is gonna cost
Much much more in the future and it's not gonna cost me. It's gonna cost my children's children That's sinful to promote that kind of stuff.
That's sinful to to to to to come up with those kinds of schemes It's not right to do that's a that's a wicked man does that a sinful man does that not a righteous man a
Righteous man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. He doesn't leave him with crushing debt. You see again This is the whole is the thing with the marshmallow
We should be training our kids to be able to delay gratification to be able to think a couple steps ahead
To what puts them at an advantage not to just only consider the immediate This is very shallow very childish and we
Christians ought not to think in this way one thing I've been talking a lot about is that this whole crisis is
Revealing what people really believe people can say they believe anything if people it's very easy to say with your mouth
You believe something but it's very different to see how somebody acts You see if I say
I love Christ if I say I believe in limited Government, I believe in the free market and stuff like that And then the minute
I get a little pressure a crisis of this Magnitude then I start throwing this stuff out the window and say a little socialism is okay
Well, what I've what I've proven is that I really don't believe what I say you believe you could know what somebody believes based on their
Actions very easy to talk. It's very different to act. And so what we're getting is a lot of revelation
I was I was I was listening to I recommend this guy man. I've promoted him before my channel
Josh Sommer Joshua Sommer check out his YouTube channel He put out a video yesterday that I'm halfway through about the
Sabbath and how Even people who claim to take the Sabbath very seriously are revealing that they actually do not in this crisis and it's very
Compelling video. I really think it's interesting. I've said many times I think I've even said this to Josh that if there's one area that I'm squish on I'm a little squishy
It's the Sabbath and I know that going in. I'm a little squishy there and maybe it's just my
You know, maybe it's just my sinful rebellious heart that I'm not doing what I ought to do But this has made me rethink a lot regarding the
Sabbath If you notice when God comes in judgment in the Old Testament, he meant there's a few things that he mentions consistently about the reasons why
Justice is one of them and absolutely as a church. We're getting justice all wrong We're confusing it with pagan justice, of course, but then there's another thing he mentions often.
It's the Sabbath It's not remembering the Sabbath. It's profaning the Sabbath and I just wonder
I'm not I'm just saying this out loud I don't know. I just wonder if If we don't have
God saying, okay, you don't want to you don't want to keep that Sabbath. Holy You don't want to remember the Sabbath. Well now you can't meet
How do you like that? I'm not speaking for God, but but it's just very interesting the way this has gone down The way this has gone down and we've got essential essential businesses can stay
Open, you know liquor stores porn stores stuff like that But churches can't and we're just going along with it and I think this is a
The trial is where things get revealed and things are getting revealed. I hope this doesn't end on a down note
Let me say this. I also see a lot of really encouraging things with with Christians out there with pastors
There's a lot of pastors that are rising to the occasion and I pray for you guys, man It's very easy for me to get on here and say what
I would do I'm not a pastor. I don't have these decisions To make it's not they're not mine to make
I have a YouTube channel It's one thing for me to say something But it's another thing for all you pastors out there
Joshua's a pastor My brother's a pastor to go in and do what you believe is, right? You know praise
God for you guys praise God for you guys This is this is a bad situation, but we're gonna come out stronger.
I think for sure Christ is building up his church Crisis strengthening his church and we know that all things happen for the good of Christ's Church and that includes this coronavirus pandemic
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful God bless I also got this
Bear Grylls survival knife. It has a Flint and steel on it in case I ever need to start a fire