F4F | Paula White: Something Greater?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the program that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, I don't know if you've heard the
Scuttlebutt, but if you have, you know, Paula White has a new book out, Something Greater.
We're gonna rename it Something Heretically Greater. And you'll note that the
Scuttlebutt is out there is that major evangelical leaders who should no better have been endorsing the book and promoting it.
And then, of course, John MacArthur at the Truth Matters Conference called out Paula White as a prosperity heretic, and she is.
And also, he called out Beth Moore as well. But you'll note in calling them out, the
Internet's melted down, man! And people are coming to Paula White's aid and coming to defend, you know,
Beth Moore and stuff. We're not gonna talk about Beth Moore in this installment, but what we are gonna do is we are gonna talk about Paula White.
And we're gonna show you this woman is a straight -out, flat -out prosperity heretic.
And she has no conscience whatsoever. She's been making the rounds promoting her book,
Something Heretically Greater. And she recently appeared, in fact, just a few days ago on Jim Baker's program.
Two days on Jim Baker's program. And, of course, everybody knows what a sound, orthodox man
Jim Baker is. Yeah, he's not. And so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna show you, you know, we're gonna show you what
Paula White's been up to lately. And you determine for yourself if this is a woman who's really hearing directly from God and is somebody whose book we need to be buying and giving as gifts this year so that people will come to a saving knowledge of faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
Yeah, no, not at all, but I think you get the point. So let's whirl this up. This is the
Jim Baker Show, day one from the Something Greater appearance. We're gonna start about the 43, 37 mark.
We're on Jim Baker's website. And we'll just kind of listen to what's going on here.
Jim Baker has just let Paula talk about herself for the first two -thirds of the program.
And things are gonna steer into a direct revelation that apparently God gave to Jim Baker.
And watch how quickly Paula White jumps on board this. Yeah, here we go. You know,
God has spoken to me in the last 24 hours. It's time to launch my final network.
And I'm, you know, gonna have my 80th birthday in a few weeks. So he's gonna launch a network.
Uh -huh. Yeah, I could just see Paula White going, oh, I wonder if it's affordable airtime for her.
Yeah, that's unbelievable. Most people retire about that time. But God says you're not gonna retire.
He just told me you're not gonna retire. So it's fine as long as he gives me strength to keep going. And if he can keep, you know,
Paula going, he can keep all of us going, people. Amen. But so today on this broadcast,
I'm introducing what God is speaking to me next. And by the way, on New Year's Eve, I want you to listen to me.
Yes. On New Year's Eve, God woke me in the night last night about this program and about what is going on.
Right. Amen. God gave me a full download of what is going to happen next.
It's. Yeah, he didn't receive a download from God about what's happening next.
The man's a complete liar. This is not the voice of God talking to this man at all.
He's made a living scamming people, ended up going to prison for that.
And now he's claiming, oh, I'm gonna launch it. God's told me to launch a network.
And he's given me a full download of what's coming next. And so tune in, you know, on December 31st.
It'll be just like the old tabloids, you know, when at the the last, you know, the last installment of like the tabloids at each each year when
I was growing up, they'd always pull out the psychics and the psychics would say, here's what's gonna happen in 1985 and things like that.
Yeah, I remember that personally, but I'm getting old. But you get the idea. So shocking.
I'm not gonna tell you now. I won't tell you this week. I'm gonna tell you, God willing, on New Year's Eve.
It'll be my first major New Year's Eve address. And Lance Wallnau will be here also.
We got a lot of time in New Year's Eve. And we're gonna talk. You're making me want to. Yeah, Lance Wallnau, who has also failed to send hurricanes back into the
Atlantic. Yeah, he was one of the original weather warriors that we covered here on our channel.
That's my New Year's service. I know you're such a forerunner.
The 31 things that God downloaded in New Year's Eve of 2000.
1999, 2000, you delivered it. New Year's Eve, 2000. 9 -11, he downloaded. Yes. Wow.
And what he's given to me, it is, I don't even dare do it, but I'm going to.
Amen. And in the night, I had to get up. Lori says, Jim, would you please go to sleep? You've been up since one o 'clock and all night long.
I'm, I'm, I went into your office, office. And, and because I go on, turn the light on, didn't want to wake her up.
And I had to write it down. It was coming so fast. I had to write it down. It is so shocking what
God has spoken to me. Shocking. And I know, I know that I know that I know it's going to happen.
So I just wanted to bring that here. But God spoke to me that we were to, to finish this studio.
We have a studio under construction for the last couple of years. There's the building. Wow. And inside that building has no equipment in it yet.
It needs the walls and everything to be, to be put in and all the lighting fixtures and all. An unfinished television studio.
How much do you think that cost? It could be done in 90 days if I had the money.
And it's getting so difficult to raise money because, you know, people say, Oh, you shouldn't do this.
You shouldn't sell items. You shouldn't do this. Then you, you know what, if you got to, I don't know, you shouldn't, uh, fear monger and sell people, you know, food buckets of, you know, stuff that tastes like dog food and telling them it's survival because, you know,
God told you just, you know, to prepare everybody for the coming, whatever, you know, good idea that works out.
I'll take it. Exactly. I'll borrow it from you. The ridiculousness of that is like, okay, you're going to go to work and work for free.
I mean, seriously, God spoke to me temple. If I step out that he's going to, we've never had a million dollar gift.
You know, we've never had, you know, and I'm believing that God's going to take, you know, the money's going to be gone one day.
That's right. And only what we've done for Christ will ask. And then we used to say that, but we're building the voice of the prophets network.
When I was in prison, God spoke to me to build a network and put the prophets on.
We already hear the voice of the prophets, you know, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Hosea, Zachariah.
You familiar with these guys at all? Yeah. The voice of the prophets, the right in my Bible. I hear them quite regularly.
Well, God has spoken to me to go on major television. Amen. 24 hours a day, where if God moves, one of the prophets said,
Jim is going to broadcast the events of what God's doing.
And he's going to, there's going to be healings and miracles take place up here on this mountain. And so we're to go.
And we can do this. We can do it in 90 days. We could be on the air 24 hours a day, beaming loudly.
That's our PTL means prophets talking loudly. And so the studio was there.
Yeah. Spelled P R O F I T S prophets talking loudly. I renamed the studio, the voice of the prophet studio.
And in the, uh, entrance, the lobby, I call it the atrium of that studio where we're,
I have a picture of my dream of it. This is the lobby, the hall of the prophets atrium.
And Jesus, God willing is going to move there from here.
He's talking about his statue of Jesus that he has because this is the hall of the prophets.
And it's going to, it's going to have a, uh, a place where we're going to put blast a brass plate on those who give this $1 ,000 gift to build and finish open the network 24 hours a day and open this studio.
So that can broadcast 24 hours a day. And in that hall, the prophets are going to have the current problem.
I know Billy Graham, he, he meets the criteria for a prophet because he spoke the word prophet means to preach really too.
And then we're going to put some of the, you know, the pictures from old of the, of the old
Testament prophets and the new Testament prophecy and the current prophecy, and you receive a membership card.
It makes you wonder, you know, I mean, Jim Baker is part of the old school, you know, the old guard of the televangelist and, uh, and Paula White's, you know, you know, from the generation that just followed those fellows.
I, if I understand Matt Crouch over at TBN has been cleaning house and getting rid of certain programs on, uh, on TBN.
I think he even got rid of Benny Hinn and Benny Hinn's a lot of debt right now. People are suing him because he's not paying his bills to the tunes of several millions of dollars.
You know, it makes me wonder if this is some kind of last ditch, pardon the pun hail Mary pass, you know, to, to give a home to the old guard televangelists are finding themselves no longer.
And, um, you know, in, in the programming lineup on TBN and stuff that you're a member, we have the gold card, we call it to make a difference from the other one.
And, uh, but this beautiful studio can be finished in 90 days.
We can be on the air with this major new network. You know, we've been fighting just to stay alive because the overhead is so high to be on TV.
If I told you what we had to pay, you know, I do, they, they wouldn't even, you, you, you wouldn't even believe it.
What it costs for an hour of television. And we're on hundreds probably of, of networks and stations with this.
And it's a major thing. And I'm believing God that today you've given me such faith with your story, you know?
Yeah. I sin, I committed a sin that they found out about 10 years before was under the blood.
And yet they use that to get in and just, yeah, he always paints himself out to be a victim.
You know, when the original PTL, uh, just completely blew up and then, and then he didn't go to prison because of his sexual tryst.
He went to prison because of his financial, uh, shenanigans. Shall we say took over, just took over the government came in and took over offices and every people do not understand, but I have talked to people in go.
He's just a victim, man. He's a victim of corrupt government. Yeah. Government in prison and out.
If you leave me, it's a lot of people in prison. You'd be shocked. But they told me they were afraid that I was going to endorse
Pat Robertson for president back then. And they've thought with his audience and my audience, they had no chance against Pat Robertson and he won the first primaries.
Do you remember that? Oh yeah. And so they thought, I talk about him and you know, that's right.
Our, our, um, the president who, uh, Ronald Reagan, I mentioned to him,
I says, I'm going to do everything. We thought the cameras were all, I said, we're going to do everything to deliver 50 million votes.
And I got all the major ministry evangelists brought him to his home, did everything.
And we helped win that president to the presidency of the
United States of America. And so you need to talk about it, Jim, because people have to understand how these principalities work, how they want to stop.
And that's what it's supernatural. And the wicked, the wicked spirit. I'm telling you. And if you think that principalities died, you're wrong.
They want to do it again to us now. And this is so important that even at 80,
I keep, keep note. The crawl underneath Paula white is about the PTL voice of the profits donation price of $1 ,000.
Now she's going to jump in here and help, help support financially, bring people to financially send in their money to support
Jim Baker's vision. Fill in my spirit because 80 is a unique number to God. Eight of course means new beginnings.
And 10 is a number of completion. And God says there's a completion that I'm doing that is releasing you into a new beginning.
And that that's God didn't say that. No, no.
I mean, notice what she just did there. I mean, it was just absolutely duplicitous and we'll listen to see if she, if she throws in any other biblical texts here, but let me, let me back this up just a smidge.
I really want you to hear this in context. So you need to talk about it, Jim, because people have to understand how these principalities work, how they want to stop.
And that's what it's supernatural and wicked. So it's the wicked spirit telling you. And if you think that principalities died, you're wrong.
They want to do it again to us now. And this is so important that even at 80,
I keep, keep filling in my spirit because 80 is a unique number to God. Eight of course means new beginnings.
And 10 is a number of completion. And God says, there's a completion that I'm doing that is releasing you into a new beginning.
And that's what it is a cycle of God's completion for new beginnings to be released into your life.
And that there's no, cause there's no Hebrew word is coincidence. So we know that everything, that's what eternity is, that purpose has is for destiny's eternal purposes for under heaven.
And it is God's purpose, his eternal purpose, your destiny to build this. It had to be launched when you're 80, it might feel like a delay, but it was not.
And right now someone is about to send you that million dollar check in the name of Jesus. So now she's totally shilling for, for Jim Baker with this false prophecy that God didn't say any of these words.
She's claimed that God is the one who is speaking through her at the moment. And now she's decreeing and declaring that somebody is going to send in a $1 million donation to Jim Baker.
You just simply need to be obedient, whether it's a hundred thousand, whether it's $10 ,000, it's going to be wonderful that you have your plaque.
This is beautiful as blown away because I was like, he's going to think I stole some of my stuff from him because God's been downloading several things that are so similar, seriously.
And you have got to right now become one of those pillars, become one of those people, whether it's the 10 ,000 or the thousand.
And with all due respect, as great as that name is going to be left there, there's a greater name that's going to be written.
Every treasure you give here on earth is being stored up in heaven. There is a department of treasury in heaven.
Now I know minutians over down here, but I'm telling you there's a department of treasury in heaven that God is watching over everything you do.
So if you want to make a big deposit into the department of treasury in heaven, which is a twisting of Matthew six, you need to be obedient and send in, you know, 10 ,000, a hundred thousand, a million dollars to Jim Baker.
And you are storing up eternal treasure that will go so far beyond. I think that we can even begin to imagine that you are mandated by God.
I feel a mandate. I know I was supposed to come share my man. You're mandated by God. If you don't do this, you're disobeying
God, my book, but I feel a mandate to help you build this. And God says, remove the pressure, remove the burden that you are not supposed to carry burdens that would stress you out.
That would make you physically ill. You're to live well over a hundred years. You're to carry on.
I'm telling you in the, I know this. So she just prophesied that Jim Baker is going to make it to a hundred.
So we've got 20 more years of this nonsense from him spiritually, because there is much work for you to do.
And it is not supposed to stress your body, stress your mind. And listen, there is no stress on him by the spirit of God, except trying to get the gospel out, which means that somebody needs to do their part.
And yeah, somebody needs to do their part. Yeah. You gotta do, you gotta obey. Now, if you think that's bad, you know, there's just wagging her finger at us the next day, she goes on another tirade and listen to this little spiel coming up.
I'll leave it in context, but let's listen in. Go ahead. I don't think we do have a right to give up.
Well, I need to hear that. I don't know. There's times when you, we feel like it, right.
I felt like quitting, but I had to will. I feel like doing this.
It's bigger than me. And it's so much bigger than me. It is, which is why right now you better write that PO box and not just get the book and not just get this, which is exclusive to Jim and Lori, not just send in 35, but you need to send in $3 ,500.
You need to send in 35 ,000. You need to send in that hundred thousand dollar check because you know,
God has blessed you. You know, what a blessing this ministry. And now there's a launching of a network.
You need to not send in 35. You need to send in $35 ,000. Uh -huh.
I'm telling you in God has mandated who in the world in their right mind would build a network at 80 years old.
No one, unless they had a spiritual mind. So you just, this doesn't take a lot of discernment.
You would go, Jim Baker has nothing to prove to the world. He has done more than most people would ever do with their little nail bed.
I mean, they, you've done more for the kingdom of God advancing that, but God keeps putting dreams and visions in you.
And God doesn't put that in you without speaking to someone to stand and support it. Now take this burden off right now in the name of Jesus, because if you leave the burden on this ministry,
God is going to hold you responsible because you have a ministry as a sustainer. So if you don't send in your money now,
God's going to hold you responsible for keeping all this pressure on Jim Baker as he's trying to launch his new network that God told him to launch.
And so you're abdicating your responsibility in the ministry of sustainment and God's going to hold you.
Oh man, if God holds you accountable, oh man, that's bad because generally people who are held accountable by God go to hell.
So when the prophet was sitting down there at the brook and it was drying up, he said, get up and go there.
There is a specific there. And I'm speaking to. Yeah. Now she's twisting first King 17, the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath.
The there right now that you might be a widow and you and your son might be getting ready to eat your last cake and your cruise might be failing and your barrel of meal might be failing.
But I'm telling you, if you do not write that PO box and you do not call that toll free number and you do not become a ministry of sustainer, you will never see sustainment in your life.
And you're you're never going to have God provide for you ever again. If you don't send money to Jim Baker, that's what she just said.
Let me back this up. This is sick. Ministry is a sustainer.
So when the prophet was sitting down there at the brook and it was drying up, he said, get up and go there.
There is a specific there. And I'm speaking to the there right now that you might be a widow and you and your son might be getting ready to eat your last cake and your cruise might be failing and your barrel of meal might be failing.
But I'm telling you, if you do not write that PO box and you do not call that toll free number and you do not become a ministry of sustainer, you will never see sustainment in your life and your dream will die.
Your call will die because God sets it up that way that what you make happen for this ministry and as you sustain it,
God says your cruise is not going to fail. Your barrel is not going to fail. Your son might die, but he's going to be resurrected because the enemy is going to come in.
God isn't saying any of this. This is a complete twisting of the story of the widow of Zarephath, all for the purpose of getting money out of your pocket and putting it into Jim Baker's.
But I'm going to cause life sustaining to come to you. I'm going cause your life to be sustained, your son's life to be sustained, your money to be sustained, your dream to be sustained, your business to be sustained because you are doing what
I have said to do and I am telling you, you are so right. So your dream isn't going to be sustained unless you pony up and sustain
Jim Baker's dream. Yeah, no biblical text says this either. This woman is sick.
Right on right now because we know, I hate to call this an industry, but we know in the industry,
I'm so straightforward. You're probably never going to have me back. All right. What they want to do.
They want to censor our voice. Yes. They want to stop. They want to keep who's they charging us more and more.
They want, and we know what we want to do. Get the gospel out. We know. No, you don't.
Cause you don't, you preach absolute heretical nonsense and you fleece people.
Jim Baker's about using a veneer of Christianity for the purpose of making a living and lining his pocket and, and doing well at it to boot.
You know, this guy basically is a, is a hawker of, you know, tin penny trinkets.
And every time I've covered him on my program, I've covered him here on the YouTube channel.
I've also covered him for many years on the fighting for the faith podcast. This guy is a twister of God's word.
The guest that he has on, it's like a never ending parade of the most unsound, most heretical, most, you know, most obviously fleecers of Christ sheep and sending money to Jim Baker ensures that, you know, that it's not going to go for the purpose of discipling the nations of preaching the gospel of actually having people be instructed in sound doctrine.
In fact, every penny that goes to Jim Baker ensures that it won't be used for the actual proclamation of the kingdom of God.
And there's Paula White. You want to see what she's really about? How many biblical texts did she twist?
And just the few examples we gave, I would three, four right off the bat. Boom, boom, boom. This woman is not anybody that any
Christian should be listening to. She should be marked and avoided because she is a prosperity heretic.
That's what she is, always will be. And she's never repented of her false doctrine.
She's not qualified to teach Sunday school, let alone be a pastor of a church, which
God's word forbids women from being just to note them. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And as always, we can't do what we're doing without your support. So if you find this helpful and you're learning from the resources that we're putting available, actually learning what the
Bible says and learning how to use biblical discernment to avoid falling into the pits that the false teachers lay for people, then consider supporting us.
All the information on how to do so is down below. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.