F4F | Todd White Does NOT Understand the Hypostatic Union


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough, I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. A little bit of a heads up, this is going to be a long episode and a teaching episode, and one that I hope that at the end of it you will have a profoundly deeper and greater respect and understanding of the
Word of God and the Incarnation, Jesus Christ, who is both God and man, and has been since He was conceived in the womb of the
Virgin Mary. And we're going to be foiling against Todd White's bizarre statements that he's been making over the years, and a recent interview he did with Remnant Radio.
We're going to listen to part of that, point out a few things along the way, then we're going to do a long teaching, the basics of the hypostatic union, which is a proper understanding biblically of the
Incarnation of Christ. I'll show it to you from Scripture, we'll even throw in the Chalcedonian Creed, as well as the
Athanasian Creed and see how they jive with Scripture. The idea behind creeds, the reason why they're true, and they're very good, is because they say the same thing as Scripture.
They're kind of a compressed summary or a compressed restating of what Scripture says.
And so, some of you, I'm sure, in the audience will say, well, I have no creed but Christ, and I would point out, well, that's actually a creed.
So the question is, at the end of the day, what do you believe? What does the Bible say?
What do you think it says? That's what a creed is. And so, historically, there are three ecumenical creeds that Orthodox churches or churches that claim to be sound at least subscribe to.
And that would be the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. You get the idea. We'll talk about all of this.
So this is kind of an advanced episode of Fighting for the Faith, so go ahead and like the video, ring the bell, hit the subscribe button, all those fun
YouTubey things. And what we're going to do first, let me whirl up the desktop and head over to the
YouTube channel for Remnant Radio. They did a multi -hour long interview with Todd White kind of hitting on different things.
And I want to say this up front. I think Todd White is a complete phony baloney. And there's a reason why
I think he's a phony baloney, and that is because of his theological pedigree. He was partly made famous by Patricia King, yeah, closely connected with Patricia King and her ministry.
He's an astute follower of Kenneth Copeland and Dan Muller, both notorious heretics.
And along the way, he's made his own outrageous statements that there's just no way to reconcile them with what
God's Word says. And not only that, he's a purveyor of parlor tricks.
In fact, let's start there, because I think this speaks to the character of Todd White. I consider him to be a flat -out flagrant, you know, in -it -for -the -money, teaching -for -shameful -game -what -he -ought -not -to -teach conman who engages in parlor tricks and calls them miracles.
We've showed this before, but this is an example of Todd White in action performing a miracle.
You can find this on the Todd White Lifestyle Christianity YouTube channel, and it's titled
Todd White Healing on the Streets of Jerusalem, Israel, Part 9, and we'll just play a little bit of it.
Use this chair. You see his leg? One is longer. Look.
You see? You see? You see? You see?
One is longer. Yes? You see? Watch. Yes, the right one's shorter.
This one's shorter. Watch. This is not a miracle. This is a parlor trick.
In the name of Yeshua, right leg, grow. Right now. You can even see that he's manipulating this kid's feet with his hands.
All he's doing is rotating his ankles. Ooh, it's a miracle! Now, here's the point.
All right? This isn't a miracle. This is Todd White in action performing a miracle. This is just a cheap parlor trick, and this guy has made part of his career going around claiming that he can operate in signs and wonders, and this is his go -to miracle.
And this isn't a miracle. All right? I could teach a four -year -old how to do this, and people would be amazed at the results.
Yeah, that's the thing. This is not a miracle. So this speaks to the character of Todd White. I do not believe he has any character at all.
Again, I make no bones about the fact that he has all the marks of a false teacher, a false prophet, false worker in false signs, false wonders, and he checks off all the biblical warnings, you know, look out for these guys.
He ticks them all off. He fits that. So I do not consider him to be a brother in Christ, not even a ne 'ering brother.
I consider him to be a rank heretic, which is the reason why he teaches false doctrine.
So you kind of get the idea. All of that being said, the folks at Remnant Radio, they wanted to treat him as a brother in Christ, and that's their prerogative.
They can do that, and to kind of give him the benefit of the doubt and let him clear up his theology and answer some of the tougher questions.
That's kind of the point of some of their interviews. And so we're going to listen to part of what they've done and listen to his answers, critique a little bit along the way, and then we'll look at what
Brandon Kimber put out a couple of weeks ago, which I thought was extremely helpful, because if there's one thing you can say about Brandon Kimber, it's that he's thorough.
Thoroughly thorough is the best way to put it. So let's take a look here. This is something that I'm interested in, because I've heard you say, you know,
Jesus did everything as a man, but even more recently I've heard you say, he never stopped being God. Never. Can you unpack that for me?
Give me your understanding of Christology. Yeah, please. You don't have to ask us that. Not on a theology program.
No, no, no, I just want to read. I have so many. I love the U -Version, because I've got all these different translations.
Absolutely. So good. But I would love to read your own
Philippians 2. Yeah, of course. Now I want to make something clear. Philippians 2 does not say that Christ laid aside his deity.
It doesn't say that at all. We'll take a look at it now, and just kind of preemptively take a look at the text so we can see why is he going here, because that's the go -to text by people who believe in the canonic heresy.
So Paul says in Philippians 2, verse 3, Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourselves.
Each of you look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. So have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but he emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant or a slave.
So it doesn't say he emptied himself of his deity. It says he emptied himself by taking the form of a slave, and being found in the likeness of men, and being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
So anybody who is saying that Philippians 2 says that Christ emptied himself of his deity does not know their
Bible, and they're not qualified to teach Scripture. They are teaching heresy. So just by way of a little bit of a note here, let's see here, where did
I want to go on this one? I have all these notes.
So, John 1 .1 is actually quite helpful in this regard. And it says, in the beginning was the
Word, and arche en halagas, kai halagas en prostonteum. In the beginning was the
Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God, and all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made, and in him was life, and the life was the light of men.
So here we see that the lagas is with God, then Jesus is lagas, he's the
Word. And the lagas is God. And then important text here, John 1 .14,
and it says this, and the lagas, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
So the Greek verb here, skanao, and in this particular verse, the inflected form is eskanasin.
So skanao, fascinating word by itself in the
Greek, skanao means to tabernacle. In fact, so expression of continuity with God's, quote, tenting in Israel.
So that's the reason why some translation says that the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.
In fact, this kind of shows that the tabernacle of the Mosaic time, even of the
Old Testament times post -Moses, that that is a type and shadow of God tabernacling with us.
And in Scripture it also is very clear that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us.
So already we've got a problem if you're going to go to Philippians 2 for the purpose of saying
Christ emptied himself of his deity. That's not at all what he did. And so I would note then that in Scripture, 2
Timothy chapter 2, I believe verse 15, we see some of the qualifications for those who teach in Christ's church, and I have to remind us all that the church doesn't belong to me.
The church doesn't belong to you, doesn't belong to your pastor, doesn't belong to your vision -casting leader.
The church is blood -bought and has been purchased by the blood of Christ, and the church belongs to Jesus, and God himself gets to call the shots as to who is qualified and not qualified to teach in Christ's church.
So 2 Timothy 2 gives us some of the qualifications. So, do your best, 2
Timothy 2 .15, to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling, or you can say dividing here, rightly handling the word of truth.
So in Christ's church, somebody must, in order to teach in Christ's church, you must have studied, showed yourself approved as one who can rightly handle
God's word. If you are not handling God's word correctly, you're not qualified to be a teacher in Christ's church.
Full stop. And let's just say that with Ken Copeland and Dan Muller and Patricia King as his theological mentors, there's no way
Todd White is qualified to teach in Christ's church, he's not going to handle God's word correctly, and we've demonstrated multiple times here on our
YouTube channel as well as in the past in the archives of our podcast, Todd White cannot handle a biblical text correctly to save his life.
So he's not qualified to be teaching in Christ's church. Full stop. And then I would also add in this context here that Scripture makes it very clear regarding where are those doctrines where we as Christians must draw the line and say when somebody crosses that line, they're not brothers in Christ.
So 2 Corinthians chapter 11, the Apostle Paul talking about the so -called super apostles.
Yeah, believe it or not, there were guys running around the landscape in the time of the Apostle Paul and the other apostles who were saying things like, oh, that Apostle Paul, he probably isn't really an apostle anyway.
And yeah, we recognize that Peter is an apostle, but I mean, after all, he's a fisherman. And these guys had training as orators, so they were really good in their public speaking and being able to take an audience up to the heights of excitement and bring them down to the depths of despair.
They were really good in that regard. So these guys called themselves the super apostles. Yeah, that Apostle Paul, he says he's an apostle, but where are the super apostles?
And oddly enough, the folks in the Church of Corinth went for it. You're a super apostle?
Wow, could I get your autograph? Yeah, but they didn't rightly handle
God's Word. They were quite theatrical. They were gifted in their oration, but they weren't teaching the real
Jesus. That's the issue. So here's what Paul says in that regard.
So I wish you would bear with me a little foolishness, and do bear with me, for I feel a divine jealousy for you since I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.
But I'm afraid that as the serpent deceived thee by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you received a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
So here's the issue. Different Jesus, different spirit, different gospel. And I hate to say this,
Todd White ticks them all off. Different Jesus, different Holy Spirit, different gospel altogether, okay?
And Paul's not saying that this is something that we can live with, just spit out the bones and chew the meat, no.
He's saying that this is an example of, he likens this to the serpent deceiving
Eve. And then he goes on in that context that what's going to happen for them to these so -called super apostles.
So he says, what I'm doing I will continue to do in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim in their boasted mission that they work on the same terms that we do.
For such men are false apostles. They are deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
No wonder even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it's no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.
Their end will correspond to their deeds. So there you go. That's the point. So false
Jesus, false spirit, false gospel. Different Jesus, different spirit, different gospel. That puts you outside of Christianity.
And the Apostle Paul in Galatians, in Galatians chapter one, regarding a different gospel, he reinforces that category where he says to the
Galatian church had bought the lies of the heretics known as the Judaizers. He says, I'm astonished that you're so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.
Not that there is another, but there are some who are trouble you want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one that we preached to you, let him be accursed, anathema, damned.
As we have said before, so I say again, if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be anathema, damned.
That's what that means. So you get different Jesus, you ain't a
Christian. Different spirit, you ain't a Christian. Different gospel, you ain't a Christian. You are a servant of the devil masquerading as a servant of Christ.
These are the biblical categories. And again, I make no apologies for the fact that in my professional opinion, as not only an apologist trained in countercult apologetics, but also as a
Christian theologian and as a pastor who has, by the way, studied and showed himself approved and had to prove it before an ordination board, that I can rightly handle the word of truth,
Todd White ticks off all the heresy boxes, every single one of them.
So all of that being said, let's come back to this. So that's what's at stake here. And so the guys at Remnant Radio are, you know, let him lay this out, where is he going?
He's going to Philippians 2, let's see what he does with the text. It's beautiful. Absolutely. It's the clearest about this subject.
So first of all, Emmanuel means God with us. Jesus was born of the
Virgin Mary, 100%. No impregnation by man, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her.
So the Holy Spirit placed Jesus into Mary's belly. Mary gave birth to Jesus.
Jesus was fully God, fully man. Yep. So far so good, right?
In order for Jesus to fulfill what he was going to fulfill on earth, he had to go to the cross as man's side.
So he had to go to the cross as a man. Now see, this answer right here, all on his own, without any prompting, off the top of his head, shows he does not understand what
Scripture teaches regarding the Incarnation and what theologians have come to call the hypostatic union.
I'll explain that in depth in a minute. He totally just failed the final here. In fact,
I would argue, not only were we dealing with the canonic heresy, we're dealing with a form of Nestorianism.
And the Nestorian heresy splits Jesus into two pieces. There's only one
Jesus, by the way. We'll talk about that in a minute. So we've got canonicism with hints, yeah, subtle overtones of the
Nestorian heresy running around in there too. He had to pay the penalty, so he who knew no sin became sin, so we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2 is one of the clearest. It says, though Jesus existed in the form of God, he did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but he emptied himself, taking the form of a bondservant, being made in the likeness of men, being found in appearance as a man.
He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. On a cross.
For this reason God has highly exalted him, bestowed on him the name which is above every name.
And it says, so that the name of Jesus, every name will bow. Every name will bow. So with the
Lord, fully God, fully man, when he came to the earth, and I've talked to Dr.
Michael Brown about this, I've talked to different people. Yeah, Michael Brown's trying to figure out how to resuscitate this, guys.
Theology, so that he's not overtly heretical. Theologians, different people. Jesus was always fully
God, he never gave that up. But he put aside the rights, his divinitive rights.
Now this is new, this is new lingo that Todd White's using. This is not how he's talked in the past.
After Michael Brown went to go visit him, he's now changed how he's talking, and now
Jesus laid aside his divinitive rights. Years that he was on this earth, from the age of birth to 33 and a half.
When I look at Jesus's life, people have said that I take the divinity away.
There's a reason for that, and we'll explain in a minute. But I never said that Jesus wasn't God. He was fully
God, fully man. You said he laid aside his divinity. That's the phrase you kept using. But in order for...
God established the covenant between man and God. Man had to live his end out, walk out the
Ten Commandments, walk out the law. Never missing one, because if you miss one, you... Man had to walk out the
Ten Commandments. So again, this sounds like, again, canonicism mixed within the story and heresy.
We'll talk about that in a minute. So in order for man to be right with God and achieve righteousness.
So righteousness was like this. He is all over the map here, and this is a very convoluted answer to a very straightforward question.
Have you ever seen Great Danes run a race? They have that rabbit that's out there. So righteousness...
I think you mean great... It's not Great Danes. I don't think Great Danes... That'd be a slobbery mess.
By the way, I saw the fact that it was not Bart Simpson who said, Doe, it was Homer.
My apologies. I reached into my head and grabbed the wrong name. Anyway, so he did the same thing.
Great Danes don't... I don't think they raced Great Danes, although they are the size of a horse. It was like this rabbit that the
Great Danes never catch. The standard of righteousness was like this.
It was like this prize that was put there that they could never get to. And even though they wanted to, they didn't.
And even though they knew that they should, they didn't. It was never achievable. And so righteousness...
And it shows us that the law was a tutor to show us our need for a Savior, or was a tutor until Christ came, and Christ came at the fullest of time.
So with Jesus, He comes. He's born of the Virgin Mary, totally God, yet totally man.
Yet. Okay. He really doesn't know this. He does not understand this correctly at all.
Lays His divinity aside. There it is. So let me back that up. See, there's the phrase.
Christ came at the fullest of time. So with Jesus, He comes. He's born of the Virgin Mary, totally
God, yet totally man. Lays His divinity aside for the season that He's on the earth.
No, He didn't. And there's no way for Him to do that. If you want to say
He didn't fully access the attributes of His divine nature, you could say that, but He can't say that Jesus laid
His divinity aside. Can't, because He didn't. Fully God still. He never lost it.
Laid His divinity aside, but He's still fully God. What totally blows me away is
He gave it all up just to regain it again. Oh God. It's fascinating to me.
When you say laid aside, this is building language. So here's the thing. At this point, they're like, hey, wait.
We need to drill in on this a little bit more. Let's see what you meant by that.
Building language, because again, I was raised in the Pentecostal charismatic movement, so I know what you're saying when you say this.
But I want to ask a question of clarification. Yeah, yeah, help me. So, and here's my issue with the
Remnant Radio guys. This was not a clarifying question, and what follows next, the only way
I can describe it is coaching. They're trying to coach him into saying something that's orthodox.
This reminds me of what James McDonald and Mark Driscoll did with T .D.
Jakes at Elephant Room 2, tried to coach him so that he said something that sounds
Trinitarian. I feel like these guys are doing the same thing here. They've gone from interviewer to coach.
He chose not to act on divine attributes. Yeah. So when we say lay aside...
Lay aside, meaning he... Yeah. Because people are going to hear you say... Because it says that he laid it aside.
That's right. No, it doesn't. It doesn't. What text says he laid aside his divine attributes?
No text says that. Different translations. Which it sounds like what you mean is his divine privileges.
See, and these guys know more theology than Todd White, which again shows...
Again, Scripture's clear. In order to teach in Christ's church, it's not mine, you must have studied and showed yourself approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment, who can rightly handle the word of truth.
And if you don't have this down, you're not qualified because you're going to be teaching heresy.
So these guys have a little bit of a better understanding of theology. I would even argue a substantially greater understanding of how the
Bible works and the hypostatic union than Todd White does. And what they're doing is instructing him, and he even acknowledges that.
He didn't lay aside his godness. He did utilize his divine privileges. There we go.
No, I love it. Did I get it right? Did I get it right? I need to find words to clarify this.
You need to find words to clarify this? You should have had those words long before you ever started teaching in Christ's church.
You're doing a good job, and that's why I'm asking. You're doing a good job. Those people are going, the
Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Creed, I forget the name of those. See, I don't feel so bad.
Chalcedonian. Anyway, we'll talk about that in a minute.
This is a key moment, though, because the people who just want to get a soundbite to take you down, they can jump on.
He said, lay divinity aside, that Jesus isn't God. Now, I've got to interrupt here. I do that all the time anyway.
That's what we call slander. The interviewer just slandered men like me,
Brandon Kimber, Stephen Kozar, and others who have pointed out
Todd White's extremely heretical statements that Christ laid aside
His divinity and asserted that our motivation is that we're just looking for soundbites so that we can smash
Him publicly. Let me play that again. Because the people who just want to get a soundbite to take you down, they can jump on.
He said, lay divinity aside, that Jesus isn't God. Just looking for a soundbite just so that we can tear them down, man.
Again, that's slander. You just slandered me and a whole bunch of people and attributed to us motivations that do not exist at all.
In fact, I take great pains to let false teachers whom
I'm critiquing say their heresies and their false doctrines in context.
We're not a soundbite program here. We do long -form comparative theology and apologetics.
Long -form, not short. I don't have a clock that tells me, oh, I better hurry up because I'm running out of time.
Even when I did my podcast, oh, man, I broke every rule there ever was when it comes to time because it's important to let people say their statements in context.
So my admonition to that fellow in the white shirt from Remnant Radio, you need to apologize because you just slandered all the people doing discernment out there and ascribed to us motivations we do not have.
And that's one of my problems. Over the years, I've kind of collected up all of the different things that people have said about me.
Going all the way back to Mark Driscoll. Mark Driscoll said of me that I was a maladjusted, socially immature man who lived in his mother's basement and was guilty of blogging while sitting on a beanbag eating
Cheetos in my mom's basement. You see, I've heard them all, so I'm quite familiar when people are slandering me and others.
So yeah, that's just what we're going to call slander right there, because that's what that is. He stopped being
God. But before that, as well as after that, you said he never ceased being
God. So that has to be bracketed to make sure we're clearly...
They're coaching him. So that nobody's taking a soundbite out of context. Yeah, I agree.
Because understanding the fullness of the context of what you said, what I hear you saying, is he laid aside divine privileges.
He did not lay aside his Godness. Watch Todd White's response to this.
They're coaching him. They're actually teaching him. He hasn't really got this sorted out. Michael Brown had to help him, and these guys are clearly helping him.
But when he came, he added humanity to his divinity, but he never subtracted his divinity.
He just laid aside divine privileges. So this guy knows the Athanasian Creed, by the way. And that's a perfectly orthodox explanation that he's giving.
That's the emptying of himself. And that the reason that's important... He emptied himself by becoming a servant.
...important to you as you're talking through this. I love this, because it helps me explain with better clarity.
Well, because it's... They're teaching him!
Okay, so that's kind of the issue. So if you haven't seen this, it's worth a watch, and there's some follow -up topics in their multi -hour -long interview with Todd White that I think are interesting.
So it's definitely worth the watch. Again, you can find it at the Remnant Radio channel on YouTube.
Now, real quick, my good associate, colleague in crime,
Dan Kimber of the American Gospel Documentaries, he put out a response video,
I mean, almost like the next day, in fact, probably the next day. Let me check dates real quick here.
September 23rd? No, he missed it by a couple of days. Two days later, he put out a response video.
The reason why I thought it was the next day, because I got to preview this before he put it up, and he did send it to me the next day.
So I got to see the preview copy before this went live. But all of that being said,
I would note Brandon Kimber, I think, takes on the claim that somehow we're just looking for soundbites to take
Todd down. No, we're not. And then in this video, oh my goodness.
Talk about beating a dead horse. Brandon Kimber just pulls out the stops and plays soundbite after soundbite,
I mean, of the actual statements that Todd White has said showing that this is his theology.
This is not just somebody taking him out of context for the purpose of whacking him on the head and saying, he's bad.
No, we'll play a few of these. And we'll put a link to this, by the way, down below in the description so that you can see the entire thing in its context, because I think this is just really well done.
And it goes above and beyond what is necessary when it comes to footnotes and bibliography regarding your claims that Todd White teaches and has taught the
Canonic Christ. Jesus, who knew no sin, ever, not once, not ever, never sinned, born of the
Virgin Mary, never sinned. He wasn't here as God. Jesus was not born into this world to be
God. He was fully God and fully man, but he had to lay aside all divinity, all of it, every bit of it.
He had to humble himself and become a bondservant and be tempted at all points, yet without sin.
He doesn't understand how the Incarnation and the Hypostatic Union works. That scripture alone validates that Jesus did what he did as a man, because God cannot be tempted.
Alright, so Jesus had to do what he did as a man because God cannot be tempted. Well, Jesus, the God -man, was tempted.
Indeed he was. Scripture says that it is impossible for God to be tempted, and Jesus was tempted at all points.
That scripture alone verifies that when he was here, he walked this out as a man.
First, we need to understand that... Alright, so he'll go on to talk about the doctrine of impeccability as it relates to Christ, and again,
I'm going to fast forward and play a little bit more of the sound bites. Let's listen to that one more time.
Todd says people say that Todd White takes the deity away from Jesus, and Todd responds by saying, no, what you've done is you've taken what
Jesus said he was away from the Bible. If you've taken what
Jesus said he was away from the Bible. See, if Jesus didn't do what he did as a man, there's nothing for us to model.
And by the way, that's the issue. The whole reason for the canonic Christ is because it reduces
Jesus to an example. He did everything he did to show us how it's done so that we can go out and do the same.
That's kind of the point. There's no model for us. And then we're always left with, well, that was Jesus. Don't say, well, that was
Jesus. That was Jesus as a man, not
God. Okay, that's either the Nestorian heresy or the canonic heresy or both.
But right off the bat, that's Nestorianism. Anointed by God. If he came as God, he wouldn't need anointed.
If he came as God, the Holy Spirit wouldn't have had to come upon him in River Jordan. If he came as God, he wouldn't have been tempted at all points because you can't tempt
God. Yeah, but yet Jesus, the God -man, was tempted.
He came as a man. Just the very fact that he was tempted at all points yet without sin shows us that he did not fulfill the covenant as God when he was on earth.
He didn't fulfill the covenant as God. Now, here's where we're going to do a little bit of work.
And I prepared a little keynote session here that we'll put up on the screen here.
And this will help us out. Now, we're going to use some big terms. We've already mentioned them.
Incarnation, hypostatic union. So, in the one Christ there is a hypostasis. It is a personal union.
I'll explain all of this along the way. So, note then, we'll back this up from Scripture.
We'll show you how the biblical texts work. We'll show you then what the Chalcedonian Creed as well as the
Athanasian Creed have said in this regard because they say the same thing as the Bible, and that's why they're true.
And you'll learn a little bit of language along the way. And one of my favorite texts in this regard regarding the hypostatic union is
John 8. And this is not a text that a lot of people go to, but when you understand how the hypostatic union works,
John 8, wow, it's huge, best way to put it. Okay, all of that being said, I'm kind of excited.
Get ready. Grab a Bible. Something to write with. It's going to be helpful if you take notes, but here we go.
So, here's the idea. We're going to start with you. We're going to start with me. So, the one person who is you has both a body and a soul.
This is true. As Scripture says, to be absent from the body is to be present with Christ, and so you have a physical body and you have a soul.
And note then, there are not two of you. No. There is only one of you.
All right? So, everything you do from eating to sleeping to praying, you do with both your body and your soul.
In fact, if I were to challenge you, it's like, all right, I want somebody here to do 50 jumping jacks.
I couldn't even do five. But if I said, I want you to do 50 jumping jacks, but here's the caveat. I only want you to do those jumping jacks with only your body and not your soul.
Can't do it. Because in order for that to happen, you first have to die. Because when you rip apart the body and the soul, we call that death.
And I have yet to see a corpse doing jumping jacks. And don't even get me started on these zombie movies and stuff like that.
Not even going to go there. That's all fiction. You get the point. So, the point is, is everything you do, you do body and soul.
The one person who is you, there is not the body you and then the soul you.
No. There's you. All right? So, everything you do, you do body and soul.
Straight up. So, there is a union then. This is how God has made us. God has made us living souls.
All right? So, you'll note, this goes all the way back to Genesis. So, there's God. He takes the dust of the earth, forms it into a body, and then he breathes into the nostrils of Adam.
In fact, let's take a look at that real quick because I think this is going to be quite helpful. Let's see here.
I want a Hebrew text. And that Hebrew is just a little too big. We're going to go to Genesis 1.
Didn't plan on putting this in here, but let's throw this in as a bonus. And so, we get to where God made man.
Actually, I think I want Genesis 2. Yes, I do want Genesis 2. All right. So, Genesis 2 then tells us how this all went down regarding the creation of Adam.
So, when no bush of the field was yet in the land, no small plant of the field had yet sprung up.
For Yahweh Elohim had not caused it to rain on the land. There was no man to work the ground, and the mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground.
Then Yahweh Elohim formed the man of the dust from the ground and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And man became a living soul. Nefesh, there is soul.
Sorry, it just, that's, you know. He became a living, it says living soul.
So, le nefesh hayah, okay, a living soul.
That's what the text says. I know the ESV says living creature, but living soul is probably a better way of translating that because nefesh says that, living soul.
All right. So, think of it this way. So, God forms the body of Adam. And consider the implications of this beautiful picture of the creation of humanity.
So, there is the lifeless body of Adam, and God breathes into his nostrils the breath of life.
Which means that the very first thing that Adam witnessed when his eyes opened as a living creature, as a living soul, was the face of God.
It's beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful. So, you know, I just, again, consider the implications of it.
So, man becomes a living nefesh, soul.
All right. So, everything you do, everything you do, you do body and soul.
Because you and I, we are also living souls. We are living creatures. And so, keep that in mind.
That forms the basis of our understanding of how the hypostatic union works.
So, that's the little bit of groundwork we'll do. So, think of it this way then. Now, the one person who is
Jesus Christ. Yo, there, look. I got the white Jesus that showed up on the stage over at David Taylor's.
I'm joking. I couldn't help it. Okay. Let's go back to the slide.
So, the one person who is Jesus Christ. And there's only one person, Jesus Christ. He has both a divine nature, that's his divinity, and he has a human nature comprised of a human's body and a human soul.
So, this is the important part. In the one person, Jesus Christ, he has a divine nature and he has a full human nature.
So, it is incorrect to say that Jesus has a human body that – and then rather than having a human soul, that he is – that it's the divine nature in an earth suit or in a man's suit.
That's totally wrong. Okay. So, Jesus has a human body. He has a human soul. And what does
Christ say on the cross? Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Okay.
So, Jesus has a human body and a human soul. He also has a divine nature. Yet, there are not two
Jesuses. There's one Jesus. So, you get the point. Okay. So, everything then that Jesus does from eating to sleeping to praying, he does with both his divine nature and his human nature in the same way that everything you do, you do body and soul.
Everything Jesus does, he does with both his divine nature and his human nature. And here's the thing.
Jesus still is the God -man today. He's still the son of David who will sit on the throne of David forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
Amen. Okay. So, this continues on to this day. Now, let me show you it from biblical texts.
So, here's a clear one. Romans 1, 1 -4. Paul, the servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the
Holy Scriptures. Concerning his son, notice it doesn't say sons.
And that's the important part. It's easy to miss this bit. It doesn't say sons.
It says concerning his son, singular. Who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the son of God in power according to the spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.
Jesus Christ doesn't say Jesus Christ's, but Christ our
Lord. It doesn't say Lord's, but Lord. And there's the part. So, concerning his son, singular.
Not sons. And so, the idea then is in the one person,
Jesus Christ, Romans 1 says he has a human nature and a divine nature, and yet it always refers to him as one person.
One son. One Jesus. One Lord. Not two. The divine
Lord and then the human Lord. No. So, the idea then is that in the Incarnation, the two natures have come together in a single personal union.
And that's what's called the hypostatic union, and it's right there in Scripture. So, you can see this is explicitly taught in this text that the one person,
Jesus Christ, has a divine nature and a human nature. And as far as his human nature is concerned, he is directly descended from King David.
Straight up. All right. Next text. Colossians 2, 8 and 9. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, not according to Christ.
For in him, singular. In fact, let me pull this up. I'm going to—so,
I already took a look at the Romans text. Let me go to Colossians 2. Colossians 2. And for in him—and
I'll point this out. Hati and auto. Auto is singular.
It is a singular personal pronoun. In him.
It does not say in them. It says in him. Singular.
For in him, singular, the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily.
Somaticos. Bodily. So, here again, in the one person, again, singular personal pronoun, him, one, there you have the divine nature dwelling bodily in a human nature.
So, the two are in agreement. One person, two natures, and there's not two
Christ, there's only one. All right? So, that's the idea, that within the one person,
Jesus Christ, he has a human nature and a divine nature. And everything Jesus does, everything he does, he does with both his human nature and his divine nature.
Now, you'll note that like on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus chose to manifest his glory, and then he turned it off.
So, he has the ability to make use of the full attributes of the divine nature, or to limit his use of the attributes of the divine nature.
But he doesn't have the ability to lay aside the divine nature at all, because again, that would be ripping
Jesus apart. Okay? So, next text then, Matthew 1, which is a text related to the conception and the birth of Jesus Christ.
Let me see if I can make that... No, I can't. There we go. I'll go that way. Now, the birth of Jesus...
I better make that smaller. Hang on a second here. There we go. The birth of Jesus took place...
Of Jesus Christ, the Christ, singular, took place in this way.
When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph before they came together, she was found to be with child from the
Holy Spirit, and her husband, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly.
But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying,
Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the
Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, doesn't say sons, son, and you shall call his name
Yeshua, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. All of this took place to fulfill what the
Lord had spoken by the prophet. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, singular, and they shall call his name
Immanuel, which means God with us. One person, two natures.
Divine nature, human nature. That's why we can say that Jesus is
God in human flesh, and that means God with us. He was that from his conception, and he was that, still that to this day.
Still to this day. Next text. Acts 20 -28. Now, by virtue of the hypostatic union and the
Incarnation, again, in the one person, Jesus Christ, he has a divine nature and a human nature. By virtue of the
Incarnation, you can now say things about God that you normally couldn't say. All right?
So, for instance, you know, scripture is clear. God is spirit. Okay? Do spirits bleed?
No, not at all. But listen to what Paul says to the pastors of the congregations in the city of Ephesus.
He says to them in Acts 20 -28, pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock in which the
Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
When did God bleed? On the cross. You see, the one man,
Jesus Christ, who has both a divine nature and a human nature, he bled. He bled, and by his blood, we have been redeemed.
Redeemed from slavery to sin, death, the devil. So, the idea here is that you'll note that this text says that God bled, and the only way you're able to say something as, like, jaw -dropping bizarre as that is by virtue of the
Incarnation and the hypostatic union. Because God is spirit, and he doesn't bleed, yet Jesus bled, and he is the
God -man. So, everything he does, he does as the God -man.
And you're going to note, this text makes it very clear that the God -man, Jesus Christ, is the one who suffered for our sins on the cross.
Okay? Now, let's take a look at the Chalcedonian Creed real quick here. And again, the reason why creeds, you know, the creeds are useful is because they are normed by Scripture.
They say the same thing as the biblical text. They say it just using different words.
And so, the idea here is that this was written in 451 AD, and is a creed that was put together to put down, you know, the heresies that had arisen regarding false understandings of Christ in the
Incarnation. You know, so you had the denial of Christ's deity by the Arians, you had the denial of the
Trinity by the Oneness Pentecostals, well, actually, by the Sibelians, and so that's what they were called, but today they're
Oneness Pentecostals. The Arians today are the Jehovah's Witnesses, and certain groups that are, you know, like the
Shepherd's Chapel and other things. And so, they deny the deity of Christ.
And then you had the Nestorian heresy, which was a heresy that did not rightly understand the
Incarnation and the hypostatic union, and basically said that Jesus, His divine nature and human nature were stuck together like two pieces of wood that were glued together.
There was no communication of the attributes between the two natures. So, you didn't have a real person, you know, you had something very weird, and that was the
Nestorian heresy. And then you also had another heresy that took Jesus' divine nature and His human nature and blended them together to create a third substance, okay?
Kind of like if you take yellow and green, it makes blue. And so, they didn't properly keep the distinction between the two natures and the one person who is
Christ, and so the Eutychian heresy mingled them, alright? So, those are examples of different heresies,
Nestorian heresy, Eutychian heresy. The Nestorian heresy and Eutychian heresy are on two opposite sides of the spectrum.
The Canonic heresy is the belief that Christ laid aside His divinity, and that during His time of His humility, from the time of His conception to the time of His death on the cross, that Christ had laid aside
His divinity. You can't lay aside His divinity, okay? It's a denial of the hypostatic union and clear texts that show that Jesus did the things
He did by virtue of the fact that He is the God -Man, okay? So, the Chalcedonian Creed, here's what it says, and I find this helpful.
So, therefore, following the Holy Fathers, we all with one accord teach men to acknowledge one and the same
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. So, note the emphasis on the word one.
Acknowledge one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at once complete in Godhead and complete in manhood, truly
God and truly man, consisting also of a reasonable soul and body, also of one substance with the
Father as regards to His Godhead, and at the same time of one substance with us as regards
His manhood, like us in all respects apart from sin, as regards to His Godhead, begotten of the
Father before the ages, but yet as regards to His manhood, begotten for us men and for our salvation of Mary the
Virgin. One and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only begotten, recognized in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation.
And that's kind of the important bits. You're going to note that in the Chalcedonian Creed, there are certain things that they're excluding, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation.
So, this is dealing with the Nestorian heresy, the Eutychian heresy, and other heresies in particular, but we'll talk about that more in a second.
So, the distinction of the natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather characteristics of each nature then being preserved and coming together to form one person and substance, not as parted or separated into two persons, but one and the same
Son and only begotten God, the Word, Lord Jesus Christ, even as the prophets from the earliest times spoke of Him and our
Lord Jesus Christ Himself taught us and the creed of the Father says handed down to us. So, again, one person, you don't confuse the natures, you don't divide the natures, you don't commingle the natures, you get the idea.
And so, you'll note that in the hypostatic union, the coming together of these two natures into the one person who is
Jesus Christ, then there is a communication of the attributes of each of the natures in the one person
Jesus. So, Jesus can do things you and I can't do, all right? So, kind of emphasizing then the four statements, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation.
The Lord Jesus Christ is not what you get when you mix blue and yellow together and end up with green.
Yeah, I think I got that wrong, yellow and... Yeah, okay, you get the point. Okay, He's not a tertium quid or a third thing, all right?
The result of mixing a divine nature and a human nature. So, without confusion, okay, that's the
Eutychian heresy. Without change, in assuming human flesh, the Logos did not cease to be what
He had always been. The Incarnation affected no substantial change in the Divine Son.
Without division, okay, this is going to deal with the Nestorian heresy. The two natures of Christ do not represent a split in the
Divine Person. Jesus Christ is not half God and half man. He's fully
God and fully man. Without separation, again, this is Nestorian heresy, the union of the human and divine in the person of Jesus Christ is a real, organic union, not simply a moral sympathy or a relational partnership.
It's a true, organic union. Jesus is a bona fide, for real, person.
That's the point, okay? Now, the same concepts show up then in the Athanasian Creed, and here's what it says.
So, it is also necessary for everlasting salvation that one faithfully believe the Incarnation of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is the right faith that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Son of God, is at the same time both God and man. He is
God, begotten from the substance of the Father before all ages. He is man, born from the substance of His mother in this age.
Perfect God, perfect man. Again, Romans 1, Colossians 2, John 1, okay?
Those are all the back texts for this. Perfect God, perfect man, composed of a rational soul and a human flesh, equal to the
Father with respect to His divinity, less than the Father with respect to His humanity. Although He is
God and man, He is not two. He is one Christ.
Again, that's Romans 1, just kind of worked around and re -summarized.
One, however, not by a conversion of the divinity into flesh, but by the assumption of humanity into God.
One, altogether, not by a confusion of substance, again, Eutychian heresy, but by unity of person.
For as the rational soul and flesh is one man, that's you and I, so God and man is one
Christ. So, that's the basics of it, if you wanted to understand it, that's the basics of it.
Again, it's a little hard to wrap your head around, but again, just come back to the idea that there's not two of you, there's only one of you, and yet you have a body and a soul.
That's the idea. Same with Christ. There's not two Jesuses, there's one organic personal union of two natures, the divine nature and the human nature in Jesus Christ, and it doesn't create a third substance at all.
So, you get the point. All right, all of that being said, let's take a look at some other texts in this regard.
Now, a couple of days ago, actually more like a week ago, I went into the Gospel of John chapter 2 and noted something here, that John chapter 2 ascribes a miracle to Jesus, straight up.
In John chapter 2, on the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, the mother of Jesus was there, and so you know the story,
I'm not going to read this out, I just did it a couple, like a week ago, that they ran out of wine, and so what happens here is that Jesus takes six stone water jars and he changes the water into wine, sends it off to the master of the feast who's confused as to where this comes from, because normal protocol is you start off with good wine and then you swap it out with the not so good wine after people have had a little too much to drink, but Jesus reversed the process and saved the best till last.
And then here's the text. This, the first of his signs, Jesus did.
He did it. At Cana in Galilee, and he manifested his glory.
Jesus performed the miracle, he manifested his glory.
So you'll note, how did Jesus do that miracle? Well, Jesus is the God -man. Jesus can do stuff you and I can't do.
Now, the best text, and this is not one that a lot of people go to, but I consider this to be the definitive text on the hypostatic union, because you can see the interplay between the two natures in the one
Christ. All right? So, Gospel of John, chapter 8. And let's just say that,
I don't know if you've noticed this, but Jesus didn't get along too well with heretics. And that's how you have to think of the
Pharisees, they're flat -out heretics. They do not represent orthodoxy, they represent heresy, they are heretics.
They added to the scriptures, made the Word of God void by their human traditions and things like this, and Jesus was always knocking heads with these guys.
And the irony is, is that they claimed to worship and serve the
God who was standing right in front of them, and they didn't even recognize their own God. That's the crazy part about this.
So in John 8, we got one of these long -running verbal battles, we're going to kind of jump into this verbal battle partway through it, and now that you have the basics of the hypostatic union, in the one person,
Jesus Christ, he has two natures, the divine nature and human natures. There's not two of them, there's only one of them, you got it?
Okay? So there's a communication between the two natures. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, if you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Now, so immediately there's a bunch of Jews who, you know, they're looking to, you know, to find something to trip
Jesus up on, or looking for him to make a mistake so they can finally take him down. So they said, we are offspring of Abraham, we have never been enslaved to anyone.
How is it that you say you will become free? Okay, not a bad question.
So Jesus answered them, truly, truly, amen, amen. I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
The slave doesn't remain in the house forever, the son remains forever. So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
I know that you are offspring of Abraham, yet you seek to kill me, because my word finds no place in you.
I speak of what I have seen with my father, and you do what you have heard from your father.
Okay, so you'll note that they are offspring of Abraham, yet they seek to kill
Jesus. Does being genetically Jewish give you an inside track with God? No, it doesn't.
Okay, and so Jesus is saying, Abraham really isn't your father, you have a different daddy than that. So they answered him,
Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them, if you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works
Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.
This is not what Abraham did. You are doing the works your father did.
And they said to him, we were not born of sexual immorality. We have one father, even
God. And Jesus said to them, if God were your father, you would love me.
For I came from God, and I am here. I want to see something here.
Yep. And I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what
I say? It's because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil.
Your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar, and he is the father of lies.
Because I tell you the truth, you don't believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin?
If I tell the truth, why do you not believe? Whoever is of God hears the words of God.
The reason you do not hear them is that you are not of God. Well, that gets rid of the idea of precious moments,
Jesus. That is just brutal, blunt, in -your -face truth.
But he's right. Again, they're not from God. If they were from God, if they were true sons of Abraham, they would be believing
Jesus and his words. But they don't. They're of their father the devil. Now, they're not happy about what
Jesus just did here. So let's just say that things are going to escalate just a little bit. So the
Jews answered him, Are we not right in saying that you're a Samaritan and that you have a demon? Now, a little bit of a note here.
You can see this clearly in the Bible. Jews and Samaritans didn't get along.
In fact, Jews were very racially prejudiced towards Samaritans.
And to say that Jesus is a Samaritan is a racial epithet. So it's a slur.
So not only is Jesus a Samaritan, and that's a racially charged slur, they're saying he's demonized, too.
He's demon -possessed. So yeah, things have escalated here. So Jesus answered them,
I don't have a demon, but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me. Yet I do not seek my own glory.
There's one who seeks it, and he is the judge. Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.
Now, that is quite the statement. Now, this is where the Jews are going to really zero in. They think, ah -ha, we've got him now.
Because if you think back to your Old Testament, did Abraham hear the words of God? Yeah.
Indeed. Did the prophets of the Old Testament hear the words of God? Yep, they did.
Did Moses hear the words of God? Yeah. Did Abraham die?
Yeah. Moses? Yeah. The prophets, did they die? Yeah, they died, too.
All right, so at this point, they think, ah -ha, now we've got it. Because Jesus says, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.
By the way, Jesus meant that. If you truly are trusting in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, you will never see death, ever.
Jesus doesn't lie. So they think Jesus, at this point, is lying. This proves that he's demonized.
So the Jews said to him, now we know you have a demon. Abraham died, as did the prophets.
Yet you say, if anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death.
Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? Remember, he heard the word of God, right?
And the prophets, they heard the word of God. They died, Jesus. Who do you make yourself to be?
It's a great text. So Jesus said, if I glorify myself, my glory is nothing.
It is my father who glorifies me, of whom you say he is our God. But you have not known him.
I know him. If I were to say I do not know him, I would be a liar like you. But I do know him, and I keep his word.
Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.
So here in verse 56, all right? Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day and saw it and was glad.
Here's the issue. There is no biblical text in the Old Testament that says that.
It's not in the Torah. It's not in the writings. It's not in the prophets. It's nowhere in the
Tanakh. So at this point, Jesus is giving us new information about Abraham that's not in the
Old Testament. He is talking about Abraham as if he knows him. So let me ask you the question.
How old is Jesus' body at this point? His body is 30 -something years old.
We know that he began his ministry at 30. So his body is 30 -something. He's an early 30s guy at this point.
How many years prior to the birth of Jesus did Abraham die?
Thousands. I mean almost 2 ,000 years. Maybe even 2 ,000 years.
So have the physical eyes of the one person, Jesus Christ, seen
Abraham? No. They haven't. So how is it possible that Jesus is talking about Abraham as if he knows him?
And that's the point that the Jews are going to really zero in on. So the
Jews said to him, verse 57, You are not yet 50 years old and you've seen Abraham? And here it comes.
Jesus said to them, amen, amen. I say to you, before Abraham was, ego eimi,
I am. And here, when Jesus says ego eimi,
I am, he is invoking the divine name for God that God gave to Moses in the book of Exodus chapter 3.
Let me see if I have that. Let me pull it up. Exodus chapter 3. Let me show you this.
In Exodus chapter 3, there's God speaking to Moses from the burning bush and commissioning him to go and tell
Pharaoh, let my people go. So Exodus 3 .13 says, Moses said to God, if I come to the people of Israel and say to them, the
God of your fathers has sent me and they asked me, what is his name? What shall
I say to them? God said to Moses, I am who I am. And he said, say this to the people of Israel.
I am has sent me to you. That's the name. So what we see going on here in John 8, so Jesus is acting like, he's not acting, he's making it very clear.
He knows Abraham. He knows him very well. In fact, knows information about Abraham that you and I can't get from the
Bible. And the Jews are immediately alerted to this and you're not yet 50 years old and you've seen
Abraham, really. And Jesus said, before Abraham was, I am.
Jesus is saying he's God in human flesh. He's saying that I am the I am.
And this, according to the Jews who do not believe in him, would be blasphemy. A mere human being claiming to be
God, that would be blasphemy. So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.
So here we see the hypostatic union in its working.
There's a communication of the attributes. In the one man Jesus Christ, he's got a divine nature and a human nature, and his physical eyes have not seen
Abraham. Yet by virtue of the hypostatic union, Jesus knows
Abraham very well. So you could see a communication of the divine nature to the one man who is
Christ. You get the idea. So that's how that works. Great text, by the way. And also, let me show you this, because...
Is it 12 or 13? I want to say 14.
Hang on a second here. When Jesus walks on the water, Jesus also uses the divine name for himself.
So we're all familiar with this text. Immediately, Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds.
And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat, by this time, was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, so the wind was against them.
And in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, it's a ghost, and they cried out in fear.
But immediately, Jesus spoke to them, Bad translation.
I take issue with this. Okay. That's what
Jesus said. There's Jesus walking on the water. They're freaking out. He says, take heart. I am. Do not be afraid.
The divine name from Exodus 3. Jesus uses it here in Matthew 14. So Peter answered him,
So no, Peter does this not because of his great faith, because of his great doubt that it's Jesus. No one ever preaches it that way.
That's what's going on here. So he said, come. So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. And when he saw the wind and was afraid and began to sink and cried out,
Why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased, and those in the boat listened to what the text says.
They worshiped Jesus, saying, To say that Jesus is the
Son of God is to say he's God. Another text along those lines, then.
Let's see here. Is it John 5? I think it is
John 5. Mm -hmm. Yes. So after Jesus heals the paralytic in John chapter 5, he heals him on the
Sabbath, and the guy told him to take up his bed and walk. But the
Jews took issue with the fact that Jesus healed on the Sabbath. They considered that a breaking of the
Sabbath. It wasn't. So the man went away and told the Jews it was Jesus who had healed him. This is chapter 5, verse 15.
So this is why the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these things on the Sabbath. But Jesus answered them,
This is why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Jesus, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath, he wasn't, but he was even calling
God his own Father, making himself equal with God. So in Matthew 14, when the disciples are worshiping
Jesus, we're only to worship God, only. And so the whole point of that text is that Jesus says,
I am, and proves it by his ability to command the wind and the waves to do things, and they do.
And it results in his disciples worshiping him and proclaiming him to be the
Son of God. So you get the idea. So what Todd White has done is he's been teaching, at best, the canonic heresy, and at worst,
Nestorianism, and he does not make proper distinctions. He's not qualified to be a preacher in Christ's Church, and he's been sowing confusion and getting people to believe false things regarding Christ and teaching a different Jesus.
So now that you have a biblical understanding of how the hypostatic union works, in the one person
Jesus Christ, he has divine nature and human nature. There are not two Jesuses, there's only one. Now let's take a look at some more of these statements that Todd White has made.
He did it as a man. I'm going to back this up. I think we either have
Japanese or Korean subtitles. He fulfilled the covenant as God when he was on earth. He did it as a man in right relationship with God.
Jesus is the God -man. The one man Jesus Christ, the one person
Jesus Christ, has both a divine and a human nature and always does. Are you with me?
Are you following what I'm laying down here? Because this is like the really good news.
Guys, are you hearing me? When it comes to the miraculous, if you don't understand this, then you can't pray for the sick.
Why? Right, so apparently you can't pray for the sick if you don't believe that Jesus laid aside his divinity.
Nonsense. Because that was Jesus, I'm not Jesus. No, Jesus never healed the sick as God.
Jesus healed the sick as a man in perfect relationship with God.
False. Jesus is the God -man. The one man Jesus Christ has both a human nature and a divine nature.
Everything Jesus did, he did as the God -man. Jesus was here.
The Holy Spirit comes down upon Jesus, rests it upon him, and remained. And when
Jesus healed the sick, it was God through Jesus. Jesus said several times. Then why did
Jesus perform the miracle at Cana in Galilee on his own steam? He performed it. Manifested his glory by doing so.
He said, you know, if you don't believe me through the things that I say, at least believe me through the works that I do.
For it's the Father who dwells in me that does the works. I'd like to see that text in context, please.
Okay, so Jesus fulfills the law. The only way we could be right with God is if somebody walks out 613 laws and 10 commandments and never misses it.
So Jesus walks every one of them out and never misses one. So when he died, he did that as a man.
He didn't do it as God. Jesus was fully God and fully man, but he laid his divinity aside.
Which is a complete contradiction. This is not what Scripture teaches at all.
Humbled himself, became a bondservant, and was tempted at all points yet without sin.
So he never sinned, and he did it as a man. I'm not taking away from his divinity.
The reason why he did is because God made covenant. He was fully
God and fully man, but he laid his divinity aside. Jesus being fully
God and fully man, the Son of God, the
Son of Man, had to lay his divinity aside That woman is speaking
Hebrew, by the way. in order to fulfill the law on our end. He was fully
God and fully man, but he had to lay fully
God aside. Yeah, I think we've made the point.
There's more, by the way, if you want to see the video again. We'll put a link to it down in the description. Yeah, we haven't misquoted
Todd White at all. He's not qualified to be a teacher in Christ Church.
He teaches a different Jesus, a different spirit, a different gospel. He's in it for himself. He's a worker of parlor tricks and calls them miracles.
He's a wolf, and that's all there is to it. Now you have at least a basic understanding of the hypostatic union.
The best way I can put it is it doesn't get any more complicated than this. In the one man Jesus Christ, in the one person
Jesus Christ, he has a divine nature and human nature. The end. The two have come together, and he can't mingle them together, can't keep them separated.
There's a true organic personal union between them so that we can say there's only one Jesus, not two.
Again, everything Jesus does, he does as the God man. He even receives worship.
He receives worship from his disciples, which would be utter blasphemy if he had laid his divinity aside.
I think you get the point. All right. Hopefully you found this helpful and not too confusing. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.