1st Corinthians Overview (Part 1)


Pastor Mike begins a series on 1st Corinthians. This is the overview of 1st Corinthians before Pastor Mike digs in and begins preaching verse by verse.


Is your church going south? (Part 2)

No Compromise Radio Thanks for tuning in to No Compromise Radio with pastor and author,
Dr. Mike Abendroth. Today on No Compromise Radio, we'll be hearing Pastor Mike open the
Word of God in a recent message he preached at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Now let's join Pastor Mike in progress as he preaches through the scriptures, verse by verse with no compromise.
Today is an historic day at Bethlehem Bible Church. What we're going to do this morning has only happened in the last 13 years four other times, and that is to start a major book of the
Bible. James, Mark, Ephesians, Sermon on the Mount, and today, 1
Corinthians. You are here at the bottom, working our way on, you know, the bottom floor, working our way up.
1 Corinthians, the whole book we'll go through verse by verse by verse.
This is one of those books that you should be super excited about because A, it's God's Word, but B, it's exciting.
If anybody is bored during the 1 Corinthians series, maybe I will be boring to some degree, but I think it's rather because you're not engaged in paying attention and it's because it's not that the text is boring, for sure, it may be the pastor is boring, but I think the problem might lie within your own heart because you can't read this book without saying, this is fascinating, this is outrageous, this is provocative, this is,
I don't have to put a spin on this like I do some of the radio shows, you know, the radio shows at No Compromise Radio, always biblical, always provocative, always in that order.
I don't need to do any of that here because 1 Corinthians, obviously, is biblical and it's very, very thought provoking.
The book of 1 Corinthians is one of those books that is exciting, you see the problems of other people, so you say to yourself,
I don't want to do that. It's very relevant, I don't have to make it relevant, it just is relevant.
It's very readable and it talks about things that you would never think are appropriate for a
Sunday morning worship service. I'm excited about this book, I got to teach it in Germany earlier this year,
I had 25 one hour sessions to get through all the book, you can pray for me, for praise,
I've just been asked to go to Corinth next November, December 2010 and teach this book in Corinth and Athens and so I'm very excited about that but, you know,
I said I wouldn't want to go, it's too boring and the book's boring, the place is boring. I feel like I want to get down in some kind of three point stance for this book, some kind of,
I've used the illustration before but like in the roller coaster ride, you know, your anticipation goes up as you can just feel yourself go in that first car, click, click, click, click, you're waiting to get to the top because then you know you're going to be zooming straight down, it's one of those kind of books.
For some it will be too controversial, for some you might be encouraged, for others you might be mad but we want to teach through the book of 1
Corinthians like it's written verse by verse by verse but before we look at the smaller bites, kind of atomistically looking at the text,
I like to give a broad overview. If you have a home Bible study or you have a class that you teach, instead of jumping into a book of the
Bible, let's say the book of Revelation and teaching piece by piece by piece, it's better I think to have one initial message to say this is the overview, let's take a look at this from a bird's eye view so then when we dive into the pieces we'll know how they fit, don't you think that would be a good way to teach it?
Well even if you don't think it's a good way, I do and I get to preach today so. The book of 1
Corinthians divides itself out very simply, it has an introduction, it has an ending and two parts in the middle.
The introduction is found in verses 1 to 9 of chapter 1 and then we have, if you look with me in 1
Corinthians chapter 1 verse 11, the second part of the book, let me give you a quick outline first.
We have the introduction first, then we have the second section which is found in the rest of chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and there's been a report from Chloe's household, take a look at verse 11,
Paul said, for I have been informed a concern in you my brethren by Chloe's people that there are quarrels among you.
And so Paul is going to answer these problems, he's going to talk about divisions in the church, he's going to talk about lack of discipline in the church, he'll talk about lack of morality in the church, he'll talk about lawsuits in the church because he's heard a report from Chloe's people.
So you have the introduction, Paul answering the report from Chloe's household and then the next part of the book is found in chapters 7 through 15, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
There are some questions that these folks have for Paul and he gives the answers.
Turn with me if you would to chapter 7 verse 1. So you've got the introduction, then you've got some reports from a household that Paul deals with in this carnal church, this fleshly church and then there's some replies to specific questions.
We don't know the specific questions but we know how Paul specifically answers them and if you look at chapter 7 verse 1 now, concerning the things about which you wrote and then he leads into question number 1, is it good to be celibate?
Question number 2 in chapters 8, 9, 10, what about meat sacrificed to idols?
Chapter 11, the first part, what about head coverings in a local church service? At the end of chapter 11, the next question is, what about the
Lord's Supper, how should we act? Ask another question, what do we do about spiritual gifts in chapter 12, 13 and 14?
And then the last question he talks about is, just how important is the resurrection? First Corinthians chapter 15, then he gives a conclusion.
So once again, when you look at First Corinthians and you want to outline it, like anything else there's an introduction and a close and in the middle you've got a report from Chloe's household that Paul addresses four issues and then you've got these six questions, we don't know the questions but we know the answers and we have a good idea what the questions are based on what the answers are and that is
First Corinthians chapter 1 through 16. Sprinkled in, if I might say,
Paul's going to defend his apostolic authority and now you basically know First Corinthians, Paul is writing this book not to commend them like First Thessalonians, but he is here to what?
Instruct them and to reprove them and to rebuke them and to put the right kind of thinking into their minds as he would as an apostle.
So let's go through the introduction, let's go through these Chloe's issues, the six questions and then the closing and if I was a vowing man,
I would make a vow right now that we're going to do all 16 chapters right now. I have to start next week in chapter 1 verse 1,
I don't know why I have to but I just want to do the one jet tour and I can tell I'm starting to get a little worked up because I know once we get into here it is going to be the proverbial
G -forces on your face and they will be on my face and your face too because it's just the onslaught of information.
You've heard of the drinking from the fire hose, that's exactly what these 16 chapters will force you to do.
You put your mouth to it and just, well, I don't have to explain it. Interestingly, this book was meant to be read in one setting.
How often do you read a letter? I think I'll read a little bit of this letter today and maybe next
Sunday I'll read a little bit more of the letter. No, it's just a letter and so you would sit down and you would just read this letter.
So I want to kind of preach it from an overview style, making sure I show you where everything goes so then next week we'll start putting the pieces there.
This is like the foundational message, 1 Corinthians chapters 1 through 16.
Let's look at the introduction. Paul, chapter 1 verse 1, called as an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and Sothenes our brother.
So that's how they would write letters back in those days. The writer starts first, you don't have to wait until the end to say sincerely
Paul. Then he says, oh, who are you writing it to? To the church of God, which is at Corinth.
To those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling. They might not be saints by the way they're acting, but by calling they're saints.
And all those who in every place call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours.
And then Paul says, like he often does, grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
He's not necessarily going to commend them for what they've done like Romans and Ephesians.
He's not going to commend them for being a participant in the gospel like he did in Philippians. He thanks them in kind of an oblique way, verse 4,
I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus. The whole book is going to be how they contort grace, how they twist grace, how they dislocate grace.
But Paul says at the beginning, he says, I'm thanking God that he's given you grace. You just haven't responded to grace properly.
And more on the city, more on the background next week. That's the introduction.
Now let's move to Paul reproving their sin based on the report from Chloe's household.
Now again as we look at this, what I don't want us to do is just say, this is just information for us. This is just interesting data.
I want you to learn the truth so A, you think the way this book thinks and B, if you see something in your own life, you say,
I have a fleshly areas in my life, carnal areas. They're areas that I don't walk according to the fruit of the spirit.
Then we say, God use this book because I want to be a better husband. Make this truth come alive by your spirit's power so I'm a better wife, a better preacher, a better evangelist, a better worker.
Do you think God would be honored if we would do such a thing? It's just not, oh, look at how bad Corinth is.
Because sometimes when you do that, you realize we've met the enemy and the enemy is, I don't think our church is like Corinth, but I think in our hearts sometimes we can act
Corinth like. And so when we come to these passages, we want to say, God, filet my soul so you make me look more like Christ Jesus.
Now there's four matters that Chloe's household brought. The first one, let's look at chapter 1 verse 10, divisions in the church.
Divisions in the church. This takes care of chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4.
There's different leaders. Maybe some said, we like the apostle Paul, we'll follow him.
No, we like Peter, he's the leader of the church of Jerusalem, we'll follow him. No, Apollos, he's really eloquent, we'll follow him.
No, you guys all follow other people, I follow Christ. And so they're dividing themselves and Paul knows that's not right because they're all simply sinful servants.
Certainly, Jesus isn't a sinful servant, but short of Jesus, they're all just people. And Paul gives them a little shock right here.
I'll read verse 10, 11, and 12, but the shock is in 13. I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord, why does he say Lord? For obvious reasons, that you all agree and there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind, in the same judgment.
For I've been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe's people, that there are quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each of you is saying,
I am Paul, I am Apollos, I am of Cephas, I am of Christ. And then the shock, this is you stand in water and put your finger in the socket.
Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he?
I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Spirit and the Apostle Paul. No?
Was Paul, were you baptized in the name of Paul? Why are people thinking this divided way?
Answer, Paul goes into it and says, you've got the wrong view of wisdom. Your view of wisdom has to do with fleshly, earthly, human wisdom, not wisdom from God.
Because wisdom from God would make you unite. You're following the wrong wisdom. This ties in perfectly together.
The cause for division is faith in man's wisdom. Man's wisdom says, we'll measure our spirituality by externals.
Well, for us today it could be, we'll measure our spirituality by how many people are at the church and how many baptisms and how many professions of faith and how big our offering is.
Paul says, you don't understand the gospel if you don't figure out grace is the right way to think about things.
Demerited favorists in Clara Ferguson would say, you can't think of things according to man's way. You know, man's way, is your church successful?
What do we do today? The ABCs of church growth, assets, buildings, and cash.
If you've got the three, God is blessing you. Nickels and noses, you know, you just have all these things.
People ask the question, I mean, please don't ever ask it to me, but you're already here so you already know the answer.
But when I get to go overseas or travel anyplace else, I just think, I hope no one says, I don't know, how many people are at your church?
How many people do you pastor? Because you know what? When they ask me, I lie. I do.
I just lie. People say, well, how many people are at your church, pastor? And I say, 3 ,000. And you know what they do?
Wow! We're really listening to you now. You're a big shot. Wow. You know, can we have your autograph? 3 ,000 people.
What if I would say six? See that's man's wisdom. I end up telling the truth.
I say, I just lied. I guess there's 250, 300. I don't know. I try not to count.
I'm not responsible for how many people come to the church. Long ago, MacArthur said, men, you choose your priorities.
Either be faithful or popular, you get to choose one. That's godly thinking.
Wisdom of man says, you know, we got to say, you know, we've got a lot of giving and somehow the church is healthy.
And Paul says, you've got the wrong kind of gospel when you think that way. Verse 18, don't place your faith in the wisdom of men because it'll cause divisions.
Instead, look at the nature of the gospel. Verse 18, for the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.
You want counterintuitive information. Here's the stick in your eye, Paul says.
It's a cross. But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
It is written and it stands written. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the cleverness of the clever
I will set aside. Don't think the way the world thinks, pragmatism, all these other issues.
Where's the wise man? Where's the scribe? Where's the debater of this age? Come one, come all. I'll take all takers. They're not going to measure up to the gospel wisdom.
Has God, has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? If he's made it foolish, why do we try to package it in wisdom?
Why do we say, you know, it's product, place, price, and promotion? Well, that's not what we do.
Why follow someone when God chooses you, not based on who you are, but his own good pleasure? Look what he said in verse 26.
God chooses people in spite of who they are. For consider your calling, brethren. There are not many wise among the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to what?
Shame the wise. God has chosen the weak things of the world. God doesn't think like human, sinful people think.
And the base things of the world, verse 28, and the despised, God has chosen things that are not so that he may nullify the things that are.
If God chooses weak saints, why do we say I'm following that weak saint? That's the idea. Paul can be used of God, though, and so he says in chapter 2.
And when I came to you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom. He could. He was well -trained in that.
Proclaiming to you the testimony of God. I didn't come that way. Why? Verse 2. For I determined,
I made a resolution, I was resolute, I set my face towards Jerusalem with this thought, to know nothing among you, including man's wisdom, except Jesus Christ.
And by the way, what's the opposite of man's wisdom? I'll show you Jesus who's crucified, a crucified
Messiah. So the text should read, except Jesus Christ, even him crucified. You want wisdom? You have a
Roman king, general, successful, first -coming king, don't you? But wisdom doesn't go, a
Messiah just got crucified, naked, by the Romans. Paul says you want wisdom?
I'll give you what you don't want. That's real wisdom, a Messiah who's crucified. Friends, what you believe determines what you do.
Or as one man said, ideas have consequences. And if your idea is that somehow we go by human wisdom, you're going to have divisions in the local church.
Show me a church that has divisions, I'll show you a church that says, it's not about the gospel, it's not about Jesus Christ, it's about who's better, who's more popular, who's the better elder, who's the better pastor, who's got the better influence.
Those are all ways to think wrongly, and Paul says, you ought not to do that. The elders are servants, chosen by God, weak in and of themselves, but they promote the glory of God, because God chooses the foolishness of the world to shame the wise.
The church of Corinth wanted this kind of wisdom. And basically, Paul says next, in chapter 2, verses 10 and following, you can't find wisdom on your own.
Maybe the church now says, okay, we really want that, now we better go find it. And Socrates and all these people, we're going to go find
Plato and we'll get this wisdom. Paul says, wisdom from God can only come from, well, what a concept, from God.
Take a look at verse 10, for to us, apostles,
God revealed them through the Spirit, for the Spirit teaches all things, even the depths of God. You want God's wisdom, don't you?
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of a man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the spirit of God.
Now we apostles have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.
Which things we the apostles also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, not in those taught by the
Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. We are here to tell you the truth.
You can't find wisdom on your own. You don't have wisdom. God's going to reveal wisdom to you and the wisdom comes through his apostolic messengers.
Show me a church that has division, show me a church that has pride, show me a church that's been relying on the wisdom of a man and I'll show you true or false, a mature godly church.
No, you'll find a what? A carnal church described in chapter 3.
See, these are all tied together. We have these chapter breaks where there should be no chapter breaks. This is all tied together.
The result of division and following false wisdom is what? Goo -goo -ga -ga kind of talk.
That's what it is. That's sucking your thumb kind of talk. That's what it is. I look out at a couple of you, we're looking like you're getting ready to fall asleep, so I'm going to put these words in here and you're going to say, did he just say that?
Show me someone who sucks on the bottle of division and false wisdom and I'll show you a spiritual
Goliath, giant or pygmy, and I think we know the answer.
These people say, we want the deep truth. Give me the deep truths. They can't even receive milk because of their attitude.
Chapter 3, 1 Corinthians. By the way, if you're calculating it out, we've gone 20 minutes and two chapters and so how long will we be here today, church?
We're going to get there. We just might have to go really fast. I got to speak at the
Southern Baptist Convention meeting this last Friday at Hope Chapel down the street in Sterling. I didn't speak until 9 at night and everybody knew that the baseball game, the
Red Sox game, was at 9 .35 first pitch or something. I heard people talking about it and we're going to get out on time and everything.
I thought they should have put the preaching up front so then you get the preaching done and if you don't get the financial report around and talk about that, then that's fine.
But I was the last. So I got up and I did this. I said, thank you very much for having me here to speak. It's a real honor and privilege.
We're going to look at a passage today in the Bible that when you get into it and you start studying it,
I dare you to think about the Red Sox halfway through the message. Not because I'm some great preacher, but because it's the text and the gravity of speaking from God.
We hear from pundits and TV people, I'm tired of hearing from athletes, what do you think about this world?
I'm tired of hearing musicians who are going to tell me about political aspirations. They don't offer me anything.
Let God speak and I'll be like this. So I don't know what you're going to do afterwards, but I'm going to try to challenge you as we're into 1
Corinthians. I don't think you're going to think about pumpkin picking until after the service. Chapter 3, verse 1, and I, brethren, could not speak to you as spiritual men.
You thought you were, but you're not. But as men of flesh, as to, can you imagine if you got this and you were a leader of the church to babies, infants in Christ, I gave you milk to drink, not solid food for you are not yet able to receive it.
Ever tried to give an eight week old baby ribeye steak? Never thought of that.
It's not that Paul was teaching them the wrong thing.
Their hearts were callous to receiving the right thing. They didn't even understand ministry.
They didn't even understand who a pastor was and what he had done. If you go to chapter 4, what happens when you are a baby in Christ and you don't understand these things?
What you do is you think, you know, I don't even understand what a Christian leader is supposed to do. And so Paul defends himself in chapter 4 because he said,
I want you to stop judging other people. Let me tell you what a real servant is like so you see that we're after faithfulness.
Chapter 4 verse 1. What's the solution to this problem when you've got the wrong view of leaders?
Let a man regard us in this manner, chapter 4 verse 1, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found, what? Wise in his own eyes, popular, well studied in human wisdom.
No, trustworthy. But to me it is a very small thing that I may be examined by you or by any human court.
In fact, I do not even examine myself for I am conscious of nothing against myself yet I am not acquitted by this but the one who examines me is the
Lord. So what's Paul's solution to all this? Verse 5. Therefore, do not go on passing judgment before the time but wait until the
Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts and then each man's praise will come to him from God.
Quit trying to be a motive reader of leadership because if you stop that you wouldn't follow any of these leaders at the expense of following Christ.
And secondly, he says in chapter 4 verse 6, stop being so arrogant. Just stop it.
Chapter 4 verse 6. Now these things brethren I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes so that you may learn not to exceed what is written so that no one of you will become arrogant in behalf of one against the other.
Quit exalting yourselves over the word of God. That's what Paul is saying. Now you hear him kind of back off a hair in verse 14.
I do not write these things to shame you but to admonish you as my beloved children.
Don't be arrogant. Don't be prideful. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
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