Russell Moore Appears to Send a Female Intern to do His Dirty Work

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This is my opinion piece on ERLC's horrible take on the sin of abortion. Here is the article:


I do have to say, if Doug Wilson was going to write a sentence that was directly aimed for my heart, it would be this one.
This is a great sentence. A world full of envy cannot deal with Christians who laugh effortlessly.
And I got to tell you right now, this is, this speaks to me, man. This speaks to me. I'll tell you that right now.
I, my, listen, if, if YouTube channels, I wrote this in my Facebook page, if YouTube channels were ranked based on how often the, uh, the host laughs on the videos at their own jokes, at other jokes, at other things, at that serious situations,
I would be number one by far, by far. And some people ask me, well, why do you laugh about this stuff?
This is very serious and it is, but you see, the thing is like,
I think that I'm supposed to, look, I want to be holy as God is holy. I want to follow the example of, uh, of our
Lord and, and the Lord laughs at very serious things. People plotting and planning and, and, and, and trying to, trying to fight
God and, and God just laughs at them. That's what it says in the Bible. He sits in the heavens and he laughs and that's what we should do too.
We should laugh. I mean, look, it's not, it's a time for crying too. There's a time for seriousness and I think my
YouTube channel demonstrates that very well, but I laugh, baby. I laugh. I hope you laugh as well.
I wanted to talk today about this article here, the ERLC, um, and, and this is very remarkable.
I'm pretty sure that you could trace this. This article is a direct response in a very kind of wussy kind of way, a direct response to the, the babies are murdered here stuff and, and the, and not just babies are murdered here, but, but the timing makes it seem like that's really the catalyst.
But there's a lot of people that are, are waking up to this very soft limp wristed sort of response, um, to, to babies being slaughtered in the womb.
And there's a lot of aggression when it comes to like racism and, and, and, and patriarchy and this kind of like small potato stuff.
But then there's nothing but just wussy responses when it comes to abortion.
And that is ridiculous, obviously. And so if you're, if you're, if you're taking a hard line on, on abortion, if you're taking a harder line than, than, than most on abortion, good on you, whether you're associated with babies are murdered here, whether you're doing something else, it doesn't matter.
Um, but, but, but this is a direct response to, to that. And I'm so glad that they did this guys.
I really am. I think I was listening to, um, I was talking to a few people.
Well, actually I don't really participate in this comm box. There's a comm box that I'm privy to. And one of the people,
I'm not going to name any name just because I don't know if this is intended to be private, um, or not,
I don't, I think I probably could name the names, but it's, it's someone you would know. And it's someone that's very controversial, very, very much a lightning rod.
And he said that, look, when they directly respond to us, that's like the last step in the line.
So in other words, what they usually do is these elite types, these ERLC, these are the elites, right? What they usually do is ignore us as if we don't exist.
And that's, you know, that's their, that's how they normally get by. And then sometimes they'll respond, but not really directly.
And so like, that's like, that's like the next step down the line. Then when they're really feeling the pressure, when they're really feeling the pressure, they start to respond directly.
And the timing of this, it's kind of like in between an indirect response and a direct response. So when they start naming people, that's when you know that you're, that you're about to win.
That's when you know that strategically you have them on the ropes, you have them where you want them.
And I'm, I'm, listen, I've, I've been open about this before. I'm trying to, this is what I'm trying to do.
So listen, you guys ignore me at your peril, but here's what I'm attempting to do.
And I think a lot of us are attempting to do this as well. We're living by the creed, essentially.
We're not locked in here with you weaklings. We're not locked in here with you wimps. We're not locked in here with you effeminates.
You're locked in here with me and you're going to have to start responding to me. And I don't mean me personally.
I mean us, those of us who are taking a hard stance on this. Those of us who are speaking plainly, those of us who are not going to, to shrink back and we're going to nuance this, we gotta nuance this, sipping on our soy lattes like a bunch of wusses.
The time for that is over. That time, that ship has sailed, right? And so you're locked in here with us and it's going to happen.
You're going to have to respond to us because we're trying to hit you where it hurts, right? We're trying to take all that support you have, all that funding that you have and undermine it because this is the kind of garbage that is being put out.
Lots of people are paying into this. And I think a lot of people are starting to wake up to the fact that, you know what? We don't have to pay into this.
You have to give to your churches. You have to give to the Lord. Of course, God asks us to do that.
He gave us everything that we have and so we have to give back. We understand that, right? And whether you believe in the tithe or not, look,
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about giving, giving to the church, giving to the mission of the church. We ought to support those who are engaged in the mission of the church.
But there is not a single verse that says we need to support this parachurch organization, the ERLC, especially considering how progressive and wussy they are.
Let's look at this. So listen, I want you to see the kind of men that run the ERLC, right?
To write the response to babies are murdered here, to write the response to the people, the hardliners, the abortion hardliners, here's who they send.
These sissies. This is who they send. Phoebe Cates, an intern, a female intern.
A female intern who happens to still be in college. And you know why they do this? Because they're sissies.
That's why they do this. They send this lady out. And so then when you rip the article, because clearly you're going to rip this article, this is garbage.
This is one of the worst takes I've ever seen the ERLC make. Horrendous take. When you rip this, then all of a sudden, well, you're being mean to a woman.
They send women to fight their battles. That's who the ERLC, that's what the ERLC is all about.
Russell Moore doesn't respond to people directly. This is very well documented. Russell Moore doesn't put the pressure on directly.
He sends his goons, and oftentimes it's women, because he is the epitome of an effeminate.
That's right. Russell Moore, Mr. Patriarchy himself. Remember back in the day when he used to be patriarchy?
Remember back in the day when he was on the board of biblical manhood and womanhood and all that stuff? He sends women to do his dirty work, often.
He doesn't fight directly. He doesn't name names directly. Instead, he sends his goons to go put pressure on people.
He sends his goons to remove people from question and answer sessions because this is who he is.
This is who he is. It's unbelievable. So you read this article, and essentially it makes the case that women already know that abortion's wrong, and so you don't have to tell them anymore.
Enough of that. That's just too much. 66 % of women knew abortion was wrong. Okay. So here's the thing.
The argument here is, so stop telling them, right? 66 % of women know that abortion was wrong, and so they don't need you to tell them that it's wrong.
They already knew. 67 % of women say that having an abortion was one of the hardest decisions of your life.
So let me get this straight. You're telling me that we shouldn't be so harsh with women anymore. We don't have to tell them that it's wrong.
We know. They already know. And two -thirds of them who did it thought long and hard about it, and they really wrung their hands about it, and then they killed their children anyway.
That doesn't make it better, Phoebe. And allow me to speak to who's really putting this stuff out.
That doesn't make it better, Russell. Because Russell is sending Phoebe to do his dirty work, right?
So the fact that two -thirds of people who killed their own children really had a hard time with that and thought long and hard about that doesn't make it better.
You know, we can have compassion on women who kill their own children, but it's not the kind of compassion that we have when somebody, you know, like let's just say there was a murderer and someone killed someone's child.
Like we have different compassion on that woman than the one who killed her own child. Like I watch, oftentimes
I'll watch crime shows and stuff like that, and I'll see these men that, you know, committed murders and stuff, and they often have sob stories.
I mean, they often felt like there was no other choice. They often had family. They're trying to feed their families. And I can have a certain degree of compassion on that person, even as I understand that they should be given the death penalty for their crimes.
I can have a certain kind of compassion for someone like that, just like I can have compassion on a woman who has killed their own child.
I'm sure they have a very sad story. I'm not denying that. But none of that changes the situation as it is.
And the situation as it is is you had a hard decision to make, and you made the wrong decision.
And it's a very easy choice. So either kill your child or not kill your child. And all the other factors that come into play there,
I'm sure that makes it more stressful for you, but the choice is still very clear. Don't kill your child.
Don't kill your child. Everyone can understand that, right? So no matter what kind of pressure you have on you, the choice that you should make is to not kill your child.
You understand what I'm saying? It's really simple in the vast majority of cases. Listen to this.
14 % felt depression after, 14 % felt shame, as if that's a bad thing.
Self -hatred, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of being unworthy of love. Guess what? You're not worthy of love. You're not.
You are not worthy of love. Neither am I. I've never killed my own child, but if you look at my activities before I was a
Christian, I wasn't worthy of Christ's love. I mean, you see all the mixed messages here? This is what you're paying for,
Southern Baptists. This is what you're paying for. You're paying for Dr. Russell Moore to send Phoebe Cates to write this puff piece about women that kill their children.
We can forgive a woman for killing their child. There's ultimate forgiveness in Christ. I know people who have killed their own children, who have since come to Christ, and you know what?
I don't hold it over their heads like a murderer. I don't do that. Nobody does that. I shouldn't say nobody, but Christians don't do that.
We understand that we're vile sinners as well, and look, we haven't killed our own children, but we've done other things, right?
We've done other things, and so it's not like we're putting ourselves in a different category than you, but the reality is that killing your child is a very serious sin, and that's not just my opinion.
That's in the scripture constantly talking about that as the end result of all kinds of ridiculous wickedness.
Russell Moore has an agenda. Russell Moore is a progressive, and so he sends his female interns that are still in college to do his dirty work.
Make no mistake, this is Russell Moore's opinion on abortion. Stop telling women that abortion is wrong.
They already know. Feel the limp -wristed handshake right now. I've got some advice for you.
Stop paying for the E -R -L -C. Stop.
There's nothing scripturally that says you have to. There's nothing morally that should make you want to, so just stop.
They've got other ... Look, the E -R -L -C is going to be fine. They've got all kinds of dark money sources that they'll continue going on, but you stop participating in this garbage.
A man who will send intern Phoebe Cates to do his dirty work so that he can keep his conservative bona fides.