F4F | Kris Vallatton Claims Agabus Was an Inaccurate Prophet


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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith here on YouTube and if you've ever been told that that today's prophets can be totally inaccurate you know
I give inaccurate prophecies but when they give inaccurate prophecies that they're not really false prophets they're just inaccurate prophets and the justification for this was
Agabus the New Testament prophet found in the book of Acts well go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring that little bell you've been deceived and taught false doctrine we'll actually show you what the
Bible does say regarding Agabus and you'll find out that he is not an inaccurate prophet as today's
NAR and charismatic types would lead you to believe so let me go ahead and whirl up my desktop here and we're heading over to YouTube and a video that somebody recently sent me and it's a little choppy because I didn't put this together they kind of edited it up but let's listen as Chris Vallotton explains to us about what a false prophet really is and accuracy and prophecy has nothing to do with being a true prophet or a false prophet here we go what is a what is a false prophet because the
Bible says in the last days false prophets will arise so how many of you know that there has to be real prophets that there's going to be false ones you wouldn't counterfeit $2 bills if there was no such things a $2 bill so some people read the
Bible like this in the last days all the prophets will be false but that's not what Jesus said he said last days false why don't we just go with testing the prophets you know using biblical standards actual biblical ones we'll give you the biblical standard for this by the way shortly profits will rise if all the prophets were false
Jesus would have said in the last days any prop any prophet who arises will be false so the question is what what is a false prophet in Acts chapter 21
Agabus prophesies about Paul Agabus said that the gent that the Jews would bind
Paul and they would hand him over to the Gentiles what actually happened you can read it in verse 32 and 33 is that the
Gentiles bound Paul and turned him over to the Jews no that is not what happened at all let's do a little bit of biblical work and let's actually take a look at what the biblical text says in context and we'll note some of the the
Greek phrases along the way and to do a little cross reference work too and while we're at it we'll even throw in what the
Bible does say regarding the standard for you know a prophet so we will be in Acts chapter 21
Acts chapter 21 and we will go back into the context of Acts chapter 21 where the
Prophet Agabus does give a prophecy to the Apostle Paul and here's what it says we'll start in chapter 21 verse 7 for our context here's what it says when we had finished the voyage from Tyre we arrived in Ptolemaeus and we greeted the brothers and stayed with them for one day now you know this is one of the we sections of the book of Acts this was written by Luke who also is the author of the gospel of Luke and in the we sections he's an eyewitness to the things that he's recording here's what it says then so on the next day we departed and came to Caesarea we entered the house of Philip the evangelist who was one of the seven and stayed with him he had four unmarried daughters who prophesied and while we were staying for many days a prophet named
Agabus came down from Judea and coming to us he took Paul's belt bound his own feet and hands and said thus says the
Holy Spirit this is how the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the
Gentiles so that's the prophecy that's the actual prophecy given by Agabus and then later in chapter 21 we see the unfolding of the the fulfillment of this prophecy and we'll note very carefully the verses that Chris Vallotton noted but we'll do a little cross -reference work too and we'll see if this is absolutely true that Agabus got this totally backwards here's what it says so Acts 21 verse 27 when the seven days were almost completed the
Jews from Asia seeing him that's seeing the Apostle Paul in the temple they stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on Paul crying out men of Israel help this is the man who is teaching everyone everywhere against the people and the law and this place moreover he has brought
Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place that's absolutely false by the way for they had previously seen
Trompheus the Ephesian with Paul in the city and they suppose that Paul had brought him into the temple then all the city was stirred up and the people ran together and they seized
Paul and dragged him out of the temple at once the gates were shut now notice here okay just looking at the verbs they seized
Paul they dragged him out of the temple now note earlier in the chapter
Agabus had already explained what was gonna happen to Paul so there's no point in repeating it but if they seized him and they dragged him then you're gonna note then that Paul here is being moved against his will and fascinating is the
Greek word here for drag is helco let's take a look at what that means to move an object from one area to another in a pulling motion to draw with the implication that the object being moved is incapable of prevailing itself or in the case of persons is unwilling to do so voluntarily in either case with the implication of exertion on the part of the mover so in order to drag somebody you're gonna know that's not an easy thing to do in order to drag somebody you're going to have to actually probably immobilize them you know maybe like by tying them up seizing dragging you'll note that the verbs here all kind of go along the lines of what it is that Agabus was saying so they seized
Paul dragged him out of the temple and at once the gates were shut and as they were seeking to kill him word came to the tribune of the cohort that all
Jerusalem was in confusion and at once he he at once took soldiers and centurions and ran down to them now a little bit of a note here
I'm gonna go back up into the context and I want to show you something in the Greek and that is is that the word bind
Dale yeah let's take a look at that and so coming back to Agabus his prophecy verse 11 coming to us he took
Paul's belt bound his own feet and hands and said thus says the Holy Spirit this is how the Jews at Jerusalem will bind now the
ESV uses the word bind the the Greek verb in question is here and it's actually you know in its lexical form is day oh and let's take a look at what that means and this is kind of an interesting thing to confine a person or a thing by various kinds of restraints see day oh actually has a very wider understanding of what it could be mean then just to simply say bind you know in the in a kind of a restricted sense so we'll note that by Paul being seized and dragged and them trying to kill him he was definitely confined in restraint you know in in restraints of some kind just like Agabus had said so then coming back then to the context so we got the
Romans now getting involved and so they were seeking to kill him word came to the tribune of the cohort that all
Jerusalem was in confusion so he at once took soldiers and centurions ran down to them and when they saw the tribune and the soldiers they stopped beating
Paul then the tribune came up and arrested him and ordered him to be bound with two chains he inquired who he was and what he had done and some in the crowd were shouting one thing some another and as he could not learn the facts because of the uproar he ordered him to be brought back into the barracks and when he came to the steps he was actually carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the crowd and for the mob of people following who followed they were crying out away with him so you kind of get the idea here now note the
Jews had Jesus first that Jesus but Paul the Jews had Paul first and they then you know and then
Paul was then delivered over to custody but you know in the Romans the
Romans had custody of him after the event so Paul later in Acts 28 by the way explains what happens and you know summarizes it this way and he says brothers in Acts 28 17 though I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the
Romans so I hate to say this but Agabus got it straight up 100 % accurate and correct
Paul wasn't delivered from the Romans into the hands of the Jews as Chris Vallotton says no that's the exact opposite the
Jews seized him dragged him clearly he was restrained under restraints of some kind which would involve a binding in the day
Oh sense that of that Greek verb and he was ultimately delivered into the hands as a prisoner delivered into the hands of the
Romans that's exactly what scripture says Agabus got it straight up right and if he hadn't got it right then he wouldn't be a true prophet and the reason for this is simple is that the book of Deuteronomy gives us the standard for a prophet
Deuteronomy chapter 18 says this at the very end of the chapter and I'll put the context in because it's very helpful
Deuteronomy 1815 the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me this is
Moses speaking from among you and from your brothers it is to him you shall listen just as you desired of Yahweh your
God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my
God or see this great fire any more lest I die and the Lord said to me they are right in what they have spoken
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers and I will put my words into his mouth and he shall speak to them and all that I command you know and say all that I command him whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name
I myself will require it of him so God is through Moses prophesying Jesus he's the one who's being prophesied here and God's saying if you don't listen to him yeah you're you're in deep kimchi is a old friend of mine who was a
Korean war vet used to say he's not alive anymore but he used to say that but anyway listen to this so but the prophet who presumes to speak a word of my name that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods that same prophet shall die and so if you say in your heart how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken when a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh if the word does not come to pass or come true that is a word the
Lord has not spoken that prophet has spoken it presumptuously you need not be afraid of him in other words he gets to be put to death because the the punishment for prophesying falsely in Israel was death so a false prophet one not the only but one of the test was if you prophesize something's gonna happen and it doesn't happen then he's a false prophet if he's inaccurate he's a false prophet that's the standard that's the actual biblical standard and you're gonna note here that what
Chris Vallotton is doing is literally twisting the the account of Agabus you know spinning it backwards in order to make it look like Agabus was an inaccurate prophet said something was gonna happen and then it didn't in fact it went the exact opposite of the way
Agabus said it was gonna happen and therefore that means prophets today it can be true and inaccurate yeah let me back this up so you can hear again
Chris Vallotton make his case and we'll keep going in the context then Agabus said that the gent that the
Jews would bind Paul and they would hand him over to the Gentiles what actually yeah that's exactly by the way what
Paul says happened in Acts 28 brothers though I had done nothing against our people the customs of the fathers yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the
Romans mm -hmm yeah that's exactly exactly what the text says in Acts 28 that's
Paul's account of it so yeah when you can read it in verse 32 and 33 is that the
Gentiles bound Paul and turned him over to the Jews no they did not
Paul no they did not that is absolutely 100 % false a straight -up twisting of this text and twisting it 180 degrees in the opposite direction of what it actually teaches and says no what's the point the point is is that there's a difference between a bad prophetic word and a false prophet you can have you can get the word wrong and not be a false prophet no you can't not according to Deuteronomy 18 yeah and you're gonna know the
Deuteronomy 18 is prophesying about Christ who arrives in the New Testament yeah so just say and so it applies there in the
New Testament because you give words that aren't aren't completely accurate doesn't mean you're a false prophet yes it does it just means that you have prophetic words that need help
I could tell you that there if your prophetic words need help you're a false prophet people have been wrong for 30 years
I'm not saying they're false prophets I'm just saying they're bad ones there's difference between a false prophet and a bad prophet no no there isn't not biblically and he had to twist the story of Agabus and make him look like an inaccurate prophet and you know in order to that justify this false teaching and why is it necessary for him to do this because Bethel has a whole bunch of quacks there who do not prophesy accurately at all and they need to be able to defend them as being true prophets and so you just ignore
Deuteronomy 18 lie about Agabus and then voila now we can have a whole bunch of people out there hearing from God the
Holy Spirit but not hearing him accurately but there's still true prophets they're just they're just bad they're not false they're just bad yeah this is straight -up false doctrine and a twisting of God's Word he's gonna have to give an accounting to Jesus as to these words that he's teaching because he's deceiving people and literally opening up the door for other people to be deceived by actual bonafide false prophets the very ones that Jesus warned would be arriving in the last days prophet has an evil heart a bad prophet just gets everything wrong yeah let me back that up so you can hear it again this is just utter blasphemy help
I could tell you that there are people who've been wrong for 30 years I'm not saying they're false prophets
I'm just saying they're bad ones there's difference between a false prophet and a bad prophet false prophet has an evil heart a bad prophet just gets everything wrong so a false prophet is one who has an evil heart how am
I supposed to see that because every single person according to Jesus has an evil heart yeah
I think you get the point Chris Vallotton is teaching false doctrine and that's not the biblical standard for testing a prophet if somebody prophesies inaccurately they are according to Deuteronomy 18 the biblical standard they are a false prophet so if you found this helpful please share it with others and if you're not already subscribed to the channel go ahead and subscribe and ring the bell so that you get notifications when we update our channel all the information on how to support fighting for the faith and pirate
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