Your Church Friends Are in Danger

AD Robles iconAD Robles



So I was gonna go fishing today. I got to the river and the fish were jumping. I saw multiple topwater blow -ups
I'm so excited. I was getting ready to go and Realized like a dope
I left my tackle bag at home So here I am All right, all right a friend online an online friend named
Nick storm posted this to gab today And I wanted to read it to you because I agree with it. He says it's quite evident.
We're in an Apocalyptic era and not as in the end of the world But as in a time of things being revealed the contrast is being turned up So high that the truth can be more easily parsed from the lies
Pray that the Lord uses this both to turn the wicked to him and to correct his people wherever we may be wrong
Such a good point Honestly, like we have been given such a gift by God at this point where the the false teachers and the wolves in the church
They just can't help themselves Like you would think that they would be more secretive about their displeasure with justice being done
You'd think that they'd be able to hide their rage more about the fact that maybe not as many
Babies will be murdered in the United States You'd think they'd be able to hide their manipulatives tactics to try to ramrod more socialism than we already have but they can't they can't help themselves because their
God is being challenged and mocked and and and just We really we're exposing them so much and and I say we we're really not even doing anything
We're just kind of witnessing it and it's never been easier to decide between good and evil than it is right now
It's never been more clear who the wolves are and who they aren't, you know, one of my most popular videos
Is one called? It's time to be honest you know, I Farewell woke church or something like that, you know,
I should have looked it up. But basically in the video It's basically making the case that I can't assume that woke woke
Christians Man, I put the I put the air quotes in the wrong word woke Christians I can't even think straight.
I Can't assume that they're actually Christians anymore then and in the video I said it's not to say that everyone who says something woke is not a believer
But it is to say that this is such a fundamentally different religion that I cannot assume that you just kind of got
You know lost in the moment and you're just getting tripped up and and stuff like that Like I can't assume that anymore.
Whereas in the past I used to do that. I think a lot of especially the leaders They're they're they're wolves and they know they're wolves.
I think that a lot of people in the pews It's really it depends on the person and you need to take it as a case -by -case basis in the with the people in the pews and you have to have compassion on the people in the pews because These these leaders that they trusted, you know gospel coalition
ERL see these leaders that they trusted Really just pulled a fast one on them and you got to have compassion on people like that In fact,
I think that's the I think that's the example of Jesus You know if you look at Jesus he's brutal and harsh with the
Pharisees the people doing the leading astray the wolves and Then the people that have been led astray by the
Pharisees. He's just very compassionate Patient and all of that and I agree with Nick completely like it's it's it's it's become so clear
Who's who in the past few months and especially the past few days? I wanted to just you know share this
This is a guy Who used to write for gospel coalition he was an up -and -coming, you know kind of black
Voice with gospel coalition Dante Stewart. I guess he goes by the the name
Stu from what I understand he's an ex -ball player football player and You know, he's a gifted writer and stuff like that He's a pagan.
I mean, he's a wolf a complete wolf and I Hesitate to even say a wolf in sheep's clothing like he's an obvious Wolf and from what
I understand his writing was at some point removed from the gospel coalition
That's how much of a wolf he is he's such a wolf that even gospel coalition knew he was a wolf and He's been angry and lamenting the past few days first about the
Roe vs. Wade decision he's very upset about that and he's also upset about the high school coach that that was praying on the sidelines and How the
Supreme Court said yeah, that's fine I mean Obviously, it's fine If you want to pray on the sidelines or at the 50 -yard line if you want to do that, that's totally fine you can't be banned from praying even if you're a
An employee of the government that doesn't make any sense and so he's upset about both of those things and I just I want to read his tweets because at The very least
Stu here has the courage of his Horrible convictions at the very least
Stu is willing to tell you Exactly what he thinks and he's not afraid to tell you what he thinks and he thinks there's nothing wrong with it
That's why I say he's a wolf in wolf's clothing Stu has an upside -down Ethical system
Stu has the wrong priorities quite frankly, and I'm saying this with as much seriousness as I can muster
Stu worships the wrong God And you can see that by his fruit because here's the thing
Stu will tell you that he loves Jesus Stu will tell you that he loves the scripture in his word but if you look at how he parses this out if you look at how he how he acts and and how he reacts to Situations like the
Roe vs. Wade removal and then the coach praying to God on the 50 -yard line decision
You can see by his fruit that he actually doesn't so he's lying to you about loving Jesus But he's very honest about the things that really get him energized the things that really get him out of bed
Here's what his response is to the coach the coach That was vindicated by the
Supreme Court because he was praying on this on this on the 50 -yard line And all that kind of stuff.
He says this he says Nobody is telling Christians that we can't preach or pray or have to give up our religion
What they're saying is that we have to give up the arrogant idea that this is a
Christian nation That our faith has a divine right to power and that this is the standard and authority.
I Wonder if there will ever be a day when we Christians stop and look around at what the what? Christianity is doing to this country and ask is this the love that Jesus showed us and then he
Continues and he says this if we Christians are going to disagree and become disunited
I want to be on the side that champion more liberation and love For all people and not on the side that champion the power of one group.
He's referring to Christians Guys Dante has just openly said what quite frankly many in evangelicalism believe
Many Including the ERLC including gospel coalition a lot of them and all of this kind of stuff now
They hide the specifics from you very often and they're a little bit more gifted with subversive rhetoric and for that I'm grateful to Stu because he's he's a gifted writer.
But but his subversive rhetoric, you know, it's not as It's not as sneaky as ERLC.
It's not as sneaky as a lot of your evangelical leaders are It's a little bit more open and for that Stu I thank you
But do you see what he's saying here? I mean this is this is a call to say look if there's if there's two sides of this and Christians are gonna disunite and we've got
Christians that think that the the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords has told us to go forth and make
Disciples of all nations teaching them to obey Teaching all the nations to obey everything
Christ commanded Everything if so there if there's one side that thinks that's the
Commission That's the mission and we ought to go out there and teach every nation to obey
Christ every word if there's one side that says that and then there's another side that's like well,
I want to liberate Non -christians and let them know that this isn't Christ is not that it's not a
Christian nation You can still do your pagan stuff and you know We can get some of that pagan law in there and look if Judaism requires you to abort your baby
We should at least give you the choice to do it I mean, maybe I wouldn't get an abortion But you should have the chance to get an abortion and all of that Oh if you're offended that we're praying to Christ, we shouldn't really do it
We should we shouldn't pray to Christ because if it offends you I want to be on the side of the liberator And by the way, that's an expression of love to make sure that we have a pluralistic nation
I'm on the side of that where it's like we should have a pluralistic nation Maybe we should build more mosques and maybe we should pray the
Shahada and and a look You know if if Christians are praying over here we should also have a
Shahada over here like if that's the side those are the options I choose that option as If the
Great Commission is not even there and and if you notice he even says that that our faith he says
You have to give up this is what he's saying we have to give up the arrogant idea that this is a
Christian nation and that our faith has a divine right to power and Get this we have to give up this arrogant idea ready that our faith
Outlined by the scriptures the the word of God the very words of God We have to give up the arrogant idea that that is the standard and authority
That's an arrogant idea now, it's a I'm sure that Stu, but I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt
I'm sure that Stu believes that privately we can believe that it's the standard and the authority that our faith
Outlined by the scriptures is the standard and the authority. That's the thing got got our faith doesn't come out of nowhere, right?
We're not just imagining our faith and think no. No God gave us a sure word and that word is the authority
That's that that that's that's what we believe right and so I'm sure Stu I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt
Privately he thinks that's okay. I mean, yeah, he doesn't believe it obviously But but at least he thinks it's okay for you to believe it as long as it's privately
But publicly in that public square it's arrogant to think that the Word of God is
The authority the Word of God is the standard. This is a man who thinks he's advocating for justice
Justice according to who? justice according to who Because that's an error.
It's an arrogant idea to think that the Word of God the Christian faith is What defines?
Justice is what defines it's the standard. It's the authority on justice
So it's no wonder that he's upset about the Roe v. Wade decision because perhaps it's arrogant to think that we should
Outlaw murder of babies. Perhaps that's arrogant to think to Dante Stewart And here's the thing guys
Dante is open about this But the ERLC believes this too The ERLC believes this as well.
That's why they advocate for for promoting the building of mosques. That's why they advocate for for for not banning abortion
Right now guys, I need you to understand that that in Louisiana abortions are still legal in part because of the
ERLC and That's a fact And so so many people believe this that it's like sure
Christianity in private but in public life in the civil governing authority, it's arrogant
In fact, it might some people will even go so far as to say it's evil to say that God's law
Ought to be the the standard and the authority for everyone Meanwhile, Jesus Christ in his in his parting words in the
Great Commission. He says to us Make disciples of all nations Baptizing them in the name of the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit that that doesn't leave any room for Allah That doesn't leave any room for the false god of Judaism.
That's that that that that deny son of God Right, it doesn't leave any room for Buddhism.
It doesn't leave any room for any of that stuff Baptize the nation. This is our goal Make disciples of the nations all of them and it by the way
It doesn't say and this is something that I think a lot of people misunderstand It doesn't say, you know baptize a few people here and there in nations
So like you see some nations and you know You get a few people you baptize a few people in those nations teaching them to observe everything
Christ commands That's not what it says. It says make just our mission is is total. It's absolutely total.
It's completely all -encompassing It's the it's the whole world that belongs to the Lord Right when in the scripture when it says that the
Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills That means that he owns all the cattle right? It doesn't mean that he just owns some of the cattle it means he owns it all the whole world is the
Lord's Empire and Our mission is to make disciples of the nations
Baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the name of the Trinity, right?
So you need the Sun there, right? That's why Judaism doesn't count Because the Sun has to be there and the
Holy Spirit has to be there the triune God of Scripture Baptizing them in the name of the Trinity Teaching them and this is the second part you have to have this part too.
It's not a half Commission. It's a full Commission So we backed we make disciples we baptize them that's conversion and then we teach them to observe everything
Christ commands and That's not just the stuff that's that that that that that that liberals use and they keep it super vague
No, it's the details. It's everything love your neighbor as yourself That's a summary of the law of God Jesus Christ taught the law of God Accomplished the law and he taught the law that's what he did on in the
Sermon on the Mount, right? And so we don't just get to make it so vague.
I want to be on the side of love I want to be on the side of liberation and completely disconnect it from the
Old Testament code That's not an option because in the Commission it says Everything Christ commands who do you think led the people out of Egypt?
Who do you think led the Israelites out of Egypt? That was Jesus Christ That was
Christ who led a people out of Egypt that was Christ because he accomplished the Exodus then and then he
Accomplishes the Exodus later went when he when he dies on the cross and saves us from our sins
He leaves us out of the house of bondage and into the house of freedom But Dante here is like well, no see that's arrogant though.
It's arrogant to have a commission like that So in maybe in stews world, maybe the
Commission is more like, you know You know you can preach Christ if you want to just so long as you make some room for a lot as well just so long as You leave some room for the the millions of Hindu gods or whatever as long as you make some room for Baal And that's okay is all you could preach
Christ No one's saying you can't preach Christ, but there's got to be some room for Moloch as well. And There is no quarter for Moloch Christ will have dominion over everything
Christ will have dominion He gave us the Commission and he made us Many many promises and anyone who is standing against that mission anyone who's standing against that goal is
I'm sorry isn't is an unbeliever Dante Stewart is showing you what unbelief looks like in real time and it's a sad thing and it's not something that I get any pleasure out of and it's not something that I'm not saying that that everyone that's involved with the
ERLC or or everyone that doesn't quite understand theocracy I'm not saying that they're unbelievers But I'd be
I'm worried Let me say this. I'm worried about those
Christians who profess Christ and yet stand against his mission Who profess
Christ and then mourn and weep and and enrage at? Guys the
Roe vs. Wade thing. It's not like it's nuanced law. This is basic law guys
This is this is basic. Should it be okay to murder a child? No Should it be okay to should it be should the mother be exempt from from the charge of murder if she murders a child?
No This is not complicated This is not like what should the tax rates be look if you asked me what the tax rates should be
Biblically that would be a much more complicated discussion and I could excuse anyone for not quite
Understanding or grasping the nuances there. I could understand anyone This is not that they're making it seem like it's nuanced and weird like that.
It's not this is basic stuff I worry for anybody Who stands against this kind of stuff?
anybody guys Your friends are in danger
Let me say that your friends are in danger Because nothing can nothing can separate you from the love of Christ, but do you have the love of Christ?
How do you know? Do you have the love of Christ? How do you know? I'll tell you what's not a good warning sign or not
A good sign is if you stand against the Great Commission and say no you can keep Christ But you gotta have room you gotta leave room for Moloch You gotta leave room for Allah you gotta leave room for the false
God of Judaism that for some reason demands you to kill your baby if you want to it's it's
If you love your friends in the church, and you've got one of these pastors Or you've got one of the you've got some friends that are like Oh, you got to be nuanced about this and they kind of basically follow
Dante Stewart's Kind of mission here, but they do it in a more low -key way
I would plead with them man. I would I would I would meet with them. I would talk with them. I'd I Can't see how you could oppose the
Great Commission And say well, you know yeah, yeah, you could have Christ nobody's saying you can't pray
But you can't you have to give up the arrogance that the scripture is the standard in the authority that the
Christianity is actually going to win this I Can't imagine
I can't imagine being against that mission and feeling comfortable with my salvation. It's a very weird thing
And so you know Dante Stewart here. I mean You know and by the way, this is this is well -liked
I mean this one here got 3 ,000 likes is getting more every second. You know tons of retweets
I mean people love this message Nobody is telling Christians that we can't preach or pray or have to give up our religion what they are saying is we have to give up the
Arrogant idea that this is a Christian nation that our faith has a divine right to power and that it is the standard and authority
That's arrogant if you think it's the standard and the authority you think Christianity should dictate
The definitions of justice and how we run our country if you think that we ought to teach the nations to obey
Christ because Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and there is no quarter for Moloch worship
There is no quarter for anything else because Christ is the king and only him shall you worship
If you think that that's arrogant Still Brother you're in danger, and I don't even say brother.
I can't even say brother stew You are in danger You you don't you are not right before God You don't have your head on straight, and I don't know why that is
I don't know what the issue is But you need to repent Before it's too late.
It's never been easier. I I have to agree with Nick We've been given a gift from God And it's never been easier to separate the wheat from the chaff in our own minds right now
It's not saying we can do it perfectly Only God can do that But the fruit has been laid bare
The fruit has been exposed for everyone to see and we need to understand that the trees that produce
Rotten poisoned fruit are going to be cut down and thrown into the fire. This is real.
This is real That's really going to happen And so guys we've got
We've got to get to work and we need to start in the church because this infection is all over the church
It's in the ERL seeds and the SPC. It's in the PCA It's everywhere and we need to start cleaning house in our house
And maybe save a few snatch a few from the fire if we can But at least we need to make it clear that no they are not with us
Who knows maybe that maybe maybe maybe maybe they need excommunication To get to finally see their their desperate situation before Christ Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.