Isaiah Lesson 53

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Isaiah: Prophet of the Suffering Servant Lesson 53: Isaiah 42:10-25 Pastors Jeff Kliewer and John Lasken


Okay, if you if you were to look in a lot of the teachings in the
New Testament Let's say we're in Romans Romans 3 23 for all of sin
Fall short of the glory of God Romans 6 23 tells us that the wages of sin is death.
No Romans 5 8 It says but God demonstrated his love towards us and that while we were yet sinners
Christ died for us You get you get the message of salvation, but the message of salvation has a precursor
You're a sinner. If you were to go into Ephesians 2 And it talks about how we followed after the course of the world
The Prince of the power of the air fulfilling the lusts of our flesh Then it says but God and then
Ephesians 2 way for my grace I say to faith so you've got the message of salvation the hope of the
New Testament, but there is the reality of Sin and if you go to Titus 3 5 not by works of righteousness, which we have done
Well that really implies that there's something wrong with us Okay, there is a message in there of sin not by works of righteousness, which we have done but by his mercy
He saved us. There's the message of hope. There's the message of salvation Really a predominant theme and approach in the
New Testament. Did you get the message? You're a sinner Then did you get the message that because of sin?
There's this separation spiritual death, but I got a better hope for you. And that's the hope of the
Messiah That's the you and Gellie We got we learned a lot about you and Gellie in last week, didn't we?
Hmm, who is it that spoke on you and Gellie at the pastor's conference? Yeah Yeah amazing stuff interesting the last time
Jeff Spoke two weeks ago, I guess it was he was in the beginning of of chapter 42
Jeff to remember what the emphasis and that passage was that's the servant song the first servant song
And what's what's the takeaway from that servant song that Christ is the promised servant that Isaiah foretold?
Oh, it's so beautiful. It's so beautiful Jeff. I want you to read the first verse of chapter 43
But now thus says the Lord he who created you Oh Jacob he who formed you Oh Israel Fear not for I have redeemed you.
I have called you by name. You are mine So we've got again at the end of the at the other side of the passage
We're going to look at today at the front end of it was the servant the first servant song
Yeah, the promise of the coming Messiah then at the end of it is this okay then but I've got it
I've got a solution for you. So in the middle is where we are today and and it's it's
Isaiah 42 verses 10 to 25 The message of a
Messiah and the message of the promised Messiah the message of God's provision of a
Messiah becomes so amazing When you put it in Context of the reality.
I'm a sinner If you put it into context, I I need I need a solution.
We go to Romans. We go to Ephesians We go to Titus the message is all throughout Scripture.
You're a sinner. You're dead, but I got good news that you and Galia God sent his son
John 3 16, you know with his love he sent his son Where we are today in this section
Isaiah 42 10 to 25 It has some some beautiful promises and some some beautiful Realizations from God but interspersed with all of this is the fact that Although Israel is called they fall short
Although Mankind is called mankind falls short and we're going to see that as it plays through This section doing it a little bit at a time.
We see God callings to mankind But then we see God's powerful and victorious
Actions that he takes and and then how he acts and how he calls And then he's going to turn back and he's going to put a big old thumb on top of the meaningless
Idols and then he's going to go back to Israel and they're deaf and they're blind. Although I call out to them
And then although God's law is on display Israel just as people just don't get it and then it's going to close out with the heat of God's wrath
That's kind of the it's kind of the overview of what we're going to do. We're going to take this piece at a time
But I got good news for you because next week pastor Jeff is going to start out with 43 verse 1 after we're going to learn about the heat of God's wrath
You leave the good part for me. You take the hard part. Yeah, go ahead and read that again I don't want them leaving here feeling down, but now thus says the
Lord But now says the Lord after all this stuff we're going to read about today
But now what an incredible we're doing a little bit of Gino Jennings and his reader read
Have you ever seen have you ever seen any of the videos of Gino Jennings? Services, he stands up and he has this guy sitting down brother
So one's like Joseph or whatever and he'll be reading and Gino will do what I just did and just banging the emphasis
Fear not for I am not Gino Jennings Fear Not for I am with you.
No, you're not for I have redeemed you Yeah, I have called you by name you are mine. Would you open us in a prayer?
Yes So father, thank you so much for your word. We love your word. Your word is truth.
So sanctify us by your truth Lord we thank you for the gift of Knowledge that comes by the scripture and we pray that you would increase our knowledge as we study
We pray also Lord that we would be conformed to your likeness as we learn about you and who you are
God We pray that we would grow in conformity to the Son of God Change us and help us to live out the things that we are learning in Jesus name.
Amen. Amen. Thank you so much Jeff and Isaiah 42 you're gonna give me 10 to 12 first Isaiah 40 verse 5 little
Ricky if you want to get Isaiah 40 verse 5 ready Appreciate that so go ahead sing to the
Lord a new song his praise from the end of the earth You who go down to the sea and all that fills it the coastlands and their inhabitants
Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice the villages that Keter inhabits
Let the inhabitants of Selah sing for joy. Let them shout from the top of the mountains
Let them give glory to the Lord and declare his praise in the coastlands
The Lord goes out like a mighty man like a man of war. He stirs up his zeal.
Okay, that was good 13 will come next but I want to take this little section here and I believe that the section
Validates the fact that God is actually calling all mankind It's not just his chosen people
Israel now He's going to focus on it Let's remember that Israel in fact he they were called they receive his word
And there to be a light in the world. That's that's Israel And we know that well, they kind of fall short on that all too often not only in their
Relationship with God but in there, you know being a light and a testimony to the world but this section
I believe can can be shown to To emphasize that all mankind is gets this call
All right in verse 10, I back up just a little bit Yeah, I'm not in verse 10.
It says sing to him lift up your voice and shout from the mountaintops these are exhortations to be vocal to be to be proclaiming
From a heart that has received and has perceived what God has to say
There are there are so many loud voices out there That even call themselves to be evangelical that are today proclaiming too many falsehoods
They they're dimming the lampstand that they have and and much worse than that. We do have the name of claimants
They man they are these guys are so charismatic and they're so Enthusiastic, you know, you can't help but get get excited when you when you hear some of Jimmy Baker was that who it was or you know
Just because you have something loud and just because you can sing it with an enthusiasm and charisma
That's not a good thing What they what he's calling on them now is to sing to the
Lord a new song and his praise to the end of the Earth he's calling for people to have a reaction and a response to God And then to the rest of the world and then to be a light
In the world, how can you possibly be going back and singing to God a song?
That's deceitful or that's compromised No He is looking for the people And who is he talking to he says you that go down to the sea all that fill in the coastlands and their inhabitants the deserts
And their city he's talking a panoramic view of the world as a they had it in that part of the world
Whether it's the coastland or the wasteland. It's not just the Jews This is all mankind and he's calling them to sing out and let the inhabitants of Sela sing for joy
To have the reality of what God is Proclaiming in your heart into the depths of your heart so that it turns into a song of joy
Is really what God is looking for? What does the Lord God want but our hearts? You know, he wants our he wants our entire attention and so when you've heard this message and it becomes
Understood understood and it becomes part of you You cannot help but sing out even the rocks sing out all of God's creation sings out
You know obedience and recollection of who he is So singing out for joy and giving glory to the
Lord and singing praises to his name This is what he's calling mankind toward Everybody who hears and who receives is
Encouraged to sing out for joy. What happens if you do have the truth of God in you?
And you remain silent. What happens? It bursts forth.
I mean, I'm reading a book now by Michael Youssef called empowered by praise It's just natural if you're filled with the
Holy Spirit to want praise The Holy Spirit is not satisfied if you do say quiet But I'm going to I'm going to challenge you that if you do say stay quiet here
You're grieving the Holy Spirit and you're starting to become either numb or susceptible
To the compromises that are out there But the other side is that God in his choice and according to his sovereignty
Uses humans to proclaim his glory to other humans I mean, we know that some plant in some water some give the harvest
Okay We are involved and we're encouraged to sing out to the Lord and proclaim his glory to all the earth
Isaiah 45 do you have that? Yes, please Yes, the glory of the
Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the
Lord hath spoken All mankind gets to see that through the general revelation of God Who he is
Psalm 19 the heavens declare the glory of God the firmament shows handiwork all of creation all of mankind
Receives the general revelation and then we have the proclaimed Word of God It's given given to his people to spread out
His word is to is to go out and we know from from God's Exhortation to Abraham and then all nations will be blessed through you
This word is to go out. We are to do now this is what's supposed to be going on at the beginning of this passage and then the the substance and the authority behind it is in verse 13 and Bob I'm gonna ask if you would get
Psalm 27 1 ready and Christian. I know how to say your name now Get Deuteronomy 20 verse 4 if you would get that ready give me 13 again
The Lord goes out like a mighty man like a man of war. He stirs up his zeal.
He cries out He shouts aloud. He shows himself mighty against his foes
I love the way this mighty man this mighty mighty God and the emphasis the picture of battle and that's going on Why does he use the imagery of him as God being involved being a mighty man being a mighty force?
Yeah Why does he use that imagery? Because he's gonna hate sin and destroy it.
He hates sin and gonna destroy it. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna put a You get a limit on how many times you can talk so other people talk to you're too good
You know you get in a room and you know that this guy's got all the answers so you're afraid to talk
So I'm gonna put I'm gonna put a gag order on him Oh Everybody's got a life
Thank you, why else is God described as a mighty man of war
This is an important understanding. Oh, by the way Absolutely Absolutely We are we are in the middle of spiritual warfare pastor
Jeff and I were talking this morning about Things that are going on there was a specific individual
But you know what we got the Holy Spirit all that other kind of stuff. God's got it.
God's got it. He is mighty in battling And how is he recorded here
Responding when a conflict comes And the reverse 13 again, and I will rudely stop you.
Okay? The Lord goes out like a mighty man like a man of war. He stirs up his zeal
Did you hear that? God gets emotionally stirred up In the battle now, we know this all started out when
Lucifer was in heaven I will make myself like the Most High we know that and he's taken down to earth and then it continues as Lucifer Deceives even and and Adam just willingly goes along with the whole thing and through Adam all men sin
We know this to be true and that don't worry about he who can harm your body But he who can harm your soul and so when they got when
God in his love and his mercy Sees what's going on and there is spiritual warfare.
I read this to say he emotionally with zeal gets involved That doesn't mean we're gonna follow him who is we're gonna see as we go on down here
But we got a God who is definitely on our side Psalm 27 1
The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall
I be? afraid Put that one on your Refrigerator this week. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall
I fear? Wow That's powerful
It is easy to get discouraged if we're thinking about what's going on in the world
I gotta I gotta believe what was the name of the one pastor that got arrested up in Canada You had it this morning forget art
Pulaski and he got arrested because he He kept the light shining in his church.
Yeah, and then more recently. There's another pastor who has received Specific words that he is supposed to read from the pulpit that That comport with the message that the government wants put out and he said no
He said no Putting himself again in danger Whom shall
I fear? Nobody now, can I get arrested? Sure You know,
I have a prison ministry. There you go. I think you said that it was MacArthur. Yeah, but you've also said it
Yeah, I don't think Jen really wants you. No, probably not. Probably not Deuteronomy 20 verse 4
Deuteronomy 24 for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you
That's it This is the same God that we just read about who would zeal with emotion
Recognizes the spiritual battle that we're on and he is the mighty one who has the victory He is the one that is going with you specifically with you
And I will tell you with I believe authority in the scripture that if you're feeling attacked
You can call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ go away Satan cannot stand
When when when Jesus Christ is proclaimed, all right, you're gonna give me 14 through 16 and We're gonna read all three of these 2nd
Peter Karen I think that's that's Karen, right? Okay Karen you got 2nd
Peter Ecclesiastes Carol and Lynn you've got Joel. We're actually gonna have a reading out of Joel.
You get a lot of time to find it What did
I call it Carol, she's Carol I did I say that then that's it. All right
You're doing great So I'm reading 14 to 16, yes.
All right. Yes. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. Oh You're Jeff Anybody who read his pastor man, you know what that's all about.
Oh Are you Jeff Okay for a long time. I have held my peace.
I have kept still and restrained myself Now I will cry out like a woman in labor.
I will gasp and pant I will lay waste mountains and hills and dry up all their vegetation.
I will turn the rivers into islands and Dry up the pools and I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know in paths that they have not known
I will God guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light the rough places into level ground
These are the things I do and I do not forsake them two words. I put in this section one is forbearance and long -suffering
Actually gonna be three words Forbearance long -suffering and then mercy
We're gonna see his response to the disobedient But then his response to those who willingly follow what he has to say now
It starts out by saying I've kept my peace for a long time Then I have to ask the question. Why?
Why did he keep his peace for a long time long suffering There is there is a reality that God Is going to is going to have his way.
We know this that's our blessed hope I mean we can look to the end of times But then there is also
I think a time when when God interjects in history and and makes his point
Makes his point. No, but yet he is long -suffering second Peter three The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness
But is long -suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance
Who is going to receive God's wrath who receives God's wrath? the unrepentant now we're going to just take a quick reality check because Just because God disciplines us doesn't mean his wrath is on us.
He preached on that four weeks ago His believers who are being disobedient will be chastised and disciplined for restoration
Not for condemnation, right? For the world who has chosen to not accept and Hebrews is such an interesting book because of the warnings and the warnings you have an individual who has all the
Opportunities to hear and respond and maybe gets right up to it, but then just pulls away
Yeah, and and for the person you you should have known it was there you you've tasted it
But you never took part of it and they fall away those warning the wrath of God is on those kind of people
For those who make it through the entrance, there's going to be discipline and correction
But God remains silent for a time to give time for people to to hear
Ecclesiastes 11 Carol you have that? Barbara, I'm sorry,
Barbara. Do you have that? I'm okay. I'm bad Do you want to pull out of these?
Yes What would give them to dinosaur right about now,
I'm gonna slap them upside the head I'm so lost who's given It's a TV show.
I you know, I confess. I've watched it. Go ahead. So please Ecclesiastes 8 11 to 13 11 to 13
Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily The heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil.
Okay now before you go on. Here's a reality for the world Who has perhaps heard this message of condemnation judgment to come and not feeling it?
And they feel the bold and to say it ain't ever gonna come. I'm fine, right? You know, I'm just gonna go on with life because I'm me
All right, go ahead Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life yet I know that it will be well with those who fear
God because they fear before him But it will not be well with the wicked neither
Will he prolong his days like a shadow because he does not fear before God There is in this economy of God.
You're either a believer or you're not There's no in -between then for the believer. We have things like I'm gonna cry out like a woman in labor
I am I am definitely going to proclaim gasping. I will lay waste the mountains and the hills
I'll dry up the vegetation turn the rivers into islands and dry up the pools There is a coming time
Where God is going to execute the judgment that has to be executed and although I may seem quiet right now
Don't take my silence To be interpreted as I'm not going to do it at all because I am
Now the first half of this little passage here is a is a is a warning and a proclamation
Against those who choose to not believe and to believe that his silence is an indication of that's fine
But then the second half of this is so good Give me 16 again And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know in paths that they have not known
I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light the rough places into level ground
These are the things I do and I do not forsake them Okay them in there is still the unbeliever but the unbeliever who's ready to surrender
And obey it says in the way they don't know in the past they have not known
I will guide them And it says I'm going to turn the darkness into light
The imagery there is for that individual who has not yet found out he is going to call them
He is going to show them. He is going to guide them. In fact, he's going to turn darkness Into light.
Yeah, this is a grace This is an imagery of what happens when grace comes into the soul and you see because he's going to turn the darkness into light
All the rough places are going to be turned into level ground Joel 2 13
Rend your heart and not your garments return to the
Lord your God for he is gracious and compassionate Slow to anger and abounding in love and he relents from sending calamity.
It's not enough to Externally say I am a bum.
I've said it's not enough to say These are these are bad things. That's the external rending the garments
God wants it to get into your heart into the very essence of who you are and to say yeah
Yeah, barely. I'm a sinner and we go back into the passages of Romans and Ephesians and Titus That's the beginning point saying yes,
I am and he says I'm gonna take them places. They've never known They've never recognized what they've done wrong
I'm gonna guide them and I'm gonna turn that darkness. Yes It just is interesting to me and thinking of the character of God and that means what we should emulate in thinking about those that are
Latent in their sin to see them as those walking in darkness Mm -hmm, and that can give you a compassionate response that as the
Lord is slow to anger So should we be compassionate toward them though?
Maybe disgusted in their approach and standing in righteousness, but still with the heart of Compassion for them.
They just don't understand you are so you are so right in in in first Corinthians 5 there's a teaching about sexual immorality that has
Infiltrated the church and there's There's there's teaching that don't don't let this be
That individual who is doing this and we're talking a believer right now this believer who has
Compromised their their standing with God deal with them to the point of taking them out of the church
So that their soul may be restored Okay, and then at the end of it says, oh by the way for the unbeliever, none of this applies
Mm -hmm We we don't treat Unbelievers because they don't know you're absolutely right now that being said you've heard the saying love the sinner but not the sin
And so the person who's caught up in this thing who is an unbeliever We're not we don't get to get out of jail free card that says we can just push them aside
I don't I don't associate with that type. Well Jesus did Right, but that doesn't say that we compromise and say, you know what you're doing that that's fine.
We don't do that We stand up for what true and I love this at the end of verse 16 these things
I do and I do not forsake them We have a God who is faithful.
He's long -suffering. He's merciful and And he's gonna call those whom he's gonna call and he's gonna do it with love
Give me verse 17, please They are turned back and utterly put to shame who trust in carved idols who say to metal images
You are our gods What happens to those who trust in idols? It says it right here turn back
They're put to shame This is this is an amazing thing because idols in one context can be totem poles or you know
Monkeys whatever it could be that they carved out but in our culture idols look different Idols can look like the job.
They can look like my my stature It can make it look like my you know, whatever
And and it doesn't feel like right now Those who are trusting in their idol
Are feeling any shame, but they will That's the promise out of this thing.
He says I don't forsake them. You know what those people who are following after The stuff who do put their trust in idols.
It isn't gonna go good for them. I've got it's true They are there, but it's it's true that they are there, but I am
God Psalm 97 talks out idol worshipers actually boast About what they have made and what and what they have
But then in Leviticus 26 30 a little Ricky if you would get Leviticus 26 30
The the depths of the impact of having an idol in your life are more than just Making you compromise making you step away from from your faithfulness to God And I don't believe that there are sins that we're freed of Even though we're believers.
There are sins that are going to ache after the heart of God and that we're going to be
Disciplined for go ahead and give me Leviticus 26 30. I will destroy your high places
Cut down your incense altars and cast your carcasses on the lifeless forms of your idols
And my soul shall have or you The The reality for the non -believer.
This is devastating and this is ultimately going to be condemnation But for the believer to think that something
I'm doing Would distress the heart of God Should just be enough motivation to not do it.
They have something that we do to be so Abhorrent to the father. I just don't
I don't even want to go there But now we go into Israel the deaf and the blind
Second Corinthians for Bob. I'm going to ask you to get that one ready.
Please. Give me verses 18 to 20 Here you deaf and look you blind that you may see
Who is blind but my servant or deaf as my messenger whom I sent? Who is blind as my dedicated one or blind as a servant of the
Lord? He sees many things but does not observe them. His ears are open
But he does not hear although you have eyes, what are you blind
And although you have ears, what can't you do? This is a sad thing because the message of God is there the general revelation of God is there
The law has been given the messages have been given the teachings not this entire book of Isaiah.
The messages have been very very clear Problems condemnation promise of the
Messiah problems condemnation Problems, which one do would you rather want but he's saying that I've given you all
I've given you all and you have eyes But you can't see it. You can't perceive it and I've given you the words
What are the obstacles that get in the way of our ability to see or our ability to hear?
What are the obstacles to get in our way? our self -centeredness
That that is probably the one that I wrote first Yeah, our self -centeredness
Distracted how what are give me a distraction? What is the distraction? What I'm doing right now is a distraction You're watching me do this and stuff anything
Yeah Yeah, tell it okay there's a distraction oh there's a distraction and a deception
How about messages that sound good, but they're not good And I'm you could think about social justice
There is so much that you could teach about social justice that you would nod your head and say yeah
We really ought to be concerned about those who are disenfranchised to those who are
You know we but if you listen to the entire message and the socialist
Marxist socialism in there It's just gradually Distracting you so you don't hear truth.
You can't see truth It says in John 319 that evil hates the light
And so things that are are just There are against God things that are our things.
We should they're generally going to They're going to be in the darkness
They're not going to be in the light where everything that they have you know can be
Can be exposed 2nd Corinthians 4 and I give you that yes Yep, 2nd Corinthians 4 3 through 4 and even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing
The God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers So that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God?
And and there's there's one of the most important messages and Kristen you brought up that we should not be
Looking at somebody and assessing who they are because for us truth is so obvious How could they not understand it it is so obvious and the question well, why can't they understand it?
It's right in this verse Why can't they understand truth blinded by Satan?
Blinded by Satan And quite frankly the only way that we can help them out of that condition is not arguing the point
Because now you're dealing at a fleshly level It's proclaiming truth with God By the whole power of the
Holy Spirit That's that's the only Huh, that's the only sad that can cure the blindness and that can open up the ears of An unbelieving world is the true message that only comes
From truth and the beginning of that passage. It says the gospel is hidden to those who don't believe the gospel
It's actually hidden And and for for Israel at this point in time who has had the word
But they've been deaf to it has seen the hand of God, but they've been blind to it
Well, no, they don't they don't get it and What's fortunate is that this passage and this message here is bounded by the first Song, you know for the
Messiah and then in verse 43 where it goes on and it's got it's got it's got the prescription
That is necessary All right, you're gonna give me 21 to 24 James 14
Karen if you would have and then Barbara, I think I got your name right this time Second Corinthians 11 and then if you would have some 51 ready, give me 21 to 24
The Lord was pleased for his righteousness sake to magnify his law and make the glorious But this is a people plundered and looted
They are all of them trapped in holes and hidden in prisons. They have become plundered with none to rescue
Spoil with none to say restore who among you will give ear to this
Will attend and listen for the time to come Who gave up Jacob to the looter and Israel to the plunderers?
Was it not the Lord against whom we have sinned in whose ways we have
They would not walk and whose law they would not obey
God's law is on display. There is no denying the fact that God's law is on display
Kate Satan can do nothing To hide the truth that God's law is on display and that all of creation
He cannot hide that but what he can do is he confused people from from even accepting it or believing it
Several years ago going down the Down the Grand Canyon rafting. There's there's this place called the
Great Inversion and And I will go down to the Grand Canyon and I will see all of the strata of rock from from one age to the next age and I I can look at that and I can see
The incredible hand of God through creation. I can think about the flood I can think about all this other kind of stuff
My brother will look at the exact same thing and he will see proof That this earth is billions and billions of years old and has gone through various stages of it as one rock layer on top of the next rock layer until he gets to the
Great Inversion and There's this one spot in the canyon where the stratus are upside down Yeah Now how did that happen?
I got I've got a great flood that caused that one. Yeah, right They cannot even address it because they have no answer to it
Out of the marine fossils get the higher levels. Yeah exact same thing. How did they get up? How did they get it there there can be no explanation for some of the things that even the world, you know gives us
When they have so much evidence that they can use to prove their theory theory
That the earth is billions and billions of years old until they come across these marine Fossils on top of mountains and the
Great Inversion in the Great Canyon Absolutely, right.
Absolutely, right. They won't they won't address these because they don't fit the narrative Okay, well
I got news for you this narrative addresses All of it The Lord was pleased to magnify his law and to make it glorious He wants to communicate to his people and so it was his delight to actually give this
Says but the people became plunder. They became they became destroyed
And there was nobody that could rescue them because they were looking for humanity to rescue them
And then it says none of them could attend or listen for the time to come
If you really want to get a atheist emotion
Scramble up through their brain through their stomach and into their brain and flatten their brain so they can't talk Talk to them about the future that's coming.
They cannot they can't talk about it. Well It's it's it's it's a topic that they're their
Theory cannot handle right Wow, and so they will listen to the things
To come and it says here. It's against the Lord that all have sin
It's not against me. It's not against Culture it's it's not person to person all all sin
Comes up against the Lord. Did I hand these out yet? I don't know. Did I give out James 4?
Yeah, it's not yet. All right, Ricky. You got James 4 2nd Corinthians 11 Bob and Psalm 51
Kristen yeah, I'm sorry. Oh Which one do you have
Oh, okay, so I have that oh I did and I gave James 4 to Karen, okay,
I'm having a bad day Yes, therefore to him that know to do good and do it not to him innocent our lives are
We do have a truth measure that we're given and if you know that truth do it if you don't do it
Since and Corinthians 11 But I am afraid that just as he was deceived by the serpents cunning
Your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ This is the danger is slowly and gradually being led astray
I Would think that I would think that David who is a man after God's own heart
Didn't just wake up one day and say I think I might have an adulterous affair with that lady across the street, you know he was gradually led astray
The the armies were out and out. He was supposed to be there Okay, number one. He stayed and then probably knowing
That things happen in that part It would have been it would have been a natural culture in that part of the world for people to bathe in the rooftop
And he would have known that yeah, what was he doing on his roof looking out? He's probably seen her before well, whether he has or not, that's possible.
But he what's he doing? Why is he going there and then eventually his eyes take hold and then eventually he says bring her to me
It's our our big sins start out with little compromises. So don't you know flat -out don't be let it stray
Psalm 51 Against you You only have
I sent and done what is evil in your sight So that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge
It can be very easy To get caught up in road rage thinking it's you know okay,
I can control this and and I and I didn't I I didn't do what I Fantasize with having a paint gun that when that guy comes after me
I splat the side of his car I didn't do that. I didn't do that Well, yeah ultimate
You know, I Deceived my wife when when she asked you know
What happened to that money and and you know, I can cover it I can take no I send against God and he knows it
That ought to be enough right there I've sinned against God and he knows it and then give me verse 25
So he poured on him the heat of his anger and the might of battle it set him on fire all around But he did not understand it burned him up, but he did not take it to heart those people who those people me
The unbelief who are choosing to think they can play games with God or thinking they can set their own path in an obstinate rejection of God, so He poured on him the heat of his anger that is a frightening thought to eventually be under the crucible of the heat of His anger sets fire all around but they don't understand
This is this is an indictment of humanity that Wants their own way and does not want to be in acceptance and submission to the sovereignty of God fortunately
Jeff's going to read 43 verse 1 as a closing thought and a prompt for you to come back next week but now
Some of the best words in the Bible. Yes, but now thus says the Lord he who created you
Oh Jacob He who formed you Oh Israel fear not for I have redeemed you.
I have called you by name. You are mine Hey Let's pray.
Yes Father God, thank you so much for your holy word and the power of your word and Lord as we close with these words
Fear not for I am with you. I Have redeemed you I have called you by name.
You are mine Thank you God for the redemption we have in Christ Jesus father
We thank you that you planned our redemption before the world began We thank you for the son who accomplished our region our redemption on the tree and we thank you for the
Spirit who then applied redemption to us and Gave us the new birth. So thank you
God We love you and praise you and we pray for those who are still in darkness still blind still dead
Lord we pray that the gospel would go forth from this place as we speak the truth in love and Many would come to saving faith lift that veil