Questioning Latter-Day Saints Article of Faith on the Bible Missing Many Plain and Precious Parts

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This is the eighth episode in our mini-series on questioning the LDS Articles of Faith. We broke this Article of Faith into two videos because of the depth that needed to be covered over the claim of the LDS organization. Andrew Soncrant gives a powerful explanation and refutation by Questioning Latter-Day Saints Article of Faith on the Book of Mormon. We pray that this series will be a blessing to you.


The 8th article of the LDS Faith says this, we believe the Bible to be the Word of God in so far as it is translated correctly.
We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God. Number one, the devil in the garden tempted
Eve by getting her to think, did God really say that? It's the very same lie today that we see being given to us from the
LDS Faith, that the Bible is missing many plain and precious parts, that we are here with our prophets to interpret these things for you, and we give you another standard other than the
Word of God, through which you should look at the Bible. But God says otherwise in His Word.
He says, Jesus himself says, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words by no means will ever pass away.
Isaiah says, the grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of our Lord shall endure forever.
The God of the universe is so powerful that He has preserved
His Word throughout time. He's given us the ability through the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to read
His Word, and to worship Him in spirit and truth, without another standard in our lives to interpret the
Word of God for us. The question you want to ask yourself is not, did God say that? But is the
Book of Mormon truly the Word of God? I submit to you today that it is not. It fails every test.
Look for yourself. Read the Bible. And test the words of the prophets of the