Catching Up on A Pile Of Stuff on Today’s Dividing Line


Had a ton of articles in Evernote to catch up on, including a bunch the continued crusade of the LGBT revisionists to demand Christianity change its fundamental beliefs so that they can feel better, and the fundamental degradation of our culture in promoting human autonomy (hmm—isn’t that a theological issue too?). Then I moved on to some interactions with Roman Catholics, read a section on Mary in response to a Roman Catholic article, etc. Wide range of topics today to be sure!

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and greetings welcome to the dividing line I'm flying deaf today I can't hear anything so I'm start talking really loud or at least
I feel like I'm talking really loud we'll get it fixed eventually but it's his fault he stole he stole he stole parts
I think it's for something else I have a feeling it's for something else and he stole parts and then forgot to put it back together again and so I can't hear anything and which means
I can't play anything either so I have to do other stuff so we're just gonna have to sort of move around a little bit here today and we'll we'll we'll extract our pound of flesh from the person who took everything apart at a later point in time anyway a couple things that I haven't gotten to recently
I've got so much stuff and there's just so many different topics that it's it's hard to to keep up with everything but one thing
I mentioned just very briefly and I guess sort of flows everything else I was just having a Twitter conversation with a strange atheist that here
I'll I'll be blocking here in a second anyways yeah because they they they can't keep up with stuff for a very long period of time before they start getting rather nasty but anyways
I I dared Vicki Beeching post something on Twitter and I responded to it there's just there is a such a constant drum beat now of the church owes the gay community an apology and all this is all coming from these people who none of them of which are theologians know which take the
Bible seriously none of none of them are involved in serious gospel outreach defensive faith anything like that but we owe them an apology even though I completely deny there is such thing as a community
I mean just think about what LGBT means just think about all the variations than that you can't build a community on that I mean that's a community based upon just general sexual deviation from the norm that's all it is
I mean that's just I can't begin to begin to understand that but yep there we go there we go well you know
I get the distinct feeling that we will not be skeletonizing our stuff for other things in in the future
I just guess on my part anyway Vicki Beeching actually responded to me and I was able to reply by pointing out rather clearly that this is the this is basic fundamental biblical teaching it's it's they want to say that that well we don't know no no no no no very clear
Jesus taught very clearly you're telling us to abandon Jesus teaching well what is all
I have to do well dr. Mueller over the past few days has been really talking a lot about and it's it's fascinating the the establishment of human autonomy as the ultimate moral arbiter in Western culture if you haven't been listening to the briefing
I would highly recommend that you catch up with it he's talking about you know the death cult
I mean it's our way to put it in the Netherlands I mean people pushing you know they've they've brought it down to age 12 age 12 that you can you can kill yourself and there are people saying that's there's there's clearly 11 year olds nine months that are capable of making this that they want to push it lower they want 10 year old kids to be able to off themselves and I mean it's the death cult it is just so the the we are seeing now you know we've got generation after generation after generation now we have full secularism in those
European nations and what's the result zero view of the value of human life it's all autonomy it's all me everything's about me
I don't have to worry about family I don't have to get married I don't have to have kids it's about my 401k and it's just all about me but I know they don't have 401ks in Europe same whatever they have that same thing human autonomy and that human autonomy of course is directly connected in with what with this gender confusion it's not gender confusion it is we need to understand what it really is it is a direct knowing rebellion against God God made me this way
I don't feel like that therefore I'm going to go a different direction it can be all sorts of things that trigger it all the rest that kind of stuff but it's a it needs to be understood for what it is it's a rebellion against God have there been people who felt like this down through history of course and what were they told you're rebelling against God stop it they had a reason to do the right thing now it's well you know if you feel that way and so about two weeks ago and I'm yeah right out two weeks ago military approves hormone therapy for and then of course you always know when you're dealing with the media because they are right behind it they refer to this man as Chelsea Manning his name is
Bradley Manning sergeant Bradley Manning a convicted trader who revealed secrets is currently in prison and amazingly the
United States Armed Forces which has no money for anything these days anyways is going to spend money to give this prisoner hormone therapy to transition to female and of course we all know there that's a lie you don't transition all you do is get some all you do is mutilate the body increase chances of cancer suicide it's it's a lie it is a lie from hell but it it's now the big that you can tell and and it's a good thing to tell it in our society and our tax money you know you're doing your taxes just think some of that money you're sending is gonna go to help a prisoner transition the level of abject moral stupidity is difficult to even begin to understand really is difficult to begin to understand so right along the same time period or on the same same subject
I'm gonna have to weave these together somehow this is gonna be tough because I've got a lot of stuff sitting here that has just been brewing and if I leave it too long then it's sold that's no longer relevant anymore so I got to get to it eventually
I've got three different sound files over here it's stuff that I haven't
I've started or I'm finished and anyways then we had something really interesting take place and this comes from did the deed to die well where did it the freethoughtblogs .com
which is Richard Carrier's Richard Carrier's blog and most people have at least heard of Richard Carrier he's an atheist he's done a number of debates
I I'm pretty certain that we've reviewed at least one debate that he's done probably with William Lane Craig or somebody at some time in the past it was long before we were doing video and not too long ago now this would be
February 19th so what a week ago Richard Carrier came out and demonstrated that theology matters he's getting divorced and it's always sad to hear about a divorce but it's much worse to hear about divorce when it's connected with this kind of cowardly anti -ethical excuse -making
I he's coming out he says as poly he's poly yeah that's polyamorous for those of you who don't know what all the and I don't
I wish I didn't have to figure out what all this stuff and I don't know all of them you can only take so much before you start getting ill so now he's coming out poly what does that mean well that's the same thing that basically in Pat in the past you would say to a man who couldn't keep his pants zipped but now it's a orientation see and see now since we're all autonomous we create our own reality there is no objective reality there's no
God there is no creation there's no male there's no female there's no right there's no wrong since man you define your own system it's all up in the air now we've thrown off all restraints then you just go well you know what you know
I cheated on my wife but you know what I didn't cheat I'm poly it's what
I am you should feel good for me that I'm brave enough to say now that I'm poly demonstrating again that the theology matters and when you are someone like Richard Carrier you don't have any basis for really constructing any meaningful moral or ethical system which you know we had already been saying to him for a long time but now he's just made it very very clear so yeah he came out as as quote -unquote poly then then we've got this one
I do not know how to say this guy's name that's it's gotta be okay you
JJ AL next word DOS ANJ H look
I make some good get stabs at stuff but you jawed the Sanja who knows this is up in in Canada man
Canada is just going nuts you know they've just now discovered the right to self -suicide and all the rest of stuff and the brakes are off I mean man
I'm gonna tell you something anyways he calls for certification of places of worship former
British Columbia premier and federal cabinet minister Ujal D'Sanja wants a national licensing scheme for all places of worship and private schools in Canada to ensure they don't undermine
Canadian values we want to know what it is that's being taught
D'Sanja told the Senate National Security Committee Monday if we believe that's not in consonance with the need to build a caring and ready folks inclusive society a fair society then we can simply make the law that we won't give them funds or charitable status let's starve them out now he may not even be referring primarily to Christians he says later on we do not only have an obligation but we have a right to demand that we don't teach killing for being offended or something as silly as that said
D'Sanja who was attacked and seriously injured for speaking out against Sikh extremism after the 1985
Air India bombing D'Sanja's testimony echoed the laws of auto resident
Michelle Walrond whose son Lukman Abduinor was arrested in late 2014 as part of a national security investigation she told the same committee in December she wants federal certification for religious preachers in Canada anyone can call themselves an imam she said and there's nobody else that's around that has the ability in the
Muslim community to say that's not right so now you want the state to take care of that there you go well you know some people would like to say oh yeah we've got to control those imams remember folks remember they may start with the
Muslims they'll be coming after you before long they'll be coming after you before long just remember every time you oh and did you know that on February 21st
US Secretary of State John I served in Vietnam Kerry speaks during a media appearance and says in a groundbreaking move the
United States on Monday appointed the first US special envoy not nothing about we've got got
Syria we've got Iran we've got Isis Boko Haram we've got
China building islands in the ocean for military purposes we've got we've got all this stuff going on in the world and what's the
Obama administration most concerned about other than those you freezing to death in the
East Coast global warming appointed the first US special envoy for gay and lesbian rights in a bid to help eradicate discrimination around the world aren't you glad to know that your tax dollars are only helping prisoners in Leavenworth or wherever it is he is transition but now they're being used to for a special envoy for gay and lesbian rights makes me want to pay my taxes yeah yeah defending and promoting the human rights of LGBT persons is at the core of our commitment to advancing human rights globally the heart and conscience of our diplomacy
US Secretary of State John I served in Vietnam Kerry said he named
Randy Barry the current Consul General in Amsterdam as the new envoy saying he believed
Barry would significantly advance efforts underway to move towards a world free from violence and discrimination against lesbian gay bisexual and transgender people won't be long till you'll throw in there
I wonder what terms they're gonna use I just think they're gonna put a three after the
T because you'll have transgendered transgenerational and trans species what do you think because all you have to do is put a little superscript three after the
T and now you've covered them all I think that thing that's what they're gonna do what do you think I think that yeah you have to go to footnotes no but you got to keep it short definitions at the bottom you got you got to keep it short you know it's got a it's got you know for this for especially for our society now has to be very very short um and then we have this year -old story yeah
I think this is from 131 of last year even though it was only
I only saw it a few days ago Rosaria Butterfield I mentioned
Rosaria Butterfield oh I don't know a year ish ago somewhere around there
I had read her book the secret thoughts of an unlikely convert she was as left -wing liberal lesbian as you can get and she was converted to Christ and got married and kids and homeschooling and we're talking it was a really great book
I listened to it on I remember I was right I can remember exactly where I was
I did the loop around Troon out in the East Valley beautiful ride and I was laughing there's so many times because there were times it's just hilarious she's a very good writer and what
I did not know was that when she was asked to speak not at UCLA not at some wacko
Ivy League school that is just completely controlled by leftist commies she was asked to speak at Wheaton Wheaton I figure that's pretty easy students from the student body protested
Rosaria Butterfield's testimony at Wheaton saying that you know her that's not the only way see that that's not the only way and that's exactly what that that's exactly what
Vicki Beeching was saying was you know whether we're heterosexual or homosexual
Jesus just loves us all the same and that just sounds so wonderful until you put something else in there and then realize wait a minute that's not so wonderful but that's what they're saying and what was the yeah here do -do -do -do -do -do -do the students who demonstrated said that it was wrong for the to give the impression that Butterfield story was the only valid story according to the demonstrators there are gay people who follow
Christ you see no need to repent of same -sex behavior their stories are just as valid as Butterfield's and Butterfield's story of repentance from sin should not be held out as the norm on Wheaton's campus why not it's a school again this younger generation has been taught we are autonomous we get to define our own reality and if we go to your school you're just so lucky to have us that you just better adopt whatever we tell you to adopt
Wow I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't believe it it was it was amazing and of course it goes if you want to see people who have just completely bought completely bought into a deceptive contradictory incoherent worldview the members of the quote unquote gay community whatever that is and I don't think it exists there was hell that Justin Massey rationalizing injustice how we defend acts against minority people it is pressing we start listening to the valid pain of minorities in our community and begin empowering the beloved of God rather than defending the actions of those who wronged them see it's all you you don't you don't start with objective ethical and moral principles you start with goo emotional goo and if that's your foundation guess what you're never gonna really build much beyond that but these they're not trying to build anything beyond that they as long as you're stuck in the emotional goo that's that's good enough yesterday morning the students of Wheaton College gathered together eager to present candid questions to the college president at the annual
Town Hall Chapel students approached the staying microphones some asked light comical questions and some engaging more controversial serious matters the student body showed great respect occasionally applauding as these students spoke however there was no applause for one student who spoke against the injustice he has witnessed his
LGBT peers experience a brother in Christ an ally to the
LGBT community he boldly questioned the oppression and exclusion that has harmed a demographic we should be embracing and loving instead of being greeted by support he faced mostly silence before an apple was thrown at him by a peer in the crowd no matter why this individual decided to throw the apple it was more than simply disruptive it was hurtful for some of us in Wheaton's LGBT community it felt as if this student was spitting in our face as this ally voiced the deep pain we experienced day to day now these folks really this just resonates with them they think that's just awesome writing but if you just sat back for just a moment and listen to what's being said it's gobbledygook it has no meaning it's like saying blue is the scent of January what doesn't have any meaning you're assuming so many things
I mean the number of presuppositions unfounded assumptions and simple platitudes they're piled on top of each other here there is no community why can't you grow up and recognize that there are people who will misbehave in every community how come it is that's representative of oppression against a community but what you see in gay pride marches is not representative of the
LGBT community can you explain the consistency there no you can't because there is not throwing an apple at anybody for anything is stupid but it is childish to then take that and go oh that's that's just that's just like spitting at all of us grow up I have never seen a movement so immature emotionally than this movement
I just and so many people that is just so afraid of offending oh we can't offend how about dealing with the issue how about dealing with the fact that you're telling this this college which has had the same stance all along they need to change because of your sexual desires let's be honest about it you went there knowing what it is and now you want change because of your sexual desires which you may not have five years from now but they need to change hi there there you go there you go that's what we're up against folks that is what we were up against um then
I wanted to get this one because I mentioned this one and I didn't get to it um switching gears completely here
I mentioned this briefly I think a week ago might have been Tuesday I think is we go anyway
I most people would not have caught this but I sure did because I remember the first time
I remember the first time we drove past the sign along the side of the road that said welcome to Utah and I I felt like I was going on foreign missions work and I was because man especially some of those little towns in southern
Utah yeah I mean you know hmm I'm not talking just about Arizona City and stuff like that though that would be but southern
Utah is oh yeah panguitch Utah and places down there and Kanab and and of course once I me and member
Bill Boyd we went out to and saw the Mountain Meadows massacre site that's creepy you know when you think about it that's where that happened but anyway
Utah is an interesting place and back in the 80s one of the stories that I would tell when
I would speak on Mormonism was that of all the 50 states there was only one state that still had the firing squad as a possible option for execution and it was state of Utah and the reason for that was the
Mormon doctrine of blood atonement there are certain grievous sins that you can commit which the blood of Jesus Christ will not atone for your own blood must be shed to atone for those sins now evidently at some point 90s or early this century that changed
I hadn't either until I saw this article and here it says
January 27th 2015 Randy Gardner of Salt Lake City the older brother of Ronnie Lee Gardner the last inmate to be killed by firing squad in Utah in 2010 okay so that wasn't that one that was that this happened recently protests with a group opposed to capital punishment plans a hotly contested proposal that resurrects
Utah's use of firing squads to carry out executions narrowly passed a key vote
Friday in the state's legislature after three missing lawmakers were summoned to break a tie vote the
Republican -controlled House of Representatives vote 3934 Friday morning to approve the measure sending it to an uncertain fate in the state's
GOP -controlled Senate leaders in that chamber have thus far declined to say if they'll support it and Utah's Republican government
Gary Herbert won't say if he'll sign it Senate President Wayne Niederhauser a
Republican from Sandy again declined to tell reporters on Friday if he'd support it let me see here here down below during that time
Riverton Republican member Dan McKay switched to vote in favor allowed the measured past 3934 when asked there by the
Associated Press about the switch McKay smiled and walked away without commenting Ray argues that a team of trained marksmen is faster and more humane than the drawn -out deaths that have occurred in botched lethal objections well there's a point there his bill would call for a firing squad if Utah cannot get lethal injection drugs 30 days before an execution critics say the firing squad is a gruesome relic of Utah's Wild West past and would bring international condemnation upon the state that criticism and excessive media attention was one of the reasons many lawmakers vote in 2004 to stop allowing condemned persons to choose death by firing squad well
I guess okay so I guess that's when the change was this guy had chosen firing squad before that if he died in 2010 so that's interesting oh here it is dope next next line though a handful of inmates on Utah's death row were sentenced before the law changed and still have the option of going before a firing squad in a few years once they've exhausted any appeals it was last used in 2010 when
Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed by five police officers with 30 caliber Winchester rifles now funny thing is let me finish getting down here yeah doesn't say anything about it um that ain't why
Utah had the firing squad they don't want to talk about why Utah had the firing squad and the people in the legislature doesn't don't want to talk about why
Utah had the firing squad and why they still want to have the firing squad there is a much obvious reason for this and it's
Mormonism and Mormonism is still the majority religion in the state of Utah and Mormonism still has a theology now that theology is getting diluted and I did
I said diluted not deluded it's always been diluted but it's being diluted and good old
Mormons in the south of Utah know that there are certain sins you can commit that if you're put to death by lethal injection you're going to hell because you didn't shed blood you you do generally bleed when shot multiple times at the same time fairly profuse bleeding at least until your heart stops so that's what it's all about but nobody will even talk about it it's just like you know
I don't know who this reporter is Fox News what do you expect but Fox News doesn't get it and they didn't they didn't bring it up they didn't bring it up at all so but there you go there's what's going on in in Utah we will see what will come of that I do want to talk about this one as I mentioned last time and I brought some stuff up and I can get through it faster than anything else let's see here good
I'm just gonna talk about this John Sorensen is a Romanist on Twitter while I was talking about these other things he says save $7 on the book that James White doesn't want you to read actually
I'm gonna be talking about it and it is Tim Staples book behold your mother on yet another failed attempt to defend
Rome's unbiblical ahistorical doctrines on on Mary but it's it's funny
I'm glad John Sorensen said this somebody tweet somebody in channel look up at J under land underscore
Sorensen s -o -r -e -n -s -e -n and tweet to him that I'm talking about him right now on Twitter on the dividing line so he can tune if he'd like to because I want
I did want to talk a little bit about a brief exchange we had today brother
Hayes pointed out something on his blog this morning and I'm gonna go ahead and close this and find that it was a very interesting blog just mentioned in passing and I've always thought if you had if we had more time there would be some real some real value in in doing this there's so much stuff out there published by Rome and published by you know
Roman Catholic scholarship that is directly opposed to the foundations that the
Roman Catholic Church the modern Roman Catholic Church built upon for example I've mentioned many times the the papacy as an organization the the foundations that built it up history has washed away the the outrageous claims made for the
Sea of Rome that allowed it to become the the center of the Western Church and and have all this alleged authority over everybody else and control everybody else we know about the pseudo
Isidore and decretals we know about the donation of Constantine these were that that many of the people in the medieval period where this was really building up and becoming founded they were reading citations from early church fathers that we know today were completely fraudulent completely fraudulent and history has washed that stuff away and yet the papacy without a foundation hangs there in midair and when you look at Roman Catholic scholarship today and compare it to Roman Catholic apologetics there is a huge gap in between so the one cannot go to the other
I'll let them figure out who's in the flames and who's in Abraham's bosom but anyways there is a gulf fixed between the two and yeah someone just said in channel
I need a Star Trek computer computer tweet the Klingons and that would that would sort of fit they would be the
Klingons anyway this morning Steve Hayes linked and he real brief question he said how come
Catholic apologists give us one interpretation of Revelation chapter 12 the woman in Revelation chapter 12 but they don't follow their bishops they don't follow they don't follow their bishops you know they tell us you know it's like Devin Devin Rose tells us well we know because we have apostolic succession and we've got the bishops and we've got the church and we can trace things back well right online you can get this at USCCB org
United States Conference of Catholic bishops org go to Bible and you can get their
Bible and their Bible has notes yeah notes and so all
Steve did was he just went and looked at what they said about Revelation chapter 12 because Revelation chapter 12 you got the woman you know 12 stars gives birth etc etc the early church saw this as the people of God connected with Israel but obviously today
Rome's Doctrine of Mary has become so huge and it's based upon this this teeny tiny corpus of texts you have to turn kakar to many into this massive platform for all of this huge amount of theology well so you gotta you gotta find anything and and you gotta find
Mary in Revelation chapter 12 or you can't even begin to point to anything that would be relevant to the bodily assumption of Mary so you got to go there but he pointed out well you know um when you when you actually go and read what the the
United States Conference of Catholic bishops I mean aren't aren't these the people that the apologists are supposed to be following you know um what do they say about this well um interesting let me let me just read here this central section of Revelation portrays the power of evil represented by a dragon in opposition to God and his people first the dragon pursues the woman about to give birth but her son is saved and caught up to God and his throne then
Michael and his angels cast the dragon the angels out of heaven after this dragon tries to attack the boy indirectly by attacking members of his church a beast symbolizing the
Roman Empire then becomes the dragon's agent mortally wounded but restored to life and worshiped by all the world a second beast arises in the land symbolizing the antichrist which leads people astray by its prodigies to idolize the first beast this is followed by a vision of the lamb and his faithful ones and the proclamation of imminent judgment upon the world in terms of the wine of God's wrath the woman adorned with the sun the moon the stars images taken from Genesis 37 9 through 10 symbolizes
God's people in the old and new testament the Israel of old gave birth the Messiah and then became the new
Israel the church which suffers persecution by the dragon this course this corresponds to a widespread myth throughout the ancient world that a goddess pregnant with a savior was pursued by a horrible monster by miraculous intervention she bore a son who then killed the monster there's the bishops
I I didn't did you hear Mary in there I I didn't
I know yeah so this uh this John Sorenson fellow I posted something about that and he's like seriously the
USCCB has the NAB on its site and that somehow precludes any other
Catholic understanding the text the interpretation footnote is proper it's just not the only one it's
I love this I love this I remember I don't know why
I was there but I was driving around in uh Pasadena California once and I was listening to uh
Tim Staples on Catholic Answers Live and well it may have been another program now
I think about it I don't know it may have been um anyways he was he was asked a question about Matthew chapter 16.
Now remember I've heard in his earlier days Tim I remember I had a cassette tape that's how long ago this was cassette tape
I was listening to this in a walk in a Walkman on a cassette tape riding my bike in the 1990s okay um but on that cassette tape he said um that every church father that the testimony of the early church was unanimous as to the interpretation of Matthew chapter 16 in regards to Peter now
I knew that was absolutely bogus but that's what he said back then
I don't think he'd say that now because he knows better but I've never heard him say yeah you know I used to tell people some really stupid stuff
I haven't heard that either anyway he was asked a question about this and it was like well you know someone pointed out that certain popes said certain things and Augustus well you need to understand the polyvalent nature of scripture and that there are many possible understandings of any one given text so when you're creating your dogma out of whole cloth just make it up out of anything um when you read his book the book that John Sorensen says
I don't want you to read um you go wow are you engaging in special pleading and man your exegesis is horrific uh it is horrible but what you don't get is this what you don't get is well you know um you know our bishops here in the
United States um are able to you know interpret the whole text and never say a word about the woman um but we apologists see something more so I think it was a perfectly fair question to ask you know why how could
Tim Staples write an entire section on Revelation chapter 12 and come to the conclusion this is
Mary but the people who are his superiors he's not a cleric he's not ordained he has no special stay in the church
I know according to catholic answers he is one of the foremost catholic scholars in the world that's that's what they said that's what they that's what the advertisement said um but still um when it comes to apostolic succession he's not even ordained so I wonder why you wouldn't start with what the bishops say and then say and and while that's the main understanding you know it's possible yeah
I know why I know why I know it's because it doesn't work I know
I know I'm being facetious but anyway I mentioned a um article that I wanted to look at real quick 10 things
Catholics are tired of hearing number one
Catholics worship statues this stereotype is painful to hear not only is it completely false but it's ludicrous despite the fact that there are uh 801 millions
Protestants worldwide research center my rant will be geared towards our brothers sisters in the
United States in this country approximately 51 .5 percent of people are Protestant Christians I'm sorry realistically most of these families have pictures in their home which is completely normal right right they have pictures their loved ones both living and deceased it is not hypocritical then to say the
Catholics is it not hypocritical then to say Catholics are idol worshipers when these families have portraits of their loved ones on the walls if these
Protestant families can have pictures of Uncle Bernie and Mama hang on the wall then most certainly the church can present pictures of our beloved
Jesus his disciples and the saints now that is just so shallow and such a shift of the reality that it's dishonest it's simply dishonest um if we
Protestants were bowing down in front of pictures of Uncle Bernie and Mama lighting candles fingering rosaries rocking back and forth and praying to them then you'd have a parallel but there is no parallel here because you know whoever authored this it doesn't have a name that's a shame uh so whoever at Catholic 365 authored this you know that that's not what you're doing and it goes the second one number two
Catholics pray to Mary instead of God well of course it's not instead of God but this is a very common misconception throughout the
Protestant community and while I can understand why it is I'm also disheartened that many jump to such a harsh conclusion of the
Catholic faith we don't pray to Mary we ask her to pray for us just as a Protestant asks their deceased grandparent or parent to watch over them oh yeah
I just found this just as one who has engaged in formal debates with Catholic apologists on these issues
I just found this to be massively dishonest I mean it's just so I walked into my office because I was going to talk about this earlier didn't get to it last program or the program before I don't remember and I grabbed this this is the glories of Mary by Saint Alphonsus de
Liguri um this book has gone through over 800 editions uh
Liguri is a doctor of the church it has the nihil abstat in the imprimatur which no one cares about anymore today anyways but it does mine's an old copy look how you probably yeah you can tell
I can tell on the screen at least what they're seeing what I'm seeing it's pretty yellowed pages and do jazz hands again what's jazz hands you don't know what jazz hands are okay anyway um what
I did honestly as I said I'm just gonna I'm gonna do the random page thing okay
I'm gonna do the random page thing and I just opened it up and I put a marker in it and I opened it up you know a decade ago
I didn't really have to do this but I do now my arms were longer back then obviously
I opened it up just randomly to page 325 of this edition of the glories of Mary the doctor of the church
Alphonsus de Liguri oh thank you a
Hollywood Christian says it's Elizabeth Giddens wrote this well Elizabeth shame on you here's what we read on page 325 compare this with Elizabeth Giddens according to Twitter the second argument by which it is proved that Mary was more holy in the first moment of her existence than all the saints together is found on the great office of mediatress of men with which she was charged from the beginning and which made it necessary that she should possess a greater treasure of grace from the beginning than all other men together it is well known with what unanimity theologians and holy fathers give
Mary this title of mediatress on account of her having obtained salvation for all by her powerful intercession and her merit of congruity thereby procuring the great benefit of redemption for the lost world
I say by her merit of congruity for Jesus Christ alone is our mediator by way of justice and by merit condign merit de condignio as the scholastics say he having offered his merits to the eternal father who accepted them for our salvation
Mary on the other hand is a mediatress of grace by way of simple intercession and merit of congruity she having offered to God as theologians say with Saint Bonaventure her merits for the salvation of all men and God as a favor accepted them with the merits of Jesus Christ on this account
Arnold of Chartres says that she affected our salvation in common with Christ and Richard of Saint Victor says that Mary desired sought and obtained the salvation of all nay even she affected the salvation of all so that everything good and every gift in order of grace which each of the saints received from God Mary obtained for them random selection randomly chosen from the glories of Mary by Saint Alphonsus De La Guri that is pagan blasphemy it is not
Christian it never could be Christian and Alphonsus De La Guri is not in heaven well
I suppose he could have repented but there's no evidence that he did if that's what he died believing he died in false hope with a false gospel without ever having known the gospel of Jesus Christ if you're afraid of Jesus and need
Mary to affect your salvation you don't understand the gospel my friend okay so this is sort of a light -hearted article with light -hearted answers but they're dishonest and they're missing the real point
Catholics do pray to Mary because they fear God La Guri says it over and over again not in that particular section but throughout the book throughout the book like I said just grabbed it opened it up I knew wherever I turned my stomach would be turned by what
I read because there's just nothing there there's not a page in that book that does not contain some kind of disgusting blasphemy and there there you there you have it number three the saints can't hear your prayers because they are dead
I beg to differ since when is anyone who is in heaven considered dead we call it the afterlife for a reason in fact there is biblical proof that saints can hear our prayers revelation 5 8 and when he had taken it the four living creatures and 24 elders fell down before the lamb each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of God's people by the way as we pointed out when we went through very very carefully my debate with Patrick Madrid years ago on this particular subject that in no way shape or form is substantiates that belief at all it doesn't say that these saints it doesn't even say you know the four living creatures 24 elders how do you know they're saints a b how do you know that they heard these prayers c how do you know they were addressed these these these creatures these beings the prayers the saints are to God holding the bowls and then does not mean that they heard them gross misuse revelation 8 3 3 4 another angel who had a golden censer came so at the altar he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all
God's people on the golden altar in front of the throne the smoke of the incense together the prayers of God's people went up before God from the angel's hand again nothing to do with those who have passed on engaging in any type of communication including hearing prayers from people on earth total exegetical failure on Rome's part at that point and once again our author skips the real issue and that is that prayer is an act of worship you pray to what you worship and if you pray to saints then you're worshiping saints that's why