Matt Slick's Conversations with Unbelievers



Matt Slick from discusses with atheists and homosexuals about free will, logic, and the authority of the Bible.


I remember you.
That's me. That's right. Do you know what free will is?
Yeah, it's the ability to make your own choices. Without coercion. So if you choose to make a decision to wear a blue shirt or a red shirt tomorrow, and God knows it, how does that violate your free will?
It doesn't, but if you decide to go rob a bank and you decide not to go rob a bank, God already knows whether you're going to do it or not.
Either way, with the color of your shirt, it's irrelevant to whether or not you know what you're going to do. But that's not relevant to whether you're going to heaven or hell.
Yeah, that's depending on Jesus. It's depending on Jesus? Okay. Yeah, I'm a
Christian minister. That's cool. I haven't talked to many ministers. I'm a different one, though. So if God's omniscient, does he know whether you're going to heaven or hell?
Yeah, he's decreed it from the heavens world. Why doesn't he just sort us into heaven or hell before he's born?
Well, because he wants us to have fellowship with him, to increase in our relationship with him.
Can't we do that in heaven? And he also wants to be able to come here and fulfill the requirements of love and sacrifice and die in the cross to be here for him.
So who deserves to go to hell, then? Nobody. Everybody deserves to go to hell. Everybody deserves to go to hell.
So who decides who's going to hell? Who decides? So you go up to heaven, and is it
God that says, well, you live a shitty life, so you're going to hell? I'm sorry. Does he say, you've lived a terrible life, so you're going to hell?
No, that's irrelevant. So then who goes to hell? Actually, the one God appoints to eternal life,
Acts 13, verse 48. He has a point of eternal life believed. So they're the ones that he decrees and decides to go.
But he already knows that they're going to go to hell. Yeah, because he decided it. So then he made them born the way that they are.
They're going to make decisions they do, and then they're sentenced to hell. Proverbs 14, verse 6 says, Proverbs 14 makes all things even the wicked for the day of evil.
So then why would he sentence people to hell before they're born? He didn't sentence them. He's retrieved them somewhere they're going to go because of their own sin.
So then, he's not on mission, or they have free will. Yeah, he is. Free will is the ability to make choices.
But he already knows what the choices are. Yeah, he knows who they're going to make, so what's the big deal? He already knows whether you're going to heaven or hell.
So then he's already made that decision before you're born. He already knows what you're going to do every day of your lifetime. So how are you going to judge you on those decisions?
But he decreed the means as well as the ends. Not just the ends, but the means by which the ends occur.
Yeah, but then you don't have a free will. Let's go back to what free will is. The ability to make choices.
So, do you have any kids? I do have two kids. So I'm assuming that if you were to put your kids in front of the dinner table and say, here's a bowl of ice cream, here's a bowl of rocks, pick one to eat, then you're going to pick the ice cream.
Hopefully. Some boys, you never know. But they're going to pick the ice cream, right? So does your arrangement of that violate their free will?
Knowing what they're going to do? No, I mean, they have free will to choose what they want, but that doesn't happen.
It's not like God's going to look and be like, wow, you ate rocks, you're going to hell. No, no, no. But you see that by God knowing what they're going to do doesn't mean they don't have the free will choice to be able to do it.
Are you getting so upset? Because you're trying to tell us that you're correct and we're wrong. Yeah, you're saying that the
Bible's right. That's right. God is right. Oh, God wrote the Bible. I don't believe in it, though.
So don't preach to me that I have to believe in it. Then don't stay here. Go away. Why would you go away?
I'm talking to this guy. I was talking to him. He's a nice guy. How did God write a
Bible if he is not a person? He inspired people to do that. Oh, it's someone else. I'm going to be
God and I'm going to tell you how to write a Bible. The Bible was written by man and it's someone that interpreted whatever they felt like.
I don't think you're an expert on how all that works. And neither are you. Oh, no, you're not. You're a man. You're a human being.
You're almost saying that you're higher than God. You're actually a joke.
Okay, I'm a joke. You are. I know it all. Are you guys done now?
No, I'm far from done. What do you want to say to Dr. Chet? I hate people like you preaching to me saying
I am wrong. You stuck your nose in our conversation. No, you offended me by saying gay people
You offended me right there. You said gay people are sin.
Where's your tolerance? Hey, where's yours? I'm having fun with you guys. I'm just showing him how to tolerate people.
Make sure you edit what you want. I was talking to him. You guys butted in. You said a gay person was a sinner.
You said a gay person was a sinner. You're attacking me. It does not matter. No, you said gay people.
Adulterers are in sin. Thieves are in sin. You're a sinner. I'm a sinner.
What the heck are we here for then? If everybody's a sinner, then what is it for? We're here to find Jesus Christ and have faith and hope and love in Jesus Christ.
How do you know about Jesus Christ though? Did you meet him? Through the scriptures that someone else wrote.
So it's their... It was their opinion of what God is.
Have you read the Bible? I have. Where is God? How do you know that?
Because the Bible tells me. This little storybook says this
Egyptian shot this person. Wow. That is the truth now.
I'm glad you had your opinion on it. That's nice. There's one more question for you.
If Adam and Eve were supposed to be the first people or anything in the beginning
God created the heavens and earth it took them seven days to do that. Yeah, that's right.
The seventh day was the day of resurrection. How did the dinosaurs be here a lot longer than Adam and Eve?
That's another topic. I can't answer that. And you can't. But if I try, you're going to interrupt.
Those are my two cents. Do you want an answer? Sure. Probably in history.
In the last four chapters there are descriptions of land animals and water -based animals that are absolutely huge, breathe fire, have scales, huge tails.
There are descriptions of land -based dinosaurs and human -based dinosaurs. You can look at geology all you want.
You can look at the evolutionary theory all you want. The scriptures tell us that they were around the same time as people.
There are cultures around the world who've actually seen these things in books and took pictures.
Yes, we've seen them before. They're out there. Not so much now, but the flood has wiped out most, if not all, of them.
What's the big deal? From what I understand, it was the ice age of the calcrete. That's fine.
Are you an atheist or what? No, not at all. I've never thought about it a second in my life.
Why would I ever think about things like that? I don't know. It's separation. It's separation of humankind and everything else.
We're over here. Let's get our most bull -headed guy to go over there. What else is it?
It's mockery. It's not a good conversation once you don't like what you hear. When it's mockery.
That's what I use when I feel like I'm being mocked. That's my opinion. I feel like I'm being mocked.
So you feel like you're being mocked. I feel like I'm being mocked. But your version of being mocked is more important, right?
I'm sorry, we're having a call. Are you done? Yeah, finish your bit. Oh, oh.
You've done this. No, it's not. Oh, it's like equally natural to mock people? Nope.
We can't say, Hey, look, there's a logic. I found it underneath this, you know,
I just found it right here. It doesn't work that way. It's blue, so we can measure the intensity, reflectivity, hardness of this object, properties.
But you can't do that with logic. Logic doesn't fit into the category of being material or properties of materiality.
Therefore, it's transcendent. Now, what you'll do is you'll use a transcendent aspect of logic to argue against a transcendent.
You see the problem there? That's assuming that there is something that's transcendent. So that's the whole basis of your logic right there.
You're saying that because there's transcendence that I can make this argument. I'm saying there is no transcendence, so you can't make an argument.
But the laws of logic are transcendent. In your eyes. No, except they exist. Like the law of identity.
Something is what it is. The law of non -contradiction. Something cannot be both true and false at the same time in the same sense in the same way.
The law of proper inference. If A equals B, if B equals C, then A equals C. These laws can't be broken down any further.
They are conceptual entities or abstractions. They properly reflect truth, but they're not dependent upon materiality or the physical or the properties of the physical or your mind and my mind already know that.
So where do they come from? How do they have their existence? I have an answer to that in my book, but it'll take more than five minutes to explain it.